- -E-----C---- TAEMABO MNVLEOTAI THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1945 Eatablished 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEW&PAPER With which la Jncorporated The Bowmanvtfle News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono New. 91 Year's Continuons Service To The Town of BowmanvIfle and Durhamn Count7. Member- Audit Bureau et circulation. Weekiy Newspapers Association' SUBSCRIPTON RATES $2.00 a Year, stricfly ln advance. $2.50 a Year ln the United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THE STATESMAN HONOR ROLL - On Active Service - Major W. G. James (Wounded lni Action, Back at the Front) Capt. John M. James W.O. Donald Cameron CSM. George Graham Cpi. A. Living (KiIled i Action in Itaiy) lion. Dr. Vivian Backed by Great Government Record Renoininated and acclaimed at the Pro- gressive Conservative Convention at Orono, with not a single naine put forward to op- pose him, Hou. Dr. Percy Vivian is agraini the candidate ini Durhamn County for bis party in the Provincial e1ectiopis to be hield on June 4ti. 1He will be opposed by candidates representing both the Liberals and the, CCF. In lis speech of acceptance. Dr. Vivian, flatly and categorically statedl the main issue to be faced. That is whether Ontario is to continue under the strong, salle responsible direction of Premier Drew, or under the al- ternatives of eitber Socialist revolutionar- ies or a combination of Hepburii-Commu- nists. The thing bouls down to good gox-erii- ment or downright cbiaotic control. Voters need look no further than this basic declaration in making up their minds on how to vote. But there mill be other and apurious issues raised, prior to voting, in an attempt to stampede the electorate. They will bie answered 011 platforms and in the press as the campaign progresses. In his ac- ceptance speech, Dr. Viviani told w-bat the Drew Government lias doue in less than two years. Not only bias it carried out its promises, but it bas charted anl enlightened course for the imminent post war years. Not a single critic eau stand for a moment, any- where, at any time. and successfully deny that tbe Drew Government lias failed iii any particular in carrying out its programme, and more- From ail sides, even among political par- tisans. wve bear at once the opinion that the best initerests of Durbam Countv would bave been served had Dr. Vivian been given au acclamation. We do ilot only- hear. but w-e agree that bielbas earned it for the work he lias doue in health and welfare, for agri- ýculture, for relialilitation and for tbe in- defatigable part lie lias played as tlic fore- Most inenîber of tbe Cabinet. H1e is Dur- ham 's first Cabinet 'Minister ini more than half a century-. He is a man, a member, anl administrator of tbe first order, and hie simply cannot be defeated ini tbis Conty. Even the shortest odds at tbe nmouvent are that lie ill be re-elected witb double bis original majoritv. He lias eertainlY earnied public approbation. Is Âge Dimmind the Vision 0f Canada's Prime Minister? In recent montbs maii- well iîîfornued people bave been heard expressung tbe opin- ion tbat advancing a-e and tbe cares of of- fice are begiing iiuto'dim thie vision of - ail- ada's Prime Mfiniister, Hon. Maekenlzie Kilg. They are heginniîg to questioni w-lether lie should furtber seek endorsenient bv ftie peo- ple at tbe 1poils on the eve of the imnise responsibilities louing i(on the Jpost war horizon. Their eoneeri seemis to he well founded for in verv reeent tinies. Mr. King. in actions and %vords. bas sfiown inanyv of the sYnîphoins tlîat lea(1 ho tbe helief tbat bis judgnent is beoiing inpaiî-ed: tlat age is taking,, its holl. For iiistan(-e. lie faltered and ueil reversed bis position ý%lîen Raîstoxi was re - lieved of office. 1h w-as a display of inde- iatorv- Iii! e foralII it was worI llu uimt f -ourse whei; w-ar eH nie it wes a iiffereiit nu att er'*' Whio -an fail tii se u iiai is -stijl inIi lle lifld <ofthlijs aging staiesmnuiV (oniiliation dpmeel ini ail aiie blat tlîomuauds oif viiuuxi (Suaudinus shiouull die aload, thiuuands àmutfi-ud lîvallv aniiuentally. Ai! tlils on Ilue v u po t t- -auFraixeisco (oieeîe ls i t tiiv woniileu- people are slu'w-inuur *î et-tuti r Ille nmenhal anîd jubysic-al <'pa i Mr. King? View- the above ini the most char- itable light, these actions and statemeuts cannot be disregarded. Advancing age takes its inevilable toîl and people are look- in- for strengîli aud vigor at tbe inomenit. Thes~e qualities are possessed abundanîly by Hou. Jobn Bracken, leader of the Progress- ive Conservative Partv. No single manxini Canada eati better lake the place of the age- tired Mr. King. A Message for Farmers Canadian farniers are confronted witb rare opportur.iîv 10 do some effective pla niing iii tleir ow-n interest and i h ta tîe ination, W. D. Albriglit declared reccîr in Alberta. Canadian farîn iuicome w-hi reaclicd a low of $383,000.000 inî 1932, Il ilseui to $722.000.000 iii 19:39 and to $1.74 000,000 (estiinatecl -î-oss inconie) i19ý \\hile a good deal of the .Juimp is represe: cd by- price incerease. volume lias hieldi îvell- Everv i mphortaunt wai-hinie callup, ('aîadian faru-îî ]roduuctionî las been substa tilymet. or- nore tliaînmeinu sýite labour shiortage and tlîc shortage of i miacbiiieu-. But w-hile tluis mlagnificeut rn oi'<l ias being, acliicved the faruuu plant Il been rîing iii-dowui at lied. and Iluat cann go 0on foî-ever. It is a good lime for ca farmner ho sit down aîîd e(arefully- consid a definihe planl for the future. looking t ward tlîe iluprovement of blis farnii ente prise, inprovemient of bis farm home, tl future welfare of lis family and the Iosý bility of setting, aside soînetluing for a li egg and keeping it as a reserve against co: tingencies. Victoî-y Bonds ai-e the ide nîcans 10 Iluese edàs buit it must be remer. bered tbat $1 wiil not do the work of $ Each farmeî- nust eonlsider wlîat lue ineeî nuost. Perhaps it is a well or a dugout. Water oui îap iii the lîouîse, or a ncw bari or a new- lîouse. or a new' tractoîx or soir good stock. Make a list of the desirables an review- it carefullv. Anid don*t be iun too mucli of a luurry spend it ail. Tiiere may bc a buying sprE after the war as tliere was after tlue la w-arii wbich case prices wuiii strain tl contu-ols. Sonue of tlîe dollars max- buv moi if thex- are beid two or ture3-cars after th w-ar. B3- buying bonds uîow and thinkiui out a careful plan of usiuîg the proceed later on1 we max- not oniy heip 10 in th w-ar but lielp to wiuî tle peace as w-cil. Watch the Communists In The CominÉ Eleetions How' înany people biave followed thu course of thie Conimuîîists in1 Canada prio ho this w-au-, durung, its earl3- stages and als, sînce Russia xvas forced mb tlîte figlit? W, ouglit lu revicw the record uiow for the, are sceking b3- paid advertisemcîuts ti stampede Ontario voters iuto destructioni c responsible guverumeuit. Their aiun, vcr, cleaî-iy. is the creation of but onie party i; w-hidi hlîeY hope 10 achieve a domnuaunt pusi tiou. But let us first recal lueir politica gymnuastics. A few- years ago tlîeir leaders i)ent 0on world revolution, were servîuîg tim4 in Kingstonî Peuîitcuîtiar3-. Out agaiuu. anc ',itli Russia aloof inî a pact witb Hitlei wbiie Britain fought aiouîe tliese ex-cous i Caniada w-enth mb hidiuig îx'ile souglit b; police. Thiey ivere against Canada, Britain aný aIl tlîe democîacies. But Hitler turned oi Ruissia anîd slîc xas forced to figbt, îîot il (lefeuice of deunocracy, but for- lier verx- ex isteuice. Out from lîidiuug came tlie ex-con C'anadiau C'onîiunists with a back-fiip thai mvon Ilien absolutioni. Camne the Russian dis solution of the Coîuiuteriî. Agaiu tlhe ex couis did a back flip anîd cliauîged lieir nîain( tu tlîe Labor-Progressive Party. First the,: flirted wiîli the ('CF for a politicai footluold Next, Provinicial Leader. A- A. Macleod M.P.P.. lîooked up witli Ex-Preniier 'Micli Hi)hpiui. ianîd togetiier. witl the (CCF ad. licrentis thuev defeated the Drexv Guvernunieni and fou'-!ed aul eleetion. -Nac'eod. il max- bu sai( w-as uiuh in jail with the înational leadei Tim Buck. lIn a receuit quarter p)age advertiseuuieit, ovel' tle signiature of Macleod and lis as- sociales, is Iluis opeu letîcu- quioted in part: "The welfare of Ontario î'equiî-es Iluat ever% TorY'x canîdidate lie defeahec iniitlîe eoiîiii eleechîou. Thiex-caui be defeated buh thtere i o11113 one vax- to nake suire of îlîat : For- the t C.he Libeu-als, the Labor-Progressives to(-ouie ho elecîoîal agu-eeuuîeuts lu umitle the antih-Tor *v vote in ex-eu- ecnslîtuienicv. Tliere Youî have il, a body- of anti-Britisl: eleuuî euiîs. w-ose niatiunal leader ivas a ('uni muuuish ex-coniît, anid w-lose assocuate in polihies, Maeleod, wouid seek tu return a flouse witlî oie joint party anîd no opposi- lion. Just recali the record. If Hepbuirn eau stonuacli this kind of tripe we believe few voters, especially Liberais, eau follow this slimy trail. Dean of Liberal Members Condemns King Government au- of t13- cli lias -14. lit- ils leader. party stalwart.s eai scarcely quîestion tbe coniclusions. Tbeoffieial Opposition in the House is the Progressive Couservative Party. When Mr. C.rdin credits tlie Opposition wilh forcing evcrv step takien byv the Goveruiment, lie vir- îuallv asserts that lbey liave really been the Nvartiime Government. withi the people under- %vriting the decisions ini batties abroad and labors'at home. Now what dues ahl this realiv inan as p)eople prepare to clioose a iiew- parliaunenit and government ? Accordiiig to Mr.'Cardin and Mr. Mc- Larlt.N,-Miven tlieir Liberal associates seek re-election by praisiîîg the "Governments" w-ar effort, they are iin trutli simiply praisîng wlîatlibas becu brouglît about b3- l:e Opposi- tion. The simple logic of the wliole llingo is this: The Opposition lias carried thue burden and issues wîtbout liaviing official power. Now in1 tbe elections tbey seek poNver to carry on in the manner so praised by 'Mr. Cardin. Thue above facts muîst wveigh beýavilv wvi tbte electorate. Tlîev indicate that tlîe new governuiient sbould be Progressive Con- servative under leadership of HIon. John Brackeil- A. W. McLeod, New President r Durham CountyClub, Toronto up ( % eEl ~sue R-. Fair) hurriedly in with his tools, by an- )on Durham Couuty Club of To- other. His great anger quickly ail-~ ronto held ils final meeting of the cooled by a kind word and a re- of season, April 261h, at the I.O.D.E. mark that "a pat on the back is of r iiI.I u~ headquarlers. Mr. Ewart Pollard, more effective than on the pants". ew irersecretary, acted as chairman, and The radiant effect o! kindness on ec-pi ihtiuet h aepei useeao a n otr las dent, Dr. Geo. W. McGill, afler who haiipened to be fortunate fel- lot which the audience observedi two iow passengers, was shown. be minutes' silence. An abiding interest in h! e, and ler Mr. J. H. Fair read the minutes if possible romance, as instanced er _____and presented the following sîste by ît lady o! eighty years, who t By HELEN MARSH o! officers for the comiug year: stili hoped 10 be married.-"A e- DepartmetoTrnpt President - Mr. A. W. McLeod; merry heart doeth good like a ýhe p n o rnpr Hon. Presidets-Dr. L. B. Wil- medicine." The Department of Transport liams, Dr. D. D. McDonahd; Vice The real joy o! living does not provides facilities for the safe and Presidents - Mr. O. Heuderson, corne from possession o! weallh -st efficient operation o! air, marine Dr. L. B. Williams, Dr. Frank or position. Quoting Henry Ford's )n- aud raihway transportation by Trebilcock. Names o! Mr. W. E. phihosophy, "I do not worry; I do -al goverumental and p r i v a t e Austin and Mr. J. G. McCiellan fo s o uh nom ok i-agci. were added 10 the xctv the best I put in, nothing but the This includes the construction, Commnittee. Mr. F e Tuite best cornes Out."-or, the man .equipping and maintenance O! faithfuî treasurer for th~e past ten without arms who sang "I love d5 airways and goverument aero- years, suggested that Mr. G. Me- ife". or dromes, the licensing o! private Clellan be appointed treasurer. The most dynamic movement in ,n acrodromes, and supplying radio history wàs iuaugurated nearly ie aids 10 fliers. The Departmeut is Upon invitation o! Mr. Fred twenty centuries ago by The responsible for the administration Truli, Mr. Clive A. Thompson, Great Teacher whose power was id o! air reguhations, examining and K .C., assisted by Mrs. Ethel based ou doing something for licensing air pilots and navigators, Adams, gave an interesting re- others. "I came not 10 be minister- to and the periodic inspection sud sume of Day School Gospel ed unto but 1cm minister." licensing o! aircraft. Through League, 53 Miliwood Rd., To- Swinging 10 the other side o! ed these air services, the Deparîment ronto, an important work o! non- the pendulum, Mr. Lorraine, a st has constructed and equipped aîî sectarian Bible reading iu the clever performer in the art of ie serodromes required during the Public Schools throughout Can- legerdemain, who mystified and re war for the British Common- ada and U.S.A. amused the audience. ie wealth Air Training Plan sud for Dr. W. J. Johnston, pastor of Dr. L. B. Williams responded 10 ig home defeuxce purposes. Egito nie Church, in his the wide variety of interestiug ds inchude aids 10 marine navigation esting and instructive address ou The social hour was under the ie in the form o! direction-findiug My Philosophy of Life". He leadership o! Mrs. T.* A. Cruick- stations, radio beacons and ship- pointed out that we were witness- shank sud Group 4. Mrs. J. Reid to-shore communication systems, ung the dowufall of a great nation sud Mrs. J. L. Hughes presided at the licensing of broadcasting sta- that had for s generation follow- the urns. lions, issue o! private receiving ed the "wroug" philosophy o! life, Mr. Hall of Orono thanked the licenses, and the general admin- as enunciated by the worship of group for their refreshments. istration o! the Radio Ac. The seifish brute force, epitomized iu Miss Olive Jack sud Mr. Percy meteorological services are also "Mein Kempf ". Jack were guests o! Mr. sud Mrs. le rovdedtoshipping sud 10 ag- Happiness being the rightful Ewart Pollard. Mrs. Deeks and r ricultural sud instructional un-1 desire of sane living the best Mrs. Hutchinson were with Mrs. o dertakings. method o! obtaining it is the im- Lorne TrulI sud Mr. sud Mrs. H. e - By a series o! canais sud canal- portant question 10 be solved. All S. Ritchie were guests o! Dr. F. îzed waters, operated sud main- fal mbt one o! the three cale- Trebilcock. taiued by the Deparîment, ap gorues: Retrospective, always re- With the singiug o! Auid Lang O proximately 1,890 miles o!fx4ater- ferring 10 the good ohd days, sud Syne sud the wishing o! a Happy fways have heen opened to naviga- bewailing the evils o! the present; Birthday 10 Dr. W. C. Herriman, V- lion maiuly from the ses 10 the Introspective, living a self-cen- il was hoped the commencement Shead o! Lake Superior as weîî as tred life sud careless ôf the wel- o! another season would bring subsidiary canals sud branches. fare o! others, or Prospective, Peace again on earth. Through this shipway wheat sud making our lives and those o! our ilother farm produce are moved friends unhappy by our willing- LIONS ELECT SAM GRIFFIN S, Easst. ness 10 cause suffering in order DEPUTY DIST. GOVERNOR Le Marine facilities provided in- 10 satis!y somne cherished hope o! d clude lighthouses, lighlships, a good lime in the future. Lion Sam Griffin of the Port buoys sud other aids 10 naviga-h Dr. Johuston mentioued a Perry Lions Club was ehected rtion. The Deparîmeul operates humorous anecdote o! actual Deputy District Governor for Sice-breaking vessels, provides church records, silencing a good District A 3, Zone 10, for 1945-46, v pilotage services, maintains naut- mans criticism o! a preseut pas- at the zone meeting heid in Port ical schools, examines masters, boraIe, compared with oue o! 25 Hope, Friday, April 27. H1e suc- d mates and engineering o!ficers years ago. He cleverly referred ceeds Charles Carter, Jr., who for Certificates o! Competeucy, 10 the narrow escape o! civiliza- held the office hast year. n sud keeps regustrues o! both ship- lion by the dangerous wide- The meeting was cousidered ilpiug sud ship personnel. As a spread intro-spective viewpoint o! one o! the best 10 be held lu re- --wartime measure, merchaut ses- the great ueîghbors that was cent years sud the chairman was men's mauuing pools sud traiuiug overcome aI the eheveuth hour by Past District Goveruor Carter, Sschools are operated sud seamen's the hale President Roosevelt. . who in a fine address preseuted welfare in ports is supervised. Illustrating the third class by his report of his stewardship. The National Harbours Board a personsi experieuce o! beiug Popular Sam Griffin won election -which malulsins aud operates swept mbt the speculation o! the lu a three-cornered coutest. e Csuads's national ports. is respon- hale twenties, sud the resultant Dr. Rynard o! Orillia, Deputy v sible 10 Parlisment through the hoss that impressed him with the District Governor, Zone 8, wassthe Minister o! Transport. great advautage o! real values, as speaker o! the evening on the The Deparîmeut o! Transport compared with any will-o-the- subject, "National Affairs". May- is responsible for audiliug the ex- wisp lu the future, or Yeo o! Orillia aiso addressed peudilures o! the Canadian Na- Inl conclusion the speaker re- the gathering. Other guesîs wel- -tiouai Railwsy Company, sud ils cted several instances proving comed by Chairman Carter iu- tBoard o! Direclors report 10 Par- that reat happiuess comes ouly in cluded District Secretary, Lipns e iameut through the Minister. makîng others happy, sud re- International, Bruce Malcolm, r Direct goverumeutal conîrol over ferred 10 his recent experieuce lu sud District Goveruor Dr. Ken rthe management sud operation o! one o! our city hospital elevators, Rogers, Toronto. Goverument - owned railways where s workmsn was puslîed On behal! o! the Port Hope -ceased lu 1923, wheu such control -was vested iu the Canadian Na- -tional Railway Company on ils formation. As a warhime measure, the De- rparîmeut o! Transport appointed S a Transport Controller with au- e thority ho regulate freighh sud ways sud other means o! Irans- o ii ? g t/a r a portation in Canada. iT.B. Deaths Down - -Il is not so many yesrs since yourPOSPWŽAR I1OZ 1 mention o! the Great White -Scourge slruck a chilh through the hearîs o! men, for more peophe THIS HAND-îhis riglit baud of yours sud mine, used 10 die o! tuberculosis than -from any other cause. But Can- of mnillons of Canadians - gives answer once again. ada has been scieuti!icaily fight- -uydlas..t rvd ing this disease for years, sud 10- The cail is for double-dtydlas..1 rvd day the death rate from T.B. is for tbe nation's security now, for our personal less than 52 per cent 100,000 peo- secum-îîy tomorrow. ple, whihe in 1926 il stood aI 86. * * *Your rught baud bolds your POST- Easier Credit for Farmers WAR BONUS-the fiuest invest- Benefits under the Farm Im- ment in the world ... the Victory -- provement Loans Adt passed aI Bonds of Canada. the lasI session o! Parliament are now available. Do You Need Fanancial- The act enables farmers 10 ob-Asitneo uBnd..? tain loans up 10 $ 3,000 fronu Iheir -Assac oByBns.? - local bsuks for a wide variely o! With a smaîl down pay- purchases sud exteuding over ment you can easily arrange ternis up 10 10 yesrs aI 5 per cent purchase thirough our Tinue- simple interest. The banks re- Loan Plan, paying the balance ceive a guarantee fronu the gov- in easy monthly instalmentt . erument against loas, to the ex-KeporBndSAE- tent o! 10 per cent o! the amount Ke orBnsSF . lent up 10 the $250,000,000 limit Your Victory Bondi are as valuable - established by the, Act, which il- as cath ... don't rely on the desk or self is for s period ofthhree years. dresser drawer for their safety when Club, E. Bruce Hyrue, President, delivered the address of welcome. Toasts were proposed and re- sponded t o b y International Counsellor J. J. Brown, Bowman- ville, Bruce Malcolm, Dr. Ken Rogers and Past Depuly District Governor Ab Lent. The program included a piano duet by Arnold Baxter and Frank Churchley, with Lion Bob John- son at the pi a no for the community singing, which was led by Lion Ed. Summers, Bow- manville. Lion Stu James, Bow- manville, thanked the speaker and among those reporting club activities, Bill Oliver spoke for the Bowmanville Club. The followiflg were present from Bowmanville: J. J. Brown, Charles Carter, Jr., S. R. James, Earl Riddols, bill Oliver, Ed. Summers, Bill Yeo, Bill Fraser, Ted Chant, Ross Stevens, Jack Cole and Andy Thompsori. This is subscription time! You Can Count on Glen Rae Dairy Milk Day i, day out, it provides the same fine source of energy - it 's flot only a body builder, but it's econoniical too! Ini times of higher cost of living, this milk is unsurpassed for keeping expenses down and food values up. PHONE US ' Pl set TODAY FOR QUALITY 1WILK TOMORROW .. wnd5% il 11%il ToOUR CUSTOMERS: We urge you to draw o your deposit accourunt t hauit of your capacity -...- 1 heip meeltiche f tasmediate inanciat needs of the nation and <o enatie you in the post-war years to have the fiuauuciai reserve you need or to buy those thingu you want Most. »w 4 fflq THE CARTErz A M LFAMIL'y PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO irseee