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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jun 1945, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILJ~, ONTARIO - THURSDAY, JUNE 141h, 1945 EYES TESTED SUGLSSES FITTEL - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - Newtonville Mr ndMs Dnl Stapleton Ebenezer Carda, of Thanka. Solina Enniskillen with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd,p1 Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Starkville. Ebenezer Church was packed Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lockhart Mr. and- Mrs. John Cruick- Mr. and Mrs. Sid Trewin and Robt. Morton were: Mr. and Mrs. The sehool pupils held an elec- to capacity on Sunday for Anni- wish to thank their many friends shank, Douglas and Isobel, Mr. A. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin at Mr. Wmn. Chambers and family, lion at their school on Monday versary services. Members of the and neighbors who so kindly re- L. Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Trewin Scott's, Tyrone. Eldorada; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence when the candidates were: Con- school sang two numbers with membered them on their 25th Tink and Lorne attended the ÇIol- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison, Hobart, Cobourg; Mr. -and Mrs. servative - Eleanor Johnston; Mrs. C. Found and Mrs. Lloyd Wedding Anniversary. 24-1 stein Field Day at Orono. Kenneth and Murray, Miss Win- Russell Lowe and fami;y, Port Liberal - Shirley Payne; CCF- Down at the organ and piano. Mr. Hope; Mr. and Mrs. 'W. .Bj;rie- and Billy Lane; Returning Officer - Thompson, Oshawa, assisted with Tpr. L. G. Passant, Canadian Wesley Werry attended the To- nifred M. Cole, Reg. N., Toronto, family, Mr. Tom Barrie and fam- Joyce Williams; Scrutineers: Con. two solos accompanied byMs Army Overseas, wishes to sincere- ronto Milk Producers' meeting. with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry. ily, Canton; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jim Gilmer, Lib. Russel Elliott, Hazel Rundie. Rev MF.sHney y thank the ladies of the Wo- Mr. and Mrs. John Naylor (now Visitors: Mrs. D. Lewis and McGahey, Peterboro. CCF Carlos Smith. Liberal cari- poke mainly to the children. In men's. 'War Auxiliary and Mrs. of Oshawa) were honQ«ed on the Richard at Mr. J. V. Hannant's, Mrs.J.ABareadMry didate, Shirley Payne, got thlhe evening he gave a most in- Osborne 0of Club "15" for parcels occasion of their 5th wèdding an- Omemee. Mr. and Mrs. Ez. C. J. A.rind aTrie.dMra majority. spiring address which was much and cigarettes received. 24-4*niesrJn5,tthhoeo Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C.-Ash- Mir. frinds at TBruc ite y Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton appreciated. Rev. H. Linstead, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman, ton and Lois, at Mr. S. Rodman's, Mr.Gad s. BrucdOlie Winey with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton our pastor, was able to be present. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley Taunton. Among the 60 relatives Port Perry... Mr. W. Rahm and man ladyspviite liv nBw at Oshawa. Music in the evening was render- wish to thank their many frce9ds and friends present were Mr. and boys at Mr. G. Rahm's, at Black- Mr. and Mrs. George Kiernan e by, the Junior Choir assisted and neighbors for their expres- Mrs. Russell Nayloî, Carol and wtr r.0 .Aho n and family and Mi. and Mrs. Wmn. Those on the lookout for trouble by Misses Hazel Rundle and 510fl5 of sympathy and for beau- Douglas, and Mrs. Johnson, Chi- lt'Eist Tepleatoe ndQubre s Dix and family, Toronto, with Mr. find it easily enough. Louise Pearce. tiful floral tributes at the death cago; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nay- Mis Vea miton, Toronto, at. ______________________________________________ Anniversary Visitors: Rev F. of their aunt, Mrs. Samuel H. lor and family, Columbus; Mr. M Honey and Mrs. Honey and Woodley, Tyrone. and Mrs. Charles Naylor and M.R Ormiston's. daughter, Baltimore, Rev. and Janet and»Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pas- Mission Band met Sunday Mrs. H. Linstead, Paul and Lois, The family of the late Mis. coe and Gordon. Congratulations morning. The Mission Band Pur- Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden and Dart of Enniskillen wish to ex- and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. pose was repeated and a most in- Magrt saa r n r.pestheir sincere thanks to their Naylor! teresting story was given by Mrs. ELF ~R. E. Osborne, Miss F. Gardiner, neighbors and friends for the liind Members of the Old Tyme choirJSlmn Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Osborne' expressions of sympathy and from Oshawa, Kedron, Columbus, Monday evening, June 4, over Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. floral tributes, extended to them 10pol ahrda h on Chrle sore..Mr adMr'.intei rcntbeeveen.24-1 Taunton, Bowmanville, a n d10pepe trdatheC - ChalieOsbrne .. M. ad Ms.m teirrecntberaveent ~Bîackstock practised Tuesdày munity Hall and presented Miss Albert Rundle, and Linda, Osh- ongtfrEdds9t nièsrLraRhmndAC oyG - awa, Mr. Neil,«ýMetcalfe, Maplè Mrs. Beatrice Mitchell wishes 1 seh rv Edd91 nicesronary Lon a wRhamisand LAC sRoywr- Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter thank Dr. Howard Rundle, also srvce n un T.hamwit a miscellao useo- Rundle.. . Dr. and Mrs. Otis Wor- Dr. Jane and the staff of Toronto A warm welcome is extended 10 er. Theygift w er ay an use den, Mrs. Barry Boyd, Toronto, General Hospital for their care Pilot Officer Robeit Scott whofu.Te boh eyfitny Mr1n rsc.GoeM.ac and kindness. Appreciation is retuîned home Sunday night thanked the givers. Lunch was *Mr.Ch and BaîW. ar, Mrs. also extended to hier many friends after completing a tour of opera- serve d and the young people Liddy, Oshawa, Mr. George Gore, who sen>' cards, f lowers and fruit, tional flights with the R.C.A.F.dac. PO D STORES PRIIUS SUIJECT TO MARKET CHANGES with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Rundle during her recent illness. 24-1* overseas. C.G.I.T. meets at Donalda Grif- Ml RESERVE TIE RMGNT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES .. Miss Madeline Wilcox, Hamp- ________________ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ýin's on June 23, at 2 p.m. SILVERBROOK ton, Miss Arline Northcutt, Bow- IN MEMORIAM Fhran estlakreDotren ook (Intended for last week) manville, Mrs. L. Case, with S.B. wowr are audy Visitors: Mr. H. Porter, Van- BU T R FIRST GRADE36 Garnet and Mrs. Tubbs. . . Mr. Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees is im- cuewt i itr r.By TNAECGTOA R~~O Pkg. of 3033 and Mis. 0. Robinson, Oshawa, HOOEY-In loving memory of a pîoving, after her critical illness, . .. Mrs. Mary Griffin aI Mr. A. TEA AGS ORAGE PKOE339 with Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilkins. .. dear husband and father Ed- at Bowmanville Hospital. . Prescott's, Enfield. .. Mr. and GR P FR I JIE TEXSUN 20-oz. 3 Mrs. C. White and Eleanor, Mrs. mund C. Hooey, who passed Visitors: Mi. and Mrs. Walter Mis. E. C. Ashton aI Mr. H. Or- GR P F U T ANGV * Tin13 J. Williams, Bowmanville, Miss away June 1 11h, 1944. Richardson, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. miston's, Enfield . . . Mrs. R. GLD CH ESEb. Florence Courtice, Oshawa Hos- We who loved you sadly miss Margaret Kidby, Toronto; Mr. Thompson and Karen with OL H E E29 pital, Miss Iona Woods, Bowman- you, and Mrs. Mark Turner, Oshawa, friends in Toronto. . . Rev. H. PINCESSpV% FLAKES * Pkg24 ville, with Mrs. B. Courtice. . . As it dawns another year; at Mi. Thos. Baker's.. Mis. S. Stainton, Mimico, aI E. C. Ah AR LA E ANN PAGE 24-o. 25e Misses Leta and Florence Jackson, In oui lonely hours of thinking E. Werry in Toronto.. Mr. and ton's. . . Mr. A. Leadbeater and 14 R A A E ORANGEJa Mr. and Mrs. Les Jackson, Miss Thoughts of you are ever near. Mrs.W.' W. Donaldson, Packer- Mr. W. Leadbeater with Mrs. A. CROWN2-bTn Velma Gay, Bowmanville, Miss - Ever îemembered by Wife, ham., at Jack Baker's. . . Mr. and Leadbeater ... L AC Sydney CORNSYRU 2-' "n229 Bernice Gay, Toronto, with Mi. son Jack, daughters, Helen, Mis. Jack Baker at Maurice Bak- Egginton and Mis. Egginton and and Mis. R. Gay. . . Miss Judy Betty and Mary, and gîandsons, er's, Georgetown. childien, Uxbridge, with Mr. D. ODEX Cakes Yoke, Toronto, spent the week- Jimmie, Garry and Bobby. _______________ Lewis'. .. Mis. Veina Wood, To- s n2 19 end with hier aunt, Mis. Sydney 24-1* ronto, at Mi. S. R. Pethick's... f~BI SGA Cashme 2 Cakes 1i Worden. . . Miss Jean Moncries CRE npou n oigMi. and Mis. H. McGill and fam- " ii O tand Miss Hazel Rundie, Oshawa,iyM.ad isJ.. ey Yq UKON CLUB spent the week-end with Mi. and memoîy of oui dear son, F0 with relatives at "Braesidê", En- l x)(Contents '30-oz. Mis. F. W. Rundle. .. Mi. and Roy Edward Carter, îeported field. .. Mi. and Mis. L. Stainton GATS SOD only) 3 Btls. 28e Mis. Gord. Osborne, Linda, Miss missing June 17, 1944, and pie- and family with relatives at Port M SJAM Witl, 24-o z )f Bishop, Mis. McCaîy, Ajax, with sumed dead, also to three other dePeîry... Mi. and Mis. H. Stevens- 48-os. Pkg. IJ4 PectJn Ja r I M. ndMi. .. Osborne. . . members of his crew,,buried in M at H. Ormiston's, Enfield... Mis. CI-EES Plin dbMi. and Mis. Morrison, Dr. and Uden, Holland: F0 Glenn I. Do b bs, Callander, Mr. J. LOAF Ctn'b 65e Mis. R. Davies, John and Mari- Blachfoîd, Colonsay, Saskatch- OtuzM.H azadMs 218zÇA.. lyn, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Hairy ewan; F0 Elwin Gould, 135 V. R a t z and Donna, Golden __ T20OZ Wilcox, Hampton, Miss Leah Gar- Pearl Street, Brockville, and Valley, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hockaday TON. *FAN C Tns25 row, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mis. F0 S. W. Lough, 299 Elm and Evelyn, Solina, at Mi. W. E. w _________________________________Garnet Tubbs... Mi. and'Mis. H. Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 'U IL Sanderson's.W -'Smith, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Fos- "Nothing can ever take away lune LIRt Service Club held a social eve- Eý -/ter Snowden, Lieut. and Mis. C, The lov(e -a heait holds dear,un ning at Mis. F. Beckett's, May 29, Smith, Brockville, with Mi. and Fond memories linger everyDO T F R T with 12 present. Lunch was CLONAMAS ELESMis. R. C. Pearce... Mi. and Mis. day, D NT F R E served by Mis. F. Beckett, Mis.th frwith Mi. and Mis. Clarence Hock- -Sadly missed by Mother, Dad, L. atne atn Mi Ms. . ead G RAPEFRBUIT' 100's 3 for25<. .. . Mr.and Mis Gordon Wil- Brothers, Sisters. 24-1 Wehv i ods ad hmsn',uea r UEUU CALIFORNIA 300'1 o. Hampton, with Miss A. Hoît. . . SHERWIN - In memory of a loy-' kerehiefs, Framed Mottos, T. Taylor's, Enfield. A LE O SDz 5Mis. Sadie Pickell, Vancouver, ing father, Walter R. Sheîwin, Playlng Carids, Pocket Note pi Mi. Harvey Pickell, Ajax, Mi. who depaîted from this lif e Books, Fon'tain Pens and ~~ CALIFORNIA, Fresh ibm. and Mis.- Haîîy Freeman, Bow- Nov. lith, 1942, and sister Mary Stioey CAIRIROTS 2 9ý ~~~manville, with Mi. and Mis. K. on Aug. 15th, 1939, and Mother Pencils ttoey u--Keo CALIFORNIA Brown, Kingston, with his parets BOOKS * * * Btheketon 4 11 S Large, Luscious Mi. and Mis. J. Brown, who re- hearted, New Fiction, Current Events Visitors: Mis. J. Toyne and cently moved mbt their new home Yeaîs may make the wound less and inspirational.' Focket Fred, Toronto, Mis. Adamson and CUpplz E KIL 49 at Courtice. .. Pte. Gordon Vin- soie, nvl ------ -------- 5 Doîothy with Mis. J. Carter... TEXAS, No. 1 Grade lb. son, Toronto, with Mis. Vinson But il cannot fili the longing nvl - - - 2e Mis. S. Hooper and sons, Orono, --1< and Jimmy... Mis. O. Robinson, For oui loved ones gone before. FATHER'S DAY CARDS with Mi. and Mis. Grant Caîno- TUNATULS Selecteai Quality19 Mi. and Mis. B. Wilkins, Mis. Those who say the grief is 5c to 25e chan. . . Mi. and Mis. Harry NTV RW b.Wilfîed Brown and Nancy, Vii- lessened, Strutt and Phyllis, Oshawa, with SP NA H ATVEGRWN 2 ba 1< gnia, were in Ajax on Fiiday, Though the smîle may hide the Mr.and Mrs B.ith her daughr _______________Osborne_______________Mi. and Mis. Memories keep the wound stil nTrno r n r.D * Rm.~ a~i.aCongratulations to Miss Mary Despite the passing of theyWars.Mis. C. Sanderson, Mi. and Mis. i er el n Large Sise 15 Wilkins who graduated aI the -Sadly missed by Florence and "I 0 Adam Sharpe with fîiends in CUTS lb. .07 Oshawa General Hospital and Lauîie. 241* ~BG2" Buiketon. . . Miss Mary Wood _____________________________________ won Iwo scholarships, The E. A. PHONE 55t, with hier sister in Sunderland.. NATIVE GROWN VEGETABLES: Asparagus, Cucumbes-s, Leaf Lovell Scholaiship foi Post Giad- Fieedom is always h ard to win Mi. and Mis. J. Curran are hav- LeteOinRdsoarvn rs alat tutuai A. & P. uate Study in Nursing, pîesented -and always easy 10 lose. l ing their house wiîed for electric L.ttc, nin, adses rrvigfrshdilby Mis. E. A. Lovell, and The_________________________________ lights. Low Prices. Adelaide L. McLaughlin Scholar- Mis. A. Wilson attended the ______________________...~. ship for General Pîoficiency, pie- funeral of Mis. O'Boyle aI Myrtle. tI UY . &P.ANNPAG j sented by Col. R. S. McLaughlin. Mis. M. Sather, Toronto, with CUT A.&O P GRONON PAGE .u Mis. A. Wilson. CUTO -RUN OVENIb er Congratulations 10 Mi. and Mis. CO F E NILI< It-iiex Wilson Vivian, (nee Dorothy Hos- t WHTBEAD_î_____G il e rtkm) on their marriage. DflFID lb. > WHOLE WHEAT :1 Mi. and Mis. Victor Farrow Geea ecatOl. Weo, choilate Misson Maryn CRACKED WHEAT GnrlMecatBlackstock, WoOncot.ecer nth n MILO and MELLOW .1 4o r r weei oot vstn hi teresî she has taken in the Sun- :24 z* 14,1lb 3<p cae ienwgîand-daughteî. day school and community in- G ILUo~ , ________ 2. a Byon1ena5e~î terests. The following is a lisI of ---- il seîiously Biell.bo this season's work by Buiketon Mis. C. Reid, Toronto, withBleRh n Public School for 1944-45: Cash' - ~ ~ NEW CHEESE lb. 25<;0Mis. Wilfred Wood. MsSct . COFFEE .......... 49C lb. 10 Junior Red. Cross $5.10; War- R ESFLCUR 7-lb. i s Tronto. d Mss.cot Savings Stamps $53.06; Navy 5R S SBag - 25e in_______Toronto.__________ eague $1.50; Salvation Army BR DE HIEMi. and Mis. Lew Hallowell .. ~. war work $5.00; contents for a CHIETis~and family in Oshawa witb Mr. .î ditty bag $3.60; Bomb Victims Self Raising PUMPKIN - 2 rs23 and Mis. Chas. Yule.. Blue Ribbon bags (9) $3.15; total $71.41. Aylmer Tins John Stark has enlisted. A reception was held aI the FL UR5OUP Tom, or veg. 2 159 Mi. and Mis. Lavein Patterson,. TEA......38e 1/2 lb. home of Mi. and Mis. W. N. Hos- FL U Z CI P Oon, a etTi'. I_________________ km on Saturday evening in lhon- 3-lb. Pkg. IS 2 g- 23 Miss Helena Hallowell sang in .____________________ or of Mi. and Mis. Wilson Vivian , CANADA a mass choir of many hundred (nee Dorothy Hoskin). About 25 23 ~ CORNSTARCBIA < ocsa heseilsevcso Blue Ribbon guesîs, relatives of the bride and < CLEANSER ail the United Chuiches in To-I- groom, were present. A pleasant gln nliTie or ronto in the Maple Leaf Gardens 3 Baking Powder 25c I lb. tin M ora evening was spent and a dam ty - - - - ~ - UUU iof n nda. ___________________ _1__ luchw- ered Wck. up yeur IviT' donne* yeur lay #mi 7 hel Robt%@u it b, q ENOIS "FRUIT SALT": LEG MAKE-UF Neet ---------------------- 69C Hair-Removlflg Sponges.---15e, 25c, 35 RUOULAR LARs Nyai-On -------- 75 - Duration Cream ------49( No-Hoz ----------------- 59( FOR WHITE SHOES n &474 NyaI LIquld or Faste 25< IT ----------- - ------ 15c, 25c THE ARGFT SLLIN 100H 12 In 1 Shoe Cleaner 25c PAST IN REATBRITIN 1Palm Beaeh ----------- 25c Cinderella -------- 50c LARVEX SPRAY psoteets elothlnk from moths for 1 yeaî 1 pint bottle ----- 83e - 1 qt. bottle - $1.29 Wood's Moth Blocks, 10e, 25c - Wood's Deodorizer blocks 25c Phone Tn rWe Fit 695 . COIYLING'S DUUUSTOflLTrusses Maple Grove Miss Margarel Nichols, ..town, vibh Miss Betty Sbeveds. - A number from here abbended Pbenezer anniversary on Sunday. Miss Thelma Freeman attended he Yorthey-Chaîterton wedding nKnox Pîesbyteîian Church, )shawa, on Saburday and attend- Id the reception. All is in readiness foi oui <5S. ýnniversaîy on Sunday. See fuil sirticulais in Coming Events. SACCHARIN TABLETS NEW LOW ]rRICES 100 tablets 14 gr - 1---ei 500 tablets % gr.-49C 1000 tabiets 4 gr.-9 SUbMER SUGGESTIONS . Velvetta CrJeam ----39c Tannafax--------------- 25e Tan-Gel -------------- 0e Unguentine ----------44c Burn Olntment ------35c Skeeter Skatter ----35c Fiy Tox --- 24c, 43e, 73c Sun Tan 011 --------30c Poison Ivy Lotion ---- 25e PONDS TOILETRIES Mlke-up Pats- - ------ 69e Lipstleks - -------- 19c, 55e Face Powder 19c, 29c, 55e "Checks" Rouge - -- 25e Certified Health Salis 11Mh -------59C Up to the middle of May, 1945,. the Royal Canadian Navy had suffeîed the loss of 24 warships- 0f Ibis number Ihere were 10 corvettes, 6 destroyers, 5 mine- sweepers, 2 patrol vessels and a frigabe. A quick method of converting, ordinary cargo ships mbt refriger- ation vessels utilizing bbc nalural- ly insulating material, was the idea of a Canadian scienlisb. This is subscription limne ! SLICED * lb. melodious voices. M i s s Marjorie South, B. A., B OLOGNA 2<Vsios os mt, saa MA., teacher on the staff of Lau- 8- ubeswith Herbert Prescoît. .. Mi. and rence Park Collegiate, Toronto, IREA ICEREMER 5e Ms. . Jonso, Noeenandvisited ber cousins, Mi. and Mis. lb. Kendal, Raglan, aI A. W. Pies- THE PICK Percy Haie. DUTCH LUNCHR SALAMI 39e cott's. . . Mi. and Mis. W. Bow- 0FHT BACC More Newcastle news page 3. MA.& H ES OA l.26e man and Bruce attended the Hol- O O A C SPICE POIRK LOàF SLIED lb 2le stein-Fiesian picnic in Orono . 8K N E S C O Lb The only way to win teoïler T e oly a s eî1%Ip w ru 8KINESS HOIC6*9.fellow 10 oui way of thinking is * Th ieolgytaswr ongastiefl to win hm hough oui way of I o smor o o n c p p " i el powerful ideology ba t's thinking. mreîight.ieooy ha' PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELV, ONTARIO , 4b I c o il c o c c c c c r c

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