PAGE EIGHT THE CANAflIAN , ONTARIO H1tADm y Blackstock Members of Newcastle Council and Fire Brigade were guests of Millbrook Council on Thursday evening for an inspection and demonstration of the new fire engine just purchaseti by the vil- lage of Millbrook. Before pur- chasing same a deputation from -Millbrook came to Newcastle last autumn and under the capable guidance of Mr. T. Manes inspect- ed and viewed a demonstration of Newcastle fire equipment, with which they were favorably im- pressed. After the demonstration in Millbrook on Thursday evening the Millbrook Council served re- freshments to the visitors. Mrs. Amy Ballagh, Ridgeway, N.*Y., is guest of her sister, Mrs. T. M. Gibson, who aiso had as Sunday guests, Mrs. D. A. Valleau, Margaret and Dick, Mrs. Hugli Hall and Miss Hazel Barrie, Osh- awa. Tpr. Charlie Thackray, Exhibi- tion Camp, Toronto, and Mrs. Thackray are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brown. Mrs. Baldwin, Orono, was guest of Mrs. Frank Dawes. Mrs. M. Gogerty had a picnic for her Sunday School class in the Parish Hall on Friday. Mr. Fred Rowe, Ottawa, was at home. Miss Patricia Pearce, R.N., Osh- awa General Hospital, was home for the week-end. Mission Band of United Church held a successful tea and sale on Saturday afternoon, under con- venorship of Mrs. A. E. Mellow. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Alldread had their son, Alfred Charles, Christened in St. George's Church Sunday afternoon. Summer residents down at the hake for the week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wynn, Brantford, OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 ROYAL, BOWMANVILLE Telephone 589 Thurs., Fni., June 21-22 BRIDE BY MISTAKE Starrlng Alan Marshal, Laraine Day. A sparkling story of a rieli girl wbo dldn't want to marry for lier money. Saturday Only, lune 23 ITS A GREAT LIFE With BLONDIE and the BUMSTEADS Starrlng Arthur Lake, Penny Singleton, Huth Herbert. IT'S A RIOT! Addéd Western Hit NEVADA With Bob Mitchum, Anme Jeffreys. From the nove! by Zane Grey. Mon., Tues., Wed., lune 25, 26, 27 CASANOVA BROWN Wlth Garty Cooper, Teresa Wright. A riot of marital mixups, a star gazlng mn. ther-In-Law, and general misunderstanding make tis picture hlghly entertaining. Il~---------------- Fr, Sat., Mon., Tues., June 22, b, 25, 26 A. J., CRONINS THE KEYS 0F THE KINGDOM Starring Gregory Peck, Thomas Mit- chell, Vincent Price, Rosa Stradner, Roddy McDowell. Here is a wondrous adven- ture which human emotions sehdom are privileged to ex- perience. Wed. to Sat. June 27 - 30 music FOR MILLIONS With M.G.M.'s Biggest Little Star MARGARET O'BRIEN Also Jose Iturbi, Jimmy Durante, June Allyson, Marsha Hunt, Hugh Herbert. A grand story of people you'll love. Don't miss these two out- standing features Keep Your Motors Going J. Il Easy w instail, Fram Oul FLters Yare a truC econýomy for they repay you many tîmes for the saui initial charge.Kee overhauls thus lenghng the life oÏ the motor. ghnn Ask your Fram Dealer or write for descriptive folder to- C. ADAMS COMPANY LTD. 115 GEORGE ST., TORONTO, ONT. l *and Mrs. Arthur Wynn, Bownian- George Walton, M r s. Robert Iville; Dr. and Mrs. Waton Baîl, Hendry, Mrs. William Brunt, Mr. IToronto; Mrs. Ida Stinson and Bill Rowland. IMiss Frances Stinson, Toronto; Mrs. Douglas Irwin and child- IMrs. N. Duncan, Toronto. ren are spending a month wit] Mr, and Mrs. E. Ardagh, To- hier parents in Toronto. gronto, are at their summer home Mr. John Martin, Public Rela- in Newcastle. tions Director of Massey-Harris Sgt. Sam Cowan, Hagersville, Co., Toronto, accompanied by 1was home. Editor Geo. W. James and Arthur L. Baker, Bowmanville, paida Miss Evelyn Woodward, Bow- visit to our village on Thursday. manville, visited with Mr. and They were here gathering infor- Mrs. Lawrence Gaines. mation pertaining to the early Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Langman, days of the Massey industry Port Credit, visiting their son-mn- which was founded in this village law, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. in 1847. The Massey-Harris Co. Lewis Clark. is already making plans to cele. Miss Myrtle Clark has returned brate its centenary in its fac- to Belleville. tories hocated in various parts of The Horrocks have moved to the world, in 1947. It is expecteti their summer home at the lake, one of the outstanding celebra- Half-a-Hill. tions will take place right here Pty. O. Fred Coueh, Toronto, in Newcastle. was home, Mrs. Couch returning A full platoon of Chinese sol- with him after a week in Toronto, diers, most of them Canadian- Mrs. Charles Glenney and little born, have just finished basi son, John, havé returned from training in Canada. and are eager visiting hier parents in Wood- to get into the fight against Japan. stock.___________ Miss Patty Bull and Mr. and Mrs. Manny Bull, Toronto, are Orn Mmve spending a week at the summer Oron New home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bull at the lake. Mrs. Fred Lycett entertained Mrs. Long, Miss Gladys Long, the ladies of the Good Wihl Bible Mrs. Mvatthews, Toronto, are at Class for their June meeting when their summer homes for three about 30 enjoyed a profitable weeks. evening. Mrs. W. W. Sherwin Miss Mary VanDusen, Toronto, conducted the study and discus- spent the week-end with her sion on '"Adventuring Together in father. Christian Living in the Commun- Miss Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, ity,,. Mrs. C. S. McLaren, presi- was home, dent, on behaîf of the group, made Miss Evelyn Allun was in Ajax a presentation of a hymnary to with Miss Helen Hooper. Mrs. Victor Hancock, who is mov- Rev. and Mrs. Lorne, Ottawa, ing to Newcastle. were guests of hier mother, Mrs. Mr. Prevost, who has been act- Wm. Thomas. ing as teller in the Bank of Com- Cpl. Carl Fisher, Montreal, is merce, has gone from Orono. home on furhough. Miss Mary Somerville is back Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rowe, St. fron2 sick leave. Lambert, Que., called on Mrs. r n r.A .Dumn George Rickard on their way haer. a nronAtA.dumondh home from Toronto. ihavesbeen in.Trondue tothe Owing to continued il health iss 0f Mr. Drummwond's atr Mr. Benjamin Moise was removed tMissooNeae r iht o wasat to Bowmanvilhe Hospital last ' 1dea nBwmnil week. has taken a position in Arm- Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry, strong's store. Lake Shore, are receiving con.- Mr. and MjUs. Jas. Stephenson gratulations on the birth of two have been on an extended visit grandsons hast week; Mrs. Garnet in Montreal and South Mountain. Rickard, Shaw's,, (nee Annabelle Major and Mrs. Fred Lycett, Hendry) had a son in Bowman- Douglas and Donald, heft on Sat- ville Hospital, on June l6th, and urday for two months' stay in Mrs. R. Bruce Murray, Stirling, Kingston. Ont., (nee Edith M. Hendry) had Women's Association of Park a son in Belleville Hospital on St. United Church met June l2th June llth. with Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, presi- Mr. T. Manes attended 'Mi,,- dent, inwthe chair. brook fair. D ur h am, Northumberland, Miss Beatrix Mclntosh has re- Peterboro, Victoria and Ontario urned from Toronto. counties district of Holstein W.O. Richard Anderson, R.C. breeders hehd their field day and A.F., and Mrs. Anderson were picnic at the CÔmmunity Park, guests of Mrs. Stella Anderson. Orono, on June 9th. Over 400 Mrs. Jack Nesbitt, Oshawa, was were in attendance and had an Dom . enjoyable day under the leader- Mrs. . B. Simpson is guest of ship of Carlos Tamblyn, President er daughter and son-in-law, Mr. of the Durham Holstein Club and nd Mrs. Martin Estali, Ottawa. Fiehdman, Roy Ormiston. The spacious home of Mr. and Lieut. W. M. Ransberry, R.C.A., NIrs. Robert Hendry was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rans- 3cene of a very happy gathering berry, Enterprise, was married at n Friday evening, June l5th, Penzance, Cornwall, Eng., to when Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gra- Doris Lanyoh, daughter of Mr. amn (nee Lena Kimbahi) were, and Mrs. Wmn. Wiliaims of Sennen, Lendered a miscellaneous shower Cornwall. The groomsman was y over 100 of their friends from Cfn. Th'bmas Lewis, R.C.E.M.E., .ewcastle, Lake Shore and brother-in-law of the groom. Mr. Brown's Schooh Section. Rev. R. and Mrs. Ransberry wili make ,'Morton was chairman and Mr. their home in. Toronto. li Rowland, Lake Shore, read Miss C. McKay attended the he very chever and witty address funeral of hier sister, Mrs. R. N. ýonveying to the guests of honor Patterson, who died at N. Battle- le good wishes and felicitations ford, Sask., and was buried at f their many friends. Mr. George Port Elgin. Valton rendered two solos which Mr. Wiifred Froste, wirehess ere much enjoyed, as was aiso operator with the' Merchant he reading by Mr. Gordon Mar- Marine, arrived home hast week in.* The many beautiful gifts having been as far as Murmansk. stified to the popuiarity of AI- Wilfred has been on three' ships ed and Lena. The groom re- that have been torpedoed. ied in a fitting manned and ex- Eastern section of Young Peo- ressed the thanks and apprecia- phe's Union of Oshawa Presbytery [on of his bride and himseif for met in Orono Community Park te good wishes and lovehy gifts last Wednesday for their annual iey had been the recipients of picnic. Glen Hancock, Orono, is iat evening. Refreshments were president and with the assistance rved by the committe in charge of the executive conducted an en- * this very enjoyable evening: joyabie aud profitable program of rs. Clarence Turner, Mrs. sports, camp fire and worship service. Two companies of Girl Guides from Bowmanvilie, and one from SOrono enjoyed together a week- end camp on the M. H. Staples farm, south of Orono. Sports in the park, a camp fire Saturday toI evening and a church parade on Rev. and Mrs. Sam Delve visit- ed. Mrs. A. Deive and Mrs. H. Curtis. Tucker, Toronto, at home. .. Miss Rose Kibzey, Bowmanviile, with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor. .. Miss Marjorie McLaren, Nestieton, at With hoe. HKIGACRheu matic Ppains u fe asdb i acid in the. blood. Tihis blood inipurity should b. extractod by the. kidneys. If kid. neya fait and exceu s une md lremains, it ibritates t in udces and joint& caualng excruciating pains. Treat rbemutic pain keeping your kidn * ID ocd codition. Take regualy Dodd'à K* y dn. isflal hall a centry the. favoitekide rrmedy. 109 Dodds Kidney Pis a i b ti A c t] o b tE b2 ti th Co. th th 0fr Youi Can Makt Money' W. Canadians, together with the citizens of the United States and Great Britain, will eat less sugar during the balance of 1945. Ta meet aur own needs and the urgent requirements of aur Allies and the liber- ated countries, aur share of the reductian must total nearly 200,000,000 pounds of sugar during the rest cf the year. To assure fair distribution of what is left, the suga.r ration is ta be cut by fiv. P 49«4rigtenetsvn otsb pacucnatheurinth nextrent money Poudcin the rnontly allatrnenttoeane paund in Jun e July, andustOtaber n thecember. n eptemblernand Ncavner, the allawncewi emi nhagda Thea paund s graltnn o on The tg, epousnd uar ltent foa roe cannvnscoupnrein ntedytwne.tra r reu rserves coupons maisucantiedTwo regulreevaldescoupons il oniuet ANS WERS TO TOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT SUGARt Q.H.w dees Canada get its aliare c9 wcrld Suger sules? A. World stocks are pooled hy thc Comllned Food Board olf thc United Nations which allots sugar to Canada, United States and Great Britain on a uniform per capita basis. Q.Where dcem the veut cf th. world sugar supply go? A. To other chaimants, lncluding liberated areas# Europcan neutrals, Rusai., the Miiddle East, New Zealand and other sugar-importing coun- tries. Approxi.mately one-half of tizi total in destined for liberated areas. la I.thora leu. sugar li th. wcxld teday? A. ee. Because-needs are Up and production in down, world sugar stocks reached a new low at thc bcgining of 1945. By the end of tii. year, they will b. down again, titis Urne to a *ating places, white sintilar reductions are being made by the gmd orces n the sugar quotas fors ervice Personnel. RATION ADMINISTRATION RIS CARCE -USE IT $PARÎG R 1 Q. Why as there moe. demaasd for augar? A. The rising demand largely reflecti the neod, of iberated are«s. Q.Why la the eu ..preductien? A. World sugar output is lower for Uic.. reasns: 1. Enemy occupation of some sources such as lava and Uic Philippines. lava, of course, is sa1 in Japanese banda and, altitougli Uic Philippines are liberated, production la flot expected to bo restored unlil late in 1946. 2. QUier ezport countries have orperionced senious shortage. Of labour and ferilimer. 3. Record drouglit conditions and hurricanes have alao out into production zL tUic im- b - - Ontario 't readings, with a social time, made I.up an enjoyable evening. Mr. Wm. Cornish has left for 1-Victoria, B.C., to visit his brother th and sister. a- Robert Cooper has a, position ' with the Bell Telephone Co., in j~' ir Mrs. Fred Lorriman has gone to k a the United States. y r. CÇ . S.McLaren attendeda rconvention of coal dealers in To- 'y Sunday morning service atTatand'caatyaprdealmum s ýePark St. United Church was of a htCndscpiytorduearIums special nature as June 1Oth mark- ed the 20th anniversary of the naw groater than tho capacJty of the ontire *forming of Church Union. Rev. wrdi 99 )fS. Littlewood gave an interesting i 99 dresume of the outstanding events L_ of the 20 years, and stressed the ,"Crusade for Christ and His King- domn" which is beinig launched for the future. At the evening service, Rev. J. E. Harvey of Pontypool preached, and at 8:30 cthe broadcast from the United r Church Rally at Maple Leaf Gar- tdens was enjoyed. Week-end Visitors: Mr. and ~, Mrs. Chas. Wood and Gwennje - Phasey in Newcastle. . . Bands- man Arthur White, Camp Borden, at home. .. Misses Laura and Isa- 1bel Allin, Oshawa, at home... 2Miss Adele Morton, Toronto, with iMr. and Mrs. Albert Morton. . . War Savlng Certlrcates and Stamps are an cMr. and Mrs. C. L. Powers with Ivsmn o h uue irelatives in Toronto. . . Mrs. M. Ivsmn o h uue -Harrison, Bowmanville, with Mrs.CO ne r V iG. Glanville. . . Mrs. Marjorie Watson, Toronto, with friends. Mr. C. J. Hughson, Orono's grand old man, celebrated his M AUGBEEISU41 98th birthday on June l2th. He is stili wonderfully active, even 0677 able to go to the polis to cast his vote in the elections. Congratu- lations go to Mr. Hughson from ahl Statesman readers. Andy Clarke mentioned Mr. Hughson's birthday in his Sunday morning teachers of this Inspectorate at a Miss Mabel Davy, Mrs. N. F. sided and Mrs. W. J. Sutpae bradas.meeting in Port Hope on Friday Porter, Mrs. H. Walsh, Mrs. R. E. for the hymns. A social tîme was Directors of County Federation evening. Logan, Mrs. C. Wood and Mrs. S. spent. Next meeting at Commun- of Agriculture were entertained W.M.S. had a very instructive Littlewood. A pleasant surprise ity Park on July 3rd. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. and inspirational meeting, June was given to Mrs. Walter Couch Mellor at their regular monthly 5th. The Crusade launched by when Mrs. Fred Kelly, on behalf Canadian Indians have decided meeting on June 7th. the Moderator of the United of her group, presented her with that the acceptance of family al- The public school teachers of Church was studied in its many a Life Membership certificate. lowance grants will not prejudice Orono joined with the other phases, when talks were given by Mrs. M. H. Staples very ably pre- their constitutional rights. MWarlow's Chowmix Ho, We can now supply you with Marlow's Chowrf Sow and Pig Feed which will enable your sows farrow LARGER litters of HEAVIER pigs, whi means HIOHER LIVEABILITY and SHORTER TIN to market. Marlow's Chowmix Pig Starter mak the littie fellows forget ail about the discomfor of weaning. Keep them growing and finish tf Cliowmix Hog Rations. You will save pigs andà Purina Chek-R-Pigtabs. They are easy to give the worms out. We know you will be pleased will be greater if you follow this definite plan of MARLOW g TRANSPORT Telephono: Port Perry 106-R-2 THE CANADIAN STATESMAIV- RnWMANIM.T.v rWlr,&VTÉ-% dambin 001. ty/ a-se aée4umooo,