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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, SEPT: 2Oth, 1945 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone 663 Miss Carrie Painton, Oshawa, has been holidaying at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, De- troit, Mich., are visiting her two sons, Russell and Stuart Candler. Miss Elizabeth Painton visited her sister, Mrs. F. A. Fitchett, Montreal. FO Bill Harrison, Greenwood, N.S., is at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Harrison. Cpl. Dan Aluin, Calgary, Alta., spent leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alhn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey, Windsor, spent a few days with éter daughter, Mrs. David Park. Mrs. Nelson Chapman of Ux- bridge is visiting her cousin, Mrs. George C. Foster, King St. West. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cox, Toronto, have been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Blackwell are leaving for Tillsonburg, where Mr. Blackwell hs accepted a posi- tion with The News Printing Co. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fitchett, Montreal, Lieut. G. W. Fitchett, R.C.N.V.R., have been visiting her father, Mr. Wm. Painton. Dave McKnight is n o w in charge of street maintenance and doing a fine job, one continuously needed. Charles Carter, Jr., District Governor, Lions Clubs, is attend- ing a convention in Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick and Dorothy, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mrs. Ida M. Stinsan at Newcastle onthe Lake. Miss Eva Hooper, Miss Rose Bate, Donald Bate visited Sgt. Robert Bate at Christie St. Hos- pital, Toronto. Mrs. F. Conners, Church St., has received a gift of 100 bulbs, in- cluding tulip bulbs from her son, Roy, in Holland. Oliver Roberts, Weed Inspector, appears to have concluded. his season's work with commendable efficiency LAW Helen Tait of No. 4 Re- lease Centre, Toronto, was home over the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tait. Mrs. W. E. Shane and daughter, Darla Dianna,nhave returned home alter a summer vacation at Kingston, Ottawa and New York. MissIleen Balson ofa The States- man staff enjoyed a week-end visit with Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines. A|Surgeon Lieut. Comdr. Angus MacMillan has reached Belfast, N. Ireland, to take up an appoint- ment on H.M.C.S. Warrior. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wilson, Miss Diane Wilson, Brooklin, were re- cent visitors of T. Maude Pen- found. Ross Strike, Hydro Commission- er, looking tanned and fit, has re- turned to his law office after an extended holiday in Muskoka and Northern Ontario. The 21st Battalion is holding its 27th consecutive annual re-union dinner, Sept. 29, at the Prince George Hotel, Toronto. Dinner at 7:30 p.m. Jack Cole, Chairman of the local National Clothing Appeal, urges citizeis of the entire district not to forget to gather clothing to be picked up Oct. 1-20. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lee, Scugog St., have just received a tele- gram that Gilbert and Vernon Wurm, Arnprior, are safe in allied hands. The former resided in Bowmanville prior to enlisting. Mrs. H. W. Foley and Mrs. A. MacMillan attended the wedding of Mr. David Foley, St. Catharines, and Miss Annabelle MacMillan, COLLECTION The next salvage collection will take place In Bowmanville FRIDAY, OCT. 5 Waste Paper of all descriptions and Rags are all that are wanted in this drive The public are asked to have same, bundled, and placed at curbs for the pickup which will commence at 6 p.m., and continue until the whole town is covered. SID LITTLE, Chairman Evangelistic Tabernacle WISHEDS TO ANNOUNCE THAT Rev. and Mrs. Eldon G. Ford Will be remaining as pastors SERVICES - Sunday, Il a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. A WARM WELCOME TO ALL Ottawa, on Saturday, Sept. 15th, in Ottawa. Mrs. (Rev.) A. H. Foster, Cherry Valley, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Foster, Glenn-Larra, and visited other relatives of this locality. Reeve Sid Little, Chairman of t h e local Salvage Committee, hopes that citizens will gather waste paper and general salvage ta betready for the pickup early in Octaber. Do not forget that Mart Kenney and his Western Gentlemen will provide the music for the grand dance at the High School, Wed- nesday, Sept. 26. The music alone is worth the price of ad- mission. Saturday is Orono Fair, bigger and better than ever. Plan now to join youro/ friends on the grounds and see the grand dis- plays of livestock, farm, field, or- chard, garden, art and domestic exhibits. Racing and midway are also special features. Mr. Everett Cale, Trenton, Mrs. Cale, Keith and Lynda, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Coombes and relatives in Bowmanville and Oshawa. The former is on fur- lough at present and visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cale, Antier, Sask. Something to remember: The proposed new hospital is to be known as the "Memorial Hos- pital"' a tribute ta the falien in the fight fori reedom, a freedom which now makes possible this long needed fire-proof building. Vote for the by-law Monday. • Rally Day service will be held at Trinity United Church on Sun- day morning when pupils, officers and teachers of the Sunday School will be in attendance. Supt. Ross Strike will assist Rev. J. E. Grif- fith and the annual promotion of pupils will take place. In deciding the hospital by-law, Monday, the central consideration is that the old building has been condemned, officially, as nothing but a fire-trap. Vote to remove the danger of death by fire among helpless patients. The Rotary-Mart Kenney dance at the High School, Sept. 26, will be an exceptionally high class a- fair where returned men and wo- men both in uniform and civvies may foregather with young people and the general publie and enjoy a real homecoming. Stoker Eric Coombes, Sydney, N.S., Mrs. Coombes, Gwen and Colleen, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hall and Grace, town, Mr. Cyril Coombes, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Coombes and Carol, Guelph, visited Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Coombes, Salem. Capt. John M. James returned home from overseas Monday after five and a half years on active ser- vice. Mrs. James joined him in Montreal. Capt. James will re- join The Statesman staff after leave and discharge. Their small son, John Edger James, with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Edger, met the train and junior, now able to talk convincingly, ex- pressed h i s "Welcome home daddy". Visiting this week with his bro- ther, Fred Plexman, manager of the Royal Theatre, is FO Anthony Plexman of Capreol, Ont., lately returned from overseas. He serv- ed with both the bomber and glider command. In aiding un- derground resistance g r o u p s, jeeps, guns, ammunition, food and medicine were dropped by para- chute. This thrilling story is yet to be told. Also visiting with Mr. Fred Plexman were his daughters, Emma and Elsie of Burlington and Toronto. September meeting of the Wo- men's Association of Trinity Unit- ed Church was held September 11 in the Sunday School room with Mrs. W. R. Harrison and her Circle in charge of devotional with Mrs. Edwin Wood at the piano. Mrs. Tamblyn, president, presided for the business. Inter- esting reports were given by the Circle Secretaries. As this was the first meeting after the holi- day season a cup of tea and cookies were served and a social hour spent. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Herbert Layman, Sept. 18th, with President Mrs. W. H. Carruthers presid i n g. Group No. 2, led by Mrs. Robt. Hetherington, had charge of the program. Devotions were taken by Mrs. Herbert Layman and Mrs. Hetherington. The study of Africa was introduced by Mrs. W. P. Fletcher and took the form of a questionnaire. Mrs. Reta Dud- ley gave a report on the school for Leaders held in Whitby. Mrs. Robt. Whitmee closed the meet- ing with prayer. Refreshments and social hour concluded the af- ternoon's activities. SENIOR BOWLING LEAGUF ELECTS SEASON'S OFFICERS Bowling énthusiasts of the town met Friday evening to elect of- ficers for the coming season and discuss plans for what is consider- ed the most promising auspices for this indoor sport for some years. With many soldiers return- ing from active duty it is believed they will welcome a strong senior league and that is definitely plan- ned. IFor some time contractors have been busy laying new floors in Martyn's Alleys and new equip- ment bas been secured. With Phil Cancilla engaged ta manage the alleys there is every assurance aof first class attention ta all de- tails. Plans are ta reopen the first week in October. The following off icers were elected: President: Dr. H. B. Rundle; Vice Pres.: Mickey Roach; Secretary: Ai Osborne; Treasurer: Jack Cale. Membership bas been set at $1 per persan. The next meeting will take place, Wednesday, Sept 26, at 7:30 p.m. This is subscription time. Above scene shows bulldozer c machine w h i c h levelled the E ground for the Bowmanville Me-n morial Park. The work was com- pleted by the Toronto Construc- tion Company and the camerav Solina Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and Harold at Clare Allin's, Bçwmanville . . . Cpi. Jerry Millson, C a m p Borden; Lieut. George Millson and Doug- las, Halifax; FO and Mrs. Howard Millson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anthes and Jean, Gordon Taylor, Toronto, at E. Millson's. . . . Mrs. Howard Couch, MarjorieHand Eileen, Bowmanville; Cpl. Helen Baker, Ottawa, at Jack Baker's... Mr. and Mrs. Yonson, Simcae, with their son, Don, and family. Messrs. Bruce and Clarence Tink, A. L. Pascoe, John Cruick- shank and Lloyd Broome attend- ed the Norman Linton sale of over 70 head of Holsteins at Clare- mont, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Har- old Pascoe, Mr. B. G. Stevens, Mrs. Percy Dewell attended the funeral of J. M. Walton, Aurora, with interment at Kettleby. Newtonville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce and Bob, and Miss Joan Walkey spent Sunday at Mn. H. Osborne's, Welcome. a.. Mr. Dun- can Seymour spent the week-end at his home near Springville. . . Miss Olive Brown spent the week- end at Port Hope. . . Mrs. J. A. Barrie and Murray were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Tyrone... A number from here attended Lindsay Fair. . . Miss Gertrude Edwards of Brock- ville, Ont., and Orland, Florida, was a guest of Rev. and Mrs. L. B. Smith. . . Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Woodham and Marie, Toronto, and Mrs. Norman Samis, New- castle, visited Mr. Ed. Samis, Sun- day. Rev. L. B. Smith took for his topic in the United Church, Sun- day evening, "The Work of the Church". Miss Mary Lane sang a solo. The basement of the United Church was well filled, Tuesday evening when the members of the W.M.S. entertained members of the Afternoon and Evening Auxiliaries, Newcastle, and also inembers from Shiloh and Kendal. The guest speaker was Miss Luella Rorke, Welcome, who has served on mission fields in Japan and Trinidad. She spoke on Trin- idad, which is 10 degrees north of the equator and has a temperature of 84 degrees the year round. She showed pictures of the sugar plantations, oil refineries, differ- ent kinds of trees and the cocoa plant which must be more or less shaded by large trees. The latter were in bloom and looked very beautiful. The population is a mixture of negroes, Chinese and East Indians. Our church opened schools there and succeeded in educating the girls as well as the boys, although there was a great deal of opposition at first. Mrs. Waite, Newcastle, rendered a lovely solo. At the close a boun- tiful lunch was served. Orono News Mrs. F. Jackson has returned to Kendal after visiting Mrs. Howard Walsh . Miss Patricia Yeo, nurse-in- training at Oshawa Genéral Hos- pital, has been on three weeks' vacation at her home, Antioch. Orono citizens in large numbers attended Oshawa Fair and Lind- say Fair last week. September is becoming a very popular month for weddings. Con- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ell- wood James Gray (nee Kathleen Simpson); Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hancock (nee Ruth E. Goodman, Oshawa); Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross Brough (nee Olga Shewchuk), and Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moffat (nee Bernice H. Andrews). Mr. J. J. Mellor spent Monday in Toronto attending an organiz- ers' meeting in connection with the 9th Victory Loan. Mr. Harold Hooey is at home again, much improved in health, after spending some time in To- ronto General Hospital. Misses Audrey Billings and June Goode left this week to take a dental nurse's course in On- tario Dental College, Toronto. Mrs. Fagan has resigned her position in the Bank of Commerce and Miss Agnes Waddell has tak- en her place. Mr. Al. Hall bought a barn re- cently, tore it down and moved it to his property near the saw mill. A very pleasant evening was spent by members of the Orono Horticultural Society, Tuesday of last week, when a corn roast was held at the farm of Mr. M. H. Staples. Mrs. Newton Cobbledick under- went an operation at Oshawa Hospital but is now able to be at her home again. A dance was held in the Town Hall under the auspices of the I.O.O.F. Merrian's orchestra pro- vided the music and although the crowd was not as large as usual a ond and the Reserve Award on Elderslie Fayne Marcella, the winning junior heifer. J. H. Jase and Sans, Newcastle,also won the first and two seconds. The judge was Prof. A. D. Run- ions, O.A.C., Guelph, who also judged last year. He stated: "This year's show is not only larger than 1944 but is considerably im- proved in quality". Fourteen ex- hibitors were on band with a total of 103 head. Tyrone Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ed- wards and Mary, Oshawa, Miss Marion Hamm, Bowmanville, Mrs. Jry HenrMs. m HenrB, ark .~elville Grill in and Doris, Black- stock, with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. caught the operator of the ma- Byam. . . Mrs. Fred Bignell, To- chine, and standing beside the ronto, spent the week-end with machine is Freddie "Pa" Luxton, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis. . - SMiss Vivian Rowen spent the who is a very active helper mn theweek-end with Miss Dorothy worthwhile community project. Wright. . . Mrs. Fred Partner vis- ited with friends in Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pickell and very enjoyable evening was spent. little son, Ebenezer, with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. McGinnis was brides- Mrs. Lorne Annis. . . Mrs. Otto rnaid for her sister, Miss Willena Virtue is visiting with relatives Campbell McClinton of Toronto, in Peck, Mich. . . Mr. and Mrs. who was married in Knox College Harry Hatherly, L a r r y and Chapel to Rev. Ian Peter Mac- Wayne, Dixie, Mrs. Tepple, Ham- Severn, Winnipeg. Dr. William ilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boyd was groomsman and the Hatherly. . . Glad to see Mrs. ushers were Mr. Leighton G. Mc- Laura Virtue is able to be outv Ginnis and Rev. H. Caslor. again. . . Mrs. Walter Park visit-r Chas. Walker of the R.C.A.F., ed her husband, Pte. Walter Park,r is being greeted by his many at Christie St. Hospital on Mon-1 friends on bisareturn frowmtover- day... Mrs. George Scott and Mrs. seas. He is at present with bis M. Taylor, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. wife and daughter at Mr. C. V. Carl Hall and Marilyn and Mrs. Cooper's, 6th Line. Macdonald, Bowmanville, with Mr. Wm. Neal, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Goodman... his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Arm- Mrs. R. Hatherly spent the week- strong. end at her home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Glenn Tamblyn, Toronto, Don Cameron, Bowmanville, with with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamb- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richards. lyn. A well known citizen of this Pte. Kenneth Green at his home. village, Mr. T. H. Richards, passed Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, at away last Friday evening at Bow- her home. manville Hospital. Mr. Richards Miss Mary Sisson, R.N., To- had been Road Superintendent for ronto, with Mr. Fred Sisson. * Darlington Township for a great Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen, Mr. many years and will be greatly and Mrs. Gordon Leamen, Henry missed. The funeral on Monday and Paul with relatives at Oak- afternoon was largely attended by ville. sorrowing relatives and riends. Mrs. Towns and two sons, Co- Interment was in Bowmanville bourg, with her parents, Mr. and Cemetery. Sincere sympathy is Mrs. Wm. Stainton. extended to Mrs. Richards and Mr. P. Armstrong, Cornwall, her family. with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Arm- strong. ATTENTION-GIRL GUIDES Mrs. M. H. Staples in Toronto. AND BROWNIES Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Tyrrell with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rosborough, Girl Guide meetings will be re- Niagara Falls. sumed next week in the High Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hay and School Gymnasium from 7 to 9 children, Toronto, with Mr. and p.m. lst Company under the lead- Mrs. R. E. Logan. ership of Captain Eileen Couch, will meet Mhonday night and the 2nd Company in charge of Cap- LOCAL DAIRYMEN WIN E tain Louise Sellers on Tuesday AT LINDSAY FAIR night, and it is most important that all Guides be present so that Keen competition in the Hol- our plans for the fall and winter stein classes was a feature at this season may be made. years Fair at Lindsay and in the All girls 10 years and over are final placements, two Durham eligible and welcome as new County breeders won important members. Many good times are prizes among some of the best 'enjoyed as well as interesting sub- shown herds of Ontario. jects covered. Archie Muir.and Sons, Court- First meeting of Brownies was ice, took four firsts and one sec- held last Friday in the Publie MEASURED Change of Business James finfantine wishes to annomec that lie has sold his busiiess, known as Infantne's Fruit Store to M4cFeters Dros. AND NOW JOINS WITH PHILIP CANCILLA AS A PARTNERSHIP Infantine and Cancilla IN OPERATING MARTYN'S BOWLING ALLEYS After 32 years in the fruit business, Mr. Infantine wishes to thank the public for their long pat- ronage, and bespeaks the same for his successors. Both businesses are now open to the public School gymnasium from 4 to 5:30 would welcome girls between the with 36 Brownies present. As a age of 7 and 10 at our meetings. number of the Brownies have Leaders Audrey Venton and Aud- reached the age of 10, they will rey Grant desire regular attend- be moving up into Guides and we ance every Friday afternoon. Bowmanville Needs A New Hospital Vote FOR The By - Law W. LEN ELLIOTT IN DOLLARS A NEW, LARGER, HOSPITAL WITH MODERN, IMPROVED APPLIANCES IS URGENTLY NEEDED IN BOWMANVILLE WE URGE EVERY PUBLIC SPIRITED RATEPAYER TO GET OUT AND Vote By a The a ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 READ WHAT OUR LOCAL AND DISTRICT MEDICAL MEN HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THE NEED FOR A NEW HOSPITAL, HELP THEM TO SAVE LIVES BY VOTING "YES" ON THE 24th PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES McGREGOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER Can the Lives of BOWMANVILLE CITIZENS BE For --b- !22=5 PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, SEPT.- 20th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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