THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The Perfect Thirst Quencher r. Mrs. E. A. Holmes, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Howell Rowland and B il,ý Miss E.. M. Holmes, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn, Orono. Miss Betty Minns and Miss Jean Holmes, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes. Mr. Jim Hunter, the well known Toronto news commentator, Mrs. Hunter and daughters Bonnie and Barbara, were guests of Mr. and iVrs. S. C. Adsett at Newcastle- on-the-Lake. -.Little Peter Dawes broke his Ikght arm, the result of a faîl in Une hay mow in Stanley Graham's b arn. Mr. Robert Duck has purchased fromn Mrs. Ernest Allin, Los Angeles, Calif., her former home on King St. Guests with Mrs. Stella Ander- son ai _"Two Elms" include Mr. and Mrs. E. Overend, Miss Con- stance Campbell, Toronto, and Mrs. W. T. Allan, Collingwood. 1 Miss Marilyn Headley, Toronto, ils visiting ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. Miss Dorothy Trenwith, Toron-t ta, spent the week-endat home. Miss Ruth Bonathan spent a week's holidays in Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan, Mary Margaret, Barbara, Jean and Sgt. Brenton Rickard spentç Sunday in Trenton. Mrs. Thomas Spencer and sons, Ernest and Rallie, Mrs. W. Harris and Boyd were in Rochester. Mrs. Patterson bas been visitingC her daughter, Mrs. Albert Pearci CI Mrs. Chapmnan and Miss Rub3 Rochester, have been in Nem castie greeting old friends. The Young People's Union hel a fireside meeting, Thursda night, down in the Glen. Evely Ailin took charge of a short wor ship period and Glenn Allin le in a sing-song, after which the: feasted on hot dogs. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn Hampton, visited Miss E. Black burn and Mrs. Cole. Miss Lucy Brault, Toronto, i: guest of Mrs. Wm. Kenefick. Mrs. L. Robillard, St. Andrew' Coliege, Toronto, visited Mrs Olga Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith havi return ed from spending threE weeks in Ancaster, Preston anc Windsor. Pte. Gordon Ketchum, nephew of Dr. J. A. Butler, returned home last week after spending faui years with the 48th Highlanders Canadian Armny Overseas, 8tt Division, which played an im- portant role in the European in- vasion forces. Prior ta his re- turn home Gardon had been sta- tianed in Italy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ander- son, Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mrs. Stella Anderson. An exhibition and sale o! work, also a demonstration of a day's work in the Churcb Vacation School was given by the teachers and pupils under the leadership of Rev. Wmn. Patterson before a large audience at the United Church Sunday School, Friday Out ýThey Go!l BALANCE 0F OUR Summner Purses Regular $3.50 SALE PRICE $2.50 Alpine Skirts Blue, Brown, Green, Wine, Red and other colors, sizes 12 ta 20 Regular $2.98 SALE PRICE $1.98 Just A Few Left We are clearing the balance of aur SUMMER DRESSES and BATHING SUITS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS Couch, Johoston & Cryderman PHEONE 836 BOWMANVILLE Ty, id in FAREWELL PRESENTATION TO MR. & MRS. T. A. RODGER ý' On the eve of the departure fromn Newcastle of Mr. and Mrs. k- T. A. Rodger, ta make their home -in Kleinburg, where Mr. Rodger will assume the principalship of is Kleinburg Public School, their many friends in Newcastle and ,s district gathered in the United 'Church Sunday School on Satur- day evening to bld themn a re- ,e luctant farewell and also ta con- se vey ta themn in a tangible manner WT H ,d their best wishes for their hap- piness in their new home. x Rev. Wm. Patterson was chair- I I I INER ,e man and in weicaming the guests xof bonor on their arrival at the Shall, said that it was a community jj> a f h gathering assembled there be- OYA ORHS A 1cause it would be the community . -- wha wili miss Mr. and Mrs. Rod- ger, as no anc enters into the 4*SANLYSJH -- * earts and lives af a cammunity like a scboal teacher, especially a teacher in the Public Schaol, and GRO SINLI their friends had gathered ta-a-i getber ta spend a couple hours of fellowship and ta leave pleasant Smemories in aur hearts. He then MCALFTGRL invited Mr. and Mrs. Rodger ta soccupy seats of hanar an the plat- fform which had been attractively 1decoratedwihlrebstsf 1gladioli. ihlrebstso Y Dainty little Marilyn Basker- ville, daugbter o! Mr. and Mrs. W i 1 b u r Baskerville, presented c J B c Mrs. Radger with a laveiy shower 1010 on your dial bouquet of flawers. Mrs. Percy Hare in a very pleasing manner C H E X read an eulagistic address which bad embadied in it the thanks and 1430 on your dial appreciation of the people of the ________________ community for the great help and _______________ inspiration that Mr. and Mrs. Rodger had always been in the castie's loss would be Kleinburg's interest tbey bad always taken in gain and they hoped that heaith a n y t h i n g pertaining ta the and happiness would be their's. Churcb or cammunity activities. The best wishes of their many It touched on the great servicte friends wouid go with them ta Mr. Radger had rendered as their new home. superintendent a! the Sunday Refreshments were served by School, Recording Steward a nd the committee in charge of ar- anc of the Eiders of the Church. rangements for receptian and Tribute was also made ta the presentation. The members of splendid work Mr. Radger had this capable and indefatigable carried on as principal of New- committee were Mrs. Percy Hare, castle Public School for the past canvener, Mrs. Archie Glenny, 20 years. Mrs. George Walton, Mrs. Hubert Appreciation was expressed ta Toms, Mrs. Ross Dickenson, Mr. Mrs. Rodger for lier willing and A. E. Meliow. able assistance in connection with The gathering dispersed with the work o! the different women's the singing of two verses of organizations in the Church and "Blest Be The Tic That Binds", assured them bath that the best after which Rev. Wmn. Patterson wishes of the community would pronounced the benediction. fallow them ta their new home! Mr n r. agr wr Mrs. Archie Glenney made the guests of the former pupils of presentation ta Mr. and Mrs. Rod Ncwcastle Public School at a re- ger a! a bandsome silver tea ser- eption andI presentation at the vice and tray, as a token of af- Camnty ala adyee fection and esteem tagether with ning, August 27. A full accaunt the best wishes of their many owhcwill appear in next frîends. oeekiiStw,2mn Mr. Rodger in thanking the w<ksSaemn donors for the lovely gift said amang other things, that he was glatI the gathering bad taken Unionl, LarlingtOn 1 place in the Sunday Schoi as ____ that was anc of the places in the Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred community hie was proud ta say Griffin at Mr. and Mrs. Harry he bad spent a lot of time and Wrîght's, Oshawa. .. Misses Elsie would carry away with him many and Ada Rahm, Bowmanviile, at fond memories o! bis work in the Ceci! Rabm's . . . Miss Joyce Sunday School and Cburch. He Wrigbt, Oshawa, at Mr. Williamv also spoke of the dIeep interest he McLaughlin's. . . Mr. and Mrs.t had faken antI wauld continue to Phil Conlin, Miss Clara Griffin, take in the pupils whom he had Oshawa, Miss June Anderson, Ta- came in contact witb during bis ronto, at Mr. Richard Griffin's... n 20 years principalsbip. Mrs. Rod- Miss Audrey McLaughlin, Toron-v ger in a charming iittlc speech ta at Mr. Russell McLaughlin's also expressed hier thanks and..' rs el Wtn deepappréiaton.and famiiy at Mr. William s] A splendid programn consisting Wotten's. e. of vocal solos by Miss Ruth Haney Mrs. Walter Ferguson is under a and Mr. George Walton; vocal the doctor's care. S duet by Peggy Stephenson and __________ Betty Lau Hagerman; piano in- pi strumental sciections by Mrs. Then there was the traveller a! Douglas Irwin and Miss Clare who asked a native of a remote jL Allen; recitation by Mary Hager- region in Jackson Caunty if hie C man ,interspersed the speeches didn't have trouble getting the ai by W. F. Rickard, Ex-M.P.; War- necessîties of life in that inac- c. den Cecil Carvetb; Mr. Herbert cessible spot. Hancock; Mr. Charles Gienney; "Yes, we sure do," repiied the M Mr. Walter Rickard. They cx- mountaineer, "and haîf the time c: pressed regret at their impending we do get it, it ain't fitten ta th ileparture but they realized New- drink." v evening. Proceeds from sale of work made by the pupils, also the amount of collection given by the children, amounting to $26.00 in ail, will be sent to the "Save The Children Fund". An offering was taken on Friday evening from the adults present which will be used to cover the necessary expenses of the school. Mr. Wilmot Thorn, New York City, is guest of his sister, Mrs. D. B. Simpson. i P F b p Mrs. Everett Brown sang a lovely solo, accompanied hy Mrs. R. H. Brown and later Mrs. W. Lynch 1Played a very fine selection on the piano. A contest was held. It was a garden quiz and four par- ticipants tied for first place. When it wvas found that Mrs. Werry was one of those the others were unanimous in insisting that she accept the prize, an ornamental statuette. Roll Caîl, the name of a Cana- dian industry, brought a good re- sPonse. Lunch was served. 0 Orono News Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton a JoYce holidayed with relatives Manitoulin Island. Mrs. E. Underwood, Mrs. E. Woodyard and Anne have retur ed from Apsley. Misses Laura and Isabel AIl had a well attended sale of hous hold effects on Saturday aftE noon. They have moved to Os awa where they have secured very comfortable apartment. Mr. Jas. Richards has been co fined to his home again throui illness. Mrs. Richards has carri( on the business at the Morr store. Orono Women's Christian Ten perance Union met with Hamptc miembers at Hampton Park. Mi Howard Walsh, President, coi ducted the meeting, Mrs. DeIh led the devotionai; Denny Lyne ga.ea temperance reading an Denny and Harry Lynch music; selections. A picnic supper an social time with Hampton frienc was very much enjoyed. Family gatherings, at the hoir of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 Brown, at Mr. and Mrs. Evere Brown's and at Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown's, Newcastle, have bec held in honor of Navigator Lero Brown, recently returned fror overseas. At the morning service in Par St. Church, Mr. J. J. Mellor toi the story of the Prodigai Son, th choir rendered a very suitabl anthem and Mr. Colin Taylo sagasiable solo. Citizens of Kendal and Oron, responded generously, as usual, ti the collection of salvage on Satur day. Total amount was 4350 lb,, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Gcrry havi soid their home in Orono an( after selling their household cf fects returned to Hamilton or Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McGinni! and Mary Lynn have returnec from a week's visit with relative: at Barrie. Mrs. C. B. Tyrrell entertainec on Saturday evening in honor oi Miss Beatrice Hamm, a bride-to. be, who was the recipient of i number of very lovely gifts frorr her many Orono friends. Visitors: Mrs. Peel, Peterboro with her sister, Mrs. F. Duncan.. Mr. and Mrs. L. Buckley, Sutton and Mrs. J. Buckley, Newcastle with Mrs. H. Curtis and Mrs Delve . . . Wmn. Glanville at hih home . . . Mr. Calvin Hamm witli Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamm. .. Mrs. H Barrabel a n d Mrs. Elizabett Smith with relatives at Courtice ... Mr. and Mrs. John Keane, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. H Keane . . . Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, holidaying at her home ... Mrs. Thos. Brown with friends in Muskoka. .. Mr. and Mrs. Har- aid Allin and Ruth, Toronto, withi his sisters. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. S Cobbiedick with Mr. and Mrs. R C. Rosborough, Niagara Falls.. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Aiiin witi relatives at Wolf e Island. . . Dr and Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Peterboro with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddel] ... Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples on vacation in Haiiburton. .. Mrs. R. C. Ellis and Strachan, South Par- cupine, with her father, Mr. J. F. Lorriman . . . Miss Gwennie Phasey with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crawther, Newcastle. DISTRICT PRESIDENT VISITS ORONO INSTITUTE Orono Women's Institute met Aug. 17 in the Council Chambers with Mrs E. Dean presiding. After the business meeting, the programn w'as in charge of the Canadian Agriculture and Industries coin- mittee, Mrs. J. D. Brown, con- vener. President of the West Durham District, Mrs. S. E. Werry of Solina, was guest speaker. She spoke first on the Opening Ode, explaining and enlarging on it, and then about the Institute it- elf being only as each individual nember makes it. For the main part of her taik, the speaker took s her subject, "Mother" in con- junction with "For Home and Country" (the Institute motto), nd spoke on their many ramifi- cations. Mrs. O. W. Rolph thanked Mrs. Werry and -expressed the appre- Jation of the members to her for fe interesting and inspiring talk ý%1ih had been so much enjoyed. TEA 1Business Dhuretory 1 Legal W. R. STRIKE 1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal NItoney ta Loan Phone 79 Bawmanville. Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553J W. F. WARD, B.A., 7 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 91/ King St. E. a Bowmanville --Ontario 3Phones: Office 825- House 409 2-tf MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Successor to M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Col Lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilet 3ldg., Bowmanville. Office houri 9 a.m. ta, 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday, - Ciosed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 321 X-Ray Equipmern niOffice Monuments Thse Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 23-tf MOVING WEST M. Rtawlinson Limited regularly make up and ahlp Household Furulture. Con- 3oHd,,ted Pool ar*.to Maniloba. Saktch. (relght ratea.Etabh d 185 blO Yo.g. St., T«ooto. Kingadale 5125 MOVINE, P*CKINQ, ~HIPPiNG ami STORAGI iBusy nousewives all over tne MEN WANTED For War Work Ini Mechanical Rubber Goods Plant Vacations wlth Pay Group Insurance and Hospîtalization Plan Legal Holldays wlth Pay Pension Plan A War lime Job With Peace Time Prospects Âppllcants on War Work not Accepted Apply National Selective Service, Oshawa Refer File No. 1211 L00KI New High Prices foi Live Poultry Until furtiser notice we are paying the followlng prices for LIVE POULTRY delivered te, our plant lns Whltby: Top Grade Heavy Fowl ------------- - --------------------2 cl b . Top Grade Llgbt Fowl, 4 to 5 lbs.........----- --------- .. 9e lb. Top Grade Light Fowl, under 4 lbs................------------18e lb. Top Grade Brollers, 2 to 3 lbs ----------------------------- -28e lb. Top Grade Roasth* Chiekens, over 4V2 lbs.------..---- --3lV2.c lb. Top Grade Roasting Chickens, under 4% I bs---------- 30e lb. Top Grade Heavy Capons, over 5 lbs...........--------- 33yAc lb. PICKERING FA&RM«S, LTD.* WHIITBY ONTARIO Telephone - Whltby 336 DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and dellvery ln F.our .district. This is nmade neceeuar by new toverameat regulations whlch permit us to cover any one district Three Days A Week We wyll, theref6re, bc ln Dowasavile Mon., Wed., & Fr1. HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIITD FOR ECONOMY geai Four cleanlag wlth Four Iaundry PHONE - 419 'Steamship Special' for Child War Guests MRS. JOHN W. HOOEY and Roy Hooey, Burketon. Nestieton0 Chu rch had charge of The bearers' were four nephews, thes service. Seriously ili for less than two James Stewart, Wm. Hutchison, weeks, Lissa Wilson, beioved wife Harold Lang, Jack Hutchison and In August Canada agreed to of the late John W. Hooey, passed two cousins, John Webster, Fene- away at the home of her sister, Ion Falls, and Edwin Lillicrap, s U p p 1 y UNRRA with 60,000 Mrs. Hermani Samelîs, Nestieton, Hamilton. barrels of pickled fish and 75,000 on Monday, Aug. 20, 1945. Mrs. Among the many beautiful fior- boxes of herring bloaters valued Hooey was born in Floss Town- ai tributes was a beautiful basket at $974,800, a total of 13,350,000 ship, daughter of the late Mr. and from the W.I. and Ladies' Aid of pounds in ail. In addition, large Mrs. Wm. Wilson. the church. quantities of canned and salted Heid in high regard by ail who The minister, Rev. H. V. Walk- fish are being sent for relief in knew her, she took an active part er, Sterling-, former pastor of Western Europe. in ail church work being a mcm-- ber of the choir and a Sunday School teacher for many years. She was a life member of the Presbyterian Church, Nestieton. Ac Surviving to mourn her passing are, one sister, Mrs. Herman Sameils, Caesarea, one brother Cecil Wilson, Nestleton, also five nieces, Misses Gwen and Eunice Wilson, Nestîcton, Mrs. James Stewart, Peterboro, Mrs. Harold/R t l s Lang, Omemee, Miss Margaret Hutchinson, Toronto, also f ive AT ANY EAL A W iM nephews, Scott Hutchison andA . v m. a..awu u., e Jack Hutchison, Toronto, Wm. PAGE NINIC 1 EgigiD OrMA Obituary