PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1945 FIND UT WITH A WANT AD SELL IT WITH A WANT AD BUY UT WITH A WANT AD DUR9AM COUNTYS FAVORITE HOME NEWSPAPER With shortages of materials, and priorities, today the Want Ad serves as neyer before in placing buyer and sellers tog-ether ta do business. More people are using TUE STATESMAN CLASSJFIED A.DS than ever be- fore . . . for buying, selling, renting, exelanging . .. look in the Want Ads now and sec the items and services con- veniently listed. It means money ta you to look them over carefully. - 25 Words for 25e - (Cash with order) Now is the time to advertise items not beink used aroiund your home, your farm, or your store... someone la lookimg for those items and wiIl pay you cash for them. PHONE 663, BOWMANVILLE An estimated audience of 12,000 people read The Statesmaai every week Newcastfle Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wanna- maker and daughter, Muriel, Wel- lington, visited their cousin, Miss Meda Couch. Mn., and Mrs. Floyd Thomnas, Belleville, are guests ai his moth- er, Mrs. Wm. Thomnas. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cannon, To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. T. M. Gibson. Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sameils wish ta thank their iriends and neighbors for their rnany kind ex- pressions ai sympathy and con- doience during their recent be- reavernent. 35-1 According ta a repart in Ta- ronto papers, Saturday, Ernie Dickens has been discharged from the R.C.A.F., and will repart ta the Toronto Maple Leafs national hockey tearn for the season 1945- 46. For Rent GARAGE, central location. Phone 2287. 35-1* GARAGE, 204 Church St. West, or Telephane 492, Bowmanviile. 35-1* NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per rnonth. Elec. port. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf Notice Dr. Birk's office will be closed from Aug. lSth ta Sept. Sth in- clusive. 32-4 Dr. C. W. Slemon's office wiii be closed irorn September 7th ta September 3th inclusive. 35-2 Dr. Rundle's office wiii be clos- ed from Aug. 4 ta Sept. 3, in- clusive. 30-5 Bowmanvile Electnicians, 42 King St. E. Ail kinds ai elcctric wiring donc. Matons repaircd and instailed. Phone 438. l4tf ....... ..... -. ........ 2<. A... r:. 18 MONEY the fertilizer gons need ? Money makes money grow. If you need extra money to do a better job on your farta, corne in and discuss your plans and problemas with us in confidence. Ready mopiey is available - for the purchase of fertili.zer, seed, and binder :wine; for the purchase of livestock; for the purchase of electrical equipment, heating and lighting systems, miiking machines, pumps, etc.; for the purchase of implements; for the construction of drainage systerns and fencing; for road work and land improvement; 'MYBA HAM, for tbe construction or repair of farmhbousc and other farta buildings; for any purpose that will miake a gond farta a better farta and increase its owner's revenue. Have a talk with your Bank of Mon- treal manager. You wilI find hc knows a good deal about the farmer's problerns, and you will appreciate his friendly interest. His first ambition is ta scee very farm in this comrnunity a prosperous farm and where ready money is the fer- tilizer you need, he will be glad ta lend it and plan with you for its intelligent use and convenient repayrnent. R AiqK ni' MonNTrFiAT AlO %w &MJLY L '-Y 19 JLNV .ALX2N5L ~ ~~jJJ working wirk Canadians in evcry walk of lifé since 1817 Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manag( . . . . ...... .. ger Tyrone Visitons: Mrs. Leon Moore and John accompanied by Mrs. Mil- son, at Guelph. .. Mrs. Wm. Mac- donald and Mrs. R. B. Scott with Mn. and Mrs. A. Barber, Toronto ...Bruce Macdonald with his aunt, Mrs. Archie Macdonald, Ca- bourg. . . Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Trumpour, Cannifton, with Mn. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar... Mn. Lloyd Hoar, Dorval, Que., with his par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar... Mrs. R. Hatherley with Mn. and Mrs. Lau Wiiiiarnson, Pontypool ...Gracie Haywand with Eiieen Jebson, Oshawa. .. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Drage with Mn. and Mrs. L. Drage... Miss Grace Little, To- ronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Annis. .. Mrs. Stan Beckett and Joan, Mrs. Arthur Spicer and children, Bowrnanviiie, with Mrs. Laura Virtue. .. Miss Helen Cam- cran, Zion, at Mr. H. Cameron's ...Mn. and Mrs. Jack Hatherley and family, Ncwtonviiie, with Mn. and Mrs. R. Hatheriey. . . Mrs. Viola Smnith, Orono, at hier home . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aiidread and Lloyd with Mn. and Mrs. Wil- liam Robinson, Pontypoal. .. Jack McCoy, Bowmanvillc, at Mrs. P. Hayward's . . . G l e n Hodgson, Bowrnanvilic, Mrs. Jas. Starie, Orono, with Mn. and Mis. R. Hodgsan. . . Mrs. Maude Wade who visitcd her sister, Mrs. B. Moore, has returned ta, Toronto and Mrs. Moore has gone ta the haspital. Mrs. R. Hatherley is laaking after Mrs. Theisburger who is on the sick list. Mr. Norman R. Andrews wishes ta announce the engagement ai his youngest daughter, Hilda Ber- nice, ta John Douglas Mofiat, aid- est son ai Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mofiat, al ai Orono. The mar- niage wiil take place quietiy in September. 35-1* The engagement is announced ai Kathleen Marguerite, youngest daughter ai Mr. T. J. Simnpson and the late Mrs. Simpson, Orono, ta Eilwaod James Gray, only son ai Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Gray, Port Hope. The marriage will take place on September 8th, at 3 p.rn., at the residence ai Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendry, 26 Concession St., Bowmanviile. 35-1* DEATHS WARREN - At his residence, Hunt St., Bowmanville, on Sun- day, Aug. 26, 1945, Samuel War- ren, aged 86 years. BRUNT-At the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, on Aug. 25, 1945, June Marie Brunt, beioved daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. Frank H. Pascoe, aged 13 years. GILES-On Aug. 25, at Toronto, Ruby Lyne Craga, farmerly ai Bowmanville, beloved wif e ai Albert (Bert) E. Giies, 81 Clii- ton Rd., Toronto, and mother ai Mrs. J. A. M. Austin (Helen), Mrs. S. E. Barnett (Malley) and sister of Bentha Craga. CORNISH-At Bowmanville Hos- pital on Wednesday, August 29, 1945, William George Carnish, aged 79 years. Resting at the Marris Funerai Chapel, Bow- manville. Service in the chapel on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. "I- terment Bowmanviile Cerne- tery. IN MEMORIAM EMERTON-In ioving mernary ai a dear husband and father, Charles James Emerton, wh a passed away Sept. lst, 1944. Gane irom us, but leaving memories Death can neyer take away, Memories that will aiways lin- ger While upon this earth we stay. - Ever rernembered by wiie and son, James. 35.1* KILGANNON-In praud and loy- ing memory ai a dear son and brother, C-65527 Sergt. H J. Kilgannon "Jack", lst Irish Regt., who gave his lufei Itaiy, August 31, 1944. "Whatever else we fail ta do We'ii neyer fail ta think ai yau; You linger in aur memory stiil, Not just ta-day, but always will." - Sadiy missed by Dad and Family.-35* Wanted To Buy ANTIQUE MIRROR, nat exceed- ing 48" wide and 50", high. Phone Whitby 2106. 34-2* TOP PRICES PAID FOR NEW and used feathers, feather ticks, piiiows, etc. H. Glober, Part Hope. Telephone 160. 35-4* PIANOS-SMALL AND mnedium sized pianos desired. Write or telephone F. J. Mitchell, 204 Church St. 34-4*1 ALL KINDS 0F POULTRY, aiso new and aid feathers. Jake Parker, 321 Brock St. N., Whit- by. Phone 486. 35-4* SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Wiii pay cash, cali or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf DRUMS, TANKS, STEEL Plates, siloc rods and lugs, steel cable, angle iran, beams, water piping and fittings. H. Glober, Port Hope. Telephone 160. -35.4* OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, before 1900, preierabiy on envelqpesi or original paper. Fair prices1 paid. Write Box 414, Statesmnan Office. Bowmanville. 24-tf.1*' LIVE POULTRY and teathers. Good prîces pald. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on hy Mr. Fiatt personally, no agents ernploy- ed.) l9tf.12* ELECTRIC WASHING Machines, stoves, rangettes, plates, radias, vacuum cleaners, furniture ai ail kinds; ice boxes, wardrobe- trunks, lawn mowers, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope. Telephone 160. 35-4* ANTIQUES 0F EVERY descrip- tion, coiored giassware, aid iamps, aid buttons, furniture, dlocks, c h ina figures, bric-a- brac, jeweilery, silver. Amnen- can buyer. Write Box 536, Statesman Office, Bowmanviile.* BIRTHS HOOPER-At Bowmanville Hos- pital on August 22, 1945, ta Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sidney Hooper, a son, Alan James. 35-1 GLOVER-Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Glover, Ajax, are happy ta an- nounce the arrivai af their daughter (Joanne Marilyn) at Oshawa Hospital, on Aug. 22, 1945. 35-i* M arriages HONEYMAN-MORRIS-June il, at Ail Hallows' Church, Aller- ton, Liverpool, England, by the Rev. H. S. Wilkinson, Fit. Sgt. John Alexander, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Honey- man, Bowmranviile, to Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Morris, Sinclair Drive, Liver- pool, Eng. 35-l* ENGAGEM ENTS AUCTION SALES Sat., Sept. 8-Farm stock, im- plements and househoid furniture, praperty ai Wilfred Kitson, 1 mile east Little Britain, inçluded are 1 late model M.H. 102 Super 6 tractar on rubber; 21 tooth M.H. cuitivator; 3 furrow M.H. Na. 28 plow. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 35-2* I have receîved instructions from Mr. John McKelvey, Lot 20, Con. 7, Clarke Twp. (1 mile E. ai Kirby), ta seil by public auctian on Fni., Sept. 7, 3 young harses, 26 head ai Durham cattie and full lime ai gaod 'farm machinery. Terms cash, positively no reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. A. E. Mor- ton, cierk; Jack Reid, auctianeer. 35-2* I have received instructions irom Ralph Davis, Lots 29 and 30, Con. 6, Darlington (1 mile west ai Sauina) ta seli by public auc- tian on Thurs., Sept. 6, ahl his farm stock and impiements, in- ciuding a' nùmber ai gaad Hol- stein cows, fresh and springing; aisa 20 head ai Durham steers (stockers and fat cattie). Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. See bis. Jack Baker, clerk; Ted Jackson, auc- tianeer. 35-1 I have been authorized ta seli by public auction for'Mrs. Annie Colwiii, in village ai Hampton, on Sat, September 8th, ail her hause- hold eifects inciuding pariar, din- ing room, kitchen and bedroom furniture, china, glassware, silver- ware, and kitchen utensils, staves and garden implements. Several pieces ai antiques. See itemized list next week. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Theron Mauntjay, cierk; Elmer Wiibur, auctioneer. 35-1 I have received instructions and wiil seli by public auction for Mrs Evans, on Friday, Aug. 31, 1945, on the praperty at the House That Jack Built, Kingston Road, Town Line, between East Whitby and Dariington: Heintzman piano, aparýment size; kitchen table and chairs; cabinet; Quebec c o a k stave; heater; coal ail stove; divanette; washstand and cabinet; White sewing machine; 3-piece bedroom suite; smoking cabinet; chiid's table and chairs; smaii chest ai drawers; day-bed; 8-day dlock; linoleums; dishes and cook- ing utensils; 600 cernent blocks; 1 acre, good building lot on the Town Line. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terrns cash. W. J. Suiiey, auc- tianeer. 35-1* AUCTION SALE The undersigned bas received instructions from MR. CHARLES DIX to, seil by Public Auction at NEWTONVILLE on the afternoon of SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 1945, bis entire Houseboid Fur- niture, meluding: Eiectric stove, cream enamel, new; studio couch, new; 6-piece modern kitchen suite with up- haistered chair, new; walnut din- ing room suite, with cabinet and buffet, nearly new; annex stove, in crearn and green, nearly new; card table; 2-burner heavy elec- tric plate; wainut bedroom suite; cabinet radia and mantie electric radio, bath in excellent condition; chesterfield and chair; wainut dinner table; 2 wardrobes; e'iec- tric vacuum cleaner new; chest oi drawers; washstand; 3 - burner coal ail stove with aven; 3 dress- ers; ice box; iawn mawer; steel iawn swing with springs and mat- treris; eiectric fence; 2 steel beds; 2 set ai househoid scaies; kitchen utensils; quart sealers; dishes; garden tools, etc. Gurney gas s taove, new in January; Marconi cabinet radia, battery; car trailer, with 6' plat- iorm; quantity ai carpenter and garage tools. Auctianeer's remarks: This is the finest lot ai furniture that has been ofiered for sale in this district for same timfe Sale to commence at one o'clock sharp TERMS CASH HAROLD CASWELL, Clerk; JACK REID, Auctioneer. Strayed STRAYED - ROAN STEER, 1 year old, strayed from Lots 29- 30, Con. 9, Dariington, about Juiy flst. Anyane knowing whereabouts please phone 2338. 35-1 COMING EVENTS Dance at Enniskillen Hall, Mon., Sept. 3 (Labour Day). Round and square dancing. AI. Fietcher's orchestra. 35-1 The Canadian Order of Forest- ers will resumne their weekly dances at Enniskillen Hall on Sat., Sept. 1. Fletcher's orchestra. 35-1* Harvest Home services will be held at Tyrone United Church on Sunday, Sept. 2, at il arn. and 7 p.m., when the Rev. A. E. Cress- well will preach. Special music in the evening by ]Eidad United Church choir. A general thank- offering is requested in aid of Church funds. 35-1 Foilowing the summer vacation the Red Cross Work Rooms in the Town Hall will re-open on Sep- tember 10, 1945, and will be open thereafter on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoans from 2 p.m. ta 5 p.m. There is a great deai af work on the shelves and it is hoped that Red Cross members will give their consistent effort ta camplete it. 35-11 TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - Ail kinds ai tractar work: ploughing, cuitivating combin- îng, etc., donc. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bowmanviiie. 24 tf-4* HARDWOOD FLOORS SANDED and finishcd, old iloors resur- faced. C. H. Levy, 25 years' ex- perience. Phone 908-J-12 Osh- awa. Residence Courtice. 32-4* Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks'- suppiy $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor*s Drug Store. 32-48 INDIGESTION PAINS VANISH quickly when you use Wilder's Stornach Powder - pleasant, soothing. 50c and $1 at Mc- Gýegor's Drug Store. 35-11 CHANCE TO WIN A $7,800 home for $1. on restricted residential area in Long Branch, consola- tion prizes announced later. Send Postal Note for shares at $1. each ta C. B. Hadgsaon, Sec'ty-Treas., Eastwood Villa,1 Box 400, Long Branch, Ontario., Sponsored by L.O.L. 2820 Long 1 Branch. Proceeds for building' funid. Details on receipt. 33-4 1_ Articles For Sale D.D.T. BARN SPRAY. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bow- manvilie. 34-tf TEAM 0F PERCHERONS. Phone Bowmanvilie 2208, between 6 and 9 p.m. 35-1 STEEL RANGE in good condition, with (L) waterfrant . Aiso range houler. C. E. Rehder, Tel. 793. 35-1* iBABY PRAM, new covered hood, i new paint job, heavy springs, navy blue. White foiding go- cart. Phone 2417. 35-1* 1930 FORD ROADSTER, 5 tires and tubes. Serial No. C.A.U. 1412. Price $125. Phone 2419. 35-1 HOME MADE TRACTOR, ON rubber, equipped with 1935 Doad ge motor. Bert Whyte, Maple Grave. 34-2* HOUSE DOORS, frames, base- boards, pianks, adds and ends aio lumber. Wm. Wilcox, Queen St., Bowmanviile. 34-2* 1931 OLDSMOBILE S E D A N, serial No. 39218, price $100. Ap- ply H. C. Hailman, . Bowman- ville Giove & Mitt Ca. 35-1* HAND WRINGER, gaod rollers, price $2.50. Appiy 33 Prospect St., Bowmanvîiie, or phone 583. 35-1 MOTORCYCLE, Harley - David- son, in good condition. Appiy Jim Harris, Enniskilien. Phone 2876. 35-1* MELOTTE CREAM Separatar in good condition, white enamel tank. Apply John Nichais, R.R. 3, Bowmanviiie, phone 2168. 35-1 1933 CHEV. STANDARD Coupe, Serial No. 603261, 5 good tires, new paint job, good running condition. Phone 423, Bowman- ville. 35-2* WALNUT WARDROBE; falding oak, wail taai-chest; wood- î working tools; pre-war drills. H. Creeper, 20 Horsey St., Bow- manvilie. 35-2* CHILD'S COAT, leggings and hel- met, red, size 5, new; brown wooi tweed coat with matching cap, size 5; pair ai wine drapes. Mrs Z. Adams, 3 Centre St. KITCHEN EXTENSION TABLE, (naturai finish, red trim) and 4 chairs, leatherette seats; brown pin stripe lady's suit, size 14; set team harraws; quantity ai cut stone window or door silis, 12 it. farm gate. Appiy N. J. Scott, Duke St. 35-1 VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums repaired. "Goad Vacuums for Good Housekeeping." Ais o guaranteed expert repairs, lub- î rication, replacements, etc. Cali C.U.C. Service Branch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Baw- manville, 774. 19-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything imodern. chesterfieid, bedroam, dinmng suites, and studios. Bedding and iloor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at cam- petitive prices. Before bMîying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tl NEW CASE MOWER, no permit needed, on hand at Bawman- ville; Quebec sulkey pl1o w, cheap; Allis-Chaimers tractor; 2-iurrow M.H. disc plaw. Let us take your orders for new equipment. W. H. Brown, Case and DeLaval, King St. W., Bow- manvilie, phones 497 and 2610. 35-1 Work Wanted PAINTING, GRAINING and stiv-, pling. Apply Eddie King, 761 Duke St., Bowmanville. 33-4* CUSTOM PLOUGHING discing dane. Apply William Cooper, Middle Road, Bowmanviiie. 34-2* REPAIR WORK - Persans re- quiring repaîrs on chimneys or cernent work, communicate with A. Keliar, 14 Queen St., Oshawa, phone 3594R. 32tf PERMANENT POSITION FOR yaung girl with one year Com- mnercial and two years' cashier and sales cierk experience. Phone 2488. 35-1 Livestock For Sale 9 SMALL PIGS. F. Aldswarth, Courtice, phone 491j2. 35-1* 14 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 weeks aid. Phone 2537. 35-1 10 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 7 weeks aid.- Phone 2380, Bowmanviile. 35-1 7 YORKSHIRE SOWS. Appiy Charles Rundie, H a mptoan, phone 2246. 35-1 NUMBER 0F ONE YEAR OLD Leghorn hens. Ciare E. Aluin. Phone 2847. 35-1 9 PIGS, 7 weeks aid. Apply Ken- neth Gilbank. Phone Part Perry 78r1 1. 35-1* COW, part Ayreshire, 6 yrs. aid, miikipg gaad, due about Mar. 1. J. Ennis, Hampton. 35-1* JERSEY COW, good miiker, quiet and haiter broken, 8 yrs. aid. Due Aug. 29th. Appiy Chester McGrath, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 35-1* HOLSTEIN HEIFER and yaung Holstein caw, due ta freshen this Fali. Also 3-furrow tractar piow. Charles Frank, R.R. 5, Bowmanviiie, phone 2403. 35-1 Wanted to Rent UNFURNISHED HEATED roorn for light housekeeping for 1 aduit. Mrs. G. A. Cook, phone 521. 35-1* BUSINESS COUPLE, no children, wouid like either 3 rooms or srnall apartment with ail con- veniences, centrai location, by September îst. Write Box 532, Statesman Office. 35-1* Real Estate For Sale 105 ACRE FARM, Lot 16, Con. 1, Clarke. Appiy ta Robert Martin, Newcastle, Ont. 35-1* 7-ROOMED FRAME H O U S E, hydro, % mile frorn tawn, on highway, 4 acres ai land, or- chard, garden, lawn, fruit trees, barn, hen house, etc., $4,000. Write Box 537, Statesman Of- fice. 35-1* Fora Week-end Treat Try Tod's Raisin Special THE STANDARD 0F QUALITY FOR 3 GENERATIONS TOU'S BREAD I8 SOLD BY... Harry Allin, Everett Trimble, Wm. Maynard, A. V. Dilling, Bowmniville Red and White Store, Oourtice; MoGregor 's, Maple Grove 35-2 SThe medicines we dispense upon the order of your doc- ton are eampounded by your skilled and experlenced Rexali pharmacist. You can depeyid upon their quality and absolute unhformity with your physielan's prescription. HAY FEVER REMEDIES .. . Nose and Throat Relief wlth EpheffrlIne --------.-25e, 50e Raz-Mah Capsules (grey) ----------50e, $1.0 Ephazone Tablets $1.50, 2.50 Allergl-Tabs ----- $1.00, $2.50 Estivin - -------------$1.23 Haytone --.---- -------25c, 50e Privene Nose Drops --75e Vlck's Va-Tro-Nol ------43e Vapex -------- 25e, 50c Benzedrex Inhaler.------60c Atlas Atomîzer N o. 82 ----- -- -- -------70e DeVilbiss Atomizer - $1.75 Shlek Injeetor Razor complete wlth smart metai case and 20 blades oniy - - ----- -- ý98e FOR SCHOOL Fountain Pens $1.15 ta $1~ Pen & Peneil Sets ------S5.95 to $14. HAIR HEALTH AND BEAUTY Fitch Shampoo 35e, 69e, 98e Kreml Hair Toqje--- 59c, 98e Vitof Shampoo........----49e Silque Sbampoo.......----- 60 Bryicreem........-----25e, 49c Lovalon Hair Rinse.----35C VîtalisHaîr Tonte 54e, 99c Vaseline Hair Tonie 50c, 85C Wilduoot Cream O011------59C Thermos Bottles, plut sîze, No. 30 ---------- ----- $1,25 4 Square Floor Wax 3.- 90 Certifléd Dry Cleaner' gai...............------------59C Jury (& Loveli THE REXALL STORE When W. Test Eyes t le Don. Properly PHONE 778 - - - C.N.R. TICKETS Mdarr's Jewellery Do It Right With "lSealtite" Sealtite Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Blowing Method) F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanville Phone 494 34-tf BEL I-eIp Wanted PRACTICAL NURSE, GOOD hausekeeper. Write Box 538, Statesman Office. 35-1* WOMAN OR GIRL ta help with housework - liberal timne off. Mrs. Scott, Duke St., telephone 345. 35-1 GIRL OR WOMAN FOR LIGHT housework. Every aiternoon and evening free. Good wages, sieep in or out. Phone 624, be- tween 5 p.m. and 7 p.rn. 34-2* WOMAN ta assist Matron at children's home with caaking and housekeepiflg responsibili- ties. Could. live in if desired. Permanent empioyment. Write Box 536, Part Hope. 35-1 MIDDLE AGED WMN or couple ta look aiter aged wa- man. For services will e free use ai bouse, heated, den, etc., and pay reasana iee for care. Apply by letter ta Box 539, Statesmnan Office. 35-2 Agents Wanted .800 DEALERS EARN a camfort- able incarne by seiling Familex Products fram doar ta door! How about starting a business ai your _own, in your spare time, with the sarne advantages, in the district ai your choice? For free details and catalogue: Familéx, 1 600 Delorimier, Montreai. 33-5 Roomi and Board ROOM AND BOARD accommoda- tion for twa high schoai girls. Phone 2113. 35-1 GUARANTEED Radio Service Tubes, Batteries, etc. Roy W. Neads 85King St. E. ýPhone 580 26t'f THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1945 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO . "%W Am ri