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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, AUGUST lth, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE oN'rAT~To T~A(~W cnw~rWW Tpr. Don Gilhooly, Camp Bor- den, spent the week-end with his -. mother. Misses Violet Barrett, Frayn and Anna Johns are holidaying at "Canial Cabins", f~enelon Falls. Miss Bonnie Wood of the Carter Family staff, sppnt her week's holiday with Toronto relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnston are visitîng their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Veale at Harrow. Mr. and Mrs. Len Henry and son, Windsor, are visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Witheridge. Misses Kay O'Neill and Kitty Storey are taking their holidays by making a motor trip through the Province o! Quebec. Sr.and Mrs. George Pingle, -',otawa, are guests of his father, Mr-. Thos. Pingle, at his sister's, Mis. Sam Glanville's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sfrike and AJian are holidaying in the AI.- gonquin Park district. Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard and Helen were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughes and Jimmie, Toronto. Miss Reta Burgess, Bowman- ville; Mr. Norman B r o o m e, Hampton, visited Mrs. Cora Aluin and daughters, Hampton. Mi. and Mrs. James Marr have returned f r o m an enjoyable week's holiday at Sunny Dale Hotel, Wasaga Beach. Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Weir, Centralia, and Miss Jessie Weir, Bonnyville, Alta., visited Mr. and Mis. G. L. Wagar. Messrs. Chas. Cattran, L. D. Goddard, Chas. Searle and S. R. James are on a fishing trip near Calabogie. Mr. John Symons, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. W. Nelles, has returned to his home in Sudbury. Mis. E. S. Ferguson is spending a week with her daughter, Col- lette, at Windermere, Lake Rous- seau. Mr. anàd Mrs. E. A. Jones wer mm .M. . I M Marr's Jewellery in Toronto visiting their daugliter, Mrs. Arthur Turner, and other friends. Mr. Robent Noble spent his va- cation at Midland and Toronto and also took in the 120-mile cruise fram Midland ta Parry Sound. Pte. Dan Gilliaoley is home an furlougli and is mucli interested in the success o! the Rotary Juniors O.M.B.A. teamn on which he starred hast year. Misses Eleanor Jolinston, Mar- garet Nichais, Arlene Northcutt, Helen Langmaid and Dorothy Bedford are spending their vaca- tion at Bala, Muskoka. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Rager and family, Ottawa, have beei spending part o! their holida: witli his parents, Rev. W. P. an( and Mrs. Rogers, Centre St. .Jack Brough, o! the W. 1 Elliott Plumbing and Heatinj staff, met with an accident whi], at work Monday, causing a lej fracture. J a ck will be oi crutches for the next few weeks. 4The editor and staff o! Th, Statesman welcamed with plein sure these hot days a refreshinI cluster o! vari-colored gladiolu: the gift a! Mrs. Gea. C. Fostei Glenn-Larra gandens, Kitig St. E Russ Penkins, Solina" farmer tells, apropos o! the History o Hampton, that lis grand! athe: was one o! the original shaemak ens at Milîville, original naine c the village. PO Bob Evans and F0 Bil Bates, wha necently completed 5 weipks Administration course a T.T.S., Toronta, have returned ti Rivens, Manitoba, after spendinI the weeki-end with the former'ý parents, Mn. and Mrs. E. C. Evans Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Wood anc son, Jackie, Detroit, Midi., wer guests o! lis sister, Mrs. S. G Chartran and Mn. Chartran a Bowmanviile Beach. Miss Doni Chatran returned ta Detroit witl them for a holiday. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Candli are spending their vacation a, Gananoque on the banks o! the beautiful St. Lawrence River Thos. Cartwright is taking Mr Candlei's place as caretaker o: the Federal Building during i absence. Another tobacco farm lias beei developed ini Durham County with 45 acres o! splendid crop. I is situated at Kendal and ownec and operated by Bob Selkirk formerly o! Simcoe, Ont., wh( bouglit the 200-acre Saper farri last year. Quick resuits in The Statesmar Classified Section were agair demonstrated last week. Misý Morton advertised a valuabi( wrist watch hast. In less than ai hour after the paper was off the press, Mr. Wesley Percy, wli found the watch, returned it ta it owner and was affered a rewar' which lie graciously decined. Signaiman Jim Sisson, son 0: Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Sisson, wli' returned on the Ile de France, ha returned home fromn Militar' Headquarters, Toronto, for 3( days' leave. Four years averseac in Italy and western Europe, Jinr was manied ini England and Mrs Sisson will rejoin him as soon a the repatriation sclieme permits Mn. and Mrs. Melville West- away, Clair and Roy, Taranto were Sunday guests o! Mn. anc Mrs. R. H. Westaway. Melville lias just returned fnom Calcutta, India, wliere lie was Superintend- ent o! the Fard plant in that city. Roy is a survivor a! the Athabas- Bowmanville Business School' Stenographic, Secretarial and Office Training Courses. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS for RETURNED PERSONNEL Registrations aceepted on or ai ter September 4th - dET YOUR APPLICATION IN EARLY - Write or phone today for Sehool Calendar, containlng detailed outllnes of Courses Bowmanville Business School (Registered Trade SOhool) 14 King St. West Phone 434 Bowmanvlile, Ont. Cawker's bMeat Store WILL BE Closed For Holidays August 20, 21, 22 AND WILL RE-OPEN AUGUST 23rd T. W. CAWKER .n iy id g. kg )n e kg ýr, r, 'f r C- a at to Lg 's ýd "e 9.t Le 'f is t MES. W. C. FERGUSON k, From lier late residence, Liber- LO ty St., Bowmanville, on August 8, n' 1945, there passed peacefully away, Sarah Kezia Ferguson, be- n~ loved wife a! W. C. Ferguson. De- n ceased liad been in failing healtn s for over a year, but su!fered a [e stroke one week before lier death. ýn Sarah Kezia Beacock was barr ie at Blackstock on Mardi llth, 1870, io daugliter o! the late Mi. and Mrs. ts John Beacack. A tnuly Christian -d waman, wliose religion was de!. initely persanal and ever express. ,f ed by word and deed, she became oa member o! the Methodist (i Churcli, Blackstock, and later 'y Trinity United Churci, Bowman- 10 ville. She was united in mar- [S rage with Mn. W. C. Ferguson n and an September 23rd, 1941, they celebrated the 50th anniversary So! their wedding. S. Mrs. Fergusan, a! a quiet dis- position was always willing to -help othens and l'ler cheerfu] nature gained for lier a large dcircle o!f fiends. She gave two esans ta the ministry and was lier- 1sel.! a !aithful and active member ro! the churcli. She was a life member of the Waman's Mission- aiy Society. LI Foliowing a pnivate service at the home, the funeral service was held in Tnînity United Churcli on August lOth. Hen minister, Rev. J. E. Griffith, gave a beautiful and comforting message ta the family and friends. Mn. Arthur Bell sang impressively "The City Four-Square". Members o! the W.M.S. attended the service in a *body. Mvany floral afferings testified ta the esteem in which deceased was heid and included tributes from Group 7 o! the W.A., Senior Dept. o! Trinity Sunday School, and Blackstock Sunday Schaal. Palîbearens were A. E. Beilman, F. F. Willan, S. R. James, E. S. Ferguson, Neil Mutton, and W. J. IBerry. Interment took place at Union Cemetery, Cartwright. Left ta mourn the passing o! a dean wife and mother are lier hus- band, one daugliten, Mrs. Cecil Hill (Olga), Blackstock, and three sons, Roy a! Blackstock, Rev. Clarence o! Avonmore, Ontario, a n d Rev. Merrill o! Angola, Africa, also t h r e e brothers, Samuel Beacock, Toronto, Arthur Beacock, Regina, and Will Bea- cock o! Hillsdale, Michigan; and two sisters, Mrs. C. Hobden (Mary) o! Boston, Mass., and Mrs. A. W. Pickard (Emma), Bow- manville. Those attending the funeral tram a distance included: Mn. Will Beacock, Hillsdale, Midi., Mn. Fred Brown, Mrs. Nathan Brown and Miss Edith Brown, Orillia, Mrs. Ethel Hockeridge, Mrs. A. Stephenson, Mrs. Bert Brown, Mrs. Mary Hilliard, Mr. George Houston and Mn. Gardon Fergus- 'on, Toronto, Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Meadowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fergusan, Guelphi, and Mn. and Mrs. George Clemence, Stayner. Prayer is fat overcoming God's reluctance; it 15 laying hold o! His highest wiilingness-Trench. Who isés !rom prayer a better man, lis prayen is answered. - George Meredith. Are we bene!ited by praying? Yes, the desire which goes forth hungering after righteousness is blessed o! aur Father, and it does flot return unto us void.-Mary Baker Eddy. can and has just returned fronr overseas.1 Miss Louise Steele, 'R.N., super. vison o! Public Health Nursing Service for the new Count3 Heaith Unit for Northumberlanè and Durliam ,is in town making E survey and plans for establishing the heaith unit in this district. ShE is being assisted by Miss Lena Taylor, R.N., local Public Healti Nurse. Fanrest Dilling recovereda meteonite that feul near Bowman- ville C.N.R. station Saturday night. He observed a streak ol fire which ended in a thud as thE missile hit the ground. When dug up it was stili warm. About the size o! a softball, it is dark in colon and much pitted. Another sucli specimen, weighing 200 lbs. is in possession o! Charles Bagnell wlio gat it in western Ontaric same years ago. Dr. J. C. Devitt and daugliten, Mrs. Beatnice Hall, are spending their halidays at the Highland Inn, Algonquin Park. It is 3q years ago that Dr. Devitt and the editor a! The Statesman made their first holiday trip ta this noxw famous Highlands o! Narthen Ontario and the genial and vener- able Dactor has neturned aimast eveny' year ta the same spot tc renew his yauth and indulge in his favorite spart o! fishing. Recent guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Dowson, Providence, were their granddaughter, Ruth Neal o! Vic- toria Road, and her friend, Norma Ula Whinney, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Weldan Neal, Mrs, Florence Neal and daugliter, Miss Vina, o! Victoria Road, and Glen. Dowsan, Bawmanville. Ruth anc Norma nemained for twa weeks' holiday. On thein way home witIh the girls, Sunday, they called an Janetville far Mrs. W. A. Stin- son, who accompanied them. Able Seaman Harvey Jones and Miss Pauline Anderson, Sarnia, were guests o! his parents, Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Jones, Churcli St. Harvey is spending a few weeks' vacation with fiends and rela- tives in Bawmanville and To- ranta before leaving for Van- couver and points west with the Canadian Me rceh a nt Marine. Harvey favored the editor with a cail and spent an interesting hall hour relating some o! his experi- ences since going ta sea two years ago. Since leaving home lasi September lielias been in Egypt, India, Ceylon and other Asiatic and Euiopean countnies. Obituary NOTICE 1~n The deadline for Classified 25Ç A~ Ads is 1 o 'cock Wednes- days. Please co-operate by getting your Ad in early. BD WMAN VILLE ON -THE -BE a WEST SIDE BEACH NEWS JOTTINGS FROM "«THE 9 ______ a Mr. and Mrs. J. Glenday holi- Miss Phyllis Genge wit * daying in "Glen Doug". Simpson at "Summer Ha' SMr. and Mrs. Allin Bickwell and Mr. and Mres. Earlg Mrs. E. Hendrick, Toronto, in theBo anieudyg a Huton cotage.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Me( i1 uto-otae at "Happy Daze".. - Mrs. C. M. Browne and daugh- Mrs. Edmund Barrici Y ters, Barbara and Dorothy, Sim- Coîborne, with hier son& ef coe, with Mrs. Royal Quinn. Sennen". e Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, town, Sally Ott entertained V 9with Mrs. R. Oke in Hallman's on Thursday night at a e cottage. and marshmallow roast. rMr. and Mrs. John Lenz and Marlon Holloway Fox family, town, at Russell Hall- yaung daughter o! Lt.C jl man's. Mrs. John Halloway Fox 0 Mrs. A. Hooper and family, va- the week-end at "The cationing for August at "Sand- meeting the other toddle hurst". iii be hier future playn Former LAC Jack Cari 9 Mr. and Mrs. E. Colwill, De- wife are spending a far d troit, and Mrs. H. Feather, Toron- oiaatCpCdCt, 7 toat Mr. E.Feathr's.Mrs. Bessie Gillam isw - Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Berry, town, atives at "Daisy Dell". e at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berry's, at The pessimist who desc v "0-So-Eze". the decay o! faith would bE n Mr. Foreman and Mr. Art Ault ed if he joined the haîf-t .- on furlough with his brother, Mr. cattagers who adjust the ;t D. Ault. . day interests ta take part * Mrs. D. McClean and Mr. and community naon-hour * Mrs. Green, Toronto, at the West service at The Chapel-on-t Beach tore.A bright summery-lookini Beac Stre.dar outlining the August Miss Gertrude Lee and Miss i.% now hanging in ahl thee ,rWilma Lang at Miss E. Robinson's. Last Sunday's address1 ï, Mrs. Herb Goddaid and Bar- Wm. S. McCartney had bara with lier aunt, Mrs. J. igmatic title "Eenie, 3Fluker, Brockville. -Minee, Mo". The Scriptut ýs Wallace Dilling has retuined age picturing the scene Lfrom holidaying with his cousin, Israel was called on to à Bob Allin, Oakville. ye this day wliom ye will Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole and gave the dlue. A masterful àGary, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Severs tation on the importi t and Billie, attended a family re- chaice, fallawed, making c union for their brother, recently difference between the1 arrived fromn overseas, at Mr. and ard childish methad ofc Mrs. Percy Hayes', Harmany. by lot, and the choasin Mn. and Mrs. G. Macgregor and divinely inspired intelliger family; Mn. and Mrs. John Burr; Mrs. George Hanrap, an Mn. and Mns. V. Bunr and Bobbie, in childnen's wark tookt Mr. and Mrs. G. Couppin, Oshawa, service in orden to givq with Mr. and Mrs. R. Burr. Carlton a much needed r, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Severs, Ajax, The plague o! theft of in "Gary's Paradise". waten craft continues. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Street and Gary Dilling had his litt Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Culley, taken from the river. Foi aMarilyn and Billie, have returned ly Mrs. Turner o! "Cedar f to theii home in Toronto. located it away up int - Flying Officer and Mrs. Os- marsh and reported its Sborne, Miss Isobel Mathews, To- abouts to the searchers. bronto, with Mrs. Dorney, "Cylant In scounîng the beach Pliore". victims o! the lasses ran in c Misses Marguerite and Bernice Cave Canton" who hande Doyle, Flying Officers J. Corsano the followîng limes ti and F. Quigley with the Doyle's. morning: F0 Quigley's prompt action in Stolen Boats lielping the occupants o! an up- Last night a young lad car turned boat in the lagoon is And said, "Since you wrilE worthy o! mention. Please write about my st Mn. C. W. Souch, Mr. and Mis. boats; K. Caverly and family, Mi. and I haven't anything that fl Mrs. Arnald Damant and family, Hampton, with Mrs. James Reyn- But though 1 dare not hier olds in the "Better 'OIe". The faîthfulness o! this in Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Baniand I will say now, "It seemsi and son, Ronnie, were guests o! To steal a fellow's raft an( àMr. and Mrs. Geo. Wiggins at THE COVE CI a"Keo-Wig". 1. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess and The happiness o! your aThelma, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. pends upon the quality Hudnut witli Mn. and Mrs. Wes- thoughts.-Marcus Aureli ley Mathews, "Idylwyld". Mr. and Mns. Pawson, Irene and Gwen, Oshawa, at Beach Haven, Mi. and Mns. C. E. Sweet, Oshawa, ewere their guests. 1 ýt After a pleasant honeymnoon at r North Bay, the Gueran family -was very hiappy to welcome home -the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. W. .A. Kilpatrick (nee Kathleen Gueran) to Camp Cozy. We welcome ta the beach Major and Mrs. Floyd Dudley and fam- ily, who have about completed their new cottage. 1 Miss Donna Dîlling was 2nd prize winner in the Sand Castie LOWEST contest at Civic Holiday sports PRICES programn. The weekly euchre was held in ________ >Mis. Wm. Cunrie's EEEE's Cottage on Friday. Prize winners were: lst-Fred Cale; 2nd-Mis. Kend- t rický Toronto; 3rd-Mrs. E. Mon- den, town; 4th-Mrs. Mushing. 1Gent's prîze was won by Norman Bottreli, Seldom Inn; Consolation - Mis. Forrest Dilling, "Linger >Longer". N e x t Euchre and Bridge at Fred Cole's cottage, "Gaiy's Paradise". Civie Holiday Sports NM IT UB List o! prize winners in vanious MNYTB races and other events: Gils, 6-7 yrs., Marilyn Mutton, Joan Grin- 25ý gel; Boys, 6-7 yrs., Jimmy Grant, Donald Reili; Girls, 8-9 yrs., Bar-' 7bara Goddard, Carol Dorney; Boys, 8-9 yrs., Jimmy Bottreli, John Bottreil; Girls, 10-11 yrs., Willa Simpson, Connie Gray; Boys, 10-11 yrs., Doug. Rice, Ted. Dadson; Girls, 12-13 yrs., Marian0 Hayes, Victoria Mitchell; Boys, 00 121-ys, lrec9K9atià Keep 'em Healthy W~kGirl Guides Tanned A HAnd Happy Group .C After Camp Life On Friday last, a tanned and ECOVE"I happy group of Girl Guides ar- rived back in Bowmanville, ac- ith Wiila companied by Mrs. A. J. Frank, ien". District Commissioner, after two Osborne, weeks spent under canvas on the guests of shore o! Cameron Lake, Fenelon :Cartney, Falls. The camp which was govern- ek, Port ment inspected and approved was it "Grey under the command of Mrs. O. S. Hobbs o! Oshawa. Other camp 16 guests officers were Miss Honor Gibson, a weiner Port Hope, Assistant Command- ant; Mrs. A. J. Frank, Bowman- (Holly), ville, Quartermaster; Miss M. CDol. and Ruddy, Whitby, Assistant Quar- :x, spent termaster; Mrs C. H. Mewett, SCove", Oshawa, Swimming Instructress; lers who and Mrs. T. Butteny, Reg.N., Bow- miates. manville Camp Nurse. The Girl lton and Guides from Bowmanviile and ortnight's district were: tage. Bowmanville - Colleen Hutch- rvith nel- inson, Joan Hutchinsan, Mary Pickard, Wilma Richards, Helen scants on Maguire, Coileen Clarke, Aileen be silenc- M. Bartman, Catherine Teeple, hundred Marjorie Mutton, Bessie Yeo, Bar- air holi- b a r a Sellers, Barbara Virgin, xt in the Mary Southey, Muriel Stevens, Sunday Patricia Cole, Maria Clarke, Janet the-HilI. Dale, Betty Grant, Joyce Buttery, .g calen- Marie Scarrow. services Blackstock - Clara Marlow, cottages. Isabel Carter, Gertrude Finlayson, by Mr. Doris Hamilton. the en- Orono - Betty Cooper, June Meenie, Neilson, Joan Cooper, Shirley ure pass- Flintoff, M a u r e e n McKenna, ie where Grace Gamsby, June Glanville, "Choose Betty Winter, Blanche Smith, I serve", Joan Neilson, Jean Wilson. .1 disser- Oshawa - Beverley Phillips, ince O! E. Reading, L. Lamb, Jean Price, clear the Barbara Whittington, Naomi Wil- haphaz- son, Helen Duncan. choosing With splendid weather prevail- ig with ing throughout the entire camp ence. period, and under the supervision in expert o! Guiders, - Audrey Venton, the S.S. Audrey Grant, Jean Caverley, ie Mrs. Darothy Evans, Jacqueline Hey- rest. land o! Bowmanville; Wilma Van of boys' Camp,. Jessie VanCamp, Mildred .Young Langfeld of Blackstock, and Carol tile punt Staples and Anna Staples o! ortunate- Orono, camp contests were enter- iCrest", ed into with much enthusiasmn the 2nd and amang Badge Certif icates Swhere- awarded were: Stalking, Track- ing, Signalling, Haîf Day Hike, ries, the 50 yard Swim and Life Line into "The Throw. led them ghihsoth w wek îe next w eigheithes ening stg-song around a roaring campfire, a shopping trip into Fenelon Falls, ne to me a mock wedding ceremony and e poetry masquerade, followed by camp stolen break. bats."Many parents anel visîtors were fot. present on Visitors' Suiday and much favorable comment passed re abuse on the condition and location o! my Muse, the camp. a nostunt __________ id punt." Becausa the road was steep and ANTOR. long - And through a dark and lonely rlife de- land, ,o! your God set upon my lips a song jus. And put a lantern in my hand. i HE7 cAZTr r, ~7~U Boys Rewarded For cash. Sammy and Cecil immedi- Finding $80 and Coat ately took their find to the home ________of the editor of The Statesman Sammy S e y m o u r, Manvers who in turn notified Acting Chie£ Rd.,andCeci Lagle, Elin t.,of Police Walter Hall. Rd. an Ceil angeyElgn S.~ It was as'sumed that the owner town, performed a fine deed Sun- would double back when he dis- day that has ail the traditions of covered his loss. And that is the Boy Scouts. They observed a what happened. Within an hour young chap catch a hitch-hike he hitched back from Oshawa, got ride at Vanstone's bridge and saw in touch with the police and was a coat Langing on the guard rail overjoyed to recover his coat, post where the youth had been cash and papers. Sammy and standing. It was a very hot day Cecil were called and personally and the local lads assumed that thanked by the airman who re- the hiker had placed it there and warded them with a five dollar had forgotten to take it in bis bill. The lads were also com- hurry to catch a ride. mended by the chie! and the edi- On investigation they found tor who were present at the time. papers in the pockets that told the owner to be Sgt. William Morgan, A chîld of God should be a R.C.A.F., Malton, who had re- visible beatitude for joy and hap- ceived his discharge from the air piness, and a living doxology for f o r c e, wearing civvies. The gratitude a nd adoration. - pocket book contained $80.00 in Spurgeon. PICKLINGII Supplies Yoeur I.D.A. Drug Store carnies a compiete lie etfplckllng and preserv- lng supplies - spices, corks, seals, etc. It Is a preven tact that spices bought tram drug sources are streager because they are more carefully kept. Note the pnices beiew - ORDER NOW ... PHONE 792 Sweet Pickle Mixture, contains spice, oils, sweetener and preservative, suffi- cient for 1 gal. of vinegar....25c ~ Parowax, 1 lb..........13c Jar Rings, 121s............5 AlIspice Buds, oz...........c Dili Pickle Mixture ----25c Preserving Powder, oz. 20c Memba Seais -------------10c Celer~y Seed, oz. -. 10 Parke's Catsup Flaveur 35e Tumenie, oz.--- ----------5c Keen's Mustard, 4 ezs. 27e ý."'AâIenburys"I f -,aýsàBasic Soap per cake 25e Certo- Certo Crystals --------- 15e Memba Pectin ----------15e Parke's -Preservine -----25e Corks - Ail Sizes1 Whole Mlxed Spice, ez. 3c Aium, 2 ozs, ----------- 5c Fruit-Kepe -------25e ISaccharine Powder 1 ez.- --- -------- c 0 Saccharine Tablets 34 gr. 25 -1.55 Black Pepper, 3 ezs. 10 Whole Claves, oz. 5c CASHMERE T1.SSUE Two Grades 15c, 2 for 25e 10c, 3 for 25o IT Whiite Shoe Cleaner - 15e, 25e Tangel for Sunburn ----50e, $1.25 Engllsh Health Saits --------59e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES McOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER 'I iks- 19. THE CANADIAN STATESALiN. BOWILANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN FPeed the children plenty of CARTERS whole- some Bread - brin f ull of nutrition which makes for healthy and strong children. Serve CARTER 'S Bread at every meal and between mals. You '11 find it good for sandwiches and picnics. Baked fresh daily from oven to cus- tomer.

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