7HURSDAY, JULY 19th, 1945 -f 1 Business Directory 1 Legal W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Maney ta Loan . Phone 791 Bawmanvile, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bawmanville iPhone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor. Notary ' 9 % King St. E. Bowmanviile --Ontario Phones: Office 825- House 409 ir- 2-tf MISS APHA I. HODGINS 23arrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentiat DR. J. C. DEVITT Assitant: Dr. E. W. Sissow Graduate of Royal Dental Cal lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilet Sldg., Bowmanville. Office houré P a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, a a.m. ta 12 floon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipmnentin ixOffice Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldieafing 23-tf IDRNK ... BO WMAN VI LLE ,DAIRY Mil k It 19 Nutrit lous and Energizing SDRINK UT EVERY DAY Mflk contains phosphor- Svitaniins, proteins, cal~cium and iron and is re- freshing and satisfying. FPEOH EGGS - AI Grade Large uize, order them now ?RY OUR OHOCOLATE MILK Xi% ream, Butter and eggs delivered. Our Delivory Service s On Your Street DaiIy Bowmanville Dairy Phone 446 or 703 TH ..n.r)T N . . .n q A vqm w n u u r tvjrj, fleJ-lTflNy***f . IhIj-,nT.,, %-wiL4-éWISY ý'17ATbMAl, BUWANPAGE, OTARI hi rrty-Seven Western Farmers Placed With Durham Farmers For the past two weeks, Agricultumal Representative Ed. Summers has been busy taking came a! the influx o! Wester farm labam and placing them wi th local fammers. Genemally the men from the West have had practical !amm experience but a few were rejected as unsuitable and a! them, anc or two weme appar- ently not arixiaus ta work at ail. Between June 28 and July 5, the !ollowing 37 men weme placed as follows: Employee G. Stockli, Prince Albert, Sask. R. D. Cemshaw, Alberta. Eugene Green, Gwynne, Alta. L. Sbarkey, Duhamel, Alta. Leland Lee, Millet, Alta. Arnold Kachbawski, Sask. E. Cbulka, Lac-Du-Bonnet, Man. N. Kowbluik, Pr. Albert, Sask. G. Wesseil, Glenella, Man. David King. William A. Waines, Sask. Alex Serelo, Ituna, Sask. Michael J. Babn, Allan, Sask. Wm. Stachyn, Ituna, Sask. P. Rypka, N. Battiefard, Sask. Ralph Brandes, Watson, Sask. Donald McLeod, Watson, Sask. John Feil, Anglia, Sask. Harold Moore, Herschel, Sask. Lawrence Mutlaw, Fîske, Sask. Gardon McNeill, Fiske, Sask. Wilfrct Smith, Anglia, Sask. Alvin Helgason, Damcy, Sask. Nelson Fullerton, McGee, Sask. D. icel Maidstone, Sask. PalBrltt, Fiske, Sask. Claude Chambers, Fiske, Sask. Edgar Bouchard, Esteven, Sask. L. O. Peterman, Esteven, Sask.i M. Dusseault, S. Edmonton. Chas. Myshak, Edmonton, Alta. W. S. Heck, Edmonton, Alta. Henry Heck, Edmonton, Alta. Edwamd Schatkoski, Sask. 1 A. Harter, Vegeville, Alta. G. Vhyncbuk, Vegreville, Alta. Henry Buryniuk. SPORT NEWS LEAGUE LEADING VICTORS BEAT BOWMANVILLE 7-3 Victors, Oshawa, at the top o! the hamdball league, beat Bow- manville Rotary Becs, 7-3, at the High School diamond Tuesday evcning. Clemence pitcbed with fine contrai but was taucbed for 12 hits, 3 for extra bases wbile the Becs garnered 7 with 2 baggers by Brown and DeGeer. Thc locals have now won 3, last 2, wbile getting into meal farm. Cmowded for space, this report is briefed, giving anly a genemal summamy. It was stmaigbt bail with no feature plays. Bowman- ville: 3 runs, 7 hits, 4 errors, il fanned, 2 walks, 6 thc!ts. Victors: 7 muns, 12 hits, 2 emmors, 5 fanned, 1 walk, 3 thefts. Victors scored 2 in the lst on a walk, twa hits. Two mare crossed in the 4tb. Batter hit by pitcher, a thc!t and 2 hits. A triple in the Stb and a single scomed anather. Two errors in the 6th with a hit netted 2 more. Becs coppcd 1 in the 3md an Brawn's double, a theft and Hoar's sacrifice. They threaten- ed in the 7tb whcn Brown waik- cd, DeGeer hit safe and Mcîlveen siashcd ta le!t scarîng twa. Ill luck in hitting into the hands o! fielders endcd the bld for evening the score. Umps: Sid Little, Ralph Ames. MARTIN AND CATTRAN TEAMS TANGLE AT HARDBALL The second game a! the juvenile basebali league was played at the High Schaol grounds, Monday evening. The teamn captaincd byE A. Martin won aver C. Cattran's Vacation Togs Whether the 'Sun spot' is your own back yard, your cottage or a resart - and yaur 'sunning' clathes corne frorn oui' store, you '11 be dressed right in clothes that cick with your active life and . budget! New Shipment of SUMMR DRESSES, Crisp Checks, others iu stripes and pastels, from ................... $4.95 up Bathing SUitS, Summer Purses You can afford a New Rat at the reduced prices we are offering them this week! Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 830 BOWXANVILLE rime, 6-4. Pitcher Sweet had mare support at bat ta best his apponent, Hooper. The fimst 9 batters up ail wcnt down by strikeouts in a tight pitchers' duel. The final summamy gives the highlights: Cattman's team: 4 runs, 2 hits, 2 emmors, 3 walks, 17 thc!ts, 16 fanned. No extra base bits. Martin's team: 6 runs, 5 bits, 5 emmors, 5 walks, 9 thefts, 16 fanned. Two baggem, Martin (C), 3 bagger, Martyn (SS). Umpires, M. Tighe, plate; D. Childs, bases. Players: Martmn's: Waiker 2b, Jackman if, Sweet p, Munday r!, Bac lb, Momecraft 3b, Martin c, Disley cf, Martyn ss. Cattman's: Stutt 2b, Rowe ss, Gatcheil cf, Cowle c, Cattran 3b, Hoaper P, Tamblyn If, Tighc lb, Hayes r!. These juveniles are putting up a bmand o! bail that aught ta en- courage a better attend a n c c. There is room for the coach ta say a word in regard ta cutting out any tendency ta rough stu!! as well as baose language. Players who cannot meet these requime- ments should be bamreed from playing. BEATONS AGAIN LOSE 8-2 TO ROTARY JUNIORS (Intcnded for last week) The hamdball game at the High School campus, Wednesday eve- ring, July 4, resulted in anather win for Rtotary Juniors, 8-2 over Beatons o! Oshawa. The appas- ing pitchers again carmied the game with the Beaton mounds- man striking out 14 Rotary bats- men' elkactly the same as when they met before. But Clemence was the steadier and won on merit.E Meîlveen apened the scoring in the lst with a dlean bit ta center, scoming DeGeer who was on thmu an error. Hooper lifted a Tex tac left scaring Mcîlveen and Clem- E ence wba had walked and bath stole.s Beatans went scoreiess until the 3md when an error at short,t followed by. a 2-bagger and ac single scored twa; the only tallest of the visitors. Bowmanvilie reg-t stered 3 more in the 3rd, in the t weirdest frame ever seen in theseb parts . Mcîlveen, witb a double ' in the 4th, sent in anather mur d and mepeated in the 6tb with a single. lst: Beatans got a scratch Tex0 but a forceout at 2nd folawed by s an out stcaling and a fiyout me- t ired them.v Bawmanville: DeGeer an tbmu v an error was scared with McIl- a vcen's single. Ciemence walked. 11 Stmike was on, errar. Hooperu lofted for twa bases ta ieft, scor- ing two. The side retired on tbree c trikeauts, Brown, Hoar, Spencer. 2nd: Beatans' pitcher safe on 3b, ermam, wha retricved with two fast maoundouts. Last man fanned. t Bowmanvilie: Rundie flied ta . shrt. Brown fanned. DeGeer s] hit for two bases. Hoar fiied out.r 3rd: Arty fanned two but a lst ase ermar let anc an ta be scored y a 2 baggem. A short bit ta left 3ored anc more. Bowmanvilie: "Believe it or ot"ý-Mcîlveen on by error, stale sacks. Arty was hit by pitcher, ;tale. Strike fanned. HoaperE mmcnd, beat out a dropped baill ale 2nd and 3rd and stole.horne fter twa runs preceded him in he excitement. Spencer ground- Id out. Rundie walked. Brown .nned. 3 muns, no bits, 7 thefts, i1 mmror, 1 waik. 4th: Beatons down 1, 2, 3, on vo fast outs at short and a strike- >ut. Bowmanviiie: DeGeer took 2nd S his Tex, averthraw. Hoar fiied m i g ht. Mcllveen doubled, toe 3rd. Artie !anned. Strike .nned as McIlveen was safe caling home but the run didn't ount.1. 5tb: Beatons out in order. Line Employer W. G. Bentham, Burketan. Jas. Burgess, Orono. Harvey Morgan, Orana. Stanley Chapman, Orono. U. M. Bullock, Orono. Bruce Tink, Hampton, R.R. i. Clarence Tink, Hampton, R.R. 1. Allan Down, Bowmanville, R.R. 2. Glen Pickell, Baw'vilie, R.R. 2. Milton Stainton, Enniskillen. Clifford Robinson, Hampton. Leslie Coambes, Bow'ville, R.R. 4. Doug. Cale, Bowmanville, R.R. 4. Ai!. AlUin, Bowmanville. Sid. Tewin, Enniskillen. George Dean, Bailieboro. Nommai Earl, Millbmaok, R.R. 2. Isaac Hardy, Hampton, R.R. 1. Everett Brown, Omono. John Tamblyn, Omono. Fred Partnem, Tyrone. Cecii Worden, Bow'ville, R.R. 2. R. Jamieson, Port Hope, R.R. 1. Wm. Canri, Port Hope, R.R. 1. Fred Rabbins, Hampton, R.R. i. R. Rabbins, Hampton, R.R. i. Lewis Clarke, Newcastle, R.R. 3. Orme Beatty, Part Hope: R.R. i. Gardon Ferguson, Port Hope. R. Cameman, Hampton, R.R. i. Jas. Austin, Port Hope, R.R. 1. Henry Biakely, Pontypool. C. Backenidge, Milibmaak, RR 2. Henry Bail, Hampton, R.R. i. John Moon, Part Hope, R.R. 2. J. Nesbitt, Part Hope, R.R. 3. J. Cuickshank, Hampton, R.R. i. out to ,Ist. Foui out ta Stri] Ground7out ta 3rd. Bowmanvilie: Hooper, Sper er Rundie, ail fanned with bat shoulder. 6th: Beatons out 1, 2, 3. FlyoE short; fanned and groundaut Arty. 1. Bowmanvjlle: Brown ani nerrar was forced at 2nd by IE eGeer's hit. He stole 2nd and 3I v Scored an McIlveen's safety .- centre. Hoar and Arty fanneÉ 5, 7th: Flyaut ta right and tv strikeauts ended the game. Summary: Beatans: 2 runs, hits, 4 errors, 3 thefts, 7 farine 1 two-bagger. Bowmanvillè: 8 runs, 7 hits, errars, 2 walks, 13 thefts, fanned. Two baggers, Mcllvee DeGeer. Umps: Reeve Sid Little, plat Ralph Ames, bases. ORCHIDS TO THE STATEMA AND ITS READERS! Ta be specific, orchids ta Ha, don! A beautiful vase of natih wild archids an the Dominic Day Church Anniversary 'suppi table at Haydon, whetted my ex quiry like the ladened table di my appetite and on the follawin day, Mr. and Mrs. Will Trewi became aur graciaus hasts an guides ta the secluded shad haunts af the archid in th swampy valley af Haydan's fair. aus stream. The archid, nature's cjueeni native wild flower, is well nig extinct and your reporter's tecli nicafor camera revelled in flittin from clump ta clump in shade an here and there basking in the sur shine for a picture. Reminiscene recails the botany ciass in B.H.,e when Dr. Mark Pascoe supplie, us with archids from the thei "Tamarac~ Swamp" narth a Taunton.* Before the afternaon was aveî I found that not anly beauty bu the past was in retirement aianj the winding avenue of this spark iing waterway, but as alway there has ta be samething arise ti mar the stary. There were trails af ather foot steps everywhere aver the oozv terrain leading mie ta the archih seclusion. 1 was tald that na anly were these gargeous blushinI blooms being carried away ii armfuls, but were actually beinI cammercialized in Oshawa. Just ane mare evidence o: modern, insatiable, human self. ishness or perchance thaughtless ness, for picking these flawer: bringa the same fate as has be. fallen the trillium, Ontaria's aiý ficial floral embiem. The siender, comeiy, blushing ieaf-frilled dainty flawer was ir striking contrast ta the brazen seifish tourist traffic. Peeking through evergreens ir the distance was a cottage repre- senting private ownership of somE twenty acres here which was for- merly the Aunger saw miii estate William Aunger, father of faui good Durham County men, ane ai whom I think served his appren- ticeship as a dentist with the latE Dr. Harnden of Bowmanville. I recail the stary af haw this pioneer saw miii mari last an arm, it being tamn right aut af its sacket in the shouider by a miii beit. 1 Mr. Trewin's schoolboy fishing meanderings stoad hlm naw in good stead as hie led me directly ta the side of the aid mili-race, which soan no langer wili be tangible evidence of ane af seven earlier milis in a mile and a haîf of this water-pawer streamn. We visited three other mare evident raceways and pond dams, now filling up and aver with nature's farest conservation plans. The aid Greenway miii race- way praperty, naw awned by Mr. Ray McGill, was an instance of cut-dawn the hilîside bank sim- ilar ta the making of mauntain- side highways and ,gives a faise first impression of being high at the miii end until the dam site above is explored. I have earlier foilowed and have pictures af thîs stream, ta its very spring source, averhung on the banks af the Pine Ridge's erosian sand-biows. Here the drift sand and uncavered moraine stones gloat over the recent slash- ing by a Toronto Lumber Co. of the forest protection of this source of one of Durham County's mast beautiful streams, hier very salva- tion, while cold statistics state this county has been stripped toaa bare 5 per cent of tree caverage. We bemoan bordering desert con- litions and îdly talk o! "The New Order" about ta be. As Past President of "The Men f irst we have seen for yeams. and moved that the caretaker, Mm. ISIUr f1 M1ME TUI on The Newcastle Independent :t, Phone: Clairke 3314 ta îy Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Patterson, er. Mr. Seldon has just returrici e- Parsonage, Newcastle, will be at fromn Caledonia where an July 1, d. home ta their friends and neigh- he ceiebrated bis 78th Dominaon ta bars on Friday, July 20th, from 3 Day there. 1ta5 i.n the afternoon, and from 8 Mr. George AlIumn and Mr. VO ta 10 in the evening. David Allum, Toronto, visited Mrs. Selby Spencer and Mrs. their sister, Mrs. Wm. Parnal. 3 Allan McEvoy matared ta Port Mr. Frederick Knight, Regina, ýd Hope, Friday, ta meet Capt. Selby Sask., has been guest of his sis- 2 Spencer who had arrived home ters, Mrs. Charles Finley and Miss 1from averseas on the Queen Mary, Maudie Knight, and other rela- ndocking at New York. tives. Mr. Knight, who is son of Rev. John Bonathan, rector of the late Mr. and Mrs. Williamr eSt. Mark's Churcb, Longueuil,' Knight, was barri and raised ir Quebec, who witb Mrs. Bonathan Newcastle, which he left 40 years and their two daughters are visit- aga ta go West ta wark on the N ing his mother, Mrs. Sam Bona- farmn of Mr. Noah Selby. Mr. than, assisted in the momning ser- Knight is at present visiting ini vice in St. George's Cburch and Chicago but will retumn ta New- preached a splendid sermon. It castle before he leaves for his ,e was a great pleasure and privi- home in Regina. ýn lege for the congregation of St. Cpi. Harold O. Hockin who has ýr George's ta again have the oppor- served with the Canadian Army 1- tunity of hearing Rev. John Bona- Overseas since November, 1941, d than. arrived home on Friday morning, r Mr. A Re an, Tor nto ac om- July 3th, for 30 days' leave be- 2g paid Mrs. Cherrya , Toranta,- fore leaving for duty in the Pa- d is vacationing at her former home cific. Ci oknwoi h o Y here. o! Mrs. Hockin and the late Wil- ,e The beautiful basket o! del liam Hockin, arrived home on the L_ phnu s, r s s n1eg l -lis Qu en M ary which arrived in p h i i u s, r o s s n d r e al il es i n N e w Y o rk . H e sa w se rv ic e in rthe United Church on Sunday Italy and entered Holland with ywere in loving memary of Jona- the 5th Armoumed Division of the h- than A. Awde, wha passed away Canadian Army. He enlisted five 9July 17, 1941. years ago on July 15. He sailed d Miss Frances Toms and fricnd, for averseas an Navember 13, ,- Miss Lillian Thorsland, Montreal, 1941, and arrived back an July eat Mrs. Gea. Rickard's. 13. His many friends ail jain in Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce, saying "Well Done" and 'Wel- J Larry and Ricky, in Toronto. Mrs. came Home". ,i Pearce and boys are staying. Led by Kendal Fife and Drumn E Cpi: Hugh Aiken, Sgt. Major Band members of Clarke District Neil Britton, Cpi. Tracy Embley, L.O.L. held their annual Church Captain Francis Jase and Lieut. Parade ta St. George's Church on tVenner returned f r a m Cadet Sunday evening. Orange hules, camp an Friday at Cannaught blue delphiniums adorned the Ranges. altar of the church. Leaflets with s Misses Mary Margaret Bona- the order of service were in each ) than, Hazel Mac Fisher, Mary pew. The service *ras taken by Hagerman, Reta Gibson are at- Rev. Douglas Dewdney, assisted tendîng C.G.I.T. Camp, Oak Lake. by Rev. John Bonathan, St. Ruth Banathan is home. Mark's Church, Longueuil, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Duck, Pictan, A vcry cloquent and impressive t are home, sermon was given by Rev. Dewd- Mrs. Aiken is in Toronto. ney, carrying wîth it a special Laurence Morton was at Mrs. message ta the members of the *P. Hare's. L.OL. Wor. Bra. Ralph M. Stutt *John Ardagh, Part Hope, at is District Master of the Clarkc home. District L.O.L., and War. Bro. R. LAC Frank Hoar, R.C.A.F., has R. Waddell, District Sec'y. The returned ta the West. cammittee in charge of the annual Pte. Stanley Jonathan, U.S. church service were: Bras. Fred Army at Beliamy, a former pupil Graham, Howell Rowland, Wal- of Newcastle High School, is on lace Holmes, John Holmes and leave before gaing ta the Pacific. Melvin R. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Banathan spent the week-end in Trenton. Miss Virginia Coake, who is ]Burketon taking the first part o! her kmn- dergaten specialist at Hamilton, visited her mather, Mrs. W. H. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams and Cooke. She was accompanied by Bruce, Mrs. Randal and children, Miss Edith Capke, Foxboro, who Wesley Adams, Mrs. Fred Adams, is also takingthe same course. attended the Ferguson -Adams Warden Cecil Carveth and Ir- picnic at Carin, Ontario. win Colwill were in Ottawa on Visitors: Viola and Mary Adams business in cannection with the in Bobcaygean. . . Mrs. J. Catar, Cald Starage plant that is going Freddie, at Myrtle. .. Miss Fran- ta be built here. cis Lacken with Mrs. Carr, Pick- Miss Elizabeth Armstrong, To- ering Beach, at Mr. and Mrs. J. ronta, visîted Miss Ethel Lock- Carter's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ivan hart. Cochrane and family with Mr. Mrs. D. B. Simpson and miss and Mrs. E. Adams. . . Mr. and Beatrix McIntosh have b e en Mrs. Archie Lurin and family, Mr. spetiding a week at Stane Lake. and Mrs. Lamne Dean and Carson Mr. and Mrs. Gollaker, Pauline with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dean and Gerald, Coldwater, visited . . . Miss Ella Haskin, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sallows. ville, Mrs. Wilson Vivian, Hamp- Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, is ton, with their parents, Mr. and spending hem vacation at home. Mrs. W. Hoskin. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mms. W. H. Cooke spent Sunday H. McLaughiin, Oshawa, with Mr. in Bowmanville, guest af Rev. and and Mms. J. McLaughlin. . . Mr. Mrs. W. P. Rogers. and Mms. W. Slingerland and Mr. T. W. Jackson is vacation- Lynda, Bowmanville, with Mrs. ing at Wasaga Beach. B. Hubbamd. . . Mr. and Mrs. B. Capt. Albert Faley, nephew of Hubbard in Oshawa. Mrs. Stella Anderson, has been Ross and Alden Hubbard have awarded the M.B.E. eturned ta womk aftem a week's Mm. and Mrs. Douglas Wright, vacation. Trenton, were home. Sevemal fmomn heme attended the Miss Ruth Haney. B.A., Fenelon l2th of July celebration in Lind- Falls High School, is home for say. holidays. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Mm. Walter Seldon, Toronto, is Hendmy-Tmick on their marriage, guest o! his daughtem and son-mn- July 14. law, Mr. and Mms. Ormiston Park- Trooper Howard Gatcheil, LJCpI. G. R. Carter, long service men, are expected home fmom been along the course of the overseas this mônth. stream. Doubtless the ceek was W.A. was held in the cbumch, there ahead of the surveyar. July 10. Mrs. J. Gi presided and Editom's Note: The editor and Mrs. T. Bailey read the lesson. staff acknowledge with tbanks the Mrs. W. Haskin read the mission- gift of a dozen a! these orchids amy stary. Mrs. Harry Rahme, fromn Dr. and Mms. Williams, the treasumer, eprted $25 on hand DAYS' FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and delivery ln -our district. This ls made necessary by new goverammt reguations whch permit us to cver any oen district Three Days A Week We wiII, therefore, b. ln Bowmanville Mon., Wed., & Frï. HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIDITED FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaning witb your iaundry MEN WANTED For War WorkIn lu echanicsal Rubber Goods Plant Vacations with Pay Group Insurance and Hosptalization Plan Legal Halidays with Pay Pension Plan A War lime Job With Peace lime Prospects. Applicants on War Work flot Accepted Apply National Selective Service, Oshawa Refer File No. 1211 & 1 SUPPOSE THEY ARE... B8UT DON'T YOU THINI< IT'S 1 HADN'T THOUGNI 0F THAT NO, 1 KNOW YOU HADNT... A GOOD IDEA FOR US TD FINDOUOIT THE FACTs, BEF0R£ WE BLAME HARD-WORING - -M PEOP? -E ARE THEY HEP Ip AILL, THEN . MOSTOF THEM ARE jW0RKISM6ý MOST 'OF 0 COURSE .ÈirNWAR PLANTS WF COURSE-ý00, FIGURE IT OUT! Wc can't expect everything we buy ta be comparable with peacetime merchan- dise. Not only have manu- facturers had trouble get- timg help, their supplies have been cut ta the banc. If we try ta understand the difficulties, we'Ilbc Iess likely ta fird fault. JOHN LABATI LIMITED' London Canada 1 Aï f'il il Aldread be paid and $3.00 was in 1920, concluded: "Quarterly handed in for quilting don. The meeting was held in Mt. Vernon YiQuilt Committee had a quilt an, Church, but it has naw been clos- Yready ta be done after the busi- 'ed for some years and few a! the Yness. The Honor Rail is now preachers above listed are naw CI eady. A card o! tbanks was read living." We believe at this time, fmom Mm. J. DeMille for flowers 1945, tbat none now survive. The received. Lunch was served by Thomas Hardy mentioned above Id Ms. A. Alded's group. Cllec- was the father o! Artbur M. 1tion $1.75. Next meeting, Aug. 9. H a r d y, Bowmanville, a! the )n Goodyear Tire and Rubber Com- PREACHERS F 60 YEARS AGO pany. r. HAMPTON METHODIST I !d CIRCUIT Caesarea a, We find in The Statesman o!f___ s-May 13, 1920, an item cancerning On Friday afternoon, June 29, ;the preachers o! the Hamptn Caesarea Public Schol pupils, iCircuit who semved under ap- friends, mothers and teacher, )f pintment for the yeam 1886. Ini gatbered at Bowles' Lakeside i those days local preachers were Park for their picnic a! the year. i chosen ta serve under the pre- Swimming was enjoyec a n d sîsding minister, a custamn much sparts o! ail kinds were held. eappreciated and which as fallen Prizes were awarded ta the victor rinto disuse in later years. In view o! eacb sprt. Miss Simpson pre- no! tbe recent report cvering the sented prizes o! the year's wrk. ,9Oth An ni ve rs a ry o! Eldad Beth Prautt meccived the prize for Es Church, the follawing may serve the spelling record. Prize ta best ta round out the picture. We al yeam arund pupil wnt ta E quote: Patricia Bowles and Jean Bawems "Our older readers may be in- received the music prize. Then terested in the list o! preachers the pupilis gathered araund Miss o! that period. Superintendent o! Simpson and Gerad Jacksg)n the Circuit was Rev. George read a farewll address wich Brown. Local preachers were: conveyed the feelings o! al pres- George Taylor, W. Gimblett, S. nt while Irene Emerson present- Washington, Ge. Gale, G. Wash- d ta Miss Simpson the gifts o! ington, Thomas Ward, William parting. A stamm dispersed the «Souch, Js. Clatwortby, Anthony graup which later gathered at Washington, John S. Lark (Osh- the lovely home o! Mrs. Emerson awa), John Higginbotham, John 1 for lunch. W. Higginbotham, Thmas Hardy,1 F. S. Osborne, C. W. Lent, Js., Their fearless dying cari only Oliver, J. Cascadden." Ibe rewarded by ur eamiss liv- t s t s 9 f: N 1 0. 79 e'Y Te - c be