THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAC~W ~VWM Cpl. Carl Fisher bas returned ta Montreal after spending bis furleugh with bis mother, Mrs. Earl Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Symons, Mr. and Mrs. Will Chestnut, Port Hope, called an Sunday te see Mrs. George Rickard and Mrs. Harold Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Anderson, Miss Margaret Moore and Ray Aiken were guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. Aiken. Beryl Amelia Beatrice, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Errol Brown, was Cbristened in St. George's Church on Sunday af- TE&A Ladies' Dresses w. Rave A New Shipment Of Ladfies' Dresses from $4,95 Ladies' Hats AT REDUCED PRICES ternoon by Rev. Douglas Dewc ney. Ms. G. Ryan and Mrç Floyd Thomas are the godmother and Mr. Floyd Thomas, godfather Mrs. G. Ryan and MolIy, and Dr and Mrs. J. Brown, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. W. Thomas anc Mr. and Mrs. Errol Brown foi the Christening. Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, i home on a week's vacation. Pty.0. Fred Couch, Toronto, ai home. LAC Gordon Garrod, Rock. cliffe, at home. Mr. Fred Graham is suffering from an injury to the muscles oi Quality You'Il Enjoy )- e, m bis left leg, the resuit of a faîll REV. AND MRS. R. E. MORTO] Sdown the weigh scale pit at the AND LAWRENCE HONORED C.N.R. station. ON DEPARTURE FROM Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry at NEWCASTLE Stirling. Mrs. Amy Ballagh, Ripley, N.Y., Newcastle United Church Sun Zihas returned home after visiting day School was filled to capacit: hier sister, Mrs. T. M. Gibson. ofl Friday evening, when mei d- bers of Newcastle and Clarki r. Master James G. Rickard with congregations, Young People' rshis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Union, and Sunday School met tg ýr John Hendry. honor Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Mortoi r. Miss Kaye Peters and Miss on the 35th anniversary of thei e Aresta Martin, Toronto, were marriage, and also to bid then id here for the week-end. F0 Archie and Laurence adieu and Goc r Martin, R.C.A.F., and Miss Dora speed on the eve of their deparý Martin, who had been visiting in ture froin Newcastle to Lansing. is Toronto, accompanied th erm The guests of bonor were greet. home. ed by the strains of "Here Corne! t Mrs. Margaret Hockin in Agin- the Bride" played by Mrs. Mar. court. garet Hockin. After tbey werc k_ Mrs. J. J. Foley, Toronto, guest escorted to seats on the platfornr of hier sister-in-law, Mrs. Stella littie Douglas Jose and littlk Lg Anderson. Bobby Brown presented Mrs )f Mr. David Noden is in Toronto Morton with a lovely bridai bou- General Hospital where hie ÎS quet of flowers tied with pinI -undergoing an operation on his satin streamers. Then littie Pats3 armn. Venner pinned a corsage of fiow- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carbray ers on Mrs. Morton and whitt and children visited Mr. and Mrs. carnation boutonnieres on Mr T. Brown. Morton and Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock and The Sunday Schooi was a bowý children,' Peterboro, visited Mrs. of flowers. A bride's table, e Margaret Topliff. vso fpn n ht oei PO Jim- Thompson, R.C.A.F., nviso ofpink and whteioeli- seo as, MrsThompsn, daughter- platform. A two story wedding Suan, Mrs. Volet sornde ndcake appropriately decorated and Sozne,man.ViletOwereetanoficed occupied the center of the sn oMrs. Gor Lkguetson table. Pink tapers burning in Mr. and r.Gro aign tall silver candlesticks and sinali Monday and helped Marlene cele-vaehodn ikrssndf- brate lher 6th birthday when she gvase h oldngpkroes andfoer- entertained lher littie friends at a lge-meot cmetced hi v birthday party.loeyecrtvscee Miss E. Warren, Buffalo, is Mr. Charles G i e n n e y was visiting Mrs. J. T. Cowan and Mr. chairman. Mr. George Walton Norton Cowan. rendered a solo, "I Love You Confirmation service was held Truly". Mr. J. E. Philip, Clerk of in St. George's Cburch, New- the Session, read a congratulatory castie, on Tuesday evening, June address, also eulogizing Mr. and 19th . The Primate, Archbishop Mrs. Morton and Laurence for the Owen of Toronto, confirmed the many services they had rendered candidates and preached an elo- during their stay in Newcastle. quent and inspiring sermon, with Mr. Herbert Hancock presented a speciai message to the candi- Mr. and Mrs. Morton with a purse dates who had just been confirin- Of money containing two fifty ed, asking thein to pray every day, dollar bills and Mr. A. E. Mellow make a rule of life to try to be in made the presentation of a very your place in church at ieast once handsome mirror. Mrs. Harold every Sunday. We get the high- Toms presented tbemn with a heat- est resuits frorn worshipping God proof glass tea pot. Donald Jose in union with others. He asked presented Laurence with a pen the parents to corne to church and pencil set and Miss Evelyn with the chiidren, not to send Allun, Y.P.U. President, presented thern to church alonge. The can- Laurence with a handsomne desk didates presented by the rector, lamp froin the Y.P.U. Rev. Douglas Dewdney, for con- Mrs. Morton, in hier charming firmation were: Margaret Steph- manner, expressed hier deep ap- enson and Robert Stephenson, preciation and thanks for ail the Catharine Dewdney, Newcastle; kind expressions of esteemn ex- Constance Mitchell, Joan Neilson, tended to tbem and also for the June Neilson, Orono. lovely gifts that had been se gen- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tomlinson erously presented to thein. and two children, Bowmanvilie, Laurence Morton in an eloquent were guests of Mr. and Mrs. speech thanked the members for Lloyd Stephensen. their generous expressions of Sammer residents at the Lake esteemn and kind words about his are: Mrs. George Farncomb and parents. hier mother, Mrs. Cumberland; Rev. R. E. Morton, in tbanking Mrs. E. Robson and little son, the members and friends of New- George, Oshawa; Dr. and Mrs. castle United Church, first for Lowry, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. their congratulations on his 35th Boyd, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. W. wedding anniversary, said hie Eilbeck, Jack and friend, Toronto; wished to express bis deep applie- Mrs. Erskine Duncan, Toronto; ciation for ail the nice things and Mrs. Olaf Hertzberg, visiting hier lovely gifts they had been the sister, Mrs. A. S. Houston; Mrs. recipients of that evening. He Alden Wheeier, Bowmanville. * wished aIse to thank themn for the AIB Aiden Wheeier of H.M.C.S. willing co-operation and help in Athoîl, who has been on convoy the work of the church, tbat had duty between Newfoundiand and been extended ta hum during his Londonderry, Ireland, is home on ministry among them and while a menth's leave before going to it caused bimi sorrow to say "Good the Pacic and is spending his Bye" to his many friends in New- leave with bis mother, Mrs. castle, hie wished to speak a word Wbeeler, at hier cottage at the for his successor, Rev. William Lake. Mrs. Wbeeler also bas as Patterson, Queensboro, who was bier guest Mrs. H. C. Higgin- coming to minister among them, bothain, Whitby. and hie would like to bespeak for Sub. Lieut. Maurice Anderson hlm the saine bappy co-operation was guest of the Misses Horrock that hee bad received here. before leaving for the Pacific. Mr. Morton said another couple, The United Churcb will be wel- valued members of the congrega- coming its new minister, Rev. tion, were having a 40tb wedding Win. Patterson, B.A., B.D., on anniversary that saine day, Mr. Sunday, July ist. He will conduct and Mrs. Charles Hancock. Good both services at il a.m. and 7 wisbes were also extended to p.m. Tbis will be the Sunday them by those present. School Anniversary and special Sort twe - minute speeches music is being provided by a were given by Mr. O. A. Parker, children's choir. Mr. Harry Jose, Mr. Fred Gra- W.C.T.U. was held on June 21. hain, Mr. E. Patterson, Mr. A. E. Devotional. was taken by Miss Mellow, Mr. Herbert Hancock, Trenwith, followed by prayer by Mr. Edwin Hancock, Mrs. Nor- iVrs. R. E. Morton. We ail en- man Allin, Mrs. Norman Rickard, joyed an instrumental solo by Mrs. William Beman. Claire Allin. Mrs. Rowe, Orono, The speeches were interspersed gave a reading, "What Is a by a splendid and enjoyable Gentleman?" with a piano accoin- musical prograicansisting of paniment by Lawrence Morton. vocal solos by Miss Pauline De- President Mrs. Rickard gave a Line, selections by the Allun quar- brief report on the convention in tet, vocal duet by Mrs. Howard Whitby. The Clip Sbeet discus- Allun and Mrs. J. Brown, piano sion on "The Bible and Wine"l duet by Miss Rae Venner and was led by Mrs. Mellow and re- Miss Marie Allin. Miss Betty Allun sponded te by Mrs. H. Hanco%2k, acted as accompanist for the quar- Mrs. Chas. Hancock, Mrs. 'Waite, tet and Mrs. Earl Fisher for the Miss Couch, Miss Ferguson Mrs solo and vocal duet. Mrs. Fisher Brooks and Mrs. W. Cowan. also acted as accompanist for the "Canada is spending annually 335 community singing of "Golden million dollars on beverage ai- Wedding Day"l when the audience cobol. Neyer did s0 many give substituted "Coral Weddîng" fori so mucb to so, few for 50 littie'.. G olden Wedding", and also "Let Me Caîl Your Sweetheart". Re- NJ Harold Toms, President, W.A., ful of the fact that sorrow bad Mrs. Norman Allin, President, corne to our community recently, W.M.S., Mr. J. E. Pbilip and Mr. in the news that Donald Powell Charles Glenney. had made the supreme sacrifice. The committee responsible for Donald was one of us and was 1- floral decorations included Mrs. well fitted to take his part in Y W. H. Cooke, Mrs. Percy Hare, social gatherings such as these. L- Mrs. Harold Toms and Miss Eve- Greater love hath no man than ýe lyn Allin. t l hi's, that a man lay down bis life 's The general committee was: fohis friends. * Mrs. Harold Toms, convener, Mr. ________________ * land Mrs. Herb Hancock, Mr. and Ir 1 Mrs. Gordon Martin, Mr. and Mrs. al Howard Allin, Mr. and Mrs. d Harry Jose, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. f. Mellow, Mrs. W. H. Cooke, Mrs. BuinAess D5Aireco I A. Glenney.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The gathering dispersed with 1the singing of "Blest Be the Tie Legal -That Binds" and the National________________ eAnthein. a Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton and W. R. S"'RJKE eLaurence wili net only be missed Barrister, Solicitor, Notary by the members of Newcastle and Solicitor for Bank of Montreai Clarke United Churches, but their Money te Loan - Phone 791 closs will be greatly felt by the Bowinanville, Ontario Ycommunity as a whole, where Mr. Morton bas taken such au active LAWVRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Part. He is a preminent member Barrister, Solicitor, Netary Public. of Durhamn Lodge, A.F. & A.M., a King Street W., Bowmanville mnember of Newcastle Board of Phone: Office 688 Residence 5531 Education and the Liaison Officer ________________ for Prisoners of War for New- *castle Red Cross. In whatever W. F. WARD, B.A., office he occupied his indefatig-_ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary able work and interest was an in-1 9½ King St. E. 1 spiration to all wbo bad the privi- omnil Otao *lege to be associated with hlm. Bwavle- nal The members of tbe community Phones: Office 825- House 409 will also miss the pleasure of 2-tf »hearing Laurence play and Mrs. Morton's graciousness and charm MIS APHA 1. HODGINS will be missed from among us. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor te M. G. V. GOULD Lake Shore, Clarke e Pne 35 3- A happy gatbering was held at Dentist the Lake Shore School, June 19, when a community party was DR. J. C. DEVITT held te bonor Mr. and Mrs. Alec Assistant: Dr. E. W. Simson Hendry, a recent bride and groom. ~aut fRylDna o Friends were also present from Gaut fRylDna o Bowmanville, Newcastle, Brown's lege. Taranto, Office: Jury Jubilei and Port Granby. Called te Sldg., Bewmanville. Office heur. 9 a.rn. to 6 p.m. daiiy, order by Chairman Bill Rowland, 9 a.m. te 12 noon Wednesday, a short programn was enjoyed. A Closed Sunday piano solo by Miss Audrey Adamns; humorous songs by the Phone 790 - Heuse phone 32.' Allin quartet, assisted by William X-Ray Equipmeni m Office Baskerville; readings by Gordon Martin. The bride and groom, monuments being seated in chairs flanked by baskets of beautiful flowers were The lutter- Granite Company presented with a very sincere and Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 witty address read by Bill Row- Port Hope, Ontario land and sbowered witb many Monuments, Gravemarkers, lovely gifts for their new home. Engraving, Goldleafing Both made brief replies and 23-tf thanked their many friends. Af- ter singing "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" the company en- joyed a social turne with Ms. O I S WT Archie Brown at the piano wbile MG WnsnLmie E STal r- the app cople pend teirup and ahlp Household Furniture. Con- parcels. A bountiful luncheon solldated Pool Cari to Manitoba. Saakatch- was served and a period of danc- ewan. Alberta, Britlah Columnbia and to Galifornia. Write. wlre or phone for reduced ing enjoyed. freight rates. Eatabllshod 15 In the midst of our jay and good 6101 Yonje St., Toronte. Kingadale 5125 fellowship, we were nat unimind- @MoviNO, 4pAcxiN. sHippiN &id sTGlAG, Employment Period JtJLY 1. 1944, TO lUNE 30, 1945 Couch, iohnston & Cryderman PHONER 836 IBOWIAInVILL r Repir BU RATR 12 DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and dellvery lu jour district. This la made necessary by uew g.vemat regulationa whlch perml$ un te cover any eue district Three Days A Week We will, therefore, b. in Dowmanville Mon., Wed., & Fri. HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIMITE» FOR ECONOMY Seul yoUr aleanlng wtth yen, laundry PHONE - 419 ONTAR1IO gours of Work and Vocation with Puy Act 1944 NOTICE VACATION LREDIT - CONSTRUCTION INUSTDY PAGE SEVEN VACATION PAY STAMP BOOKS Employees li the Construction Industry holding Vacation Pay Stamp Books con- taining Vacation Credit Stamps for the 1944-45 enxployment period nlay pre- sent their books on or after June 30, 1945, to any CANADIAN CHARTERED BANK or ta any Provincial Savings Office and upon proper identification shall receive the cash equivalent of the stamps cohitained therein. Employees should apply for new Vacation Pay Stamp Books, now available, for the employ- ment period Juiy lst, 1945, to lune 30th, 1946. INDUSTET A» LABOUR BOARD H= .Cboel.m Dai"7 Minuster of Labour Ontario Avoid Expensive * Conserve yourpesent equip- help keep yur eqipment.on the job ty~er a.cpn ci hsicaly and Ziibly *=n, PRMsaves partrdces over- hauls, thus Ielnng the hi fthe motor. Instail Framn and get more service from youz racter or erae. rite for J. C. A DAMS COMPANY LLMITED I15 GEORGE ST. TORONTO, ONT.