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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1945 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO EVRY RATEPAYER Should Vote for the ylaw To Grant $100,OOO for a Hospital In Dowmanville Polln g Day The Town Council lias decreed that on Sept. 24th, the ratepayers of the Town of Bowxnan- ville will have an opportunity to vote on a bylaW to raise by way of twenty-year deb- entures the surn of $100,000 to assist in build- ing the much needed Bowmanville Hospital. This in the opinion of the Board marks a for- ward step on the part of the Council and a definite step towards making the hospital possible. The citizens of Bowmanville, we feel sure, know that the need of a much larger hospital in Bowmanville IS VERY URGENT. Hospital beds are not available at Oshawa or any other nearby hospital for that matter, and the de- xnand for hospitalization is on the increase. Some citizens have already subscribed to the hospital fund and others have promised that if the bylaw is carried they will give financial assistance. lu Monday, Sept. 24, 1945 Vote for the Hospital Bylaw and Hospitalization for the Citizens of Bowmanville and District Dowmanville Hospital Board OR Trustees Dr. W.,. Tennant, Chairman = SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Mrs. Chas. Welsh and sons vis- ited relatives in Niagara Falls. Miss Norene Gale, Forest" was *uest of Miss Eleanor Johnston. Miss Alice Lee bas returned to Toronto after a week's visit with her mother, Mrs. Selena Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Herb McNeil of Renfrew are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stan Blackwell. Misses M a r i a and Colleen Clarke spent the week-end with Miss Janey Beilman. Miss Nona Nicholas bas return- ed to Toronto after a pleasant holiday at Mr. W. J. Richards'. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Yeo Mrs. Keith Yeo, Toronto, visited at Mr. W. J. Yeo's. Mrs. M. J. Burroughs, Vancou- ver, B.C., is visiting ber son, Mr. J. H. Johnston, and Mrs. Johnston. Miss Mary Cox bas been holi- daying at Thurstonia Park, Stur- geon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mitchell spent part of their bolidays at Minden and are now in Toronto. Brigadier Gertie Hollande, Fenelon Falls, was in town last week calling on old friends. Miss Nancy Varcoe bas been bolidaying w i t h Miss Mary Southey, Minden. Pte. Gordon Chant, Barriefield, visited bis brother, Mr. Paul Chant. S!A Donald McGregor, H.M. C.S., Halifax, is borne on leave witb bis father, Mr. A. E. Me- Gregor. Miss Greta Palmer, nurse-mn- training, Belleville General Hos- pital, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nellie Palmer, Centre St. The wickets at Bowmanville Post Office will be open just one bour on Labor Day from 9:30 to 10.30 a.m. Miss Wilma Richards bas re- turned after spending holidays with Miss Marian Dippeil, Min- den. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gilders, Master Billy and Elaine, Peter- boro, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Colwell, Horsey St. Miss Mabel Jewell and Miss Joyce Cox spent two weeks' vaca- tion at St. Catharines and Niagara Falls.' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jamnieson What Have You Done to Deserve A High Salary? Hlighest Prices are willingly paid for ighest Qualities 10 IT HIGH QUAITY YOU OFFER OR 0 Are you hoping to, get Something for Nothing 7 BUSINESS TRAINING QUALIFIES YOU for Better Pay, Desirable Positions, a Brighter Future - Write or Phono today for outline of Courses - FALL TERM DEGINS SEPT. 4 Registrations accepted on or after that date Bowmanville Business School Phone 434 Bowmanville, Ont. I. and boys, Peterboro, have re- turned after holidaying in town with relatives. Mr. Ralph Barrett, accountant, Bank of Montreal, is spending his vacation in the Fenelon Falls district. Miss Mary Todgbam, Windsor, has returned home after holidays with Mrs. Leonard Richards and other relatives. Mrs. Doris Kilgannon and child- ren, Toronto, spent the week visiting her fatber-in-law, Mr D. M. Kilgannon. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert G. Ham- lyn, Ottawa, are spendîng their vacation at Mrs. A. Christie's, Port Bowrnanville Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Good- man and Judy spent a week's holidays witb relatives in Toronto and Peterboro. Mrs. S. R. Davey and Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Bradshaw, Flint, Mich., are visiting the former's relatives in town. Mr. A. J. Honey after an enjoy- able fine weeks' visit renewing acquaintances in his native town, left for Vancouver, B.C., on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Darch, New York City, are making their annual visit to bis old home town while guests of Miss Bertha Darch and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Darch. Lieut.-Col. W. F. Banister, Mrs. Banister and daughter, Barbara, are spending a fortnigbt at Birch Point Lodge, Haliburton. - Mill- brook Reporter. Sergt. Lucy Lyle and Miss Mar- garet Kennedy, Ottawa, Miss Doris Lyle, Toronto, were week- end guests of Mrs. George Lyle, Odeli St. Miss Leona Gilders, Ottawa, on holiday from her position in the Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, was week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preston, Church Street. Pte. Ken Palmer has returned from visiting relatives at Belle- ville accompanied b3P his cousin, Mr. Howard Palmer. They are staying with Ken's mother, Mrs. Nellie Palmer, Centre St. Sergt. Arthur D. Hooper, R.C. A.F., Patricia Bay, B.C., and Mrs. Hooper, Toronto, are visiting his mother, Mrs. Win. Tetford, Car- lisle Ave. Art is getting his hon- orable discharge fromi the airforce next month and intends to resume his trade as watch repairer. Editor Geo. W. James was in Toronto Friday attending a meet- ing of the Canadian Publishers War Finance Pubiicity Commnittee which comrittee is planning the publicity for the 9th Victory Loan campaign which wili take place in October. The meeting was ad- dressed by Hon. J. L. Ilsiey, Min- ister of Finance. Pte. Bert Dudley, Ottawa, who has recently returned from five years' service overseas, spent thçý week-end wîth Mrs. D. H. Wil- liams and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams. Bert brought home first-hand news regarding his pal, Don Williams, of the Canadian Ordnance Corps, which his wif e and parents were delighted to hear. Mr. and Mrs. F. -C. Vanstone and daughter, Mrs. Agnes Lewis, ar e bolidaying at Bigwin Inn, Muskoka. Chief of Police Sidney Venton, Mrs. Venton and daughter, Aud- rey, have returned from holiday- ing in Haliburton. Artie Clemence and Ted Hoar of the Rotary Junior basebail tearn attended the basebail scbool in Toronto conducted by the Maple Leaf Basebail Club. Bath were entbusiastic about the ex- perience and knowledge learned in the f ine arts of this popular game. On Wednesday evening, Aug. 15, a pleasant event took place at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ted Clarke, Queen St., when about 30 relatives and friends gathered to help celebrate Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clarke's 20th wedding anniver- sary. Bill, who is servîng his country in Prince Rupert, B.C., was absent but bis thoughts were with the happy gatbering. Mrs. Clarke, wbo with ber family are holidaying at the Lake, was com- pletely taken by surprise wben sire entered the room. Mrs. E. Large read an address and Ted Clarke presented her with a beautiful mirror. Mrs. Clarke thanked the donors in a few well chosen words. A dainty lunch was served and a social time spent after which the company departed wishing the early return of Bill and ail health and prosperity to the happy couple. Wedding HONEYMAN-MORIS At All Hallows Parish Church, Allerton, Liverpool, Englanci, was the scene of a prettvin- solemnized on June 11th by REv. H. S. Wilkinson, ot joa1n . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Morris, Liverpool, to FIt. Sgt. John A., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Honeyman, Bowmanville, On- tario, Canada. Given in marriage by ber father, the bride wore a white brochie gown styled with train, and she carried deep red roses. Miss Marianne Nickson, cousin of the groom, attended the bride, wearing a pale blue lace gown and carrying pink roses. The grooms- man was Lieut. R. Nickson, M.C., cousin of the groom. At a reception beld in the church hall the bride's mother re- ceived in a becorning blue two- piece dress with wine accessories and corsage of pink carnations. Mrs. Nickson, aunt of the groom, who assisted in receiving, wore a pale green two-piece dress with hat to match and a corsageof pînk carnations. For the wedding trip to LIan- gollen, North Wales, the bride donned a powder blue suit witb maroon accessories.. STARI NOW BUILDING RESISTANCE AGAINST WINTER DISEASES Vitamin produets fortif y- your body and increase your general well-being. Clilidren especially need vitamins now for the building of healthy boues and teeth. We llst many proven products below. Visit our store and select one wlthout delay. ~ Abdol Capsules, improved $2, 3.45, 7.59 ~iI~ Ayerst 1OD Cod Liver 011 .... 67c, $1.69 ~ Halibut Liver Oil Capsules .. 69c, $1.19 Wampole's Extract.......$1.00 IN IANDY TUBE 25ý s49e ASEPTIC OINTMENT Colgates Tooth Brushes ----- _29e C ue -------------------- 19c, 33c lb. Lucky NewN Way Ioa...4 DIeaner leeth. Brigter SmiIeS40 Neo-Chemical Food Capsules $1.25, 2.25 Idamait, Malt & C.L.O. 59c, 98c, $1.69 Aiphamettes, Ayerst .. $1, $3.50, $15 Horner's Maltlevoi, 12 oz. ... ... $2.00 "'A#I5enburys" I~J Basic Soap super fatted oeeoe @«p- frne.from adultnmt-wllMo»t Injure Mont tender 'hAn. per cake 25e Vitadiet Capsules $1.15, $2.70 Scott's Emulsion --- 59c, 98e Norpiex Vitamin B complex Tablets $1, $1.75 Vitavax --- $2.50, $7.00 Idaphos --------- $1.001 Blue GilJett Blades 5fr mi Bayer Aspirin ------18c, 29c, 79e Anacin Tablets --22c, 43c, 98e Horps Prevent lsi reatti* es$A ç St IgNuz Teh Sparkllug S.Ih Noxzema ------------- 17c, 39c, 59c Mentholatum - -------------29e, 55e Mecca Ointment ---------- 23c, 45e ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDUlES McOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER Assurance lias been given by several local or- ganizations that they will f urnish wards in the new building. The Hospital Board appeals to all ratepayers to get behind the hospital projeot. This hs the one big opportunity to get a modern hos- pital fo r Bowmanville and District. To be more conversant with the crowded con- ditions and the ever increasing demand for hospital accommodation at Bowmanville Hos- pital, read the report of Rotary Club meeting on front page of this issue. Mayor Morris, Coixncillor Nicholas, and Drs. Slemon, Storey !Lnd Austin have expressed their views on the urgent need of a new hospital. ;t r rt Stuart R. Jame's, Sec'y- Treas. 44 King St., West PICKLING SUPLIIES 11K iD Flu Sweet PickIe fV Mixture, 1 gai. 25c Whole Allspice, oz. Se Preserving Powder p oz ---- ------200 O RI Parke's Catsup CN Flavour---------- 25e Keen's Mustard 4 oz - --------- --27c Fruit-Kepe -- ----25e Tumeric, 1 oz. 5ce PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY à - 1 TRURSDAY, AUGUST 30,1945 PAGE SEVEN

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