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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1945, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THEC7.IflAM MArsN , 0WAVTEOTAIOTU-D B.SXM "'Hub" Hooper Writes 0f Conditions In Holland Promn C-5 1296, B.S.M. H. M. marching very far. You cati pie Hooper, 66 Fd. Bty., 14 Cdn. Fd. out these last in the long columr Rgt., R.C.A., C.A.O., Amsterdam, marching on the highways. The Hollnd, ay 6, 145.are Hitler's Volstrumms and the Dear Mr. James: represent the old and feeble me This is my first real effort at the late Fuhrer called up, to plu writing since the cessation of hos- temn asi i ipe tilities. I'm writing this in tthehnbe maefny gas i st.Tile «sacred inner sanctums" of our nale" deafei n ictm. Thatui threnis'essatigng on, th how critical the situation was ii mayenotea that isould be.h Germany' as far back as last Oc may ot e al tat i shuldbc. tober, when Hitler called up thes Our Division, 3rd Canadian, unfortunate fel]o-ws. They are th~ heard the news of Germany's un- most desperate looking individu conditional surrender, in the ais lIve yet seen. A soldie: Emden-Wilhemshaven area. It doesn't fit them as a title. A goo( had been raining bard ail day, so many of them weren't evei we weren't in a celebrating mood equipped with uniforms and wben the news came. I think know of one case w'here a grand that the greater majority of us father. son and grandson, a: just said, "Well, I'm glad it's ail served in the same unit. over," and went to bed hoping Well, the majority of them wil that; the news was true. Since bc on their xvay home by the tim( we had been anticipating the this reaches you. The papers Sa: news for over a week, much of they must walk ail the way its significance was lost in the whicb is perhaps being rathei many and varied rumors. Most bard, some folks will think. Per. of us had done a little premature sonally, 1I think they sbould bE celebrating, two days before the made to run aIl thie way. ThosE news finally broke, and the ensu- who make the grade should hi i.ng bad weather rather put the shot as their rewards and thosE damper on any repetition. who faîl by the wayside be left to It stili seems hard to believe the wratb of the Jews, the Dutch, that the Germans are whipped- French and Belgians. They alone that is until you see them on the know how best to deal with them. roads travelling back to what re- You and I have no idea what mains of their homeland. I'd give these folks have had to put up a good deal to knaw what most with. of them are thinking just now- I mentioned Jews a moment s0 would the High Command. In ago, flot without reason. In our our present location we have stay in this town, I've met some thousands of Huns, unarmed of very fine Dutchmen. (I'm amazed course, but stili in uniform. They at the number of Dutch, especially are beîng concentrated and sorted children, who speak English very out, some to be marched home, well. I'm told that despite the some to be marched off to prison Gestapo a good many school camps, and a few who won't be children were taught English al Higher Prices for Live Poultry Until further notice we are paying the fol- lowing prices for LIVE POULTRY, delivered to our plant in WHITBY: Top Grade Fowl - ail welghts ----- ------ -----------25 %celb. Top Grade BrolIers - 2 to 3 lbs. 28e lb. Roastimg & Frying Chickens-over 3 lbs.- ------ 30 7-8c lb. PICKERING FARMIS, LTD. WHITBYONTARIO Telephone - Whltby 3361 111" called t liay Foyer for yoars Suffered directly the dry weathcr tarted-poîitively daren 't sit on the veranda of an afrernoon becauîe of thac "pollen"as OIusdtocall it. Ik jut tookalltheîoyoutofthe îurnmer. 2. "Then the new doctor came to the district. 1 thought ho was too young for bis job. One day ho camne in to see Graadpa and I mentioned any hay foyer. "hay foer- ho said, -thats not hay fevr-its tho DUS."- 4. "W.ll Grandpa and the Doc. wcnt down to the Council Meeting that yory nighe and thrashed the whole thing out. Tho Doc. suggcared Calcium Chlo- rido. kitl.pay for itîcif in the end, you'l1 save repairing costa-and you'll aIl have butter hoalth, ho aaid. 3. - ha, just what 1 say,' chimed in Grandpa. 'No wonder folks cough and sneeze with these great clouda blowing in from the road. hit'apoiling Mny crops too. 5. "So they flxed the aoad with Calcium Chioride. That doctor isaa smart young chap, 1 say. Tha'î 6ive yosrs ago and we haven't any more big buils for repaira . .. and I havoa't had any hay foyer cithor. 6. "Reeve Jackson told Grandpa the other day that the cost of gravel road maintenance in the county is lower tItan it has beca for yearî. Calcium Chloride treatment saves so much of the labour and materials needed for more froquent blading and re-surfacing in ordinary inaintenancel ln fact, after paying the coît of the treatnent, hc îaid, the county la tîl to the good, while the road surface is tremcndousty im- proved. Grandpa says, it's ai plain as the nose on your face- that you can get btter roads with Brunner Mond Calcium Chloride, witl'out extra cot. Bt'wmnr, Mond Canada SaiL r, nted Montreal - Toronta W44-3 Keeps RoOàds Free of Dust! ýtwo weeks, though I have re- 11AW ,eived two in that time-botb of PUPMenO Nhich are remarkable. I must FO MAP.or ell you about themn. POLDER, w," Seemns there's an election com- FORD O1ILScSM îg up soon back there, at least Montroai ,ere's a lot of insults being ul id about from one party to an-$.0t 4 Lher. I have before me an in- eresting document. It reads-I ,,. , doûte: "Dear Priend: Now that the ' ar in Europe is clrawing to a during the occupation.) I learti ARMY EXAMNER from tbem that in North-West Holland, only ten per cent of the total Jewish population can be 1.accounted" for. A good many of these are dead. There is only one Synagogue remaining and that in Utrecht. It was used as a ik Nazi barracks these past five isyears. e sRotterdam, wbat remains of it, yisthe only city in this part of ey Holland whicb bears any real eni scars of war. If you can recaîll îg the pictures that were shown in g_1940, you will have oniy a faint it- idea how badly it was hit. Nothing Ist I've seen yet can even begin to in compare with it, other than Caen )C and Emmerich. Despite ahl this, se the Dutch are already making e plans to rebuild it. After having u_ visited Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rot- er terdam, The Hague, Hilversum . d and Haarlem, I'm thankful that q n the real war xvas finished when I the lst and 5th Canadian Divi- dsions were preparing to attack. - 111 Had the Germans held out for another month, these beautiful Lieut. Perey D. Armstrong ill cities should have been a ie shambles. It was very fitting Who has been recently posted ,y that the bulk of the fighting for duty as Army Examiner at No. y, should take place on German sou. 10 C.I.T.C., Camp Borden. Before er I'ni certain that is one big reason enlisting, Lieut. Armstrong was a - why the German army quit. They well known member of Boys )certainly could have beld out for Training Scbool staff here. 3emonths, especially in this -area. )e Hats off to the men who eid -e to hold off any major offensive close, you will be looking forward tin this area, in the hope that the to the day when you can return àGermans would soon quit. I've to your home and loved ones. te seen more happy faces here in a We, ini Canada, are broth proud aweek than I ever saw in Frangie and grateful of our NAVY and it and Belgium. These folks realize AIR FORCE!!! End of quote, pbow fortunate they are to have and also any desire I ever had to even a roof over their head and vote for this particular party. Inow that some food gets through Obviously bie isn't interested in ito them, they are most grateful. Army votes anyway. ge Now a few observations: The second letter I have makes d 1 saw Canadian Grade I salmon no less that two sucb political or yin a shop window in Utrecht yes- social errors and spelis "Canada" Y terday. There was a queue some in tbree different places, ethree blocks long leading Up to "Cancidas". He wants my vote Ithe shop. Only 30 cans of salmon too. Now if you have an ambi- Il were visible. Optimistic folk tious party back there, and one these Dutch! whicb would send me a voting One doesn't need money in Hol- blank instead of such "senseless land these days. A packet of cig- examples of illiteracy and bad arettes or a chocolate bar will taste", I might be interested to get you anything you want-and the point where I would cast my I do mean anytbing. I was offer- vote. ed 1 Dutch Guilden (42c) for one Incidentally the party who soj cigarette outside a picture bouse. thoughtlessly sent me the first I had no intention of selling, in letter may be interested to knowi the first place it's illegal, second- that his letter was given pienty ]y, I'm not given to selling goods of publicity here. No less than that are given me. (Conscience, 5 copies came to personnel of this you know!) Third. neyer was I regiment and I saw one of them so short of cigarettes as I am now. on our bulletin board a few days c To continue, I bappened to have ago.t 50 cigs witb me so I asked hlm Could go on hike thii endlessly i how much he was prepared to but someone is making toast and ç pay for them. He told me .5 I'm sure I can smell coffee. f Guilden, or in other words, $21 So bere's to a speedy return a Canadian dollars for 50 Canadian to Bowmanville and I hope eiec- cigarettes. Britisb cigarettes bring tion resuits prove satisfactory to à mere 25e eacb. the majority. I stand to wun or DownBeetovenaan odaylose $5 on the outcome. But I e came a respectable-at least well t0f course Iculd be ront-g.I dressed couple. She carried a OAilothe best ou evrone atgF handbag, hie a walking stick. He h l h ett vroea "snied"cigrete btts haded ome now. Glad to bear of plans ti tbne toiber adet uck, ed hm or the new park. Haven't given ineto ean h ukdtm up on my last suggestion yet, bnoler bag. though I've had no encourage- Sitting in a cafe in Helversum ment. So long now, sincerely, I watched. the proprietor go HUB HOOPER. around to ail the tables emptying asb trays into bis pocket. He Dsrc made the rounds 3 times while I Ditic oltin was there. Field Day and The well dressed Dutch woman Picnic. At Orono doges not wear clogs despite alI ____ the pictures one sees. Most of Over 400 Holstein breeders and them are equally as smart as the their families from the Durham- average Canadian girl-and quite Northumberland-Peterboro, Vic- as cute. And this, despite the fact toria-Ontario County district at- there's an acute shortage of tended a joint Field Day and clotbing. botb maie and female. Pîcnîc held June 9 at Orono Fair For tbree weeks now, I've been Grounds. President Carlos Tamb- living above ground. I'm just now îyn rno h uhmHl ioelchnge, cutomb e . Astei'n Club was chairman and the oeochne, irea re.stngb program was in charge of Field- log on after argone lto bed. ,man F. Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, longafte I ad gne o be. 1assisted by the Agricultural Rep- awoke under the table. My two resentatives from the five coun- room mates were kneeiing at the ties. "There is great interest in window witb their rifles. Ah bhad Canadian cattie, both purebreds a good laugh. adgaei ra rti n Nice to see the iights at night adprdesforna Gretfritaian again. Twice now I've gone for a prospets oe mr k il etxforenour waik ini the evening, just t see scas hrill be exacellentasl what it looks like. Folks wiiiso sshpigsac saal have to start cleaning their win- able and monetary restrictions dows again. are lifted," said G. M. Clemens, All we "single" lads are very Secretary of the Hoistein-Friesian pertrbe abut tis ehailiA ssociation of Canada, the prin- tion scheme. Seems we get 2 plsekr MresfrCn points for each month of service adian cattie are also opening up in in Canada and 3 for each montb South America," eea.dded, "but overseas. Married men add 20 w e nust keep in mind that only percent to their total just for luck by keeping the quality of our and to make us miserable. Then cattie high can we hope to cap- to add insult to injury 3rd Cana- ture and retain their business." :ian Division bas been selected A Judging Competition was for army of occupation duties. held witb sections for Ladies, As if I haven't lost enough hair Juniors and Men. This activity alrady Coe 150,a god anywas in charge of Roy Ormiston. ofus should be home. (Please th Ay.l prt rgai ocu note-I am no optimist any more. tedy E find it pays to be otherwise diespite aI _ l -peb t h o- A çgroup of 729aaincvl Prom. April 3Oth, 1944, to the end of the year, Canada deiivered 50,000 tons of munitions, stra- agie materiais and food to Soviet Russia. . Total value of this ma- THE CANADI N W A y 0FF Election Forecast Shows Accurcay 0f Rosuits Ini the May 31 issue of The Statesman, readers were told that the pohitical reporter of the paper had set down ini wrîting bis esti- mate of the resuits of both the On- tario and the Dominion elections and had deposited in The States- man's strong box, the signed and sealed forecast. It was simply the opinionl of one undividual who bas followed political trends over a good number of years and ini no way reflected the views of the paper. Because of this pre-elec- tion statement, there bave been numerous tehephone enquiries as to the predictions which were formuhated in advance of both ielections. On Tuesday, June 12, ,tbe day foliowing the Dominion elections, the young ladies in charge of tbe front office of The Statesman, opened the safe and extracted the sealed envelope to read the pre- Idictions. Here is what tbey found in the brief notes written and signed on May 30, 1945. "Provincial Election: Drew wili be retunned with 52 or more seats. Dr. Vivian wiil be re-eleet- ed by over 800 majority." That was ahi for the provincial contest. "Dominion Election: King gov- ernment will lead wîtb 102 or more eiected fohlowers. Bracken party will get between 75 and 80 seats. The CCF will get close to 30 seats. The final returns for Durham County wiill give Stepb- enson a majority of 190 or more." This was the estimate for the Do- minion. It will be seen that the general results were very accurately fore- cast. Botb the Ontario and Do- minion governments were return- ed. That was the main prediction as many wbo spoke over the phone to the reporter prior to the ehections will testify. Tbe resuht in Durham County was carefuily assessed even before the Provin- cial elections took place, ail witb due regard for tbe anticipated swing of the CCP to the Liberai candidate. The margin of error in results was upped ini most cases as figures reveal, save in esti- mates of the officiaI opposition at Ottawa and the CCP final for Ottawa. So far as we can leann, no im- portant liets were piaced, hocally, on tbe general overail resuits, but The Statesman's forecaster, if be were an babitual smoker, wiii not be short of good cigars for the next two years providing ill wagers are laid on the lime. Hand Milking les on the Way Out Ireedon from the eïring and tiresome job of hand milkihg fwkce a day bas been gained by fhousands of farm familles fhrough the use of a modern milking machine. . One person can milk up to 20 cows in an hour with a milking machine- if keeps a good bond milker busy to milk 7 f0 9 cows in the same fime. This saving of time ànd labor is important, especially when good farm help is hord to get, but at any time milking is a dislilced chore that the family is glod to have faken off their bonds. The hours of time saveçi with a milking machine does mean something in dollars and cents but if means a lot more in making farm life ea'ier and more pleasant. Everybody welcomes fhe relief from the milking fime blues ttiat a milking machine brings. The modern, practical and economi- cal way f0 do fhings i35 f0 use machines instead of muscles wherever possible -that is why bond milking is ouf for dairymen who have experienced the comfort and convenience of a mecha ni- cal milker. Among the fime and labor saving machines your local Mossey-Harris dealer bas f0 offer is fhe Rite-Way Milker-the modernm liker with the nafural action. Ask him for parficulars about this machine that does so much f0 malce dairy farming easier and more profitable. MASSEY- HARR.IS -COMPANY i LIITED BULES O * e e..M LME TSSN 14 Roast Be ef on Sundays. T HE SUNDAY ROAST - week- ends in the country - the old family jalopy - these things mean a pleasant way of life. These are some of the things every man overseas' bas been figbting for. They won't be bis, unless ail of us make sure, wben our figbting man cornes back, bis dollar wil be worth a dollar. To protect bis dollar, we mnust realize NOW the dangers of care- less, unnecessary buying. We must buy only what we need - neyer buy two wbere one will dol We mnust flot evade rationing or price control, or deal in black mnarkets. If we break tbe rules, our country -the country he fought for- wiil start on tbat uncontrollable rocketing of prices known as inflation! Prices will rise. As prices go up, wages try to tag along... and neyer quite catch up. The value of rnoney goes down. Soon your dollar will buy-perbaps only 30c worth of goods! And there is no limit to its drop-Iook at Greece today!1 The nation is plunged in poverty and depression. So let's ail make sure our soldier's dollar -wben be gets back-will buy a dollar's worth of goods!1 We can't give back to bim bis lost years or bis lost youth. But, if we keep up the fight against inflation, be can look forward to pleasant, satisfying living. .. the Canadian way of life. Ptd'Iisbed l'y THE BRFWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers of inflation. Make this Pledgo Todayl I pIedge mysmîf ta do my port ln flghting inflation:s Dy obs*Mvng ratleninu ansd avoiding black markets in any shape or forin. EY -sPectine Pice controls and other anti-inflation measures, and re. frainingfrom careless and unnecesý sary buying. 1 wiIl not buy wo where one will do, nor willi1 buy a "new" where an "'old" will do. y buyng Victry Bonds and Wr Sovlngs Stemps, Supporting tax- ation, and abiding by ail such fieasurei ATwhich will lOwer the TH help keep prices a ta coît of hivink and normal level. wF THE CANADIAN STAIM.tzu.& w 1:tnum,& TnrrT ir im %wTm A -ý-" Ný a

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