THURSDAY, SEPT. l3th, 1945 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE M 1945 "It Pays to Look Around" 3-pi ece Outfits for Small Tots For the little lady or the littie man we offer this rernarkable value. Coat, leggings and bat to match, of ail wool diagonal cloth with kasha suede linings. BSues 2 to Ox. 3-PIZOZ tUIT, mFiaAH $ 1 0 Sable- Dyed Stripe Coney (DYBD RÀBB1T) Strikingly youthful coat in the new tuxedo style front wlth softly rounded collar and flatterixig swagger back. Smoothly rounded shoulders and two slash pockets. The extra wide aleeves have turn back cuff s. Fancy rayon satin lining and warm flannelette interlining for added comlort. Sises 12 to 20. $125mOO N I Tailored suits, dressmaker suite, casual suite, Fashion endorses them ài. These season-after- season favorites are here for your selection. In black, cocoa, gold, sand and checks. Sizes 12 to 20. Priced frorn $14,o95 to $25,900 A Galaxy of BLOUSES $2099 Throughout the County, Breslin 's are known for their large and varied selection of blouses. We carry a stock of over 300 blouses to choose fromn, jnd in al sises and ma- terials. $2.98 Ail Wool Cardigans & Pullovers Shades of pale blue, lime, yeilow, green, brown, navy, camel, rose, red and white. Sises 12 to 20. $2,099 Misses' Daytime and Datetime DRESSES Belected for a new, exciting season. Weil made rayon triple sheer crepe dresses, femininely detailed in an. arnazing selection of styles and shades. You can al- Ways be certain of finding a dress to suit you at Breslin 's, anid we offer these to you in sizes 12 to 20. AT $4m95 k g Swagger Box Dack Coat. In Ail Wool Shag Cloth With notched collar and rounded sweetheart lapels. Three button front closing and English welt seams. Corne ln brown, dark green and wine. Bizes 12 to 20. $19395 Shop at DRESLIN'S Bowmanville. I Coat Parade y Lavish with Fur and Softly Styled ! 0f imported English ail wool boucle weave, gorgeously accented with a large fur collar of number one Red Fox, beauti- fuily draped for face-framing flattery. Rich rayon satin lining with warm inter- lining and extra chaimois to hips. In black, brown, teal, maize and sand. Bizes 12 to 20 $69350 Ready for Anything CASUALS Best quality ahl wooi "iShags". An irn- ported ail wool nubbed fleece weave, so popular this season. Cornes in sweetheart or balmaccan style with plain or velvet coilar. Lustrous rayon lining and flan- nelette interlining. bn higli shades of cocoa, green, wine, blue, sand, cream, green and winter white. Bizes 12 to 38. .$29m7 5 New Season Hat Beauties Hats are getting prettier every season. 8e e our captivating Fail hats . . . the fresheet, lovelieet hate of the season. They'll match every rnood . . . every type. . every oc- casion. (ihoose from delihtful styles in our rnillinery departrnent. $2,99 Iroops ed by 'hurch 3aptist er Day resby- 2269, Jflited >flsors Land roups Lufity Your clothes are an important purchase. Dont use snap judgment wluen you buy, be sure to look around. See and compare quality, style, fit and price; you'll be amazed at the difference possible in two simllarly priced garments. When we suggest that you buy your clothes this Fail at Breslin's ... we do so because quite Iikely you will find the clothes you seek, here at Breslin's. So many customers have voiced their amazement at the size of the stock, the choice of materlals, the Individual styling and the out-of-the-ordinary values to be had hem.. All mercîandise is conveniently in view and clearly prlced for your protection. NO MATTER WHERE YOU HAD PLANNED TO BUY YOUR FALL CLOTHES, BEFORE YOU DO, VISIT BRESUIN'S kv\) New Fail Su its THURSDAY, SEPT. 13th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FM 1 *41