THURSDAy, JUNE 2lst, 1945 TH CANADL&JN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO j Hum the 8 44-I? Winm they 'bod, TurkI Wonderful Disposition iorist went prancing into the English Derby and won greatest race in lis career because he had a great heart. chester Cigarettes win -and go on winning -because have everything. They have the perfect combination of 1", taste and mildness. These qualities are contributed by ass, Virginia and Burley, "blended rigbt". Winchester CIGARETTES TIRE KAWARTHA S ARE Vale. . .MToro nd ihMr. AJHn CALLNG raydon Tells uighaughts of S.S. No. 9, Clarke Feale.s,. Toro nt d w Mr. A.oh. HERE'S your chance to Win (neddfrls ek rsr HE ~ ~~lovely Honeysuckle Lodge in the (neddfrls ek ihM.adMs .W acl hear oftheKawrhwi t Mr. nd r. N. W.Faseorm jakes.Mrs. Harold Gibson visited ber Burketon.. . orp.A.oC Yorsfo kep i yu ol te an Fr nc sc C nf re cemother at Scarboro. R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Fraser, Toron- Yurs forcke nepsif ryhoDrte aUw b gMrs.AldeGibson hdan u-to, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Rmun ERuckJuy 2tick 3 fet ino the RotariDra expected birthday party, Sunday olds and Dorothy with Mr. and P on ul 2. nl 3 fetfrm he The Durham County campaigni th argeeaon tth Prtvnig when ail hier famiIy Mrs. Dan Black. .. Miss Florence watr' ede t ppuar hus- f he roresiv Cosevatve Hoe onference and the Winni- gathered to wish hier many happy Fallis, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. tonia Park, Honeysuckle Lodge was concluded Friday Ni Hpe ove nino ugtr-euns ThtsaluteronE arE ron Toronto, with has 4 large bedrooms, large living when at a mass meeting i Bow- turn to power at the most critical Elroy and hier son-i-a li r and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson room, maid's quarters, kitchen, manville T ow n Hall, Gordon period in Canada's destiny. With Wickett who are still overseas. A . . . Mrs. Wmn. Steele and MSiIss large screened and glasséd ver- Graydon, House Leader of the of- strong endorsement of John highlight of the birthday feast Margaret Steele, R.N, London, andah overlooking Sturgeon ficial opposition at Ottawa, de- Bracken and the able men stand- was a three-tier fruit cake, all with Mrs. Mervin Bird, Brooklin. Lake; garage. Furnished com- livered the main address of the ing with him, he felt assured that decorated with pink and white Congratulations to Mr. Walter plete except for bedding. Only 89 evenn ~ Graydon refrained a new leader a new government icing and candles. The guests in- Rogers and Miss Ruby Knapp, miles from Toronto. Don't miss fromninmakingr a political address and a new birth of national unity cluded Mr. and Mrs. Ray West- Brooklin, who were married onor Ià this one. Tickets 50c or 3 for $1. and deait mostly with bis obser- would be ushered in on June 11. fali and sons, Mrs. Clair Wickett, Saturday. They will live in Osh- Proceeds for Rotary Cripled vations at the World Security Len Elliott, born in Peel Coun- Maurice and Beverley, Mr. and awa. _______________________________ Children and Community Fund. Conference in San Francisco ty, former schoolmate of Mr. Mrs. Jas. Garvock, Mr. and Mrs. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Send postal note today to Rotary which hie attended as an officiai Graydon, was interrupted in hîs Peter Kichko and Ray. Victor Malcolm on the arrival of ~~ ~ Cottage Draw, P.O. Box 8, Lind- delegate from Canada. Applause introduction by the applause that Ms MahaBch pet - a young son (Wayne Victor) in s ay, Ont. Tickets forwarded by greeted his statement that the swept the hall. Mr. Graydon was other long week-end at home. Lida opta.Tebb as return. 25-4 Canadian delegates received an felicitous in bis praise of Dr. Viv- Our school chîldren won't mind two grandmothers and f o u r ovation and Canada stood high in ian and of bis old time friend bow many elections are held great-grandmothers. The weakness we defend most the esteem of the 47 nations rep- Fred Bowen. He predicted that when they get a holiday. SL OO vioosyin ourselves is the one resented at the conference. John Bracken would have the Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harry we criticise most violently in The meeting was presided over largest number of followers in the McBain and Donald of Ida, Har- Consumption of fresh fruits and 'others. by Len Elliott, President, Bow- House after Monday, with prob- old Millan and Joe Knight, vegetables increased sharply in P- - - 'br manville Progressive Conserva- ably a clear majority and that Omemee, at Mr. I. Allin's. . . Mary Canada during the war years. tive Association, wbo with wit Charlie Stephenson, youthful and Bowen at home... Mrs. C. Brown Canadians consumed a total of -MKand brevity of remnarks set a pat- able, would be one of that num- and Sydney, Mrs. T. Willon and 10monso oaosadctu tern of the ideal in chairmanship. ber. Canada faces a new era in babe and Doreen Caswell at Cecil fruits per capita in 1944 compared- .. 10The rally was arranged in tbe which will be needed new blood Malley's. with 58 pounds in 1939.I. . >, . iterests of Charlie Stephenson, in Canadian politics to bandle .- DAYS FOR C I.LECTIONDurham County Progressive Con- new problern teS anFacso b n rTht hu m ntur e ano tchngeksU PIISIUY TAN ltE . _________FOR___COLLET__________servative candidate. Others on HglhtateSnFrcio b ez Ththe pesimituris ono thinks ç l igpr*pjdy e the platformi included Mrs. conference came when, as hie _______________ 1Stephenson, Hon. Dr. and Mrs. mounted the steps with Mr. King Note the new changes Of collection and dellvery in your Vivan, T. K. Creighton, M.P.P., amidst a throng of 30,000 the W.M.S. met in the Sunday district. This ln Made ne ssa y b 50w gET0mtd~ Oshawa Mr.' and Mrs. Milo shout went up, "Here comes Can- choonJe12 Temetg reguatlOna which permit us te cver My onedistri Elliott, Mrs. Irwin Colville, Fred ada" and marked deference was was. in charge of Mrs. A. J. Oke, ssaSUL iRN sups opee ts BoeeDysA W manvflle Bert Reid, Clarke. Dr. they took seats in the front row Vinson. Mrs. Lloyd Down, pian- , Diiectoivo yongfr We wll, therefore, beI B t ue Vivian, Mr. Creighton and Mr. of the auditorium with standards lst, played quiet music and Cal tuo gets riofght do-wris r Stephenson aIl addressed t hl e arranged alphabetically. Mr. Worship was made by the presi- Legal to the skin and acts QUICKL.Cn crGraydon wbo came along after sketches of leading figures such from Mrs. Barrabal, for the box adohrfnoddsae M o . e . r eaddressing a meeting at Cobourg. as Smuts of South Africa, Molo- sent overseas to Bob BarrabaL W. R. STRIKE usas srayunoridudstes: aib Dr. Vivian expressed thanks to tov of Russia, of Halifa'x and The following committee was ap- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary sdaspyor us.Tn ond HAVE YOUR *UNDLE READY supporters and workers wbo had Eden, a mn of unusual vision pointed for the Sunday service: solicitor for Bank of Montreal makes 100 gallons of effectiesay ___________________returned him as Durham 's m em - wIol onsituency was the whole M rs. C. W orden, M rs. E. W erry NIoney to Loan Phone 7&,o r l c l d a er s is S L O O ber in the Legislature and shared world. and Mrs. H. Osborne. The theme, Bowmanville, Ontario in 6 IL and 50 lb. bags. gratification that strong, respon- He told of facing a battery of "Crusade for Christ and His sible government had been chos- cameras taking "angle shots" and Kîngdom" was carried out in the- CRYOUTEPRMN en for Ontario at last Monday's of the astonishment of M r. King worship service and programi lead Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning elections. He gave assurance that when an aggressive photographer by rCouitc , s L. Dwn, Misris t A RErSlCtMAorBA, EEO NCTNEtr ubiUsoL~acn Awu. PaI ,. adrnt CO. LIMITED vigorous, progressive administra- leaped before bim hollering holdB.CutcMsL.Dw isBarte SlioNtryPbeeudc Cdm -eW àGn FOR ECOHOMy tio would be continued andhle it Mac" an Americanism that A* Hoît and Mrs. A. J. Gay. Pro- King Street W., BowrnanvilleC NA AN ND S R S L MI D Senti your cleanlng wlfh your îaundry resent Durham ta, the best of bis King was always on time atth Oke, others taking part were Mrs. 'hn0Ofie68 Rsiec 5 ability. Telling of the tasks meetings, a habit destined ta be Annis, Mrs. F. Rundle, Miss S. W.F ADBA, PfO E 4 9ahead be urged tbat equaîîy broken on June 11. Vinson, Mrs. Chas. Found and W. F. WAD, B.A. PHONE - 419 j strong government be set up at Mr. Graydon predicted that the Mrs. Linstead. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary R'LIEDVior Ottawa and he was forceful in conference will be a success. It .*hMr. and Mrs. A . Annis shwa, 'kvingStEe M.,. Toot *Chm, ont. *NwWef0ni~ C proclaiming John Bracken as a was building a table under wbicb wit r n Ms .F nns amnvi -Otrio leader capable of directing a gov- the nations of the world will put Miss Marilyn Rundle with Miss ernmnt f tht agov- fee andtal Rundle, Oshawa. Phones: Office 825- House 409 eneto htcharacter, agv their etadal things over in- AHage codatne h w 2-tf ernment of sîncerity of purpose stead of grasping arms to reopen shor lage crnd vatnetety wo _________________ and honest integrity to represent devastating war. Peace will last t peays and vridyety prog M IS PA1 OG aIl Canadians with restoration of so long as the big powers stick ta-attecuh, riyevng. MS APA .HOG S -national unity. He urged comn- gether and the moral hope of suc- The young people of the commun- Those plete support for Mr. Stephenson cess is underwritten by the ity did exceptionally well in their Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pubhu.: 3as a able, bonest, Bracken can- prayers of countless millions partso hpas which were Successor to M. G. V. GOULD didate. bopeful that real accord comes enjoyed by aIl. Quartet selections l'emperance St. - Bowmanville ~~~~Reeve Bert Reid, with forceful out of San Francisco. Concluding wre given by the Allun Quartet Poe31 3-iY t w w w a kh IIidden . eloquence, introduced Mr. Steph- the speaker f elt that these prayers from Newcastle. Miss MildredPon3 l 34t enson, h in turn gave a gen- would be answered. He made a Metcalfe, Maple Grove, ably re- ett eral review of the Bracken fine impression and was accorded cited betwie the pînys and Mr. __________________ when you buy D angers policies, stressed' the need for na- an ovation despite the fact that Fred Bartlett of Oshawa gave tional unity, the achievemnent of many expected a fighting political several violin numbers to end a DR. J. C. DEVITT which was foreshadowed in the speech. most enjoyable program. Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Wartime driving is liard on any car. .And hidden speech of Mr. Bracken at Mont- Graduate of Royal Dental Col eeral, a plea made in the same MNestleton . 1,lge, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilet dangers go unnoqiced until trag'edy strikes Have termas ail across Canada. Quoting Hamipton AU4LL.,SA ldg.,,Ba.wmanville. Office hotuy from addresses made by bis lead- Vst 9 a .to 2 oon ededay.*~~ these checked before it's tao late: er during the past two years, Mr. (Intended for last week) oiitrs. Mr. and Mrs. George 9 ' .51 oo enedy Stephenson demanstrated that Vitos Mran Ms.A . Johns at Mr. L. Joblin's. . . Mr-. Closed Sunday APouto Mr. Bracken had nat wavered in Keethnsans Mr r and NAel- and Mrs. Neil Malcolmn with bis Phone 790 - House phone 32.1 - orprosperity and security can only awa, with Mr. and Mrs. 'G. C. Toranto . . . Mr. Jim Fallis, Cad-Mou et beahee ihclosest co-opea Keetch.. . Mr. and Mrs. Ca muwth bis cousin, Mr. iMaurice ou et - RI6 Y BRA ES wII nethoI as between Provinces and *mtJc ndAnObw Nesbitt. . . Mr. Merle Thompson, % 2 Daminion. Mr. Stephenson paid with friends. . . Mr. and Mrs' Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TeRte rnt opn b oeb high tribute to Hon. Dr. Vivian, a Lavender, Brooklin, Mr. C. H C. Thompson. . . Mr. and Mrs. Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 * Se ats Se tr - W RM TEEINGafect tie 1f. tribute made most emphatic by uowOaaa Mr M George Johns and Billy, Mr. and Port Hope, Ontarioaomni the electorate in bis re-election God '. .. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Mrs. Leonard Joblin witb Mr. and Monuments, Gravemnarkers, 4 'k omnilOt with an unprecedented majority. Balsan and Jean with Mr. andi Mrs. N. W. Malcolm, Burketon. .. Engraving, Goldleafing -PRECISION REPAIRS - If elected, Mr-. Stephenson assur- Mrs. Horaoe Hancock and Mr. Miss Ruby Veale and Mr. Charlie 23-tf ed he wauld represent the whole and Mrs. Kenneth Courtice, Eb- people of Durham with faithful- enezer. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack ness and camplete fairness. Macnab, Audrey and Dianne, with Introduced by Milton Ellhott, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Osb- o1- - - e -s- 1 G A T ~N ,~ G R AG Ethe next speaker, Mr. Creighton, awa ... Sgt. Lewis Truli, Toranto, GARTON S GARAGE , Ontario County i the past 3 tr sons John and Douglas,1T-" e years, made a stirring address on ronto, with Mr. and Mx-s. K. Cav- Plione 2666, Bowmanville the issues of the day, the past erly. . . Mrs. W. Thompson and e i record of bis party which had laid Mrs. Fred Payne, Bowmanvîlle, a th oundation for the growth and at W. Greenaway's. .. Mrs. Cum- e ct à prosperity f Canada, and whicb, berland, Toronto, with M r. andInti e e otaisgvshsvrin Mrs. Gea. Farncomb. .. Pte. Cecile of hte i t S Uda stavoizedJa ______________________Petit, Newmarket, with Mr. and fhOthofla setud oa ied t Mrs. W. Chapman wbile on emn- mske B-A Poorless, fthe où that'. O l h eyAest apo -j":y BAe coatrol ofraol w.!!. Cnade is transported inB-A'. 4 .......Ib a r k a ti a n e a v e. S h e a s a c- "slo y d " to k e tp a ir coe sta d o w n i ol e .d cr d a la a e s d w ith ch o ic o e t cru ed s m a n s o w n ta n k ers. F o r lo w o e - ~~..i Misses Joyce Wodley and oo thy Skinner and Master Jimmie Woodley, Tyrone, at W. Cbap- man's. . . Miss Marian Johnston, Bowmanvllle Dealer for B.-A. Gas& Peerless Motor 011 Toronto, with ber cousin, Mrs. E. - Davey's GeneralStr H. Cale. .. Mrs. McMullen, Janet- Edward's Garage & Motor Sales BsktasDae o -.GsadPels oo MORS WIFrAankA Rogers. Carburetor and Electrical Service-Repafr ail makes of cars Bux-keton, Ontario Poe28 A OS WT GET Home and School Association South side King St., 2 doors West of L berty HEART. picnic eld in the park n Satur - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___Il_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ day afternoon was a successful event. An interesting program Steve Donoghue, the of sparts was conducted and over famous English jockey one bundred cbildren and adults w took a great fancy ta ted sat down to an appetizing supper. 1 5 'r oea' aa'»'m 'auw aDa beautifulcltuoi r i. Mr.MLaaipncaloth 1