THURSDAY, NOV. 8tb, 1945 THE CAN'ATDTAN S TATEUTAMNC.UflOffANVTTTT.V n7WrArn - ~ ~ '-' 'V AIA1V .LL JJ.NTAIOL.JPG H E FIFTY YEARS AGO Hampton-Carless Cryderma: October'30, 1895 received $125 reward for assistinI Mr. John Maynard, jeweîler in catching a cattie thief at Ver here for 14 years, bas moved bis nonf, B.C. business to CampbeUlford. Mount Vernon-James Garf s Jennie B. Hocken, Darlington, and Wm. Gilbert have built ney won the gold watch for the best houses. six biscuits made with a new bak- Solina-Geo. Vice bas movec ing powder sold by John Mc- to the Bice property and W. H~ Murty. Gorrili bas bougbt Mr. Vice'. W. Oliver, B.A., former head- bouse. master at the Higb School, was guest of Dr. McLaughlin. WNYFV ERAG W. A. Parks, B.A., former stu- TEN -FV E SAG dent of B.H.S., bas been appoint- October 28, 1920 ed lecturer on Minerology and Miss Harnden, mifliner, ha. Geology at Toronto University. purchased from Ricbard Souci Orono-O. Scott bas leased the tbe store formerly occupied b) late Truman Hall residence -- b-- er on King St. A. T. Gamsby bas gone to New Archie Tait, grocer, bas pur- York City ----Ethel Powers, chased the building he occupieç Kirby, is organist of tbe Metbo- from C. M. Cawker. dist cburch. Mrs. J. T. Graham, Larmie, Wy- Courtice-J. M. Roberts bas oming, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. been engaged at S.S. No. 8 for F. M. Souch. It is 21 years since 1896 - -- AIf. Wyborn ba" bougbt the sisters bave met. tbe smithy and bouse formerly H. L. Quinn, Anna Bellnian, owned by J. Walter-----.John Vilda Symons, and Lena Hamley Littlejobn bas returned from Eng- attended the O.R.E.C. at Balle- land. ville. BE WISE! Wise parents kxiow the import- ance of education in the lives of their children and thousands have found that a Juvenile insurance plan is the best way of making sure that funds for education willl be ready when needed. The Great-West Life Juvenile Polioy carrnes agle- quate insurance featu.res covering the earlier years of life and will guarantee the fulfilment of educa- tional plans whether or flot you are here to see ta thern yourself. Be wise and invest now in Juvenile Insurance. See me for full particulars. ROY C. LUNNEY Bowmanville, Ontario i Representative Telephone 565 - - - --- - - - - 1 .- TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO 5s November 4, 1920 250 Goodyear employees were thrown out of employment for two days as the resuit of a fire ein the compound stores building. F. J. Mitchell, wbo bas been local manager of the Royal Bank Tfor the past 14 years, bas re- -signed and is succeeded by R. F. Aitchison, Wallaceburg. Miles Knowles, Toronto, bas purcbased tbe grocery and var- iety goads business from A. W. Stickle and Sons. Marion Pickard gave a Hal- lowe'en party in bonour of Sicily and Florence Laugber. Haydon-The community pre- sented Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aunger witb a gold ring and gold-headed cane prior ta their departure for the West. Tyrone-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cbapman are on their way ta England, wbere the former's. mother is ill . . . East end citi- zens are pleased to bave the Post Office at F. L. Byam's store. Solina-Mrs. J. W. Brooks bas sold *ber farm ta John Naylor, Lindsay . . . H. A. Switzer bas moved bis family from Ottawa ta tbe station here. Enniskiilen - Maude Asbton and Laverne Griffin were ne- membered by tbeir S.S. classes before moving ta tawn with Dr. and Mrs., Slemon. FIFTY 'VEARS AGO November 6, 1895 Master George W. James gave a party ta bis young comrades ta the number of 25 Saturday week wben the little lads and lassies bad a merry time around Lorne Villa. Tbey caupled up and went ta tbe tea tables like tbose of maturer years. Prof. S. W. Ruse, son of John Ruse, Hampton, bas been ap- pointed instructor of music at Friendsbip, N.Y. Academy and Union School. Miss Bertba Dancaster bas been engaged ta teacb at Starkvilie Scbool. John Babcock makes an extra- ordinary display of seasonable footwear in Treleaven's old stand. Enniskillen-Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Gibson bave moved ta James * Th 11fe-c rtYll rter es of a building ore lts electrlC wres. The suze and number Of wlres determine the aMounti of electrlO power tht May b. used ut ny one ime. ^" s electrical devicesmutpY an ne uses cal, for increasilfg quantities Of elec- tricity, any building, regardless Of whef l I was bulit, is only asyonastebitYf ls arterles ta carry the tad. n A home that Is wred onlY for lights n smoil appliainces Must b. rewired before l con provide such comforts as n electric rang an walr~hater. if not wired for ail requirementsf Il is f"oid" until il is rewrdt crry modernlidsr with plenty of outiel' and switches. The ecoflOmicail lime te wire properlY Is whef l aPlace is being buiit or remodeled. rdf iiglanoic A proper standlardi ilgInofc or factory wiil 0 aflctGgeouslY affect produc- tion nd pr fil mployees do btter work j with less fatigue when ighting leves re of approved standards. Adequat9 wiring aime Pr prvides for modern electrical equipmelll. Your Ilydro Is planning toarvd o ' with the electriclt Yyou wili need for pouce- lime prosperill and comfort. Be sure that you Plan aiso ta enoy these benlfnts in fulit. through cdeqiatO.wiring. Your Hydre Witt -b gla to gVO YOu information bout wiriflUè [r Il. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER' COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO C. V. Charters Wbo bas been elected President of Newspaper Managers, Inc., an international association com- iposed of executives of state, re- gional and national newspaper groups. Mr. Cbarters, of Bramp- ton, is also Managing Director of tbe Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. He was elected ta the new post at a convention in Chicago and succeeds J. Howard Rusco of Topeka, Kansas. Pye's farm, Jobn Pye and family and Mrs. S. Gilbert and family will move ta tbe village, James Sbortridge and family ta Burke- tan and Wm. G. Rabbins and family to Bowmanviile. Tyrone-May Bingbam paid a farewell visit before leaving for Marsballtown, Iowa . . . George Emmerson died Oct. 31. Hampton-Theodore Salter bas rented bis brotber's farm at Greenbank . .. F. A. Cale is seli- ing raisins 6 lbs. for 25c, 28 lbs. of beautiful yellow sugar for $1.00. Ralph Found Appointed Returning Officer For Boys' Parliamoent A Proclamation bas been issued for the bolding of elections to the 25th Ontario Older Boys' Parlia- ment and Ralph Found, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, bas been appointed Returning Off icer for Durham County. He was a former mem- ber from Durbam County, and in connection with the Proclamation, bas iasued tbe fallowing informa- tion: Nominations close on Novem- ber 1, and voters' lists must be completed by Nov. 19. Election day is Nov. 24. Any boy wbo is past bis l6tb birthday on Decem- ber 1, but nat bis 21st, is eligible ta stand for election and wbo is a member of a Christian Cburcb or a boy of goad Cbristian char- acter and can fulfill the require- ments of tbe Parliamentary Act. Those qualified ta vote must bave passed their 12tb but not their 2lst birtbday; must be a member of an organized group registered witb tbe Ontario Boys' Work Board, and bave attenxed- at least baif their Sunday Scbol class meetings. This year tbe 25th Boys' Parl- ament will observe a special Sil- ver Anniversary, and sessions wil be held in Victoria College, Tor- onto, Dec. 26-31. Premier-Elect is Bob King, member of Higb Park1 Ulnited Cburcb, Toronto, and a student at Toronto University. The Boys' Parliament is spon- sored by tbe Boys' Work Board of tbe Ontario Religiaus Educa- ;ion Council. Any 'teen-age c youtbs in Durham County, wbo are interested and wisb furtber e particulars sbould get in toucb 1 witb Mr. Found. We regret to remnind those newly discharged G.I.s that. the point systemn continues in civil- ian life. IBusiness Dixectory Legal W. a. SIKIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montrea.l vloney to Loan . Phone 791 Bownianville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., iarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanviile -Ihune: Office 688 Residence 5531 W. F. WARD, B.A., Barrister, Soilcitor, Notary 9½% King St. E. Bowmanville --Ontario Phones: Office 825- House 409 2-tf MISS APHA 1. RODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pubit Successor to M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentist DR. 3. C. DEVITT Alutant: Dr. B. W. Simson Graduate of Raya? Dental Col lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilet Sldg., Bawmanville. Office houri 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday, Cloaed Sunday, Phone 790 - House phone 32t X-Ray Equlpmenti. n Office M onumuents The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario 4 Monuments, Gravemnarkers, Engravlng, Goldleafing 23-tf ýn ig at w 's ts h After Nov. 1 Dr. C. W. Slemon's off ice will be transferred from Enniskillerý ta Dr. A. Beitb's for- mer residence on Cburcb St. Orono-J. C. Gamey, veteran of the war, bas bought the former George Cooper farm. Mrs. Gam- ey, graduate English nurse, lived and worked with Editb Cayell in Belgium and Italy. Enfied-Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott (nee Elda Pascoe) on tbeir marriage .---- Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and Bessie are moving ta Columbus. Enniskillen-Miss Mary Soucb, Hampton, bas a large music class bere ---Little Annie Oke bas been picking bernies from their garden. Nestleton-Mr. and Mrs. John Nesbitt are moving to Betbany and were presented witb two up- bolstered chairs and an oak jar- diniere stand by the community. Hell9, Homemakers! The need ta conserve butter and vegetable fats in cooking bas resulted ini the more extensive use of fat wbîch bas been rendered and clarified at borne. There are many sources of suitable animal fat-beef, park, poultry and soup bones. The dripping from lamb, mnutton and sausage is not gen- eraily retommended because af its characteristic flavour. Salvaged fat can be used suc- cessfully for frying liver, f isb, potatoes, onions or green toma- toes; and for greasing baking pans. It cannot be used indis- criminately in baking, but tbere Lare many recipes in wbicb it can be substituted for butter or sbortening - gingerbread, apple- sauce çake,* spiced fruit cake, spiced drap cookies, pancakes and bran muffins. Rendered cbickeft fat may be used in cream sauces, biscuit toppings, casseroles, and meat pies. Fatty pieces of raw meat sbould be rendered in a double baller. To clarify fat: (1) A surprising amount of the meat flavour can be removed by slicing a potato into the fat and beating untif the potato is browned. Then strain fat and store in a covered con- tainer. (2) Fat may be more tborougbly clarified by the fol- lowing method: Measure it into a preserving kettie and add 2 cups of water for eacb cup of fat. Bail the mixture for one bour, remove from electrie ele- ment, strain and cool. Wben cold, lift the cake of fat from tbe top. Scrape off any sediment that may bave collected on the bot- tom of tbe fat, then rebeat either in a double baller or a low aven until any excess water bas evap- orated. Store in a cool, dry place. In straining fat, we substitute a paper napkin in a sieve for the usual cbeesecloth - no greasy clotb ta wasb. Dripping from spiced meats sucb as flavoured sausages sbould be separated from dripping yield- ed by mild-fl voured meats. Tbis may be used'V in stuffings and dumplings for variety. Wben fat becomes dark and strongly flavoured, after it bas been used many times for frying, it is no longer good to caok witb; neither is it suitable for soap- making. ECONOMICAL GINGERBREAD 'h cup bakîng fat, 1 egg, 2Y4 cups sifted flour, %k tsp. saît, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tbsps. sugar, 1 cup black molasses, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. ginger, 1 cup boiling water. Cream sbortening, add sugar, and cream well. Blend in beaten egg and molasses. Sift flour, soda, saît and spices together-and add to, creamed mixture alternately witb boiling water. Pour intô a well-greased and floured nine- inch ring mould. Bake about 45 mins. in moderate electric aven (325 degs.). Fi11 gingerbread ring wîtb applesauce and serve bot. POTATO CAKES 8 potatoes (cooked), %k tsp. sait, 6 tbsps. grated cheese, 1 tbsp.j milk, 2 tbsps. melted fat, 3 tbsps. flour, 1 tsp. baking powder. 'Mash potatoes, add milk, cheese and sifted dry ingredients. Roll 1/2-incb tbick on floured board, eut or pat into small cakes and bake in bot aven 15 mins. PUMPKIN CUSTARD 3 tbsps.tbrown sugar, 3/ tbsp. corn starcb, 3/4 tsp. cinnamon, 2 eggs (sligbtly beaten), 1%' cup scalded milk, 3/ cup cooked pumpkin. Mx ail ingredients together and put in greased mould. Bake in pan of bot water in electric yven (325 degs.) 50 mins. TAKE A TIF 1. Tbree lbs. raw pumpkin or l% quarts diced pumpkin yields 3cups masbed cooked pumpkin. 2. You may substitute 11/k tsp. mixed pastry spice or 1/4 tsp. aIl- spice for 1/4, tsp. ginger, ¼4tsp. Lutmeg and 1 tsp. cinnamon. 3. Substitute %k cup orange juce for % cup milk in the in- gredients for pumpkin pie. 4. Sprinkle pumpkin pie witb ,hopped peanuts ta increase the rotein value of a meal. 5. Spread plain squash pie witb asmall amount of warm jam. LOCAL RFEPRESENTATIVE la HOWARD HAN1COCK King ist. West Phone 781 Bowmanville The Expert Proof Rifle Instructor: "How corne They were listening to records. you got five bull's-eyes? The "Have you anyting-ab-nore range is 600 yards, but your sigbts classical?" asked the visitor. are set for 300 yards." "You bet, we like classical mu- Mountaineer Rookie: "See that sic," cried the bost. "Mary, where rock balfway down there? I'm did you put that sympbony record bouncing tbem off that."-Trade. I bougbt three years ago?" L/CPL. RAYMOND J. WELSH MENTIONED IN DISPATCHES Headquarters, Military District No. 3, Kingston, the district that includes Bowmanviile, puts out a weekly issue for local newspa- pers, telling of tbe arrivais of service personnel from averseas, and occasionally gives the names o! those wbo bave won distinc- tion on the field of battle and in special services. In the issue a! October 26, 1945, there is mention of the names of 165 Canadians fromn coast ta caast wbo bave been mentioned in dis- patches. Across tbis 4000 miles of territory, witb over a bal mil- lion volunteers, we find tbe name of a Bowmanville boy. Tbe citation is, "National De- fence Headquarters today an- nounced tbe award of Mention in Dispatches, in recognition a! gai- lant and distinguisbed services ta the following." And in tbe brie! list we find tbis: WELSH, Raymond James, L/Cpl. B 112472, Canadian Infan- try Corps, Bawmanviile, Ontario. The Statesman joins in commun- ity acclaimi in saying "congratu- lations." Amazing The arches of the town bal were tbronged with sbelterers from a sudden dawnpour o! nain, and a group of American soldiers were expresslng their opinion of Englisb weatber. ,"WeUl," said a fellow shelterer, "you'Il soon be out of the country, I expect, and you can leave al tbe weatber for us natives." An American looked at bim in surprise. "Natives?" bie said. "You don't mean ta tell me that people live bere in peacetime!"-Tit-Bits. ASSURAiE CDMMIY Life Inzurance - Annuities - Accident & Health Insurance s AàS@LD AS i I lh ti n r 'V a c fi v b oý E u si S( R ti Yi ai pi w e - e ~ul "It is intended tbat Sunday, Nov. 1l, sball be observed in Can- ada this 3Year as a day of remem- brance of those wbo bave died wbile serving the country during the two great wars. It as desired therefore that two minutes' sil- ence be observed tbrougbout Can- ada commencing at 1 ian. on that day. It is also expecteZi that arrangements will be made in local centres for sucb services as may appear apprapriate in each locality. The Canadian Legion contem- plate arranging a national ne- membrance day at Ottawa at 3 p.m., Nov. i1. In regard ta future years will be a matter for future consideration decided on later in the United Kingdom and else- wbere." c SWITCH NOW to the Easy Way with the MASSEY-HARRIS RITE-WAY MILKER