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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1945, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TWW. lATBOAnTA AVILLE,, ONTXA RIO 'l-k'ttTT1JMX' V C8C!T 9!ufh105u-t EnnisTheenWA quilted two quilts in A family gathering was held at collection, Wednesday, Oct. 17th. the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.- C. Report of the service club for Ashton in honor of Mr. and Mrs. the year ending Oct. 2nd. Col- G. Beech, Bowmanville, it being lected, $38.20; expenses, $2604; their fifth wedding anniversary. balance $12.16. There were 315 Little Janice Beech presented her articles sent into the hospital. mather with a basket of fiowers Night gowns, 21; wash claths, 57; and Beth Travell presented themn pads, 7; bands, 6 dozen and 11; with a very nice gift. Mr. and diapers, 12 dozen and 3. There Mrs. Beech thanked their friends were also 162 articles of cloth- and a dainty luncheon was serv- ing sent ta "Save the Children ed. Fund." The W.A. and W.M.S. presented First meeting of the Service Mrs. A. Harding with a purse be- Club starting the second year was fore leaving aur cammunity. Rev. held at Mrs. F. Beckett's, Oct. 2nd Mr. and Mrs. A. Harding are stay- with 15 present. Election of off- ing with hem sister, Mrs. Palmer, icers: President, Mrs. D. Lewis; Toronto. vice-president, Mrs. H. Milîs; sec- The W.A. ladies filled 14 ditty retary-treasurer, Mrs. F. Beckett; bags for Christmas, for Canadian social conveners, Mrs. L. Wearn 8 8 8.1 - AaPFF00»STORES V-8 COCKTAIL JUICE 2 2-x Tins 29e TEA NECTAR ORANGE PEKOE !/2-1b. Pkg. 350 TON. SOUP CAMPBELL'S 2 Tins 17e PEAS CHOICE 4 SIEVE 2 20 'z. Ti23< HOLIDAY CRACKERS - * Pkg. 699 BUAKER BATS Large Pkg. 199 JUNKET TABLETS Pkg. 11< MIXED NUTS SoIected lb. 53e ANN PAGE - WHITE or BROWN 24-oir. M ILK BREAD 2 Loae159 STEAKS OR ROASTS PORTEEOUSESIRLOIN lb 3 2 lb. PREN SEor WING 43oPrcoupon SLICED I-Lb. ie 1lb. BREAKFAST IAwN r44< po SMOKED, Whole or Malf lb. '~< 2 lb. am 39ePer coupon RATION FREE NEATS AND 01 TONGUES FRESH OR IKE LAMBELIVER « DEEF LIVER SALMON STEAIKS SILVERBRIGHT SALMON FILLETS Slebih SALMON FILLETS OE CARLOAD SALE CALIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES MORE JUICE BN' TES T 344's doz. 19<ç GRAPERUITFLORIDA MARSH 4 for25 SWEET-No. 1 GRADE *POTATOES 3 Ibo. 25ç WASHED and WAXED TURNIPS N.1 3 for 10c CARUOTS 3 Ibo. 10< YELLOW COOKING ONIGNS 3 Ibo. 15e PASCAL & WHITE, Selected CELEIT STALKs 2 for 25, Maple Grove Congratulations ta Mr and Mrs. Ken Sumersford (nee Jean Ste- yens) on their recent marriage. Mrs. Roy Mclntyre, Toronto, spent the weekend with Misses Betty, Mildred Snowden and at- tended the Sumersford-Stevens wedding. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. W. Allison and family ta aur com- munity, who purchased Mr. Noble Metcalf's farm, and have moved there. Sorry ta lose Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf from aur community. Mrs. S. T. Bartlett, Miss Aud- rey Hall, Miss Elizabeth Duns- fard, Toronto, Sunday visitors at H. R. Foley's ------- Mm. Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Miss Bessie Black- burn, Mrs. Walter Faley, Hamp- tan, at Wilbur Blackburn's ----- Misses Louise Foley, Betty Cawk- er, Oshawa General Hospital, spent Manday at H. R. Foley's and E. Twist's ---Mrs. Walter Foley, Hampton, visiting with her son, H. R. Faley. VI GO ROUS4 BOKAR £WINEV MILO & MELLOW lb. 35e<18 O8CLOCK lb. 310 You will be wise to start youm selection early. We have new shipments of Glass - Pottery - Pictures Leather Goods - Boxed Sta- tionery - Books for young and old - Handkemchiefs and Novelties Visit aur Gift Dept. Christmas Greetings Boxed assotments and singles1 Personal Carde Our sample baok is ready. Corne in and look it over J. W. JEWELL "'BIG 20" PHONE 556 1 and Mrs. R. Thompson; work com- mittee, Mrs. E. Trewin, Mrs. M. Heard, Mrs. L. Stainton; Hospi- tal committee, Mrs. 0. C. Ash- ton; flower and sick committee, Mrs. H. Degeer, Mrs. A. Lead- beater. Rest of evening was spent in a social time. Second Service Club meeting was held at Mrs. C. Pethick's, Oct. .16th with 14 present. The evening was spent in making children's night gowns. Next meeting at Mrs. E. Trewîn's, Oct. 30th. Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry, Jean, Ted and Bill at Ma- jor R. E. Drape, M.P., Harwood ---------------- -------- Mr. and Mrs. K. Byers and Allan, Mr. and Mrs. S. May, To- ronto, visited E. C. Ashton's_.--- Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Pethick and Gail,.Toronto. at S. R. Pethick's ---------------- -------- Mr. G. W. Sherman, Rodney, Ont., Miss A. O'Hagan, Mr. R. Todd, London, Ont., Mr. O. Pear- son, Brantford, Ont., with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater ----Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and family were guests at her brother's, Mr. D. Cale, Bethesda---.Miss Isa- belle Rahm, Mrs. West, Toronto, at W. Rahm's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner and Helen, Oshawa, at F. Dorland's. Mr. and Mrs. Shutka attended a silver wedding anniversary in Oshawa Saturday evening. A "welcome home" party was held at Arthur Dunns ini honar of his son Calvin who has returned from overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Samn Conlin, Mr. and Mrs."Conlin, Jr., Oshawa, with friends. Mm. and Mrs. Brownley, Peter- bora, and Miss Nellie Shutka, Oshawa, at M. Shutka's ...Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gilmer, Bowman- -ville, at Clarence Gilmer's - Mrs. L. Jamieson, Camborne, witl, Mrs. Jake Hallowell---- Mm. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, Newtanville, at Lamne Tadd's ----Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow, Lake Shore, at Percy Famow's---- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthenven, Zion, at A. Dob- son's. Some fram this vicinity attend- ed the "Welcame Home" party at Crooked Creek school in honor of Ray Hughes. Sympathy is extended ta Mr. Lamne Bell and family, Kendal, in the passing of Mrs. Bell. We were saddened on hearing of the death of Mr. W. N. Stevens, Newtonville, Mr. Stevens was a resident of this district for same years.i Mr. and Mrs. Bemt Trim in Haliburton ----Misses Deckhart Scott and Farrow attended the teachers' institute at Cobourg.--- Mr. and A. B. Cryderman, Glen Miller, with relatives ------ Mrs. Fred Muir, Caledonia, with hem sisters, Mrs. C. Tomlinson and Mrs. Gardon Hilîs ------ Mr. and Mrs. E. Adamson and Darothy with relatives in Toronto... Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Osh- awa, at T. Wmay's ---- Mr. and Mrs. P. Cowling, Bowmanville, Harry Cowling, Toronto, at J. Cowling's ----Misses M. and N. Horn with Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa ---- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly in Torontoa----Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balsan, Bowmanville at B. Pingle's ----Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smale and Bobby, Tor-, anta, with his mother, Mrs. Ida Smale, and brother, Wilfrid. Their Hampton frierids extend sympathy ta Mrs. C. Cales, Tor- onto, (nee Lena Lane) and Mrs. Fred Pethick, Toronto, (nee Rosie Lane) farmerly of Hampton, in the passing of their husbands, bath on Oct. 18th. The burial of Mr. Pethick took place on Sat- urday and of Mr. Cales an Mon- day. A large number of Hampton folk attended anniversary ser- vices at St. Paul's, Bowmanville, on Sunday. W.M.S. ladies attended Eastern Sectional meeting in Bowman- ville on Thursday. Mrs. Willis has moved ta Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shields, Toronto, at Mrs. A. C. Trull's. Our Woman's Missionary Soci- ety enjoyed a visit fram the Zion Wamen's Association on Oct. lSth. Our President, Mrs. S. G. Nid- dery, welcamed the Zion friends and called an Mrs. Alec McMas- ter, Zion president, who express- ed their appreciation of the in- vitation. Mrs. Gerry Glaspeil conducted the devotional period. The theme was "Thanksgiving" and consisted of reading a Thanksgiving Psalm and paper by Mrs. Glaspell; story "The Four Last Wards," by Mrs. Alec Mc- Master; poem by Mms. Thos. Mar- tin entitled "I Thank Thee Lard;" Scmîpture reading, Mrs. Russell Stainton; reading "Heaven" by Mrs. J. Balson; "Home in Hea- yen" by Mrs. W. Rackham. Mrs. Hans Geisber'ger contmibuted twa much appreciated solos. Mrs. Arthur Stainton read one of Ed- gar Guest's poems "The Making of Friends." Misses Jean Balson and Mary Niddery gave two piano and organ duets. Mrs. J. W. Mc- M4aster gave an interesting talk on "Books" and continuing the rhanksgiving theme she said we should be very thankful for the authors of good books. Mrs. Har-_ old Bennett gave a reading "My M'other's Bible." This concluded Size alone can't deter- ç~ .~ mine the right corset fo ou .. . only your individual measure- ments can. Turn ta -, Charis . . . the differ- ent corset that con- siders ALL your mess- urements. A Graduate Charis Corsetiere pre- scribes youar corset p models in a size. No wonder Charis cradles s, every curve of your P body, molds your fig- e ~ ure mb smmarer lines. PERSONALIZED *OSER MRS. H. TIGHE Chureh Street Phone 843 17 TMUST CIVE THÉ RMONT SUPPORT. OR CHARnUS WONT LIT YOU WEAR ITS j An Invitation We cardially invite your inspection of our modern funeral Chapel. Here you will have opportunity ta see the facilities that are piaced at the disposai of aur clients and also to iearn of the many things we do ta lessen the burden of the bereaved. Chapel service does flot add to the cost of the funeral. F. F. MORRIS CO. Durham's Largest Funeral Directors ATTENT-ION F A RM ERS You and yaur family are cordially invited To Attend a FILM SHO0W & DANCE> Newcastle Community Hall FRIDAY, NOV. Znd 8.30 p.ma SPONSORED BY W. HARRIS McColl Frontenac Farin Distributor ADMISSION FIREE 0F SPEOIAL INTEREST TO TRACTOR OWNERS dE'field Our annual Thankoffering was held on Sunday evening. The church was appropriately decor- ated with colored leaves, fiawers, and fruit and vegetable graup- ings. Rev. G. W. Gardiner of Columbus gave a fine Thanksgiv- ing message. He stressed the need of mare generaus gîvîng if we would receive. What we ac- cept as aur rightful dues are realy gifts from God and should be regarded as such. The chair sang twa Thanksgiv- ing anthems with vim and vig- aur and an accasional surprising burst of unusual vocal talent. a very fine program, after w Hampton ladies entertained1 guests to tea. Clarke Union Kenneth Hill has purchasE team aof young horses from Farrow of Clarke. Edwin Sandercock has sec a position in -Bowmanville. M. Chatterton has purchas( corn bînder. Orono Forestry is making tensive improvements on Fogg place recently purchaseé them. Mrs. Arthur Saunders has1 visiting her son, Mr. Ver Saunders, Toronto. Everette Cain has installed ter works in his house. Starkville xhiclh their :ed a 1Mr. ured ed a yex- the ýd by been bron 1wa- Zion $Ni I /1 n C K EY 580 or CJBC 1010 NYAL Miss A. B. Hallowell, Toronto, home. Shiloh anniversary was w attended Sunday evening. Ne tonville choir had charge of1 music and Rev. Smith deliverec fine sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapke at W. A. Hallowell's. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ha11ow and son attended Elizabethvi annîversary and were guests Ed. White's. Solina at well lew- the d a ton xell 'ille ;at a In is )f ýd r. Et, a r. L- h d 3. 4 General Merchant Blackstock i j' I Ai' 'nu MORE NEW SUITSI I j' Men, Get Ready for Winter LARGE RANGE 0F MEN'S OVERCOATS PLAC.. ED ON DISPLAY PROM $22.50 UP Couch, Johnstoo & Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWM&ZiVII~LE 1- CHRtISTM«AS CG1F TS OLD CHEESE NEW CHEESE I L 31<e a lb. 27< o .IA IW JUICE WFiNON' it tn25< CLEANSERWht Cn.4 PANCAKE FLOUR JMA k.13e BABY FOUDS HEINZ CAKE FLOUR MAPLE LA 3 tins 23c Pkg« 279 LAM LEGS 1b.,430 FRONTS, lb. 194 2!/2lb. VELFRONTS, Bonolest, Rol.d lb. 2 1</2 lb. VEAL 7ePecou pon i j k FISHf lb. 259 lb. 229 IL 279 lb. 259 lb. 351 lb. 49e lb. 299 IL 25e IL 19% COD FILLETS RS RIPPERS HEIRINGS FEHCUH e Oct 25-26-27 1 a 2 for ISale Thurs. m Fr1.-m Sat.. Newtonville 1- 1 L 1 Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Len Oughtred, Wesleyville, with Mrs. Wilfred Bee, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Port McNicoll, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Staple- ton. Mrs. Lena Wyley, Victoria Har- bour, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson. Miss Thelma Stapleton with her sister, Miss Evelyn Stapleton, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carr and fa- mily, Port Hope. Mrs. J. A. Bar- rie and Murray with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton. Misses Carol Martyn and Gwen Gilmer, Bowmanville, with Mrs. Bert Stapleton. Mrs. Ronald Burley and Miss Mary Denault with Mrs. F. A. McMullen, Newcastle. Newtonville school held their public speaking contest Friday. The winner was Ross Brown.- Bill Morton is in Eldorado. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce are at Bancroft. The community was shocked when it became known on Sun- day that Mr. W. N. Stevens had passed away. Although he had been in failing health for some time still we hoped he would re- cover. Deepest sympathy goes out to his bereaved wife. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moase, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Chidley, Little Britain, Mrs. Car- rie McDougal, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Griffin and son Donald, Omemee, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jones. 1 o-u" 1 mm 1 wil They are styled the Little Dressmaker Suits, starred with the new sleeves, Young fitted jackets, in flan- nels and cheviots. Priced $795 AND UP 1 m m 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Perkins and Mar- tgaret at W. Scott's Cobourg ---- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McEwen and Faye, Dunbarton, at Wes Cameron's and Russell Staîn- ton's ----Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rae, Markham, at Russell Per- kins' ------ Miss Marguerite Mar- tin, Toronto, at Thos. Martin's -----------------------------------------------------------------------------MrkadMr.Si Hcady Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett, Murray and Marie, Raglan, Mrs. Arthur Youngman and son, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. John Shack- leton and Elwood, Joyce Prout, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Lio- nel Jones, Moose Jaw, at Nor- man Leach's ----- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins and Igabel atended the plowing match at Heber Down's, Brooklin ----Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Abbott and Larry, Messrs. Cleve Abbott and Leo Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cochrane, Oshawa, at Percy Da- vidson's ----- Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron and Joyce at Mrs. Reta Burgess', Oshawa ---- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bah, Billy and Don- na at Anson Balson's, Caledon East ---- Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Orme Beatty's, Port Hope ---Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterboro, at A. T. Stainton's.--- Misses Eîleen Stainton and Mar- guerite Trevail attended a Hal- lowe'en party at Mrs. Ross Lee's, Kedron ----Mr. 'and Mrs. Al Ayre visited at Lloyd Metcalf's, Oshawa ----Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMaster and Joan, Mrs. J. W. McMaster visited at Mrs. T. H. Harshaw's, Lansing ------ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins and Isabel vis- ited at Frank Thompson's Solina ------------------------------------------------------------------------------r.ad rs . . tino and Eileen visited at George Scott's, Maxwell's ---- Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron and Joyce at Delbert Flintoff's, Kedron----- Mr. Al Ayre at Toronto. The W.A. ladies visited the W.M.S. ladies at Hampton on Tuesday and spent a very enjoy- able afternoon. Hampton THE CANADIAN STATRSMAM 'RrUrMAWX7'TTTV nWIlrA'DTr% TT;TTRýl;nAY. OCT. 25th. 1945 Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruickshank, Mrs. A. Ayre and Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, Mr. Bruce Tink and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard attended the Champ- ion Black and White Show at Warkworth. B. Tink and J. Cruickshank were exhibitors. A L. Pascae attended Roseneath Fair, Oct. 12. Alf Ayre exhibited sheep and Lloyd Ayre judged swine. C. D. Pascoe is under the doc- tor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Yellow- lees bave sold their farm ta Mr. and Mrs. Beauchamp. Lieut. Muriel Baker, N.S., re- ported back ta Kingston Military H.Q. this week after leave at home. Visitars-Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock, at Bruce Tink's----. Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Oshawa, with Mr. Thos. Baker and Vera ----Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy at Lamne Hoskin's, Tyrone ----Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smales, Oshawa, at James Smales' ---Mrs. Olive Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allin, Mr. Albert Allin, Miss Annîe AI- lin, Bowmanvîlle, at Wes. Yellow- lees'. Executive of the Y.P.U. met at the home of Gladys and Harvey Yellowlees, Tuesday evening and made plans ta commence the re- gular meetings with an Hallow- c'en Masquerade at the Church basement, Manday, Oct. 29, at 8 p.m. Stop wearing another womanys corset! 1 This is your opportunity to stock up on vitamin preparations for long winter. months ahead. Buy one article; get another of the saine price FREE. Toiletries, stationery, sundries, and everyday drug needs are included in this haîf price sale. See the sale bill at your door for full particulars. PhoneDIIW CTFit 695 lIE VLING'S DUG TOETuse A Hearty Thank You To our many friends and customers in Durham County we extend a Hearty Thank You for their patronage during the past 6 successful years of business association. We bespeak for our successor, Howard T. Say- well, your continued patronage. Change of business takes place Nov. 1, 1945. Alex Gilbert BOWX&NVMLIB MMwL--ýý- Diu

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