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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1945, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATWRMAW T~O~ ,TAT'3UTT.T.1~ flTC'PA~TC~ THURSDAY. NOV. 8th. 1945 Notice Dr. Ballantyne's office will be closed from November 12 to 21, inclusive. 45-1* Dr. H. B. Rundle's office will be closed from November i lth to November 25th inclusive. 45-2* Bowmanville Electricians,4 King St. E. Ail kinds Of Elctricl wiring done. Motors repaired and installed. Phone 438. 14-tf CHANGE IN CLOSING HOUR In order to comply with the 48-hour week regulation we wiUl be closing at 5:30 p.m. F. C. VANSTONE FLOUR AND FEED MILL Bowmanville 44-2* Wanted to Rent HOUSE, APARTMENT or Rooms. Please phone 405. 45-1* 2 or 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS by young couple. Write Box 579 Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. .45-tf SMALL HOUSE, 4 or 5 ROOMS, unnfurnished. Urgently want- ed by reliable party. Reward. Write Box 573 Statesman off- ice. 45-1* 1 URGENTLY NEEDED BY NOV. 30, five or six-room house by young business couple with small child. Reliable tenants. Post office Box 153. 75 King St. E. 45-~1* Strayed B1RTH STRAYED ON TO LOT 13, CON. RICHARDS-To Mr. and Mrs. 4, Darlington, heifer, 2 years Lloyd Richards, a son, at old. Owner may have same Bowmanviile Hospital on Tues- by proving property and pay- day, November 6, 1945. 45-1* ing expensos. W. J. Cann, phono 2252. .45-2* ALLIN-Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Allin (nee Margaret Hill) an- nounce the birth cf their son, Wanted John David, on November 4, 1945, at Bowmanville Hospital. WOULD GIVE PIANO A GOOD 45-i home for the winter for use, re- sidence Bowmanville. Write DEATHS Box 581, Statesman Office, ~TTC ~ ~ ,~ Bowmanville.451 FEED AND STABLING FOR winter months for 30 head of 1 1, year or 2 year old stoors. Communicate stating prices per month. Norman W. Malcolm, R.R. 1, Burkoton, phone Port Ferry 191-r-3. 45-1* Lost LOST-SUM 0F MONEY (single bill) lost on Monday. Reward. G. Crombie, Bowmanville. 45-1* LOST-BROWN HELMET TO snow suit on Queen or Ontario. Finder kindly return to Larry Bates, Queen St. 45-1* LOST-FOX HOUND, MALE, black and tan. A. L. ]3arch, Bowmanville. Phope 2890. 45-1 LOST - WILL THE PERSON finding the blue leather wallet containing sum of money and an airman's photograph in Jewell's store on Nov. 2nd kindly leave at Statesman off- ice. Liberal reward if return- ed intact. 45-1 FOR SALE Cockshutt Grinder with speed jack and endless beit <new>. Vessot RoUler DeLaval Magnetic Miiker, 2 units Woods' 6 can Autoniatic Milk Cooler McCormick-Deering 1A Hamnier Mil Immediate Delivery on Woods' Grinders F. W. WERRY Dealer for:- Woods' Electrie Farm Equipment MeDougali Water Systems Brantford Washing Machinet!, Pedier Produets ENNISKILLEN PHONE 2539 Room and Board WANTED ROOM AND BOARD FOR M~ Toronto Construction Co. P 566.4 ROOM AND BOARD WAN' within walking distance of Goodyear. Write Box Statesman Office, Bowman- 4 Work Wanted WELL DIGGING, complete r --- -A aamu, iUn., on 32" cernent tueé. Ai-soemo Saturday,, Nov. 3, 1945, Charles tile for sale. Phono KenC H. Fallis, beleved husband cf 56-r-19, Orono. 44 Lucy E. Power, i his 8lst year. Interment Nestleton Cernetery. WILL DO TATTING, FAN 45.1* work and knitting te ord Some articles for sale. 125 S, MCGOWAN -In Les Angeles, gog St. Phone 2190. 45 Calif., on Nov. 6, Elizabeth Wat- son, belovecl wife of Mr. John McGowan, in her 7lst year. Sister of the late Mrs. Hugh Cameron, Bowmanville. 45-1 * MARRIAGE NEADS - OBEN -* On Saturday, Oct. 27, 1945, in Ail Saints' An- glican Church, Toronto, by the Rev. T. W. Murphy, Cozette Ida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oben, of Toronto, to Roy W., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Neads, of Bowmanville. 45-1* IN MEMORIAM BROOKS-In Leving memery cf a dear husband, F0O. Glenn Wesley Brooks, efficially pro- sumed dead folewing opera- tions over Dortmnund, Germany, Oct. 7, 1944. "I often think I se his smiling face, As ho bade his last gcodbye, As ho left his home forever In a distant land to die." -Sadly rnised by wife Dora. 45-1* McREYNOLDS-In loving rnem- ory cf a dear husband and fa- ther, William McReynolds whe died, Nov. 8th, 1941. We littie thought that mcmn When we were leaving yoti That you so soon in death would sleep, And beave us here te mourn. We did net see you die We only know yeu passed. away Without a last goedbye. Some day, dear Pop, we will meet yeu, Some day, we knew net when, To clasp your hand in that bot. ter land Nover te part again. -Ever remembered by Wif e and daughtor Myrtle. 45-1 Cards of Thanks Mrs. M. Comstock and Audrey wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation to their friends for their many acts of kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of a dear husband and father. 45-1 Mr. W. C. Ferguson and fam- ily wish to thank their friends and neighbors, the nurses of Bow- manville Hospital, and Drs. Stor- ey and Slemon for their kindness during his recent illness, also the Ladies' Bible Class for floral tri- butes. 45-1* To Whom it May Concern: I would like to thank the people of the Newcastle Bail Club, the Red Cross and the Bomber Club for sending parcels and cigarettes to the boys since we have been overseas. It is nice to know that a person is not forgotten when ho is so far from homo. We greatly approciate the good work thoy have done and are still doing, as it makes a follow feel nearer home, so I would like to give many'many thanks to the people of Newcastle. -Pto. Foster. R. A. ENGAGEM ENT Mr. and Mrs. George W. John- ston announce the engagement of their second daughter, Guelda Kathleen, te Sgt. Edward K. Rai- ney, of Ottawa. The marriage will take place the middle of No- vember. 45-1* Wanted To Buy TOP PRICES PAID FOR NEW and used feathers, feather ticks, pillows, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope, phono 160. 42-6 HORSES WANTED FOR FUR farm. Rankine Mink Ranch, Haydon, R.R. 6 Bowmanville. Phono Bowmanville 2888. 44-4e WE ARE BUYERS 0F TIMOTHY and Clovers. Mail or bring in your samples for highest offer. Stowart's Seed Store. Phono 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, cal or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., Oshawa, 16 Onltario Street, phono 696. 14-tf WINTER'S SUPPLY 0F DRY wood, maple and elm cut in polo- lengths. $25.00 or nearestof-' fer. C. J. Mitchell, Newcastle. Phono Clarke 1914. 45.1* on your ciildren? WANTED AT ONCE - GOOD Victory Bonde can provide becurity and ' piano. Give make, age and happiness in the twilight years of your life. ~ lowest spot cash price. Al Because a Victory Bond is the safest invest- . correspondende strictly cenfi- ment in Canada. ' dentiai. Write Box 582 States- So buy Victory Bonds as a guarantee cf man Off ice. 45-1 freedomi from want and worry in your old OLD HORSES WANTED for age. This time buy two instead cf one andMikadFxodfrm$0 "Sig Yor Nme Fr Vctoy".te $10.00, according te weight. Aise beef tripe. Margwili Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone, Ont. Phono Bowmanviile 2679. 43-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Fiatt, R. R.* 1, Bethany. Phone 7rl3. (Busi - ness carried on by Mr. Flatt personally, ne agents ompley- Couc, Jhnstn Cyderan d.)42-11* Couh, ohnton& Cydeman WE ARE INTHE MARKET FOR PHONE 836 BOWBUNVIIaIE ctliy seed. Bring or mail sam- pIes. Phono Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. 41-8 1 BLACKSMITH: I ar nonw pro- pared te do general blacksmith- ing, horse-shoeing, etc. AlI work guaranteed. J. Ennis, Hampton, Ont. 45-.3* TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - Ail kinds cf tracter work, ploughing, cultivating combin- ing, etc., dono. F. S. Allen, phono 594, Bowmanville. 24.tf.4* HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, sanded and finished, old floors resurfaced. C. H. Levy, 25 yoars' experience. Phoen e 908-J-12 Oshawa. Residence Courtice. 36-12* AUTOMOBILES REFINISHED, paint repair and complote spray paint jobs. Moderato prices and satisfaction guaranteed. En- quire 33 Church St., L. G. Ea- ton. 44-3* GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN Bowmanville area in family cfi adults. Fiftoon years' exper- ience including Kosher cook- ing; wanted wage $65 monthiy. Write Box 577, Statesman Off- ice. 45-1* ORGANS REPAIRED - Cduntry Church or Homo instruments cf any make completely overbaul- ed, new bellows installed. Sat-1 isfaction guaranteed. Estimates given. H. B. Creeper, 20 Horsey St., Bowrnanville. Phono 628. 45-tf 1* Voters' List P.sted Clerk's Notice cf First Posting cf Voters' List Voters' List 1945, Municlpality cf Bowmanville, County cf Durham Notice is hereby givon that I have compliod with Section 10 cf the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Bowmanville on the 29th Day of Octeber, 1945, the list cf ahi per- sons entitled te voe in the said Municipaiity at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list romains there for inspection.. And I hereby cali upon ahl vo- tors te take immediate proceed- ings te have any errors or omis- sions corrected acdording te Iaw, the last day cf appeai being Mon- day the i2th day cf November, 1945 A. J. LYLE, Clerk cf the Town cf Bowmanviile Dated this 29th day cf October, 1945. 44-2 Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is hereby given that the first sitting cf the Court cf Re- vision for the Town cf Bewman- ville wili be held in the Council Room in the said Town on Thurs- day, November 1Sth, 1945, at 7:30 p.m., te hear and determine the severai complaints cf errers and omissions in the Assessment Rol cf the said Municipality for the year 1946. And further take nctice that al ratepayers who deern themselves ovorcharged or etherwise im- properly assessed may netify the Clerk cf the Municipality in writ- ing cf such overcharge or irn- proper assessment on or before the lSth day cf November, 1945, and your cemplaint shahl be tried by the said Court cf Revision. Ail persons having business at the Court are requested te attend as aforesald. A. J. LYLE, Clerk cf the Town cf Bcwmanviile. Dated this 27th day of October, 1945. W ANTED OLD HORSES Small or Large Quantities WiIIow Creek Fer Farm CRIM Orono KNOX Phono 42-r-2 FOR EXPERT PIANO MUING WRITE RtAGNAR STEÉN WHITBY, ONTARIO OVER 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE SPECIAL RATES FOR MUSIC TEACHERS Real Estate For Sale A SIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, bathroom and furnace, No. 44 Concession St. Apply 71 Lib- erty St. Phone 692. 45-1* VIEN. 'hone 'TED Cthe 580, ville. with cient Cain 9CY .der. icu- WANTED IMMEDIATELY GIRL or woman te holp with general housework on farm. Weekends free if desired. Write stating wages required to Mrs. Ralph Sadler, Nestleton, Ont. 44-2* COURT OF REVISION AND APPEAL TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Notice is hereby given that the first sittingsh of the Court cf Re- vision for the Township cf Dar- lington will be held in the Town Hall, in the village cf Hampton, on Thursday, November 15, 1945, at the heur cf 2:30 p.m., te hear and determine the several cern- plaints and omissions in the As- sessment Roll for the said Muni- cipality for the year 1946. Ail persens having business at the Court are requested te at- tend. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk cf the Twp. cf Darlington Datod at Hampton this Sth day cf Nov., 1945. 45-1 Articles For Sale $20 BUYS QUEBEC HEATER, oven and reserveir. F. Hutton, near Ebenezer Church. 44.2* LITTLE GIRL'S THREE-PIECE wine ceat set, size 5 years in goad condition. Phono 391 . 45-1 'I LATE MODEL M.H. No. 9 Cream Soparator, 800 lb. capacity, noarly new. Phone Bowman- ville 2885. 45-1* LADY'S BLACK BOUCLE COAT rod fox coUlar, size 16, in geod condition. Apply 172 King St. E., Bowmanville. 45-1* STUDIO COUCH AND TWO matching chairs, in geod con- dition. Apply 21 Beech Ave., Bowmanville. 45-1* 1931 DURANT COUPE, 4-cylin- der. 5 tires, Serial Ne. A3695. Apply 18 Queen St., Bowman- ville after 5 p.m. 45.1* MAN'S BICYCLE NEARLY new, $32. Apply A. W. Graham, Newcastle. Phono Clarke 1223. 45-1 '28 FORD IN GOOD MECH.AN- ical condition. Serial No. A13: 901. Apply 46 Church St. after 6 p.m. 45.1* I rIAN'S OVERCOAT, LARGE size, black, heavy material, like new. Lcw priced. H. B. Cree- per, 20 Hersoy St., Bewman- viUe. 45-2* CLARE JEWEL COOK STOVE with rosorveir, white trim, al- most new. Mrs. Stanley Mal- colmi, Nostleton. Phono Port Ferry, 194-21. 45-1* DRUMS, TANKS, ST EE L plates, silo rods and lugs, steel cable, angle iron, bearns, water piping and fittings. H. Glober, Port Hope, phone 160. 42-6 ial No. 570923. In good run- ning condition. Four new tires, two sparee. Apply Mrs. T. W. Wilson, Newcastle, Ont. 45.1* MIXED HARDWOOD, consisting cf hardwood iimbs and birch 4 ft. lengths, 2 or 3 cords te the ioad. Price $12 per cord, delivered. Apply H. Robitaille, R.R. 3, Pontypool. 44-4* BE a 4 O] I 3ROWN TWEED LADIES' BOX ceat with button-in chamois lining. Alse Labrador Seal box ceat, brown with darker brown stripe, both size 18. Like new. Phono 521. Box 239, Bowman- ville. 45-3* CYCLE JOHNSTON I RO N Herse gas engine; Wettlaufer 2 h.p. gas engine, Bosch magneto; Souvenir 6-lid coal or woed range with reservoir, open for water front. Apply Bowman- ville Electricians, 42 King St. E. Phono 438. 38-tf )NJE 122 FLEURY BISSELL tracter plow, 2-furrow with rolling coulters and skimmers, straightener if desired; also No. 77 walking plows, the last, fer 1945. T. S. Mountjoy, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phono 2503. 45-1 VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuumns repaired. "Good Vacuumns fur Good Housekeeping." A 1 s o guaranteed expert repaira, lub- rication, replacements, etc. Cali C.U.C. Service Branch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- manville, 774. 19-tf ELECTRIC WASHING M A - chines, radios, rangettes, plates, vacuum cleaners, modemn and antique furniture cf ail kinds, Quebec heaters, dock stoes, box stoves, restaurant grill steve. Aise cil burners, etc. W. Glober, Port Hope, phone -160. 42-6 OSHAWAS NEW 'FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Beddixig and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchand.ise at com. petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Slmcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf' For Rent NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00, Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf Notice To Creditors HOUSE ON CARLISLE AVE., Bownianville. Apply Miss Anme Connors, 170 Rosedale Heights Drive, Téronto. Phone fludson 5626. à5-* Help Wanted MEN TO CUT WOOD on shares. Leslie Combes. Phone 2581. 45-1* WOMAN (Preferably middle age) to help with housework. $50 per month. Apply Mrs. N. J. Scott, Duke St. Telephone 345. 45-1* Applications Wanted i Applications will be received by* the undersigned up to Dec. 1 for the office of auditor for the Township cf Darlington. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk Hampton, Ont. 45-3 Livestock m-or Sale THIRTY YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 to 8 weeks old. Roy Cochrane, L8phone 57-r-2, Orono. 45-2 3 PIGS 11 WEEKS OLD, $30. Apply F. Hutton, near Ebenezer Church. 44-2* 1 SOW AND il PIGS, 6 weeks old. W. H. Moore, Enniskillen. Phone 2572. 45-1* BARRED ROCK PULLETS, 150. Apply Kenneth His, Orono, phone 5-r-3. 45-1w* 100 WHITE LEGHORNS YEAR olds. Apply Archie Ldnn, Or- ono. 45-1 MARE. Reason for selling have purchased truck. Phone 802 after 6 o'clock or 428 daytîme. 45-1 PUREBRED JERSEY 00W, 4 years old, now due to renew. R. J. Hodgson, Tyrone. Phone 2323. 45-11 NINE HEAD 0F FARM WORK herses. Norman W. Malcolm, R.R. 1, Burketon. Phone Port Perry, 191-3. 45-1* 20 HEAD 0F YOUNG CATTLE,, cross Holstein and Polled An- gus. H. C. Pedwell, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3823. 45-1* 2 YOUNG AYRSHTRE COWS; 7 Holstein sprînger heifers; . 1- stack red clover hay; 2 sows, bred. Apply Leslie R. Coch- ranàe, Burketon. Phone 2684. S45-1* A FEW GOOD HOLSTEIN heif- èrs, some are bred; 6-year-old cow, due next month. Also a quantity of table turnips. Chas. Frank, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. Phono 2403. 45-1 FIVE PUREBRE D SHROPSHIRE ewes; Registered shearling ram Registered Yorkshire boar, 18 months; purebred sow and 10 pigs, reasonable. Bill Rowland, Newcastle. Phono Clarke 1902. 45-1 Personal 1 1 Iýx the Estate of Hugh MeCuliough All persons having dlaims against the estate of Hugh Mc- Cullough, late of the Township of Manvers, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of Yuly, 1945, are hereby notîfled to send in to W. R. Strike, solicitor for the Ex- ecutor, Bowmanvlille, Ontario, on or before the 26th day of Novem- ber,1945, full particulars of their cdaim. Immediately after the said 26th day of November, 1945, the assets of the testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to dlaims of which the said solicitor for the Executor shall then have notice. DATED at Bowmanville, this 7th day of November, 1945. W. R. STRIKE, Solicitor for the Executor 45-3 Auction sales The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. Charles Z. Poilard, Lot 11, Con. 4, Diarling- ton, to seli by public auction on Saturday, Nov. 10, the following: 3 herses, 6 cows, poultry, 150 gal. power sprayer, Friend, like new; mower, binder, rake, two-horse cern cultivator, 2 wagons, man- ure spreader, quantity of house- hold furniture and many other articles. i Sale at l p.m. Terms cash. Ted ,Jackson, auctioneer. The undersigned has received instructions from Stan Jones te soîl by public auction at Lot 32, Con. 4, Hope Twp. (11/4 miles N. and % mile W. cf Harness Black- smith shop), Wednesday, Nov. 4, at 1:30 p.m., 7 acres, more or less, beech and maple, te be sold in Y4-acre lots. Purchasers have 3 years te remove wood. Trucks and cars can drive te bush. Terms cash. Positively ne rosorvo. Jack Reid, auctieneer. Harold Caswell, clerk. 45-1* I have received instructions from James Nixon, Lot 36, Con. 6, Clarke Twp. (3 miles N.W. cf Orono) te soîl by public auction on Friday, Nov. 16, at 1 p.m. sharp, ahl his farm stock, imple- monts,. etc., including a Moedy thresher, 20" cylinder; 16 cows with calves at foot and 5 springer cows. For further particulars seO bibis. As Mr. Nixon's son is taking over the farm. the above must be sold witheut reservo. Terras cash, positively no reserve. Jack -Reid, auctioneer. 45-2 The undersigned has received instructions from W. S. Lock- wood, Newcastle, (14 mile north cf four corners), te seli by public auction ail his household effects including Cook steve (good); 2 heaters; piano; kitchen furniture, kitchen cabinet (good); buffet; couch; 2 bedroem suites; pillows and ticks; chest drawers; battery radio (lato model); 400-day dlock; churn, washer; writing desk; dur- tains; dishes; cooking utensils; bedding. There will aIse be soid grain bags; hand seeder; hoso; shovels; forks; 30-inch circular saw with 11¼.inch hole; shafts and boxings; 2 circular saws; grain grinder (new); carpenter and gardon tools; steel drum, and the following oak barrels: 2 39-gai., 2 19-gaI., 2 40-gal., i 15-gai. Sale at 1:30 p.m. sharp, Saturday, Nov. 10, 1945. Terms, cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. T. S. Mount- joy, clerk. 45-1 FARM SOLD 1 have been authorized to seil by Public Auction for John Juirko Lot 24, Con. 8, DARLINGTON lV2 miles west cf Enniskillen on Thursday, Nov. l5th HORSES Dark grey mare, 4 years; light groy mare, 6 years, good tearn. CATTLE Red cow, 8 years old, due Jan. 25th; black cew, 5 years aId, bred July lSth; grey cow, 3 years old, dIue Jan. lSth; red cew, 3 years oid, due Jan. iOth; grey cow ris- .ng 3 years, bred June l2th; 2 steers, 18 months; black caîf, b year; Hereford bull, 18 months. IMPLEMENTS 3inder, 6-ft. M...H.; mewer, 5-ft. MIc-Deering (cil bath new); seed drill M.-H.; cuitivator M.-H.; wa- gon steel wheels (new); riding plow, Chockshutt (new>; single plow, Cockshutt (new); gang plow; wheelbarrow; 2 horse-rakes 1new Cockshutt; harrows M.-H., r-sOc. (new); scuffler, spring tooth (new); scales; circular saw new); buggy; cutter; grindstone; steel barrels; separator Vega nearly now); hay ferk equip- ment; hay rack (new); iron vise; quantity cf lumber; ladders; chicken wire, 10 rods (new); farm. once, 20 reds (new); barbed wire, 60 rods; electric foncer; teel posts (14); cedar posts; )rks, hoes, shovels, chains, whif- qetrees, grain bags and many oth- r articles. P.S.: A number cf ie above implements are new. HARNESS 3et breeching harness (new); set ;am harness; single harness; col- ,rs; herse blanket; buffalo robe. GRAIN and ROOTS 10 bushels of wheat; quantity cf nangolds. POULTRY S5 Rock hens, b yoar. HAY uantity cf goed hay, alfalfa, over and timothy. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE tables; stpol bed and springs; itchen chairb, divanette; heater Lieut.-Coi. R. B. Smith, President. P. G. Purves, SecretMr. S. E. White, R.R. 4, Bownxanviiie and A. J. Grose, Raglan, Represent our Company i this territory. Prescription Service Just as your doctor has learned to depend on Jury & Loveil for capable, experienced coni- pounding so you can rest assu.red that your prescription will be filled with the purest, fineit drugs available. VITAMINS Neo-Chemical Food Capsules ----$1.25-$2.25-$5 Neo-Chemical Food Tonie -------$1.l5ý$2.45-$4.45 Ayerst Ccd Liver 011 --------. ------- 55c-$1.29 Ayerst Alphamettes $1-$3.50 Avicaps --------$1.25-$3.25 Kepler Ccd Liver 011 with Malt Extracf 75c-$1.25 Abbott's Halîver Malt and Viosterci --.---....--$1.15 Vitamin Plus $1-$1.75-$3.25 Wampole's Extract cf Ccd Liver 011 ------- $1.00 Squibb Ccd Liverr 011 --- ----- $1.10-$2.39 Squibb Adox Yeast Tablets ----------$1.00-$2.39 M ultivi is --- -- ------- $1.98 Meads' Cod Liver 011 ------------- 50c-$1.00 Meads' 10-D Cod Liver 011 --------------- 55c-$1.70 COUGII SYRUPS Buckley's Cough M ixture -------- -40c-75c Pertussin ---------- 59c-$1.39 Mfason's 49 --.---- --40c-75c Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 49c-73c Dr. Wood's Norway Fine ------------------ 33c-59c rPuretest Rum, Hcney and Cod Liver 011 ---- 60c-$1.00 Dr_ Chase's Syrup cf Lhnseed and Turpentine 35c-75c PHOTOGRAPHIC CALENDARS 2 for 25e This year, be original. Astound your frlends and relatives by sending them a beautiful 1946 calendar wlth sllk tassel cord and matching envelope. Jury C& Loveli THE REXALL STORE WMon We Test Eyes It la Doume Properly PHONE 778 - . . C.N.R. TICKETS DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and dellvery ln your district. This la made neearyT by new governmt regulations whieh permit us to cover any one district Three Days A Week We wiill therefore, be ln Bowvmaawle *Mon., Wed., & Fr1. HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LRUTWED FOR ECOIOMY Seni your eleaning wlth your laundry PHONE - 419 Do It Rlght With IlSealtite", Sealtite Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Biowing Method) F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanville Phone 494 34-tf GUARANTEED Radio Service ýTubes, Batteries, etc. Roy W. Neads 85 King St. E. Phone 580 26-tf SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 32-48 QUICK RELIEF FROM STOM- ach troubles- -indigestion, heart- burn, sour stomach, dyspepsia -with effective Wilder's Stom- ach Powder. 50c and $1 at McGregor's Drug Store. RORSES WANTED FOR FOX MEAT PHONE ORONO 42.R-2 oit ORONO 77-R-4 37-tf . 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 --- 1 1 1 -ý 1 - 17 1_- 1 Specliai Fire Protection for MNaple Leaf Policy Holders, The Mapie Leaf Farmers'1 Mutual Pire Insurance Company has entered irito an agreenment with the Town of Bowmanvilie whereby ail our Policy holders from the south part of the Eighth Concession of Darlington to Lake Ontario are granted the privilege to cail the Bow- nianvilie Fire Department in case of an uncontroiied fixe on their preinises. The said Fire Department will answer calis, at no direct expense to any of our Pohicy holders i the above area. The Maple Leat Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Ce. PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, NOV. 8th, 1945 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO

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