A fi i SHOP AT e Persian Paws! 'Yon not anly look better ini these beautiful and rich look- ing fur coats, you also feel bet- ter when you wear them. Cut frorn rich looking Persian Paw, they not anly look well but wear weil toa. Bizes 36 ta 42, Bach $12500 Colourful 'Shags' Weil tailored frorn heavy ail-wool clothâs, these "shags" are the most colorful and serviceable caats in aur entire large selection. Art silk lined, and interlined with flan- nelette, also have extra chamois lining for extra warmth. Cornes in ail the new high shades for ,winter. Each $29- 75 JUST ARRIVED-- FULL FASHIONED HOSE Limited amount! First corne, first served and this tinie the old ax- iom of "The early bird gets the worm, " holds true. Pull fashianed! In fine rayon silk or lisie. Ail sizes. Per pair IIT TWO PAIR TO A CUSTOXER SHOP NOW FOR XMAS iy her a house coat and se- ,t hers from our large col- ,ion. Bizes 12 ta 20, 36 ta and priced from $5.95 to $11.95 A Smart Hat a , ata Low Price This sketch is just one bat from aur large array of beautiful millinery. Cornes in ail the new winter shades. . . . We have rnany other smart styles too. SPECIAL OFFERING Ladies, this is what you have been looking for! Lý,dies' crearn colored elastic kniý- fine cotton bloomers and veq;s in sises, siaîl, mnedium and 1 arge. Vests have short sleeves , bioo. mers corne with knit cu.ff1 CÇc Blouses, Blouses and More Blouses Yaur wardrobe is flot complete without at least a couple of aur smnart blouses. Na city store carnies a ]arger and more varied selection than we do. Here a.re sketched, three new arrivais in sheers. White only. Bises 12 ta 18. Bach $ 3350 BRESL9 DO WMAN VILLE u4-~ E Smart, New Jumpers! Beautiful new styles and cal-. orful shades for faîl and wmn- ter .. . of spun rayon mixture. Bizes 11, 13, 15 and 17. Zach LADIES' ALL WOOL SWEATERS Made of ail pure botany waol in smart buttoned fronts with long sleeves. Corne in brown, green, gold, sand, rose, navy, pink and white,. &zes 12 to 20. Each Plus! BRESIN'S An exceptianal dress at a sav- ing ta you. Cornes in mny ather styles and includes new winter shades of lime, rase, blue, red, gald and black. Sizes 12 ta 20.... ach 9 TO A CUSTOXER J SLICK DRESSES FOR SLIGK CNICKS LIMIT TWC 4.. A-' '<w (f Match Your Skiat AlWith a Sweater AUpure wool pullover sweaters i short sleeve styles. Cornei rose, yellow, sand, navy and red. Bises 12 ta, 20. Bach SPECIAL OFFERING Reduced ta dlean . . . Snmart ladies' knitted Weskits. In knitted, brushed or woven mna- teniais. Ail colons and styles. Wear- thern like a sweater. Reg. $2.98. Bach Expensive looking dresses at rnoney saving low price. youth- fui styles, eye-catching colors, exceptionally dressy materials, You can well afford to buy two of these dresses and replenish your wardrobe at a saving to You. Misses sizes from 12 to 20. Ail colors and rnany beau- tiful styles. Each Izt.ÇI(j THURSDAY, NOV. lst, 1945 PAGE ELEVENESA, OWANILE OTAI 0 Complete QutÇit » $34-90 Teamed for unlimited serice ... the young Cardigan suit plus the smart topper coat! Superbly tailored, wonderful together or solo. Coat is of heavy shag material, with chamois interlining, in sizes from 12 to 20 and sella at $19.95. 'Suit has beautiful black and white check coat and solid black skirt. Sizes 12 to 20 at $14.95. Complete outfit sells at the low price of $34.90. Sec our collection today! Buy lect leci 44' 0 Glamour 1 . 1 , f i $4.95