PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1945 larke Union very enjoyabie lake cruise ta Fort Brown' Hm tonS ak i Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and family, William and Part Artbur. w m n~Lrt1L Mr. E. Bradley, Mrs. B. Ashton ESA ' s _______ _Mr._andMs__Gordo and Brad, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ash- KRLK' atresing hs egulfni PshCahrieandams wt Don't forget Home & School Visitors: Miss Ethel Gilbert Visitors: Mrs. Jacob Hallowell tan and family and Mrs. J. Potts SETPCL hismoher Ms. . . Pwe, Oh-Association meetings begin in with friends in Toranto. . . Mrs. in Orano with hier sister, Mrs. ta Lake Simcoe . . . Pte. James MIXTURE L Th tbacocapaywhchaw .Mis alo Rckby T-September. Ewart Creeper, Owen Saund, Stutt, who has been ill. . . Mrs. Graham, London; Mrs. James c The obaco ompny hi ma therMissMrEiJ oner b, sh- Visitros: Mr. and Mrs. J. Hillier with lier aunt, Mrs. Annie Col- Gardon Trimm is enjoying a visit Kennedy, Toronta, at L. Gra- No Sugar - No Cooklng arch tmet a r basbeguntae mnvil,*M ith Mar. and Mrs.o enjoyed a visit fram a friend fram will. . . Miss Ruby Clatworthy, from a friend in Toronto . b am's.35 k.3fo$101 plow, weunderstnd in pépara- eber STaranto... H.Mr.Soand TMrs.oR..MGraandR.N.,R.Bowmanvilleanv and, MniMsi s MissessBBeulahadand rmNorma o Hallo- We Mr.canomes.Mr. Fand Mrs.peSt.--Fru-t- -e----- - -- 2525 p plw eudesadi peaa ebrSuh ..Ms . .Suhham with Mr. Norman Gimblett, Hazel Cunningham, Cameran, well at Mr. and Mrs. Sid Halla- Germain ta aur cammunity, hav- Ceirto ---------------------- -25e 6 Jam ores N ix ng oast a aluble ille. . WHarry Bal, R.C.A .F Oshawa... Mr. and Mrs. Les All- with Mr. and Mrs. L. Trul... Mr. well's, Cawanville.. Mr. and ing baught Wilbert Rabertson's Jame Nixn lst avalubledred and family, Orono, with Mrs. and Mrs. H. Peters and Ralpb, Mrs. Jack Elliatt and family, Mr. farrn. caif from bis pasture by thieves Deseronto. is on eight weeks ' Tom Wilson. .. Pte. R. Raley at and Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter, with and Mrs. Thurstan and family, Wilbert Robertsan bas moved who wcre known ta bave taken it farmn leave at home.. . Mrs. Alex Mr.T. Clarke's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dunlop, Dunsfard, witb Mr. Alf. Dobsan ta Newcastle, baving bought a away n a cr or ruck.Watson accompanied bier sister, C. Turner witb Mr. and Mrs. Coldwater. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mr. and Mrs. Lamne ....... farm there. Miss EilecnSouchsccompnieliRchesteeN.Y Chas. Osborne, Ebenezer. . . Mr, White, Donald and Douglas, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harringtan One of the aid landmarks af the by Miss Mamie Archer, Part __________ Melvin Graham spent the week- friends at Chemong... Mrs. Har- and family, Toranto, witb Mrs. village bas been tamn down. W. Hope, and Miss Mary JeweUl, end witl'i Mr. and Mrs. Gea. vey Barron and daugbtcr, Mrs. Jacob Hallawcll. . . Mr. Minto Trewin bas sald the building off Bowanilebasreuredfrm a Ths s ubcritin in. Springham, Gat.. . Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, Toronto, at G. Barran's matored ta Oshawa; Catherine re- bis lot which was formcrly the/ Bowanvlle bs rtured ro a hisis ubcritio tie. Gea. Stephenson and Bobby are . , . Mrs. S. Thompson, Toronto, turned ta Oshawa witb bim. . . Broad store. bolidaying in the Sudbury dist- with friends bere. . . Mr. F. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Rabinson and Ahl services wiil be withdmawn rict. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tomlin- Mr. Wm. Savery in Osbawa. . . on Sunday. son and baby and Mrs. W. W. Mrs. Carlas Tamblyn called on Horn with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miss Norma Hallowell. . . Mrs. N ewtonville Muir and Miss Helen Ragers at Chas. Yule and family, Oshawa, Solina For. 50 y«Maoe il Caledonia. We are glad ta know with Mrs. Ewart Robinson... Mr. Creophoe quckly relieves Helen is recovering nicely from Wilfred Walker bas returned ta stubbarn colde end Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ber illness. .. Sgt. Donald Bailey, Toronto after spenigsvml Vstos[r n r.Caytan oughs due o d s Atkins, Mrs, Humphrey a nd R.C.A.F., and wife, Belleville, weeks witb Miss Norma Hallo- Hallctt, Kay, Kenny and Joan, cndtion. An effective, HelnToano; Ms.wth Miss Minnie Horn and other well.. . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Car- Sonya, at R. Davis'.. . Mr an ilYEa rundtl al-e Lawrence Jamieson, Camborne, relatives. . . Miss Ethel Gilbert, son in Port Hope... Miss Mary Mrs.Le.îaksnMsss lr- C u e srplevol. Mw. es Jckon MsssI o- re wihM.and Mrs. Willis Farrow Toronto, with bier brother, Mr. Forestet bas retumned ta West- ence and Leta Jackson, Mr. Fred colda-or forreliefdrn .. Ms.Ro Brly it fiedsand Mrs. Geo. Gilbert. .. Mrs. M. port after visiting ber aurit, Mrs. Moore, Bowmnanville, Misses a cold o s aioicale at Richmond Hill..-. F. McMullen, Goodman and Louise and Mr. C. A. Dabson.. Mr. and Mrs. Don Eleanor and Barbara MacMillan, Famîîy 1sîzo eI __ R. Hanna, Bud Joncs, Bill Coucb H. Burrows, Oshawa, witb Mr. Stapleton, Newtonville, witb ber Toronta, at N. C. Yellowlees' Boule $1.00 and Keitb Burley in New York and Mrs. Allen Parker, Toronto parents, Mr. and Mérs. Lamne Todd. Mrs. Pearl Harris, Ottawa, at *.. by fl Dmugl .... Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap Mr. and Mrs. Richards and Frankç Stane is on4the sick îist. Harvey Harris'. .. Mr. Alex Pot- C 2 F 0 ST RS PuICES SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES and Mrs. Wittaker witb Mr. and son, Ronnie, Toronto, witb ber A fcw neigbbors attendcd tbe ter and bis father, Mr. Wmn. Pot- Wl ISRVIYu uiui~ ~OUNT~B~ Mrs. P. F. Bradley, Toronto. .- sister, Mrs. L. Cryderman. prctty wedding in Newtonvî]le ter, Bawmanviile, witb Mr. James Wl ESEVI HE ON 10UMI QUNT11V Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Payne, Toronto, Citizens wbo bave cut wccds, United Cburch wben the yaungest Patter, Pickering. . . Misses Iso- ~'T R SILVERBROOK FIRST GRADE lb. 37ç Mrs. Wi.FeSinh,.N.Mrcatde including tbe terrible ragweed de- daugbter af Mr. and Mrs. M. bel Westicy and Laura Gandolfo, LINIMENTS B - ~~witb Mm. and Mrs. Cccii Robin son serve "tbanks" from sufferers of Sbutka, Miss Saphia Sbutka, as Toronta, at Jack Yellowlees.. Nsrb..9,$10 LACKTEA OUR OWN FLAVOURFUL lb. ... Mrs. Angus Graham and Mrs. bfYever. Tbereis still too mucb united in xmarge ta Mm. S. Mrs. Jack Young, Sherboumne, at Nyal Whit25,e0e __ V'EJ LNED WIESIIT Gi amm ovn Tronto,- Mr. L\avd lage streets and roadways. vi Rev. Smith. The bride was beau- Wcs. Yellowlees and Harold at Sîoan's.--------- 33c, 63e C VN AR (ontents only) 39 Skinner, Tyrone; Mm. and Mrs. The management of Hampton tfilVowelimbîesai ad G nis'lbenezer . Mis . Miss Mlnard's........-----29e, 59ec SUGAR FINE GRANULATED 5-1b. Bag 40e Aif. De Groot, and Bob, Rochester, Cemetery, in spite of labor short- carricd a bouquet of roses. Over ?eaGibtwthMsGynt Absorbine Jr.- 98e, $1.95 TI. S C N.Y., with Mm. and Mrs. Aif. age, deserve commendation for 50 guests, relatives of the bride Staples, Fraservilie. Rundle's -$1.00$î.O0 e - Bow. .Mr. cGc, ornt, hegenra goud onition, as and groom, bad the wedding din- Pte. Jack Terry, wbo recently Soft PLIELAUA6 IUV~IIL Bro n.d Muray MMillan, Banroft, tmané emries theselast fe ner at the bride's parents, Mm. and returned from overseas, visitcd at IIAIR CARE ... NAR ALA E aNA ORANGE 24-o. 4iwitb Mr. and Mrs. Raymond war years bave not been weîîMs M btk.M. hs)Btrsan eie n aeintli GAE UT JaBruce. . . Mrs. Marks and Mary kept. The tbougbtful co-apera- Service will be esumed at bis and neighbbrs' farms during Tonie -. ---.----- 50c, 85e Lau bve reumnadta Dtrait tionof sae 0fthe lt ownrs. Sbiloh, Sunday, Sept. 2, at 2:30 the harvest and tbresbing season. Fitch Shampoo 33c, 69e DO~~U S ANN PAGE * Doz. ~Micb., aftcr visiting Miss I.Laing surcly much apapreciated. p.m. iss oe thesnrtieTon a to, limo59Ceam 99e DO ITT -1e and Mr. Wm. Laing. ... Wmn. Mrs. Ormîston, daugbtem Joan iCburcb, Sunday morning, witb Kreml - --- -.--- 59e, 98e N T LRN S z,2e Morton witb Miss Lois Chambers, and son Gerry, Maple Grave, witb byd n er solo, "How Lovely Are Tby- NET L ING * * . Do. ~ç~ Eldorado. Mrs. Gerald Balson. H y o Dwellings". YOUR FAVORITE SNAPSHOT EN ~ . OGILVIE Milisan Bras. bave installcd a Members of Womcn's Institute Mm. and Mrs. Alex Patter and IN A FOLDER, 2 fc ANNPAE LEN IE 2Pkgs. < power milking machine. wcmc entertained by T y r o n e Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer An-nic spent their vacation at ]M N IS 2 1e Mms.Wmn. Lake bas eturned ta Brancb at the 'home of Mrs. Gar-Hasan fmiyWityCp.Mkk. KRAFTRES DINNER2 Pk. 33 li er son's bome at Newcastle, aftcr don Brent on Wednesday after- and Mms. Silas Trewin. Simcoc; Congratulations ta Pte. Harold Phone OW IG R KRAFernonTbe n n2ya33tieea Mrs. T. E. Prout, Miss Aura and Patter and bride on their marriage 695 C MLN ' R AYMR Tins 'saîing le daugbter, Mms. Al. sp ent.Haan nole ried Miss Vivien Prout. Bowmanville; in England, August 4! ILK SOUP ',egetatie 2 > 15e. ron. _et. amtonlaiesprvidd_ IW.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. the pragmamn and Tymone ladies Mm. and Mms. Tilîson, Miss Grace BREAD GLD CHjue"ESE Ilb.- 31< i!G. Henderson, Aug. 16. Mrs. semved d a i n t y efreshments. and Miss May Trewin, Toronto; PE S New Pack Priced tea Buley, President, opened the Montbiy meeting of W.I. wil be Miss Verna Tmewin, Osbawa, at EnnilskilleflTy White or Brown Sv etn.Arneet held titis Thursday afteriToon W. Tewin's. .. Mr. Herb Carter, ____ZinwTyr PEAS SavaeeorSetebe meeting. ragmns witbr ewben the pragram wili be in Mm. Alan McDonaid, Oshawa; Mr. M nwt 5O ~SC F:U7gumaefor spte ermiseLeinagRork charge of the East Group. Miss and Mms. Hammy Braaking, Wesley- Visitars: Mm. and Mrs. J. R. 0. ____ 2 Laves Kan Bag JpneeMis2n59o urog Aked of Tymone wiil be guest ville; Mm. and Mrs. Alan Broaking, Neill, Peterboro, Mm. and Mrs. J. Visitors: Jim Staintan and Del- ge ! Jxrafr SE L R MDa9< Ipansdecied tarbveanvnn fogspeaker. Pr oe rs lv ca, V.Hannant, Omemee, at D. Lwis' mer Killen bave mturncd fmom tbei« Hu xr or ay DRWz 9metina d ite tb ae ladies fmom Eigbteen ladies, members of the Pennsylvania, at Cccil Slemon's... hi the oliay metin an initethelades romNorth Sewing Group, met for Mr. and Mms. Bob Wilson, Osb-.. Miss June Asbton is home on Niagaa-on-the-Lake. . . Mm. and Sick __________25_9 churc- Bh.~ e a hibat n ewcstlc their regular monthly meeting on awa; Miss Betty Harper, Toronto; a week's holiday. -. .Mrs. Vemna Mrs. Arthur Rae, Mamkbam, at Satu speake1~' chrh Mesaes tb Lncastin, tbe invitation of Mrs. Jno. Cow- Miss Lîzzie Knapp, Burketon; Wood and Mm. Bruce Wilson, To-Rusl ekn'adAfAy' wl dA ae J.La-lnaster their cottage at Williams' Fred Tabb and Al. Cook at C. onta, witb Mm. and Mr. ~SsePmis n Al yese ROB14R OD . P.STO ESPoint, on Wednesday afternoon. Avery's.. Mr. and Mms. W. Tre- Petbick . . . Miss Doreen Rabm . .. Mm. and Mms. Eugene Martin, RO IHG DA &P TO E d a committec ta plan*r Cifd FLOURClose Sept 3rd. Mrs. Marris pomiscd ta bave A quantity of sewing was donc win at Mm. Will Smitb's, Wbitby bolidayed at Mm. Cecil Rabm's. Kedron, Ms.Cfod quilt mady. Scmetarytas ask and a dainty lunch served by the. . . Mm. and Mrs. C. Siemon, Mm. and Mms. W. Mountjoy, Wilia, Martin and famîily, Ajax, Miss 7-lb 24-Ib. ut a dr ne stdy wbook Ms ostess. A vemy enjoyable after- Deanna and Danny Bickell, at Beryl and Elenor, Kedmon, Mm. Marguerite Martin, Toronto, at ÇBag- 24< Ba6' 779 Buy Extra Bread Wilis orrnstendypbogrk. Mrs. noon was spent. Lloyd Webb's, Newpark. . . Mm. and Mms. C. Wemmy, Oshawa, Mm. Thos. Mamtin's. . . Mm. and Mms. VL C. Bley Jo adsthe Scpure; m.Mms Mebs f moWC.. and Mms. Roy Sears, Hamilton; and Mms. R. Luke, Miss Olive Wes Camemon, Jack and Joyce, at J. BPe re ad ato,"he Littitu e joind b embers of nniskilCn U Mms. Alan Ernsbaw and family, Luke, Kedmon, at Mm. and Mms. H. Delbemt Fiintoff's, Kedron... Mrs. witl Tb Lf ~ .and Hampton, enjoyed a pleasant Dundas; Mr. Delbemt Myles, McGill's. .. Mm. and Mrs. J. Yco, Elsie O'Neîl, Fmankfomd, at Nom-Mm ber usuanL caae andintJonest ing afternoon in the park on Tuesday. Orn, at Wm. Martmn... Mm. Mm. Lloyd Yeo, Tymone, Mm. and man Lcach's. .. Miss Ruth Pres- fami giruua aae anbrie stin Mrs. Walsh pesided, Mms. Delve and Mrs. Wes. Brownlee, Leaside, Mms. D. Yeo, Oshawa, at G. Yeo's catt, Enfieid, witb Ruth Rabbins..J Chinesae aaabo avestrcame led the devotional, after whicb at Lloyd Aston's... Mm. and Mrs. . .. Master Tcddy Yeo is holiday- . .. Mrs. Eldridge Nelson and Roy, have baries biCndaw vraieaaînt evea okpr na neet A. Beccb, Mr. and Mms. D. Camm îng in Oshawa. .. Mms. H. Stevens Millbrook, Mm. and Mrs. Alfred threandtbroh e rsevemeinct evrogam ol owdpat bynan coplestn and Camolyn, witb relatives in and Mms. W. H. Moore visited their Robinson, Hamilton, Mms. Milton sper, and courage acbieved their ais, quiz cantests. Music by two boys Bowmanvillc . Mm. and Mms. brother, Mm. J. A. Stainton at Wa- Robinson, Mms. Wmn. Robinson and daug f f ~twa becoming nurses and one a witb trumpet and French born Louis Ashton and family, Toron- men's Coilege Hospital and report Josepb,. Mr. Murray 1Rabinsan, H.M *, ,,ut"~* doctor. Not only did tbeyail was mucb enjoyed, also readings ta, at Mr. H. Ashtan's and accom- bim getting alang niccly. .. Miss Oshawa, at Henry Bali's. .. Pte. BoMl make fricnds of those wba at by a winnem in public speaking panied Mm. and Mms. H. Ashton, Betb Traveil, Oshawa, witb Mm. Ray Gifford, Famnbami, Que., at mar medal contest. Aftem a social _______________ and Mms. O. C. Ashton . . . P.A.T. Harold Gifford's. . . Miss Helen is at wenst bck ta hina bt etheiral time, an abundant supper was Roland Tbompson, R.C.N.V.R., Camemon at Herbert Camerons, crs lss fortunate countrymen. Mms. served in the bungalow. Halifax, is home on leave.. . Mm. Tymone. . . Mms. Norman Leach Wbit Morris gave a eading, "The Pow- (Intended fom last week) and Mrs. H. Milîs and famiiy with and Mms. Elsie O'Neil at Douglas at W cm of Little Tbings". Mrs. Hen- Accarding ta word mceived by Mm. and Mms. E. G. Jennings, Flett's, Raglan... Mr. and Mms. J. Mr *-' ederson scmved a deligbtful lunch. Mrs. R. Petlcy, fommerly of Hamp- Acton. Miss Shirley Milîs stayed W. Balson and Jean, Hampton, at gaini Mms. Burley on bebaîf of the ladies ton, bier son LAC Ralph Edgar * ~. witb bier aunt for a bolidqy. . . Alex McMastem's . . . Miss Joan montc tbanked Mms. Henderson for bier Petley, R.CA.F., aged 22 yeams, UaIII Mr. and Mms. F. Wcmry and family Morgan at Toronto . . . Mm. and T] -Iever generous bospitalityan died an active service, August 6. with Mm. and Mms. Percy Van- Mms. Percy Davidsan and family greal asamne of aur kindly anuer Ralph ha oetia hsi in camp, Blackstock... Mm. and Mms. at Howard Abbott's, Haydon . . . mng, drove us back ta our homes. Yorkshire, Engiand, on July 17t , A. Hering, Mm. and Mms. Howard Orvilie Stinson at Blackstock. . . . and was later transfcrred ta New-'I Oe, Oshawa, witb Mms. Walter Mm. and Mms. E. Rutisbawscm and - castle, wheme lbe died. He enlist U. ...... Mm. and Mms. Eami Tmewin daugbtems, Oshawa, atHans cd with a graund cew, April 17 at Mr. Elmer Hawes', Wbitby. Geissbemgcm's. . . Mr. and Mrs. C P A ES14,adwn vresayeam Service Club was beid at the Arthur Stainton bave returned IFAMOUS NIAGARA PEACHES ARRIVING DAILV. - aga. He was born in Hampton home of Mms. M. Heard, Aug. 21, from Muskoka. . . Mr. and Mrs. On PRICED TO SAVE. PRESERVE THEM NOW..-- - and educated at Jesse Ketcbum -* . --..i ih1 rsn' uc a cv omnLab r.EseON i l II Public Scboal and Central Tech- cd by Mms. Beard and ber gmaup at Arthur Youngman's, Tymane 25c ~u n CANADA No. 1 Grade lbs HOW TO) LIVE BEYOND nicai, Toronto. He attended St. 'a......of Mms. Joe Stevenson, Mrs. Fred . Miss Lais Hamblyn, Mm. and Ma P UiATOES 10 s 35e Y O0 U R MEANS," by Margery Paul's Anglican Cbumcb, Bloor St s Wright and Mrs. A. Leadbeatem. Mms. Earl Adams and family, Osb- nci - .-East. ~ Next meeting at Mms. T. Stainton's awa, at Percy Davidson's. .. Ivor tiî NATIVE, Fresh, Green - lb. Wilson, sets forth un highly reada-i.F)tlrs nSp.4t.Gmycnr rbmGmmTrn CABRAGE 3 prose the technique of putng more ypab F G. Cornish and famnily in the - .«-* C.G.I.T. girls are camping at ta, at Gemry Glaspcll's. . . Mm& a NATIVE, WASHED - bs. depth anid color inta living, more work '* Ceaa.RfdCmroanLydwih B anada No. i agcs oplished oaredoress i hc dcaltof m omib is ........................We were glad ta sec a goodly bier parents, Mm. and Mms. S. G. 50 COn f NATIVE, Sweet Velaow Bantam Do n rttdya n oe up39ereto laea usdyat into everyday 11e. It inspires a way af noon at Wbitby, witb intemment number out ta Cbumcb Sunday Chant, Toronto . . . Pte. Jack for - aiv,1aaa a lb. 9 thinking which tends ta greater health, in Union Ccmctcry, Oshawa.I nigbt ta enjoy a good sermon by Stainton, Bamifield, at A. T. for Native, Canada No aur pastor. There arc stili a Stainton's . .. Mm. and Mms. Fred tiii SrAu~IIUII8fl ~more wisdom uin spending. Tis is a iNo sooner uau thc citizens of SPA ISHONINSbook on the science of a welI-rounded the village and community beard : number of empty pews. Cameron at Herbert Camemon's, W( CE E Y S A K JNative, 2 for29 personality, it is a challenge ta men the wcicomc news by radio, that Oryuglde lydasc CE E Y S A K um b o Sr 9 and women ta re-examine the possu- the war was over, tban they Icessful game of saftball at Ty- Natve uceuCominti. bilities wrapped up in wasted hours. commenced their célébrations in rane, score 36-24 eturn game AM L S(longmans'-Green.) tbe street. Just prior ta scvcn . playcd beme Thursday tvening. 126' 3a arh o 19e o* * 'clock radio annauncers keyed Miss Evelyn Beckett, Marchant GR P F UT Seedlessa26t their audiences for the big ncws, 1 - Grave, Sask., with hiem brother, lAPE CALFORNA SEOLES lb.23<WHJLB THERE IS TIME: witb warnings ta wait for the big -- . loyd Beckett. i and anaunRmenATheEillae wa -b Mr. and Mms. Floyd Beckett, Stewart ). With the world btth aving a severe ain and thunder Miss Evelyn Beckett, at Howard v e i~,I s r n point ai a socialistic rs ti storm at the time but that didn't IBadlcy's, Elmcraft Famm, Osh- a I /dsusinfo tepnaitelt dme heetuism0 h aa .ý ce ,no "getting our maney 's F,each dollar spent must fraily's welfare. its limitations - rrd ta buy; ather ao do withaut. insurance is as neces- Iter. Place it high on INNEY. ;ie Telephone 565 dent & Health Insurance PAGE SIX THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO dll 1 TT 0 wbivhch_-ajollytime waýs spent in PHONE 556 , Unitcd Cbumcb on Sunday nigbt. Representath CO O AI Ua street dance, music beiag sup- 'Mms. R. B. Harrison and Mms. Earl, PCECE SAS LqT plied by balLkewt is ac-____ Dorrell took the prayers ad b-3c l.3c l.49C N O T IC EK Elrer Wilbur as caller offDrum urar o f the Mission Band acted an in-1jR A T W and.o330 lb.iallb.sNumJnWsstructive ittie play conccmnîng the COD IL-L TS b. 2e Te dedlin fo Clasif beat out the rhythm for the J.W .JE IVELL cbildren of other lands. CODFILE S b.29 Te dadîn fr lasiied marching The evenings pro- 1 On Monday evening, the occa- Ads is 1 o 'dock Wednes. ceedings ceated mucb fun and ia- "BIG 20", sian of Garmy Vcnning's 16th Avv~NAvj IL terest for the large crowd of on- 1IHNE5Lbitbday, bis young fiends gatb- KIPIPERS 25ef days. Please cooperate by lookers, and those wbo partici- POE~emed at the Cammunity Hall ta Life Insurance - Annuities- Accidg getin yurAd n ary. patcd, wba bad gatbered in the have a party. Garry was present- etigyuAdi al. village fmom far and near. e d with a lavely icather billfold. SPECIALS Plnkham's Comp.- --------87c Lactogen - - - ---- 69c, $1-59 Corega --------- 24c, 39c, 69C 1lb. Absorbent Cotton- 39C Kleenex ------------- 2 for M-, >inex - - ---- - 32c 6cakes Castile SoaP--- 25C HAY FEVER REMEDIES.. Raz-Mah Caps ---- 50c, $1 Allergitabs -- ---$1,1$2.50 Vlck's I)roPs .43e Gluco-Fedrin ---- ------ 85e Ephedrifle Jelly 50e Estivin Drops ----- $1.19 INSECTICI[DES ... Fly-Tox ---- 24c, 43c, 73e Sheli Tox 24c, 43c, 73c Flit ------- -- 23c, 39c, 69e 2-Way Screen Paint - - -. -----59c, 98e Skeeter-Skatter --- --35C MEN'S REQUISITES ... Shave Brushes 59, 98, 1.98 Shave Bowls 59, 75, 1.25 After Shave Lotion- 25c, 39c, 50c After Shave Taie ---20C Tang Shave Cream 29e Lifebuoy Shave Cr. --33e Marlin Blades, 12 for 25e iPal Blades ----- 4 for 10e 'ASHMER MSUE etely <vvaPPed tPure Wite SHEETS the raill NLARGED TO SIZE 4"lx6"P for ---29e We Fil UG STO RE Trusses aonc. Helen returned home th them. 'ympathy of the comnxunity ýta Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pas- and family on the passing cf r daughter June Brunt, at ýChildren's Hospital; Toronto, trday morning, after five 1<ks in hospital. Enfield ;isitors: Miss Ruth Prescatt 1 Miss Ruth Rabbins, Zion... and Mrs. Wilbert Smith and rI aily, Oshawa, at H .Ormiston's .Mr. and Mrs. D. Cunningham 7e returned ta Brussels after îding the summer with their ighter, Mrs. W. Pascoe... Mrs. ATeir and Beverley, Mrs. T. R. wman, Port Perry, at the Bow- n homes... Miss Ruth Prescott ttending the School for Lead- at Ontario Ladies' College, ii...... Miss M. Potts, Guelph, W. Pascoe's. /rs. Norman Stinsarj is under- ng special treatment at the To- :0o General Hospital. 7e interior of our schoal is atly improved by a new ccii- lobby and frcsh paint. IassifiedAd Rates )ne cent a word cash, eaeh lsertion (minimum charge ec). Charge of 25e extra is nade when advertisement is ot pald same week as inser- In. - Extra charge of 10(r een replies are directed to Statesman box number. lirths, deaths and marriages ec each. In Memoriams, 50o ir notice plus 10e per Une ir verse. Classified adver- ements accepted up until Vednesday noon.