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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1945, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABIO THURSDAY, SEPT. 2Oth, 1945 S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mrs. Fred Bowen spent a few days with ber sister in Toronto Iast week. On Saturday she at- tended the wedding of her nephcw John A. Stockdale to Mary Eliza- beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crysier, at Clarksburg. On ber way home Mrs. Bowen calied en Thursday, on Mrs. M. Smith, formeriy Louise Booker, niece of MXrs. W. H. Gibson, Newcastle. Miss Betty Osborne spent the week-end with her aunt in Peter- boro. Several from this district at- tended Lindsay Fair and report a splendid exhibit in al branches. Little Marion McReelis enter- tained a number of little friends at a birthday party iast week. Mrs. G. Barchard made a busi- ness trip to the city on Monday. She is in hopes of having her son, Bill, homne from overseas very shortly. On Monday evening Mrs. Bow- en had the pleasure of welcoming ber nephew, CpI H. Douglas Stockdale, I.O.R., at Exhibition Park. Cpi. Stockdale had return- ed on the Cameronia which dock- ed Sunday at midnight. Mrs. P. Kichko and babe spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Alden Gîbson. Demnis Gibson spent the week- end with his sister in Oshawa. DEATHI WRIGHT, Annetta Sophia, at Port Perry Hospital, on Wed., Sept. 19, Annetta Sophia Veale, be- ioved wîfe of the late Peter Wright, in her 85th year. Fun- eral service at Nestleton United Church on Fni., Sept. 21, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Nestleton Cem- etery. 38-1 THE Salvation Army Musical .Evening OSHAWA SONGSTER BRIGADE Wili VISIT BOWiMANVILLE Friday Evening At 8 p.m. Silver Collection You are cordially invited to Attend GUARANT&ED Radio Service Tubes, Batteries, etc. Roy W. Neads 8King St. E. Phone 580 26tf Do It Right With "Sealtite" Sealtite Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Blowing Method> F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanville Phone 494 34-tf Hampton Visitons: Mrs. E. H. Cole visit- ed friends in Toronto. .. Mrs. Ken Caverly spent the week-end in Toronto. . . Miss N. Rorn with Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa... Mrs. Annie Colwill is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Creeper, Owen Sound. . . Mrs. S. Williams with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wood, Bowman- ville. .. Mr. Morley Hastings, To- ronto, at G. Adcock's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Nulîs, Ajax, at S. Kersey's. . . Mrs. Milton F. Avery, Columbus, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peacock, Dwaine and John, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn... Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilchrist, Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. J. R. Reyn- olds. Quite a number from Hampton attended Oshawa and Lindsay fairs last week. There will be no church service here Sunday evening, and it is hoped that a goodly number will attend the 'Crusade for Christ" rally at Trinity Church, Bowman- ville. A drive is being made in this community on behaîf of the Home Front Appeal" to raise funds for the great work carried on by that noted religious or- ganization, The Salvation Army. This is a time for greatness among little people. Snarled traffic is usually caus- ed by snarled tempers. IN MEMORIAM EDGER - In loving memory of our mother, Elizabeth M. Edger who passed away Sept. 6, 1934. A silent thought, a secret tear Keeps her memory ever dear. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. -Ever remembered by the fam- ily. 38-1 RAHM - In lovîng memony of a dear husband and father, Wil- liam H. Rahm, who passed away Sept. 24, 1944. Gone dean father, gone for ever, How we miss your smiling face, But you left us to remember None on eanth can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed- How sweet the memory still, But death has left a ioneliness The world dan neyer fill. -Ever remembered by wife and f amily. 38-1 HEARD-In loving memory of a dear mother, Emma Heard, who passed away Sept. 16, 1943 Rest, dean mother, youn troubles are o'er, Your willing hands will wonk no more; You did not f ail to do youn part, With a tender word and a loy- ing heant. We have lost, but God bas gained The most wonderful mothen the world contained. Sadiy missed by Gladys, Clin- ton and family. 38-1 HANTHORN-In loving memory of our dear little son and bro- ther, Keith Morris, who left us so suddenly, September 19, 1944, aged 41/2 yeans. No stain was on bis little heant, Sin had not entered there, And innocence slept sweetl.y On that pale white brow so fair. God did not promise he could stay, Since ahl from earth return, But there were lessons taught down here He wanted him to learn. Keith brought bis chanms to gladden us And tnough bis stay was bnief We have his ioveiy memoies- A solace for our grief. -Always ionged for and sadly missed by bis Daddy, Mummy, Sisters and 1Brother. 38-1' COMING EVENTS Canadian Order of Foresters will hold a dance at Enniskillen Hall on Saturday, September 22. Fletcher's Orchestra. 38-1 The Newcastle Rink Association are having Harry Kumlin and his 10-piece dance orchestra at the Community Hall on Friday eve- ning, Sept. 28. Admission 50c. 38-1 AUCTION SALES The Undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auc- tion for J. E. O'Boyle, Church St., South, Orono, on Saturday, Sep- tember 29th at i o'clock sharp, ail his household furniture and electric appliances. Terms cash. Positively no reserve. Full list next week. Jack Reid, auction- eer. 38-1 Saturday, October 6th - The undersigned will seil by public auction for Herb Hooey, Lot 13, Con. 1, Cartwright, farm stock and imprements. For particulars see bis. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cash. Farm will be offered for sale subi ect to reserved bid or will rent to suitable tenant. Creighton Devîtt, clerk; Ted Jackson, auc- tioneer. 38-1* Wednesday, October 3, the un-_- dersigned will sell by public auc- tion for Anton Hickey, Manvens (212 miles south-west of Ponty- pool) the following: 8 cows, 5 yearlings, 4 calves, i punebred Hereford bull, 9 hogs, farm im- piements and 21 cords dry pine cordwood. Sale at 1:30 o'clock. Tenms cash. Thenon Mountjoy, Clerk; Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 38-2 POSTPONED AUCTION SALE The auction sale of houselîold effects of the former Mr. and Mrs. N. Byers which was to be held at Enniskillen, Sept. 18, was postpon- ed on account of nain. This sale will now be heid Tues., Sept. 25. In case of nain sale will be held in the shed. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Theron Mountjoy, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auction- eer. 38-i The undersigned has received instructions from Mrs. W. E. Top- liff, King Street, Newcastle, to seli by Public Auction on Thurs- day, Sept. 27th, 1945, the follow- ing: bedroom suites, spning filled mattress and springs, dining room suite, table, chairs, buffet and china cabinet, chesterfie)d suite, studio couch, bookcase, esections full of books, writing desk, rock- ers, small tables, McClary cook stove (good as new), wood tub wringer, kitchen chairs and table, dishes, nugs, curtains, pictures, some antiques, bedding and linen, etc. Many other articles too num- erous to mention. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Thenon Mount- joy, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auc- tioneer. 37-2 The undersigned has received instructions from Mrs. A. L. Hag- erman, corner Liberty & Con- cession Streets, Bowmanville, to sell by public auction at hen resi- dence, ber household furniture and furnishings, inluding piano, large couch, upholstered chairs, music cabinet, love-seat set, large l9ook-oase and books, electric heater, many lamps, large dining table, buffet, chairs, china cab- inet, combination desk and cab- inet, large dinner wagon, hall table, fernery, pedestais, oak bed- noom suite, pull-out couch, dress- ing table, chest of drawers, cook stove, a large and very valuable assortment of china, glassware, silver, decorative china, vases and bric-a-brac, rugs, curtains, drapes, cushions and pictures, odd tables and chairs, dlocks, dishes and cooking utensils. A gre4 many of these articles are soiid walnut, of beautiful design, outstanding value and ail in excellent condi- tion. Terms cash. Sale Sat., Sept. 22, 1945, at 12:30 o'clock. Wm. J. Chailis, auctioneer; T. S. Mount- joy, clerk. 37-2 Statesman Office Bowmanviiie BIRTHS BLAKE - Cpi. and Mrs. Harvey Blake (nee Edna' Woodcock) wish to announce the arrivai of their son, Douglas Arnold, at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, Ont., on Sept. 12th, 1945. 38-1* MUTTON-Mr. and Mrs. George Mutton (nee Dorothy Cook) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter at Bowmanville Hospital on Wednesday, Sep- tember l2th, 1945. Mother and baby doing well 38-l* MARRIAGE RICKARD - BONATHAN - O n Saturday, September 8, 1945, at 4 p.m., at Newcastle United Church, Rev. W. W. Patterson, assisted by Rev. R. H. Rickard, Palmerston, united in marriage Jean Arabelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan, and Sgt. Roy Brenton Rickard, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rick- ard, Shaw's. 38-1 DEATH-S RICHARDS-In Bowmanville, on Sept. 15, 1945, George H. Rich- ards, beloved husband of Caro- line Cox, aged 76 years. RICHARDS - At Bowmanville Hospital, on Sept. 14, 1945, Thomas Henry Richards, belov-- ed husband of Wilhemina Souch, aged 66 years Cards of Thanks Mrs. John Cox, Wellington St., w is h es gratefully to express thanks to friends and relatives who were so kind during the ill- ness- of her husband. 38-1* Real Estate For Sale LAKESHORE FARM, 100 acres, Lot 21, B.F., Darlington, near new highway, hyd;o. Apply Wilson Abernethy, R.R. 2, Bow- manville. 38-i FARM - 100 ACRES, 4th Con- cession Clarke Township, good buildings, well watered, near church and school. Apply James Simpson, R.R. 1, Orono. 36-38-2* FARM, ABOUT 40 ACRES, new buildings, including 2 houses, barn and stable. Close to high- way and school. Apply Nick Bonk, Lot 22, B.F., Darlington, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 38-2' FARM-115 ACRES, Lot 6, Con. 8, Darlington, good dlay loam. quantity pine timber, plenty of water. Good bank barn, frame house, close to school and church. Will sell reasonable. Apply D. B. Farrell, R.R. 1, Ty- rone. 37-2* Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD for two quiet high school girls or two shop girls. Apply to Mrs. Fred Hobbs, 23 Lambs Lane. 38-1' ROOM AND BOARD accommo- dation. Business person pre- ferred. Central location. Write Box 548, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 38-1* Work Wanted PAINTIIýG, GRAINING and stip- pling. 'Apply Eddie King, 76 Duke St., Bowmanville. 36-9* TRACTOR'CUSTOM WORK - Ail kinds of tractor work: ploughing, cultivating combin- ing, etc., done. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bowmanville. 24-tf-4* BY EXPERIENCED WOMAN - housekeeping, position in motherless or working adults' home or care of invalid, good plain cook, take full responsi- bility. Write Box 552, States- man Office. 38-1* HARDWOOD FLOORS L A I D, sanded and finished, old floors resurfaced. C. H. Levy, 25 years' experience. Ph on e 908-J-12 O s h a w a. Residence Courtice. 36-12' Legai From September 1, 1945, James R. MacBrien, Barrister and Solic- itor, will be available in law offices situate at No. 6 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario. 36-4 Lost LOST - LOGGING CHAIN lost last Friday between Stanley bridge, town, and Woodley's saw mill. Finder please phone 2635. Reward. 38-1l Notice Bowmanville Electricians, 42 King St. E. All kinds of electric wiring done. Motors repaired and installed. Phone 438. l4tf Shooting match for geese and chickens, 22 rifles and shotguns, ammunition supplied, open sights only. Sept. 22 at 1 p.m., at James Delaney's, 1 mile east of Hamp- ton on Creamery road. 38-1* All members of the Major Bowling Club League are requir- ed to have membership cards by Wednesday, Septemben 26, 1945, as teams will be drawn up at the meeting that evening. Jack Cole, Treasurer. 38-1 For Rent COMFORTABLE' SINGLE room, breakfast if desired. Write Box 551, Statesman Office. 38-1 HOUSE, 7 rooms, no conveni- ences, on No. 2 Highway. Will seil, witb 3 acres of land. Apply Mrs. Geo. Stephenson. Phone Clarke 25 S.L. 38-1' NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf FARM HOUSE, seven rooms, 2% miles north of Newtonville, near County Road, close to school and store. Hard and soft water, with some land, barns and or- chard if desired. Immediate possession. Apply Mrs. John Turner, Onono. 38-1' NEW BEAVER LAUNCHED : First of four fast-freight liners being built for the Canadian Pacifie Railway to, replace the five Beaver boats lost during Worid War Il the Beaverdell is shown bere during hon launching on the Clyde at Port Glasgow, Scotland, late in August. The 10,000-tonner, which took to the water before a distinguished gathering beaded by D. C. Coleman, chainînan and president of the C.P.R. and chairman of Canadian Pacifie Steaniships, is expected to ba in service early next year and wilI resumne the London-to-Canada run as soon as possible. Articles For Sale FALL WHEAT, $ 1.00 per bushel. Phone 2616. 38-1 McCORMICK DEERING CORN binder. Phone 762 or 597. L. R. Wood, Bowmanville. 38-1* DINING ROOM TABLE and other household articles. Apply Miss Ella Melntyre, Church St. 38-1* CHOICE QUALITY Crabapples. W. C. Holmes, phorne Clarke 1931. 38-1 DINNER SET, semi porcelain, rose design. Also glassware and pillows. Phone 2371. 38-1 DEERING CORN BINDER FOR quick sale. J. H. Davey, phone 54r5, Orono. 37-3 D.D.T. BARN SPRAY. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bow- manville. 34-tf RIFLE, 30-30 Savage, mocel 219, new condition; 2 boxes ammuni- tion, $30. Apply Wilfred Smale, Hampton. 38-1* MAN'S BICYCLE, in good condi- tion. Also child's steel crib, complete with mattress. Phone 612. 38-1* 8 TUBE RADIO, Majestic, electric, large table model in A-i condi- tion. Apply to Thos. Lymer, 69 Queen St., or phone 379. 38-1* TWO HOUSES in the Village of Newtonville. A p ply J. T. Pearce, Clarke, phone 1302. 38-1* 9-PC. DINING ROOM SUITE, also 1 or 2 rooms for rent at Newcastle. M. Demchuk, New- castle. 37-3* HOUSE DOORS, frames, base- boards, planks, odds and ends of lumber. Wm. Wilcox, Queen St., Bowmanville. 37-2* BOY'S BROWN OVERCOAT, (Balmacaan style); and 3-pce. green tweed suit; size 8. In per- fect condition. Reasonable. Mrs. E. Laird, 2 Concession St. 38-1* TWO DESKS, coal heater, large commode chair, kitchen table, Coca Cola cooler. May be seen at 252 King St. E., Thursday and Friday. * 38-1' KITCHEN RANGE with reser- voir, warming closet, and pipes, good baker. Price $15. 144 Elgin St. E., Oshawa. Phone 1090m. 38-1' INTERNATIONAL CORN binder; Fairbanks-Morse i1% h.p. gas engine; Vessat grinder; pure bred Tamworth boar, 200 lbs. Murray Byers, Burketon. 38-1 DRUMS, TANKS, STEEL Plates, silo, rods and lugs, steel cable, angle iron, beams, water piping and fittings. H. Glober, Port Hope. Telephone 160. 35-4' 3-FURROW M.H. Tractor Plow,. 12" bottoms, steel points. For quick sale. Cheap for cash. Don E. Gibson Phone Clarke 3811. 38-1' COATS - MAN'S LEATHER windbreaker, size 40; also fal topcoat, size 40, both good con- dition. Apply 51 Temperance St., after 6:30 p.m. 38-1' FINDLAY OVAL COOK Stove, large size, equipped with oil burners; several bedroom suites, extension table and chairs, set heavy teamn harness. Mrs. Noble Metcalf, phone 2259. 38-1' CHILD'S 3 - PIECE. WINTER outfit, hat, coat and leggings, size 5 yrs., blue, excellent con- dition Apply Mrs. John Ven- ning, Biackstock, phone Port Perry 106r15. 38-1* ELECTRIC WASHING Machines, stoves, rangettes, plates, radios, vacuum cleaners, furniture of ail kinds; ice boxes, wardrobe- trunks, lawn mowers, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope. Telephone 160. 35-4* 12 PLATE, 18 IN. DISC Int. gang plow; M.H. gang piow; M.H. one furrow riding plow; Fleury Bisseil 6-in grinder; General Eiectric 3 HP. motor. Doug. Cunningham, phone 3202, New- castle. 38-1 4 CYCLE JOHNSTON IRON Horse gas engine; Wettlaufer 2 h.p. gas engine, both magneto; Souvenir 6-lid coal on wood range with reservoir, open for water front. Appiy Bowman- ville Electricians, 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 38-tf VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums repaired. "Good Vacuums for Good Housekeeping." A 15s0 guaranteed expert repairs, iub- ication, replacements, etc. Cali C.U.C. Service Branch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- manville, 774. 19-tf OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURIE Store _' Everything ini modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dinng suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com. petitive prices. Before b1uyipg visit Bradiey's New FurniturE Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. de-ti COMBINATION BROODER AND colony house, 12x12, built to O.A.C. specifications, mounted on cedar skids and easiiy moved by teamn or tractor, $90; 2 range shelters at $15 each; 2 James- way coal brooder stoves at $15 each. Laying mash hoppers and water stands. Fergus E. Mor- il, "1Willow Acres," phone 2456. 38-1 Wanted To Buy CAR IN GOOD CONDITION. Will pay cash. Phone 2630, Bow- manville, after 5 p.m. 38-1 MEDICAL BATTERY, either 1 or 2 dry celi type. Write Box 549, Statesman Office. 38-1* TOP PRICES PAID FOR NEW and used feathers, feather ticks, pillows, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope. Telephone 160. 35-4' OLD HORSES WANTED. Apply' Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Caîl evenings, Bow- manville, 2679. 37-tf ALL KINDS 0F POULTRY, also new and old feathers. Jake Parker, 321 Brock St. N., Whit- by. Phone 486. 35-4' 50 GOOD WHITE LEGHORN year-old hens. F. C. Middleton, Blackstock. Phone Port Perry 172-21. 38-1* FOR CASH, TWO BUILDING lots, preferably in South Ward. State price and location. Write Box 550, Statesman Office. 38-1* I AM PREPARED TO BUY USED cars or trucks for wrecking pur- poses. Herbert Knapp, Auto Wrecker, Liberty St., Bowman- ville. Phone 418. 36-3 SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, cali or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chirie Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, before 1900, preferably on envelopes or original paper. Fair prices paid. Write Box 414, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 24-tf-i' LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices pald. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt personally, no agents employ- ed.) l9tf-12* ANTIQUES 0F EVERY descrip- tion, colored glassware, old lamps, old buttons, furniture, dlocks, ch i na figures, bric-a- brac, jewellery, silver. Ameni- can buyer. Write Box 536, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 35-tf-6* Notice to, Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F FREDE- RICK GEORGE CORNISH, late of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Retired Farmer, Deceased, who died on the l8th day of August, 1945. The Trustee Act R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51. Creditors and others baving dlaims against the above Estate are required to send full particu- lars and proof of such dlaims to the undensigned executor on bis solicitor, on or before the 7th day of Octoben, 1945, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having r e g a r d to dlaims that have been received. Dated at Bowmanville this 3lst day of August, 1945. Fred Ormiston, Brooklin, On- tario, Executon, by Lawrence C. Mason, Barristen. etc., Bowman- ville, Ontario, his Solicitor. 36-3 Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, October 6th, 1945, for Road Liabiiity Insurance for Township of Darlington. Dated at Hampton, Sept. l9tb, 1945. J. D. HOGARTH,' Clerk Twp. of Darlington. 38-2 NOTICE The deadline for Classfied Ads is 1 o 'dlock Wednes- days. Please co-operate by getting your Ad i eariy. Livestoeik For Sf Il PIGS, 7 weeks oid. W. J. Reý- olds, Solina, phone 2181. 38-1 9 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Thos. Bak- er, Jr., Hampton, phone 2180. 38-1 4 YR. OLD PONY, harness and cart, $100. Apply 84 Queen St., Bowmanville. 38-1' 7 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 weeks old. Apply Herb Stainton, Hampton. 38-l* NEW HAMPSHIRE PULLETS, 41/ months old. Free range. Richardson Farms, Pontypool. 38-3 GOOD HOLSTEIN BULL, 15 months old. J. Schwarz, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone Oshawa 491w11. 38-1 PUREBRED r-OLLED ANGUS bull, 2 yrs. old. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle, phone Clarke 3823. 38-1* 3 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS and 1 Ayrshire heifer; also 3 furrow tractor plow. Chas. Frank, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 2403. 38-1' COWS AND STOCKERS - Dur- ham cow, 3 years old, renewed in May, milking good; Durham cow, 3 years old, renewed in June, milking good; 6 Durhamý steers; 3 Hereford heifers abott 700 lbs. each. Phone 389,Bo- manville. 8 12 EXCELLENT QU AL IT Y Grade Leicester ewe iambs. These are practically pure bred as pure bred rams have been used for several generations. Apply Henry Blakely, Ponty- pool, R.R. 1. Phone Milibrook Exch. 38-2* Wanted to RentY PIANO for use at R- Bowmanville. Phone 6 , o w- manville. 38-1 GARAGE near or north of King Street. Write Box 553, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 38-1' Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive.- 2 weeks' -supply -$l; -12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 32-48 Mrs. P.: "Have a good time at the party, Eleanore, and be a good girl." Eleanorê: "Make up your mind, mother." MORSES WANTED FOR FOX MEAT PHONE ORONO 42-R-2 OR ORONO 77-R-4 37tf HOW TO WRITE A Good Waint Ad 1-1t 's always best to stant youn advertisement with the name of the article or service you have to offer. 2-Be dlean. Readers respond more quickly when given definite information. 3-Make it easy for the prospect to reacli you. la, insert your name and address or your telephone nuin- ber, if you do not have regular hours give prefer- red time to have prospects contact you. 4-To secure the greatest reader attention for your ad- ventisements, use consecutive insertions. 5-Plaoe yourself in the reader's position and ask your- self wliat you would like to know about your offer. The answer you give will inake a good Want Ad. 6-Want ads that fail to bring satisfaction do so, not throug(h lack of being nread,' but because they are caire]essly wonded and do flot coîitain enough infor- mnation to get prompt action. 7-Plac-e your advertisenient in The- Statesman whiere you neacli this negion's greatest Want Ad audience. WANT ADS ONLY OOST le A WORD WITH M1f- MUM CHARGE 0F 25e IF CASH ACCOMPANIES ORDER The Canadian Statesman Our Town Now Hias A Chance To Take A Great Forward Stepby Having A New Hospital VOTE FOR IHE BYUIAW Jury C& Lovel THE REXALL STORE Wh.n W. Test Ey.s t Is Don. Properly PHONE 778 -- C.N.R. TICKETS 1 - 'Imm READa;aiUS.E WANTB -dam. Ille THURSDAY, SEPT. 20th, 1945 . PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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