THURSDAY, SEPT. i3th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAJN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO) ~~~* C C pi. Harold Hocken home for C..,.,.~Cemter on Saturday, and Mon- day I d ast. f lttf Th ew ate neenet Miss Mary Dewdney left on KeeeFrn ppa Th ywastlet !ýl pend n Wednesday to enrol as a pupil in Visitors: Mrs. Gladys Allen and The Orono Horticulturai So- Salvatin rmy will be made inp t e Ap e n h r e __Phone: Clarke 3314 Bishop Strachan School, Toronto. daughter Mary, Kinmount, Mrs. ciety helda very special meeting tOrono , and vicirity for the next __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ M r. and M rs. F red T hom as , L aw rence L eavette and fam ily n t e b s m n f P r t n t w o weks. M rs. W . S. C obble- * = * * . . . . m * * * * * * * - * * * - B elleville, w ith his m other, M rs . W ilburford, M r. and M rs. W . H er - n t e b s m n f P r Ui- dickivand rs. J. C . G am ey w ill W m . Thom as. rington and children, N ew castle, ed C u c n S p . G h r s d d r c i e d ntions. Last year the Mrs. M. Ash and Helen, Rouge jOyed a cn roast at the Glen, Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Morton and Miss Ruth Rowe, Toronto, spent over by President Mr. J. D. ctzn fOoo ad vcnt Hill, were here for the week-end. Saturday evening. arne asnwr usso h ekedwt rHie.. Brown. A splendid display of ge $9. t Ihorv s in Margret Ash s atendng car- Mr.and Mrs. Glenn Poilard and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown on Mrs. Jessie Jackson, Mrs. Ruth ve tals ndf w rsbo g boo olegat.famiyhv moved to Brampton. Saturday for dinner. Mr. and Madigon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas local members made a very lotveis Margaret Flintoff, Ruth Mr ndMs D . alau, Mr. Edward Morgan, Edmonton, Mrs. Brown also entertaned Rev. Newtn, al of Toronto, called on setting for the gathering.Th Margaret and Dick, and Mrs. Alta., visited Mr. and Mrs. A. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson for din- friends in the village... Mr. and judges, Rev. S. Littlewood and Mr. ed the wedding on Saturday of i Hugh Hall, Oshawa, spent Sundlay Genney. ner. Mrs. E. H. Coates, Brooklin; Mr. W. J. Leamen found it difficuit to Miss Kathleen Simpson, Cowan- with Mrs. T. M. Gibson. Miss Marie Tamblyn, Peterboro, We wecome Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. E. A. Dickie, Moncton, make decisions but the awards ville, to Elwood James Gra, Port lEC Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wood and at home, aso Pte. Goheen, Camp Frank MMullen to our village. NB., Mr. and Mrs. B. Harvey and were as follows: Vegetables-Mr. Hope, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.R v David, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Borden, with his wife and family. Mr. MMullen has assumed his Bert, Mr. and Mrs. W. Andrews, Frank Hall, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Robt. Hendry, Bowmanvile.PR Herbert Toms'. LAC Gordon Garrod, Rock- duties as principal of Newcastle Toronto, Mrs. George Carter, BronMrs .W Rlh l w eekito CaommSpenenia t To- Anumber of young people en- cliffe, PO Fred Couch, Toronto, Public School. Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. J. ers: Best collection of flowers - weCENIRcommene4trainig SPRAY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren, Carter. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Gi Mrs. W. W. Sherwin, Mrs. E. E. ronto Generai Hospital. Seneca Falls, N.Y., were recent and Donald were in Toronto. .. iPatterson; Best dining table bou- Mr. .E ae shm ri f f visitors of Mrs. Fred Cowan and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin visited quet-Miss AnnaStpeMsE Oshawa Hospital, where hie was ~Z u san i g y o dMiss 0. Warren. Miss Warren Mrs. Harold Mountjoy, Kedron E.Ptterson; Best 6 spikes of ae returned with them on a short whois1... Miss Ella HosingÏadiolus..Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mrs wek al ek Parmone prvnspe-harvest dropkestefuto Bowmanillewas hme ovr theF. Hall; Best collcinfgado Park St. Sunday Schooi was re- the trees-allows it to developriecou.Ileghn Miss Ethel Lockhart is visiting 1 week-end. . - Ross Cook has left lUýs-Mrs. F. Hall; Special exhibit opmedvaunayoning aer n the pic ¶> esentspi- an i relatives in Markham Township. for the Wes to help with the har- -MrsFre Tamblyn; Best bas- sme aain Tahr n epcigsao-ipragiiteedy flbu Recent guests with Mrs. Win. vest.. George and Lillian Mar- ket of gladiolus..Mrs. Fred Tamb- pupil1s worshipped in the regular sotg.Oe4o.bueo A MN ocnrt Parnal were Mr. and Mrs. David Iow have gone to Bowmanville. lSyn;* Best asters - Mrs. W service, sitting together at the makes 100 gallons of spray. The efftisotcalwi- A 11 u ni Toronto, Mrs. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. William Jordon and Sewn musical prograni front of the church. The Good in a day or two of application. One apiaini sai Cator, Bowmanvilie, and Mrs. Leona, Mi-. and Mrs. H. Fallis cnisig fPiano solos by Bar- Wl il ls omdtecor sufficient. Order PARMONE from orlca -- George McMulien, Oshawa. Mrs. John Neilson, all of Bethany, bara Ann ROlph and Anna StaplesH T eDrhmon ofdea eae.Spa n i signs of pre-havs Mr. and Mrs. H. Tebble are en- with Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick.. . vocal solos by Messrs. Wm. es, The o Agriculture met at the S AAAjoying a vacation in the United Mrs. W. Ferguson, Toronto, with Mitchell and M. H. Staples wîth home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lar- Ad Your deaer for FREE AooAtt on how m £r~ st AMN State. Ther dauhterMrs. r. an Mrs.B. Hubard..DMrrham.RCountyownFedera-yinDmerer.c Spray, ooneplei-r 7 HoadFroi epn os n r.Wotten and family with and community sinrging led by Mr' Tere were over 20 in attendance ~CILco-om pcog. inrabence Mrs. Bibi Johnson . . Mrs. Staples with Mrs. Littlewood at and a ver profitableevening wa Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haigh and T. Breck and Wally have gone to the piano were very much enjoy- spent in the interests of the Feder-CYITU SLRO PRNX NCTNEULA?40 children, London, have been the Ottawa to meet Bill, home from edl. The planning of a corn roast ation. leo LnArnc Pw Of guests of their parents, Mrs. E. overseas. . . Mrs. D. McTaggart for. the near future was the main firs iere completed for theBlot. LadAsn, PilOrn CliuAeng Haigh and Mr.J. Garrod, prior to with Mrs. Moffatt and other business discussed. The unfor- is showing of the National Film CANADIAN INDUSTRI S LI TE leaving forer new home i neighbors. Garn eMLaughlin tunate accident of the treasurer Board films in the schools and Lethbridge, Alta., where Mr. is expected home from overseas Mr. W. E. Davey, was etodzr rne further plans for the continuation Pe rtilie Haigh has accepted a responsible this week. . . W. J. McDonald of and best wishes sent for his ofte throughout the school m e n ti onoi i n I O R r D v s o , . . . it p e y r e o e y e D i v i s i o C01 .0Wee-ndgetsa " Mr. and Mrs. Bailey. Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Mitchell there was a îengthy dsuso 11ms n e ss "rTh hoeBil are on two weeks vacation and and it was decided to see that Overend, Mi-. Grant Stephenson, We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Fred are visiting friends in Ottawa, evPry Forum in the County wouldj qrip Tronto Mrs.Mary Tricker, Mrs. Needham back to, their home, aiso Almonte, Perth and other places.. be visited if possible and a defini te ,re eq t aGeorge Turnham, Miss P. A. Mrs. Gilbert Marow to the schoo. Mrs. S. Littlewood attended an move made to form other Forums. b fli i e tan u i t o e V aughan, M rs. S . R am san, M rs. __ __ ___ __ ___ __vil e f mt e tEastern S co m n 0 ît e i h o l w n o r p e tr't, flthlleyJoh Grnt, ll romthe ta ofvie ofutivhe Eetin eci omn Added to the County Forum Comn at oMn r . jelmfo Michgan.Oshawa Presbytery of the W.M.S.sethe ow hi frteriIl Y t d T. 0i in Toronto last week. N.estleton October. ae:CR.'usnMnvr;s Mi. Heb T ms s enswad y a ln o scina eei g in nies: H d a lion M ,r sq 60__ Cpl. Carl Fisher, Montreal, Miss Jean Wannan of the staff G. Honey, Clarke; W. Bannister setph twnhpmftrthir7nId inspent the week-end at home anr Visitors: Mi-. and Mrs. Edgar Of Orono Creamery has been on and Carrol Nichols, Hope; H. Mor- xbmI~ ~'* M Bonathan wedding. ents, Mi-. and Mrs. Malcolm Em- Several members of the Execu tnCartnrvig.harrso Mtonmetat the eedHariton Miss Virginia Cooke, Port Cred- erson. . . Miss Louise Johns and tive of the Good Wili Bible Clas Crwrgt it, was home Saturday for the Mr-. Fred Johns with Mr. andhoef Mrs. M.t H.he omepside Down PieoldtheAn Rickard-Bonathan wedding. Con- George Johns. .. Mrs. Bella Rich- Staples to Say farewelî to Mrs nuallBanqeoNecaemberd7the e finie i _____________________________________gratulations to Virginia who is the ardson, Mrs. Kate Downey, Janle S. Burgess who had been a mem the Vilage 0f Niteewcaterate - lJicpfeuu ijrbnIL proud possessor o! a diploma in and Mary Ellen. . . Mi-. Sam Je!- ber o! the class for some time.nessarylcomitte sn weplenform-he 1 uietoup.< Cmit : orll ait mil Primai-y Methods. This she i-e- fi-ey, Mrs. Normnan Malcolm and Mri;. Burgess was presented with saed obokatr n la o te Itep. sayt Xcacd nitaon ceived after compîeting a six- Norma, Blackstock, with Mi-. and a Hymnary before leaving for her Xae. tea. Bhorte png 0,10ucnesdtmt O Y FO CO L C I Nwee:: course in Hamilton during Mrs. L. Joblin. . . Mrs. Sidney home at Hermon, in North Hast- 5te hreig su hrsummer vacation. Trewin, Enniskillen, with her sis- ings. Acting for the fi-st time as an 3tp ai aigPwe ________ FOR__ COLLECTION______Ross_ Embiey, R.C.N.V.R., is ter, Mrs. Stanley Malcolm... Mi-. Cpi. Gordon Leamnen is home independent unit, Canadian busi- Sft togethes flour, baking oder, % top. home and expecting his discharge and Mrs. Henry Sheffield, Osh- for three weeks on demobilization ness men were repx-esented at the Sait, celery sait and p'ePper;ad 3 tablespoons fromn the Canadian Navy. awa, with Mr. Wilford Jackson leave. metn !tecuni !teI- horteing; niain troughly wlth fork. Add Note the new changes of collection and delvery ln your Congratulations to M. and Mrs. and Mrs. R. C. Jackson returned Mrs. N. Porter had a week's ternational Chamber of Com- tablespoons shortenng in 9- fryng pan, and district. This la made neceaury by new rovernmea. Jack Toms, Toronto, on the birth home with t..... Mr. and Mrs. vacation from her duties at the merce in London, England, on maî nio n til tsooonAdsait and goud mont o! twin sons, grandsons for M -. Malcolmn Emerson, Donald, Gladys telephone office and Miss Shirley August 16-17. The three Cana- brin koto. pea a ung poder mxe n rerfflations which Permit us to cover any one district and Mrs. Herbert Toms. and Irene, Mr-. and Mrs. Edgar Porter three weeks' vacation fromn dian delegates were chosen by the top e.T xure utaidedown on argeu Three Days A Week A lIarge number o! friends and Emerson took a trip to Norland Oshawa General Hospital. recently organized Canadian Na- plate. Serves 8. Wewlthrfr, ci owaveneighbors gathered at the home o! . Mr-. and Mrs. Herb Taylor, Two well known citizens o! tional Committee o! the interna- MAmnts TmotusDEIoN CoNlArge We ll, terfor, e l D wma vlîeMrs. Samuel Bonathan on Wed- B ackstock visited M . and Mrs. Kendal, M . Sam Bryson and M . tionai body, which now consists of nesday evening, Sept. Sth, to Stanley Malcolm. Fred Falls were interred in Orono 26 member nations. â Ofl., W d. & F , bride o! Saturday, with a miscel- tended the Grey-Simpson wed- laneous shower. After the bride- ding in Bowmanviîîe on Saturday, HAVE YOUR BUND.LE READY elet had opened hier presents including Mr-. and Mrs. Herman whih cnsite ofman usfu SanelsMr. and Mrs. Lorne and handsoe gi!ts, the commt Thompson and Jean. tee in charge, Miss Kay Toms and Service next Sunday in the Mrs. Margaret Hockin, served i-e- United Church at 11:15 a.m. Ser-À CO. LumITEr Lady Somners, widow o! the late Mi-. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze at- Chie! Scout o! the British Empire, tended the mariage o! Mi-. Robt. FOR ECONOUY has been elected a Vice-President Hamilton and Mrs. Charlotte Mc- o! the Boy Scouts Association n Brien in Port Perry on Saturday, ~ Sen yo r cea lng wlt y ur aun ryGreat Britain. At the annuai also at the reception held at Mr- PHONE- 419 meeting in London it was reveai- Ernest McBrien's, Blackstock. ed that there was an increase o!f__________ 11,000 Scouts in Britain since the Township Council CLARKE TOWNSHIP PClai-ke Township Council met Sept. 4,ý with alI members present. ~ ~. ~. ~. inuteso the pi-evious meeting wre read and on motion approv- I ed. Z Letter was read in, respect to the Elliott Cemetery north o! Kendal and the Clerk was instructed to reply to the letter stating what action could be taken. Wm. Miller addi-essed the Coun- cil regarding sonie trees near his place and the Road Superintend- ent was asked to meet with Mi-. Miller and see what arrangement could be made. Request was made foi- a road ... - -----letter o! occupation on part o! the road between Lots 2 and 3 in the 2nd Concession and it was decided to finally consider the matter fav- orably when the business was completed. The Reeve brought up the mat- ter o! a bad washout on the road allowance between Lots 12 and 13 in the 5th Concession. Road Superintendent was asked to visità the place and make some arrange- as valuer, $2.50; Plownan's Asso-dagroinltn dagcofifationgat$10. is over. Of cashing a Vie tory Bond Z Council adjourned to meet in the Council Chamber on October hN u S A R L 2, 1945, at 1:30 p.m. for the trans-UE0 action o! generai business. TRE JO SE O jýGM I Don't just get things off your chest. Go deeper and give theni tromi your heart. 0