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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1945, p. 4

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, ~ ¶' ~eeNf5iV ~.'~4'*'~ -- f O4L iB F- i ! % motinanil ondyC. Lnie on t tender o! E$150. SmpOn _________ received. wibhvcenRob Your Rest lb. owmflVlleFounry o, imoi on t tender Ein 15.Simpon oThese large classes arc creating Many pople never *.em to lot a gond Bowmanville, Ontario was acceptcd. Communication rbesfrD.Citeanhs was rcad froin T. R. McEwen, stpaffbn l a s renstie nderbisghtl.,,.st. They tutti and tos-lie awake 4mvIi to Public Scbool Inspector, calling stf,1 n lasaeao nder dcotnt aheep. Olten tisey Mineam.en Oshayv a unu.y Apply toframeigo h rseso a oiran out the difficulties a!of ."wiseu it may be their kidneyL Dr fanah e Sh ectin n teTrste f/4 /pnoviding sufficient classnaom and Hdtaki i s uio liter poisons from thse CO. LIMI NATINALEMPOYM NT ERVCE cbol Aea n 146,andthelaboratory space. A faily lange blood. if tiscy are fauity and la, poisons Townsbi Counci ta hea the neC J B Cbuilding erected by the R.C.A.F. atsyithesytem and aIeeple8sesij- O C N M Twsi oni ohath ecJBcand used as a rifle range bas been aedi. haieOlten foliow.If'u donti Send your cleaning wltb orlanh Oshawai, Ontario part of the Official Refence, ap lo an youn dial turncd aven ta, the Callege, and lnp ei, y Dodd'a idneYPiafo poitedby he inste ofEdua-it is now being remodelled ta pro- hall a century thse favorite reinedy. 103 PHONE -41 File 2391I tian, ta value, adjust and deten- CHEXvd diinl'lsron n yP I 36V! mine in an equitable manner, aillaCH Xvieadtoianaslcl as osfo r nd odd'sKidn rights a! the various school sec- 1430 on your dial thebateonesyas eas ofies o flflyrEu tions fonming the school area. ________________teBceilg eatct 1 PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVZLLE ONIVARIOTHIJA, w .au GARNET RICKARD MEMBER SEED MARKETING COMMITTEE Garnet B. Rickard, Shaw's, President, Ontario Crop Improve- ment Association> and President, Durham County Federation of Agriculture, has been appointed a member of the newly formed On- )i CANADAS FUTURE IN BACON Bacon shipments can be levelled tario Seed Marketing Committee. By W P.Watsn, ssisantout from month to month by pro- Setting up of this committee is By . P Wasof, Asisantper organization of cold storage described as one of the most im- Director, Livestock Brauch, On- facilities, but that will flot solve portant steps ever undertaken by tarlo Departmnent of Agricul- the problem of fluctuations in the Association. tur, Trono.production from year to year. For The Committee has broad ob- . Ut Fav u(NOTE-This is the fourth in are now in prospect largely be- of accurate and reliable informa- its civo r aseries of comments by well- cause grain can be sald at profit- tion concerning yields and qualitY Ony Mee tais pocked by known authorities, written able prices, a situation that is o! seed, possible annual demand O"lp«f' h Dcly' is expressly for the Weekly likely to continue until Europe's and sources of supply and placing DIys. Thot$ WhyDls.rs f nai. immediate needs are met. If hog the whole seed marketing buEiness dellcious. Next time YOU $hp, PrssofOnaro. producers reduce their production on a sounder basis. It is a for- asic your grocor le Dlvs T... uigteps ieyaste eas fti eprr cni-wrps-a oet eieÏ production possibilities of Can- tion they are simply paving a and expand better agricultural 4 £ada's vast agricultural resources route over which other countries production. have been amply demonstrated to can enter the British market. Once the whole world. In response ta that market is lost, Canada's only a universal demand for food, f arm hop5e of regaining it is by under-A 00,production in this Dominion has selling her competitors, a practice DURHAM COUNTY CROP increased ta the point where 40 which sharply cuts the profit in REPORT per gras ouLpL m.. production in tLis 5country. be reoftearoadiorderutams Hogs must become a stable crop In the latest report issued by the BUT ma t abstal indusr to on those farms equipped ta pro- Ontario Department of Agricul- has added materially to the na- will find themselves in the same £rom local Agricultural Repre- j~~ ioa income, hence it is desir- position as before *the war. It sentatives, the farmi situation in able that it be maintained. Main- should always be remembered Durham County is given as fol- ____________taining it means finding markets that aur competitors will disci- lows: for that product which is nat re- pline themselves severely in order "Ail harvesting including sec- quired in Canada. Tee slttlt achieve their objectives. Per- ond-cut hay has been practically e need for apprehension regarding haps we should pursue a more completed. Second cut hay has MAGaur abilityotadfind markets while steadfast course now, lest i!i- been a heavy crop. Yields of 1 % c edesiinse Y4Pou ndgieCake Europe lies prostrate and desti- ference or fear of over-production grain, especially earlier sw c.sotnn drtute. After that unhappy con- cost us the market. fields have been much better than 51 c. honey Ytep. sait tinent has experienced a few nor- Inloigtth future it ap- anticipated. Qat yields between malcrophortenlfnagriultr n 6 oakins o ttaacther eggs, weii beaten e4 tep. vanillae tractmacrsCnda agiute pears obviaus that hog production 50 and 6 uhl atear r 2c. sifted aiurpa 4tP ennetfC may again be confronted with the mst occupy an important positio quite common. Corn bas came four ~~~~difficuit probîem !cpn ih nCnda amsi amicm along well in past weeks but is Rinse raisins. drain; dry on towei-cut fine with surpîuses. o oigwt is ta be maintained at a high level. considerably below average."~ scissors. Work ehorteninhi with spoon until fluffy and cram; rauaiyad hnewhile continuing ta In a well-planned economny at- Governments realize the necessity According ta general reports it work with a spoon. Add beaten eggs. and biend. tentian should be facused on those o nrae rdhnewl appears that the potato crop will Graduaiiy stir In sifted dry ingredients; beat witha praducts which have a special strive ta obtain satisfactory mar- edsponig the apple crop spoon until smooth. Add extraCts, raisins; sUt ptkes d sappoîntmgon an bien. Bae lugreeed, lghiy foure 9" 5" 3"adaptian'ta Canadian conditions.kt hog eaitasadb rank.Ba lagh n thelist ! t.rde areemets. Tese"mrke5 is away dawn and tomrato crops pna 0Ffo2 or.Hogs rn ihi h ito pro- rdagemnsThemrkt are not ripening successfully. Due MADE IN CANADA ducts that have a:nbenationalwhenr:ducersto recent rain however, fall plow-..... Theyfor an nteral artrealize their responsibility and act of00,000 otio am.sen a high-quality product at a 10w îng been retarded by extremely .~> ~ ......,. farmers who stili retain unhappycatilheptscueCna'drcoiin. _______________________________________ memories of the early 1930's andpoion Beaso! erstt the uncertainties associated with efforts ta regain markets on the a ae-copsysem ! armng repart of aur competitors Canadian CANADIAN FEDERATION 0F notlielytafosak hg podc-producers may have ta struggle AGRICULTURE ON tian entirely in the days ta came. along with a lawer margîn of MEAT RATIONING If there is any menit in the olci profit. Any slackening o! effort ________i: maxim "one good turn deservesonarptwilrve da- Criticism o! some features of the 4ýc~ another," Canada' oiini h tageous ta them. Reserves built present meat rationing programi Britishbao maktsudbeuno trugthpucseo by livestock producers acrass scre. When the Baltic countnie Victory Bonds will make the Canada cannat be taken ta mndi- were invaded Canadian farmrstgge airan prvd th cate opposition ta Canada doing met the challenge by producing medium for holding the market; a her share o! the task o! feeding hogs in sufficient numbers ta market that must be held if Can- the hungry peaples o! Europe, campensate for a large portion of adian farmers are ta enjoy a highnropsiontanmetain the deficit sa created. For this cs noe ing plan that will help ta do that ple o! Britain are eternally grate- o! the Canadian Federation o! fui. Nevertheless they cannat be IMIPROVED WOOL CLIP Agriculture, in a statement issued expected ta continue purchasing in Ottawa, Friday, on the farm- large quantities o! aur bacon un- According ta the first reports, er'atiuet the present meat les i isasgoad as the product the 1945 domestic clips o! Western rationing plan. o ne y ad d sttt available elsewhere. MoreavrtCadaso amredirve "Farm people realize just as niust beshpped ta that market ment over 1944 in thepraatnfulasnythrgop!ctim Mii regular quantities and not sea - of individual fleeces, states the zens" said Mr. Hannam, "that L 5 D,*U * sonally as in the past. Current Review a! Agricultural aaaian dfntersoni UwUU MVIII lands e.e. Canada lost the British market Conditions in Canada. The Bright bîlity ta aid in the food programitistruhu h after the lastwabeasbegrdscm mstyfmBnis for the liberated countries o!f 1In war-totfl counreshogoute bacon was inferiar ta that sup- Columbia and Manitoba where Erpadte r ut ed olcutestosnso ae n plied by most competitors. Vast more favorable conditions o!fEopae nd teay ariqucesray. rhat.tls hasns fdze n improvement bas been made in moisture played a major role Te anssaryfcriices. o h ettt epeaetdywtota the last ten yeaars but the aver-, Saskatchewan and Alberta do:- Tebsso rtcs !te dsiuepoleaetdywtotae J'a >( ab age quality is stili lower than pre- mestic wools appear ta run mare present plan by livestock produc- quate clothing, blankets or lbotwear. Dur- e war Danish. Qualjity may be im- ta the semi-Brigbt grades be- ers is the fear that, with the ing six horror-filled years of war, the .* e togetbe praved througb the. use of better cause o! greater earth centanccttepoultin tit hghs breeding stock, feeding properly cansequent lower yield. However, point in history, the capacity o!foh anterbckUaebenwr bed .1 balanced rations and marketing after scouring the actual fibre is packing bouses and the e!ficiency to pitifiil shreds. 0tb1 nlzà hags at the most desirable weight. comparable witb the Bright fibre. o! the export machînery o! the de iaswiiesa GUVE THE HILDREN ULK WITHA number o! Canadian farmers Eastern domesticwos will country is not such as ta do theTh neds urgent - bitter winer b1a1j2, aaifoý P i are consistently marketing hogs probably grade better than in job that needs ta be done, witbout weteisahndAdteasert EVERY MEAL grading aver 70 per cent A's, as a 1944, with a somewhat lighter serlous lasses ta the producers. . eeri a an.Ad h asert tead rn co ru result o! strict observance o! these shrinkage, says the Review. "Tbrough strenuous and f aith- the need lies largely ini the clothes dlosets ioUni u y. Your children need ail the energy and principles. Others wauld do well The total weight o! fleece wool ful wartime effort,' the livestock and attics of Canada-aniang the service- Of the oîj.r teo ta copy their metbods. graded in registered waal ware- men bave built up the livestock olci vitality they can get and they get If Canada lases the British mar- bouses in 1944 amounts ta 10,- industry ta an all-time higb. Now, able discarded wearing apparel that hangs O2 OCtober 1.tjCrOag ket a second time, cantinuity o! 553,243 lbs., an increase o! 167,641 witb mare bee! cattle than ever there, idie and unused.S plenty from wholesome GLEN RAE spl will be a vital factor. lbs. aver 1943. before, they see evîdence that this po ytc Dar ýlk This fine produet abounds new program~ is almast certain ta ILook over your faily's wardrobe- teeloaton 1Iupl Through its newly established cangest livestock yards and plants. wt vt in elhu qualities. It 's testcd for ..~ g o n i office in Australia, the National Thcy have the very definite fear g'ou>l Pick out every garment yau can pas- en aur tCI0tbiiý TowaslLp C unui Film Board bas arranged for that the markets cannat be kept sibly spare -overcoats, suits and dreessees,.~ l2 punity, toa Make it habituai to have a .phatographers and cameramen ta clear and the prices held stable. undewea, sweaters and work clothes ... good bi pitherof GEN AE Diryfollow events in Japan and get a They feel also that if the U.S. golkonb theaf GLeEr A E air DARLINGTON COUNCIL film story o! developments in the market for live catte were open anything in usable condition ... anything Mika tetbe teey elIPaciic for showing in Canada. ta tbcm as formerly, it would pro- out of date, ot of fashion. 7 w thse otncdecido te ta advcr- against the tbîngs they fear. There are 125,000,000 men, wamen and isefrane for the onsiabitn- 0 Bitter experience," said Mr. littie children in Europe alane who need ders ta be in the Clcrk's hands by anm hstutteprdc Octoben lst, at anc o'clock. The ers on previaus occasions, that it your help-now! WiIl yau do your share? Local Board o! Health was dis- is tbey wbo take the rap wben the solved. Council passed a resolu- marketing machinery fails down. tian granting permission ta a In the present situation, tbey see Where clothes wiII b. sent.. committee o! the Women's Insti-\ all the elements that bave caused IOMCNACCOSOAADNARFACEGSc tute ta present their petitian ta g- them grief and lass in the past. BLUMOCHINA111 NHERLANN NORAY POLAORSI YKSAI the Ontario Hydra Commission, "If prices faîl in the face o! per- asking for street lighting in the haps the greatcst demand for meat_______________________ 00W- have ever _______________the___________________________________ village o! Hampton:. The f ,.o. ebdtelvsok ____________________________________________ ing bills ere paid:Dr. C. J ,,........prcr will be very indignant **£

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