PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. ath, 1945 I wish ta annaunce my appaintment as Agent far Beatty Bros. Equipment formerly aperated by W. S. Staples Will carry a gaad supply af repairs etc. an hand BEATTY GRINDERS FOR IMMEDIIATE DELP.TERY .W. H. Brown Phone 497 - 2610 CASE DEALER Bawmanville No Clocks o, No Keys There is na "after hours" time'on aur dlock. There are no halidays an aur calendar. There is no key ta aour doons. Ou.r day stants when we are called upon ta serve-lt ends when service is COMPLETE. Our service is planned ta, anticipate yaur need-to relieve the burden af the bereaved. No extra charge for Chapel service F. F. MORRIS CO. Durham's Largest Funeral Directors HARNESS RACES- DUFFERIN PARK TORONTO 2 P.MW. SATURDAY & MONDAY Admission Saturday 50c and Tax Free Gate Monday Ladies and Armed Forces Free Both Days EXCELLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE Corne Early and Have Lunch FULL 'COURSE DINNER - 50C ;,/r/fg0vii P, ffff, They carried hinm out under the noses of machine guns, and put him in hospital. Now it's our turn. He will nccd long sncdical care. When lie is well again, lie will nccd training for a ncw job and manyptber things. So wc must take oven, until lie is off safeiy to a ncw start. That is orne of the jobs your Victory Loan dollars must do. It's a job that cannot wait. DUYYVICJOIBlonDs McoGREGOIR'S HARDWARE Charles Carrick, Toronto, at Jackt T'onto, gvlncy itrsig~ftrms '. Reynolds' -----Mr. and Mrs. Gco. telinfofmte many ncfon ChichaLA 'W Boutillier, Mrs. A. Blcwett, Mr. SI G N O UR N A M E ndin formtiean ess onChina, 'Sn ICAL I.I1 McDONALI Leonar Blewtt, Nw Tornto; ave taken place thene and of the MNI Miss Lois Larmer, Bethcsda, at! B mrsin0 hitaiyo h lh-ILL JOHNSON forVrst eM Wby GIS SCHIU.ING sctuan uyb A. J. Balson's.___________ Chinese people. Christienity she wit WILLIAM A. SEITER tYO STASLINQ &ad ELUOT PMJL JfpyDysaid has not failed in China or LASSIE and LADDIE houcedby DAVID LEWIS W"Ùk k .Hapy ayJapan. The singing by the C.G. _____R ___OC Nyon, os ndietleE. S. NAYLOR Z.T. girls who occupjeçl the choiir M.G M.'s Thr1ll Fllled Tech- Nyosptsad fttegallery, and were assisted by Miss nicofor Sequel to I'Lassie Corne FOX NEWS- CARON-S EN AP Gum and chocolate drops, Doris Stevens, Bowmanville, who Home."MO - OENFAP Is>'t it the nicest news SHE9 REPAIR contributed a vocal solo "Bless ____________________________ Whcn wan production stops.- This House," was also much ap- Str<Kil WELLRKNOWN QUINTET SUIGS AT HAMPTON BUNDAY preeiated. netudy _______be of special interest. We have Hot Water Botties Mrs. Walhr Simpson, Oshawa, been fortunate in securing the- 69e - 89e - $1.39 - $1.69 at Ms. H L.Trims - -- rs.King's Radio Quintette of Toron - MinieBenet, ornto a who will provide a service of Ext. Malt & Cod Liver 011 Jao Hloel' -----M. o-song at the evening service. Thei 59e-9c-$16 JacobHallwell' Mr.Dob-singing should be an inspiration1 sonan snParySond wthand spiritual help.E Kepler's Ext Malt and hisbrthe, if obon- r.The north group met for sew- Cod Lîver OÙ1---- 75è - $1.25 and Mrs. M. Shutka went to Osh- iga r.TdCatso e ing at rs.___________onWed awa where they were surprised nesday afternoon with a good at- Frosst's New Chemical bygather n of fleritendsho 5h tendance. Various kinds of sew-- Food $1.15 - $2.45 - $4.45 gathred o ceebrae thir 2th ng was done and refreshments wedding annversary Mr.were served. Next meeting Nov. A3erst 10D Cod Liver 011 *1 1 TB and Mrs. Sid HalloWeil and fam- àmozf6c - 16D.$16 _ ily with Mrs. Rchard HaflowellThe Haliowe'en masquerdde = o tbon rnha -----Gordon Trim had a success- =4tFtoMrsSJ. rawfod s. __________2 5e__4 9 e fui sale ---- Morley Robinson is was well attended and an even- = Coughs - Use Creophos doing some tractor plowing for ing of fun was enjoyed. ThereE Bottie ------- --------$.00~ M. Shutka ---Mr. and Mrs. Hear King's Radio Quintet of Sunday evening, f4ov. i lth, at was a large number in costume- __________________________ yEliiott and family, Lindsay, at Toronto, at Hampton United 7 pan. This quintet is widely which made iA difficuit for the- known for their inspiring, mes- judges ,to decide in favor of the ..Hat2Sls1M 9 e 9 Mr. A. Dobson's ---Miss Alice Church Harvest Home Service on sgso og prize winners. The program was- Kkovah Salts-----29 7e HalwlTrno aldo r.interesting and entertaining and Andrews Salts -- 44e- 79e Sid Hallowell ---- Farmers are consisted of choruses by the- giad to sec finer weather as there yon eadb h on a raeSls---------- 0 is considerable work to be donc Mapl ro eTyronoe, nnyteyonea* * rp ai------0 3 dies, also readings by Mr. M.~ Sal Hepatica 30e - 59e - 1.15 --Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Pat Blackburn, Misses Yvonne Wil- E e terson, Orono, at Bert Trim's--- Misses Marion Snowden, Len- Arthufr Brooks, St. Catharines, liams, Annabelle Adcock and =OdIex Soap --------2 for lie Mrs. G. Silver was home from ore Coliacut and Betty Stevens, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Mary Niddery. Rev. W. Rack-LxSap---2=o i Uxbridgc. ~Toronto, at their homes --Mr. George Brooks ----Mr. and Mrs. ham aded as chairinan. ____________________________ Luther Goodman with Mr. and A number of- our local men are and Mrs. Chas. Greenham, Miss Mrs. Fred Goodman, Peterboro on their annual hunting trip, SPECIIAL PRICES N w o vle Audrcy, Master Elgin, baby Car- - ----- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mahoney north. Plnex Compound --- ---- 32e For morning ~ _______ oie, Mrs. John Nichols, Courtice, and Edwin, Keswick, with Mr.- PnkasCm - -8e Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Campbell at Mr. Douglas Thompson's, Mt. and Mrs. W. F. Park ý---r. andE Lactogen--------- 69e - 1.59 freshness.*.. V TN and Jean were surprised and Dennis ---Mr. and Mrs. Brue Ms rdBgei ootw EnniskillenE Corega Powd. 23e - 39e - 69c drink OVALTINE thniiled Saturday night to hear Stephenson and Glenn, Mr. and Mr. a rs. Lone An nis -isns aly ---- their son, Sgt. Bruce Campbell, Msircîcrgr agrtCsiLre n lo uk E Rbno' aly3e'm- conducting a Victory Loan pro- BabraKny sa at, Oshawa, wîth Mr. and Mrs. G. isorMran Ms.A .. at bedi ie --~ gramaover the BBCsfroaLondon. Rosevear ---Mr. and Mrs. F. Hicks and Mrs. C. Soper, Har- = AYERST & AL.PHAMETTES England. Sgt. Campbell is suc- J. R. Metcalf's ---- Mr. Albert L. Byami and f amiiy with Mrs. mony, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- = 25Cpsls 5-------- 10 cesorinLonontoBobFan-Brown, Hamilton, with his wife J. Liilicnaft, Cannington. Neil ------ Mr. and Mrs. C. Dia- 2 aisls------.0 ha f h Hpy ag h hsand son, at Mr. C. H. Snowden's Two electric storms passed over mond, Toronto, with Rev. and 50Cpue=- - 18 hamfthre H appydang hohast - ---- Miss Marg.* Nichols, town,thsecin Testr onWd Mrs. J. Plant ----Mr. and Mrs. L. 100 Capsules------------ 3.50::: tu frnd owCaadamChelf t ihMisBtyStevens ---nesday morning caused some da- GifnadJa, upeHlad 500 Capsules ----------- 15.00 the Officerhowa r Cambtell o Mrs. Ambrose Trcnouth, with her mage at L. Goodman's home, and Mr. M. Griffin, Blackstock, at thsaishwtBucs rt er, Mrs. Alfred Chaliener, Of aiso at Lorne Hoskins'. Mrs. M. Griffin's ----Mrs. E. Kîeenex ----------2 for 25c is also conducting in Londonsitr Bancroft and Mary Lou, Mr. C. Facelle --------------5L TI- N5 whene the Navy Show is making Hampton. Hallowe'cn passed off very SmthMnAndMr.H.Stv afilm. Newtonville is justiy Y.P.U. held their masquerade quietly. Jr. Young People had a wmith, Mr. and Mrs. Wi.ertSthen Powder Puffs------------ 10eE proud of these boys who have ni- on Friday evening in the Sunday Haliowe'en and masquerade par- Oshawa ----Mrà.' J. May and son-OA CLDV CIE Frsen s0 high in musical circles. schooi room with about 100 pres- ty in the hall on Wednesday ev- Gay, Allegan, Mich., Dr. and Mrs OA CLDV CIE -The whoie Campbell family have cnt. Mrs. L. C. Snowdcn, Mrs. ening which was wcll' attendcd. C oln n ai~,Lpe aae alt 20 - Entoral pulvules --- $1.75E rare talent in music. M. Burgess, Rev. H. C. Linstead, A goody number were in cos- Mich., at Mr. and Mrs. J. Dor-E Young Peopie's Union met Oct. Mr. H. G. Frceman, acted as the tume and a lot of prizes were giv- land's ----Mrs. H. J. Mullet, Miss E FILMS DEVELOPED FREE 15 in the church basement. Iï judgcs and chose the following en. Judges werc Mrs. J. Cook, Verna Ormiston, Toronto, Miss=ST R should mect every Monday. Offi- Ormiston, Lorraine Snowdcn; pies, hot dogs and chocolate milk and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston ----Mr. = s IUVVLING'S DU G STOR Trusses= cers choscn for this season are: bcst drcssed boys, Kenny Brooks, wenc served, aftcr which games and Mrs. G. E. Bradley, Jr., Mrs. É 695 Prcidct, lie Bown vie-Elgin Greenham; best dresscd la- wcre playcd. G. E. Bradley, Sr., Miss Isabelle- president, Facve Jon;s cey dy, Mrs. C. Swallow; Lillian Congratulations to Mn. William Rahm, Toronto, with Mrs. M.hIIIIIIIIItIIIIIIîIIIIII~I praymond GilmJe; easrery,a Snowden; best gent, Mrs. George Virtuc who celebrated his 82nd Griffin - Mn. E. Trewin, of _______________________________ nonJynmondGl; piase, rs lRo- Brown; best aduit couple, Mrs. L. birthday on Nov. 5th. Members Blackstock,__with W. Rahm ---- ielto Pascoe, .Mrs. C. Johns; comic, Mn. of his f amily werc present Ico cel- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rahm, Mns. R. L. Ashton, Haydon, Mrs. K. Cav- with 14 present.Anceltf ad Buly; miesinr convenr C. McGrath; best Haliowe'en, B. ebrate with him. Graham, attended the funeral of erly, Hampton, Miss Jean Cross- sewing was donc after which Mry eBuey; Citisin cve- Snowden. After this H. G. Free- egbr n e red fMs .W am etn---- aMs ihrsn omn uc a evdb r.R e ture and recreation, Jim Gilmer, man caiicd the company to orderM. ndighbrs.anRuasew fnendsetof MrnC . JRhmWesonTo- maMs ihrsn omn uc a evdb r.R c Don Vinkie, Lewis Stone; Chris- and askcd Mn. and Mrs. Ken temn. and Mr.Rssan eme MMn.A all, nd Mrsv . Jon aino, MTio-ville, Pss Judith Stenger, Mrs. J. Fields. tian fcllowshipRonald Burley. Summesford and Mn. and Mrs.thA.home oyMn.eand Ms. A. Huisonto, Rev.H. Stainton MimicoE. -Fred Secret to take the chairs at Tucsday evening and presented at Mn. E. C. Ashton's---Miss C ~.WrJen ery Aic thkan hrgou Ms.E At the meeting on Oct. 27 it was the front after which Hanry cx- Mn. and Mns. Luke with an ec- Stenger, Mn. and Mrs. F. Harri- Simpson, littie Lynda Yeo, Garry Strutt, Mrs. R. Giffin and Mrs. tychagn disonadta lied the mavaning of th gat- tric table lamp before leaving for son, Mn. Don Harrison, Toronto, Degeen. Judges were Rev. Plant, W. Rahm. Mrs. D. Lewis who is hall of the proceeds be given to ering, cailed on Edna Swallow ternwhm inH ptn wtMns. . tenger lyM. Mrs. W. Ashton, Mrs. E. A. Wer- leaving oun village was presented therelef or rotstat curcesto ncad a ,nicely worded address Mrs. H. Wonnacott and Mis. J M . LwsanrailytM . upipehtdgan wt almorinsarre- therelef or rotstat curcesto Pcggy and Fred. Betty Snow- McArthun, Dixie, Mns. C. Shaw, S Egginton's, Uxbnidgc - - Mn.ry. mknpe o osadwt lmu i sarmm in Europe. Wc were well enter-y and Mrs. Don Allan, Flint, Mich., tea were sold. brance from the ladies. Mrs. C. taincd by oun programi commit- den presented themn with à mag- George and Ralph, Bowmanvilîe, wt i rteJ laas t oun W.M.S. Thankoffering Pethick nead a letten of thanks tee and lots of fun was enjoyed. eazine table, and a Kenwood blan- with Mn. and Mns. E. A.- Virtue. Mn. and Mbrs. rJ. ecdan Dloro evc i.H .Muit o-Ao r.A.Hrigfrtegf tak RevSih er lanorenlghtnn the address to Ken and Jean and. thy, Weston, at Mn. and Mrs. J. onto, returned missionary, gave given her before leaving. Next pryeAbElanrey stn~Gneenham peetdthem . Alian's ---Visitons at Mn. S. R. an interesting talk on Foreign meeting at Mrs. E. C. Ashton's on sctalk; Doty Bow;audihn c neseharn e Hiiaydon" Pethick's, Mrs. V. Wood, Toronto, Sewing Circie met at the home Nov. 20th, ladies are asked to scanury Drty B owny ; awtha sona cai ndne _____Mn. Floyd Pethick, Montreal --- of Mis. S. R. Pethick, Nov. 6th, bring a grab box. Edng by Ml aoBunle;poen by flecton. Replies were given by Margaret Ovens, the experience both couples. A sing song was Mn. Lloyd Ashton and Mn.M.adMs A edetra cnjoyed by ail for a while, then a En eenhv oede ut London, Rodney and Forest, ofe King B rcteby ip Giln social time. ing --- Charles Rankine is paint- Extcnd sympathy to Mrs. W. H. ____________________________ Gmeswehe dieted by éttenGi- ing his house ---- Russell Aunger Rahm and family on the death ofÀ mne. Th e iopeahat ottend- is putting a new drain in his cci- her daughter-in-law, Mrs. C. W. ancte wil berincease not ony lar ---The hydro men have been Rahnx, Weston. cveryonc. Come and enjoy your- t uO~e putting up new poles and wiring E. C. Ashton has sold his house L I'AÇ self. mingto wear anorst'hp- in the village ----Mn. and Mrs. and -lot at Haydon to Mn. andR O AT 1 E T self 'i~U1 Harold Gay and famiy, Oshawa, Mrs. John Barlow, Toronto. a ? rs- Miss Shirley Gannard, Bowrnan- Mis. Edgar Wright who has m nil eehn 8 woffiala ~~ville, at Mn. C. Ganrard's---- Mn. been in Toronto has neturned Bwavle-Tlpoe9 Salemnou=if o ouh E. Bradley, Mns. B. Ashton and home.WE P SNT A THR EE 0F HT _______corsetby sizoae ! Bnad atMr Fred Ashton's, Ton- E. C. Ashton is having a new E P SNT A TE W E OF IS Mr. ad Mr. Chrles ollad, pBeca wo womee 01 onto ---Mn. and Mns. Arthur outside chimney built. Mn. hanesd Mn. h an tSl-dtheèse .sza sélom bavé Read at Mn. Louis Ashton's, Ton- Mr. and Mns. L. Ashton and fa- whoanhae sldthen u i at$ha- - me pfroportionst! onto ----Miss June Anderson in mily, Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. H. cmadactaigu esdne 4 That's why a Graduate Toronto ----Mrs. Roy Graham, McGill and family, Mn. and Mns. A SMASHING DOUBLE BILL FOR at Myrtie, wcre honoured on Oct. v , Chiascorsedere oeices nikleaMrLsl G -J.AWry tM.adMs . 26th when about 100 friends and ALLyourmuiesremenMs nik1ea n.Lsi r-J .Wnra n n n.J relaive gaherd atthehom ofthenp scrbe yor a. ham's ---Charles Rankine in R. Ormiston's, Mis. Ormiston hav- THURJSDAY AND FRIDAY ' NOV. 8 -9 reaivsgahnd tth om fment rom as many as Toronto---- Mn. and Mrs. Cecii ing a birthday party in honour of Mn. and Mrs. L. Welsh, Salem. 77 modela in a single Siemon at Mn. Harry Bnooking's, her sister, Mns. Ashton and Mrs. Rev. A.' E. Cnesswell acted as size! No woncler C ot ntan Mn n MsJ.A Wry Nwner Harold Ormîston and family, En- CHaraguavers Square"dMrs chai rang the oliowing ro- taiicav=y. Nowvcof Conratuation to n.qanaMes and Ms. H Barre, ad sols byolds Von along field, at Mn. A. Beech's ----Mrs. John Doriand on ceicbrating thein aMr. H. arutesrieAd soos bylimmer, lovelier unmes. T. E. Prout, Miss Auna Prout, 50th Wedding Anniversary, Nov. Murder Manlac at large in Old London son nead the address and Mn. Mse o Prout, Bowmanville,6h with Laird Cregar, Linda Darneli and George Sanders Lloyd Richard and Mn. M. March-a Rev. Harold Stainton, Mimico, at Service Club met at Mrs. Earl ant pnescnted Mn. and Mns. Pol- . 2v t'i5 Mn. W. Tnewin's ---- John Trewin's, Oct. 3th with 14 pre-- AD - lard with an occasional chair, -PROA** Graham, Oshawa, George Cowl- sent. Everyone was busy sewingAN bedsrea andlam. Te reip-PERSNALZED ing, Bowmanviile, at Mrs. R. nightgowns and diapers for the cdtspneaand tel amp. 'ie nci- .CORSEaY Cnossman's -----Mn. and Mns. hospitai. Donations of flannel- ifnt thankendnteinany fnsiends - Lloyd Ashton and famiiy at Mn. ette have been received. Next £Ij,,~,1~ lqp~ forandthe vk indn s A hospaity It aMIstgîve tte ngl.t upport, Russell Onmiston's, Enniskiiien meeting at Mrs. Gondon Yco's, l ee end ass chesweremadeaftc whch aso- V Chriswiii loty-----r--- Mn. and Mns. C. Soper, Mn. Nov. l3th. u I chswr aeatrwihaso r0ai d e o er and Mns. Hicks, Harmony, at Mn. Everyone enjoyed a good time wt ataOnsoiadNa cr r cial tîme was spent, followcd by a R rsmns tteHloee at edi delicious lunch. MRS. H. TIGHE the basement of the chunch. Good Chunch St. Bowmanville programi was given by Bowman- Solina Hamptonvilleand Hamptn talent in cos- STRÂ NY -NV1 bcing the pianist. Evenyone in AUDYOL NV.1 Bruc Tin an Joh Cruck-Mns. Ida McLean Dilwonth, Mn. costume paraded around the Bruc ae Tnnd ohAlCnaCrick-and Ms RlhDlwohad Mr. n0m. Pnizes wcrewon by Mrs.Se n a s A h r y shankatteded he Al-CandnanMns. Thomas McLean of Ton-y Hlti nulsale at Oakvilic. B E I onto, visitcd at Mn. and Mrs. Ai- We wcicome Mr. and Mns. Tom B ~\:. fred Challenen's ---Miss Gwcn SCN ETR Westlake and family who have .. Cavcnly, Toronto, at home-----SCN ETR movcd here fnom Hampton, hav- _I£Mn. and Mrs. T. Wray and Eileen,- iflg purchased the late Ms .MW*wt Mrs. S. Rundie, Bowman-SPCA Bush's pnopcrty. . à1 SViller. S.a.5uI No church or Sunday School 0 Mrs. B. Mullett, Toronto. withl a g Ki DE lu THURSDAY, NOV. 8th, 1945 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 14