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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, SEPT. l3th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO U~ M U U U U U C U U m u m u u ~ U *... W e d i n g sC .S . Uganda and to the Pacifie SOCIAL AND PERSONAL TULLOêK-HARNDEN ____K--GODA Phoo 68Tal standards of gladioli form- Standards of white and coral ed n ffctvesetig n riit gladioli, palms and ferns formed ed n efecivesetingin rintythe setting in King Street United Final Basebaîl gamne Friday Mr. and Mrs. Westol Stringer, United Church, Bowmanville, on Church, Oshawa, for a pretty evening at 6:30 at the High School. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Edwards and September lst, when Rev. J. E. afternoon wedding, September 8, Mrs T. Hoskin, Gait, visitd Margaret of Cowanville, were Griffith united in marriage Eve- when Ruth Evelyn Goodman was Mrs. A. HobbsR. Sundav trs ih . r. lyn Pearl, daughter of Mr. and united in marriage in a double R. B. lark.ring ceremony to Glen Clarke Miss Grace Hall is holidaying at1 Mrs. E. S. Harnden, Bowmanville, Hancock by Rev. J. Verner Mc- Guelph and Toronto. Senior Bowling League meet-a - ing will be held Wednesday eve- and Able Seaman O. G. (Pete) Neely. Mr. Walter Jackson play- PIS.B.A. 1. M. Hovey is home on ning, Sept. 26, at 7:30, to arrange Tullock, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. ed the wedding music and Miss Pacific leave. winter schedule. Tullock, Oshawa. Miss Phyllis Hazel Rundle sang "Love's Coro- Challis presided at the organ and nation" just before the ceremony Rev. and Mrs. Archie Pçebles, Mrs. R. B. Clark, Liberty St., Miss Eleanor Wight was soloist. and "Because" at the signing of kempviîîe, visited his sîster, Mrs. received word that her step- The bride, who was given in the register. C. J. Smale. mother ai Elkhorn, Manitoba, marriage by hier father, looked The bride is the daughter of Mr. Miss Florence Jackson spent the passed away Sept. 7, after a pro- cbarming in a gown of white slip- and Mrs. E. J. Goodman, Oshawa, week-end with Mr. and Mirs. Roy longed illness. She was in ber per satin fashioned with a shirred and the groom is the son of Mr. Jackson, Oshawa. 87th year. basque with sweetheart neckline and Mrs. H. E. Hancock, Orono. Miss Patsy Bell, Lindsay, hias Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fowler of and full-length sleeves, polonaise Gvni araeb e returned home after holidaying Napanee were recent guests at skirt with lace insertions andy he with ber grandparents, Mr. and Glenn-Larra. Mr. Fowler was ac- train. Her embroidered train- trthe br widewte stn asgon of SH. M . Bell. countant in the local branch of the length veil .was crested with a net trtonaicsl wite sawtinqfaroe (7" Cange in phone number. When Bank of Montreal some years ago coronet and she carried Heaven npinessndlaces, with are a phoning Owen Nicholas Fuels, and met several old time friends Pink roses. neckinetand lae oke. Lace wasul dial 410 instead of the former while in town. Mrs. William Brown, as matron eghpnl.Tysaibuts numer 673 Bomanill Hlh Sc h ~of'honor for ber sister, was gown- appeared on the back of the gown. nmis ris ir673.s R by ranked h igh ngohrschools cd in yeflow taffeta with matcbing The sleeves were long, coming to MissDors KrbyMis Ruy rnkedhig amng oherscholsmuff adorned with violet pansiesapon vrtehds Te Weston and Miss Jean Bell, To- of the province wben three schol- and a halo headdress of pansies. gacepo iovr thsf e ns. Th ronto, were week-end guests of arsbips were won by local stu- The bridesmaid, Miss Marion gertac efulskit w s florlgtier Mr. and Mr.5. H. M. Bell.1 dents, Don. Quick and Cordula flooper, wore turquoise blue sheer hnert sbp ed f ueadreso.Hel er Causing much favorable comi- Stenger. Details appear else- with higb coronet and shoulder- nerpvilftueilso.Hr ment is tbe daily display of glad- wbere in this issue. length veil, and carried a cascade îewellery was a strand of pearis iolus at Allin's Meat Market. They Several merchants have been bouquet of roses and carnations. and hecarre ied a ncascade o are prize winning clusters from heard complaining a b o u t the Little Miss Carol Hodges, niece of swthsteat rseswt on ht the gardens of Dr. E. W. Sisson. debris lying on the main street] the grom, made a charming stnsraes LAC Meaaows is spending 30 and are wondering when, with fw r gr in bier pink taffeta Ms tne om smto days leave with Mrs. Meadows thousands being laid off work, it gown' with white lace trim and of honor wore a frock of peacli and son,,Queen St., after serving may be possible to get adequate blne satin, sash. She wore a taffeta, styied with fitted torso overseas for two years and eight help for roads and streets. matcbing poke bonnet and carried bodice, sweehat ekin n montbs. a nosegay of mixed flowers. Sgt. lon0 bufant skirt. The sieeves Tbings to remembér: The pres- Albert Waller of First Special were racelet length, outlined Mrs. Joseph Kempner and Mrs. ent drive for funds for the Salva- Service Force, was best man and with shirring. Her headdress was Fred Stuckley, Acton, Mrs. Clar- tion Army; the Clothing Collec- ushers were Douglas Harnden, mnade of friilled net and flowers ence Kempner, Toronto, were tion Campaign and the Vote on brother of the bride, and Pte. a nd she carried a cêscade of glad- week-end guests with Mrs. Harry the Hospital By-Law, Sept. 24. Fred Tullock, brother of the ioli petals. Miss Mary Flintoff, 2n2 Smith. AIl are highly important and de- groom, cousin of the bride, was brides- Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, serve fullest public support. For the reception beld in Trin- maid and wore orchîd taffeta and the grc( Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson and One of the most youthfuî look-, ity School Room, Mrs. Harnden flower and net beaddress styled in welci Miss Leta Jackson, spent the ing returned soldiers we bave seen received with the bridai party, on the samne lines as that worn by two-piec week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. on the street is Charles Gordon wearing a street-length violet the matron of honoon Her flowers altr Freeman, St. Catharines. Cartwrigbt, son of veteran Tom crepe frock with rose accessories. were a cascade of gladioli.nutr Report of Monday's Lions Club Cartwright. Together they were The groom's mother assisted. She Harold Hancock was best man roses, s meeting is beld over for next noting changes about town in the chose dusky rose crepe with black for bis brother. ' Ushers were ing acce week. It was fcatured by a bril- three years Charlie bas been accessories. Both wore corsages, Keith Goodman and Marlow Han- Rev.J liant address delivered by Earl away. of varîegated asters. cock. ed the Ic Riddolls as a classification talk. Local harness-race enthusiasts Following the reception the Summer flowers and pink and of the Mrs. Fuller Cator recently vis- have now turned to other pursuits. happy couple left on their wed- white streamers decorated the the Chur lted ber sister, Mrs. William Par- sème are on holiday, some are en- ding trip to Cedar Villa Lodge, banquet hall of the church for the Osborne nal, Newcastle, and came on to tertaining hay fever and one of Balsamn Lake. The bride wore a reception. Mrs. Goodman, wbo wedding take care of Mrs. F. Squair wbo is the key men of the coterie is busy dusky rose bengaline dress with receîved with the bridal Party, the gue. fil, while ber sister, Miss Stephens on blue pririts estimating propos- brown accessories and corsage of wore a street length dress of tur- form of takes a brief rest. ed installations of oul burners for roses. On thieir return thc groom, quoise crepe, large black bat, tractive The most disreputable sidewalk furnaces. Who bas been in the R.C.N.V.R. black accessories and a corsage of in crysiz in town, bar none, extends from Reeve Sid Little who initiated for 2½,, years, will return to H.M. pink roses. Mrs. H. E. Hancock, For th Liberty St. to Creami of Barley the streamer, "Welcome Home Camp, along the north side of Boys" when asked why it didn't Klng St. It can be negotiated include returned girls too, ex- safely only in daylight. plained that these volunteers were _______________ Mr. and Mrs. J. J. W. Stringer, also included under the accepted Another thing to remember is that the present building of the Bowrnanviile Hospital bas been officially termed "notbing short of a dangerous firetrap". The financial cost of indemnities in case of fatalities due to fire would be enormous. Vote for the by-law on Sept. 24. Flight Lieutenant Jack H. Jen- nings, formerly of Bowmanville, is now attached to a Disarmament Group in Germany. He was re- cently decorated by the King at Buckingham Palace in an investi- ture and awarded the D.F.C. Fit. Lieut. Jennings entered the R.C. A.F. in 1940. Before the war he was cmployed at S. J. Jackman & Son, flonists. THE THINGS MONEY CAN'T BUY j The late George Horace Lori- mer, for many years editor of The Saturday Evening Post, once wrote these words: "It is a good thing to have money and the tbings that money can buy, but it is od otchc pne in a wgoodatdoato shekUpo baven't lost the things that money can't buy."1 The things that money can't buy would make a long list. Here are some of tbem: Money can't boy real friendship -friendship must be earned. Money can't boy a dlear con- science - square dealing is the prîce tag. Money can't buy thc glow of good healtb-rigbt living is the secret. Money can't buy happiness- bappiness is a mental ýcondition and one may be as happy in a cottage as in a mansion. Money can't buy sunsets, songs of wild birds, and the music of the wind in the trees--these arc as frec as the air we breathe. Money can't buy inward peace -peace is the resuit of a construc- tive philosophy of life. Money can't buy good character - good character is achieved through decent babits of private living and wholesome dealings in Our open contacts with our fellow men. Continue the I i s t yourself. You'll agree that among the things money can't buy are some of the mosi valuable treasures life bas to offer. "I'm sorry," said the dentist, "but you cannot bave an appoint- ment wlth me this afternoon, I have eighteen cavities to filI."1 And he pîcked up bis golf bag and went oui. For quiok first aid.. BAN"tIf A. B.C. f DrugV ADHEIVEBANDGESOur Most Popular Sales Event L 0ONI1GH T Thursday, Sept. 13th, 8 p.m. GOSPEL SHIP GIRLS Telug of thefr travels SUNDAY SERVICES lu the EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Il a.m. - Mrs. Ford will be speaklug 7.30 p.m.ý - Evangelisilc Services Corne and enjoy ihese ser- vices wlth us HAVE YOU ENOUGH? YOU carry Pire Insurance sthat when fire destroys your home you will have the dollars to restore it. Are you SURE you have provided enough? IF7 YOU are flot sure, aek this agency to check your policies. No obligation. Inrt Stuart IR. James Insurance and Real Bitate Sueemor To J. J. Mason & Son Ph one 681 King st. Bowmanville Learn While You Earn- AT NIGHT SCHOOL - Each Tuesday and Thursday evenlng from 7 to 9 o'ciock BEGNNING OCTOBER 2nd -Get Your Name ln EARLY - ,Day Sehool now open for registrations. Write or phone for particulars or cal! ai sehool during sehool hours. Bowmianville Business Sohool 44 King St. West o anie Phone 434 A% Allergltabs- $1, $2.50 Absorbine, Jr. 98c, $1,95 Alrwick Deodonizer --------89c Aika-Selizer, 8's, 25's -29c, 57e Arrld Cream -------------- 39c, 59C 13 Bayer Aspirin ---8Ie, 29c, 79e Baby's Own TablaIs 23e Beeeham's Pills ---- - 23e, 49e Bromo-Seltzer -----------25c, 49e Buekley's Mixture ------ 40c, 75c WEI. ilII luNHANBY 2~*9 C Cashmere Tissue --- 3 for 25e Castoria -------------- 33e, 63e Cashmere Bouquet Soap, 2 for lie Chase's Nerve Food -- -- 60c, $1,50 Colgate's Tooth Powder --25c, 40e D Dettol Antiseptie ---49c, $1,49 Dioxegen Cream ----- ---80c, 60c Dodd's Kldney Pili.- --- ,-- ---43c Diaperwite 39e Drene Shampoo -------- 39c, 67c E U ftL cu' 'FRUIT SALI' 9&f~i~àw/ -1 PAGE SEVEN 0om's mother, who assisted wore a two-piece dress of teale[ BIGGER INCOME TAX CUT Ioming the guests, wore a blue crepe with matching braid MAY COME ece street length dress of trimming, small navy veiled at, matchng accessories and a cor- A terrifie storm. of protest ry' blue, corsage of pink sage of sweetheart roses, On their against postponing income tax re- smaIl black bat and match- return Mr. and Mrs. Hancock will ductions is ready to break over essories. reside in Orono. the head of the Government, J. Verner McNeely propos- In the evening Mr. and Mrs. states the Ottawa Correspondent toast to the bride. A group Goodman entertained the guests of The Financial Post. SWomen's Association of at their home, 240 Athol Street E. The officiai view stili refleets urch, of whicb Mrs. Vernon a determination to avoid, if pos- ie is the leader, served the s b e n e s n l i c m a ig luncheon. Tbe tables for A Scotsman who bad a bottle sîble, any eroJnaincome9tax ists were arranged in the of Scotch on his hip slipped on the But opinion is growing that the )fa V, and wcre very at- icy pavement and fell. On rising present resoives of the fiscal au- ewitb lighted taîl candles he feit something wet running thorities may bave t0 undergo tal holders. down bis leg. "I hope it's blood," change. the weddîng trip the bride be said. Returning M.P.'s are not diffi- dent in pointing out that incomne tax cuts-liheral and immediate- are much more in the public mind than government plans for bigb, wide and bandsome spending on schemes supposed f0 promnote social welfare. The nintb Victory Loan is an- other factor. With peace now acbieved, it is generally recogniz- ed that bond sales will in many cases be more cifficult; that the Public will be increasingly intol- erant of continued vast govern- ment spending and towening tai buIs. ilues On ýspiteOof Shortages due to the war, along W ith this handy Iist of popular brands at Iowest prices, we are Offering a greater range of special values in our September Sale. Visit your l.D.A. store during the week-end and save extra money on your drug needs. E Ex-ax 15, 33cN Norpex Tablets __ $1.00, $1.7.5 Etiquet Deodorant 39ceie rm -------- os FFeenarint- 19c, 33ce alSec ale Ovaltine --- - --- - ----- 58c, 8e Frultatives --2Zc, 39e One-A-Day Tablets ------44c, 98e -WED., SEPT. l2th, to WED., SEPT. l9th '4) Allenburys"y WAX PAPER, 100 ft. roll 19ecI cr Basic&»f So5c PINEX cough compound 32c IL lu ltmniuwm mo i njure mosi 9-9 pcer a25 MILK 0F MAGNESIA 16 & 32 oz. 27, 47ce9c9 $1.2 PINKHAM'S COMP. 87C P Pablurn ______ 45C G Gillette Blattes, 5's - ------ 25e - Pacquln's Hand Cream _ 29c' 57e Gillette Shaving Cream 33c MINERAL OIL 16 & 40 oz.... 33c, 67c Pepsodent Tooth Powder 29e, 45e Grove's CoId Tabiets- - 24c, 44e H Haliborange, A. & H. 85c, 1.50 $2.25 LACTOGEN 2½ lb. ize .... $ 1.59 Q Qisn 9 Hind's Cream ----25c, 45c, 89c---- Quin Dol! F teh --'--------- -- -- 3e Hygeol---- - --- 35, 6c EPSOM SALTS, 1 lb. l 1c Qiol ic' -- ------- 9 1 Ingram's Shavlng Cream - 39eR amh------------50,$ Ipana Tooth Faste ----- 20c. 49e 35c COREGA Denture Powder .... 24C Revlon Na!! Pol"s 50C Ironied Yast --------- --- - 8C - Rubberset Tooth Brush ------ 50c jJohnson's Baby Powd. 28, 55e BORACIC ACID, 16 z. 19c 5SiSendor Tablets- $1, $5,00 Jergen's Lotion 23e 47e Sa! Hepatica ------ 30c, 59c, $115 .Jiffy Toothache Dros u 39c A.S.A TABLETS, 100's 19C Sloan's Liniment --- 33c, 63e, $1.23 Johnson's Baby 011 60c, $1.10- L HALIBUT OIL CAPSULES, 100's 97c 69 COLD CREAM, 1 lb. 57C SHAVING CREAM, 39e size ....27c yY x z Hlps prevent Sad Brea ui .* Ilvo sl K Kleenex ------------------13e k<.sagra - -- - ---25c, 50c, SOc Krusehen Salis ... . ..........69c Kurb Tablets - ---- --------_25c L Iepoi. ---35c, 65c, $1.25 Lavorns -- ---- ----- 27c, 49c, 93e Lux SOaP ----- ------ -- -- or Ile M Modese -----. ...__25C Maclean'. Stonsach Powder 59, 98e Maclean's Tooth Faste --- 29c, 47c 10e POCKET COMBS .......4c -- L WRITING PADS, ai sies 2 for 15c - c_________ 60 ROBINSON'S BARLEY 33e T 1r T gee Lipstlck------------ 59 c -rY-HENE M R VEDQ A IY Thomas' Ecleetric oit 33c, S98e PTums----------1 0 c, 3 for 25e LONGERU UrFOal --- - --------- - $1-- $ _________________________________UngUentine Rectal Cones ---- 75c Utor Ointment ------------2--c, 50C SACCHARINE TABLETS A. B. S. & C Tabs, 100's 14e V Veno's Cough Syrup- 9 100's -- ------ -V4gr. 1,4. gr 'Vit. B-i Tablets,10'25--- 39 ---- es 7e 0'. 2e Vlk's Vapo Rub ~ 43e 500's ----- 49c 59e Cod Liver 011 Caps, 100's 87c Vitof Shampoo -------- 25c, 49c, 98e W . WamPole's Extract --$100 Waterbury's compound ------ 93e West's Tooth Brush ----------c0 Wiider's Stomiaeh Powder 50c, $1 Woodbury's Face Creams 25c, 49e Woodbury's Shave Lotion 25c, 50c - -- SCOTT'S EMULSION A Reiter Way «M o taire " Cod Liv., 018 1W Contains - Vitamine A and D 59tand 980, X-Y-Z Zam-buck ------ ----47c Yardley's Shavlng Bowl -- $1.25 'ardley's After Shave Lotion----------------- 85c, $1.45 Z.B.T. Powder -------.----- 28c, 55c Leracol --------- -------------50e Zonite Antiseptie ------- 27ec 49c Zonitors ---------------------i .00 1 MCOREDOR ALEX. Secord Candies DRUGS Phono 792.. I ___________________________________________________________________________ -- -- ---- - -w~ ~~IIy~g Il a 1 Wood's Milk Foam zoc, 30e )*A* DRUG STORES 1 ALEXB Laura Sacord Candies wa DRUCS Phone 792.

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