JME 91 DVXT TTTTr ~rn mTTI,~ -- -.-1 ara*'"'.J <'<, Â'tiNUMBER 18 Cecil Mlercer GetsNomination For Liberals and Hepburn 1 Cecil G. Mercer will again con- thougtthy ane hl test Durham County for the Lib- woudserv again to the best c erals in the Ontario elections cail- his ability if re-elected. He wa ed for June 4. He received an sure Hepburn would be returnei .,.«,acclamation when the only other to power and that Durham wouli ,~nominee, George Annis, declined return to the Liberal ranks oi 'Wto stand. Mr. Annis was nomin- June 4. Mr. Mercer assured th, ated by Charles Carruthers, sec- meeting that Hepburn would ad onded by R. R. Stevens. Mr. Mer- dress a gathering in Durham dur cer was proposed by, A. L. Pascoe ing the campaign. and supported by Elmore Scott. The chairman called for anc Both candidates addressed the secured a pledge of solid suppor meeting and stated t4eir positions for Mr. Mercer and finally secur prior to final decision. The Lib- ed a seconder for a resolution en. eral slate for Durham is now coin- dorsing Hepburn as Liberal lead. plete, with W. F. Rickard stand- er for Ontario. Vice Pres. M. H ing for Ottawa, and Mr. Mercer Staples told that his father hac for Queen's Park.- been a Conservative but thal The meeting, held under times change. He called for toi- auspices of the Durham County France and deplored mud sling- Lîberal Association, convened in ing. He had neyer been a slave to party loyalty. We -need sounc government and must correct weaknesses in the party, practise dlean and clear thinking. The principal speaker of the oc- casion was Mr. McCrea, lawyer, Toronto, and Reeve of York Township for the past eight years. He told that his county had 85,000 population but neyer had hie seen there a gathering the size of the one before hlm. Warning of the danger of loose thinking when dangerous Socialist theories were beîng bandied about, hie reviewed the record of the CCF govern- ment in Saskatchewan. Up went rates and taxes in many lines in- cluding a new overcharge for cleaning eeed grain in the Gov- ernment's own seed cleaning plant. Up went gasoline a cent a gallon and higher school taxes under consolidated areas. Listen to the CCF, said Mr. Me- Crea, and we hear them tell that formerly Canada was the worst CecilG. Mercer country in the world, the worst governed, not one good thing ever Orono Town Hall, Monday eve- done and now they promise a par- ning, w i t h President Garnet adise on paper, with not a man of Shields in the chair. He welcomed experience to carry it out. So let the delegates and others who us beware of getting hog-tied by comfortably filled the hall. He visionaries and theorists. sensed a change in public opinion He warned that the campaign lately and predicted that by elec- was to be short and every effort tion day the Liberals would have was needed to uphold Liberal a 50-50 chance of getting back to principles, elect Liberal govern- power. ments, get out the vote. Hepburn, W. F. Rickard spoke briefly and hie said, was evidently willing to associated Federal and Provincial forget the past. If some don't esolitics in that the principles of like hlm we must remember hie is Liberalism .were comimon to both again the leader and we've got to and that farmers had more to get behind hîm. His platform hope from a Liberal regime than was both broad and wide and the any others. He held that Hepburn speaker went on to enumnerate had given good government even some of the promises recently if hie had said things of which made by Mr. Hepburn. The Lîberals didn't approve. He scor- speaker defended the baby bonus ed Drew on the Bren gun issue es a means of puttIng more money but admitted hie had carried out in farmers' pockets. Work, en- bis promise to absorb 50 per cent thuse, vote, eleet your candidate, of educational costs. This was was the final admonition. opposed by Hepburn -but now he Mr. Mercer again spoke briefly even promises a 90 per cent re- in a final appeal for support and* turn and we can only believe hie paid fine tribute to Mr. Annis as will do as he says. a man of sterling character, whom Mr. Annis referred to the great hie would have supported to 'the figures of the past who had car- uiti if hie had consented to run. ried the Liberal banner in Dur- Mr. Lowes, Mount Pleasant, was ham and suggested we try to ie soloist with Miss June Shields, capture their lofty sentiments, A.T.C.M., at the piano. look forward to the days of re- construction, take the long view Alice Jackson Mission Band and elect good representatives, a met in the Primary classroom on strong government such as Lib- Monday afternoon. Worship per- erals can give both for Provincial iod included response, hymn and and Dominion affairs. Having Bible reading about Samuel, and had experience in council but prayer. Four piano solos by none in the legislature, he declin- Marlon Dippeli, Wilma Richards, ed to stand artl would back Mr. Beverley Cowling a nd Hazel Mercer. His proposers acceded to Webber were enjoyed. Mrs. Nel- his wishes. son Osborne told a story and Mr. Mercer said when hie was meeting closed with Bona Mary defeated in 1943 hie decided to Griffith pronouncing the benedic-I quit politics but if the Liberals tion. High School Cadets Praised By Examining_ Officers Inspection of the High School Alldnead, No. 3, Betty Spencer Cadet Corps was advanced ut wîth Sgt. Audrey McL aughîin. least a mqnth this ycar, but with The boy cadets were unden an east wind bîowing up snow, command of Maj. Sturrock wth sîcet and nain, they assembled in Capt. Eric McIlvecn, 2nd If C, and military formations Friday aftcr- Lieuts. of platoons, No. 1, Russell noon for their annual manoeuvres Moffat with Sgt. Brown, No. 2, or inspection of militany officers om M.D. 3, Kinîgston, and Gerald Co x and Sgt. Wilcox, No. acqutted themselves with an 3, Bob Rehder and Alun Stnike of eclat that won the praise of the the Signal Corps. Adjutant ofr cxanining officers and the ap- the Corps was Lt. Stewart Fer- plause of ail the hardy citizens guson and C.S.M.ý Carl Boe wasi who tumned out for the day. in charge of exactitudes of the1 The inspection, as usual, took Parade. The very excellent bugle place at the High School and the band which tapped the marchingE Girls' Corps displaygd their ac- conformations was Sgt. Martyn.f complishinents, including dm111 In column of route and i0 con-r and physical exercises, in the pany column, the parade gave-ther scbool gymnusium, while the Boy salute at the post and reformcds Cadets lined up on the street for for furthcr exercises in the gym t inspection and manch-past and and auditorium.n performed their signal exercises The examining officcrs whoa in the auditorium. For the mili- came from Kingston were r4ajorh tary observens present, the Holmes and Capt. Craig, with s marchîng and filîng and the pre- R.S.M. Kent, 2nd Midlands, act- C cision drill on the street was ing as N.C.0. aide. Present tooa somctbing for the book and the weme Major, Canon C. R. Spencer,0 Cadet officers and N.C.0.'s prov- V.D., Lieet M. Bncslin and School t cd thenselves masters .of man- Board members W. L. Paterson l oeuvre. . and S. R, James.9 The supenvisory positiQn of the Expncssing his belief that the f entire sctup was occupicd by 1945 assembly of the Boys and h Capt. L. W. Dippell, M.M, and Girls Cadets of Bowmanville h bar, Principal of the High School, High School, their appearance, but hie renained 10 the back- marching and drill was the equal 1V ground to give credît to those who or better than any previeus yean Ji actually trained the students. and companed nost favorably li Tbey wene Mns. Agnes Vanstone with neviews ut other centres,A Lewis, in charge of the girls and Major fiolmes complimented al y 2nd Lt. Stacey, both High School anks witb epecial mention for ir teachens. Student officiers for -the Officens and N.C.0.'s. The prç- S girls were, Cupt. Gwen Cavenly sentations which followcd foundw with platoon officiers, No. 1, Helen the pnizes for neatest uppearance fi Roach and Sgt. Doris Stevens; No. going to Miss Rose Kisbey and o 2, Audrey Venton witb Sgt. Doris Morley Staîker. f of ds ýd )n e El I- Lt Oshawa Girl lnstantly 1,f'- Killed atEnniskillen A Socialist and rroud of t t" Mary Zarkrow, 19, of Oshawa, was instantly kifled in a car acci- S a e C a d d t dent which occurred at Ennis- fiw C F C nd d t killen at 2 a,m., Tuesday. In- Wilfrid Bowles, lawyer-farmer stand and could qualify. The jured, belleved to have a broken eteowa hsnFdrl ,psro r.Mri a.u back, was the driver of the «car, o etetn a coe edrlpopri of Mr. Morris was au- Rich rd B adle , 19 Osh wa. CCF candidate for the D om inion thorized to a h t hi.o i e Richard B adlas, 1heart a.nd soul for the CCF Called to the scene by telephone, election, June 1l, and William L. butt business responsibilities pre- Chief Sidney Venton and Pro- Lycett, Public School teacher, vented hm accepting. Mr. Mc- vincial Constable Rumsell Pollard, won the CCF nomination as can- E]roy and Howard Foley declined Bowmanville, were soon on the didate in the Ontario election to t run . Meantime a phone mes- spot where Dr. C. J. Austin, En- be held on June 4. Both appeared sage summoned Mr. Lycett who niskillen, had taken charge and on the platform to deliver accept- wvon on a straight vote. rushed Bradley to Bowmanville ance speeches at the CCF county Mr. Bowles, with brief refer- Hospital. The body of the girl convention held in Orono Town ence about being a "sacrificial was taken to Oshawa. Hall, Friday evening. Mr. Bowles lamb", probably a reference to his According to the best informa- tion available, it is believed the couple were returning home from Caesarea. Probably unfan «lia with the sharp bend in the ioad just north of the village, the car crashed through the fence, turn- ed over several times, and be- came a complete wreck, with Bradley at the wheel. Miss Zarkrow was thrown clear and died almost instantly. Brad- ley was unable to cail for help and the accident was reported as soon as dîscovered. Investigation revealed that the direction sign was in bad repair HopeTowshi stes wîî ut urthier nomnatios t hno ond toe ccerb lordmpsie a cain la in Dtham th Vitrv LAnc- h0 I capain i Duran ouny. A- D. Vvlan took the platform to to discern at that time of the I dn t h rtrsup p en nad out f pace nd lmos imossile ordig t theretrns to Wed- crsnta loquent dress night. The fence was shattered nesday noon, Hope Twpsae which told what the Drew gov- of its. slesed nd toastat h susiuh withrais fungto disanc ofhadbee pild u to90 er ent rnienthasactaîîy accomplish- 20 feet and the wire retaining ondis objective with $1an16,900 heisus n h lice are continuing their checkup with 55 per cent and Bowman.. The Basic Issue at that point. vlei third place with 49 per In clear and emphatic terms cent of its objective. Most muni- Dr. Vva adteewsol Oddfellows Atend cipalities are making creditable one issue for decision by the peo- showings although nearly ail pie on June 4; that is whether Service At St., John's Wilfrid G. Bowles William L. Lycett mnust be spurred on to reach their sound, sane, progressive, respon- received an acclamation when no defeat in the last provincial elec- objectives. With the gratifying sible govermient is to be con- Sunday, the members of Flor- other name was presented. Mr. tion, said that to keep on trying frnwscoming frmyth ieluropear tinu e tarl oior whether weHon. Dr. R. P. Vivian ence Nightingale Lodge, I.O.O.F. Lycett won the nomination by a would bring success at some frnsta emn slkeyt r ohv tt ocil ne No. 66, assembled at the lodge vote of 42 to 12 over Otto R. future time. He was standing as surrender any day this should the CCF or a combination of men to take an interest in politics room fo ther anualparde t pb Canadians in a real mood for Communists and Hepburnites. To and Mrs. Cridland who was intro- attend church services and to lay Wrath thre Prt ope delega tion wasu Sofaiscanicprods.fHet.uying more bonds to celebrate the latter hie would not accord the duced by Mrs. Ira Lowe of Ida, awreath at the Cenotaph. Head- arivingbyth rtereH bpte de a ion a a ruralriding an b foundo i.he victory. Sale of bonds up to term Liberal, a party he respect- Ont., added eloquently to the pIea ed by the town band under di- audience numbered 75 people be- seund common sense and hie was Wednesday noon were: ed, but which in its present un- that women use and value their rection of leader William Shotter, fore whom appeared David Cass- proud to live in the country. Sales Per Cent holy alliance bas indeed soiled its franchise and preserve the demo- soe80 lodge members as-1 Beggs, a CCF Toronto nominee, to Turning to questions of the day, To date Objective honored escutcheon. To preserve, cratic way of life. People of semle an mrchd n olun ondctth metig ad heele- s. owesvieedco-peatvesHoe Eur9op90 threfre ral esonsbl gv-furpederied ffhei afan of toled by Willedim Corden tons. he wastinatrecd by .as neesaryto frm operity otHope -------- 203 11,30 42 erninent, the Drew goverment chise, lost their freedom and it to St. John's Anglican Church. temporary chairman Otto Bragg, and old-line parties seek to tax Darlington ----- 76,300 38 mutbrerndadoitr-mstnthpnhr. Mr An imiressive sermon for the and later addressed the gathering. them out of business but under Bewmanvîlle -- 171,350 49 cerd hrcabendoti wlSeatafcfuspkrod occasiof was preached by Canon, The decision was to hold a joint the CCF they would be encourag- Cartwright ----- 12,250 19 b e returned. of the politîcal concern of the Major C. R. Spencer, V.D., with convention, Dominion and Pro- ed and saved. Cavan --------- 37,100 30 Other speakers included Mrs. boys overseas, and their desire for Bro. T. H. Lockhart reading both vincial. Mr. Beggs instructed the Reversing the tacticg at former Clarke --------- 80,950 38 Ruby Meggs, Gore's Landing, strong government in Dominion of the lessons. Prayers and music delegates on constitution and pro- CCF meetings where hie and other Manvers------ 46,550 55 Chairman, Women's Advisory (Continued on page five) were specially pl-epared for the cedure an~d asked accredited speakers had attacked The States- service. In the march back, be- members tô ise which disclosed man and its editor, Mm. Bowles fore proceeding to I.O.O.F. hall, the 54 qualified to vote. h id a wod0f praise. He agreed More Local Soldiers the assembly formed up at the The following were nominated with George James on the ques- ea o e' Cenotaph where Bro. E. Ander- on the Provincial ticket: Howard tion of equity for agriculture, Home from Overseas F e R o e Passes Aa so ___th _evceahwet oly xfamr owavlA w ay aressoudntbefre s lookdthe semriceoasthefwre. tt oeyg, -fr. Melr owmanvile, that f oan ers sou rkflt abe orcedrehs ee lko net given, C. G. Morris, Mayor of in a closed one. This f course liaison between Military Head-n y tS . a ha i e Mas la nmem oryfthe falen. Oto Baggll, Mr.dMcEro y ddessto ws ei n n op ena oketoan bu Aaither e hdloas beeia n ado-n y a S .C t a i e University, Kingston, is home. Since Messrs. Morris and Lycett 8, in Bracken's 30-point charter ingothreu omofBw were not present, the chairman for agriculture. But The States-vsn0fterunhefBo- A large circle of relatives and1 best werk of its kind they had wished assurance they would (Continued on page five) manville boys who have served friends in Bowmanviîîe and Dur- ever seen. AWARDED D.F.C. overseas. In most cases these boysbanCut were shocked to Mr.Foley was twice married, arrived by train befome news of h uyhisMfirst wife beîng Miss Lottie m ~their arrivaI is given out by M.D. leamn Cf the sudden passing of a 3, and no reception can be arrang- fre eiet rdR oea iCar er nd L aco k En ive edat the station. Within the his residence, 123 Lake St., St. -.past several days, seven boys have Catharines, early Sunday momn- £ f 7IJJ come back on rotation leave and ing, April 21, 1945. Ill but two Nveltlers of aR oary, it has been found almost 'mPos- days, Mr. Foley failed t al J ~~~~sible to get any story or comment fo udnbatatc.H fro thm fr pbliatin. ndhad reached his 7lst year in a Oshawa Rotarians, Les. Mc- matter Ahl one had to do was to readers surely want to hear about life of continuous, cheerful ac- Laughlin, Ira Ivey afd Ken be bomn, poor and obscure, go to them. tivity. Markell, together w i t h Wally the cîty, arrivin g with onîy 5 cents 0f those who have returned Denny, New Toronto Rotary Club, there are Bob Bate, Bob Bird, apeornovethe ba l f as a and Staff Sergt. Murray Grant, and start out to win riches. That Sgt. Paul Symons, Murray Grant, f R.C.A.F., just returned from over-was th nversal and accepted Gnr. C. J. Hall, Bdr. J.' G. Park- e and linte refor25 ars wasl seas duty, were the guests at the formula as can be leamned from er and Gnr. J. Snowell. The three eggdi h ealadwoe Rotary luncheon in the Balmoral magazine success stories. Just last mentioned arrvd Fdy sale shoe business. In 1925 bie hilarity of the occasion, the prin- gin stocks at a quarter cent and served together with the l4th Bat- rthEmieifInuacCo cipal ingredient of which was tbe keep on pyramiding. Don't get tery, R.C.A., fighting ini Europe iwet, hedquaertesiat St Caha- ~1address of Charles Carter, Sm., up early as most suckers do, who since "D" Day. rînes hmeh«e.dduti al local Rotarian, with a sense of rush t ok eat perched on Gnr. Parker is a son of L. A. ed by death. hmrwoddhnrto hssb stools adase "yessir, oi. Parker, plumber, and Mms. Park- Widely known in business, ject, the writings of the late Just copy the inillionaires who er who tell that hee bas not chang- cîrcles, Mm. Foley became even Stephen Leacock. ise at 10 a.m., breakfast on ed at all, looks fit and fine after more widely known in chumch, Mr. Carter was intmoduced by champagne with scotch and soda, neamly six years 10 the services frtemnal, literamy and social af- Forbes Heyland who told that thc lunch on humming bird's tongues and five years ov erseas. It is faims. He neyer lost interest in F Hwad ilsn speaker was ope of the main and caviar, and roll up wealth on supposed that he passed bis bro- . hm dsrict and many will POHoad iisn figures on main street (which ac- quarter and haîf cent margîns ther, Cpl. L. A. Parker, R.C.A.F. miss bis feature column in The Fred R. Foley In a letter to his wife dated colade had ne reference to bis while lolling in club chairs. To wireless expert, on the high seas' Statesman, "Singers and Their April 9th, 1945, PO Howard Mill- contours) and was an authomity on do ahl this equires resolution but proceeding overseas after ln Songs" whicb for sevemal yeams Brimacombe who died in 1911. ;on said: "I just rcceived word food and its production. For nine you cao buy it by the pint. service on cnîîstal command in hs been a popular and valued Surviving hlm 00W at the famiîy bis morning that His Majesty the years Secretamy, Independent Long life and the health habit Canada. Their sister, Miss Nellie contribution te the history of home is bis second wife, Mms. King has awarded me the Dis- Master Baker's Association, Mr. was just as easy. AlI one bas te Parker is a nurse in training at curcb hymnals. Whilc at Bow- Sadie C. Foley. Sharing hem sor- inguished Flying Cross." Al- Carter was also Vice President of do is get up early, open the win- Nicholîs Hospital, Peterboro. manville lie was, in 1910, Presi- mow is their son, Lieut. David W. ýhough details of the citation are Greater Toronto Production Club dow te freezing air, take setting dent of the Bay of Quinte Con- Folcy, recently invalided home ot yet available, PO Millson's and on the executive of the Edu- up exercises, a cold plunge and ference, Epwortb League, and from overseas, one sister, Mrs. J. iward is an immediate D.F.C., cational Committce concerned lunch on bran, carrets, spinach, MARRIED IN ENGLAND ce ntinuously active in cburch D. Stevens, Bowmanviîîe, and one vhich is' an honor given without with the govermient schools b- e- ib lasolt h n e at. Ther oeywsaloa net Abra leay, for a paticularly menitoni- ing set up for vocational training rei e c as te bai, n-w mk )us action demanding immediate of neturned men. mates the mcd cerpuscles. Get up a member of Bewmanville Town The impressive funeral service -ecognition. The Distinguished Mr. Carter said that he bad at impossible heurs, don skinipy Council and semved as Y.M.C.A. was heldrat the Hulse funeral lying Cross is seldom won by made an attempt to get Bisbop shorts, nun in the park, sling Secretary witb the armed services chapel, St. Catharines, Tuesday Ur Gunners, and of particular Fleming of the Amctic as speaker duw.b-bells and you'll live te be at Valcartier Camp 10 1918. As evennTe sermon was preach- iote is the manner in which it but hie had agreed to come ut a 200. Do as Jones did. He dumb- an author, a reader and an elocu- ed by Rev. J. W. Hedley of Wel- vas presented, as an immediate later date. Meantime hie propos- belled himself te deatb at an early tienist be was widely 10 demand land Ave. United Chumch, assisted nvestiture occuls only very rame- cd to extemporize by interpret- uge but that does net prevent a and orgunized a number of con- by Rev. A. R. Johnston and Rev. y in any case. ing some of the writings of wholc generation of young men cert parties in whicbh e took part, Thomas Voaden and the touching PO Milîson has almost complet- 'Stephen Leacock, an international following bis example. Lcaceck and bis gifts as a speaker were tributes te the memory of a great id bis second tour of operational humorist considered te be almost cencludes: Don't be an upe. If employed as a lay preachen and Christian character found deep lights oven enemy tenritory as a the equal of Mark Twain. The you want fresb air, open the win- ut cemmunitv gatherings. In all response and emotion mnth ember of the Porcupine Squad- writings presented and intèmpret- dow, get a romful, then close it bis work and avocations Mr. host 0f friends and reamoveg e on. That he bas acquitted hîm- cd werc thre 1n number: Tbe and keep it fer it will keep for Feley displayed a eady sinile and cnt. The funeral music included e1f well is borne out by the fact attempt of Leacock to open a years, and cat what yeu like at cheerful disposition that endeared sevenal of bisfaoiehms àat some time age he was comn- bank account as a move to a all times. hlm te friends and public alike. closing witb fne'savoielhys endcd by his Gunnery Leader financial cancer; bis advice on Space is tee limited te tell but At St. Catharines lie was a Chorus" frel hseHaîfcrujh nd the Commanding Officer of how to become a millionaire; and a small part of ahl this philesephy member of Welland Ave. United obsequies of bis friend, the great s squadron for bcbng alent and points on how to live to bc 200 wbicb had Rotanians rolling with Church, where lie semved as eider, fiinister, Mk Gu er o ving not only himself but the yeams old. laugbter and their reactions weme member of the board of trustees London,' ngan u Paceo ew and the plane as well. In an The stony of the bank account cxpressed in the vote of thanks and editor of the cbumcb paper, gîdmntto paeatBw ticle in the Toronto Daily Star pictumed Leacock entering a bank proposed by Rotanian Walter De- Nwots.A lae amn mnvI% C eerWdsay aMarch 16th, it was reported with $56 and innoccntîy up- Geer. Past President Arthur laymen bie was treasurer of witb services conducted by Rcv. aPO ýMillsoý'. ,Watçhed a proaching the manager. wîho, Hardy performed the honors of Niagara Presbytery for 10 years, J. E. Griffith, TriyUie lë, s8rschmidt 10 fj to the when he got the drift, tunned hlmi the day wben lie presented Bob president of thc Hamilton Con- Churcb, asi riîty Rv.Uodn ound in flancs afte~r burst over to the clerks. Put thnough Stevens and Lou Dippell eucb ference Lay Association, commis- Port Hope, formerly of St. Catha- -o his gun, and ini his letters the rnechanics of deposit, rattled with 3-year perfect attendunce sioner of the General Council in ines. Ameng those in attend- b as bintcd that sevenal more and confused, the budding finan- pins. President Morley Vanstone 1940 and a frequent preachen ut ance w l r e members of the ve met the sume fate. cicr finally found himisclf asking was bn charge of the meeting. local churcbes. Masonic Order and the .O.O.F., The son of Mr. and Mns. E. imnediately to withdraw the S.B.A. James Arthur Huocock, In 1936, on the occasion of the and the bearers, representative of ilîson of Selina. PO Milîsen do- whole amount. How will you bave Mr. Donald Venten, University R.C.N.V.R., a singer with "Meet Diamend Jubilee of the the Wel- eacb were, M. J. Elliott, T. W. ted in the R.C.A.F. in Manch, it? asked the teller. Why in of Toronto, was home for the the Navy." is pictured with bis land Ave. Uoited Church, Mn. Cawker, 'J. J. Flett, W. L. Elliott, )43, rcceiving bis training as an fifties said Leacock, and having week-end, bride aften thein mumiage in Foley edited a boeklet, "~The1 A. L. Nichols and Gee. W. James. r Gunnen at Quebec City and got one fifty, the clenk asked, Miss Gwen Coombes, Toronto, London, England. Mrs. Hanceck, Mead of Memoies' whicb em-' A great number gatbened at the [ont Joli, und amiving ovenseas how will you bave the balance? daughten of Eric Ceembes, R.C.N. an R.C.A.M.C. lieutenant, occupa- bnaced ts history includiog a graveside, where amidst a pro- SNovemben of that yeur as a In sixes, sabd the misenable de- V.R., and Mns. Coombes, unden- tional tbenupy section, is the for- sketch of eanly Methodisvi 10 the fusion of floral tributes, Fred R. rgeant. In Novemben, 1944, he positon. And with tbree two- wcnt a tonsilectomy ut Bowman- mer Eleanon Margaret Smith, Ce- Niagara District. It was pruised, Foley' was laid te rest. as commissioncd as a Pilot 0f- dollar bills out he rushed, neyer ville Hospital, Monday, and is balt. The groom was on the B.T.S. by the late Veny Reveurend T. AI- en. Sbontly before he left for to rctunn. convulescing ut the home of bier staff, Bowmanville, befone enlist- bent Meore aod Miss Mabel Duo- M i s s Murion Dudley, R.N, erseas, PO Millson marricd the To compile a million dollars, ac- grandpurcnts, Mn. and Mrs. Clan- ing and is only son of Mn. and hum, Canadian nevelist, as a1 Belleville Genenal Hospital, visit- =er Helen Knox of Hampton. conding to Leacock, wus a simple. ence Hall, Liberty St. Mns. Horace Huncock, Ebenezer. splendid histonical record, the c d ut hem home. HereSunday mProgressiveConsea 10rvatvesO- Efforts have been successful inPr g e s v o e va i s having the C.W.A.C. (Girls') With unanîmous acclaim the as- Councîl East Central Prog. Con. Pipe Band, (the oniy women's sembly of men and women who Assn., Mrs Cridland, Peterboro, p i p b a d i~ C n a a ) t o p o ff i n m e t in i c o n v e n tio n a t O r o n o T o w n P e s d n , W m n s r o C n Pip ba d ii C nad ), top offinHall, Thursday evenîng , rose wîth rsd n, W m ' P o .C . Bowmanvîlle, Sunday, May 6, on Proîonged applause to again en- Assn., Peterboro, Logan Stewart, their way back to their head- dorse Hon. Dr. Percy R. Vivian Hamilton, a forceful and berib- quarters at Toronto. The band is as their candidate in the Provin- boned returned soldier, Gordon expected to arrive at 4 p.m. and cial election to be held on June 4. Fraser, M.P., Peterboro, and Fred The meeting conee ne Bowen, ex-M.P., Durham, who will go 'direct to the High School ovndudrthe auspcs0 the Durham Count presented Mrs. Vivian with a Grond whrethe wll iv aPr=ges0~ Conservative Paty beautiful bouquet of flowers. variety programn of musical selec- under chairmanship of President Other Speakers tion. I wethe is nfaorale rwin COlwilî, Newcastle, and the Mrs. Meggs, an educationist of thes Irfra will heiufven in te hall, despite unfavorable weather, note made a strong appeal to wo- the rogr m wil begive In he was Packed to its limnits. B.H.S. auditorium. Don't fail te ý Seated wîth the audience as hear this unique musical organi- just an ordinary voter, Dr. Vivian zation which has been tourîng heard his naine proposed by Alex Canada and scored a huge suc- Carruthers, Garden Hill, in terms of praise for the work he has done cess wherever they have appear- within the past year and a hall, e.both as member and Cabinet ed. _______________ Minister. The vigor and capacity he has shown was emPhasized by Durham County Doing his seconder, Reeve Bert Reid, Well In Victory Loan Clarke, and endorsed unanimous.. ly by delegates who paused for P. sý ti E ti ti n a, dl F A n( in c f1L m se th. ni ar. hi sa ar on jE le, gr w.M VOLU .tatama With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News 3 N.e DU VV IVI-ÉLIN V ILLL, UNT.- Tki U kiibDAY. M A V qrri 1 QA-r% ' F i Igon. DL ViVian flacon hv