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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1945, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANAPIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, SEPT. l3th, 1145 Clarke Union Mu. Haiiy Pailey was in Taran- te on Monday at the gift show i connection with thc Mtallic Art. A number from the section ai-e attending Oshawa and Lindsay fairs this wveek. Mr. Hector Bowen showed his Percheron team at Port Ferry anc Blackstock. Mrs. S. D. Souch and Miss Eva Patterson are spending a few days in Toronto this week. Our school reopened lasi vee1k with Miss Bertha Cain of Oronc in charge. Home & Schooi wiil hoid their first faîl meeting on Friday night. We would Ilke to sec a good turn- The company in connection with the tobacco farm must have close ta 100 acres ploughed. We understand they are sowing i tot rye this faîl. Mis. Swinford, Bob and Doro- thy, of Toronto, visited at S. D. Souch's, recently. GUARANTEED Radio Service Tubes, Batteries, etc. Roy W. Neads 85 King St. E. Phone 580 1 26tf Do It Right With "Sealtite" Sealtite Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Blowing Method) F. A. BRUCE 47 Qucen St. East Bowmanvllle Phone 494 34-tf King St. W., Bowmanvle Maple Grove Visitais: Tpî Arthur Wright, Camp Borden, Miss L. Traves, Allandale, Mi. and Mis.. J. Brad- ford, Bruce, Gardon and Jack, Mr. Bob Bradford and fîiend, Ta- ronto, with Mr. and Mis. N. Wright. . . Miss M. Wright, St. Catharines, visited her parents, Mr. and Mis. N. Wright. Mis. Wright is îetuîning ta St. Cath- arines with hem for a week when Mr. Wright will jain them. . . Mr. and Mis. Wally Dearboin, Osh- awa, with Mi. and Mis. H. R. Foley. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman are visiting relatives in St. Catharines and Brantford. l Tyrone Mi. and Mis. Errai Hugîson, Toronto, spent thc week-end with Mis. Mina Hugîsan. Mis. Percy Phiilips, Maidstone, is visiting her father and brother, Mr. J. D. Colwiil and James. Mi. and Mus. Frank Moore at- tended the funeral of their cousin at Oshawa iast Monday. Mu. and Mis. F. L. Byam, Mis. Walter Park, Miss Yvonne Byam attcnded the funerai of Mis. B yam's father, Mr. J. Lillicrapp, at Cannington, on Monday. Sm paly is extcnded ta those be- reaved. Mi. and Mus. Frank Moore, Helen, Bill, Mis. W. Stephens and Mus. Harold Moore, visited relatives in Toronto, Sunday. Miss K. Macdonald las retuin- cd home fuom Wasaga Beach. Thc Junior Young Peaple lad a very enjoyabie turne hast Frîday cvening at Mu. C. W. Waadhey's where tley cnjoyed a coin roast and other good things to cat. The evening was spent in phaying games. Rev. W. P. Rogers, Bowman- ville, took charge af the services hast Sunday. R.C.A.F. men faîced ta bail out over Germany were equiped with campasses hidden in many ingeni- ous ways. One might be conceai- cd in the second button of an air- man's tunic with the nortl pole marked in phosphorous dots, or it migît be hidden in lis pipe stem, lis pencil or in thc back of a comb. Ail aircrew carîied an emergency kit cantamning concen- trated eneîgy food, a tiny razar, maps and farcign currency. Phones 497 and 2610 e 51 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodman and the Densem family wish ta thank their friends and neighbors for the many kind expressions of sympathy, beautiful floral offer- ings, at the time of the death of Mr. Samuel Warren. 37-1 Mrs. Arthur Nicholîs and family desire ta thank their relatives, friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown ta them during their recent sad be- reavement in the loss of husband and f ather. 37-1* IN MEMORIAM BROWN-In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Jahn Brown, who passed away sud- denly, Sept. 11, 1937. His charming ways and smiling face Are a pleasure ta recaîl, He had a kindly word for each And dîed beloved by ahl. -Ever remembered by Mother, Dad and sisters, Ann and Kay. 37-1* BOWEN-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Emma T. Bowen, who passed away Sept. 11, 1943. "Gone, dear Mother, gone for- ever, How we miss your smiling face, But you ieft us ta remember None on earth can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed- How sweet the memory still, But death has left a loneliness The world can neyer fi11." -Ever remembered by husband and family. 37-1 BARRABALL-In fond and loy- ing memory of aur dear son, LAC Gordan James Bai-rabaîl, R.C.A.F., who lost his life in England, Sept. 11, 1944. God knew ahl about it, how noble, How gentle, he was, and haw brave, How bright his possible future Yet, put hum to sleep in his grave. God knew all about those who lave hum, How bitter the trial must be, And right through it ail God is loving And knows so much better than we. "Greater love hath no man, that he give lis life for lis fellow man." -Sadly missed and ever re- membered by Mother an d Father. 37-1* JOHNSTON-In praud and laving memory of Flying Officer Arn- old Ney Jahnston, R.C.A.F., missing, and believed killed, Sept. l6th, 1944. Thaugh the family circle's braken And we miss you Arnold, dea-, Yet we would not caîl you back From your home of bliss and joy. And we must not let the tear- di-ops Dim those memories fond and true, But a cord binds us all doser To that home you now enjoy. We remember too, the malined bays Who less fortunate than you, Must go on through life, and suffer, Lonely, crippled, blind and lame. Longing for release from suf- fering, Wishing they could join you there, Safe at last, the Harbor past, Safe, in your Heavenly Home. -Lovingly remembered by Mother, Father, Ferga, Keith and Neil. 37-1' BIRTHS BRESLIN-At Bowman7ville Hos- pital, September 9, 1945, ta Mr. and Mrs. M. Breslin, a son (still- born). 37-1 BDICKELL-In Kingston General Hospital, on August 26, 1945, ta, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Bickell, a daughter, Judy Ann, a baby sister of Janet. 37-.1* ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Velma Joyce ta Mr. Paul Franklin Chant, son of Mr. and Mis. J. A. Chant, Chapleau, Ontario. The wedding will take place quietly the early part of Octaber. 37-1* Pte. and Mrs. James Melton, Burketon, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daugh- ter, Jean Matilda, to Wilmot George Carnochan, son of Mr. Thomas Carnochan and the late Mrs. Carnochan, Part Ferry. The marriage will take place the latter part of September. 37-1* DEATHS BUSH - At Solina, on Sunday, Sept. 9th, 1945, Jane Bush, widow of Samuel R. Bush, aged 73 years. BRYSON - In Oshawa General Hospital, on Sept. 5, 1945, Samuel Bryson, beloved hus- band of the late Elizabeth Elm- er, in his 80th year. NICHOLLS - At Bowmanville Hospital on Sept. Sth, 1945, Arthur John Nicholîs, lately of Lot 25, Conc. 3, Dailington, be- loved husband of Clara H. Draper, aged 65 years. BATEMAN-At Bowmanville, on Sat., Sept. 8, 1945, Rachel Mae Braden, beloved wife of J. H. Bateman and dear mather of Gladys (Mis. M. S. Dale). Fun- eral was held from resîdence, Wellington St., on Mon., Sept. 10, with interment at Bowman- ville Cemetery. 37-1 Carda of Thanka distributed laving r e g a r d to dlaims that have been received. Dated at Bowmanvilie this 3lst day of August, 1945, Fred Ormiston, Brooklin, On- tario, Executor, by Lawrence C. Mason, Barrister, etc., Bowmnan- ville, Ontario, lis Solicitor. 36-3 Sale of Home Cooking, After- noon Tea in St. Paul's Lecture Room, Friday afternoon, Sept. 14, 1945. 36-2* The Goodyear Recreatioia Club wishes ta announce that the first euchre of the season will be held in the Goodyear Recreation Hall, Friday, September l4th, an d every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month thereafter. Time 8 o'clock. Admission 25e ta non members. Everybody welcome. 37-1 Wednesday, September 19 - Faimn stock, implements and a few household effects, pîoperty of Herbert A. Galbraith, 1 mile east and 1 mile sauth of Black- stock, included are 1 late model M.H. manure spreadeî, sced drill, one set of nearly new single har- ness. Ternis cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Theron Mountjay, clerk; T e d Jackson, auctioneer. 36-2 I have receivcd instructions from O. L. Byers, Toronto, ta sel by public auctian the household effects of the former Mr. and Mis. Nathan Byers in the village of Enniskillen, on Tuesday, Septcm- ber l8th, 1945. As this propeîty has been disposed of everything must be said. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Ternis cash. Theron Mountjoy, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auction- eer. 37-1 The undersigned has received instructions froni Mis. W. E. Top- hif, King Street, Newcastle, to seil by Public Auctian an Thurs- day, Sept. 27th, 1945, the follow- ing: bedroom suites, spring filled mattress and springs, dining room suite, table, chairs, buffet and china cabinet, chcsterfield suite, studio couch, boakcase, 3 sections full of books, writing desk, rock- ers, small tables, McClary cook stave (gaod as new), wood tub wringer, kitchen chairs and table, dishes, rugs, curtains, pictures, some antiques, bedding and inen, etc. Many other articles taa num- erous ta mention. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash.. Theron Mount- jay, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auc- tioneer. 37-2 The undersigned las received instructions from Mis. A. L. Hag- erman, corner Liberty & Con- cession Streets, Bowmanville, to seil by public auction at heu resi- dence, her houselold fuiniture and fumnishings, inciuding piano, large coudh, upholstcred chairs, music cabinet, love-seat set, large book-case and books, ciectric heater, many lamps, large dining table, buffet, chairs, china cab- inet, cambination desk and cab- inet, large dinner wagon, hall table, ferneîy, pedestals, oak bed- room suite, pull-out couch, dress- ing table, chest of draweîs, cook stove, a large and very valuabie assortmnent of china, glassware, silver, decarative china, vases and bric-a-brac, rugs, curtains, drapes, cushions and pictures, odd tables and chairs, dlocks, dishes and cooking utensiis. A great many of these articles are solid walnut, of beautiful design, outstanding value and ail in excellent condi- tion. Terms cash. Sale Sat., Sept. 22, 1945, at 12:30 a'clock. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer, T.S. Mount- jay, clerk. 37-2 AUCTION SALE FARM SOLD I have been authorized to seil by Public Auction for HORACE J. HANCOCK Lots 26 & 27, Con. 2, Darlinglon (1/ mi. East and South of Courtice), on WED., SEPT. l9th the foilowing: Horses: Percheron house, aged; bay Clyde house, 9 yrs. Cattle: Holstein cow, 7 yis., due March il; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due March il; Jersey Holstein heifer, due March 6; Jersey Dur- ham hei.fer, due Jan. 6; Brindie heifer, 2 yus., due Dec. 29; Jersey Holstein, 3 yis., due Nov. 29; Hol- stein heif ci, due Oct. 7; Jersey cow, 5 yrs., due March 21; Jersey cow, 5 yus., not bred; Holstein bull, 2 yrs.; 2 Durham heifer calves, 8 montîs; 2 Holstein heif- eus, 1 yî.; 4 heifer calves, 5 months; 1 Durhami and Jersey heifer, 2 years. Implements: Binder, M.H., 7 ft.; rnoweu, M.H., 6 ft.; seed drill, M.H., il 10e; seed drill, M.H., il disc fertilizer; cultivator, stiff tooth (King); cultivator, 3-bouse; hay loader, M.H.; coin binder, M.H.; set harrows, (4 sec.); gas engine, M.H., 4Y2 h.p.; cutting box (with carriers); grinder, Maple Leaf, 8 mns.; turnip pulper; fan- ning mil (Honey); team scuffier, M.H.; single scuffier; turnip dril; Kid Kangaroo, 2 furîow; sleighs (toboggan); set trucks; hay rack; manure spreader (Cockshutt); set scales (2000 lbs.); 2 circulai saws; separator, International, (milk pails); sheep shearing attachment, forks, hoes, shovels, and many other articles too numerous ta mention. Harnees: Set teamn harness; ROOM WITH BOARD ou light housekceping privileges. Write Box 546, Statesman Office. 37-1 Agents Wanted 800 DEALERS EARN a comnfort- able incarne by selling Familex Products from door ta door! How about starting a business of your own, in your spare time, with the sâme advantages, in the district of your choice? For free details and catalogue: Famileit, 1 6 00 Delorimier, Montreal. 33-5 Tenders Wanted Tenders wiil be received for an additional room for Courtice Pub- lic Schoal up to Sept. 25. Plans and specifications may be had from Secretaiy. Lawest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply ta H. C. Muir, Sec'y-Treas., Courtice. 37-1 Legal Prom September 1, 1945, James R. MacBrien, Baîrister and Solic- itor, wilI be available in law offices situate at No. 6 Simcoc St. North, Oshawa, Ontario. 36-4 Noticer Bowmanville Electricians, 42 King St. E. Ail kinds of electric wiring done. Mators repaired and installed. Phone 438. l4tf Will the person who took C.C.M. bicycle from rack at Goodyear please return to Donald Wilcox, à6 Lamb's Lane, and avoid prose- cution for theft. 37-1' For Rent, COMFORTABLE, WARM Single room. Business persan pre- ferred. Write Box 547, States- man Office.371 NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., 0sh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf IN NEWCASTLE, 3 furnished rooms (bedroom, dining room and kitchen). Young married couple preferred. No children. References. Immediate pos- session. Phone Clarke A-2621. 37-1 Wanted To Buy WILL PAY CASH for house in or near Bowmanville. Write Box 544, Statesman Office. 37-.j* BABY CARRIAGE, in gaod con- dition. Phone 2612, after 8 p.m. 37-1 GARAGE OR SMALL BARN that can lie moved. Write P.O. Box 361, Bowmanville, or phone 2694. 37-1* OLD HORSES WANTED. Apply Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Caîl evenings, Bow- manvil.le 2414. 37-tf TOP PRICES PAID FÇQR NEW and used feathers, feather ticks, piliows, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope. Telephone 160). 35-4' PIANOS--SMALL AND medium sized pianos deslred. Write or telephone F. J. Mitchell, 204 Church St. 34-4' ALL KINDS 0F POULTRY, also new and old feathers. Jake Parker, 321 Brock St. N., Whit- by. Phone 486. 35-4' I AM PREPARED TO BUY USED cars or trucks for wîecking pur- Poses. Herbert Knapp, Auto Wîeckeî, Liberty St., Bowman- ville. Phane 418. 36-3 SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, cali or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf 6 OR 7 ROOMED HOUSE, with modern conveniences, on small acreage, 1 to 5 acres, around $6,000. Phane Oshawa 2300 or Bowmanville 797. 37-1 OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, befare 1900, preferably on envelopes or original paper. Pair prices paid. Write Box 414, Statasman Office, Bowmanville. 24-tf-l'. LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices pald. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phane 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt pei-sonally, no. agents employ- ed.) l9tf-12* ANTIQUES 0F EVERY descrip- tion, colored glassware, old lamps, aid buttons, furniture, dlocks, c h i n a figures, bric-a- brac, jewellery, silver. Ameni- can buyer. Write Box 536, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 35-tf -6' Personai SLENDOR TABLETS a tive. 2 weeks' . suppl wecks' $5, at Alex M Drug Store. BURPING IS A SOCIAI -Take Wildei's Ston dci ta stop thc paino tion, heartburn, or s ach. 50c and $1 at M Duug Store. re eff1;- AUCTION SALES1 COMING EVENTS BAB3Y BUDGIES, $10 each; also breeding pairs. Mrs. F. L. Byam, Tyrone, phone 2340. 37-1 GOOD MnANTLE BATTERY radia camplete with new battery. Apply A. F. Spencer, Maple Grave. 37-1 GIRL'S 3-PCE. WINTER OUTFIT size 2, wine, zippered leggings. Just slightly used. Phone 2185, evenings. 37-1 BOY'S 3-PIECE WINTER outfit, size 6. Also boy's tweed coat with matching cap. Phone 2809. 37-1 INTERNATIONAL NO 241 Walk- ing gang plow, nearly new. Jas. T. Brown, Kurv Inn, phone Clarke 1230.1 37-1* TRAILER, 2 wheel, 3 good tires. Apply Felix Babiarz, 1% zmiles narth of No. 2 Highway on Solina Rd. 37-1* FALL WHEAT STRAW, good and dlean. About 20 ton. Apply M. r J. Pereman, R.R. 2, Oshawa. Phone Brooklin Ind. 3r3l. 37-1* -PC. DINING ROOM SUITE, also 1 or 2 roonis for rent at Newcastle. M. Denichuk, New- castle. 37-3* HOUSE DOORS, frames, base- baards, planks, odds and ends of lumber. Wm. Wilcox, Queen St., Bawmanville. 37-2* BRICK BUILDING, 18x26, 3 brick wall, 12 ft. high, wood floor and roof. W. M. Aluin, 19 Scugag St., Bowmanville. 37-1* RENFREW WASHING Machine and wringer; tub stand; 2 hang- ing lamps; Stewart Warner single battery radio. G. Power, Orono, phone 56r10. 37-1 DRUMS, TANKS, STEEL Plates, silo, rods and iugs, steel cable, angle iran, beanis, waler piping and fittings. H. Glober, Port Hope. Telephone 160.- 35-4' GREEN TWEED COAT (box j style), beige fitted coat, green Ski jacket and 2 turquoise dresses, ail size 12. Apply 139 King St. E. 37-1' 1942 MANTLE SPARTAN Radio with A-B power pack battery >. i perfect îunning order. Tele- phone Ken Weruy, BowmanvilUe 2253, or Clar-ke 1220. 37-1' FINDLAY OVAL COOK Stove, large size, equipped with ail burneus; several beduoom suites, extension table and chairs. Mis. Noble Metcalf, phane 2259. 37-1' GIRL'S 3-PIECE WINTER OUT- fit, blue with white fui, size 1 year, also baby's pink buntîng bag. Bath in good condition. Mrs. Paul Kelly, phone 2560. 37-1' DOMINION PIANO, 8 piece solid walnut dining - roani suite, studio couch, etc. May be seen at Apt. 2, Cowan Block, Teni- perance St. See Mrs. Clapp, Apt. 4, Cowan Block. 36-2' ELECTRIC WASHING Machines, stoves, rangettes, plates, radios, vacuum cleaners, furniture of ail kinds; ice boxes, wardrobe- trunks, lawn mowers, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope. Telephone 160. 35-4* VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums repaui-ed. "Good Vacuums for Good H-ousekeeping." Al15o guaranteed expert repairs, lub- rication, replacements, etc. Caîl C.U.C. Service Buanch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- manville, 774. 19-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor caverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradlebr's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tl Work Wanted PAINTING, GRAINING and stip- 1 pling. Apply Eddie King, 76 Duke St., Bowmanville. 36-9' REPAIR WORK - Persans re- quiring repaire on chimneys or cernent work, conimunicate with *A. Keliar, 14 Queea St, Oshawa, phane 3594R. 32tf TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK- Ail kinds of tractai wark: ploughing, cultivating combin- ing, etc., donc. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bowmanville. 24-tf -4* HARDWOOD FLOORS L A ID, sanded and finished, aid floors îesurfaced. C. H. Levy, 25 years' experience. Ph on e 908-J-12 Oshawa. Residence Courtice. 36-12' Real Estate For Sale vIcGregor's 32-48 FARM-115 ACRES, Lot 6, Con. 8, Darlington, good dlay ioam, iL ERROR quantity pine tumber, plenty of nach Pow- water. Goad bank bain, framne of indiges- house, close to school and our stoni- curch. Will sell reasonable. vlcGrgor's Apply D. B. Farrell, R.R. 1, Ty-, 37-1 rone. 37-2' Articles For Sale COW, JUST FRESHENED. A. H. Bickell, phone 468. 37-11K DEERING CORN BINDER FOR quick sale. J. H. Davey, phone 54r5, Orono. 37-3 FULL SIZE STEEL BED and springs, practically new. Phone 2384. 37-1 1931 PONTIAC COUPE, in good condition, $195, S e r i alNo. 151938. Phone 2488. 37-1 ALL STEEL CRIB. Apply Mrs. R. W. Stocker, 12 Second St., Bowmanville. 37-1 D.D.T. BARN SPRAY. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bow- manville. 34-tf HOLSTEIN COW, renewed twa weeks; blue cow, due now; Jer- sey-Durham cow, due in Octo- ber; 12" Lister silo filler. R. G. Moffat, Orono, phone 84r7. 37-1 10 PIGS, 8 weeks aid; Durham caw, due in November; Holstein cow, due middle of October. Apply Carl Weiss, R.R. 3, Baw- manvîlle, phone 2864. 37-1' PURE BRED YORKSHIRE Boar, 6 months aid, dam Hann-1-Gay Esther; sire Hann-1-Gay Sa-dis. Apply H. W. Barrawclough, R. R. 3, Port Hope, phone 1403. 37-1* FOX HOUNDS and BEAGLES, crossed 2 litters, whelped May 12, sired by a son of Beagles field, champion of Canada; fe- male $8, maies $10 each. This strain is running at six months. R. H. Dilling, Bowmanville. 37-1' Hein Wanted TWO GIRLS ta help in cafe, full or part turne. Apply immediate- ly, Olympia Cafe, Bowmanville, phone 888. 36-2' SINGLE MAN-For mixed faim- ing, by the manth. Good wages. Apply Clare E. Allin. Phone 2847. 37-l WOMAN TO HELP WITH house- work - permanent position, $50.00, per month. Apply Mrs. N. J. Scott, Duke St., Bowman- vIlle, telephone 345. 37-1' CAPABLE WOMAN or girl wish- ing ta go ta Toronto as mother's helper, 1 child, small house, gaod wages. Write Box 543, Statesman Office, or telephone Toronto HYland 8984. 37-1 A LIBRARIAN ta supply for Bowmanville Public Library until Dec. 31, 1945. State qual- ifications, experience, if any, and salai-y expected. Applica- tions by letter only, recelved up ta Sept. 15. Bowmanville Pub- lic Library B oa rd, A. M. Thompson, Secretary. 36-2 Wanted to Rent RETURNED SOLDIER and wife want house or two or three raomas. No children. Wr it e B ox 541, Statesmnan Office, Bowmanville. 36-2' BUSINESS COUPLE, no children, would like either 3 rooms or small apartment with ail con- veniences, ce n t ral location. Wanted immediately. Write Box 545, Statesman Office. 37-1* EX-AIR FORCE OFFICER AND wlfe, no children, desire small hanse or apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Excellent re- ferences. Phone Bowmanville 482 of Oshawa 343w. 36-2' Livestock For Sale 4 YR. OLD PONY, harness and cart, $125. Apply 84 Queen St., Bowmanville. 37-1* 17 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 7 weeks oid. J. W. Bawman, Ennms- killen, phone 2512. 37-1 18 WHITE LEGHORN HENS, one year aid, laying well. Priced ta seli as raom needed. C. H. Snowden, phone 2380. 37-1 CLYDE FILLY COLT, rising 3. Will sel ar exchange for cattle. Apply W. C. Ashton, phane 2216. 37-1* YOUNG WELL BRED DURHAM caw and heifer caîf, quiet, gaad millcer. C. J. Mitchell, New- castle, phane Clarke 1914. 37-1* SMALL PIGS and braad 50w, alsa wanted ta exchange 6 ar 8 weeks aid baar far baar of same age. Phane 2473, Bawmanvile. 37-11 BAC And make a Sailor HIappy this Christ- mas MORE DITTY BAGS NEEDED Than ever before. These popular gif te will )a presented te ail Canadian, British and Allied sailors in Canadian ports this Christ- mas. Remember, goads are very short in ail AlIied countries. Empty Ditty Bags,4 Available at Navy League Headquartere and McGreg- or's Drug Store. NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA Bowmanville CommUnte HIORSES WANTED FOR FOX MEAT PHONE ORONO 42-R-2 OR ORONO 77-R-4 37tf MORRIS CO. ouTr-oF-TrowN SERVICE When death occurs away from home, the fanerai arrangements are necessarlly complex. Through our connections with re- liabie fanerai directors ln ail parts of the country, we are able te take complete charge and make ail arrangements in such cases. Morris Co. funeral service Is available whether inter- ment is made in this community or at some distant point, In this way, the family is able to deal exclusively with a firm they know, in the assurance that ail details will be given the most careful attention. We have many letters on file from former residents of this community expresslng satisfaction wlth the economy and completeness of tis OUT-OF-TOWN SERVICE whlch is always availabie te those ln bereavement. F. F. MORRIS Co. 1Bowm anviUle 'Phone 480 Auction Sale SATURDAY, SEPT* lÇth I wUJl seli by public auction a large quantlty of household fai-niture a.nd al"o the followlng machlnery at 56 Bond St. East, Oshawa These articles wli net be on display untîl the time of sale.. aU are ln excellent condition 1 Circular Saw, bail-bearlag spindie, tiltlng table, complete wlth one-third H.P. mater, eight saw biades; BIiss Punch Press, for llght manufacturing; Smali Hand Presses; 1 Lathe Head, Pratt & Whitney, silde rest and stand; 1 Electrie Vacuum Sweeper, commercial size, Westinghouse, ball-bearlng motor campiete; 1 Exhaust Blower for heavy dust or sAiavings; 1 Eiec- trie Mater Generater, self-contained, A.C. and D.C.; Bench Stands; Automobile Generator, 6 volts; Electrie Fan, 16 la. blades; 3 Storage Batteries; Miscellaneous Tools; Eiectric and Radio Parts and Materlals; Steel, Brass, Alumlnum, Angle Ilion, Fibre, Nuts, Boits, etc.; New Eiectrlc Buibi; G.E. Flasher Siga; Model Aeroplanes, Boats, Tanks, in Boxes; Cernent, Paints; 9 Tube Victer Comb. Radio and Phonograph; G.E. Mantle Radio in good worklng order; Lawn Mower. TERMS 0F SALE - CASH E. J. POMERY, AUCTIONEER 183 King St. W. Oshawa, Day Phone 3080R - Night Phone 73.1 <Speciaizlag la Farm Sales and Household Effects No Sale too large or small, anywhere Lost LOST - CRANK belonging le dump truck, either an Ontario St. or west an Queen, or ox Scugog ta a littie past the C.P.R. station. Please retuin ta E. Win-' acatt, Ontario St. 37-1* LOST--SMALL TORTOISE shel kitten lost between Bawiuan- ville and Black Cat Inn, Maplo Grave. Finder please natify Mrs. E. Willatts, Ontario and Nelsan Sts. 37-1' LOST - AT A & P STORE, August 3lst: a woman over 80, while paying for twa lbs. of sugar last her Ratian Book. Finder please return and re- ceive reward, and goad name also. 37-1' COURT 0F REVISION Vote on Hospital By-Law No. 1412' TAKE NOTICE that the list of vaters eligible ta vote on tbe above by-law will be posted in my office at the Town Hall on Fr1- day, September 14th, 1945. FURTHER take notice that ail persans then omitted fi-rn the said list but qualified ta have their names entered on the sai list may apply ta His Honour Judge J. C. M. German at the Council Chamber in the Town Hall on Tuesday, September l8th, at 2:30 p.m., either in person or represented by an eligible voter, ta have his or her naine added to the said voters' list. A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk.. 37-1 Farmers . Get a littie pleasure eut of farming by uslng the equlpment of the foilowlng companies: Came tractors, tillage and har- vesting machines; DeLaval milliers, coolers and separators; Beatty Bros. stable equipinent, water bowis, washing ma- chines. Try our electric fencers and wire fence. Good supply of repairs on hand. Prompt and Coarteous Service at AUl Times W B . Brown fr.ulnrt"ontbe floweru in May...i ES S ENTIALS Wondorful woy ta keep cool ond stoy lovolier ail through the Summer heot. Chili your Elizabeth Arden Essentials in the refrigerotor for your daily beauty routine. 1 Ardona CI.onsing Cream .. . 1.25 and 3.50 Ardena Skin Lotion ... 1.25 and 2.40 Ardenc Vlvo Crem ... 1.25 and 3.50 Ardena Orange Skis Cream .. . 1.25 and 3.15 Ardena Fluffy Cleonsing Cream ... 1.25 and 3.50 Jury U Lovel THE REXALL STORE When W. Test Eyes t ls Don. Properly PHONE 778 - - -C.N.R. TICKETS -q 1 1 THURSDAY, SEPT. 13th, 1945 PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Wanted

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