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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1945, p. 6

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-~ 'r ~p.w.~-w t - ~ *rr.vrpr.. v'- r-.----- -~ -~ ~...Ž . PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVTLT.P.. flN'rARTO THURSDAY, NOV. 29th, 1945 Starkville Miss Normna Hallowell witb ber uncle, Mr. Will Henry, Newcastle. Lawrence Farrow, Pontypool, with bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim in Or- ana. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rutbven, Zion, et A. Dobson's. Miss N. Hallowcil in Toronto. Wcs Stringer had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley, Part Gran- by, on Saturday night along with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Layton celc- brating with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burley their 24th wedding anni- versary. Hampton A number from here attcnded nominations in Orano. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton son Roy, Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter and son, Newtonville, at W. A. and Miss M. Sharp, Toronto, at Hallowell's. M.adMs hooeSle' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow, M.adMs hoocSle' in Oshawa. and Hilton Peters'. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo and Cowan ille Carol, Bowmanville, at Mrs. C. _______Mrs. W. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowcry and family, Mr. Mrs. Fred Payne, Bowmanville, and Mrs. H. Lowery at Mr. and at W. Greenaway's ---- Gordon Mrs. Chas. Cowan's. Hiils, Hamilton, with Mrs. His Miss Phyllis Hollingsworth, Mr. and sons ---- Mr. Volney Moore, R. Morton, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Buffalo, N.Y., visited his cousin, H. Hollingsworth. Miss Mary Katerson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cowan with His friends here are pleased ta Mr. and Mrs. Les Reid. know that Jack Niddery is some- Miss Betty Scott with Mr. and what improved. He suffered in- Mrs. Andrew Bandy. juries from a motor accident, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley, has been confined to Oshawa Kenney and Doreen, Mr. and Mrs. Hospital. A Purse. Smrteneop ad for her~ Smat evelpe ndhandie styles, in 0 ~imitation and genumne leathers. M ~ $2.98 à We will "gift wrap 0 Iany gift purchased in aur store free of 0 charge. The Town Shop 0 King St., W. Bawxnanville ' BADMAINTON Through the courtesy of Major L. W. Dippeil, 0.0. Headquarters Co'y., the Armouries will be available for Badminton on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday, Fridays and same Saturdays. The Directors are planning a Grand Opening an Monday, Dec. 3rd, 1945 There will be a special round-robin in the afternoon and evening. New members will be mnade welcome and former players will be happy ta participate again in their favourite game. Fees for the season are as follows: Associate - -............. $2.00 Juniors (16 years and under) $3.00 Seniors . $6.00 A limitcd supply af lookers will be available at $1.00 each. Everyone interested in Badminton is rcqucsted ta be an hand for the grand opening. BOWMANVILLE BADMINTON CLUB N. B. VANSTONE, President. A. C. ANDERiSON, Secretary. I I P ANNUAL BANQUET DURHAM FEDERATION 0F AGRICULTURE NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Friday, December 7th, at 6:30 p.m. Guest Speaker Lieut.-CoI. Rev. W. F. Banister Musical Programme Under Direction af Mrs. Campbell POT LIJOX SUPPER PR0VDED BY MEMBERS Dishes, Silverware, Tea, Coffee, Free at Hall (Sec writeup this issue) You are invited ta enjay a fine programme and hear what the Federation has aocconiplished. GARNET B. RICKARD, President. J. J. MELLOR, Secretary. Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Philp and Bill and Mr. Everette Alian, Cal- borne, with Mrs. H. Philp and Miss Jean Philp ---- Mrs. Ho1w- ard Philp and Miss Jean Philp at- tended the funeral of their uncle, Dr. Thomas Philp et Picton. Miss Philp rcmained with her aunt --- Mr. Levi Skinner with bis daugh- ter, Mrs. George Scott, Oshawa -----Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens and children, Sutton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Burgess ----- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Cliffard, Grenville and Miss Yvonne Byam witb Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Canning- tan. Yvannc' remained with ber grancimother ---- Mrs. Mina Hugbsan left on Tuesday ta spend the wiriter witb ber daugb- ter, Mrs. George Arnold, Toronto -----Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Good- man, Brooklin ---- Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg and children, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park ---- W. S. Staples' sale was well attended also Russel Virtue'sf wood sale. Newtonville Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. W. A. iAdams and Keith, Lake Shore, Uat Mr.Clinton Browns-----Miss ODavid Law and Hubert Anderson, DToronto, at Mr. Max Stapleton's and---- Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Millson and Doreen in Toronto, and at- Itended the Ice Follies -------Mr. [and Mrs. Cecil Stapleton and fa- miiy at Mr. Lewis Wood's, Anti- Joch ---- Miss Gladys Whitney, 0 Oshawa, at home ---- Mr. and SMrs. Wayne Elliott at Mr. Bruce Whitney's ---- Mrs. S. J. Lan- Scaster is improving after her iii- ness ---- Mr. and Mrs. Ewart IRobinson and babe, Starkville, IMr. and Mrs. George Kimbail at IMr. Hugh Stapleton's --- Mr. and jMrs. Aif Graham, Newcastle, Miss Phyllis McNeil, Oshawa, at Mr. SJack Kimball's ---- Mr. and Mrs. IFrank Gilmer at Mr. Mult Kim- >ball's__--- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kimbail at Mr. W. A. Hallowell's, Starkville ---- Mrs. Wiilis Jones in Warkworth ---- Mrs. Percy Smith, Rose Valley, Sask., with her brother, Rev. L. B. Smith. Rev. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and Mrs. Percy Smith visited in Brockville, Addison and Athens. Rev. Smith gave the address at the unveiling of the Hanour Rol at Athens High School. The name of Rev. Smith's son is on the Honour Rail at Athens. On Wednesday evcning, Nov. 14, a large crawd gathered in the > Carmmunity Hall ta hanour Mr. Iand Mrs. Roy Nesbitt (formerly Olive Whitney). Mr. Wm. Laing was chairman for the following pragram: Reading, Raymond Gil- mer; piano solo, Audrey Adams; recitation, Dorothy Stapletan. The bride and groom were called ta the platform and Mrs. Jack Kim- bail read the address eulogizing the good points of the guests of honour to which bath bride and groom replied, thanking ail for the many beautiful and useful gifts. Lunch was served and dancing followed. Committee in charge were: Mrs. George Kim- bail, Mrs. Harry Wade, Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl, Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale and Mrs. Lionel Hughes. Mr. William Argail is very iii in Bowmanvil]e Hospital. Willis Joncs brought home a deer as did Cecil Burley and party. Clinton Brown bas installed el- ectricity. Mrs. C. Dix with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapieton. Young Peopie's Union Our meeting opened with pray- er by Mrs. C. Burley. Moved by Mary Burley and Edna Denault that the Recreation Committee for next week arrange lunch with their program. Moved by Mary Burley and Eleanor Johnston that we have a white gift service Dec. 17. Moved by Eleanor Jahnston and Darothy Brown that $1.50 be donated for the boxes being sent ta the boys in the armed forces. Mary Buriey toak the chair for this program: Scripture by Joyce Williams; poem by Miss Dorothy Brown, '"I Shall Go on Singing." An address was given by Eleanar Johnston on Madame Chiang Kai- shek, whicb praved ta be very in- teresting. Edna Denault read a poem, "The World Dear Lard is Very Far Apart." Ail enjayed games directed by Keith Burley. A graup of ten of aur Young Pea- pies Union attended the grand reunian in Part Hope an Nov. 23. by a program which was very en- tertaining. Wornen's Institute Nav. 21, Newtonvilie Wamen's Institute met at Mrs. Gea. Kim- ball's picturesque hame an the brow of a hill an lakeshore raad. Vice-President Mrs. Pearce pre- sided. Committee in charge of soldiers' gift boxes reparted 6 boxes dispatched overseas and onc stili ta mail in Canada. Our In- stitute accepted government grant of $3.00. RaIl call far December meeting will be-a gift for the Children's Aid in Port Hope. Canned gads will be accepted. Secretary rcad a letter of tbanks and appreciatian from Mrs. W. D. Joncs for the lovely box of fruit, candy and cookies and other acts af kîndness of members during her ilncss. Mrs. Samis, convener of Comfort Committee was in- structed ta visit Mrs. J. Robinsan, anc of aur most layai members at Newcastle, wha is reported ill. Mention was also made of Mrs. Lancaster's illness. Roll call-a suggestion for bome-made Christ- mas gift, had twa answers, a brai- ded mat and a stuffed calica doll. Some nen said sugar. Due ta flu the attendance was Maple Grove Welcome home from overseas ta George Wright, Allan Preston and Stanley Tawnsend. Mr. H. R. Faley in Toronto and attended the C.C.F. convention. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens at- tended the milk distributors' con- vention at Niagara. Misses Muriel Stevens and Joan Munday cntcred the Tempemance contest beld at Millbrook. Con- gratulations ta Muiel on win- ning the cup. Mr. Robert L. Stevens in Tor- onto with bis sister, Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliffe, Scar- bora, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ste- yens. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rook, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Swal- low ---Mr, and Mrs. Charles Greenham, Master Elgin, baby Carole with Mr. and Mrs. John Almcy, Trenton ----- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jeffery, Miss Dorcen Jeif- dry, with Mr. and Mrs. VanDyke, Taunton. Enfield Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grass and famiiy, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bawman, Part Perry, at W. Bowman's ---- Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Oshawa, at W. Pascoe's -----Mn. and Mrs. Frank Bulkow- ski, Toronto, witb Mrs. W. J. Or-,- mistan ---- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe, Marion and Evelyn with Mrs. G. V. Gauld, Bowmanville -----Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescatt bcld a Progressive Last Hein par- ty Fiday nigbt. There were about sixty ncighbors and friends from nearby cammunities, and winnens wemc Mrs. Russell Gil- bert and Mrs. Fred Smith. Con- solation prizes went ta Mrs. Hos- kin Smith and Mr. Morley Gil- may. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Smith ta aur community. Mr. and Mrs. Smith who farmerly liv- cd in Oshawe, bave rnoved onto the Hobbs ferm. Mr. and Mns. Carl Mayr, Gertie, Edîth, Inge, Giseila, Lotte, Her- mine, Emelinda, Roland and Elgra bave maved ta Oshawa, wbich mneens e considerabie drap in schooi ettendance. FEEDS.0 Free Delivery introduced the speaker wha spakE on Citizenship. Mrs. Werry saiÉ if you can answer yes ta the ques- tion: Am I my brother's kecper, you are a good citizen. She spakE of the work ta be donc in putting the new world together. Each has an obligation. Let us joir hands for peace. No machine can operate unless every part is func- tioning. Indifference and ignar- ance are twa of aur worst ene- mies. The bappiness of eacb de- pends upon ail. Help the returned soldier ta become a civilian and ta forget the horrors of war. He has flot anly lcarned ta fight but ta pray and ta realize that if there were no God there ought ta be. He needs your friendliness and en- couragement, so do your part. Mrs. Werry referred ta the solcmn observance of Remembrance Day and fittingly called it the Parade of the Dead. A cup 'of tea with sandwiches, chocolate iced layer cakes and cookies was served. The yautbful Mrs. Kimbaîl was charming in the capacity of hostess and everyone enjoycd the bospitable atmo- sphcre of the bome.-By Mrs. W. D. Joncs, Publicity Convener W.I. W.M.S. Meeting W.M.S. of Newtonville United Church met Nov. 13. Quilting was planned for Tbursday. No- minating cammîttee wiil report electian of officers in December. Mrs. J. McCullough took charge of programn and gave a very in- teresting account of a prominent East Indian's impressions of aur awn land. Wc faîl short in many Christian ideals and in arder ta measure up ta aur church's stan- dards there is much room for im- pravement. We ask ourseives, do we flot need ta set aur own na- tional house in order before we try ta evangelize other nations. Rev. L. Smith gave a fine outline of study book, "Dr. W. F. Currie of Chissamba," and told of the hard wark and devation of the man who opencd up this mission field and impraved conditions for these people. Our W.A. held their annual ba- zaar and tea Nov. 23. Mrs. J. McLachlin, Wbitevale, formaily opened the bazaar. She spake in lier usual graciaus manner say- ing that. in gaing away thcy had mnade many new fricnds but had neyer fargotten the aid ones. We were delighted ta welcome her among us once more and also sev- eral ladies from Whitevale. Our church women in their usual gen- erous fashion gave of their goods, :heir time and talents and ahl hclped ta make this a successful affair. We overlooked mention in iast week's news that we had with us on aur anniversary, Mr. Swarbrick of Kendal and we are dceply grateful ta hîm for help- ng in the musical services wîth his very fine gif t af sang. Mrs. C. Burley attended the County Temperance Convention at Millbrook and reports a fine meeting. The season's flrst snow came to Bowmanville on Friday, but soon disappeared. IjCHRISTMk.S I ÉTATIONERY We have made a speciai effort te procure an outstanding sel- ection of glft stationery. Strik- ing color combinations, attrac- tively boxed. Aise, white for the more conservative tastes. 25c to $5.00 BOOKS New Fiction - Current Events Insplrational - Humorous Standard Juveniles - Picture Books - Cut Outs and Painting Books Christmas Cards Boxed Assortments and Single Cards Gift Calendars The gift that lasts ail year Special "Ail Canada" Calendars J. Wi. JEWELL d'IG 20"p PHONE 556 - ..1 e. aFEEDS Phone: Oshawa 163w3 R . W. BALL & SON General Merchants Taunton S.S. No. 9, Clarke Wm. R. Allun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Aluin, arrivcd home on Thursday evcning. We extcnd ta Bill a bearty welcome home. Bihl Gibson is expectcd home on the "Empress of Scotland" this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pedwel received a letter from their son Lloyd in Hollend. In transfer- ring from anc division toaenother the Jeep in wbîcb Lloyd was rid- ing collided witb an army truck and ail tbe boys werc baspitaliz- cd. Lloyd's injuries, altbaugh bad enaugb, werc nat as seriaus as some of the others. He is naw out of bospital and getting back ta bis job but looking forward ta returning ta England and fromn there ta Canada and home. Leslie Gibson who is attending Rehabilitation Schoal in Toronto, was home. Friends in Na. 9 gatbcrcd at Mrs. Barcbard's on Friday even- ing ta honor ber son Chrîs and bis wife. Chas. Glenney as mas- ter of -ceremonies, explaincd the purpose of the gatbering and cehled on Mrs. Austin Turner wbo rcad the presentation addrcss and Maurice Pedwcil brought forwerd the gift, a hendsomc aoccesionel chair. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bar- chard thankcd tbe gatbering for the gift. The remeinder of the evening was spent in games. Lunch was served by the ladies. Mrs. Aldcn Gibson, Jeck end Dennîs with Shirley and Scat MacPberson went ta Oshawa Thursday cvening ta a "wclcomne home" perty for Clair Wickett wbo bad came home an the Qucen Elizabeth and bad arrivcd in Oshawa at 6 a.m. the same day. The ladies of No. 9 held a bus- iness meeting at Mrs. Austin Tur- ncr's making plans for the differ- cnt activities tbis wintcr. Mary Bowen, dietitian for Can- ada Caterers at Cornwall, wes home. 1Reg. Gibson bas movcd into the former Frank Gibson bouse in Newcastle, purchesed a truck and is gaing inta the trucking busi- ness. The Irwin Allin femily beid a reunion on Sundey. Morley was the only ebsentee baving been home from Perth the Sunday prc- viaus. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy were gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brancb. Mr. and Mrs. Cccii Malley, Grant and Wanda, ettendcd the tcntb wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Malcy, Bow- manviUce, an Fridey nigbt. Enniskillen Temperence instruction at S.S. on Sundey morning consist9d of a talk an Poster No. 1 cntitled "For My Best." Mrs. Lloyd made it very intercstîng and warthwbile for cbildren and young people. Miss. Doratby Stainton gave a reading and Ray Ashton a solo. A surprise was given Mrs. M. Griffin an Nov. lSth in honaur ai ber birtbday on Nov. 26th et the home of ber eldcst daughter, Mrs. Welter Rahm. The table was beautifully set with a large birtb- day cake. Mr. W. Rebm, ber son-în-law, wcnt for Mrs. Griffin wben ail was ready. She wes completely surpriscd ta find ber femily ail present. After ail had partaken of a bountiful dinner of roest chicken, Christmas pudding, etc., Mrs. Griffin was showered witb cerds and gifts. She thank- cd ber femiiy for rcmembering ber et thîs time. Birthday cake and tea wes scrvcd before leavîng for home. Those attending werc Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin and femily, Mr. end Mrs. Lamne Grif- fin and Jean, Mr. Melville Griffin and Doris, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabm end family, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bradley and cbildrcn, Mr. end Mrs. J. Hcrad, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Griffin and baby Laura, Mrs. Gardon Wbittaker and Eva Ann. Mr. G. -Whittaker wes unable ta attend owing ta sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hall, Dor- een, Floyd and Lionel, Little Bni- tain, Mr. Gea. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Orano, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Kitson, Jean and Shirley, Bowmanville, at Mr. Mii- ton Stainton's.. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore with friends in Toronto ------- Mn. and Msr. A. Ledbeeter witb relatives in Toronto ---- Mr. J. E. Virtue, Miss M. E. Virtue, Toronto, et H. Steven's ----- Mr. and Mrs. J. Bonrowdale and son Brian, Osh- awa, with Jas. A. Werry. Severai af Maj or Wm. James' cou- sins from Enniskillen, cailed at Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James' on Sunday, glad ta welcome Bill home. Mrs. H. Steinton, Mrs. J. Stain- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cerlson end family, Toronto, et Mr. L. Steinton's ----Mr. C. W. Soucb. and Mrs. K. Ceverly, Hampton, with Miss E. Sauch ---- Mr. and Mrs. 1). Yca, Oshawe, at Mr. G. Yeo's ----Mr. and Mrs. W. Mer- tin, Mrs. Jeck Potts and Lynde, Haydon, at Mr. Clifford Pethick's ----- Mrs. R. Thompson end Ker- en at Mrs. Wesley Thompson's -----Mr. and Mrs. Stan Aunger (nee Florence Vintue), Edmonton, Alta., with cousins and friends, this being ber aid home tawn. Mrs. Aunger helped in the choir Sundey evening. Evemyone was delighted ta hear ber alto voice egein ------ Mr. and Mrs. R. Aun- gem, Heydon, et Mr. E. C. Asb- ton's _.-- Congratulations ta Mrs. Ette Page an the gift of a grand- child, also congratulations ta the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page (nde Aileen Bradley) ---- Mr. C. W. Rahm and Betty Weston, Mrs. W. H. Rehm, Burketon, at Mr. Walter Rahm's ---- We welcome Mr. John Graham ta aur village. Mrs. Graham wha bas been under the doctor's came is staying witb her sister-in-law, Mrs. R. Cross- man, Haydon. Mrs. J. A. Plant and David with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. .Diamond, Norham. Little Mary Graham who bas been witb Rcv. and Mrs. J . A. Plant had an operation in Bow- manville Hospital for appendici- tis on Sunday. Zion Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Margaret at Fred Ashton's j ----A. T. Stainton bas returned from deer hunting ---- Miss Anne Longren, Toronto, witb Helen Ca- meron ----- Miss Eileen Stainton witb ber sister, Mrs. Adam Haw- ley, Peterboro ----Mrs. A. T. Stainton and Eileen at Dr. C. W. Slemon's, Bowmanvilie ----- Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truli and Franklin, Hampton, at Russell Perkins' ------ Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and Eileen at Alan La- vis', Whitby -- Mrs. Mary Leacb, Toronto, Pte. Rosswell Leacb, Pet- awawa, Miss Pearl Leacb, Solina, at Norman Leach's ----- Miss Ed- ith Geissbcrger, Harmony, Miss Marguerite Sidier, Thornton's Corner's, Mr. Fred Eyman, Whit- by, at Hans Geissberger's ---- Rcv. and Mrs. A. Robb, and fam- ily, Courtright, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- seli Cochrane and family, Brady, Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa, at Per- cy Davidson's ------- Miss Ruby Martin, Harmany, wîth Joyce Gifford ----Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Orme Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Budd, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Diane and Brian, Kedron, were dinner gucsts at A. T. Stainton's on Friday ----Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron and Joyce at Stanley Caverly's, Ebenezer. --- Mr. and Mrs. Dcibcrt Flintoif, Do- ris and Irene Richards, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintoif and family, Courtice, Mrs. Reta Bur- gess, Jimmie and Ralph, Oshawa, at Wes Cameron's ----Mrs. Wes Cameron, Mrs. Robt. Killen at Delbert Flintoff's, Kedron ---- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rabbins and Ruth et Ralph Ormiston's, Maple Grave ----Mrs. M. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Joe, Mr. Morley Robinson, Osha- wva, Miss E. Van Aluin, Toronto, et Henry Ball's ------ Ncighbors and friends gathcred et the home of Mr. George Gibson on Thurs- day night and presented Mr. and Mrs. George Harper witb a floor lamp. The Young People chari- varîed the bride and groom and later in the evening presented tbem witb a glass coffee perca- letor and silver tray. The b"ride tbenked them for the gifts and invited ail ta came and visit them in their home at Cheik Lake. The rest of the evening was spent in card playing and the ladies serv- ed a nice lunch along with ice cream. BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL (Reg'd. Trade School> 44 King St., Wpst, Bowmanviiie Af ter December lst, 154 King St., East Phone 434 0 Are You Having Trouble 0 GFinding Xmas Gifts? 1 OO=0==O@OE i You are cordially invited ta drap inta aur shop 0 0 ta sec aur large selection of gifts suitable for 0 every member of your family. Everything we have is in new pastwar designx.i o Among these gift items we feel you wl find n atractive, are gen- O ~uine leather Rand- 0 bags AnPom $8.00 up Anielgift for 0 00 wife, sweetheart or daughter. fl Watches for men and wamen, boys and girls, f Q beautiful pendants and brooches - or samething f 0 for the hause such as lamps with smart shades, fl mantel pieces in wide variety ora hundred ather 0 0 articles. Corne in and sec for yourself, 0 U0aar, JEELLERY & .BVVVrA s GIFT SHOP, 1= o We have in Stock: OGILVIE . . SUN-RAY.. QUAKER . . Also Chop and Miii Feeds .. Complete Lmne of Oroceries and Hardware I l 1 ,- -F ý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO - Select Tour Xmas Gi'ifts Now Billfolds - $1.00 tW $6.50 Shavng Bowls 59c-89c-$1 25 ~ Shavlng Brushes 59e to $5é.WA0 -GlUette Razors --49e - Schick Razors -- 98C EAutostrop Razors-- 98C EMEN'S MOILET CASES E Rubber Iined wlth zipper E $4.95 - $5.50 lm IANDlY TUB Sets - - - $1.85 Me'sMliar ruh25e *4 9 EMen's Fitted ECas - $5.50- E LADIIES' BRUSH, COMB AND MIRROR SETS - - New Shades, 3-4-7 pieces E$3.95 $4.49 - $7.95- $8.50 - $13.95 - $15.50E CUTEX e . C MANIICURE SETS Young Idea 50 SC Biue and White $1.00 MAC LEAN Dpmuty - - - $2.00 STOM CI PWIER Bugle Corps -- $4.00 ~* * $3.57 _ $4.16 - $5.95 - $10.il Waterman Set $5.95-$9.52 - p , Colgate's Shavlng Sets - - - 80Oc $1.35 Pahnolive Shaving - Sete --$1.50E M A~ EA NS 5 Shavlng Sets $1.25E MACLEANS Buckingham Shave - ARGESTSELLINGTOOIH Sets -- - - $1.25- FAST IN R ýTMolinard Shaving BMANzSets $3.0 $4.00 $5.0O Molinard Ladies' Sets 1.85-2.50 -400 -5.75 -10.00 Hudnut Ladies' Sets $3.00- $4.65 LAROM .ZE ra Cologne $1. - $1.50- $2. Woodbury's Ladies' KMSets . - .$1.00-$1.10 Fancy Soaps, Boxed -- Oc -$1.O - $1.50 -CERTIFED ANTIFREEZE,- Rust Proof-- gai: $1.59E - PonoCOW LI NG'S DRUG STORE weF E - 695 rse Buses to Business School Beginning December 3rd, for students from points east to Bowmanville Business School The Schooi Tfime-Table wlll be arranged to accommodate students who wish to live at home while attending Business Sehool. Under the new plan, students may brlng their lunches, arrive at 9:25 a.m. via Collacutt Coaches, complet e their funl day's work lni time to catch the eastbound coach at 3:05 p.m. An excellent opportunity, open to ail, including Ex-Service Personnel who wish to enrol under the Rehabilitation Plan of the De- partment of Veteran's Affairs. Arrange for entry now.

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