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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1945, p. 9

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THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1945 - - - - - - -.- - Mrs. Douglas Irwin visited in Electrical Co. 'Toronto. Mr. Edmund Thackray visite Mrs. Mary Armstrong enter- Tpr. Charles Thackray and Mr: -tained a few friends ut a very en- Thackray in Toronto, and wit joyable dinner party ut En- them attended the hockey matcl wright's Tea Rooms one day ast Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ward re week. ceived word from their son, Bdi Mr. Wilson E. McManus suffer- Bryce Wand that he was now sta ed a painful injury to bis nose tioned at Shilo, Man. and eyes wbiie at bhis work as Congratulations to Mr. and Mrx section hand on the C.N.R., when Frank Miller o! the birth o! a so] a 200-lb. tie struck hlm in tbe Mrs. Harvey Bonatban's manr face. friends wili be giad to know tha Miss Ethel Spencer, who bas she is getting along niceiy afte: been working in Oshawa, bas re- ber major openation in Toronfi turned to Newcastle and is now Genenai Hospital last week. Mr again emphoyed at J. Anderson Bonathan and daughtens speî S.mith's !actony. Sunday in Toronto visiting bera j'ý Miss Edna Muir, Toronto, who the hospital. h1as just compieted ber first year Miss Ethel Lockhant and Mrs in Pharmacy is guest o! ber sis- Olga Gibson, enumenators for th( ter, Mrs. Douglas Irwin. Federal election, have finishec Mn. Woodrow (Buster) Harris, preparing the preiiminary list o: ,wbo bas been employed in To- voters, copies o! wbich are nom rontq, is now living in Newcastle hanging in the Post Office. wbere he bas started the Harris Petty Officer Fred Coucb, To- ___________________ ronto, LAC Gordon Garrod, Rock- _______________________ciffe, were home. Mns. Scott and Jimmy, wbc have been spending the winter ir jTrenton with LAC John Scott Busiess irecory have retunned home. LAC Scoli accompanied hr home for tbE Legal Mn. and Mrs. Erroli Browri littie daughten, Beryl, and Mrs. W. Thomas spent the week-end in W. R. STRIKE Toronto, guests o! Dr. and Mrs. Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Brown. Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Pte. and Mrs. Harry Cotter, To- Moniey to Loan - Phone 791 ronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Bowmanville. Ontario Cotter. Miss Ruth Hancock and Miss LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Francis Morgan spent the week- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. end in Toronto with the latter's Ki.ng Street W., Bowmanville parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. Pho ne: Office 688 Residence 553 Our popular caretaker o! the w. F WAD, BA., Community Hall, Mr. Sandy Mo!- W. F WAD, BA., fat, and bis wife, have moved Barrister, Solicitor, Notary fnom their former home on Bea- Bleakley Block ver St., to tbe north bai! of Mn. Bowmanville- Ontario William Cowan's bouse on North Phones: Office 825- House 409 Str. Harold Laking and friend, 2-tf Oshawa, wene home. MISS APHA I. HODGINS Mn. and Mrs. Spence and son, BaristrSolciorNotryPubicDonnie, visiting their daughter, Baristr, oliito, Ntar PulieMrs. H. Harris. Succesdor to M. G. V. GOULD We are sorry to learn that Mrs. STemperance St. - Bowmanville Harold Allun who bas been in ill Phone 351 34-tf bealth for some time was taker _to Toronto lat week to undengc Dentlst treatment. _____________________ The C.G.I.T. met in tbe Board DR. 3. C. DEVITIT Room o! the S.S., April 24th. Alter Assitant Dr E. . Sison a general business discussion, a Graduate o! Royal Dental Col chter boom tb eadMssing lege. Toronto, Office: Jury Jubile( lsud bookas ra.Metn Bldg., Bownianville. Office houricoeNwicas.l es ae5 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. oeNwate es ae5 9 a.m. to 12 nmon Wecnesclay, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipmnent ln Office settlnq Yau o Wl if moning finds you only hall rested, sti weary . .. if your »leep is broken by fitful tossing and turning ... if you can't seem to seulie down to relazing rest ... your kidneys may be to blame. When your kidneys get out of order, your aleep uaually suifera. To help your kidneya regain a normal condition, te help you enjoy restful leep-.use Dodd'a Kidney Pilla, a favourite treatment for more than hall a century. Dodd's Kidney Pilla are easy te use and are not habit fr.ing. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pilla at any drug counter. Look for the blue box with the red band. 127 Dodd's Kdney Piis NEWCASTLE RED CROSS GOES WELL OVER TOP Monthhy meeting o! Newcastle Red Cross Society was beld in the Council Cbamber on Thurs- day afternoon, April 26tb. Presi- dent Miss Beatrix McIntosh pre- sided. After the secretary, Mrs. Olga Gibson., read the minutes, the treasurer, Mrs. D. B. Simpson, presented ber financial statement sbowing a balance on hand o! $407.04. Chairman o! Campaign Committee, Dr. J. A. Butler, sent in bis report showing that bis committee had gone over the top, alioLment for Newcastle and disjt- rict was $1,000.00, amount con- tributed $1,239.35, witb more to corne. Members o! this excellent and hard-working committee are: Dr. J. A. Butler, chairman; Reeve C. R. Carvetb, P. Hure, Rev. R. E. Morton, Edmund Thuckray, T. Manes, A. E. Melhow, R. Osborne, H. Gibson, and Melville Jones with bis committee from Newton- ville. It was decided to hoid May meeting the evening o! May l7tb so as to aliow maie members o! executive to be present.' Three lovely quilts were brought to the meeting by the Lake Shore Group o! the Red Cross. The probhems o! tomorrow are the mistakes o! today-that we huven't put right. Keep Your Motors Going le Easy to install, Fram Oil FUlters are a true economy for they rcpay you many times for the small initial charge. Keep- ig nil physically and visibly clanFR M saves parts, reduces overhauls thus lengthening the life ol'the motor. Ask your Jram Dealer or write for descriptive folder to - J.C. ADAMS COMPANY LTD. 115 GEORGE ST., TORONTO, ONT. i DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the. new changes of collection and dellvery ln your district. This lo made neeeary by new gevernmeat regulations wblch permit us to cover any on. district one day a week only We wlll, therefore, b. in Bowmanville MONDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY <Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LRMD FOR ECOt4OMY Send your cleaing wlth your laundir' PHONE - 419 ages; the other is Sorborne Uni- tion of Home & School Associa- M a Y o r Kimble of Laguna the giver nothing, but can impart I ObLiuary versity. tion held in the Royal York Hotel, et to Beach, California, like the author a priceless gift of cornfort or ALNOCWNIf you don't hear frorn me as Toronto, Easter week. of Proverbs, knows the value of cheer. ALONZO COWAN 1 frequently now don't worry as See "Corning Events" for our VstosMisDrtyBwr'a odspknnduseon" _____________ Innow aeroig eyfs theseflet rogam with Miss Evelyn Marlow, Osh- "ýLet's speak to every service man Intedah of Mr. Alnodays. I was in Gerrnany flot long awa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd and woman we meet on Laguna ci Cowan at the Oshàwa General1 ago and the destruction is un- and Ross, Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. streets," he urges. "Just tell 'em Hospital on April 24th, Newcastle believable. I hope the next stop .iofl lost one of her most highly re- will be Berlin. George Johns and Biliy at Mr. L. a simple hello, and they'li think ýed spected and esteerned citizens. He I hope you can soon have your olns..Mis arreM- this is the finest place in the FO IA E rs.i was in bis 8th year, a son of the cburch service for the cessation Visitors: Pte. Peggy Killen, To- Jolrn's.nd Miss Mrorie Mc-le worîd." The enterprising Mayor it lteW.G Cwa adwa brno hstliie.I ont hnkitwilronto, at Robert Killen's. ..Mr. Cae n is oneWelrmay, indeed, be tbinking of the tb lae W.G. Cwan ad wa bor of hstilties I do't tink t wil wit Mis Hila Johs. .. Mr andoeputtionof hi comnuniyaa . ½mieeatftevilgan beln.I hope not, as I would and Mrs. Lloyd Flintoff, Ronnie Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Garry and well as the boys and girls in uni-A .e- had, therefore, resided in this like to get home and get a prac- n asCurie tWsCm- Ross, at Mr. C. H. Porteous'.. forrn, but obviousiy he knows r. community ail his life. tice established. But I wouldn't eron's. .. Master Larry Metcalfe,MisGe BroPovdnth hefuvleofaridyI ýa- The funeral on Thursday after- have missed being over here for Oshawa, at Al. Ayre's. . . Mr. it Miss en B Makscoi denceMr.the en. ustvauhe y"of riedy Oa R noo ws hldin Newcastle Unit- anything. I have a seven-day and Mrs. Wes. Cameron and Joyce Frank Eesn ootwt i h! n ml scpbeo r.ed Churcb whicb was filled with leave coming up soon and think at Stanley Coverly's, Ebenezer.Eesn.ootwihbs'i"ada ml scpbeo relaties an frieds wh had willgo toEnglad. Thr60 Mrr Mrlandtrs. parentsettMr. pandtsrs..aMaicolmalccmhangîngga ailîne tof ghthoughtSTScCHAN- n. elaivs a,..~ren~.s .. *.~ ~WII g to~.giau. .. vu, Murrand M. ChDugas wyan merson. . .Miss Genevieve Bea- r corne to pay their last respects to leave I had in Paris was the first MraM.Ca.Tynn cock, Osbawa, with ber parents, pietely. A friendiy greeting costs hy is rnemory. His pastor, Rev. R. I have had in a year. Columbus, at Ray Cameron's. ._._Mr._an______Wesley_________._ ,at E. Morton conducted the funeral So glad to hear Bob Grey is a Dr. B. H. Harper and Leonard, Mr. Wad M ookWesh Bacocak.W O.. er service and also conveyed the prisoner and flot dead. I was near South Porcupine, Mr. Ed. Chap: MS. WladCok saa t Mr toH. Malcolm's. .. Mrs. M. Emer- 1syrnpathy of the congregation to Ravenna at that time. It is rnuch man, Toronto, at Alex McMaster's so and Mrs. Henry Sheffield, Ir. the bereaved family. cooler bere than in Italy. Near ... Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, To- OhwsetWdedyi o it Interment took place in the Naples there were oranges, lem-. ota er lses r. hwsetWdedyi o it family plot at Bond Head Cerne- ons, etc., and blossoms were ahl Chas. Naylor and Janet, Ms, ronto at the University with their tery. Paîl-bearers were William out in February whereas, here W. McMaster at John Baker's:sSefrfkmesoladdo. '-Beman, Gog Ferguson, Howell theyar just starting. The old Solina.. Mrs. Alex McMaster, __________ e Rowland, Fred Graham, Wallace cot here feels rather bard after Ms FR.O YspAatLy ctts d Hoîrnes and Robert Grahamn. The my iovely soft bed in rny billet at Oshawa. . . Mrs. Elizabeth Bow- This is subscription time! B W A IL Of large number of beautiful floral Beigium. ins witb friends at Oakviile and ______________________ W offerings testified to the love and Your boxes are surely appreci- Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. B. -_____________ Telephone 589 esteern of bis many friends and ated as there are so marîy îittle Cooke, Mr. Henry Oakley, To- >to the wide spread sorrow at bis cbiidren in these countries and I ronto, at Thos. Martin's. . . Miss___ flowers were le! t in the churcb your parcels serve a two-way Beath's, Columbus. . . Pte. Ray Dor1.ch, Daa 3- 10 where they adorned the front o! purpose. Gifford, Newmarket, Miss Ruby Don drews In Ln the altar for the Sunday services. The Easter card I sent you was Martin, Harrnony, at Harold Gi!- ýt The late Mr. Cowan was rnar- frorn Belgiumn and the inscription ford's.. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bail, IGO A ,t ried twice, bis second wife, the was in Flemisb, "Happy Eaýter",. Billy and Donna at Wm. Robin- OSHAWA ,e former Miss Melissa Taft, prede- Have just heard my leave has son's, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. I Fe PrIg Phn 01 ihC AeBcRd n ceasd hl 9 yars go.Lef t to been cancelled, it seems difficult Norman Leach at Chas. Piper's, SrCdi adik mourn the loss of a loving father for a medical man to get leave. Toot...M.1n r.W. the thrilling story of a plane S. are one son, Charles A. Cowan, Thanks agaîn for the lovely White, Toronto, at Wrn. Hazzîuk's.care in the Battie of Mid- n Newcastle, two daughters, Mrs. parcels. I enjoyed The Statesman Boyd Ayre at Pickering Farms Fr, Sat., May 4-5 carrier ' mssi S- Daniels (Bertha), Oshawa, Mrs. and the various letters from the sbearing sheep. Two Sensational- Features way-Dn' ttrmissnt Warburton (Ruby), Courtice. Mr. boys overseas, they were most ini- ABROAD WITH TWO Dick Powell and Linda Dar- -Cowan is also survived by two teresting. Ail for now. Loads of VANKS neli In ýe brothers, William Cowan, New- love, JACK. Ebeneze7r Starring William Bendix, UT HAPPENED castle, and Alfred Cowan of Na- Helen Walker, Dennîs ;S kusb, B.C. NvgtkJc O'Keefe TOMORROW HAMPTON HOME & SCHOOL Senior Radio Yullhwlaahoelete- ih ak ai adEdarskyuJaackt epai h 'SASSOCIATION OBSERVES Elston and Mrs. Elston, Montreal, neck low thariose s tbe a- WKennedy. itad dga As ode aleaer epnewhat SOLDIER'S LETTER "NEW CANADIAN NIGHT" visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. nk ohrsaste-apKned.itdemara ifen wt ,e_______ Esl Oke. proacb an objective, and Sat. May 5 oil you use!1Ask him about Britia - The following interesting letter Harnpton Home & Scbool As- Giad to report Miss Margaret opjecsteio sn'av n Roy Rogers, King of the American's amazing new Peer- Iis frorn Capt. Jack Hare to' bis sociation observed "New Cana- Pollock is well enougb to return obetosAdded Cowboys In less Motor 011. «ts loyved" ato L- parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Hare, dian Nigbt," April 10. After the borne to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay's HIGH POWERED YELLOW ROSE 0F prevent oxidati, cut epir %Newcastle: singing o! O Canada, President after bier stay in Oshawa Hos-StrngTX SctsDiv noraSig h No. 5 Cdn. Med. Regt., Ken Caverly turned the chair pital. Roe t Lowry, hyhiW T aeEXAS ad"Tichange-Drveintorda pi R. C.' A., over to Mîs. Chas. Warren, pro- Mr. and Mrs. O. Robinson, Osh- Rbr BLwrooks. ger", s atesthrsEvahnt Iis andfimnirbas ON Coquy UII.dy Somewhere in Holland, gram convener. The first num- awa, Mr. and Mrs. G. Osborne and Laos ersatest Paramounth News movies.luNit April 12, 1944. ber, "Tura Lura Lura," an Irish Linda, Ajax, witb Mr. and Mrs. ________________ Dear Mother and Dad: lullaby, was sung by a group o! A. Wilkins. de WelI rnno i Hllnd tissenior school girls accompanied Pte. Gordon Vinson, Newmar- Mon., Tues., May 7'8 Sidney Toler as country is different, there are on the piano by Ralph Peters. ket. witb Mrs. Vinson and Jimmy. NONE BUT THE LONELY CHARLIE CHAN U winmilswbib rever odThey also sang "Oh Dear Wbat Mrs. Gerald Balson, Jerry and HEART tulip beds and gardens are seen in Can. the Matter Be," an Englisb Ann, Mrs. Laramie and Elizabeth, Starring Cary Grant, Miss A CHrling ESE CAie yTer______________Dealerfor __ pictures, quaint cottages with comic number, and the Scottisb Miss Dorothy Pingle, Harnpton, Ethel Barrymore, Barry trligdtciemsey BwavleDae o - tbatched or tiled roofs, and many favorite, "The Blue Belîs O! with Mrs. W. Brown. Fitzgerald. Three loves and Mon., Tues., Wed., Gas & Peerless Motor 011 people with wooden shoes. Scotland". Miss Wilma Down, Oshawa, each one a prison. May 7, S, 9 r The weatber bas been cold and The president introduced Rev. witb Mr. and Mrs. N. Down. Monty Woolley, June Haver, rainy, but I have rny R.A.P. in a W. P. Rogers o! Bowrnanville wbo Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pickell FOUR DAYS Dick Haymes In Edward' Garage bouse and the Padre and 1 bave gave an excellent address on New with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worden, Mon. to Sat., May 9-12 UIRISH EYES ARE mnade ourselves quite comifortable Canadians and their importance Ajax. In Glorious Technicolor And n a room witb rny oul stove to Canada. Rev. Rogers began Several ladies rnet at the home Joan Fontaine, Arthur de SMULUNG (wbcbI ad ot o tn an) is talk by giving a word picture o! Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Bowrnan- Cordova Twentieth-Fox's ia v is MOTOR SALES and a gI as e utoatip.as)o! Canada's size and position geo- ville, and packed 27 Red Cross In musical show i tecbni- Carburetor and Electrical Ser- Tnd ight efrewelet el graphically. The wealth or boxes for local boys overseas. RNHA'CEK color unfoldig a great love vie-Rprat ksofcs gimThe Colbeoe elBrotBe-natural resources were also de- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay, Mr. 1 RECH B A N'SCREKstory.vie-Raralmksofcs and 1 were entertained in a very picted in an informative, interest- and Mrs. R. R. Gay, Jean, Ber- Wt BslRatbbone, Nigel COMING South side King St., 2 doors fie om, ndba agrnddi-ing manner. Unfortunately we nice and Velma with Misses Leta Bruce. Romantic as a kiss in MRS. PARKINGTON West of Liberty ner, the best I have bad since 'are considered inI the U.S. as and Florence Jackson, Bowman tedak Bowmanville leavng hme.I enjoyed rny stay Arnerica's problern. This feeling ville.______________________________ in Belgiumn very much, the people isiae h origo b with whomn I stayed bad a beau- .Munroe Doctrine, whereby our tiful borne and lovely gardens, neghbor to the soutb bas agreed and were very bospitable as ahit epdfedCnd nth . . . . . the Belgians are very kind to the event o! attack by an enemy. soldiers. I attended a dance while A brie! history o! the colon- tthere and enjoyed it very mucb, ization o! Canada by white peo- Ethe Belgians are fine dancers ' ple was given: Quebec was settled I want to tbank you for tbe by the French, Nova Scotia by the lovely parcels 1 received fror yu cottish, and the third province toda, tey wre xceîentyuue to be settled was Ontario, by Bni- pared adcnandjs h tish stock. The principal differ- tbings I needed. I also receivedenenoufrnofgvrm t three letters from you. You sure and the United States is that in have been a very faithful corre- Canada the residue o! power is spondent and p a r c e 1 sender. nvested in Ottawa; white south Thanks so much for ah te o f o the border the separate States tbings. The cook made bot bis- bold the balance o! power. cuits out o! the Tea Bisk and is Canada is faced witb the diffi- going to make creami pies to-cuteo!n co onague morrow out of the pudding pow- or religious faith, but its people der. I flew over enerny territory are bound by allegiance to the a few days ago for over two bours British Crown. Our population is and I can assure you it was rather divided as follows: 96 per cent o! thriliing. I was glad to leave the total belongs to three groups, Italy, as it was such a filtby place. 31/ million French who have been I have learned to speak Italian bere over 300 years, 31/ million quite inteîîmgentîy. British who have been bere 150 I hope my letters are getting years, 21/2 million from Europe o! tbrougb to you by now, there is diversified origin, the largest part so rnuch I would like to tell, but o! this latter group carne !rom for security reasons cannot, so Germany. The rernaining 4 per will have to wait until I get borne cent is made up o! Indians and setfrEseItetouh btec ru a hope you received your !lowers Eskimos. Rev. Rogers closed witb W Things are going well here as definite contribution to make to on aIl other fronts, and as I bave Canadian life. rnentioned before, optirnism is Miss Collette Ferguson, Bow- very high. I received a letter manvîlle, played two lovely piano today from my Beigian frîends numibers, Rbapsody Mignone, in- and they enclosed sorne snaps terpreted-Hungary, and Chopin which wr ae before I left. I in E fat mino. We were happy shaîl send thern aîong to you. to bave Miss Ferguson. Their cbildren were 50 weîî an Miss Elizabeth Budicky read nened and were very fine looking. ber essay on which she had re- I gave themn soap and chocolates ceived mucb favorable cornment- ü out o! my box, two things wl-4h at school, "Why I arn Proud To are appneciated very rnuch in Be a Canadian". Wben we bear pretty and fertile. We saw thou- sands o! German vebicles wreck--V ________- ed on the way up but very little W P____D ____ darnage to homes. I guess theIl- Gerrnans retreated too quickly. B . ,TR Y B -- The French, like the Belgians, bate the Germans very mucb. nTi dSosrdb Things are very expensive in Paris, so . I returned woundedj financially. I arn enclosing aiG O P TIE. couple more pictures, the one is GDIGESTIO Sheppard & G i Lum ber Co., Ltd. along withoter fwas eson- Bowmanville, Ont. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO t r pArzv. UT«

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