THURSDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1945 -I- - - - - - - - -. i Have oundles rcaciy at the~ curb. Mrs. Harry Hosbock, (nec Leila Gale) and twin daughters, Jean Th and Alice, Detroit, Mich., Mrs. T James Gale and Mr. and MIrs.1 Harold Earle, Toronto, werel guests of Mis. T. S. Holgate and AN APPR ECIATION To the Voters Who Supported Hospital By-Law, Sept. 24th: The grateful thanks of mayor and council are extended. You have a Memorial that will serve the 111e of the whole cern- munity. Let us dedicate the Memorial Hos- pital to our valiant dead. Let its service be dedicated to the living anxd to the promise of the future. 0 . M R I , M y r THE MEMBERS 0F THE BOWMANvILLE HOSPITAL BOARD WISH.TO EXPRESS THEIR THANKS TO THE TOWN COUNCIL: For their hearty approval of the Board's building programn and their prompt action in putting It to a vote. TO THE RATEPAYERS: 0f the Town of Bowmanviiie for their overwhelmmng endorsation of the Board's plans for the erection of an up-to-date "MEMORIAL HOSPITAL". TO THE DOCTORS AND SUPERINTENDENT 0F NURSES: For the concise way i which they presented the facts to the votlng publie. TO THE MERCHANTS:. For the boost presented in their advertislng space. TO THE PUBLICITY COMMITTEE: Under the chalrmanshlp of Ueo. W. James, for their able work ln planning and cariyiug out a comprehensive cam- pailgn.1 AND TO ALL OTHERS: Who asslsted in securlng a favorablei By-Law. DR. W. TENNANT, Chairman. * It is shock-resisting, moisture - proof, air- tight, non-magnetie, b eautifully designed * 1 give accurate timing. Has luminous dial witli sweep second hand. vote for the Hospital S. R. JAMES, Secretary-Treasurer. Marr's Jewellery 1VMr. C. B. Kent.-- -"1 Mrs. J. C. Beare, Locust Hill, - Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Haddy, visîted Mrs. Austin Wood, Shaw's. Mrs. F. A. Haddy and Miss Agnes -~Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Asher Haddy, Toronto, were in town on Ajax, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis aturday, calling on relatives. Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johns, Win- Mr. A. A. Locke, Highgate, is nipeg, Man., are visiting Mr. and guest of his old friend, Mr. T. H. Mrs. Charles Johns, Mrs. L. Pas- Lockhart. coe and other relatives here. Miss Bertha Doncaster, Toronto, Mrs. Floyd Dudley has been ap- is visiting her frîend, Mrs F. If pointed Librarian of Bowmanvillei Morris, Becch Ave. Public Library to fili the varancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard H. Argue. spent the week-end with their niece, Mrs. E. Hockridge, Toronto.. Mr. G. A. Corden is visiting hist sster, Mrs. Mallett, MeAuley,1 Dr. Dorothy M. James, Toronto, s'an. and other relatives at Car- spent the week-end with hier man, Man. Hle flew by plane from mother, Mrs. N. S. B. James. Toronto. Misses Neli Burk, Orillia, and CpF.TSertRAarid ilBurk, Toronto, were guests c rmovreso teSyh b %their mother, Mrs. T. S. Hol- j ak ro ereand n heScth andîalat eeead s stayîng witht Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery, a Mrs. Sam Beacock, To- Maple Grove. ronto, have been visiting Mr. and Cp.Mra icel eet C. Frs.A.W Pcar dMr. ly returned from overseas, and9 C. Feruson.his mother, Mrs. R. M. Mitchell, Mrs. Rupert Hamblyn, Ottawa, Belleville, were guests of lherC is visiting for a few days'with Mr. father, Mr. John Lyle. Mr. and Mis. F. R. Kerslake, Con- D.L .WlîmTrno a cesin intercsted visitor at Orono FairC Dr. and Mrs. M. J. RudelI, and with his usual booster en- Guelph, spent the week-end with thusiasm was busy taking pictures Capt. and Mrs. W. M. Rudeli and of crowds and exhibits. Dr. J. C. Devitt. Ms ayCrcde h a Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk been living in this district for visited the formcr's aunt, Mrs. T. several months is lcaving thise H. Knight, bef65re leaving for their week to visit ber sons at Arborg, 1 home in Winnipeg. Man., and at Fancomb, Sask. 91 Mr. and Mrs. John Penfound Do not forget Reeve Sid Little's and two sons, Toronto, visited drive for waste paper and rags. relatives in the district last week Collection will take place the ev- and took in Orono Fair. ening of Oct. 5, commcncing at 1 te Newcastle Independen Phone: Clarke 3314 P a 0 n c c n n c d p CI ir m vi rt di al e, 1; te g( District Soldiers Decorated For Gallantry In Action The lists of those soldiers from Durham County wbo have served with distinction in the European theatre bave steadily grown dur- ing the course of the war and in tirne it is hoped that a complete roster may be published. The latest list of awards bas just corne to the attention of The Statesman in an officiai military notice cm- bracing some 600 Canadians. Among these are two Clarke Township soldiers and the officiai citation states: "Awards of men- tions in despatches in recognition of gallant and distinguished ser- vice announced by Ris Mai esty the King and included in the dcc- oration ceremonies are: Lieut. R. V. E. Pbasey, Orono.i T p r. (acting Corp.) Robert Alexander Gray, Newcastle. Accompanying these officiai but1 brief mentions there are no cita-( tions 0f the actions in wbich the1 awards were won. These will corne later. Meantime there will be public acclaim tbroughout thet country.over these further bonorst won in battle by native sons. èj ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer, Orono, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Greta Marie, to Harold Sidney Luxton, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Luxton, Bowrnanviile. The marriage will take place early in November. 39-1-1 Mrs. C. R. Burgess wishes to an- nounce the engagement of ber youngest daugbter, Reta Eileen, to Mr. Norman Broome, youngest son of Mr. D. T. Broome and the late Mrs. Broome of Rampton. The wedding is to take place in Trin- ity United Cburch, Bowrnanville, Saturday, October 6, at 2:30 p.rn. 39-lt Dr. and Mrs M. J. A. James, Chiao 1. are guests of her brother, Mr. H. B. Foster, and Mrs. Foster, Rorsey St. They called here owing to the passing of Mrs. James' mother, Mrs. John Foster, who died Sept. 23, in her 96th ycar. Mrs. W. L. Rowe has been visit- ing her sisters, Mrs. W. R. Denscmn and Mrs. M. Rumphries. Her son, Brenton Rowe, R.C.N.V.R., has sailed for Europe to tour the con- tinent with "The Canadian Navy Play". A moving picture of the Play will be inade in England. Frîends of Mrs. Evelyn Tullock, lately Miss Evelyn Harnden, gath- ered at the home of Mrs. McMann, King St., Friday evening and gave the bride a miscellaneous shower. The fourteen girls present enjoyed lunch and entertainment and of- fered congratulations with their gifts. Mr. W. R. Strike and Editor Geo. W. James were in Oshawa, Monday evening, attending the dinner at Rotel Genosha, given by Oshawa Chamber of Commerce in honor of Mr. Wmn. H. Moore, who was Member of Parliament for Ontario County in the House of Commons from. 1930 to 1945. Tbree Jilîs in a jeep visited the ex-German prison camp, former- [y the Boys Training School and gave a pictorial view of it in the T'oronto Star, Monday. But they failed to tell the essential story of why Ottawa delays in turning back to provincial autbority these premises now falling into wrack and ruin. Miss Lillianne Nayor, daugbteri of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Naylor, Bow- manville, was a member of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene I Choir, Toronto, which gave two1 recitals Monday and Tuesday eve-1 rîing at the Town Hall, New York City. The choir was under the1 direction 0f Dr. Realey Willan. Press despatches indicate the choir scored a decided hit. Mr. Ralph R. Carruthers, Wash-c ington, D.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. WV. R. Carruthers, Scugog St., is visiting bis parents. Mr. Car-1 'uthers scrved in the American î diplomatic service for 18 montbs - at Lisbon, Portugal, and since1 early in 1944 bas been the chief of an American wartime commit- t cee which represented the U.S. r government libraries and war ' !11 Miss Joyce Cannon, Toronto, who bas been visiting her grand- m rother, Mrs. T. M. Gibson, return- cd to Toronto where she will enter Toronto University. Pte. Joseph Hockin, son of Mrs. W. Hockin and the late William Hockin, and husband of the for- mer Margaret Pearce our popular Bank of Commerce teller, arrived home on the Pasteur after three years service overseas during whîch time be was with the in- vasion forces in France and HoI- land. Their many friends join with their families anti relatives in welcoming them back to New- castle. Mrs. A. Houston and Miss Cora Butler motored to Kingston where they were the guests of Mrs. Houston's niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Clark. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes wcre Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pollard and fam- ily, Brampton, Miss Jean Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ramson and son Jim, Mr. Hugh Hunter and son Bill and Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, sons Dick and Bob and daughter Muriel, ahl of Toronto. Gucsts with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton were Mrs. J. Tuff, Miss Mary Tuff, Mr. Percy Tuff, Tor- onto, Mrs. E. Coultis, Thedford. Mrs. Branton accompanied them to Toronto for a short visit. Meeting of-the Evening Branch of the Womcn's Auxiliary of St. George's Church was held at the Rectory on Sept. lOth. Next meet- ing at thec home of Mrs. William Lake. Officers of the Evening Branch are Mrs. Douglas Dewd- ney, President; Mrs. Lawrence Gaines, Secy; Mrs. Fred Thomas, Treas; Mrs. E. Neilson, Dorcas Secy. Mrs. -G. F. Thickson and daugh- ter, Dorothy, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Franks. Professor and Mrs. E. Ardaph have returned to Toronto aftcr spending the summer at their Newcastle home. Mr. Robert Gibson spent Sun- day in ,Orillia. Mr .and Mrs. Percy Cumming, Winchester, visited their cousin Mrs. W. H. Cooke and Miss Vir- ginia Cooke wbo also had as a weekend guest, Miss Edna Reeves, roronto. United Church Sunday School held Rally Day Service Sunday m1orning with a record attendance. They are starting a Nursery Class for 3 yr olds with Misses Rae Ven- ner and Joyce Martin as teachers; i beginners class for 4 and 5 yr olds with Miss Marie Allun asz ceacher and a primary class for1 those 6, 7 and 8 with Mrs. George 5illin as teacher. There will also be organized a Young ladies and1 Young men's class and anyone wishing to join will be made wel- orne. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard1 have returned fromn their honey-. noon and are at present living« vith Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rickard. Miss Patricia Pearce has been spendingpart of her holidays with Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto. Mr. George Alkenbrach, Napa- cee, a veteran of this war, spent thie week end with Mr. and Mrs. ohn Alkenbrach. Y.P.U. rhet Sept. l7th with Mrs. Margaret Rockin in charge in the i sence of the president. Miss 3etty Allun, Christian Citizenship onverier, had charge of Devot- onal period and the programme. lenn Allun gave a well rendered iolin solo accompanied on the iano by Miss Marie Allun. Reeve *Carveth showed 3 reels of bis etures which were very much îjoyed. Rev. Wm. Patterson conducted he baptismal service at the Uni- d Church on Sunday m-orning vhen the following children were iristened, James Nesbitt, son of r. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson, Vayne Charles, son of Mr. and rs. Charles Megit; Donald Hen- ry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet ckard; David Bruce, son of Mr. id Mrs. Bruce Murray, Sterling. Mr. John Ardagh, S.P.S., Toron- )spent the week end with bisj arents Professor and Mrs. E. ,rdagh. Newcastle Wornan's Christian 'rnperance Union met on Sept. )and President, Mrs. N. Rickard ened the meeting witb prayer. ter the business and re-election officers, Mrs. Carveth read the ripture lesson. Mrs. Percy own gave a very appropriate droduction to our clip sheet dis- ission on "The National Temper- ice Study Course in Sunday ýhools by her reading "The Crip- ld Lad". Items of interest on the .mdy Course were given by Mrs. arold Toms, Miss Warren, Mrs. oar, Mrs. Milligan, Mrs. N. Allin, rQ -akrvleAdMrs Broo- Welcome Soldiers Home Newcastle citizens were happy to wclcome back two more of their returning soldiers during the weekend. Cfn Albert Naylor who arrived home on the Cynthia, docking at Quebec, was overseas three years and saw service with the Queen's Own Rifles in France. Before leaving for overseas he was attached to the "Midlands" for 2'2 years in Canada. Ris wife is the former Miss Myrtle Foster. They bave a little son Gary. A nation's best defense is the respect and gratitude of ail its neighbors. ~eil, Peterboro Normal, witt i Mrs. tory-Mary Baker Eddy. Miss Vida Langmaid, C was guest of Miss Marior and accompanied her to Fair. Mrs. Fred Adair's many will be glad to know thats recovered sufficiently froi recent major operation th has been able to leave Bo, ville Hospital. Mr. W. F. Rickard attend comnPlimentary banquet giv, W. H-. Moore, at Genosha Oshawa, Monday evcning. Dinner gucsts of Mr. an( John Hcndry, Lake Shor( lowing t be christening o. little grandsons, David B. N and Donald R. Rickard,1 United Church, Ncwcastl Sunday, includcd Mr. anc R. E. Hendry and Bruce, manvîle; Mr. and Mrs.1 Rickard, James and Done Shaws; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. ray and David, Stirling; M: Mrs. A. W. Rendry, Lake and Mr. Archie Hendry. Newtonville Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Morton were guests of Mi Mrs. Arthur Hoskin, Cobou Miss Lois Chambers, Eld, with Mrs. Robt. Morton.. Sybil Hood and Mr. Stan 1 Peterboro, and Miss Audre3, ham, Brown's, at Mr. R Payne's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Morton have receivcd worm their eldest son, Lloyd, leff land for England. Lloyd ha his mother flower secds fror land. . . Mrs. Simms, Mrs Kinney and Miss Evelyn En Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Reid. Reeve and Mrs. T. A. Reid rnoved to their home in( Wc regret their departure much but wish them every 1 ness in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Star have moved into part of Elmer's house. Miss Jennie Thompson i. ronto and attendcd a, wcdd: Miss Vivian Mitchell,1 Hope, with her grandparent and Mrs. C. J. Mitchell. Mrs. Samn Smith has reti frorn visiting friends at Fe Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox '% Port McNicbol, with her pa Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. ThIlie v es cntercd Mr. Stapleton's garage Friday and stole two hind wheels tires which were new, of car, also spare tire. Miss Joan Reid with her g parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Orono. Mrs. Lizzie Bice, Brampton Frank Anderson, Moorish an Cfuppasca n To- ling. Es, Mr. turncd mnelon Vasey, rents, Wm. nigbt s and ff bis grand- ,Reid, , Mrs. id son We have lu stock Lehigh Valley Anthracite, as weli as other kinds of coal lcluding Hard Coal Briquettes, Coke, Hard and Light Wood, Canada Cerent, John-Manville Roofiug and Insulating. OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays office closes at moon. JOHNM A, HOLGATE & SON PHONE 428 STARI NOW BUILDING RESISTANCE AGAINST WINTER DÉSEASES Vitamin produets fortify your body and increase your general weil-being. Childrea especially need vitamins now for the building of heaithy bones and &eeth. We list many proven produets below. Visit our store and select one without delay. ASEPTIC OINIMENT Colgates Tooth Brushes --29e Cue 19----- -- --- I e, 33e me. Lucky New way ta. 0 ~Ieanor Ieeth, Brigbtur SmIIus LAURA SECORD CAN~IES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER Abdol Capsules, improved $2, 3.45, 7.59 Ayerst 1OD Cod Liver 011 ..-.. 67c, $ 1.69 Halibut Liver Oul Capsules . 69c, $1.19 Wampole's Extract.......$ 1.00 Neo-Chemical Food Capsules $ 1.25, 2.25 Idamait, Malt & C.L.O. 59c, 98c, $1.69 Alphamettes, Ayerst .. $1, $3.50, $15 Horner's Maîtievol, 12 oz. ... ... $2.00 "A Ienburysr" ~J Basie Soap super fatted co0 bap-fr&. from adultat-wM n ot injures mont tender si. PICKLING SUPPLIES ç vaaLM M Vitadiet Capsules Scott's $1.15, $270 Emulsion ---59c, 98e Norpiex Vitamin B Complex Tablets --- $1, $1.75 Vitavax ----S2.50. $7.00 Sweet Piekie Mixture, i gai ---25c W'hole Allspice, oz. 5e Preserving Powder oz. 20eCtsu ar --s---atsup- Flavorusar 4een's.Mustard - -- 4e t ------zs ----- CrtoKp --- Furuiepe z- -- PR£SCRIPTIOgIS A SPECIALTY 25e -27c 25e 25e B WMAN VILLE Blue GiJlette Blades DfAr-)j5 Bayer Aspirin -----.--18c, 29e, 79e Anacin Tablets ------22c, 43c, 98e Nelp prevent Bad i sth*ci"$4.fl orlgs efeth . sparkIitsn ules Noxzema ----------- 17c, 39e, 5,9c Mentholatum --------------- 29c, 55e Mecca Ointment ----------- 23c, 45c w.r---------- LUALSEXDCNII McO REDOR 1.- Cecil Walkey. The talent of success is nothing1 Success in life depends upon 6 Mr. and Mrs. George Mullen, more than doing what you can do persistent effort, upon the im- OPete roo guests of Mrs. Jack well; and doing well whatever provement of moments more than it Paedon. 4 you do, without a thought of upon any other one thing. - Mary fl Mrs. Jack Paedon and Herb fame.-Longfellow Baker Eddy. w ith M r s . E . B la n c h a r d , E liz a b e th - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ville._ _ ýcx M r. and M rs. C has. C ow an , __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shawa, Cowanville, with Mr. and Mrs. n Alln Lanson Millson. Orono Lawrence Milson, Toronto Nor- mal School, at home. Mrs. C. J. Carlaw, Toronto, Notice of M1eeting she has Those attending Port Hope High TO ALL )m her School this year from this district at she are: Fae Jones, Dorothy Stapleton, f )wman- Joyce Williams, Helen Morton, Bud Jones, Keith Stapleton, Fredj -ow rnanville Citizens led the Rowe and Carlos Smith. Bud ien Mr. boards in town but the rest travel IN SOUTH WARD SCHOOL Hotel, daily on the school bus driven by 1Cecil Burley. Those attending RD Y EV N GS P .2 id Mrs. Newcastle High School goingFR AY E ENN ,S P.2 'e *o-d aily with Mrs. Willis Jones are: 7:00 P.M. )f two Mildred Wood, Shirley Payne, UPS - lcino fcesadvru th bies A nita N ichols, Thelm a Stapleton, P U P E - E ec i n f of e rs a d v r us th r b i e s in the oyce Martin and Ray Stapleton. matters. grupoeseyioeW.A Will those who have sold membership tickets and flot turned e, M0 so5ed an entertainment in the in the names and oe kindly do so at this meeting. Bow-rs Community Hall, Thursday eve- GB.w ning, when Dr. Devitt, Bowman- BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL PARK CLUB G B.ville, and Mr. Cecil Carveth, New- ald of castle, showed some interesting Mur- slides. There was a good crowd ir and and gratifying proceeds in aid of Shore; Red Cross for comforts for the _______________________________ b o y s i n C h r i s t i e S t . H o s p i t a l , T o - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weatherilt, C aesarea, with their daughter, 0 Mrs. W. E. Reid. Mrs. Wiley, Argyll, with hernNT C Robt. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robin- NTC .rg.. Miss Rose and Miss Annie E. lorado, Capel, Oshawa, Miss R. Burton, This is to announce that Miss Sybil Burk, daughter of . Miss Mrs. H. Dones, A. Monkhouse, To-O Mrs. T. S. Holgate, will, as of October lst, be in charge as PaynC, ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 0l Manager of the J. A. Holgate & Son fuel business. We would oO yGra- Morris.O solicit ail old customers and new ones on her behaif. -Miss E. I Zeuben Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson0 Robt. and babe, Starkville, Mrs. Vance Bounsali will continue as bookkeeper. 'd that Cooper and family, Orono, Mr. tHol- and Mrs. W. McKay at George s sent Kimball's. nHol- F e 1 have 0 Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Lew HalloweIl very and Jimmy in Oshawa ----- Mrs. B:R q ei pleton Gilmer, Bowmanville with heroD u l e' Joappi Silver, isaincxbriger visiting her lm HARDY Tgo 25ý -à49e 1- Daylight Saving Time Ends Sunday Night Ahl trains throughout Canada wîhl corne to a stop for one hour after midnight, Sunday, to resumne regular scbedules during daylight, Monday, October 1, by virtue of officiai announcement in the Rouse of Commons, wbich ends wartime daylight saving. Industrial plants and commer- cial services likewise will readjust their schedules and workmen will again be able to sleep in and re- port back to work as the sun creeps over the horizon. Citizens generallytwill set dlocks back one hour thankful to get a few rnore minutes of fitfui slumber. For farmers the return to stand- ard time comes too late in the present season to be of any help in gathering dew-laden crops and it is likely that dairy herds wili stîli "moo'" lustily for attention at the time to which they have been accustomed in war years. This reminder is merely in ac- cord wîth officiai government proclamation but in rnany cases it is likely to be forgotten Sunday night wben the change takes place. If so, in the case of dairy farmers, milk will cool norrnally as milkers cool their heels waîting for the milk truck to arrive. father, Mr.-------Miss Gwen Josie Trimm and friend, Oshawa, 10 wîth ber mother, Mrs. H. L. 0 Trimm ---- Mrs. A. Dobson accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney I Hallowell and son were in Bow- I manville ----- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Reid have moved to Orono. We I arc sorry to lose these valuable citizens. They were a great help 0 in the cOmmunity ---- Miss C. Min- nl to, R.N., Oshawa, wîth ber father 0 Mr. A. Minto -------- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hallowcll and son at Mr. E. White, Elizabethville ---- Mr. Ja- cob Hallowell celebrated bis 80th birthday on Sunday. Congratula- The Bible is the learned man's o0 masterpiece, the ignorant man's0 dictionary, the wise man's direc- 0 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE C;F.vr.m PHONE 792. - WE DELIVER DRUCS