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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1945, p. 1

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Witli WhichAre Inc.rperated The à&owmanviIIe News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News VOLUME 91 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1945NUER2 Girls' D.HUSU Dasheiball Team Entertained ai ]Rotary Club It was ladies' day at the Rotary wbich bad cantributed greatly ta Club, Friday, wben a special table the. wamk tbey were doing and ,dos resemved for the members ai baped for their cantinued intemest. g1e Bowmanville High Scboal She suggested the club donate a 'Girls' Basketball Team,' wbo, ta- cup for cantests among the Guides gether with their coach, Mms. and Bownies. Agnes Vanstane Lewis, H i g h Birthday ilowers were present- Schaol teacher, and Mrs. A. J. ed ta Dr. Bill Tennant and Presi- Frank, leader ai the Guides and dent Morley Vanstane. Guests Bmawnies, came as guests ta take 'from aout ai town were Haward part in the pmgram wbicb in- Pamks and Harmy O. Perry, Osh- cluded cangratulatory addresses, awa Rotary Club, and Vernon and presentation ai blazers ta the Rowe, Whithy Rotaýian. members af the cbampionship teain. President Morley Vanstone Stephenson's Mlajority had with bim at the head table, bis sister, Mrs. Lewis, Principal Up by Soldiers' Vote Lau Dippell and youtbiul Ro- tarians Blain Elliott and Chas. There bave been persistent Cawker. rumors that revised eturns in the Durham County Fedemal Electian The programn was arranged by have educed the majority e- eegdPast President DippJaellh ported for Charles E. Stephensan, teamathe it rosdct is. Mm.Progressive Canservative, ta less to mke he itrouctins.Mr.than 100. While final figures on Dippell confined himself ta gen- the civilian voting will nat be ealities when hie said the club available n ti I officially an- was honomed in baving present, onebyLC.MsRtu- th eloing, asmen tem ed gaay ng Officer, the latest totals given ing, ost ven tmperd ga aout are: Stephenson, 6024, Rick- of basketball talent ta represent ard, 5614, Bowles 754, with twa the Higb Schoal in many a yeam. oln su-tin tl ncm He attributed their autstanding pllingsuhstlaios stili incom- success very lagely ta their coach iete. vti e avestepben410.n's Mrs.Lews, ho h sad wuld The resuit ai the soldier vote introduce the teami individually. bas been officially eported ta Mrs. Lewis told that the team The Statesmaýn as foilows. Steph- had won alI games but the last enson 331, Rickard 269, Bawles and finals and gave some ai the 163. Adding these ta the civilian higbligbts ai the cantests against vote above the final totals at the Welland, Cobourg, Toronto and moment appear ta be: Stephen- Picton. She gave higb praise ta son 6335, Rickamd 5883, Bowles the spirit ai the team and gave 917, with the majarity for Steph- their namnes with the positians enson 452. As soan as complete played on the team. Their namnes resuits are abtained from the Re- are, Ruth Hooper, Joan Green- turning Officer, they will be field, Jaan Longman, Collette enumerated as fully as possible in Ferguson, Jacqueline Heyland, these calumns. Winona Clarke, Betty Spencer, Marie Moyse and Helen Roach. All weme present save Miss Long- Local Flying Off icer mnwha bas returned ta hem In King's Honor List home in England.____ A featume of the progmamn was a S q u a d r a n Leader Charles sang number, "I Want a Girl" Cawkem was amang the members chasen by George Cawkem, who ai the Royal Canadian Air Farce led in the singing and was en- semving in Canada ta be included thusiastically supported by mem- in the King George VI's birtbdayt bers, guests and the girls them- honor list. Charlie received the e 1 V e S. Presentation ai the King's Cammendatian for Valu- eqÇizers was then made by Blain able Service in the Air. During 4 and G eorge who fitted one ai the the war he bas semved in import- garments araund one ai the girls ant positions at flying training while Mentor Dippeil explained schoais at Weston, Oshawa, To- the twa crests designate. Miss onta, Trenton, and at present is Winona Clarke in behaif of the stationed at Air Farce Cammand team, very eloquently expressed Headquarters at Ottawa. He is their tbanks. eider son ai Mm. and Mrs. T. Wes- Mrs. A. J. Frank in a very ley Cawker, Bawmanville. gracious addmess, told ai the ac- tivities ai the Guides and Bringing up children is more1 Brawnies and tbanked the Rotary than a matter ai calllng them jr Club for its interest and support down. New Manager In Charge of Theatre Fred J. Plexman is the nev manager at the Royal Theatre, fallawing the recent resignatiax of Thas. Burraws. Mr. Plexman bas bad wide experience in the moving picture field since taking Up that vocation. He was barn at Parry Sound, wbere bis par- ents settled after caming iran Europe. His father was born ir Paland and bis mother in Halland. In 1908 tbey moved ta the min- ing town of Selwood, 30 miles north of Sudbury and later open- ed a general store and theatre ai Capreol. The san, Fred, workec for a period with a mining com- pany befare jaining the family, where far three years he bad charge of the theatre at Capreol. Next be went on ta the Grand Theatre at Sudbury in 1927 and bas continued there as chief pro- jectionist until prdmoted man- ager at Bowmanville. The super- visar on the Sudbury circuit, Mr. H. C. D. Main, wha naw is super- visor of the district includîng Bawmanville, selected Mr. Plex- man for bis present post. Mr. Plexman bas already made many friends in tawn and is greatly impressed with bis new aîurroundings and the people ai *Bowmanville. Mrs. Plexman and ttheir family ai four girls and two boys are at present living at their home near Burlington, Ont. Mr. Main and Mr. Plexman bave ai- ready made pleasing changes ta the exterior and interior ai the Royal and will do their best ta give tbe best service possible for the community. A.B. John Schinbein, R.C.N.V. R., af Vancouver, B.C., spent a few days of bis leave with bis grandmother, Mrs. Ensley Hod- gins. Ed. Yaungman, Pontypoal, writes: Please discontinue my For Sale advt. in The Statesman as the one insertion brought the de- sired results. While others are "bellyaching" about selling their cows an gdvt. in aur home caunty paper sold ours. Bawmanville PubliceLibrary will be losed for a brief holiday, -'June 28, 29 and 30. Mrs. Argue has been granted leave ai absence by the Board for July and August. Miss Betty Sisson will be in charge during these 2 months. J. C. Hodges, office services, C.N.R., Montreal, bas been elected a director of the National Office Management Association, repre- senting Canadian chapters. The association bas 75 chapters in Canada and the United States and 5,700 members. Enthusiastie Workers For Memorial Park Owing to continued wet wea- ther very littie progress bas been accomplished in recent weeks ai the new Bowmanville Memoria] Park located at Liberty St. South. However, just to keep it before the minds of aur citizens we pub- lish herewitb a snapshot of twa of the many enthusiastic support- ers and workers of tbis ambitious and papular enterprise. The pboto was taken at the Cenataph. On the left is Mrs. Margaret King, wbose three brothers, Mlex, Free- born and John Colville, ail mem- bers of the R.C.A.F., paid the supreme sacrifice in the present war. On the right is Miss Ada Dadson, the bard-working Trea- surer of the Memorial Park As- sociation who is always glad ta re- ceive subscriptions taward this wortby object. Ada's brother, George, bas been on active service since November, 1942, when he joined the R.C.A. Light Anti-Air- craft Division and bas been in England since October, 1944, with the C.A.M.C. Above picture shows the girls holding a $500 cheque presented ta the association by Local 189. Basebal Season Opens Friday at High School The Bowmanville Rotary Bees, hardball champions af the O.M. B.A. League last season, will ruake their baw for the present _________-------________ tbat planes oack ta canadla curing 01 M. ivarlow servea cnocolate mea'-'- isilnce, is _________________________Calas ai Oshawa -t the Hih the past several days. Amn milk and ice cream aiter the Mary Zarkrow, a passenger in the School diamond, Friday evensing tbem was LAC Keith Yea, yaung- meigcalst berle at 7p.m.The prosecution was handled Mape rov a 7 .r. ws ormll opn-est son ai Mr. W. H. Yeo, Bow- U in aln tn by' Provincia ostbeRusl M peG o eThe Lau a omlyoe-manville. Keith wired bis Pllrd ndth acse ws e edatOsaw awek gobu tisSaturday, announcing bis safe ar- fended by A. W. S. Greer, solicit- Congratulations ta Miss Audrey is the first game for the local lads, rival in New Brunswick, as a or ai Oshawa. Evidence was ad- 'v Huley an ber recent marriage. Last seasan was their iirst in member ai the Snowy- 0wl Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. 'Dac' duced cancerning tire marks an D, On Thursday evening, June 7 bardball campetition and aiter Squadron. Adams,and Marguerite, Bowman- SMiss Lillian Snawden was bostess fgtn nuhl tugete The plane took off from Eng- ville, Mr. Allan Beacack, Nestle- the highwqty, the condition af Sfor a miscellaneous shower for came tbrough the finals ta win land on a non-stop flight, accord- tan, at Mr. Walter Fergusan's.. road signs at the scene, and the eMiss Audrey Hurley when about tecp ing ta latest press information, Miss Marie Ashton, Haydan, Miss defendant was not placed an the 30 girls gatbered ta spend a pleas- Many letters i r o m soldiers and landed saiely with ail mem- Audrey McLaughlin, Toronto, at stand. 9ant evening and wish Audrey overseas have expressed the hope bers ai the crew happy ta be Mr. Russel McLaugblin's. .. Miss InbsumainMrGer n God speed in ber new spbere ai that the hardball league be con- back. It is expected that Keitb Aileen Rabm, Oshawa, Mr. Alvin stre s s teulable negMrigec -lufe. A dainty lunch was served tinued and in their bebali as well will came along home witbin the Bayd, Enniskillen, at Mr. Fred in naedt hving radsigign pro ab y the hastess. as the team, the public are urged next few days. He will bave a Griffin's. . . Mm. and Mrs. Frankdreai ad el ri Mrs. F r ed Secret, Middles- ta came out, shell out and shout hast ai friends ta welcome him Milligan, Toronto, at Mr. Wiii poe dsp a addepair andheod jbmough, Yorkshire, Eng., bas ar- aut in this apener ai the season. and hear, if passible, ai bis ex- Bentbam's. .. Miss Clara Griffinbscinta ecreesnbs msedinths autr ac1i iti- Please note time and place. periences. Oshawa, at Mr. R. Griffin's divcin. H equae tes reced- sing at Mr. Stephen Jeifery's ent ai a decision ai Judge Harvey * We welcame Mr. and Mrs. Wil- cavering a similar accident and tsan Vivian ta aur cammunity. B. H. S. Girls Champion Basketball Team saught a non-suit decision. 1They are living in the bouse east It was intimated that a civil aio Maple Grave corner, iarmerly- action may be pendîng iollowing a, ccupied by Max Smith and fam-,' .. disposition ai the case. If sa, any 1ily - action ai this chamacter will await Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Law, Miss -, a the deferred decision ai the Mag- 1Ina Law, Wbitby; Mm. and Mrs- istrate. 1Lawrence Staples, Master Barry -Staples, Bethany, at Mr. Lau Hockin's OTTAWA YOUTHS CAUGHT Misses Marg. Nichols, Mamg STEALING GASOLINE Stacey, Majory Rundie, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dickinson; Mrs. Art Cale, Chief of Police Sidney Venton Miss Patsy Cale, town; Mr. and and Provincial Officer Pollard, Mrs. L. Cryderman and Ann, womking overtime on nigbt patrol Shaw's; Mr. and Mms. Keitb Or- ta catch thieves who bave lately miston, Brian, Kairn, Mr. Walter been opemating in Bowmanville, Brown, Ebenezer, at Ross Stev- caugbt four Ottawa youths at 3 en n r.Esi kMs. a.m., Thursday, on Ontario Street Mr. nd Ms. Elie ke, rs.wbo were busy sipboning gas Price, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. imom a parked car. They submit- Jack Elston, Montreal, Mr. and ted tamely toararest and admitted aMs.Eoy .Kno, Hmto na m.taking gas fmom twa ather cars and llMrE . a e Mrs. MinaCol before being appmebended. Ot- CwllaMm. adMms. Bet RCoL. tawa aificers arrived next day ta wellandTedd, twn, t R L.take tbem back ta the capital for WMr.dens Rusel.rih trial for theit ai the car tbey Mm. nd Ms. ussel Wmgbtweme driving. and Marion, Tyrane, Miss Helen Ail four weme 18-19 years ai age Drey, Oshawa, Miss Gwen Brooks, and pmfessed ta be laoking far Pravidence, Mm. William West- ~~'wr ihhp hywud' lake, Solina, Mr. Lawrence Mal- find it t perstey were n Necastet r.and M. dArurthe lbase, apparently indactrinat- Newcstl, Mm an Mrs Arhumed with ecent political policies Bellman, Mrs. Don Hanna, son of a one party wbicb lately decreed Billy, Bowmanville, at Leslie Col- qna mare callups far military sr Mrs a V s. vice and another party that advo- Mr.amr. Fred Davidson, . ...... .J cates "share the wealtb". Osbaa, M. ad Mr. Alan ~ - How the wealth was ta be shar- Clarke and Jimmy, tawn, Mm. and edwsalttecnenatee Mms. Laurence Staples and Barry, ' akrfrte mie h a Bethany, at R. D. Trimble's fa rn the car ai Lamne McQuamriç, Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Miss r," 3 tely eturned after bein& om RtyJh, MsLLthr a- " unded averseas. These are the ceRuhLoran, Mm. and Mms. la ds, who amang the civilian pop- Len Richards, tawn, Mr. and Mms. ulation, have been assured by the Lorenzo Truli, Mm. Franklin Truil, party claiming ta be the political Mm. and Mms. Austin Barron, arm ai labor, that tbey should be Hampton, Miss Muriel Smith, .. .j ermitted ta vote at the age ai 18. Oshawa, Mm. Lewis TruIl, R.C. ' It is likely tbey wan't be able ta A.F., Taronto, Mm. and Mms. Lloyd voate for same time. Broom and Ronnie, Solina, at 7-,________ Wallace Munday's. Due ta an error in omitting the Mr. and Mrs. Owen Nicholas ~ ~ aak advemtisement ai the auction sale andi Glennis, town, at Mm. Steph- of the bousebold eifects ai the en Jeiiemy's.1 Above picture shows member Club at its luncheon on Fmîday, field, Mrs. Agnes Lewis, Ruth late Mms. Eliza Noble, Cburcb St., Mm. and Mrs. Russell Robins mpes Hopr etSpne;fçi B avlenls wk'ppr and Ruth, Zian, Mm. and Mrs. aifthe B.H.S. Girls' Champon whicb is reported in another oeBtySene;fotmw Bomanili atwe' ae Jacqueline Heyland, Winona this sale bas been pastponed until Gordan Osborne, Lynda, Ajax, Base-baîl Team wha weme present- column. 'Back maw, leit ta mîght Clarke, Joan Longman,Hen Sat., June 23. See advt. in this (Contfnued on page 7) led with blazers by the Ratary -Callette Fergusan, Joan Green- Roacb, Marie Moyse. issue. (EDITORIAL) Give Premier King an Acclamation The result of tbe soldier vote.in King, 119 followers, Bracken 65, ithe recent Dominion elections was Coldwell 28, others 33, including 7 tannounced in the daily press, Independent Liberals who can be counted on to support the gov- Tuesday. The following figures ernMent. In contrast to the sol- are taken from tbe Toronto Star dier vote against Mr. King, botb whicb beadlined the resuit, John Bracken and Mr. Coldwell "Army Okays Liberal Victory" increased their majorities tbrough and tabulates the figures to show tbe overseas vote. tbat 65 per cent of the soldier Politicai observers are now vote went against tbe gavern- sPeculating on whetber Mr. King ment and the overali result shows will resume as head of the Cana- 2,028,724 votes for the govern- dian delegation to the San Fran- ment with 3,226,621 against, ta cisco Conference. It will be re- create a minority government of called that he could not name 1,197,897. John Bracken to the delegation Probably the most disappoint- because be bad no seat in the ,ing result of the overseas vote House of Commons. Now Mr. was the defeat of Prime Minister King, bimself bas no seat in the King in Prince Albert wbere he House but is still, officially, head lost to the CCF candidate by 129 of the delegation. majority after leading in the A seat will of course be found cîvilian voting by 263. General for the Prime Minister, and The McNaugbton, Minister of Defence, Statesman suggests that be not twice beaten since the first of the only be given an acclamation but year, again ran third in the sol- to round out a distinguîsbed dier's esteem and bis opponent, career it would be eminently Mrs. Gladys Strum, CCF, increas- fitting that he be returned for ed ber majority. Waterloo North, the constituency The party standing, until re- wbich first elected him to par- counts take place, is as follows: liament. Hospital Board Again Meets to Plan For Raising Funds The Hospital Board bas met frequently since the first of the year to study plans and estimates submitted by the arcbitect for ex- tensions and improvements or to proceed witb a new building for Bowmanville Hospital. The lat- est meeting took place Friday evening, witb representatives of buth Rotary and Lions Clubs in attendance. The opinion of al present was that an active cam- paign be undertaken at the earli- est possible moment to raise the necessary funds. Members of the Medical Asso- ciation and the staff urged that improvements or relief of some form sbould be hastened for the capacity of the bospital was con- tinually overcrowded, and in fact on Friday evening every bed was filled and those seeking admission could flot be accommodated. President Dr. William Tennant Blackstock John Venning and Alex. Gilbert returned recently from a business trip to points in Eastern Canada. Mrs. A. L.* Bailey, Mrs. H. Hooey, Miss V. Forder, Mrs. J. Rahm and Mr. C. Venning went to Nestleton Friday evening to welcomne Dean Lansing home from overseas where be was a prisoner of war in Germany for Over two years. Mrs. W. VanCamp and Mrs. T.. Smith bave gone to St. Joseph Island ta be present at the wed- ding of their cousin, Francis Bar- ton on June 20tb. A number of the Young People of the United Cburch attended the picnic at Orono Park, Thurs- day evening. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Heaslip (nee Dora Rose Mountjoy) on their marriage, on June 18, at Blackstock Parson- age. Mrs. Mark Weldon, Uxbridge, KILLED IN ACTION Pte. Samuel Donald Powell Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, R.R. 3, Newcastle, have received of- ficial information that their sec- ond son, S. Donald, was killed in action in Germany, April 28th. He was born in Clarke Town- ship 22 years ago and received bis education in the Lake Shore Pub- lic Scbool. He was of exemplary character, having absolutely no bad habits. Prior to joining the army in Nov., 1942, be was employed on the C.P.R. section in Bowman- ville. He received bis training in Cornwall and North Sydney, N.S., where he became Acting Sergeant in the beavy artillery. In Decem- ber, 1944, he enlisted witb the Irish Fusiliers of Vancouver and proceeded overseas. He was lat- er transferred to the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highland- ers witb wbom be was serving at the time of bis deatb. Besides bis parents, he leaves to mourn bis loss, tbree brothers, Floyd, Ronald and Russell, and four sisters, Maurice of Toronto, Hazel, Dorrene and Elaine. Judgment Reserved In occupid thechair nd itwas d- Ennt skillen inFatalstotk cide to chal a u IL wa Qe- wa M. aeand iii . Btler i Jdmntwsreevd ni meeting at an early date. The Caesarea. Tuesday, July 3, by Magistrate Rotary and Lions delegates will Miss Helen VanCamp, Oshawa, Gee, who occupied the bench in report back ta their respective with ber parents. omnilPlceCutTes clubs with their findings. An interesting and profitableBomniePlceCutTes evening was spent, June 18. The day, at the bearing of the case af LAC Keth eo lew representative of Purina Feeds, in Richard Bradley, Oshawa, cbarg- LAC.Keit YeoFlew the interest of Wallace Marlow, ed by the Crown with careless Homie from Overseas local dealer. showed pictures of driving. Bradley was the driver the dairy cows, ber caÉe and of a car which crashed througb Many of the R.C.A.F. Bomber profitable feeding; also a lecture the fence at a sharp turn at Ennis- Commrand have flown their coin- on the care of cbickens The staff killen on May 1, and as a result aof Hon. DL. Vivian Appointed to Mdedical Faculty ai M4cGilJ Anhouncement was made last fdual portfolio of Health and Wel- week by Principal, Dr. F. Cyril fre in the Drew government. He James, McGill University, Mont- was re-elected on June 4, 1945, real, that Hon. Dr. R. P. Vivian, witb the largest majority in the Minister of Health and Welfare bistory of the county. for Ontario and M.P.P. for Dur- In less than 9 years Dr. Vivian ham County, bad been appointed bas achieved a national reputation to the newly created Chair of as an administrator in the realm Health and Social Medicine at of Public Health and an authority McGill. In his statement, Dr. whose recommendations were in- James made it known that Dr. corporated into the platform of Vivian would be on officiai leave the Progressive Conservative of absence for the time being and party at the Winnipeg Conven- would not assume bis duties at tion. That bis course bas been McGill until be bas completed followed with interest by the certain projects in Ontario as a leaders of tbougbt and education member of tbe Drew government in a great university is now sbown on wbicb be is presently engaged. by their approval in selecting bim It is anticipated that some time for a bigb post at McGill Univer- during tbe next year, Dr. Vivian sity. The place he bas won in will turn over bis Ministerial Durham and in Ontario wifl be duties and that the appointment bard to fuI. will necessitate resigning as Dur- bam's member in the Legislature. Dr. Vivian bad been in Mont- FO. Archie Martin real attending tbe general session Home After Over of the Canadian Medical Associa- tion wbere be spoke on "The Role Four Years Overseas of Public Health in the Practice of Medicine" and Dr. James seiz- Newcastle residents ail join in ed on tbe occasion to announce saying "Welcome Home" to one of Dr. Vivian's appointment. Highteimotpuarong e, tribute was paid by Dr. James himotpulryng e, and Dr. J. C. Meakins, Dean of F0 Archie Martin, wbo bas serv- the Facuity of Medicine at McGill, ed 41/ years witb the R.C.A.F. to the great pioneer work of Dr. overseas in the Middle East and Vivian in Public Health measures Malta, and latterly bas been at- for the province of Ontario, par- tacbed to the well known "Goose" ticularly at the. "county level" Squadron Bomber Group flying wbicb was a decisive factor in over Germany. He flew from Eng- considering the new department. land in "Z" for Zombie, a Cana- In bis address at tbe convention, dian-built Lancaster. They took Dr. Vivian said: "One of the basic off from Mîddleton, St. George, requirements for a continuation- Yorks, the base from which the of progress is not only the full Ghost and Moose Squadrons have co-operation of the present gen- been operating over Europe. His eration of medîcal men but the crew were fortunate enough ta continuing effort by those who f ly rigbt to Toronto, for wben will graduate witb a better kriow- they flew their Lancaster from ledge of the fields of hygiene and tbe base in Yarmouth, N.S., ta preventive medicine. This neces- Rockcliffe Airport, Ottawa, wbere sitates an improved undergradu- it will be motified for winter op- ate and post-graduate training in erations. Tbe officer commanding the field of public healtb; also a at Rockcliffe arranged for them better training for the under- to go on an aircraft making a graduate in the problems of social test flight to Malton, s0 tbey were welfare." the only crew to fly to Toronto. Dr. Vivian who is 42, was born Archie passed over Newcastle at at Barrie, Ont., and graduated in about 7:30, Saturday evening, medicine at Toronto University in June 9th, arriving at Malton Air- 1926. After post-graduate work port about 8 o'clock. He plans ta at the Henry Ford Hospital, De- be married the end of this month, troit, and general practice of 7 to Miss Kaye Peters, Toronto. years at Akron, Ohio, he came to They bad a license to be married Port Hope in 1936 as a general when be was on leave in Canada practitioner a n d physician to after bis first tour in 1942-43 in Trinity College School. In 1943 tbe Middle East and Malta, but he lie redeemed Durbam Riding for Was called back to England. tbe Progressive Conservative Archie is tbe 5son 0f Mr. Parnaby party and was appainted to the Martin and the late Mrs. Martin. Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs. C. Cathmoir, Mur- ray and Glenna Marie, Taunton, at Howard Stevens'. Mr. and Mrs. J. Reed, Lamaa and Fredie, Miss V. Reed and Mrs. H. O'Dell, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Mr. Gea. Reid. Mrs. Orr Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Demara, Scugag, Marilyn Carpenter, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. F. McGill and Donald, Ta- ronto, at Mr. A. Brunt's. Mrs. H. Ormiston, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Oshawa, called ta see their bro- ther, Claude. Miss Isabelle Rahm bas gone to Lake Simcoe for summer montbs. Weclnesday evening, June 13, a large crowd gathered at aur com- munity hall and presented Miss Merle Oke and Mr. Clarence Avery with a miscellaneous sbower. The couple tbanked the givers and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. Mr. W. Leadbeater, Mr. A. Leadbeater, Mrs. G. Beaumont, Toronto, at Mrs. A. Leadbeater's. Mrs. Verna Wood, Mr. Floyd Petbick, Toronto, at Mr. S. Pethick's. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston at Edwin Ormiston's, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Lois, Mrs. E. C. Ashton at Mrs. S. M~ay's, Toronto. Mrs. Ashton, vha is quite ili, remained witb her daughter. W.M.S. met June l3tb at the church when about 60 ladies from 3urketon, Enfield and Ennis- killen gatbered ta bear Mrs. Ch es t er Jury, Bowmanville, speak, who was farmerly a teach- er in a gavernment scbaol in ramaica. She told many inter- esting things about that particu- lar country and its peaple. The speaker was intmoduced by Mrs. H. Ferguson, Bawmanville. An, other special feature was a musi- al treat rendered by Mrs. A. Co 1 e, Bowmanville, Mrs. K. Cavemly, Mms. H. Peters and Ralph Peters, Hampton. Ralpb is a pu- pil of Mrs. Cale and is quite a talented young musician. Mrs. J. A. Plant welcomed the visitars and canducted an impressive worship service on "The Crusade for Christ and His Kingdom". Several ladies of aur local auxil- iary took part. Mrs. L. Ashton, /Irs. R. McGill and their graup served a dainty lunch. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery (Merle Oke) who veme married June 16. After*being seen by tbousands in Montreal, a full-sized reproduc- tion of a C.N.R. niilitary bospital car is now on display in the Col- lege Street store of the T. Eaton Company, Toronto. e sI Il cý c c p t ai w f( s c ti ci c Dist. Labor Council Requests Government Keep Ajax Plant Going The future of the shell-filling plant in Ajax received major at- tention of the Oshawa and Dist- rict Labor Council at its manthly meeting in Oshawa on J1une 12. After hearing a report from W. R. Cambers, Council President and organizer for the United Elec- trical, Radia and Machine Work- ers, the delegates ordered a letter sent ta Hon. C. D. Hawe request- ing the gavernment ta take def- mite steps ta keep Ajax operating as an industrial site after the war. The U.R.M.W. of A. is the col- lective bargaining agency ai Ajax employees. Working people in Ontaria Caunty industries bought almost $12,000,000 in bonds since tfie war began, the National War Finance Committee advised the Council. "This is a magnificent record," said M. J. Fenwick, Council sec- retary-treasurer. "It shows how the working people felt about de- feating fascism. They not only invested this huge sum in bonds- tbey also produced hundreds af millions wortb f war gaods." The Council represents affili- ated unions of the Canadian Con- gress of Labor in Ajax, Wbitby, Oshawa and Bowmanville. Each union sends a set numnber of dele- gates ta the meeting. Ahl the delegates thus assembled farm the Council. The delegates appraved support of the campaign ta collect funds far a new Hospital for Sick Child- ren in Toronto. Affiliates will be asked ta cantribute as much as they could ta the bospital's build- ing fund. Walter Hackney, repreenting Local 189, United Rubber Work- ers ai America, (Bawmanville), reported bis union donated $500 towards establishing the Baw- manville Memorial Park wbich is being built in tribute ta citizens of that town wbo feil in the recent war. Many members are giving their free time ta this praject. It was reparted that Council's Labor Day Committee will meet shartly ta plan a celebration for Labor Day, Sept. 3. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. (Hobart) Knight and Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, Ottawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allun, Carlisle Ave. Hobart favored the editor with a cal wben it was revealed it was 39 years ago the Knight family left this district. Henry Wightman's many pub- lic school cbums back in the 30's will be glad to learn that he pass- ed bis 3rd year with honors in Finance and Commerce at Qucen's University, Kingston. We understand Henry's ultimate aim is to be a lawyer. 'y 1 zb', ýýà

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