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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1945, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1945 SOCIAL AND PERtSONAL0Q>ý Phoneo663 Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sherwin and family, Orono, spent the week- end at Niagara Falls. Mr. Alex Lockhart,,Tgronto, is visiting his brother, »Mr. T. H. Lockhart., Rev.ý and Mrs. A. J. G. Cars- cad en, Toronto, were guests with lits sister, Mrs. F. H. Morris, Beech Ave. Mr. Keith A. Siemon has passed his 5th year exams in Faculty of Medicine at University of Toron- to. Mr. Charles Carter, Jr., Deputy .FDistrict Governor, Lions Clubs, Zone 10, is attending the Lions Convention at Quebec City. Mrs. H. G. King and mother, Mrs. J. Woollard, Winnipeg, Man., spent a week with Mrs. Faulkner and Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. McClellan, FOR EVERY MEMBER 0F THE FAMILY Bownianville Dairy MILK is a refreshing beverage that every member of the fantily can enjoy. It 's a liquid food that builds strong 'oodies and healthy d is po s itions. Children should have one quart every day and aduits at least a pint. FRESH EGGS AI Grade Large size, order them now TRY OUR OHOCOLATE MILK 1111k, ream, Butter and eggs delivered. Bowmanville Dairy Phone 446 or 703 'f USE PAPER SAVE TIME & LABOR PAPER PLATES AIl Sizes PAPER CUPS 3 Sizes Paper Serviettes - Table- Paper - Spoons - Forks - Wax Paper - Pienie Baskets J. WN. JEWELL "'BIG 20" PHONE 55t. 1Staples, Miss M. Field, Toronto, were guests witb Mrs. N. S. B, James. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Papineau have returned from visiting with relatives in Detroit. Miss Nellie Panker, nurse ir trinn, Nicholîs Hospital, Peter- bris spending her- vacation with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Parker. town. Mn. and Mrs. J. Dickens, Winni- peg, Man., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Depew. They came east to see their son, Pilot Officer Ernie Dickens, wbo recently re- turned fnomn overseas. Mr. Jim Southey has passed his lst year in Arts at Queen's Uni- versity, obtaining Honors and a scbolanship, and was also tied for histony. Jim bas since signed up with the Navy for service in the Pacifie. Miss Catharine Annis, daugbter of Mr. and Mns. Allan F. Annis, Oshawa, passed with First Class Honors in the finst year of the Faculty of Arts at University of Toronto, leading her class in the honor course. Mn. Donald Ferguson has pass- ed bis lst year exams in Health and Physical Education at Uni- versity of Toronto. Don will spend the summer at a boys' camp in Nortbern Ontario as physical instructon. Mr. John Martin has resigned his position in Noranda, Que., to join bis wife, who, in poor health, bas resided witb ber daugbter, Mrs. Howard Pickard, for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Martin will spend the summer at their cot- tage, Bowmanville Beach, then to continue residence in Bowman- ville. Mr. Martin intends to re- tunn to, the construction business, in which be was engaged in To- ronto for many yeans. On Saturday, Wesley Fowler, accompanied by bis son, Elmen, and Bernard Jones, journeyed to Toronto to meet bis son, Pte. James Fowlen o! the Finst Cana- dian Panatnoop Btn., who arrived back !rom ovenseas on the troop sbip "Island of France". On Sun- day a family ne-union took place to, celebrate the bome-coming wben dinner was held at Wesley Ftowler's and suppen at Eliner Fowler's. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fowler and family, Mr. Fred Fowlen and daugbter Kay, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Ai- bert Pearce and family, New- castle. This is the first time in 24 years the four brothers have been togethen. Numerous friends called to add their wishes on the hxappy occasion. Newcastle Mr, and Mrs. Scott Finlayson and Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins, Toronto, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mns. Earl Walton. Mrs. Ernest Blackburn, Cal- gary, is visiting Mrs. O. L. Cole and Miss Esteila Blackburn and othen relatives. Evening Auxiliary o! W.M.S. met June 20 at Mrs. Gordon Mar- tin's with President Mrs. F. But- ler presiding. Mrs. A. Pearce's group bad charge o! the program. Mrs. G. A. Walton read the cal to worsbip and led in prayer. Mns. Chas. Glenney, Mrs. A. Pearce, Mrs. R. Dickinson, Mrs. W. T. Brunt and Mns. C. Turner gave a review o! the study book on the Philippines . The program includ- ed: piano solo by Joyce Martin; piano duet by Shirley and Arvilla Brunt and a poem by Mrs. G. Walton. Mrs. R. Dickinson led in a geognaphicai c'ontest after wbicb refreshments wene served. Mrs. E. Pattenson spent the week-end with Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Pearce. Mns. (Rev.) E. W. Tink, Bear" Lake, Micb., visited Mrs. Norman Allin. Miss Marlon Aflin took Mrs. Tink to visit other relatives wbich included Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mns. Percy Dewell, Hampton; Mrs. Herb Tink, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Solîna; Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Webber, Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Webben, Columbus; Miss Mildned Webber. Osbawa. More Newcastle news, page 7. BEACHNEWS WEST BEACH This week-end !ound the Beachi in full sway, cottages bave beer opened. and spning cleaned and many bave bad thein faces lifteJ with a fresb coat o! paint. ThE men wonked bard and long with the assistance o! Chas. Severs and bis truck doing their roadwork, Now we have a road second tc none. The dance hall is in fui] swing witb a Wuritzer providing the music. The new pnoprietorE o! the West Beach store are en- deavoring to meet the nequine- ments o! the populace in supplies and entertainment. The constabulany paid us a visit on Saturday evening and found tbings '.'within the law", The residents are looking for- ward to meeting alI their friends and acquaintances at the Mid- night Frolic on JuIy 1. Mrs. Chas. Severs bas taker over the boarding bouse and we extend a bearty welcome on thE beach to ahl the guests at "ThE Sandland Guest Home". Mn. and Mrs. Ray Ackeyman are again boiidaying at Keo-Wig, Dilling Bros. have nesumed thE daily newspapen service. They will gladly serve their customerfi with copies o! The Statesman. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (Joe) DilI- ing bave retired from businesE and are holidaying in VanDusen'5 cottage, beach front. Fred Pattinson and Fred Baker bave adorned the cottages with new glass numbers, in keeping with the rest o! town. Prof. and Mns. Chester New, Miss E. Robinson, W.O. and Mns. MacPberson, Kennetb and David, Miss Peggy Kelly, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Quinn, Mrs. W. Wonnacott, Dorotby and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Severs and Billie, Mn. and Mrs. B. Murchison and Billie, Mn. and Mrs. N. Green and Donald, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Dunn, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Cole and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Fonrest Dilling and family, Mns. B. Latimer and Zetta, Mn. and Mrs. Russell Halîman, have aIl taken« up residence at their cottages. Mn. and Mns. John Culley, Marilyn and Billie, at Weneven- fus. Week-end bolidayers included: Mn. and Mrs. J. Cole, Miss Mar- garet Cole, Mn. Herb. Cole, Mn. Jack Cole and Allan at "Boskey Dell". .. Mr. and Mns. Chas. Mc- Tague and Geraldine and John, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Severs, Ajax, at Sandlands with Mn. and Mrs. Charles Severs. . . Misses Faye and Doris Lawson and Master Gordon Lawson are witb their gnandparents in Resty Nook... Mr. and Mrs. P. Hayes and fam- ily, Harmony, witb ber sister, Mns. F. Cole, in "Gary's Paradise" ... Mn. and Mrs. F: Petbick, Mrs., Wm. Currie, Joyce and Donrotby Ann at EEEE's. Rance Dilling is finisbingte addition to bis cottage. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Bounsaîl, Tommy and Ted, Milton, holiday- ing at their cottage. Mrs. W. Mathers in Moonsbine. Wm. Quinn reports some fine catches o! perch in the barbon. Basebail Schedule O.M.B.A. SCHEDULE (lat Haif) Fni., June 29tb - Rexalîs at Bowmanvilie; Victons at Wbitby; Beatons Dairy'et Coca Colas. Tues., July 3rd - Coca Colas at Victors. Wed., July 4tb-Beatons Dainy at Bowmanville; Wbitby at Rex- alîs. Fnl., July 6tb Coca Colas at Wbitby. Sat., July 7tb Bowmanville at Victons. Mon., July 9th -Wbitby at Beatons Dairy. Wed., July llth- Rexails at Coca Colas; Victors at Bowman- 'rT PAATYAM r~?RAMn(WT1UA7,~TT T (~~T'ADT. †, 4 4'.. ~".'V~ YÂfI~ AJfl.fl*'.fN .fPAGE. PUI±FL W eddings Greek Officer Liberated PEARCE-ALLDREAD A very quiet wedding took place at Trinity Parsonage, Bow- manville, June 17, by Rev. J. E. Griffith, when Margaret Eliza- beth, second daughter of Mrs. and the late Mathew Aldread, o! Newcastle, Ontario, became the b ri de o! William Howard Peîrce, eldest son of Mrs. and the late Wm. H. Pearce otNeXw- castle. The bride, dressed in white chiffon witb hat to match, wore a corsage of carnations. The bridesmaid, Mrs. L. K. Alldread, sister-in-law of the bride, wore powder blue withbhat to match and corsage o! pink carnations. Albert Pearce, nepbew of the groom, was best man. The happy couple left on their boneymoon to Peterboro. On their return they will live at Newcastle on the Lake. GRIFFEN-JONES Rev. J. Verner McNeely solem- nized the marriage on Saturday, June 16, in King Street United Church, Oshawa, of Leona Clara Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alma Jones o! Pickering, to Fred- erick Griffen o! Madoc, son of Mrs. Griffen and the late Richard Griffen. Given in marriage by her mother, the bride wore a wbiteý crepe gown and carried pink car- nations. Her only attendant was her aunt, Miss Gertrude Druneau, of Pickering. The best man was the grooms brother, George Grif- fen, of Trenton. After the ceremony the bride's mother received the guests in the auditorium of the church where a dainty lunch was served. The bride later donned her travelling suit of powder blue and amid con- fetti and good wisbes, the happy couple left for a trip to Niagara and district. Mn. and Mrs. Gnif- fen will reside in Bowmanville, Mr. Giffen being an employee of the C.N.R. bere. BEHM-NORWICK Ferns in taîl standards, assort- ed flowers, an arch of evergreens entwined witb iris, poppies and primroses fonmed an effective and colorful setting for the wedding of Anne Ruth Norwick, daugbten of Peter and the late Mrs. Nor- wick, Toronto, to Harold Arnold Behm, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Behm, Renfrew, Ont., on Satun- day, June 23rd, in Grace Luther- an Churcb, Oshawa. Rev. Roy Knoll officiated and Mr. Taylor played the wedding music. Miss Margaret Mosser sang, "I Walk Beside You". The groom was attended by his brotber, Wil- fred Behm, Renfrew, and Bill Gibson of Whitby. Ushers wene Mr. Herb. Hantwig and Bob Behm of Oshawa. The bride, given in marriage by Jack Klapow, wone a floor-length Mr. and Mns. A. Prescott and out any senious misbap. We ne- This is subscription tîme! -a scarcely remembers bis brother, wbose picture appears above. Lieut. Annis escaped to Egypt and fougbt witb Montgomery's 8tb Army until the British sent their expeditionary force to Greece. He returned home at that tinie and fougbt witb tbe British and laten with the Greek guerillas be- fore the Germans overran tbe country. He tells of the food scarcity and of the bigb prices prevailing. Sugar retails at $8.10 per lb., with othen prices on a cor- responding scale. There is every expectation that a stable govenn- ment will be formed under uni- versai franchise and that domestic economy will graduaily be re- stored. Rotary Beee Defeat Oshawa Cokes 9-8 In Hardball Opener Bowmanville's Rotary Junior handball team beat Coca Colas o! Oshawa, 9-8 in tbe opening game o! the season in town at the High School grounds, Fniday evening. The Cokes bad it tucked away 8-5 entering the last frame. Then Bowmanville, aided by the weak- ening opposing pitcher, c a m e down the stnetch in a garnison finish, scoring 4 nuns to win, witb two out and darkness falling. It was a pitcbing duel ail the way with Anty Clemence in midseason fonm baving tbe edge. Deep grass sin the outfield was an inconveni- ence to botb teams. The play, de- scribed infonmally, went as fol- lows: lst-Oshawa got on tbrougb a fumble at short. A bit to short centre was lost in,,the grass. An- other bit scored two and the next three were out in order. Bowmanville evened it, two all, *witb bits bý, Brown and Ferguson and McIlveen's two bagger scor- ed tbem. 2nd-Cokes scored 6 runs on 5 h its and a flock o! wild tbrows by *Bowmanville's infield, a phooie flareup. The home team went down in orden witb Brown out stealing after getting a safe bit. 3rd - Both teams netired, one, two, tbree, with two strikeouts sapiece. 4tb-Cokes got two bits, but rMcllveen's tremendous heave 1from deep centre nipped a three bagger and Clemence took cane o! the others, holding on base *and fanning. Bowmanville scored 3 runs on 2 bits, an enror, a walk and stolen bases. DeGeen replaced Hooper at 2nd. 5th-Botb teams went down scoreless, with no bits save Mc- Ilveen's terrific 3 base clout to deep centre. 6th-Clemence took cane o! al three Cokes in order. Bowmanville had a s w e Il chance wben DeGeer walked, Sturnock bit safe, Rundle and Brown !anned, Fergy walked, f ill- ing the bases, but Hoar fanned for the 4th straight time, to end the agony. 7th-Clemence took two Cokes and Rundle tbrew to lst for the end o! tbe visitons' chances. Then came the payoff: MIli- veen singled and stole. Clemence was on by an error and stole. Strike grounded out. DeGeen walked and stole. Sturrock fouI- ed out. Rundle walked and the bases were full. Brown was bit by the pitcher forcing a run. Then Cokes pulled the bidden bah trick to end the game but apparently there were too many balîs in the play and Umps sbooed tbem back to positions. Fergy came to bat, two out, two stnikes on him, three runs to win. He wbammed the next pitch for two bases to win the game. About 300 fans turned out in perfect weathen to give the champs a real boost for 1945. 'Pop' Walter DeGeer was ump at the plate and Ralph Ames bandled the bases. Summany: Cokes, 8 bits, 8 runs, 2 errons, 9 fanned, 5 stole. Bow- manville, 10 bits, 9 runs, 6 errors, 9 fanned and 10 stole. Tbree base bits, McIlveen. Two base bits, McIlveen, Ferguson 2, Brown; Osbawa 1. Hit by pitcher, Brown, DeGeer. ville. Fni., July 13tb - Bowmanville at Wbitby; Beatons Dairy at Rex- ails. Mon., July l6tb - Rexalîs at Victors. Wed., July l8th - Bowmanvillie at Coca Colas. Fni., July 2Oth - Wbitby at Bewmanviile; Victors at Beatons Dairy. Mon., July 23rd - Bowmanvillo at Rexalls. First Aid Kits ---------- 75c, $1.00 Tangel for Sunburn ----50e, $1,25 Velvetta Sunburn Cream ---39e Noxzema -----------17c, 39e, 59c Noxzema San-Tan Oit 1--30e, 60e Gaby Sun-Tan Lotion ---35c, 65e ~~'"Alenburya" ~ Basic Soap super fitt.ed oee oomp-fer. frm aduterano-wilI nt hiume t tendr sklis per cake 25c- family witb Mr. and Mrs. R. Glide, Uxbridge. G. H. Hogartb, B.A., Toronto, at G. Bowman's. There was no cburcb service on Sunday as a large number o! our congregation attended the anni- versary services at Eldad. MANVEîgS SCHOOLS HOLD TRACK AND FIELD MEET Aften almost two montbs o! rain June 8, with its cloudless sky and bot sun was more than wel- comed by the school cbildren o! Manvers Township. This was the day set for their annual Track and Field Meet during whicb 275 scbolans met at Janetville to match wit and migbt that wene to bring home that cup and trophy. So entbusiastic wene the com- petitors that fnom 9:00 a.m. tili about 6:30 p.m. the spectatons were tbnilled with not only some o! the most botly contested games as well as othen events, but also witb scbool yells, cheens and boos. A splendid spirit o! co-opera- tion was shown by the fact thdt although girls and boys as weil as the four diffenent classes o! each bad thein own suitable type o! events making 56 items o! in- dividual competition besides six gnouped school events, ail pro- ceeded most smootbly and was oven acconding to schedule witb- 2-Way Inseet Repellent - 3c 2-Way Insecticide 59c, 98e Skeeter-Skatter ---- 35c Sketofax Repellant --- ---25e Olympene ---50c, $1.00 FIy Tox 24e, 43c, 73e Tat Ant Traps 35e I.D.A. Calamine Lotion ___25e Wax Paper --- 15e, 25c Meeca OLntment 23-- 45 gret space does not permit pub- lisbing list o! winners. UNION MEMBERS TO HOLD LABOR DAY FETE AT OSHAWA LAKE Union members in Durham and Ontario counties will hold a par- ade and picnic at Lakeview Park, Oshawa, on Sept. 3, to mark the 5lst anniversany o! Labor Day, The annual fete is sponsored by the Labor Day Committee which consists o! delegates of unions af- filiated witb the Canadian Con- gress o! Labor in Bowmanvile, Oshawa, Wbitby and Ajax. The committee bas decided to invite Pat Conroy, secretary- treasurer o! the Canadian Con- gress o! Labor, as the !eatured speaker. Other notables invited to attend the picnic as speakers are Mayor C. G. Morris o! Bow- manville; M~ayor W. H. Gifford of Oshawa; Mayor R. M. Devereil of Whitby and Reeve Norman Down o! East Wbitby Township. K. H. Etcher, delegate !romn Local 1817, United Steelworkers of America (Osbawa) was elected chairman and E. A. Joncs o! Local 189, United Rubber Wonkers of America, Bowmanviile, was nam- ed secretary of the committee. Tbree sub - committees are in charge o! making the necessary arrangements for tbe affair. LOWEST PRICES Vacation and HOLIDAY NEEDS Save yourseif Inoney by getting your many summer needs NQW at your I.D.A. DRUG STORE, Listed herie are a few suggestions from our large stock of popular produets at eeonomy prices. ENOS 'FIRUIT SALTI C REI'RP ~29c F ACE POWDER O. LIPSTICK 4 LovoIy. Dering fi,,*30C ' ROUGI 0 3ThrIling lents 30 M A C LIANM SToMAcirPoWIER CUE --------------19e, 33e Coigate's Shavlng Cream 29c, 43e ~ AOHES CASHMERE TISSUE 2 Two Grades 15e. 2 for 250 PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER - ~ 1945 Lieut. Louis Annis gown of white sheer and lace, with long sleeves and buttoned to shirred waistline. She carried a bouquet of American B ea ut y roses and baby's breath. Her three quarter length veil was arranged from a halo trimmed witb lilies of the valley. The maid of honor, Helen Norwick, Bowmanville, wore a floral taffeta gown witb matching head-dress, and she car- ried a bouquet of pink roses, car- nations, sweet peas and larkspur. The bridesmaid, Rose Nikicel o! Whitby, wore a becoming gown of peach satin and net with mauve flowered bead-dress and shoulder length veil, she also carried a bouquet of mauve sweet peas and larkspur. Canada Bread truck led the party from the church to the Gen- osha Hotel where a reception was held in the "Blue Room". Mrs. Behm, mother of the groom, wore a black sheer dress with white ac- cessories and a corsage of pink roses and sweet peas. The bride and groom left on a wedding trip to Renfrew and east. For travelling the bride wore a blue silk linen dress, blue flow- ered bat, and corsage of red roses. On returning, Mr. and Mrs. Behm will reside on Bruton St., Port Hope. ,old ch- ack H. ^iur tnd G. ito, DO WMAN VILLE Lions Carnival PUBLIC SCHOOL CROUNRS Wed., July llth GRAND PRIZE : 1941 Chevrolet Sedan - NINE CONSOLATION PRIZES- (In case of rain, Carnival wiII b. heId Saturday, JuIy l4th) SUN GLASSES .. 19c, 25c, 35c to $2.50 WHITE SHOE CLEANERS -....- 15c, 25e LEG PAINTS .. 15c, 25c, 49c, $1 HAIR REMOVERS.. 15c, 25c, 49c, $1 DANCE~ ORONO HALL FRIDAY, JUNE 29th RAGNAR STEEN AND HIS ORCHESTRA The Biggest Little Band In Easteri Ontario THE BAND THAT PLAYS EVERYTHING MIDNITE DANCE Sunday, July lat 'WEST DEACH HALL BOWMANVILLE Starting 12.01 a.m.- Monday GOOD FLOOR - GOOD MUSIC OPEN HOUSE - NO ADMISSION FOR YOUR GARDEN ... Bla.ck Leaf "ý40" -------- 33c, 95c Arsenate ofLead 1 & 4 lb. -- 23c, 72e Bordeaux Mixture 1 & 5 lb. 25c, $1.00 Dlxon's Vitamin B-1i----25c, SOc, $1.00 Spraylde ---30e. $1.25 ___Mi n_________ Sprayers ------50e, 75e McO REDOR 1 MW MODIESS BELirs 2S4 - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVTT.T.Ir CINTARTri ý A ýý -l - SURPRISE SHOWER HELD TO HONOR MISS ANNE NORWICK A lovely sbower honoring Miss Anne Norwick, June bride-elect, was beld Monday evening at the borne o! Mrs. W. Cummings, Port Hope. More than 30 guests were present at this miscellaneous shower held in the form of a sur- prise panty. The many gifts were placed upon the dining room table attractively decorated with pink and white streamers, falling from the chandelier. The table was centned witb a gorgeous bouquet of bridai wreatb and iris. The living room was attnactively dec- orated witb peonies and iris. The guest o! bonor tbanked ber many friends for their kindness and tbougbtfulness on the occasion of ber forthcoming marriage. Later delicious refresbments were serv- ed witb Miss Marian Robson, Mrs. Mullholland and Mrs. Parrisb as- sisting the hostess. - Port Hope Guide. Enfield (Intended for last week) Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pnescott and family at E. Pres- cott's Long Sault. . . Miss Ruth Robbins, Zion, Miss Helen Smith, Oshawa, witb Miss Ruth Prescott . .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and Bruce at T. R. Bowman's, Port Penny. . . Mrs. H. Ormiston witb ber brother, Claude Smith, Ennis- killen. Somne members o! oun W.A. were guests o! Enniskillen W.M.S. and report an enjoyable a!ter- noon. First news !rom their bomeland to be received since the Germans overran Greece, was received last week by Mr. and Mrs. Gus Annis, town, in two letters !rom members o! thein families. Mr. Annis ne- ceived a letten from bis brother, Lieut. Louis Annis and Mrs. Annis got word direct from ber father, a minister o! the Gneek Orthodox Cburcb. Tbey report on many atrocities committed by tbe Ger- mans, including many people shot, homes burned and widespread looting.0 Food and clotbing are very scance and mucb suffering is still in evidence even since their liber- ation. Mr. Annis wbo bas lived in Canada for the past 30 years, PHONE 799 - WB DELIVER DRUCS

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