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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, JULY l9th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE SEVEN BD WMAN V LLE WEST BEACH NEWS The weekly Euchre and Bridge was held in S. Sharple's cottage , on Tuesday. The lucky winners were first, Mrs. Brett, "Moon- shine"; 2nd, Mrs. Donald from "Donalda" in Cedarcrest; 3rd, Mrs. Wm. Currie, and consolation prize, Mrs. Forrest Diiling. New lights have been erected to replace broken bulbs, etc., on the beach, making night travel- ling very much brighter. Thanks boys! Due to a "Ceiling-Zero", a Norseman seaplane piloted by Mr. LeRoy was forced to sit down on the lake, and after following the shore from the old radio towers, managed to grope its way into the harbor. This was the second ,eWae in the history of Port Dar- 7lington that an aircraft has sought harbor and -protection from the * elements. It goes without saying that the interest of the cottagers was keen, and everyone lined the shore ýiy 9:30 Sunday morning, to see the take off for the comple- tion of their trip to Toronto. The plane carried tbree passengers be- sides the two crew members, it being from »<te South Porcupine Mines, Timmins, on a trip from Montreal to Toronto. The passen- gers journeyed on to Toronto by car whîle the crew members stayed over at the Sandiands Guest Home and awaited favor- able weather. Ail roads will iead to Bow- manville Beach on Civic Holiday. The event will be the annual Sports Day activities. 'he an- nual Dinghy Race from Oshawa, will be the finst attraction. Races for the kiddies, booths and games for the older crowd, dancing in the pavilion and free ferry service across the river will ail be the order of the day. The 51st Sea Scouts of Torotito, under the leadership of Scout Master Bill Waddington and Fiy- ing Officer Bill Jeeves, who has just returned from overseas, sali- ed into the harbor at Port Dar- lington on Friday on their return trip from Belleville. They were a tired, happy and sunburnt crowd. They ail were enthusiastic about the trip and ail good Scouts and iooking forward to next year's outing and enjoying every hour of *their trip. Visitors: Fiying Officers J. Cor- sono and F. M. Quigley, Miss Georgie Link, Toronto, with Miss Marguerite Doyle at Sandhurst Cottage. . . Mrs. H. Marshall and family arrived on Sunday, in the Jackson Cottage. . . Mrs. James Reynolds, David and John, Hamp- ton, wil be staying the next month at "The Better Oie"... Mrs. Norman Walker, Wendy and â ,tephen, are having a short stay 4eXith Mrs. George Wiggins at Keo- ýWig, before they move to Western Canada. . . Mr. W. Mushing and Miss E. Hayes, Hamilton, with Mrs. A. Mushing, No. 59. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Goddard and child- ren, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Herold, Windsor; Sgt. Herbert Goddard, with Mrs. Goddard and Barbara. .. Mr. A. G. Dunn and Miss Doris Lawson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunn, "Rusty Nook"l. .. Miss Joan Quinn, Sim- coe, with her aunt, Mrs. Bruce Berry. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood, Toronto, at 0-So-Eze. Dr. Gordon Millen, M.L.A., and Mrs. Millen, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. Sharpe, Miss Jane His, Miss June Millen, at Beachview Cottage. . . Mr. E. S. Varcoe is holidaying at Rest-a-While ... Misses Marion, Marggret an d Audrey Hayes, Harmony, have re- turned home after spending their vacation with their aunt, Mrs. Fred Cole, in "Gary's Paradise" Miss Joyce Currie, "EEEE's", and Miss Margaret Hayes "Gary's Paradise", entertained their friends on the occasion of their respective birthdays. Congratu- lations girls! . . . Miss Faye Mor- ran, Toronto, with Misses Joyce and Dorothy Ann Currie... Mrs. Bastar and family witji Mrs. B. E. Aldridge in Hutton's Cottage. THE COVE Anne Lister with Sheila Mc- Cartney at Happy Daze. Mrs. Earl Muihail, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ott at El-Ti- Di-S. Maýple trees,--which as saplings, Mrs. Martin watered most diii- gently in the days when the Cove was evolving from the oat-field stage. Little Eleanor Jean Pick- ~ard who trots after her grand- father, looks as if she were well- fitted to carry on in the years to come. Forrest Dilling has found an interested follower in Robin White who asked him to band two P h o e b e fledglings on "Grey Sennen" verandah and five Green -ON-THE- BEACHI W.M.S. met July 10 witb a grat- ifying number of ladies present. Mrs. Cecil Buriey, President, bad Heron in "The Ramble". charge of the meeting, the theme Under last Sunday's forbidding being "Help the Churches of skies and the Chapel's ieaky roof Europe Now". Scripture reading, a goodly company of worsbippers Mrs. Cecil Robinson; two poems sbowed the mettie of Puritan an- were read, "Swinging Toward the cestry, for every available inside Lîgbt" by Mrs. J. T. Pearce, and tseat was occupied tili the Psalms "World Citizens" by Mrs. C. Bur- were read and three beautifully ley. It was decided to entertain rendered musical numbers were the mothers and babies of the enjoyed, a solo by Mrs. Basker, a congregation at the October meet- cornet solo by Jack Carlton and ing. a selection by the Alldridge trio. Visitors: Misses Carol and Joýce It took but a few minutes for the Smith and Margaret Casey, Belle- Chapel Road to be cleared of the ville, with their aunt, Mrs. Ray- audience which scurried away mond Bruce. . . Miss Pat Ware, under an amazing array of tatter- Toronto, 'with. ber grandmotber, ed umbrellas and coats of last Mrs. George Ovens. . . Miss Ger- century's eut. aldine McMurray and Master The Cove Cantor bas offered Billie McMurray, Port Hope, with the following lines as a supple- Mrs. Wm. McMurray. . . Mr. and ment to Beach Comber's compre- Mrs. Ray Brown, Keitha, Lois and hensive assessment of the attrac- Trevor, and Mr. Jim Beatty, tion of Bowmanville - on - the- Roseneatb; Mrs. Martha Brown, Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brown and Darlington Sands two boys, Toronto, with Mr. and Here, came the red-skins to this Mrs. W. N. Stevens. . . Mr. and cove Mrs. W. Barrie and family, Mr. And o'er these fields did freely Thos. Barrie and Lorraine, Can- rove. ton, witb Mrs. J. A. Barrie. Here, on these sands those savage Women's Institute met at the feet home of Mrs. Milligan, June 20, In battle rbythm wildly beat with 23 ladies present. It was Their rituals of wars. decided that the Institute donate $3.00 to the Canadian National They built thein fires upon this Institute for the Blind. Program beach, was in charge of Mrs. Pearce. Re- Beneath a bank whose sloping pôrts on the District Annual Con- reach vention by Mrs. W. D. Jones and In darkness dreamed; and saw the Mrs. W. J. Hancock. Roll Cail, sparks "Wbere Was I Born?"ý Reading Go spiraliing, like singing larks, Mrs. S. Rowe, "Do YouJut Be- To mingle with the stars, long". Lunch was served. They loved this moon above the lake Wbose silver waves would sighing slake A thirsty shore-this dark lagoon Where, in the night, some transient tune Is loosed in lilting bars. And now, their sheltered shrine, is ours With aIl its beauty and its powers (In years of war and in the peace) 0f giving to our lives new lease And softening Memory's scars. THE COVE CANTOR. Tyrone Mn. and Mrs. Tbeo. Down, Billie and Carolyn, Lakefield, with Mn. and Mns. Russel Virtue and Mn. and Mrs. Leon Moore; Billie remaining. . . Miss Grace Little, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mn. and Mrs. Lonne An- nis. .. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Atkin- son, Donothy and Evelyn and Audrey Davis, Todmorden, witb Mn. and Mrs. H. R. Burgess and W. H. Taylor.. . Mrs. R. Hayward and Grace with Mrs. J. H. Mut- ton, Bowmanville. .. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park and Cecile and Mn. andi Mrs. Howard Pip with Peterboro friends. .. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Tenant, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Alldread. . . Mrs. Jas. Soucb, Bowmanville, witb Mn. and Mrs. Albert Hawkey. Sorry Mrs. Launa Vitue had the misfortune to slip and fal down ber back steps last Satur- day evening, causing injury to ber leg. To give the supeintendent, teachers and officers of the Sun- day Sebool a change, tbe Senior Young People took charge of the Sunday Sehool service last Sun- day.and presented a programn in- stead of the regulan service. Mn. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock and childnen, Ottawa, with ber par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Gibbs. Junior Young People met at the home of Mrs. L. Goodman on July 12 with a good attendance. The president ably conducted the business. Joyce Hilîs took charge of the pnognam. Dorotby Skinner gave the Seipture reading. Joyce His gave a reading. Shirley Park gave a splendid reading, "R1un With Patience". The guest speaker, Mrs. Goodman, gave an enlightening talk on "You Are Needed". Gregor 'Fniend favored with a piano solo, "Waltz in A.... Joyce Hilîs conducted a Bible quiz. Shirley Park offered ber home for the next meeting. A de- licious lunch was served by Lloyd Skinner and bis group. Clarke Union One of the heaviest nains of the season passed over this section on Saturday and Sunday and as haying is in full swing it did con- siderable damage. While Mn. and' Mns. Harry Bailey were cuitivating in the cornfield, they noticed thein little Sealingham terrier playing with a small animal whicb on dloser inspection proved to be a red fox. Due to the rainy weathen an in- doon picnie was held at Mn. and Mrs. Heber Soucb's home on Sun- day. Those attending were Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Jackman, Donald and Diane, St. Catharines, Mn. and Mrs. Bob McLeod and Patricia, Niagara Falls, Mn. and Mrs. Mel- bourne Wight and Helen, Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Jewell and Mary, Mrs. H. W. Jewell and Miss Mabel Jewell, ahl of Bowmanville, and Mn. Harry Bailey, R. C. A. F., Deseronto. Everett Cain bas been ill but is somewhat improved. Visitons: Miss Laureyne Stark with ber sisten, Mrs. Gordon Pow- er. .. Mrs. Jim Rickaby and son, Norman, Mn. and Mrs. Preston Timmins, Kingston, with Mn. and Mrs. H. J. Souch. .. Kenneth Cain with Mn. and Mns. Evenett Cain ...Miss Thonab Petens, Miss Lillian Taylor, Kingston, witb Mn. and Mrs. Alex. Watson. . . Mn. and Mrs. Alex Watson witb bis brother, Mn. Angus Watson, Kir- by. . . Miss Eva Patterson with b er sister, Mrs. S. D. Soucb. Brown's Visitons: Mns. Astley, Wbîtby, Mrs. Jarret, Kingston, Mns. Alex Moffat, Keith and Alex, Miss Helen Moffat, Dundas, and First Class Stoker Bud Churchill, R.C. N., St. Catharines, with Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson. .. Mn. and Mrs. Sinclair and family, Toronto, at Mn. and Mns. Jim Curson's.. Mrs. Geo. Law and Mn. Howard Beilamy with Mn. and Mrs. M. Harris at their cottage at Bewd- ley. Ebenezer W.M.S. beld their joint meeting of the Baby Band members and thein mothers, and the W.M.S. ladies on July 10. Meeting was in change of Mrs. Charles Found, Mns. K. E. Courtice and Mrs. W. Higgins. Mrs. C. Wonden was pianist. Call to Wonsbip and prayer was given by the presi- dent, Miss Louise Osborne. Red Cross and Treasuner's reports were given. Mns. K. Courtice took change of the pnognam. Bible reading and comment was taken by Mrs. F. Rundie. Recitations were given by Nancy Brown, Vin- ginia Brown and Lois Linstead. A piano solo was given by Patsy Hockin, all members of the Baby Band. Guest speaker was Mns. R. Fair, Oshawa. Many helpful thougbts from ber inspiring ad- dress of one boy and bis mothen, will be remembered and passed on by the mothens present. Read- ing wene given by Mrs. J. Brooks, Oshawa; a vocal duet by Misses Gwen Osborne and Donothy Hig- gins, and a piano solo by Marilyn Rundle. A social time followed. Mrs. Gerald Balson, Jeirry and Ann, Hampton, Miss Corinne Lynn, Miss Mary Wilkins, Oshawa Hospital, wîth Mrs. W. J. Brown. Misses Meda and Ina Hagen- man, Oshawa, witb Mn. and Mrs. Glenn Piekeli. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Brooks, Mn. and Mrs. R. FainrOshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. K. E. Countice. Mn. and Mns. J. Empringham, Mn. and Mrs. W. Empringbam, St. Catharines, with Mr. and Mrs. Erie Courtice. Carole Courtice retunned with ber aunt for holi- days. Mn. and Mrs. 0. Robinson, Osh- awa, with Mn. and Mrs. B. Wil- kins. FOR SUMMER Practical and Attractive HEAT RESISTING Cups & Saucers, plates 2 sizes - Platters, Fruit Napples - Cereal Dishes - Pudding Bowls - Custard Cups - Bakers and Casseroles. WATER SETS, Jugs 29e and up - Water Glasses 5c & 10e - Julce GIasses 5c & 10c - Decorated Tum- blers 10e each. J. W. JEWELL 44BIG 20", PHONE 55b LccaIs Mr. James E. Richards, Orono, is in Bowmanville Hospital. Mn. and Mrs. John Coe, Allen- wood, visited Mrs. J. E. Elliott. Miss Janet McDougaîl, George- town, is guest of Mrs. Joe Levett. Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Cole and son are enjoying holidays at Hall's Lake, Haliburton. Miss L. Wilson, staff of Ontario Hospital, Brockville, is visiting Miss Annie Mountjoy. Messrs. Ted Brookhamn and Keith Wood spent their vacation at Milé#rd Park Inn. Mrs. B. M. Warnica, Oshawa, was in town, Monday, renewing acquaintances. Mrs. Marjory Ferguson is on a trip to Newfoundiand to visit ber parents. Mrs. C. G. Morris and son, Jerry, have returned from houi- daying at Midland, Georgian Bay. Misses Emily and Agnes Wad- deli and Miss Nancy Cosley, Dean- born, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Southey. Mrs. Ward R. Hoffman, nurse- in-training, Toronto General Hos- pital, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mrs. George Kreig bas returned to ber home in Kingston after a holiday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter, Sr. Dr. R. H. Breslin, Mandan, North Dakota, was a visitor with bis brother, Maurice Breslin, and Mrs. Breslin. Miss Dorctby Bennett, Toronto, is bolidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. S. Bond, Scugog St. Bowmanville Fire Brigade have donated $35.00 to Sick Children's Hospital and $50.00 to Bowman- ville Hospital building fund. Mr .Frank Calver and son, Bill, and P~O Norman Hannan and son, Wayne, are visiting their uncle, Mr. Harry Robinson, Rochester. Misses Nehi Burke, Orillia, and Sybil Burke, Toronto, were week- end guests with their mother, Mrs. T. S. Holgate. Mr. A. J. Honey, Vancouver, B.C., who is staying with relatives here, spent last week with bis niece, Mrs. C. L. Upper and fam- ily, in Peterboro. Sgt. John Gravelle, wireless air gunner, R.C.A.F., h o m e from Europe, flew solo fromn Mt.' Hope to visit frîends in town Wednes- Clay. Mr. Tbos. Harris and daughter, Mrs. Albert Wheeler, have mov- ed to Oshawa where Mn. Wheeler has assumed management of a service station, Simcoe St., South. Pte. George W a r d, Birsay, Sask., training at Barriefield Camp, Kingston, spent the week- end with bis cousins, Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Miss Annie Mountjoy. Prince Edward County Council bas voted $1,000 to the County Federation of Agriculture, the main object of wbich is to im- prove quality of bacon hogs. Mrs. Forbes Monroe, Halifax, is spending the summer with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wnîghtson Wigbt, after visiting friends at Montreal and Ottawa. Mrs. George Richards and two sons, Nanaimo, B.C., have retunn- ed to town and are living with ber father, Mn. W. H. Yeo, until they can secure a bouse. WJO Frank Crowe, formerly serving in West Africa, now post- ed at Newfoundland, is home on furlougb with Mrs. Crowe and children. Lieut. Caroline Hamilton (RN), sister of Mrs. Frank Crowe, town, leavres shortly for the Pacific theatre with a U.S.A. unit, aften serving a year and a haîf in Italy. Mn. and Mrs. Robent McLeod and Patsy, Niagara Falls; Mn. and Mrs. Harry Jackman, Donald and Dianne, St. Catharines, visited Mn. and Mrs. H. W. Jewell, Liberty Place. PO Bill Harrison, baving com- pleted bis tour of "Ops" overseas, is enjoying 30 days' leave witb bis parents, Mn. and Mns. W. R. Harrison, prior to reporting for duty at Nova Scotia. Mn. and Mrs. F. Goddard and cbildnen, Montreal; Sgt. Herbent Goddard, Trenton; Mn. and Mrs. Herold, Windsor, visited Mrs. Herbent Goddard and Barbara at Bowmanville Beach. Mn. W. H., Metcalf, Toronto, ing their brother and sister-in- law, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Ken- nedy, wbose little grandson, Rod- ne5r Kennedy, aged 7, was buried Saturday. He was reponted miss- ing the pnevious Monday and was not found until Friday when bis littie body was washed ashore at Port Elgin beach. He is survîved by bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Harry Kennedy and littie sister, Edna Lou, aged 4. Bigger and More Cash Prizes for ROTARY FAIR P.ARA OE Wednesday, Aug. 8th (In event of rain, Fair wiIl be held Thursday, Aug. 9) Plan Nfow'to Take Part In the Big Parade It leaves Hodgson's Garage sharp at 7.30 for School Grounds BESI DECORATED FLOATS 1. Industrial $10 $5 $3 10 5 3 2. M erchants' .- ...... ...... .. 3. T radesm en ................................ 105 4. Decorated Car......... ........- 10 5 3 5. Novelty Ploat .. .... .. . ....... 6. Com ic G roup ........................... 7. Farmer's Outfit .................... 8. Animal Drawn Vehicle . ....... 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 THE KIODIES PARADE 1. Best Character Group, 3 or more $6 2. Best Decorated Bicycle, girls - ..... 3 3. Best Decorated Bicycle, Boys .......3 4. Best Decorated Carniage, Girls .3 5. Best Decorated Wagon, Boys ..3 6. Best Costu.med Boy .............-......... 3 7. Best Costumed Girl -.. .. . ... . ...3 8. Best Decorated Tricycle ...... ........3 9. Best Pony Outfit .... .... ...........- 3 10. Best Pet Turnout ........................ 3 Il. Best Clown or Comic Character . .......3 21 21 21 Entries to be made at starting point before 7.00 p.m., and prize winners wiIU b. an- nounced and receive prize money immediately following the parade at the Car Booth. OVER $200 IN CASH PRIZES!! t Lone Scouts Save Home ItyN S., saved the home of an flames rapidly spread and en- extinguished the blaze. ,aged resident from flames recent- dangered the buildings and near- Lone Scouts of the Loon Patrol ly. The lady was brnngas by woods. The Lone Scouts ar- ý When principles are in dispute, near Littie Harbour, Pictou Coun- around her cottage we h rived on the scene and promptly silence isn't golden. It is leaden. Vacation and HOLIDAY NEEDS Save yourself money by getting your many summer needs NOW at youn I.D.A. Drug STORE. Listed here are a few suggestions from oun large stock of popular produets at economy pnices. SUN GLASSES 19c, 25c, 35e to $2.50 WHITE SHOE CLEANERS .... 15c, 25c LEG PAINTS......1C, 25c, 49c, $1 HAIR REMOVERS .... I5c, 25c, 49c, $1 ENOS 'FRUIT SALT' MAC LEANS ILARGEST SELL GTOO ~ ~ . IPASTEIUN OREAT I iANS Ztpep to uk for Ble for Flrst Aid Kits --------- 75c, $1.0 Tangel for Sunburn --- 50c, $1.25 Velvetta Sunburn Cream ----39e Noxzema ----------- 17c, 39c, 59e Noxzema Sun-Tan Oil-- 30c, 60e Gaby Sun-Tan Lotion --- 35c, 65e -L -ziBasic Soap super fatt.d e.somBoa- fi». from adulterata-wIlMo»t injure moat tender àI.. per cake 25e 1Soft as a fleocy cloud! 2-Way Inseet Repellent ----. --39e 2-Way Insecticide 59c, 98c Skeeter-Skatter ---35e Sketofax Repellant ----25e Olympene -- O5c, $1.00 Fly Tox 24c, 43e, 73e Tat Ant Traps ----35ù I.D.A. Calamine Lotion ----------25e Wax Faper 15e, 25e Mecea Ointment ---23c, 45e CR PjURPOSI 29e FAEPOWDER 6FlACEéi Shodes 2 9e %0LIPSTICK Loval.Inq oinIS30,,c CU E ------------------ 19c, 33c Colgate's Shaving Cream 29c, 43c roquok flrst aid.. ýj 11' C A E Ut F rRaE CASHMERE TISSUE25 ADI Two Grades 15C. 2 for 25c 10e, 3 for 25o ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES MCO REDOR. DRUGS PHONE 79Z. - WE DELIVER magma FOR YOUR. GARDEN.. Black Leaf 95 "ý40" ---- 33,e, Arsenate of Lead i & 4 lbs.- 23c, 72e Bordeaux Mixture0 & bs. 25c, $1.00 MI 4 Dixon's Vital-.- B-i - 25c, 50c, $1.00 Sprayide ------S30c, $1.25 Sprayers - -50c, 75c PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ii 1 - MODESS BELYS 2sý THURSDAY, JULY Igth, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO w

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