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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1945, p. 10

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PAGE TENTHE CANADIANSTATESM, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Goodyear Payroll Main Factor In Bowmanville's ProsDeritv The present animal payroll of the Good- year Tire and Rubber Company, Limited, in Bownian ville is iii excess of $1,200,000.00. This money is paid weeklv in cash to ap- proximafely 700 employees iin office and factory. What this means in the general prosperity of a town of 4.000. population can more fully be appreciated by accepting an average of three to a family. The Goodyear payroll, therefore, is distributed directly f0 more than haîf the homes in town. Out of familj- budgets devised from this huge sum the money flows f0 businessmen. merchants, churches, charities, indeed the whole range of community economies that make for pro- gress and prosperity. It can be laimed, wifhouf question, thaf Goodyear coming to Bowmanville in 1910, in the wake of other deciingi industries, was ini the nature of anl infusion of economic plasma. From that fime forward, corpora- tion finance, municipal improvements. nîod- ernized homes have iii great measure stem- med from the snccess and expansion of this single indusfry. Todav-, Goodyear-Bowman- ville is the larg-est industrial corporation in the United Cou nties of Northîumberland and Durham. Today. eelebrafing Goody-ear's 35th Anniversari-, itizens deem themselves in a fortuitous and enviable position in this association.. Since Goodyear came to fown we have installed waterworks. sewage disposa], paved roads and streets, created a Munmicipal HTYdro System, extended telephone service, built extensions to High and Public Schools, alI of which meant heavy expenditures. But% we- have paid our way. We were able to pay largelv because of a greaf sustaining inidustry. Troday our assessment stands at $2,493,000. Our net debt has been rednced from over half a million f0 the lowest figure in recent history. Today receipf s at the local Customs Office are $1.599,118, most larg-ely due to Goodyear. With a tax rate of only 36 milis, and in solvent position, Bowman- ville views the future together with Good- year with faith and resolution. Some Social ÂsD)ects of Fewer Hours. More Pay In his book "France on Berlin Time" 'T'homas Kernanl has a chapter on Social Reforms in which he describes the French workman 's reaction on the introdnction of the 40-hour week by the Popular Front Gov- erilment prior to' the last war, or f0 be more correct, the recent war. The Socialist Pre- mier, Leon Blum, who introduced the mea- sure with paid vacations, envisaged a more valuable use of this added leisure and money than the manner ini which if was used. Blum, well aware that traditionally the French- manl while used to his dailv îvine had neyer become an alcoholic. and his viewi was that Jean workman would take his wife and fam- ily on picnic jaunts f0 the country. Here is what happened. The Frenchman, with few hobbies, no outside interests, with this unaccustomed leisure thrnst upon him, simply went around the cornier f0 lis favor- ite "bistro" f0 join lus fellows. talk politics, consort -,with i omnen patrons and end up good and druîîk. A stagg,ýeriîîg ,drunik, anl almost unknown plienoineîîon 20 years ago, became far f00 freqnent during flue 1re-war years. If iin(eriniiied flie national will. When war broke iii 1939 the government banned hard liquor flîree days a week, per- mitted the uise of w-me anîd beet'. Todav fortifed wines are limifed f0 18 percent ai- coholie content. Tlîe iintoxicafed stragglý,er has disappeared froin the streets. We are iiot sure of the point fluat may be made in measuring this bit of social history againist our experience ini this country, or more particnlarly in tlîis province, for the p1ýraIIeI, generally. is somnewhat divergent. A better view may be luad in the province of Quebec, whose people iun habits and cultnre are more akin fo flîcir continental forebears. But today wif h a demnand for more pay, t shorter hours, universal paid vacationis and the rumorcd change ini policy of flic Liquor Control Board, there miay be some value in considering the facets in this amazing dis- e closure wrîttfen by ail aufluorifative observýer. I t, I Indications Point to Malor 0 Changes in Policv at Ottawa p t( The iieis fromi Ottawa nakes if quite V evideiif thaf there is about tf0 be.9a major S( Establtshed 1854 AN INDEPENDENT NEW&PAi'ER With which la Incorporated The. fowman'vlfle News. The Newcastle hndependent, ana The. Orono News. 91 Year'a Continuons Service Ta The Town of BowmanviRte and Durham VLounty'. Membera <~> Audit Bureau et Circulations II Weky e sers W SUB8CRIPTON RATES $3.00 a Year, strict!' ID advanee. $2.50 a Year i the United States GRO. W. JAMES, Editor. iice wi'll lue used il, niotîjer directionî al-i- cî geflucu. an ( Onîce flic price of whieat, fli lVel of wages ited rauuy oflier factor ini our life lias beeui maj anded ox'er f0 thc governunient f0 deal iifl, ot is goiiu- f0 be denîf wiflî by polificians who ce going f0 kccp their cars very close f0 thetr ound, anîd iot ouîly histen f0 filic represen- ofL tions of fhis or fliaf parficular group. antl Prices anud Trade Board lias been put oi the spot by- fli action of the Urnifed State Goveriiunent iii forecasfing flic remioval cl meat rafioîîiîg iii that country, less thana iiiouîtl affer if ivent onitin Canada. The fact is thaf flic iar is over, aîd ivitb fliaf copies two oflier major facts, w-hiel sonie of flic l)ireaiucrafs af Ottawa appear fo lhave forgofeu. One is thaf, in a f'ree country, the income of fhe people is îlota total incomne, f0 be regarded by the Govern- ment as enftirely af ifs disposal, but the fotal of the incomes of 12 million cifizens. The eifizeîîs, in a free country, are going to suiv how l uch of f hat iîîcome they are pre- pared f0 pay f0 ftle Go'-ernmient iin taxes. Tlîaf is, allf his f alk of a planned economy cornes up against the cold fuiet that the citi- zeîîs of tlic country are going fo lhave to be sold the plans,' as fliey would affect fhciî personal affairs. The other is thaf authority to impose con- frols whiech a country would accept in tfimé' of war wonld nof necessarily be accepted ini time of peace. The w-ar is over, and there seems to *bc a litf le foo mucli hesifafion iin Ottawa abont realizing this. Taxation, Govcrnment borrowing and Government confrols will remain, but only if they are sfeadily lessened, as fast as this can be done, and only if the Government is ferribly frank in admifting to the public fliaf the confrols are flot good, but bad things, w-hidi had f0 bc used dnriîîg the war, but ivili be f akeîi off as quickly as pos- sible. Lots of Fun in Big City's "Sassiety" Chronicles The patronîzing smile w-ifl which the dw-eller ini fli large cify reads iii a country -weekly ncwspaper that "Mr. aînd Mrs. Jîm Allin, Kingston, visifed w'ifh Miss Amelia Tonclistone ," or thaf "T. B. Turfie enfer- faiîîed a few refnrncd veferauî friends la.sf Fridav," is surelv outnîafched by the 1coiiuifry colisili 's" learfy guffaw as lie scans flic 'sassietx-" iews intfliceolnmils of the inetropolifail daîly. Wliaf nleed is there for a couple of pages of "funniies" wheil the big daily chronicles such itemis as the followinig: "Freslî from - , Mrs. - looked smart as a w-hip lasf niighit as shc danced by w-ifh lier husband. Highlighfiîîg lier lush eîîsemïble of powdered turquoise and black sic proudly sporfed lier beaufiful mafching gold bracelet anîd earrings which sparkled wif h flashing turquoise stones-proof of lier linsbaîd 's good faste iii pickiîîg ouf pre- sents.' Or this: "Home on 21 days' leai-e, Bob wvas prond of his danîcinîg parfner, wlio looked very blonde anîd very svelte in deepest black crepe and contrasf- iîîg pearl clioker." Aufumn rust is fie naine given a dress fiat swepf past in fie gidd- w-hirl, and the pop-ey-ed reporter adds fiat the wearer 's "swish evcning blouse ended in ail infrigung circular peplum." A guesf of honour at a surprise birthday parfy wore a gown "glowing witi a sun- bursf of gold sequins radiating ouf from fie neckline."I Possibly the sun bnrst during the lady's haste iin preparing for tie un- expected caîllf0 the surprise parfy. Sur- prises ean be sucli îerve-w-racking fhings. A cdue f0 the w-ly and w-herefore of suci gay and giddy affairs iin the big centres a inav be contained ini the announcement: '"PIaviîig hosfess (uit a popular dance hall) for fie week-enid, - w-as making hier guesf from St. Gafliairnes, -, feel rîghf uit home." Pregîîant phrase! " Playing C hostess" uit a dance hall! Nof uit home-E fliaf would neyer do. Thc poor city dw-eller 1 is driveui f0 make lier guesfs feel "uit home" auîywhcre but ini fie home! The small centre lias nof yet lost the art of entertaining uit home. Its iuîhabifants can acluieve fuis unucl wîiout hiring, a hall. In f the "backward" rural districts a good fime eau still be lîad bx' ah witiouf the aid of lush ensembles and pearl chokers. Country hospifality is îîof yct dependent on caferer and store sandwichies. If can lbc bofi lîearty aîîd (Yracious witliout circular peplums and rE suni-or uiny other sectionî of flic anatomv. The Danger of Political Action Becoming Permanent There seems f0 bc danîger of many groups in h flic-niuniifvforgefiîîg fluaf, once fhey Huaikillen. .ca rnomas aEvans farm ----Ar- Courtice-Angus Truil is home thur Ormiston had a large husk- *m Nanfon, Alfa. ing bce-150 bushels of corn. Tyronc-Capt. and Mrs. Pency Hampton - Chas. Rogers is :bb and Arnold, Oshawa; Harry home from Virdcn, Man---- M r. ,oy, Bowmanvillc; Mrs. Geo. and MT7s. J. T. Williams have bey, Moosejaw, Sask.; Major moved icre fnom Solina ---- mrry Dudley, Newcastle; J. C. Wm. Scott, fown, has been assist- udley, Befhesda, af Col. W. Fan- ing F. A. Cole in arranging his fl's. stock of groccnues. ,et's Have a Proper Definition. f What Demoar-acy eally Is special pnuvlege." (B>' Humer Metz in the European exile: "Democracy Christian Science Monitor) means majomity mule bascd on re- spect for fie nigif s of minorities." How," said my friend, the (This is vcry good. Inciden- nic, "can we rcally expcf flhc fally, if is a definition given more isians and tic Anglo-Ameni. offen by fiose who have iivcd in s Vo agree on whaf is or is not cou'ntries where minomities have cemocracy when we can'f find been regulamly supprcsscd Vian by iAmericans wlio can agnec ont native Amenicans.) meaning of flic world itself?" ren I dispufed his contenio;n Coliege professon: "Democracy, chale-gcd me Vo ask f en peo- nof- ycf fmied, is a Ufopian fonm at random Vo define democra- of government which wouid have tic State rulcd by flic people as In flic inferesfs of infernafion- a wiole." amify, semantics, a healfhy an- Businessman: "A way of life ment, and plain fun I promptîy embnacing the pmcccpfs of fie ýpted the challenge. I but- Golden Rule." îoled the finst ten acquain- Reporter: "Democracy is fie :es I encountencd in flic course substitution of ciection by the the ncxt hour. I put my ques- incompetent many for appoint- ibluntly: "Hlow wouid o ment by flic corruptfew." ine democracy?" (This sounds suspiciously like Edmund Burke or Bernard lecwifi arcefthe answcrs, i-Sa Ily n v rbat m f rm:Garage mechanic: "A govern- lousewifc: "A sysfcm of gov- ment fliat promises a square deal ment in which equal oppor- for flic comnýon man." ity is assuned f0 ahl classes." (Under this definition evcry alesman: "A sysfem of gov- dictatomsiip in histomy was a de- mien in which fliere are no mocracy. Has there ever been a ;ses."dictafor who lias not promised a crcfary: "A system in which square deal for thc common trol of flic govcnnmcnt is nof man?) ;hc iands of one or two pol-*** i parties, but in flic hands of Af fie conclusion of my one- nlimifed number of parties." man Gallup Poil I recailed a fa- Jnder titis definition the Un- mous challenge made in London States, which lias only t wo some ycars ago by Lady Weiby. or politicai groupings, could Sftuart Chiase cites if in lis book, be classed as a democracy.) "Tic Tyranny of Womds." This )mmunist wrifer: "Tic only sardonic Englishwomnan offercd a democmacy is a dictaforsiip pnize of £1,000 f0 any philosopher cl proietariaf." wio could prove f0 lier satisfac- twyer: "Democracy is fthe tion (a) fiat he knows whaf he îesis of dicfatorship and means; (b) that he knows whaf ON OUR DoORSTEP We asked for Victory .. . regardless of cost. W asked that our flghting men b. given ai good start in civilian life. W. asked thaf our sick and wounded b. given best Possible cure. W. sked that the familles Of those Who gave their lives hoWeil provided for. W asked that the best of everything b. given those Who sacrificedi most to make Victory possible. NOWi-it's up to us, e ver y last to see they get itl one Of usp Buy VicTORY BONDS The Canadai Lifs Assurance Company 's anyone cIsc means; (c) that he A knows whaf anyfhing means; (d) f ~ ~ ~ db * ~~that he means what evcryone __________ a A s i Se ut a l else means; (e) that he can ex- By CPt.Elmre Piliettpress what he means. At lasf re- ByCp.EmoePipt ports the £1,000 sfill was unclaim- h ___________________________________________ d. Lu 0f course, there was no realNN By a coincidence, îndicfments Tokyo" wîthout turning ilI, most aniaîogy bctwccn my amateur cx- n r againsf fhe German war crumîn- people can and should sec what ploràtion of the public mind and S H A Ru Eu PR SO NNEL ýe ais are made public just before modern war is like. There is n0- Lady Welby's polcmic sport, a the showing of a ncw war crime thing glorious about if. There is which was hardly f0 be taken ser- movie, "Orders Fromt Tokyo." If no such thing as "humane war." iously. Most, if flot ail, of the M Y R T R O O D J B is a good fume f0 consider whe- War was hell when General Sher- represenfative cifizens I had MA URN T B JOB e ther such pictures should be man coincd his famous phrase, questioned kncw clearly enoughuIw enstmethCilEm oyetc, 3. shown. and if is ten finies more hellish what they meant. But if was dis- Te11nttmn nCvlEPomn c 0 Not long ago a lady for whom now than if was then. concerting f0 find that no two of Mse by parliament i 1942, sets forth I have a high regard said f0 me: * hem meant the same thing. S "Don'f yon think the papers "'Orders From Tokyo" takes 20 However, if should be poinfcd conditons under which emPloyerO MUS should quit printing these horror minutes f0 show whaf the Jap- ouf thaf my survey was flot en- REINSTÂTE thefr former emPlo)Yees ii their stories fromt concentration camps anese did in the one city of Man- tircly fair. I had not for instance, employment a.fter diseharge. in Gcrmany and prison camps in ila. Ifs main point is that whaf askcd my acquaintances f0 coni- S Japan?" was donc was by deliberafe plan. fine their responses cither f0 ab- Ti dadisRg&in r dldq S ................At first I was Pictures of raped women and stract or concrete definitions. Nor ¶Ii c n t euain teamna nclii n ed to murdered babies are neyer nice. had I laid down conditions of any tered by the Dominion Minilster of Labour, think that she But they may help f0 arouse fie kind. Had I donc so I probably truhteNtoa mlyetSrie was right. Ne- world f0 the greatest need of ail wouîd havee foundal rather gener-' ver in al his- these fimes. wai agreent on the asicquali-Reinstatement Offioers are available ithe tory was h u - Bad and horrible as are these tics-or shall we say vaînes--of National EmploYment O)ffic$ to answer i nia n i ty 0 scenes in actual technicolor, fhey dmcay punch - drunk, picture a iess horrible state of af- dmcrc.quiiies, and assist i adjusting cases. 50 nenve-shat- fains than ficre was in Gcrmany. Yethsmccabeaifo tcred, s0 over- Japan neyer was, and is nof fhe experiment. In boti fhe Emplovees - cther men or women-ae wh elim ed by now, a civilized nation in the question and the answers fhe »k 1..evidence of h-scnsc that Chinia was, and as were word demtocracy was not used any t erisae f ..man bcsfiality the nations of the wesf. There mr osî ini si te a hywre o hl mlyr3mnk as nw. Wuldneye wasmor ha a tîn en-rasonably liferafe circles or on immediafcîy prior to enlistmcent, adwr itt be better cer of culture over the savage na- the augnst level of higi diplom- flot replacmng another emploYee who hai \ -for the peace tional nature of Japan. ay e esnwehrte ~ ofmmdof ie crmay'snatona crme ws ay. ew ersos, heter heysimuce been reinstated; gergeer thtfer yshainl romthousdare carpenters or statesmen, take youge gne- ha, ftr sarngtw toua fite trouble Vo defermine whether (b) fhey left their employnent to loin the forgîvatlas-yar r oe te common teohrflo' nesadn Armcd Services, Vhe Merchant Marine, or tof0 ri and forget? ; culture of what is loosely called of the words thcy employ is the teFr ihesCrs Th ogrIthoughf about if "Christendoni," she deliberately sam, as their own. (c) they apply to thefr employer for relnstate- the more convinccd I became fiat rcpudiafed and rejected fie entires One does flot nced f0 be an ex- ment, verbally or in writing, wifhin 3 the answer is "no." herifage. peto eatc oraieta otsflogdshrei aaao We shouid nof yet suppress the Thc Japanese soldier reverfedopefonhemcarntcf0ral ize of lat mo nfisfolowndisciarge in Csanad news of what fhe Germans and f0 ape-man conduct because ail he onae 0f tc carinl sinf i-Prvisonha eiefo'îrgextOesoeastne. f h Japanese did. We should flot ncedcd was to be turned loose by gagis fie rrowihne s udeAlf- vîsi.n may ead e for e onftinte If i suppress the news about crime, his rulers. The German nation mcaton of ords witi ingsorAi- en the s healfthree nths o hrIn teetrnthe whefher if is commiffcd in our scienfificaîîy cducafed ifs peopleie m s faUevmyo ho speaks oremplhyerthst edied heemotha.in thse veo 4mnt ho own country or anywicre else.- f0 ecome Blond Bcasfs. wrifesfs iothehs bet rap. a eloye tut adaed ihnte3o. ot * * * ~~The world should do cveryfhing arUnsther efs en iiosa tcahea' . When the Allies capturcd thce thaf is humanly possible f0 en- agrd eem e epeent on demt ons, t he following points in the legisiation are German gangster general Guder- able thc German and Japanese wrds wu e rneprtsenftn ur Th ian he had his lines ail carcfully nations f0 purge themscives of prigt iuor woga h concepts f thingrtant prepared. the vile doctrines and cvii insfi- righf orBwton as totse oncets lmprtn footall oftefr sattin hchpugd akn en wc deceive ourselves inf o1. Disciarged men and women upon reinstate- fotalmatch," he had the gali into f wo world wars. thinking fhey are the fhings ment are to be given conditions noV less f0 say. "Let's shake hands now But lcf's noV forget and forgive fhcmselves. tfav obetan ud ave benenjoyedad o athe winners and losers do affer f00 soon. Lef's make sure that Tafhfuousey e fth on tin u oc nes pon isedo a football game, and be real wc use fhis moment of hisfory- principal difficuities at the recent frieg;ds." whiîe people can sfiii sec and London conference. The Foreign 2. Tic period of time spent witi the Armed Until the people of the whole heur for fhcmseives what wars MinisVers kepf mixing up con- Services is f0 count for seniorify igits, pen- worid geV if througi their heads are realiy like-fo organize f0 cepts and things. When Messrs. sion igif s, vacations with pay, and certain that war is no football match abolish war in the only way if can Byrnes and Bevin saud democra- other benefufs. ficre is no hope of peace. And ever be abolshd-by substitut- cy fhey meant one thing; when L. Disciarged personnel who cannot perform whilc many people cannot sec ing world governmcnf for jungle Mn. Molotov said democracy he their former duties are Vo be reinsfafed ini suc itrsa OdrFrn nrhanpoe oiis meant something else. fhe mosf suitable employment available, at If has been suggesfed that be- which fhcy are capable of workig. ~UUU U.U UMM IUUU UUU :U-... fore any funther international confeence areheldthe on-. If an employer dismisses a reinstafed emt- u coferecesarc eldthe on-ployee wifîin 6 monfis he must be able to cerees draw up a table of defini- nrove in court fiat lie iad reasonable cause F IN THE DIM AND DISTANTPAST lions for the words and symbols for so50n ProntThe. Stateaman Films a good idea. AUL EX-SERVICE MEN .4PD IVOMEN ARE Nine oint WhyUR GED TO USE THE FA CILI TIES 0F TBE TWENTY-FIIVE YEARS AGO FIFTY YEARS AGO NATINALPoints WhSEVIC October 21, 1920 October 23, 1895 You Shouid Buy NATINLELO O Y ENTFOR SERVIC Teachers of Darlington public Dr. Olver has moved fromntIflnti VIctory Bonds J'E O KN O OK scioois arc: S.S. 1, Robent a M. Newcastle f0 Newtonvilie, wicrc 1. If would be great if flic 0ITIEfT F iIO R A.Hiye; , Melea oarn; 6ti- ahe will practise. Banks paid 3% intcrest. A . Mclin; , Aetta row; .6,amly, .A, onof 2. Vicfory Bonds are tic onîy HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MIINAMARA elG Dorofi E.,BoycetadBreow W .Tml BAsno .invcstments availabie on Regular IMinster of Labour Deputy Minuster o! Labour B, oty E, RBycM. n lao . Tamblyn, M.A., icadmaster of Savings Plan fiat pays you 3 % A.u- Tena M. Ferguson; 11, F. J.Gra Wiitby Coliegiate, has gone Vo inferesf wifiouf any cost f0 you and Mildred F. Cole; 12, Cora M. Rome Vo fake a posf-graduaf c front thc date of your firsf pay- Cruse; 13, Mabel. L. Wight; 14, course in languages. for a profes- ment._______________________________ Mervyn J. Hobbs; 15, Lyda 1 sorship in an Amenican univers- 3. Victory Botids are tic same Taylor; 16, Edgar E. Staples; 17, t.a ed ah ntcBn-fi Evelyn M. Whit e; 18, Bessie B. Emma Tabb has gone fo Ro- yours anyfimte. Mullin; 19, Alice G. Werry; 20, chesfer, N.Y. 4. This is fie 9th inning and the R.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Ms JMcssc;2,EaDnk. J N. MDuaiad W. sfimportant Loan 0f ail.V a7 R. J Meessok; 1, va Dnik. J.N. cDogalland Wm. 5. This is fie only Loan for flic Average 0f salaries paid $907.95. Painton presenfcd a framed coming 12 monfhs. If is slighfly agent for London Mutual Fine Ins. icers and dciegafes for 1895 f0 for tic previous 12 montis. and Continenfal Fine Ins. and wili Court Pride of Ontario No. 6000, 6. Canada has f0 meet hem ,be assisted by her brotlicr-in-law, Ancient Order of Foresters. obligations. Wilbert J. Hoar. Orono-Fmank Dring, Harry 7. To receive a funther Tax ne- Misses Evelyn Joness, Jane Besf and Fred Brimacombe have duction, flie people must make Haddy, Toront o, were home. Newcastle Carrie and Annie 8. We have f0 re-establisi our f Orono-Winnens in fie baby Gros r tedn htyCl odes i contest at fie Fal Fair were seae aBendain W ehifyCo-so9.disLa st ul p Boys under 1 ycar, Lloyd Georgelgif...BejmnMye s 9.TsLa isfbudup Hanock, Archibaid Wat son. Girls purchascd a residence in fie vil- noV Vo destroy. o c à unde i ean Los Rwe enalage having moved fnom Mrs. Buy ail fie Vicfory Bonds you -m Bail. Judgcs: Miss L. R. Ren- Sfeen's farm. can-keep Durham County ahead. wick, R.N., Dr. C. W. Slemon, _.Enfieid-John Hobbs has ret -___________ En JoI re d, n h le in un InI 1t] fir HE ýai Hc ,nrr nit n aSi Se( al ul kjoi -ox ýe thE ith Tr4URSDAY. NOV. Ist, 1945 A fi f i

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