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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1945, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, SEPT. l3th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Newtonville Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whittaker, Mr. and Mis. Gardon Whittaker and babe, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap and son, Mr. and Mrs. W. Chester, Oshawa, and his sister, Miss Ada Chestar, recently arrived fram London, Eng., Mr. and Mrs. Sheidon Pathick and grand-daughteî, Nancy W ao d, wene Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Redknap and Mrs. Whît- taker. Some fram here attendad the funeral of the late Mr. S. Brysan, Kendal, an Satuîday.. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliard Lockhart and Florence, Niagara Falls, N.Y., spent a week with Mrs. J. W. Lan- caster and other relatives here. Mr. W. E. Raid delivered a race horse ta New York last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade and Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd Clydesdale attend- ed a bail game at the Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Staples and Keith, Port Hope, called an Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Milison, Sun- day. Mi. and Mrs. Edgar Moore and Morley and Miss Constance Noîthey, Port Hope, spent Sun- day at Mr. Clinton Brown's. Please taka notice that the Unit- ed Church service wiii begin at 7:30 p.m. in future. A number of Lake Shore neigh- bors enjoyed a picnic at the Lake at Cobourg, Sunday. Mr. Roger Leushner and bride, Niagara Falls, N.Y., were week- end guests of his aunt, Mrs. J. T. Pearce, and other relatives. The Taylor famiiy, Roseneath, cailed on Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Stevens. Mr. Thos. Robinson passed away Sunday after a lengthy illness. He is the iast of a weii-respected pioneer famiiy. Sympathy is ex- tended to those who mourn him. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jones and Fae, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jones,' Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer, Jim and Phiiip, Miss Mary Lane and Mr. C. M. Jones were Sunday guests of Mrs. G. W. Jones at her cottage, Port Britain Shores. Mr. W. N. Stevens is home f rom haspital. Mr. and Mrs. F. Commerford, Rochester, Dr. and Mrs. Lewis, New York City, were guests of Mrs. Hammond Brown. The Shaw family, Toronto, were at their cottage for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Buriey and fam.tly and a party of friends spent the week-end at Loon Lake. HORNSDY STUDIO 3 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa Will Take Portraits 0f Your Children IN YOUR OWN HOME (In Bowmanville Only) On Wednesday Alternoons SEPT. 12,19,26 Appointments made by tale- phoning 4139w Oshawa 36-2 OSHAWA FeParking Phone 1011 Thurs., Fr, Sat., Sept. 13, 14, 15 THE SONG 0F BERNADETTE With Jannifer Jones, William Ey- the, Charles Bickford, Vin- cent Price; ,Giadys Cooper. Some remained for the week. They went in the school bus. On Friday evening a number of schooi children and their par- ents gathered with the young peo- pie at the Sunday School auditor- ium in honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. MeMuilen, who have taken up their resîdence in Newcastle. Mr. W. Laing, that well-known chair- man of ail such affairs, acted in his usuai witty capacity and a program of readings and im- promptu speeches was enjoyed by ail. Mr. and Mis. McMulien were called ta the platfarm where Mary Burley read an address whîch, along with the speeches, testified to the fine character of this popu- lar young couple and their xiii- ingness ta help in every worth- while praject in the cammunity. Lew Stone, on behaîf af the Y.P.U., made the presentation of a handsomne circular mirror, ta which Frank and June responded in their usual capable manner. AUl joined in singing "For They Are Jally Good Feiiows", follow- ed by "'Auld Lang Syne", after which lunch was served and a social tirne enjoyed. Our girls' softbali team enter- tained the Newcastle girls at a corn roast at the home of Mrs. Milligan, Thursday night. Tables were set outside and lights strung f rom the house, presenting a gala appearance. Follawing a repast of corn, meat pies, cakes, etc., speeches weîe made by the popu- lar managers of both teanis, Mr. George Cîowtheîs and Mr. W. H. Hancock. All then repaired to the house where a sing-song and dancing were enjayed. Our new teacher, Mr. Duncan Seymour, very ably assisted at the piano. Hanipton ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 589 MOTION PICTURES AT THER BEST Thursday and flday Only, Sept. 13, 14 Another Double Bill Presentation '"SWEET AND LOW DOWN"p With Benny Goodman and Orchestra, and starring Linda Darneli, Jack Oakle, Lynn Bari, and a great euat - ADDED FEATURE - "IN THE MEANTIME DARLING" Army wlves and thefr troubles Saturday, September 15th "BLOCK BUSTERS" Wlth Harry Langdon and the East Side Klds - AND - Johnny Mack Brown In "LAW MEN"F We walcome ta aur village Mis. Bancroft and Mary Lou. Mis. Bancraft is keaping housa for Claude Smith. Visitais: Miss Emma Waîry, To- ronto, Mr. Ray O'Connell, King, were recent visitais at J. R. Or- mistan's. . . Mi. and Mis. John Siamon at Fenelon Falls. . . Mr. and Mis. E. C. Ashton visited W. Trewin, Haydon. . . Mi. and Mis. M. Bird and Nancy, Brooklin, at J. R. Ormiston's. . . Dr. C.* W. Siemon, Bowmanville, withMn and Mis. Hugh Annis. .. Mi. C. W. Souch, Mis. K. Caveîly, Mis. Howard Cale, Hampton, Miss May Vanstone, Toronto, w i t h Miss E. Souch. . . Mr. and Mrs. Heywood Short and Jackie, Mrs. M. Martin, Seagrave, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs. Big improvements are being made in aur village, Mr. R. Mc- Neil has had a veranda built an the front of his brick cottage. Mr. Howard Stevens has bouight the late N. Byers' home and bas already made a big change. Mr. Theo. Slemon and John are hav- ing a storehause built east of the store. Glad ta know Sgt. G. E. Brad- ley has returned home fram over- seas. He has been in hospitai since. We wish him a speedy re- covery. Miss Isabelle Rahm, Miss Mary Adeline Bradley and George, To- ronto, at W. Rahm's. Mis. Mary Griffin is home alter visitmng friands in Sauina. Mr. and Mis. Ted Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carter and Carol, Consecon; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa, at Walter Oke's. Zion Visitors: Pte. Peggy Killen, Long Branch, at'Robt. Kilien's ...Mr. Onvilla Stinson at his home in Biackstock... Mn. Fred Martin, Misses Marguerite Martin and Elinor Mills, Toronto, at Thos. Martin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Sonlay and Teddle, Toronto, at Fred Cameon's... Pte. Ray Gif- ford, Fannham, Que., at Harold Gifford's... Pte. Michael Nemis, Mis. Nemis and Bobbia, Mn. Wm. Gallop, Niagana-an-the-Lake, at, Robent Kilien's. . . Mr. Milton Robinsan, Oshawa, at Henry Ball's. .. Mr. an4 Mrs. Les Mat- fat, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. How- aid Abbatt and family, Haydan, at Percy Davidson's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Flett and family, Raglan, at Narman Leach's... Mr. R. C. Stainton went on the boat trip ta Rochester, U.S.A., an Saturday. .. Sergt. Jas. McMaster, Petawawa, at Alex. McMaster's ... Miss Cicile Goulding, Oshawa, spent a week at N. Hircack's.. Dr. and Mrs. Eanl Garfat, Peter- bora, at A. T. Staintan's. .. Mrs. Dorathy Iverson and Vernon, Oshawa, Mr. Albert Ballas, Osh- awa, Mr. Walter Truli, Muskoka, Mr. and Mis. B. Fisher, Oshawa, at N. Hircock's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Joe Palmer's, To- ronto. They alsa visited Mis. Lloyd Stainton and baby, Gail Marie, at Grace Hospital, Toronto ..Mr. and Mis. Normari Leach at John Kiveil's, Sauina.. . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Martin and fam- ONE 0F ONTARIOS BEST RURAL FAIR ORONÎOl'ail l'air Under auspices Durham Central Agricultural Society Saturiday, Seà,pt. 22 You will find at this outetanding exhibition smmtIiug entertain- Ing and instructive for every member of the family Among the Special Features LIVESTOCK JUNIOR FARMERS CALF CLUB CONTEST AMATEUR SHOW NEEDLECRAFT JUNIOR DEPT. HORSE RACES EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS BLACK & WHITE DAY LADIES' WORK DOMESTIC SCIENCE POULTRYp FRUIT Orono Citizen 's Band In Attendance Plan now to meet your friends at Orono Fair on Saturday, Sept. 22. They"lH be Iooking for you. lt's the big rural event of the year J. H. J OSE, President ily attended the Montgomery re- sils remaved on Saturday. union at Mn. Wes. Montgamery's, The Wamen's Association mat Cross Creek, near Lindsay... Mn. at the home aI Mis. W. Rackham, and Mis. Fred Camaran and Helen Hampton, on Sept. 5. Thene was a at Leslie Wanren's, Tharntan's reai good attendance and every- Corners.. . Mn. and Mis. Wes. ana anjoyed the talk on "Hobbies" Canieran, Jack and Joyce, at Han- by Miss Alean Akad, Tyrona. bert Cameran's, Tyiane. . . Miss Mis. K. Caverly gave a vocal sala Helen Cameran, Toronto, at home and Miss Jean Balsan a piano for the week-end. solo. Mis. Rackham, Mis. J. W. Miss Janet Nayior had ber tan- Balson and Mis. J. Ciuickshank, J. C. GAMEY, Secretary 37-2 the September graup, serval a dainty lunch wbich everyone an- joyed. A special "Cammittea for Edu- cation" bas been set up under the chairmansbip af Vincent Massey, High Cammissianar fan Canada, ta, deal with Canadian service per- sonnel dasiring ta take training courses whila awaiting rapatria- tian ta Canada. Monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was heid in the basernent af the church on Aug. 30, with a gaad attendance. The president, Mrs. E. H. Cale, was in the chair and openad the meeting with the Ode, folaowed by the Lord's Prayer. The rail was cail- ad and a short business period held, during which the treasunr reported $68.30 on hand. Ref an- ence was made ta afficaîs' meet- ings ta be held in three different places in September, and ta the Drive for Clothing far the Eurapeans, in October, and aisa the Bazaar ta be held in Novem- ber. Mis. Fred Honey conducted the program which was in charge af the East Graup. O Canada was sung and Mis. H. Gaud fav- ared with a reading, "Somabody" which containad some splendid thaughts. Guast speaker, Miss Akad of Tyrane gave a very in- tarasting talk an "Hobbies" and suggested many things one might do as a hobby and derive much pleasure out of it, and also give help and pleasure to others. She had on display scores of beautiful tropical shelis which sha had gathered tram time ta tima, as a hobby and also many sewn and knittad articles and variaus kinds of floor rugs which she had made fram discardad clothing and wool. A vote af thanks was tenderad Miss Aked for bar very practicai and informative taik. Meeting ciased with National Anthem, aftar which the group ini charge served refreshments and a social hall haur was spent. Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. H. Stev- ens and Mr. and Mrs. B. Winstan, Toronto, visited at W. E. Stevens' ...Miss Nara Karsiake has re- turned fram Ottawa. . . Mr. and Mis. H. Wilcax and Madalyn and Miss Arline Northcutt, Bowman- ville, spent Labour Day week-end witb Rev. and Mrs. Frank Cry- dernian, Elora. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. Karsey visited friands at Peter- bor.. . Mr. and Mis. Fred Ash- ton, Toronto, with friands. . .,'Miss May Vanstana, Toranto, witb Mrs. E. H. Cale. .. Mrs. Elîay Creepar and Barbara, Toronto, visited Mis. Annie Coiwill and Mrs. E. Creap- er. . Mr. and Mis. E. J. Hutchin- son and two daughteis, Port Perry, wara Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hutchinson. . . Mr. and Mis. Avery Johnston, Mi. and Mis. Elgin Wight and Miss Mauda Elliott, Bowmanviile, ware guests on Sunday of Miss Mary Katersan ...Mi. Frank Tomlinson, Miss Edna Tamlinson, Bowmanville, and Mi. and Mis. Bob Collacutt and tamiiy, Salem, visited Mi. and Mis. C. Tamlinson. .. Miss Helen Leciair has raturned ta her home in the West atter spanding sev- erai months with her sistar, Mis. Laine Bradley. .. Mis. E. H. Cola, Miss M. Katerson, Mis. A. Mc- Mahan and Miss L. Reynolds'en- jayed a matai trip in the Musko- ka district. The North Sewing Group mat at the home af Mis. Joe Chapman ~on Wednasday. There wera 16 ladies present and variaus kinds of sewing was dane. The hostass served dainty refrasbments and a short social peîiod was spent ta- gethan. We weicome ta the village Mi. and Mis. Raymond Farrow. Mi. Farrow will be tha new school principal. Mis. Chas. Warren wiii have charge af the junior raom. Thaère are a number af naw beginnens this term. Mis. Annie Calwill's sala af bausahold effects an Saturday afternoon .was well attended and very successtul. A number tram haie attanded Blackstack Fair on Wadnesday. Enniskillen __________________________i _________________ IFPII E-lEAa Mon.,, Tues., Wed., Sept. 17-19 4THEIR CLAWS AND RIP THE RISING SUN! THRILL FILM lu/ 0F THE YEAR! Àý seons ,Pay hy Peter %il§@ nadg Aou fIkI Mais h fri atuau COMING BOOM - "NATIONAL VELVET"l mrnOFAUE

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