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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1945, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE' ONTARIOTHR AYOC.5h,14 te ~~~~~~~Canada Packers, Swift Canadian their empoyees. A college education neer hurt A couterirritant, saysteMi Th pulcieofaynin Ilere is a Sum m ary o Packing House DispuCo. and Burns & Co., but at ail Wages Pad anyne who was willing ta earn waukee Journal, is a w(mnwodpnsuo h rvt ie U... (C.I.O.) have Unions. TePbi a ug hte aehn fewrs. shaps ail day and buysnthg.othswornit PesRprsthis obligation has been met, _______________________________________________ Proidig nfomaionfo Duham LiestckThefPesnga rertratsfrom tefoliowing facts:- Pro idi g i for ati n f r u rua LI OSt CKM en h olwng ae etat In the 17 plants of the 3 major _ I r i l from the press releases issued by Companies, average houriy ratesA Mr. Dowling: in 13 ee e oe T or toobre 2and Mail a1939 r wep i r e, Ma t e n Woy-men5l _3C__._ .. .. .. 'v... In vew f th caflie pr- siuaton. e fnd tat he pck- On October lst, United Pack- WnieOctbe 1d p(C.Patly.c)5 sently existing in the livestock ing companies have refrained inghouse Workers (..0.o)uin- Winnip eg, O c OP.naeapriiatndus-icI* processing industry and because from general comment in an en- conference at Winnipeg annouc aaasma akn nu-Increase during --f U it is causing inreasing cncern deavor ta avoid cntrversY d that failing a 30 per cenintr watdytheeedWh the war--- -------21c 6 onWl W~ aniong farmer producers, we have pending negotiations and govern- crease in wage rateswt 16epsil i-p ntawes qiaett endeavared ta learn the salient ment action. hour week, a national strike through a nation-wide strike, as prxmtl ----47c 6% fcsfor aur farmn readers, mn The final arbiter in this na- would be cailed. the United Packinghouse Work- approx it aely --- 41% 46 f whom have saught information tional criais will be the force of This is the third time within ers af America (...) Distric t It cn ghquiesaelberatetda from The Statesman. public opinion. Hence in this twelve months in which this No. 10 presented demands for a th at pcigas ae oa From authenticated press re- summary are facts which will C.I.O. Union has threatened, or 30 per cent wage increase and a ae a least 140 per cent af 1939 ports and ather direct investiga- enable the public independently calied, a national strike. 40-hour five day week. rts tions we are able ta present this ta form their conclusions. A gen- The first was in October 1944, Fred Dowling, Canadian An increase of 30 per cent equence of events in the matter eral review of the case is as foi- Upon that occasion the Union de-....... Director of the U.P.W.A., said im- would establish a level (130,7cf - major Companies (Canada Pack- with Burns & Ca. 'If they don't Note: It must be remembered crs Sift, urn) hold nega- meet us within 10 days, hie said, that the 40 per cent increase tiae amaterageemntcavr-we'1l take a strike vote. If the (over 1939 rates) has not estab- ingail mterpagents. The o- Packers force us ta strike, we're lished a 40 per cent advance in paisrfsd n h n onsgng to get what we demand, or real incarne. Corrections must be _ theruponcaled astrîe v te i ere'ii be no settiement.' made for increase in cost of liv- th 1 afete pans.Mr. Dowling predicted ing, also for incarne tax which thN7afce lns that if there were a strike at workers pay naw in excesa aif Besides seriausly hampering Burns & Co.. plants in Winnipeg, 1939 taxes. After ail corrections M OE R EMCanada's war effort at a crucial Regina, Prince Albert, Edmonton are made, however, the increase M O R E R E A Utime, such a strike would have and Vancouver, it wauld soon of real income ai packinghouae paralysed the Live Stock Indus- spread talal three met packing warkers is probably nat leas thanL try, and at the sare time de- companies. 10%. 1 M OE P RITprived ail Canadian citizens of Il . . A Union letter was re- In the aaeur ingo the The Federal Department of La- companies suggesting that they ilation measures have played a bour intervened and suggested a apply jointly with the Union ta most important part. And if in- submission of the points at issue Mr. Justice Richards' Commis- flation can be avoided for a fewfalComre issuhson ta Mr. Justice Richards, as Spe- sion for a revisian of contracta. months rnore,then increased pro- ci Commissianer. The Commission was set up last duction 0f consumer goods should Aiter co nf er en c es lastmng faîl ta study negatiations between start a downward trend in cost-asf nemntoravg. thraugh ten dnys (October 25 ta the Companies and the Union, af-living. Every reduction in the rcm edîe neevdya November 3, 1944), an agreernent ... Mr. Dowiing declared cast of living index will mean in- i&~' .~>"~~',' FirstAgreementers Plants ... was only a curtain workers, but for ail other groupa. money ta buy Victory Bonds on avnae faSvnsBn raiser. I was surprised at the Income tax rates affecting easy terms.. 5% dlown . .. theAcon: On hean.hnd..isagee.slidarity of that strike'." workers are aiso likely ta be re- balance repayable over 12 months ment safegunrded membershmp of Globe & Mail, October 3rd duced. This wili bring a furtherII the Union by check-off and main- inigOt2(OP)nceeinraicme ..at the same interest rate as youSeuiyfrormne t tenance ai membership provis- "United Packinghouse W rkers A hs m r e t h n t e a crlceive on the Bonds.A sea y nt r s yed ions. Clauses were drated which a Am rc (.10)td ye en- supreme consideration is ta hodca h embodied these safeguards, and cd its thrent ai strike action in the line against inflation, the de-Redlcn ribeno the three Campanies agreed that the Canadian packinghouse in- mand for a 30 per cent increase *~~ these shoud becore standard dustry ta include independent in wages, from a group already ~ C. clauses in future agreements be- plants organized by the Union, as ejyn a 10 per cent incrense in enaaying~YOUCA SAFELY INVEST YOLJR SAVINGS I H t ITR QN twec th Unon nd he om-wcll as major chains. real incarne, is indefensible. panes."Following the meeting a let- Inflation Threat On the other hand, the Union's ter was sent ta Burns & Ca. ... The interest 0f ail groups, in- f~. z~~ demad fo a msteragrementFurther Demands cluding packinghouse workers, isR N T ( rI CO i IE r was wîthdrawn, and specific The letter ta Burns & Company clearly ta hoid the Uine. The mis- clauses were laid down govern- was as iallaws :- takes of the inflation period -ing pracedure for the negotiatian "At our Canadian Conference which followed the last war are o. f future agreernents. held in Winnipeg September 29th now clearly understood, and the This settlement was nccepted land 3th the conierence decided measures adopted by the Gov- '~ *i:~ WIth flue NO. 9 = by bath parties, as a permanent ta requesta Master Agreement ernment ta prevent a recurrence MASSEY-ARRISndjustment af the pointsaiat issue with your Company' including a are aiso clear. The objective af between the Union and the Com- rqucst for 30% increase in pre- these measures was ta avoid in- QUAL17 Y-UILTpanies. The Campanies have sent wage rates and the estab- flation, and increase production. S P R T Rscrupulusly adhred ta the lishment ai a 40-hour wek, and The demand at thi s time for a 30 I agreement thus reached. several other changes in aur pre- per cent increasq i~n wages (pro- f Strike Called sent agreement. mating inflation), and a 40-hour I Join the a rmy of thousands On the second occasion, a na- ta write your Company imme- veals a(reig rodution),mre-0 tional strikewTs aConference instructed me week MTOR of farmers who are getting taa tîewsatal ald diately requesting a meeting ta sures, and indîfference ta the0 It b gan wit an (ad m tte ly) il- discuss these m atters and direct- w elfare ai other gr ups. O more cream -more profit ~~~~legai walkout ai a single gang at cd that if a m eeting hnd nat been The key ta the action ai the LY U R I' W T ü si e a Thnadatrike hdreachedno an. arrangcd by Octaber llth we are Union is revealed in Mr. Dow- * 'lik1 idmn tsbt aroi n rft -from their cows by using ThCanada Pke dr' Toront ont o p o ed t a e a srk vte ln tt m n i W ni eg h tab e og t e ey *the Massey-Harris No. 9 where warkers had been caled in the plants fetd I bli v th rc n C a aPak ssrk o H O ou i 3patwhen teMinis- yuwill il z h rgnyo a a"uti aie" htcows. Oows muiw efdo atr rte CreamSeparator.Quoîity- ter of Labourfor Ontario (Han . s retaionae rtthe urgency aiewas adcurtn raisler. That Charles Daley) xntervened and will station edatuthto u setik waoladio mofthedlUnionleg andan oo l aul rmfor aspl ! uggested reference ai the points the wishes ai your employeca. ment. Neverthcless, Mr. Dowling fesan o lsemk;1Gereycw fe o at issue ta a takoseediatin t metin ioatin i he nin" No. 9 is famnous for its ' Mr. Jolliffe, representing the nesa ta meet with the officers af af the strike',1 and apparentîy has Uno, r Fryt epeenigyour Company along with the detcrrnined, three months later, 70pud o theiopnyt Mr. Jusyhrerstice Committee ai the employeca at ta launch a more widespread170pudmoe ilprco drngterat- cls-simGipefrm heCansas h r.Jutc any time or place you suggest. strike. tina cmae oc etdt,.2o100GladrasCara.Yours sincerely, The issue la clear. It is wheth- 1 ina oprdt 8cosfo e npiu Aiter full investigation (last- F. W. DÔWLING, er the C.I.O. Union is ta be al- 0THfIK VIRÂT T1 EN T OROW effiienc. [ls eay opra-ing through five days) the Com- Director District No. 10" lowed ta dictate terns ta the tion nd secia lowmittce brought in a unanirnous Frorn the above press releases Live Stock Industry and ta the0 report. It found that "the walk- it is clear the Union proposes ta meat consumers ai Canada,. PURINA price mak the o. 9out wns unjustified and in viola- make the anme dernands upon The 'ather conditions' demand- H R outstanding value. H E E' tian af the provisions ai the agree- Canada Packers, and Swift Cana- ed by the Union have not been PUWNAOW Employces who taok part there- threat ai a national strike). Mr. Dowling's letter ta BurnsaO me t t tagte at ai the inCmpn wt team anccd FaosMse-in, and aIdhtsae a uhr The demhanda are:- & Ca. rends: "a master agree- iHarricndFnedorFlopoved b a A master agreemnent ment, inciuding a request for 0 with six-point distri. In this cae the National Exe- sent wage rates rates, and the establishment af a o OUR M L I G C W buio gts ai te utve o t e ni n le rl c A 40-hour week 40-hour week, and several other h. shave enforced its agree- d. Sevemal ather changes. changes in aur present agree- MARLOW'S 16 PER CENT PUR INA CHOW I metwith the Company and or- A Master Agreement ment." I drdthe striking gang back ta This is the demand made lat CmaySgeto l Y U wor. Istad f tisthey sp year, which the Union sought ta heCk Cmpan i g esnsfeelLV S . pote hestier, ale otth nfrc y ntonl tik. The bouind upn ithfepu l par ed he str ker , all d a t he nio ce by na io al tri e.are b u d i h u le in- S av e labour, save nlk, save m oney and rai3 e bette alr' mE C 4 workmen irom twelve ather The Richards Commission was de- * ave y er ves. oe the .iau ..> de-e0 plants, and brought the whole set up to negotiate as to this terat oftae ist .0 ailces3the present . ad n mlk s fery tr Live Stock Industry ta the verge demand. manda avte Uninrgrpacs30 odnsc mlan o xloi nd fertheci s n mnho0.f ai complete paralysîs. A settiement was reached U hni aeongdupn-h The hi..occsio .sthe e-whmet, i eunfor check-off 1. hatprn- trates are reas- Q TO D OA BETTER JO B FEE D 260c t 10tpethentincrease oe 99i ment. ~~~~2. Thath uyo vrci- Th Uio nw rooss a e- . t heduy i vey it-ARLOW'S CHOWMIX PURINA LAYINGMA H .*..5 85c t * . u~~~~ .; v n h u u UV r~~~T e U io n ow ro eudit e - it zn atp nt isn, and t h incr n o RD R Y U U P Y T D Y V R L E W A E A G O T C N H N - ~ tain the concessions made by the azen at preslatisntan'd th ncelae I 'OR UPY OA W I-E EN SURE IliLment 3. That agreements enteredin The Companies cannot concede ta between the Campanies and t Aur the master agreement, as it would the Union must be observed. 'e Iplace the whole live stock inds tews hewoesseia r l ra try at the mercy of a Union which cletv agiigi eue has shown itseif devoid of any ta a farce. O colectvebarainngis edued TELEPHONE- PORT PERRY 106 - R - 2 AC TOK ON RI sense of responsibility to the live-c HAVE TO! sokrdcrteeea u-4. T'hat const.ant threat to cal coin bc fomte arneda o o patsatwoke intuer t hi el nvoalvpb-and ioa sriear___lea a n d 7 0 th e - o c essi n o . a t rw _ _ _ _ _ Plione 2666,It alocoatsrnoney.. peace as mcli saevr. TIEjo

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