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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1945, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TH CN',. SATSA .wMMVT.. TH C.NDIN5JPAWÇ?.A M 1TEA .VLE NAROTHRD Solaiers' Letters 1 SEVEN MEMBERS 0F DREW CABINT VTTRRSDAY, ràu' x From B.S.M. Hub Hooper, Ger- many, to The Editor: In his letter of May 11, our veteran overseas correspondent Hub Hooper, tells 0f somne of the reactions of the Canadians wheriA the final German surrender took place. He also encloses a copy of the army paper, Maple Leaf. Its front page had only the one word "KAPUT" in taîl letters as in- troduction to inside columns tell- ing details of the end with pic- tures showing actual signing of the documents. As Hub says, there were no great celebrations at the front, just a serious acceptance of the end of a job that stili had many comnplexities. Mostly the fellows accepted the news with a hand- shake and a grin as they carried on their duties. Hg aswr Thyaesona h eetwudd o.Gog .Dn ginton), Who lost a leg with the (Victoria), machine-gunner, bad- bîvouackedbefore EmenansleepsProgressiedCoAservtive rall in bar, rovincial Secretary, Minis- 75th Battalion; Premier George ly wounded; Hon. Charles Daley, ing in stables lately vacated by Trornss.vef t onsrait:on.Col) 1ter o aeadFseisan .Del tr, CFA, Minister of Labor (Lincoln), 4th cattle. ThroasL. ennedy, Mi:Hnistr( o Municipal Affairs, 4th Battalion wounded (Toronto High Park); Ammunition Column, CFA; and When the guns were silenced Toa .Kney iitro Agriculture (Peel), veteran of a, (Ottawa); Hon. Leslie E. Black- Hon. Leslie M. Frost, Provincial Wm. G. Webster (London), they came out to find German cycle corps with which he was 1 well, Attorney..Generaî (Toronto Treasurer and Minister of Mines Liquor Commissioner, infantry. civilians with white flags waving from every wîndow and most of themn trying to smile their relief awaiting final word from the orchard with nice thick grass writing to her parente, Cpl. Irene following: and become friendly. But the Canadian government. Everyone growing between the trees and a Casbure, who has served over- PeW.JTrrStJ.C rule against fraternization was i, restless and even letter wrîting swimming pool about 100 yards sa he years, tells 0f the Thompson, Pte. W. Tomlinson, strict. It was bard to observe in is difficult, according to Hub, who away. We've certainly received a sights and sounds occasioned by CpI. M. Tuerk, OIS R. H. Virtue, the case of small children, grin- meantime sends best regards to warmi welcome from the Dutch. mi lonsnof people who thronged Pte. G. W. Veale, Gdmn. G. Vir- ning from ear to ear and waving aIl the folks back home. The last couple nights we have Lodon i great surge of relief tue, Cpl. R. B. Vanstone, CpI. French, Belgian and Dutch kids. HLT HOOPER. been out on victory celebrations folwng more than five years of D. H. William, CpI. P. T. Walker, and they just can't seem to do horror . Sgt. A. D.- Westnutt, Sto. M. 0. Canadians have always b e en enougb for you. Wth girlrins Cp. a- Wood, Gnr. A. Welsh, LIOpI. R. J. "suckers" wben little kids came to Major Wm. G. James, The other side of the picture boum= flowed and observed Welsb, AIB Bert Wiseman, Pte. beg for sweets and gifts. l4tb Çdn. Arm'd Regt., isn't quite so bright. Duringth the crow'ds from early morning Lou Wisemran, LAC A. E. Wood,j But tbey were warned to pre- (C.A.C.), C.A.O., war I've read the press reports on tile pastwmidnight. People smîled Gnr. K. B. Wood, Driver R. O. sent a grim front afid many thus May 13, 1945. starvation in Europe and believed .gan but many were serious for Whitefield, Sgt. R. J. Woodward, restrained, felt "the sooner we get Dear Folks: it to be the sligbtly exaggerated there aresIli anxious days ahead. Pte. T. R. Wrigbt, LAC D. J. out of here the better, even if it Since my last letter we have truth. Well, I've certainly chang- Tey Wrescily mreedWgbS n.GH.rghPe is to the Burma front". Now had another move to a different ed my mind now. The part we are 'itbhow the cbildren took in the D. Wiseman, Gnr. G. C. Woolner, they are standing to it at the part of Holland witb new experi- in is out in the country where scenes, 50 many just quietîy Pte. W. Wallis, Cfn. P. K. Wilson, moment, keeping o r d e r and ences. We are now in a lovely food is generally plentiful, but staring at the brilliance of flood Sigmn. D. J. Wannan, LAC Geo. not so here. You can see starva- ligbts, sights that many had neyer White, LJCpI. L. S. Young, Pte. tion written on the faces of the seen, that others had forgotten. It B. Yeo, Pte. C. J. Allen, Lieut. C. majority of the civilians. The was hard to believe the war was Aharan, Sgt. J. Allun, CpI. C. G. cbildrén are the worst tbough. over, but there it was, Victory Anderson, Sigmn. 0. H. Ander-c Their arms and legs are just skin written in a great flood of lights, son, Sgt. J. R. Ballingaîl, Pte. R. and bones witb large knobs for no more bombs, no more sleeping H. Bemis, FISgt. G. R. Bird, Sgt. Buy ith onfi encetheir joints and al of them seem underground. Peace at last, with W. H. Bates, Pte. P. Bathgate, eyes. It's really a patbetic sight, First, the throng gathered at rett, Sig. D. A. Barnett, Gnr. S. fbot it's ai:: gratifying to know Downing St., to watch for Chur- G. Beckett, LjCpl. F. W. Bcet from that we have done something to chill. When he waved, with his Pte. D. A. Bickle, Gnr. E. Bird. liberatese people. famous"V sign and crossed i . uThe last couple d a y s the Whitehall to t h e Parliament t le ~ ~ ibweatber has been perfect for sun Buildings he was there to greet LatJjfllh G l e rt batbing s0 we have taken full the Royal Famiiy. When they v___ Alex. ~~~~~~benefit of it. I have acquired a drove up, the crowd roared ac- e.Usadtothsrvc nice sunburn but expect it to tumn cdaim. Next they went to Ste.Usta okth evc General Merchant Blackstock, Ont. to tan one of these days. We have Paul's for the special service at_ bere On Sunday. Re'P. Harrison Y hopes of getting home in a couple tended also by the Royal Family. took bis place in Tyrone. e montbs but you can neyer tell.- In the afternoon Trafalgar Square Mr. and Mrs. M. Fallis with Mr. IV HEEINZ OATSUP, the pick of the crop. .. 21c Ige. bottie Mail has been terrible the last was packed to hear Churchill's and Mrs. Creight'on Devitt. 0: ____________________________ couple days but expect we will victory speech. Sympathy is extended to Mr. E and Mrs. Lorne McKee and fam- v get it ail in one batch one 0f these In the evening two million peo- ily in the sudden bereavement in ai OURGASPUMS ae pentii9 pmevey Sturay days. Will be busy next couple pIe gathered before Buckingham the loss of their brother. OUR AS UNTSareopentül9 p.. eery atuday days but will likely get time to Palace and the King spoke to Mr. Gordon Henry, Oshawa, H for your conveniexlce scribble another letter. So long tbem and in the quiet one could Mr. and Mrs. E. Sanderson, To- U for now. WILL. hear a pin drop. The King was in rno tM.W .Fruos Naval uniform, the Queen in ronto, at Mr . . Fmgusond E From Cpi. Ron. E. Richards, wbite, Princess Elizabeth in her We welbck oe dMrsuas agand 1 DUTOH SETS, No. 1 grade ........................ 2 lbs. 39c Belgium, to bis parents, Mm. and A.T.S. uniform, Princess Margaret Lwl akt amsaan Mrs. W. J. Richards, Town. Rose dressed in blue. Fîoodlîghts In tbree recent letters, CpI. batbed the palace and at 10 p.m. 1WIXE 100 b. ke .. Secial$3.98 Ron. Ricbards tells bis parents of the Royal Famiiy again came to ** :- h= DNAILS, 10l.kg.......... ...... pca 39 events foilowing bis transfer with the balcony while colored lights th anad in from Italy to Hol- played over the scene. Brilliant ladand Germany. We give onîy wbite lights shone on the par- " ' MAPLE LEAF TOILET SOAP ........... ...... 10 bars 39c some of the highlights of bis tbree liament buildings and Big Ben, on most interesting letters, ail neat- Westminster Abbey across the _ý P~ ly typed. way and also over Picadilly Cir- <i., . .- RAPIDFLO ILTE DISIS, wy flt tu theRon is now at Brusseis, Bei- cus wbcre the crowd surged in *~~'~ - RAI-L ITRDSOwyntuetegium, at a ecently organized Iighter vein before retirihg after ;'-,.'<*~V' 35c box centre wbere Allied prisoners of midnight. Some slept in the parks ~ r'" bet .war are assembled after release to be ready for the next day. W .~ __________________________________________to speed them on the way home. Came May 10, and CpI. Cas- It is a tremendous job for the boumne, joining the throng in men have to be sorted out, housed, Picadilly, was fortunate in getting ~~~ fed, completely reciotbed and a closeup snapshot of Cburchill sent along by plane to England and bis daughter, Mary, as they ~"~ and home to make way for others passed slowly in their car amidst Oshwa freFigter' Asocatin .. Pesets constantly flooding in. rolling cheers. Again tbey spent OsaaFr ihtr'Ascain rsnsAmong the first Canadians Ron lthe day withthe tbronging mii- .. met was Leon Connors, taken lons and again at nigbt, flood- prsnrin Italy, and tbey sure lights iliumined Waterloo Bridge, r had a real get togetber, before the Horseguards, W hi t e ha 11, zc" km Leon, newly equipped, took the Green Park and the Palace. On plane for England. Leon is a lot the street, surprisingly, she met $, Y . - hinebt in good healtb and Andrew Lambros, former Bow- ' '~ ~ " gives the Red Cross the fullest 0f manville boy and noted flier with I redit for saving lives and pre- the R.C.A.F. venting starvation. The wbole two days were given Ron tells of bis efforts to locate over to restrained celebration the grave of bis brother, Ray, with not a single instance of Sp ET ACULA R -HINi;EX R AVA A ZA killed in action, and buried near rowdyism such as chaacterized SPECACULI 3-INGEXTR VAGA ZA dem. He expects ta get two Halifax. She concluded: "It was r days leave to visit the grave and bard ta believe the war was over. take some pictures of the spot, It meant that my army career later to be sent on home. His was over, but tbere is much yet great regret is that Ray was taken to be done in our bmancb of the I before be could be in at the final service. But I hope to be home at defeat of Hitler. ieast by Christmas and can thank Ron bad two days leave to visit the people in person for the won- Vimy and Ypres where the war derful gifts and parcels received '" memorials stili stand untoucbed. during the long days, montbs and Tunnels and trenches are stili years wben they meant s0 much.~ ". theme and be remarks on tbe dif- CpI. IRENE CAS BOURNE . ferent conditions in the iast war afld this one; one mnud and APRIL PARCELS SENT BY . " trenches, the other almost coin- WOMEN'S WAR AUXIILIARY M" pîeteîy mecbanized. At 8 .p.m. daiîy two Belgian soidiers still Another budget of letters from sound the Last Post at the Cana- soldiers overseas bas recently e- dian Memorials. been eceived exnpessing bak 1-threar -ny0fth a utet mov - ei f ' .F 'or the folks backhome. He sigsnesutlfredBREWING CO. LIMil I fl < NNUi ~'~7off, "somewheme i egu" u aseDodsi. 0 S ImmA WêA A" E- 1 È-9- from, RON. I ae>'Pilla. At once ah. * ADVANCE TICKET SALE OPENS AT M IKE'S PLACE took Dodd's. Ti I S A A O M N AY J J E 4Th r m C I r n a bou n , " ah d o t eaiY O U R V Get tickts now rom any emwar uoon r.placed bRyI TO Y Getlckts:wfrm n>'ln:nbesofsh:e'ffrfÎg:s London, Eng., ta ber parents, Mm. ds eae nery an .s sep or the lcal FireBrigadeand Mrs. H. H. Casbourne, Town. Headache, backmche, lassitude and &oA E O I erU ADNUSSI o r UT e clFieiand0- HeLD 5cWhen victory was announced,aiuo ulykdysiaper.12 the lights went on in London and peol et orderly celebration. In odsKdnyPi -"-" -ýJDAI'Nul VUTZKAIMS OF LAST WAR Not just for breakfast-mbut ý.Obituaries ROBERT GORDON HENRY An employee of the radiator de- Partment at General Motors, Osh- awa, for the past 19 years, Robert Gardon Henry, beloved husband of the former Jessie Irene Fer- guson, 208 Park Road North, Osh- awa, passed away in the Oshawa General Hospital on May 14. De- ceased had been iii since Satur- day. The son of Mm. and Mrs. Wil- liam J. Henry, the deceased was born in Cartwright Township on Octaber 5, 1904, and prior ta go- ing ta Osbawa in 1926 had resîd- ed in that district. He was pre- viously an active member of Pumple Hill Orange Lodge, Cart- wright, and of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Osbawa. Besides bis wife, fommemly of Enniskillen, an d bis par- ents, Mr. Henry leaves ta maurn bis passing, twa daughtems, Lomna and Madeline, and three sons, Roy, Eaml and Donald, ail at home. Also surviving are five sisters, Mrs. W. Reynolds (Rassie), Mrs. F. Wilson (Fay) and Mris. F. Tripp (Effie), ail of Oshawa, and Mms. J. Wilson (Fern) and Mrs. L. McKee( Mary), bath of Cart- wright, and tbree brothers, Lloyd of Cartwright; Lewis of Bîack- stock and Melille of Columbus. The funeral was held from the Armstrong Funeral Home, May 17, foliowed by intemment in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. J. V. MeNeely, pastor af King Street United Cburch officiated. MRS. NORA VARCOE In very poor heaith since iast Christmas Nora Fanson, widow of the late John Henry Varcoe, pass- ed away at the borne of ber daughtem,oMrs. Olive Meredith, at Maple Grave, an May 14, in hem 82nd yeam.1 The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Fanson, the de- ceased was bomn in Mariposa Township on June 18, 1863. She had lived on the Kingston Road East, in Damlington Township, for the past 25 years and previausly had mesided in Oshawa, Bowman- ville and Toronto. Predeceased by hem husband 24 years ago, Mrs. Varcoe is surviv- ed by ber daughter, Mrs. Olive Mleredith of Mapie Grave, and one son, Elston "Al" Varcae, Kingston Road West. Also sur- viving are three grandchildmen and two great-grandchildren. The funemal, canducted by Rev. i. C. Linstead, Maple Grave United Churcb, was held fram the Armstrong Funeral Home, May 7. Interment was in Bawman- ille Cemetery. f M ib MAGIC Chocolats Gold Cake 3 tbm. butter Yolks of 3 eUge Scup suger 134 cupa of gour 1 tmp. flavorlng exz tc % cup of Mn 3 tmp. Maglc Barlng Powder Gream butter; add mar sloly:dd ega>' whlch have been beaten ni t k ddIaoi. SIf t t gether Cour and baking powdeadd alter- natl' ith nmilk t. rat mi=tur . eIn two 7"1 a g*eased layer-cake pans at 375*F. for 20-25 minutes.& SUGA RLEIS bINO CHO-COLATE FROSTING: i e«a white; )j cup M p L e y rp ; x 4 top . sait; x j cup C oco ; 3X t p. ,aIlMaà Pu g hite, mmple myrup and malt ln top of dou leoier over boillng water anul beat tth rotry' beater for 9 minutes. Remove firom h.atand fold jn=oc gauail>'. blendlng weUl. Add vanill and ad o= MAD cake.AD me e[lm dwâ

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