PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1945 JACK HUDSON, ORONO WILFRED RICHARDSON PONTYPOOL F. L. BYAM, TYRONE 1 Those 3 Hidden Dangers *Wfartinie diving is liard on an:ý- car. And hidden dang-ers go iunnioticed iintil trag-edy strikes. Hav-e these checked before it's too late: - SLUDGE wil clog your engine - RISKY BRAKES wiII not hold - WORN STEERING affects tire life - PRECISION REPAIRS - GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanvillej LIVE POULTRY WA NTE D ESPECIALLY BROILERS and FOWL This is your BEST market to seli your live poultry. Our niethod of distribution, direct to the retail consumer, and the installation of a ncw automatie picking machine, has re- volutionized thc processing and marketing of poultry. We are prepared to take Any Quantity - At Any Tune - At Highest Market Price In shorit, when you seli to PICKERING FARMS You get a larger share of the consumer dollar. PICKERING FA]RMS, LTD. I"ITBYONTARIO Telephone - lVhitby 336 ROY W. NEADS Radio Parts and Service Now iocated in my newly decorated and fitted shop on King St., opposite Sheppard & Giles. I arn prepared to give expert service to ail makes of radios. Wîth up-to- date equipment and a fine supply of new repair parts, I invite inspection anid patronage, with assurance of prompt attention at ail times. Roy W. Neais Bowmanville Telephone 546 SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! Two ols of Hypro-Krepe Towels, and one all-mnetal towel dispenser for $1.00. There are 320 white absorbent towels in each ol. Hurr~y and take advantage of this offer while it lasts. LEGDOS ... Elizabeth Arden Velva Leg Film in two f lattering shades - Sun Beige, Sun Bronze $1 Helena Rubinstein "Aqua- cade" Leg Lotion.--- $1.00 Leg Silque --------- $1.00 No-Hoz Liquid Stockmng Make-Up -- ---- ----65c Duration Leg-Do -----49e DEODORANTS AND DEPILATORIES .. . Mum - - ----35 Etiquette.- Odo-Ro-No ----3 Odo-Ro-No Cream -- Nonspi ---394 Quest Deodorant 1 P. eý r -. --- ----- N-ot'.1-- --- - ----- Delatone- Vel-Vo-Tex 9c, 59C -39e oe, 65e --.39e ec, 69c -- 35e --- 680 -$1.15 ---25e LIPSTICKS ... Elizabeth Arden --- Paradise Pink Redwood Victorl' Red Winged Victory Don Juan -------- Milltary Red Raspberry Hostess Red Dark Red Harriet Hubbamd Ayer -- - --- Flag Red Navy Red Ayer Clover Evening ln Paris- Brilliant Dark Red Medium Revion Bravo Raven Red Chilibean Bright Foeceast $1.60 $1.10 > -----$1.50 65e BIRTH-S CORBETT-Mr. and Mrs. Robent Corbett are happy to announce the birth of Carol Beth Corbett, a sisten for Noci, on Saturday, April 28th, 1945. - 8-1* DAYES - Mm. and Mrs. Fred Dayes of Nestieton, announce the bith of their daughtem at Bowmanvîlle Hospital, Apnil 27th, 1945, a sister for Alan and Clifford. 18-l* Wedding Anniversary Mn. and Mrs. Russell Gay, Miss Jean Gay, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay, Courtice, Miss Bernice Gay, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Roy Jack- son, Oshawa, Miss Velma Gay, Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson, Mr. Fmederick Moore, met at the home of Misses Florence and Leta Jack- son on Saturday evening at a dinner party in honor of Mm. and Mrs. Roy Jackson' s th weddîng anniversary. Aftell al bad donc justice the cvcning was spent in playing games, after which Mms. Russell Gay read a short addmcss, given in poetry composed by hem- self, and a gift of an occasional chair was prescnted to "Susie and Roy" with best wishes of aIl. SPECIAL NOTICE - Cetificd seed potatoes, iast shipment of Cemtified P.E.I. Cobblers an- iving within a few days. Quan- tity iimited, order at once. Stewart's Seed Store. Phone 577. 18-1 M arriages Notice Articles For Sale GARDENS PLOWED-I will be FIRE-CO RANGE, coal or wood. in Bowmanville next week and Phone 2595. 18-1* will plow and cultivate gardens. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bow- ICE - BOX, nearly new. Phone manville.i8i 2332. 18-1* QUEBEC RANGE with water TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - front. Phone 621. 18-1* Ail kinds of tractor work: _______________ ploughing, cultivating,_ etc., A NISCO SPREADER in working donc. F. S. Allen, phone 594,' condition. Harry McLaughlin, Bowmanville. 18-tf-3* Nestleton, Ont. 1 8-1* TONKIN-POLLOCK-On Tues- day, April 24th, at St. John's Anglican Church by Canon C. R. Spencer, Margaret Isabelle, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pollock, Courtice, to William Tonkin, eldest son of Mm. and the late Mms. Tonkin, Oshawa. 18-i* JAMES-FLETCHER - In Glas- gow, on th April, 1945, by the Rev. Angus MacDonald, MA., Major William George James, Canadian Army, elder son of Mm. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, ("Canadian Statesman"), Bow- manville, Ontario, Canada, to Irene Fletcher, M.S.R., daugh- ter of Mm. and Mrs. T. P. Fletch- c, 890 Coîston Road, Glasgow, N.W. (Froni The Glasgow Hem- ald). DEÂTHS COATHAM-In Clarke, on April 3th, 1945, Sarah Jane Ard, widow of Thomas Coatham, aged 84 years. Cards of Thanks The family of the late Mr. îAlonzo Cowan wish to express their sincere thanks and appre- ciation to their relatives and fiends for their beautiful floral I tributes and messages of syni- pathy in their recent bereave- nient. 18-i We wish to express our beart- feit thanks and appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for their kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes which poved s0 comfomt- ing duing our recent sad be- reavenient in the loss of a beloved wif e and niother. Respcctfully, C. M. Murdoff and Borea. 18-1 IN MEMORIAM MARLOW-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, wbo passed away May 2, 1943. Today recalîs sad memories 0f our dean one gone t0 est And the ones who think of him today Are the ones who loved hlmn best. -Lovingly remembered by his Wife and Family. 18-i* GRAHAM-In loving memomy of our dear father, David Grahami, jwho passed away, May 2nd, 1938. Meniories we treasure no one can steai, Death leaves a heartache jnothing can heal. -Lovingly remembercd by the Family. 18-1 COLVILLE - In loving niemory of William Freebomne (Bill) Colville, killed in action, May 6, 1942. "Tume may heal the broken- heamted, Yeams may make the wound less sore, But it cannot fili the longing For our loved one gone before. Those who say the grief is lessened Though the smile may hide the tears, Memories keep the wound still open Despite the passing of the yeams." -Sadly missed by Mother and Sisters. 18-l* Auction Sales Fumnture Sale - The under- signed has eceived instructions froni Meredith English, Lot 17, Con. 3, Cartwright, to seli by pub- lic auction on Sat., May 12, bis household funiture, including Findlay oval range, piano, quan- tity of antique furnitume. Sale at 1 p.m. Ternis cash. Creighton Devitt, clerk; Ted Jackson auc- tioneer. 18-l* On Sat., May 5, Gilbert Joncs will scîl by public auction at the esidence of Miss May Bottreil, Cburch & Liberty Sts., Bowman- ville, his household effects and fumnitume, including stoves, ches- tcmfild suites, walnut dining- rooni suite, walnut bedrooni suite, other bedmooni suites, kitchen fumniture, odd tables and chairs (some wainut), fluor lamps, and many other valuable pieces. This promises to be a chance to boy sonie high class fumniture in good condition. No eserve. Ternas cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer; T. S. Mount- joy, clerk. 18-i COMING EVENTS Crokinole and Card Party at Providence School, Fiday, May 4, at 8 p.m. Adults 25c; Children 15c. Corne and bring your fiends. 18-i Dance at Bowmanville Anm- ouries, Sat., May 5, sponsored by Wonien's Wam Auxiliary. Danc- ing 117on 9 to 12 p.m. with Jack Galloway's orchestra. Admission 50C. 18-i Evangelistic campaign at the Salvation Arniy, May 12-17, in- clusive. Thmec young men, cadets froni the Salvation Army Tbeo- logical Semînamy, will be the fea- tume attraction. All are welconic. 18-2 Reserve Fmi., May 11, for "Variety Programme" at Maple Grove. Leskamd will present their play "In Doubt About Daisy". Evening's entertainnient will in- clude vocal and piano solos and eadings by local and out of town artists. 18-2* Hamipton Home & School Asso- ciation is pleased to announce Dr. R. P. Vivian, Provincial Min- ister of Hcalth, will speak on "Health", in Hanipton United Church, Fmi., May 4, at 8:00 p.m. Musical p r o g r a ni provided. Everyone welcome. 18-1 Livestock For Sale HEREFORD COW, due to freshen this month. D. Bothwell, Maple Grove. 18-i1' YORKSHIRE SOW and 8 pigs, 3 weeks old; also small brooder bouse. Charles Rundle, Hamp- ton. Phone 2246. 18-1 PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL caîf, egistered. Reasonably piced. Donald E. Gibson, Bow- manville, phone Clarke 3811. 18-1 BABY CHICKS -BE SURE 0F your supply of Trent Electmic Chicks this season, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns and New Hamp X Barred Rock. For prices and informat i on phone Barrons, Hampton, 2420. 16-4* Parents Attention Parents of cildren beginning schooi in September are equcst- ed to register them with the Town Nurse. Miss Taylor, at the Central School, on any morning between Apr. 30 and May 11. If preferred, pupils of the South Ward may be egistered on Tues- day afternoons at South Ward School. Besides the registration requimed, Miss Taylor would like to discuss beaith problenis with the mothers of begînners. 17-2 Lost, Strayed or Stolen BROWN SILK UMBRELLA, valued as a keepsake. Finder please leave at The Statesman Office and receive reward. 18-1 * 6 OR 7 KEYS IN LEATHER Case with ownership card. (Re- ward.) Picase reverse charges, Oshawa 2209, J. Watson, Ava- lo. Personal 8i SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 .wceks' $5, at Alex McGrego's Dmug Store. 9-26 WAR NERVES, LONG HOURS, hurried meals, bring indiges- tion acid stoniach, digestive aileents. Get relief witb sooth- ing, tasteless Wilder's Stomacb Powder. 50c and $1 at Mc- Gregor's Drug Store. 18-i 1942 CH EVROLET WE STILL HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER 0F CHICKS FOR SALE IN MAY AND JUNE Owlng to high hatchability we have somne started leghorps pullets from one to five weeks of age. A customner has 260 leghorn pullets six weeks old whlch he wishes te, sei. Ahl parent stock banded and blood tested as Qntario Breedlng Station. FOR PRICES ON ABOVE, WRITE or PHONE I H. J. BROOKS Phone 2636 Bowmanvllle1 Bowmanvllle Electrîcians 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League Ail kinds of electric wiring donc Motors epaired and installed Phone 438 34-tf 12* For Rent CATTLE PASTURE - Suitable pasture with g o o d running watem. Yearling cattle prefer- mcd. Apply to Trewin E. Scott, Tyrone, R.R. 1. 18-l* NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf TWO 2- STOREY COTTAGES, scrccned verandahs, electricity, water, garage, a1 Bowmanville Beach. For rent or sale. Apply M. Irwin, R.R. 1, Port Hope. 18-tf NOTICE The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvîlle, in- tends to construct as a local im- provement the following water- works extensions: Church Street-Liberty Street to St. George St.. St. George St.-Church Street to King Street. Liberty Street - Nelson Street to Base Line. Jackman Avenue - Scugog Street to Jackman properties. and intends to speciaily assess a part of the cost upon the lands abutting directiy on the-work. The estimated cost of the work is $12,000.00, of which $4,800.00 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage is for Church Street 5 cents, for Liberty Street '5 cents, for Jack- man Avenue 5 cents. The speciai assessment is to be paid in 20 an- nual instalments. A petition to the said council will not avaîl to prevent its con- struction, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been undertaken, may be made pursuant to Section 8 of The Local Improvement Act, to the Ontario Municipal Board, by a mai oity of the owners repre- senting at ieast onc-half of the value of the lots which are to be specially assessed therefor. A by-law for undertaking the work will be considercd by the Council at a meeting thereof to be held on the llth day of May, 1945, or at a regular or a special meet- ing thereof to be hcld thereafter. DATED this i8th day of April, A.D. 1945. A .LLCek GOVERNMENT A PP ROV E D chick bargains for this wcek and next. Bammcd Rocks, New Hampsbircs, Black Austraiomps, N e w Hampshire X Bared Rocks non-sexed, $10.95, pullets $17.95, cockcmels $8.95. Wbrite Legborns non-sexed $9.95, pul- lets $20.95, cockemels 95c. As- sorted Heavy Breeds non-scxed $9.95, pullets $15.95, cockerels $6.95. Assomted Medium cock- creis $1.75. 2 week old add 6c per cbick to above prices. Ship- ped C.O.D. This advcmtiscmcnt must accompany your order. Top Notch Cbickcnies, Guelph, Ontario. 17-ltf Work Wanted YOUNG WOMAN desires part- time stenographic work, not more than 24 boums per wcek. Write Box 495, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 18-1* Tenders Required Sealed tenders for the purch for cash of the real estate 0W by the late W. R. Adamis and ing lot 35, concession 10 of township of Clarke will be mecg cd 'by Fred Smith, Tynone,1 tarlo, or W. R. Strike, Bown ville, until 6 p.m., Saturday,D Sth, 1945. Tenders subject to servcd price.1 TIMBERS FROM 30 FT. BARN. Write Box 494, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 18-1 SOY BEANS, Reg. No. 1 quality, Mandarin, 140 bu. For prices apply Wallace McKnight, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 17-3* SEEDER, CULTIVATOR, Massey Harris niower. M. Demchuck, near C.P.R. Station, Newcastle. 18-1 * BARNE'r KITCHEN CABINET, in g o od condition; kitchen table; hanging lamp. Mrs. Wal- ter Parinder. Phone 2470. 18-1 RENFREW CREAM Separator, mediumi size, in good condition. Wm., Greenwood, K e n d a 1. Phone Orono 23r18. 17-2* CERTIFIED KATAHDIN PO- tatoes, foundation A, $2.50 pet bag. Also Cartier oats, $1.00 per bu. Bill Rowland, New- castle. 18-1 TYRONE GREENHOUSES ARE prepared to furnish evcry kind of plants for your garden and flower beds, prices reasonable. T. H. Tabb, prop. 17-4* BROWN WICKER Baby Carniage in A-i Condition, with solid rubber tires. Phone 2239. 18-i* 9 PIGS, 7 wceks old. T. Baker, Jr., Hampton, phone 2180, Bow- nianville. 18-1 FERTILIZER - Suggest taking immediate delivery. For prices phone Bownianville a g ent, Fergus E. Morrill, Teleohone 2456. Agricultural Cheniîcals Ltd. il-tf POULTRY EQUIPMENT - TWO coal brooder stoves, two battcry brooders, 600-chick size; one electric brooder; 2 c o 1 o n y bouses; 2 range shelters. Phone 2433, Bowmanville. A. H. Clemens. 15-tf BEES - WILL SELL A FEW colonies up to May 24.' Also some new equipmcnt. Tractor, Auto-trac, newly built from '28 Chev. Eric Lilley, phone 295j il, Osbawa, Bowmanville R.R. 3. 17-2* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Selecý yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock You are invited to view these ai BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Evemything in modern. chesterfield, bedrooni, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at coni. petitive prices. Before bxymng visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-ti MIay For Sale 6'- ROOMED HOUSE, semi-de- tached, batbmooni, hardwood floors, wired for elect ýc stove. Phone 2256. 17-tf Radio Service BOWMANVILLE RADIO SER- vice-Expert radio epair, fast service. If you can't get that radio tube, try us. Work guar- anteed. Cail 589. 16-tf Wanted To Bu> LAWN MOWER, in good work- ing condition~. Phone 463. 18-1 OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, before 1900, peferably on envelopes or original paper. Highest prices paîd. Write Box 414, Statesman O f f i c e, Bowrnan- ville. 5-7-9 SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, cali or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. , 14-tf FEATHERS AND Feather Beds o f a il descriptions. Highest pnices paid. Write particulars to Qucen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 15-12-4* Wanted to Rent FARM LAND near Bowmanville. Write Box 496, Statesman Of- fice, Bowmanville. 18-i* îHOUSE, modemn facilities and at least 4 bedrooms. T. I. Thom- son, McCol1 Frontenac Oil Co., Ltd. Phone 884, Oshawa. 18-2 APARTMENT or two rooms, im- mediately. Soldicr's w i f c. Write P.O. Box 445, Bowman- KcIp Wantcd WANTED-WOMAN for kitchen 3 work, part time hours to be ar- ranged on interview. (Not more than 24 hours per wcek.) Apply 7 Olympia Cafe, phone 888. 18-1* Tenders Wanted Tenders for an addition to Courtice Public School, S.S. No. 8, Darlington, will be received up to May 21, 1945. Plans and specifi- cations may be obtaincd from Sccretary. Lowest or any tender not nccessarily accepted. H. C. Muir, Scc'y-Trcas. School Board, Courtice, Ont. 18-2 Real Estate For Sale HOUSE, BARN and 10 acres of land, .in Bowmanville. Apply W. T. Haigh, High St., Bowman-, ville, after 6 p.m. 18-i* FARM FOR SALE or will cx-, change for house in towni Ap-I ply Geo. Williams, Kendal. 17-2* HIGHEST PRICES Paid fer Rçgistered and Gr ade Holstein Cows and Bulis FOR EXPORT F. Loeb R.R. 2, PORT FERRY PHONE 107-R-31 18-2* STE WAtTý'S VOUR DEPENDABLE HEAD- QUARTERS FOR HIGH QUALITY SEEDS Ail OUF seed is Govt. Graded No. 1 wlth sufficient stock of ail Items iOnt. Variegated Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Red Clovor, Early' Red Clovor, Mammoth lato Alsike Sweet Clovers Timothy White Dutch Ladino Canada Blue Gràss Kentucky* flue Grass Perennial Rye Grass Crostod Whoat Geaigs Reed Canary Grass Brome Grass (Park Iand) Cert. Meadow Foscue Orchard Grass Red Top Hybrid & Open Pollinatod Sood Corn Cort. Seod Potatoos Fortilizers (for gardons) Bulk Garden Soeds You buy wlth confidence In .Quallty and price when You buy Stewart's Seeds. H. J. Bowyer PHONE OSHAWA 244 Orchard Pollination IS GREATLY INCREASED BY DIEES WE HAVE BEES FOR RENT ORDER EARLY CI Re KNOX ORONO Phone 42-R-2 TIRE N EWS No Permit necessary for retreading tires. Have them retreaded now. If YOUr tires need vulcan- izing, let us look them over before the busy sea- son is here. Full stock of new and re- conditioned tires to choose from. Vacations with Pay Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan Legal Holldays wlth Pay Pension Plan Applicants on War Work not Accepted y r i A NOTICE The deadlie for Classified Ads is 1 o 'dock Wednes- days. Please co-operate by getting your Ad in early. RELIABLE ONTARIO BREEDING STATION R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCK CHICKS From Blood-Tested, Bred- to-Lay parent stock. AUl chlcks slred by R.O.P. coc- kerels insure hlgh egg pro- duction and excellent meat type.j We would appreclate early orderlng. Mlxed Chicks, Pullets, Coc- kerels, day-old or started. WRITE or PHONE Donald E. gibson Bowmanville, Ont. Phone Clarke 3811 t REFRIGERATO R Repirs Commercial - Domestic ANY MARE THIS attractive 2 door sedan will be sold for $1.00 to owner of lucky ticket to be drawn at Rotary Fair Oshawa, Ontario JUNE 23 Entire poceeds to aid Crippled Childmen and other Rotary Charities TICKETS 5 FOR $1.00 Send to Rotary Club Crippled Cbildren and Charities P.O. BOX 382, Oshawa, Ontario State name and address clcarly and tickets will be miailed promptly 18-tf 16-3 Tenders Wanted Scaled tenders for the purchase for cash of the following parcels of real estate owned by the late William Reynolds will be recciv- cd at the office of W. R. Strike, solicitor, Bowmanvillc, Ontario, until 6 p.m., Saturday, May 5th, 1945: Parcel 1: North wcst quarter lot 4, concession 8, nomth east quarter lot 5, concession 8. Parcel 2: Lot 3, Concession 10. Both parceis being in the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham and tenders subject to reservcd price. 16-3 -1 , 1 . --a THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEN