rHURSDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1945 MEMORIAL PARK AS IT *LOOKS T Bowmanvilie Memorial Park i n of praperty in Bawmanville. the process of being levelled. the levelling bas been camp] 'Formerly this land was considered and the grass seed is naw up.( .gotbjng better than a frog pond. 500 more trees will be plante Today it is anc of the finest pieces the course of the next few we You'll enjoy our Orange Pekoe Blend TrEA J L00K 1 NMew High Prices for Live Poultuy Until further notice we are paylng the following prices for LIVE POULTRY delivered to our plant in Whitby: Top Grade Heavy Fowl-------------------------------- - 23e lb Top Grade Light Fowl, 4 to, 5 lbs------c----lbeM Top Grade Light Fowl, under 4 lbs. -------------- 19c lb. Top Grade Broilers, 2 to 3 lbs.---------------- -- -- -- -- 28c lb.-ý Top-Grade Roasting Chickens, over 4% I bs- ----- ------28e lb. Top Grade Roasting Chickens, under 4V2 lbs.------------- 26e lb. Top Grade Heavy Capons, ovee 5 lbs ------ ----------- 30c lb. PICKERING FARMS, LTD.* WHMTY ONTARIO Telophone - lVhitby 336 ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 589 WE PRESENT ANOTHER WEEK 0F HITS THURSDAY and FRIDAY - SEPT. 27-28 11ETWEEN TWO WOMEN with Vanx Johnson, Lionel Barrymore, Gloria DeHaven. You'Il love thls latest of "Dr. Gillespie 'Pictures"' ADDED SHORTS Technicolor Musical, Bonnie Lassie, Screen Snapshots, and Cartoon SATURDAY ONLY - SEPT. 29 "BLONDIE GOES TO COLLEGE" -Second Smash Hit- "SING ME A SONG 0F TEXAS" Mon., Tues., Wed., Oct 1-3 Avoid Expensiv 0 conserve your presene euip- ment.Ara OUFerwl e_ý, M siallyandviibly cean, saezptrduces oyer- haula, diai iengthening the ,if.of the motor. Insahi Pram and Set more service £rom your traccor or atonary engine. Write for descriptive,foider go - J. C. ADAMS COMPANY LEMITID lis 010101ST., TORONJTO, MN. e Repair O I IT R on Iu CA TUC BS TA, *. THE CANADIM( STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO FzAJr. JNI±NE flfl A 1 Al leted Over d in eeks. r h Championship Vietory Gardeni Helps Feed Fatnily of 18 and the twa -- a boy of 10 and a girl of 12 - grew steadily warse ZoneCoi. Thead oldand the ather tbree became ill AddrssesLoclLeionfirst two were dead by the time AddrssesLoc l Le ionhe arrived. He found diphtheria was the cause and that the other Frank Threadgoid of Whitby, The speaker further commended tbree alsa had the disease. In less Zone Commander of District 23, the recent formation of a Ladies' than a week they were dead, taa. Canadian Legian, paid an officiai Auxiliary of Bowmanviiie Legion Toxoid wouid have prevented visit ta Bawmanville Legion at in terms that drew great applause. diphtberia fram baving bit that their mantbly meeting, Wednes- Generai business inciuded a bappy family -- the way it can day evening, in St. John's Parisb summary of the enquiries of the prevent a similar tragedy from Hall. After taking part in tbe committee appainted ta canvass striking at any number of Can- initiation of six new members, prospects for acquiring land and adian homes where the cbildren five of wbom were veterans of plans for a new building. Wbile have nat been immunized against World War II, he was intraduced notbing definite bas sbaped up the the disease. ta the gatbering by vice chairman members bad an encouraging in- The abject of this stary is ta M. Breslin, acting in tbe absence terview witb Mayor C. G. Morris, draw attention ta National Im- of President Bill Watson. and tbe matter wiii be pursued munization Week, spansored by Comrade Threadgoid in a pow- for a furtber report at tbe next the Healtb League of Canada in e r f u i address of constructive meeting. The net balance on co-operation with beaitb depart- nature, brought greetings from hand, following the carnival, was ments, whicb is beîng abserved other Legions in-the zone and par- reported by Treasurer Alex Lyle Sept. 30 ta Oct. 6. ticularly froro tbe Wbitby brancb as $4370.68. The Health League seeks ta in whicb for years be has been an Twelve new applications far prevent illness tbrougb preven- outstanding force. Since the Bow- membersbip were received and tion and toxaid will prevent dipb- manville Legian is planning te approved, largeiy from veterans theria. Alsa, there are immuniz- erect a new Legion bail, mucb of lately released from active ser- ing agents for the prevention of the address bad ta da witb the v ic e. Cansiderable discussion other communicable diseases sucb problems met witb in building the centred about expanding director- as wbaaping caugh and scarlet fine new Wbitby Legion club ate and cammittees, iargely be- fever. Also, vaccination must be roams. Tbe stary was one of in- cause many wark on factory kept up if smalipax is ta remain spiration for local members. shifts and quorums are nat easily wbere it is -- eliminated. In striking terms the speaker assembled. The idea was con- pictured the Canadian Legion as sidered necessary ta cape with a vital farce in national affairs the many plans and projects cam- BILL BAGNELL AGAIN STARS that bas earned the respect and ing up and as a spark ta, revived IN TRACK AND FIELD MEET confidence of the Canadian pub- and continued interest in Legion ____ lic. It was this sentiment that affairs. It was decided ta pro- At tbe Sbamrock A thbie ti c cbaracterized Wbitby people, ceed in this by way of enabling Club's second Track and Field when in a bouse ta bouse canvass, alas n wbicb a committee Me eda lxnr ak tbey cantributed $5000 in aid af will repart at next. meeting. Osbawa, an aturlxdr a.1, the building fund of the Legion. Winton (Bill) Bagneil, R.C.A.F., Starting with only $2000 an band IF THE MOTHER HADOLY appeared ta be the sale represent- and this cammunity boost, funds KNOWN ABOUT TOXI ative fram Bawmanville. He rolled in witb bingaes and street maintained bis reputatian as a fairs until the project was accom- Here is a short stary -- a case star athiete by featuring in tbree plished. Naw tbey are planning bistary if yau want ta call it that firsts and two seconds. an extension ta the new, modemn -- cancerning a once-happy famiiy Bill taok first in the running building, tbanks ta tbe generosity that was struck by a disease, a broad jump witb a mark of of a citizen who willed another naw prevenýable disease. 19' il". He captured tbe bop- $5000 to the brancb. It is a truc story of a famnily step-and-jump at 37' 93/". Rua- Comrade Tbreadgold stressed tragedy before the advent of tox- ning as anchor man witb the that the job can be donc in Bow- oid wbicb prevents diphtberia. Sbamrack AC in the 440 yards rc- manville. Ail tbat is needed is It couid bave bappened ta any lay yielded another first in 51 4-5 faitb, courage and leadership and family and it cauid bappen today seconds. He came second in the confidence in the public. He ex- ta any family in wbîcb the cbild- shot put wbicb was won at tended an invitation ta Bowman- ren bave nat been given Loxoid 42' 6" and second in tbe 100 ville members ta the first of sev- pratectian against that dread kil- yards in a close finish at 10 2-5. eral Zone rallies that are planncd. 1er -- dipbtberia. Tbree weeks aga he came first Wbîthy brancb will entertain witb Tbe story concerns a farm fam- in ail tbree events in wbicb be a splendid program and get-ta- i1W which lived in a somewbat gether on the 3rd Friday la Octo- isalated district. There were five 'ber. Tbe next is planned at Bow- bappy cbildrea and the parents manville for the lst week in De- warked bard ta pravide for their f cember. The idea is gcnerally ta lidile ones. In ail, it was a bappy piA5 W M weîcome veterans now returning family group. Çf r f 7 and ta get widely acquainted in Suddenly, two of tbe cbildren L . . . . . . an expandiag Legion membersbip. developed sare tbroats. The ma- __________________ther, not knowing tbey bad some- lERN DOU tbing other tbaa common calds SURVEY SHOWS NEED witb sare glands, tteated them as SPARE ROOM, GOOD FOR ECRETI CENRES m ast mathers wauid do in an out FORRECEAIONCENRE tbe way place wbere doc tors NAN! HEAVENS I The desire for commuaity cen- arc seldom scen, except in cases --' tres ih igb among youag people of severe illness. W TFR tbroughout Canada -- ddnohroeefetiehbwvest<, amaag those wha live o a m i o rv fetvhwvr and in small towns - according ta surveys made by the Canadian________________ Over 50 % of ail Canadian yauth live an farms or in smali towns and are faced with hardships pe- culiar ta rural life in Canada - the greatest of these being loneliness and isolation. Almast 44% of rural young people belang ta no group or club which can give tbemn op- partunities ta meet ather yaung people. For the remaining 56</4,, the church is the oniy institution which provides contacts. The report on recreatian of the Youth Commission stresses the need for recreatianal arganizers in rural communities - individuals with time and skill ta get rural yaung people tagether in leisure- time groups of different types - meeting in homes, schaals, or out- doors. Community centres would serve as a focus for recreational activities of ail age groups. Most cammunity councils or- ganized at the local level need en-, cauragement, guidance and finan- cial aid from bath provincial and federal governmeuts, says the Youtb Commission report. Business Directouy Legal W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreai goney ta Loan - Phone 791 Bownxanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON,' B.A.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 91/ King St. E. Bowmanville - - Ontario Phones: Office 825 - House 409 2-tf MISS APHA 1.. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor ta M. G. V. GOULD 'remperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT "Issstant: Dr. E. W. Sisson J;raduate of Royal Dental Coi ,ege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubile< 3ldg., Bowmanville. Office houré 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, - 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Tj P-hone *790 - House phone 325 trut X-Ray Equipment in Office Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing took part. The Shamrock Club is endeavoring ta revive track and field sports now that the war is over and it is hoped other Bow- manville athletes wiil turn out next season and follow Biil's example. Mllk, Cream, Butter and eggs delivered. FRESH EGGS AI Grade Large size, order them now Bowmanville Dairy Phono 446 or 703 PORT HOPE FAI R SEPTe 28 & 29 HORSE RACES SOFTBALL, BOXING BOUTS PONY RIDES, MERRY-GO-ROUND HON. T. L. KENNEDY Minister of Agriculture WILL UNVEIL CENTENARY PYLON Dancing at Town Hall ADMISSION TO GROUNDS - 35e There is no fit search after begin to liye the truth which it ith which does flot, first of aill knows.-Horace Bushnell. Resumption~ of Services DO WMAN VILLE TO BROCK VILLE, PRESCOTT, CORNWALL, OTTAWA, MONTREAL Effective Sept. 19, 1945 Effective on the date above, passengers may travel by motorcoach between Bowmanvilie and the points men- tioned, provided thefr destination is EAT of Gananoque. 2 SERVICES DAILY leaving Bowxnanville at 9.56 a.m., and 9.26 p.m. For additional information about services and rates, please cali 2666 Garton's Bus L'tue King St. West Bowmanville WEff TRUTriff 07 ,y T /ç I f., Ba7t Simp..I Bo 7À r i e10/ I . 1 PA(,-P. MTJv- E