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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1945, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEC. 6th, 1945 FEEDS Mill Feeds and Chop - Free Delivery - General Me rchant, Taunton Phone: Oshawa 163w3 ROYAL THEATRE Bowmanville - Phone 59 A DOUBLE BILL FOR THURSDAY - FRIDAY December 6 - 7 with Jack Benny and Alexis Smith - AND - starnlng Dlck Powell and Anne Shirley SATURDAY - DEC. 8TH with Bob Livingston, Ruth TerrY -And a Smash Hit Western- Colour Cartoon MON. - TUES.- WED. December 10- 12 starring Ginger Rogeos, Joseph Cotten and a strong supporting cast including Shirley Temple, Spring Byington and others Added Shorts Comedy "Sleepless Tuesday" Fox News and Colour Cartoon FRIDAY - SATURDAY December 7 - 8 Jean Sullivan, Philip Dora with Helmut Dantine, Alan Hale Prisoners of War ln Defeat- Mad Rampage on U.S. sili Added Technicolor Special "Coney ]Island Honeymoon" Latest Paramount News and Cartoon MON. - TUES. - WED. December 10 - il - 12 Humphrey Bogart ln with Alexis Smith, Sydney Greenstreet Suspense, Suspicion aad Man- Womaa Madness Give Theatre Tickets for Christmas la attractive envelopes The Ideal Gift for every mem- ber of the family Post Office Hours Bowmanviile Post Off ice will remain open for the Wednesday afternoons prior to Christmas, December 12 and December 19. Citizens are also advised that on Christmas Day and New Year's Day the post office building will not be open for any purpose what- soever. Christmas business at the wick- ets is already developing and the request is that holiday business be transacted eanly to avoid a.last- minute rush. Haydon Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Challis, Miss Phyllis Challis, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron, Bowmanville, at Mr. T. Mountjoy's - - Mr. and Mýs. John Ross, Toronto, at Mr. E. Bnadley's ---- Mr. Ross and Miss Marie Ashton at Mr. W. Brown- lee's, Leaside and attended the Ice Capades---- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton, Toronto, at Mn. A. Beech's Mns. Wallace Stain- ton, Toronto, at Mn. D. Canr's and Mn. A. Beech's -----Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family at Mn. Milton Wenry's, Oshawa -----Mn. and Mns. Sulas Tnewin, Bowman- ville, Miss Venna Tnewin, Oshawa, Rev. A. E. Cnesswell, Tyrone. at Mn. W. Trewin's ---.Mns. B. Ash- ton and Bnad, Mrs. A. Read, with relatives in Toronto, and attend- ed the Ice Capades ---- Pte. Jas. Graham, London, at home ---- Miss Shirley Garrard, Bowman- ville, at home. OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 ALLIN-At Bowmanville, Dec. 2nd, 1945, William Charles Ai- lin, beloved husband o! Mary Ann Clemence, aged 90 years. EVERSON - A t Bowmanville Hospital, Dec. 5, 1945, Mary Julia Morrow, widow o! Frank- lin I. Everson, in her 73nd yean. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service Friday, Dec. 7, at 2:30 p.m. In- terment Ebenezer cemetery. FOSTER-Suddenly in Bowman- ville on Dec. th, 1945, Frances Elizabeth Foster, widow o! Sulas Foster, in her 84th year. Rest- ing at Northcutt & Smith's Fu- neral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in chapel, Satyirday, Dec. 8th, at 2:30 p.m. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. GIBBS--Passed away in Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto, on Friday, Nov. 3th, 1945, Do- nald Gibbs, age 16 months, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Gibbs o! Newtonville, Ont. 49-1* MASTERS-In Oshawa, Dec. 2nd, 1945, Mantha Jane Masters, be- loved wife o! James E. Masters, in her 79th year. MORRIS-In the Vienna General Hospital, Austnia, on May 3, 1945, Dr. Arthur W. Morris, aged 64 years. Brother o! Mis- ses Ethel and Helen Morris, Horsey St., Bowmanville. YEO-At Bowmanville Hospital, early Tuesday morning, Dec. 4, 1945, Cathanine Graham, wife of the late William Yeo, Orono, Ont. Remains left the George Funeral Chapel, Port Hope, for Requiem Mass at the Church o! Our Lady o! Mercy, Thursday, Dec. 6th at 9 o'clock a.m. In- terment took place in the Ro- man Catholic Cemetery, Port Hope. 49-1 Kenneth Fallis, B.S.A., Pas- ture Specialist, will discuss long term pasturos. This Crop Improvement As- sociation belangs ta t h e farmers of Durham County s0 overyone is invited ta be present. Garnet Riokard, President. E. A. Summers, Sec 'y. -Treas. HARRIET HUBBARD Pink Claver, two-piet Sets - - $1.1 Honeysuckie, two-pleo Sets - - - - Ayer Way ta Lovelnes Luxurla - - - LUCIEN LE LONG Carefree Cologne $1.2 Sirocco Cologne 1.50- Opening Nlght Cologne - - $1.50-$2 Balalika Cologne 1.50- Indiscrete Cologne 1.50- CHANEL COLOGNE No. 22 - - -$20 Two-piece Sets- Three-piece Sets- Single pieces - - - >AYER f 5 -$3.40D si $195 0 ss-$2.25o $2.90G .25-$2.-$3. l-2.50-3.50 E ;25-35 2.50-$3.50n -2.50-3.50 DO - $4.00 ,.00 -$4.0 - $3.00 ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS. Floors laid, sanded, finished. (Your satisfaction our success). 459 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa. Phone 3848W. 46-4* ORGANS REPAIRED - Country Church or Home instruments o! any make completely overhaul- ed, new bellows installed. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Estîmates given. H. B. Creeper, 20 Horsey St., Bowmanville. Phone 628. 45-tf 1* Livestock For Sale 2 CALVES FOR VEALING. Ap- ply Harold Stevenson, phone 2522, Bowmanville. 49-1 A FEW YORKSHIRE PIGS ready to wean and a number of start- ed pigs. Phone Bow. 2839. G. Bowman, Enfield. 49-1 16 BARRED ROCK HENS, 1 year old, over the moult, $1.40 each. Apply Arthur Beliman, 17 Cen- tre St., phone 2588. 49-1* PULLETS. Phone 2594, Bokt- manville. 49-1* PIGS-3 SOWS 6 MONTHS OLD; 7 pigs, 4 months old. Apply M. Demchuk, C.P.R. Station, New- castle. 49-1* 12 YOUNG LEICESTER EWES and one ram. Apply Schwarz Bros., R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone OshawVa 491W11. 49-1* SOME GOOD YOUNG Holstein springers and fresh cows. Also two good yearling Holstein hei- fers. Ralph Davis, Solina. Phone 2413. 49-1 HOLSTEIN COW 5 YRS. OLD, due last of January; Hereford and Holstein cow 5 years old due Dec. 15. Also cabbages.by the ton. Apply Bert Budai, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. 49-1 2 YOUNG YORKSHIRE SOWS due in 3 weeks. 1 Leicester ram. Phone Clarke 1904. B. Jaynes, Newcastle. 49-1 YOUNG CALF FOR VEALING. Blake Short. Phone 2479. 49-1 6 PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD. Apply Phone 2356. 49-1 Clerk's Notice FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Votens' Lîsts, 1945, Municipallty of Darlington, County of Durham. NOTICE is hereby given that I have compiied with Section 8 o! the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Hampton on the 2lst day o! No- vember, 1945, the Eist o! ahl pen- sons entitled ta vote in the said municipaiity at municipal elec- tions and that such list remains thene for inspection and I hereby cail upon ail voters ta take im- mediate proceedings to have any errons on omissions corrected, ac- cordîng ta law, the last day for appeal beîng the 8th day o! De- cember, 1945. Dated at Hampton Nov. 26th, 1945. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk 48-2 Registered Optometrist Speclal Arrangement 3-day service By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OPP. P'.O. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. $4.50 BACHELOR FOR MEN 1 Sets at $1.-$1.15-$1.25-$1.65-.p2.1 BIRTH SALLOWS - At Bowmanville Hospital on Sunday, Nov. 25, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sallows, a son, Sandfond Roy. (stillborn). 49-1 MARTIN-In Bowmanvilie Hos- pital, Nov. l8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Martin (nee Dorothy Moorey), the gift of a daughter, Mildred Diane. 49-1* DEATI-S MASON AND RISCH SPRING motor phonograph, also a man's bicycle in good condition. Ap- ply W. A. Stephens, 40 Brown St. 49-1* R.C.A. VICTOR CAR RADIO, 1940 model. Phone 2215. 49-1 FLEURY GRINDER, 10Y2 inch, with speedjack and 7 inch belt. Apply Lloyd Crago, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 49-1 HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER and ail attachments, nearly new. May be seen at 28 Brown St. 49-1* GIRL'S WHITE BOOTS AN]) skates, size 13, and brown win- ter coat, size 7, in good condi- tion. Phone 875. 49-1 PANDORA COOK STOVE; Cale- man lamp; Coleman iran; Mc- Clary cook stove. Apply W. N. Hoskin, Bunketon. Phone 2579. 49-2* XMAS TREES-Supply limited, phone orders eariy. Ail spruce size 2 ft.- 10 f t., priced accord- ing ta size. Delivery 1 week before Xmas. Brookdale Kings- way Nurseries. Phone 345. 49-3 POTATOES-P.E.I. CERTIFIED Cobblers, Sebagoes, Green Mountains, Katahdins, now in stock. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 49-tf SMALL VEGA SEPARATOR, complete with stand, model A3, in good condition. Cheap, $15. Phone Bowmanville 2473. 49-1 1938 PHONOLA CONSOLE BAT- tery radio, complete with two wet batteries. Apply R. Gib- .son, Newcastle. 49-1* THOROUGHLY RECONDITION- ed Mozart piano, bnilliant tone, plain mahogany case $185.00. Mrs. D. Irwin, Newcastle,phone Clarke 4402. '49-1 CHIOICE CHIRISTMAS TREES- Large size Scotch and short needie vanieties. E. R.Wlkr 39 Elgin. Phone 43.Q 93 WOOD SALE-I have been au- thorized ta seli by public auction for Howard Gauti, Lot 15, Con. 3, Darlington, (2 miles nonth o! Bowmanviile on pavement) on Saturday, December 8-6 acres more or less of good cedar, ta be sold in 1/ acre lots more or less. Purchasers will be given until April 1, 1947, to remove timber. Sale at 1 p.m. Tenms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 48-2 WOOD SALE-The undensigned has been instructed by Norman Collacutt ta seli by public auction at Lot 2, Con. 9, Darlington Twp., ',½ mile east of Long Sault Chunch and 40 rods north, at the Hydro * une on Satunday, Dec. 8, 1945, 8 acres of standing timber ta be solti in 1/4 acre lots (more or less). About 2 acres o! choice pine suit- able for lumben and about 6 acres of hardwood. A real good road to the woods and an excellent place for trucking. Don't miss the chance o! securing your next win- ter's wood. Purchasers will be given until May ist, 1947, ta ne- move timben. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30. Clifford Pethick, auc- tioneer. Livestock and Pets DON'T LET YOUR DOG DIE fnom dîstemper, or let him suf- fer from coughs, colds, intestin- al flu. A few doses o! ZEV, made by the makers o! Buck- ley's Mixture, gives quick re- lief. 50c and $ 1.00 a bottie at P. R. Cowling's. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Mike Vesna wish to announce the engagement of their eider daughter, Kathleen Marie, to Frederick James Lux- ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Luxton, Bowmanville. The mar- niage will take place New Year's Eve. .49-1* Wanted ONE-HORSE OR TEAM SLEIGH. W. Barrett, phone 426. 49-1* BLACK AND TAN HOUND. Any- one knowing its wheneabouts please notify Alfred Gex¶tard, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2452. 49-1 Found SUM 0F MONEY IN JEWELL'S Big 20 Book Store. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advt. 49-1 Strayed TWO HEIFERS. OWNER MAY have same by proving property and paying for advertisement. C. Barlow, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2237. 47-3 ONE STEER. OWNER MAY have same by pnoving property and paying for advertîsing. Russell Virtue, Tyrone. Phone 2878. 49-1 HEIFER-OWNER MAY HAVE same by proving property and paying expenses. Fred Partnier, Lot 2, Con. 8, Darlington, phone 2328. 49-3 . Ç ,Size alone can't deter- . mine thse right corset for you ... oniy your individual measure- ments can. Turn ta Charis . .. thse difler- ent corset that con- siders ALL your meas- urements. A Graduate Charis Corsetiere pre- scribes your corset from as many as 77 models in a size. No wonder Charis cradies every curve of your body, molds your fig- ure ino smarter Unes. PERSONALIZED CORSETRY *R.H IH Church Street Phone 843 l rmIJsT GlVE 1kIRM RONT SUPPORT, OR CHARnUS WON'1 1.LU YOU WR it Due ta predicted spning shortage we aro naw stock- ing Cert. P.E.I. Seed Potat- ces. Will ail thoso who have placed orders please cail for same at once. Phono 577 Bowinanville1 Articles For Sale BREAKFAST SUITE, KITCHEN Cupboard, rocking chair, dishes, bedding, pair of pillows, cab- inet of '% doz. peari handie knives and forks (new), some silverware. Phone 2889. 49-1* 1931 DURANT SEDAN, ail new tires. In fair running condi- tion. George Winn, Pontypool. Phone Orono 82-r-14. 49-1* DRESS SUIT ALSO TUXEDO (new), size 40 to 42. Wilton rug 9xl8, neutral colors. Apply P.O. box 459, Bowmanviile. 49-1* FOLDING BABY BUGGY, play pen; pair girls' skates, size 5. Phone 596. 49-1* PINE-CEDAR WOOD, STOVE length. Apply Wilbert Robert- son, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 48-4* McCLARY COOK STOVE; RED Indian gas; tires and batteries. Herbert Knapp, Liberty Street, Bowmanviile. Phone 418. 47-4* OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern, chesterfield, bedraom, dmning suites, and studios. Bedding and floar coverings a specialty. Quallty merchandise at com- petitive prices. Bel are baymng visit Bradlev's New Furniture Store, 156 Sinicoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-ti CHRISTMAS TREES. Apply 24 Odeli St., Bowmanville, or phone 476. 49-1* STOVE, COAL AND WOOD, white enamel front. Phone 560 49-1* STEWART HAND-POWER Clip- pers completely reconditîoned, extra plates. John Jacks, Hampton. 49-1* ROYAL QUEBEC HEATER FOR coal only. Phone 2688. 49-1* BEAUTIFUL DOMINION PIANO mahogany case, good condition. To be sold by tender only. Write Box No. 33, or phone 27-r-16 Orono. 49-2* GIRL'S WHITE LINED SK I Jacket, size 12, with bunny trimmed parka. Selling at haif price. Phone 686 from 12 to 1 p.ip. 49-1* SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, cal or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf OLD HORSES WANTED for Mink and Fox Food from $5.00 ta $10.00, according ta weight. Also beef tripe. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrane, Ont. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 43-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R. R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7n13. (Busi- ness carried an by Mn. Flatt personally, no agents employ- ed.) 42-11* WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ail varieties of Claver and Tim- othy seed. Bring or mail sam- ples. Phone Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. 41-8 Notice The Red Cross rooms will be elosed until Jan. 7, 1946. 49-1 Business Direclory Legal W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Salicitar, Natary Solicitor for Bank af Mantreal &(aney ta Loan . Phane 79 Bawmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE 'C. MA SON, B.A., B3arrister, Solicitor, Natary Publie. King Street W., Bawmanville Phane: Office 688 Resideace 55ýý W. F. WARD, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 9 % King St. E. Bowmanville --Ontario Phones: Office 825- House 409 2-tf MISS APHA 1. HODGINS B3arrlster, Solicitor, Notary Publkt Successor ta M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tl DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sinson Graduate a! Rayai Dental Cal iege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilet SIdg., Bowmanville. Office hauT, 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. ta 12 woon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - Hlouse phone 32, X-Ray Equipment in Office Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontaria Monuments, Gravemankers, Engraving, Galdleafing 23-tf Real Estate For Sale 80 ACRE FARM, 3 MILES WEST of Bowmanville and 3/ mile north of No. 2 Highway on So- lina Road, large brick house, large bank barn, plenty of wa- ter, wood lot, orchard. Apply John Nichols, owner on prem- ises, phone 2168. 49-1 HOUSE-SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 7 room, ideal location, insulated, good funnace, good roof. Im- mediate posession. Apply Stu- art R. James, King St. E., Bow- manville. 49-1 18 ACRES ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY, in village of Newtonville. House hydro, bank barn, double-deck coop that will hoid 700 chick- ens. Will seli with stock and equipment consisting of 175 pul- lets, iaying, heavy work horse, geese, incubator, brooders, har- ness, plow, scuffler and hay. Apply H. Williams, Newton- Personal RHEUMATIC PAIN, SCIATICA, Lumbago quickly relieved by using RUMACAPS. Recom- mended by thousands who have gained better health. McGre- gor's Drug Store. Wanted to Rent 2 or 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS by young couple. Write Box 579 Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 45-tf COMFORTABLE WARM, FUR- nished room. Central location preferred. One aduit. Phone 2889. 49-1* 2 OR 3 'ROOMS WANTED AT once for light housekeeping. Please write Box 592, States- man Office. 49-1* FARM WANTED to RENT WITH option to buy, if satîsfied, with- in 15 miles of Bowmanvîlle. Apply Harry Grace, Burketon P.O. 49-1* For Rent NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00, Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa.. Phone 696. 14-tf Lost ONE SHORTHORN RED STEER yearling. Strayed from pasture Clarke Twp., east of Long Sault School. Finder please notify owner, W. .5. Staples, Bowman- ville, phone 2375. 49-1* HeIp Wanted MEN WANTED-Toronto Con- struction Co., Liberty St. S., Bowmanviile. Phone 566. 47-tf FARM HAND WANTED FOR fruit farm. No chores, good wages. Apply George Walton, Newcastle. Phone 4433 Clarke. 49-1* SCHOOL GIRL FOR PART time work in ladies' ready-to-wear. Apply Hooper's Ladies' Wear, Bowmanville. 49-1* ELDERLY LADY AS COMPAN- ion to do light housework. Ap- ply Mrs. Nurcombe, P.O. Box 347, Bowmanville. 49-2* AN OPPORTUNITY-One of the nation's largest companies, ca- tering principally to farmer's needs, is ready to place a val- uable contract which should mean complete independence for a man fortunate enough to have the following qualifica- tions . .. character record that wiil withstand investigation and proven ability to efficiently manage both himiself and his own business. Financiai status not extremeiy important but a travel outfit is necessary. Write The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. OB-9, 2177 Masson St., MontreaI. 49-4 Wanted To Buy SET 0F SLEIGHS, PREFER- ably toboggan. Apply Stan Ailin, R.R. 1, Orono, phone Or- ono 4-r-5. 49-1* BOY'S HOCKEY SKATES AND boots, size 9, in good condition. Phone 2834. 49-1* CHILDREN'S SKATES, SIZE 12. Apply Mrs. Robt. Mutton, 6 Bradshaw St. 49-1* HAY, ABOUT 5-10 LOADS. Write George G. Haas, R.R. 2, Whitby, Ont. 49-1* A PERSON INTERESTED IN Canadian 'Local Histories,' de- sires a copy of a smali six page pamphlet-"History, of Elliott's Mils - 1840-1936" (Hampton, Ont.)-will anyone having a spare copy of this pamphlet to dispose of kindly so advise A. V. White, 2 Earl St., Toronto. 49-1 WE ARE BUYERS 0F TIMOTHY and Clovers. Mail or bring in your samples for highest offer. Stewart's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowmanvilie. 41-tf I AM PREPARED TO BUY USED cars or trucks for wnecking pur- poses. Herbert Knapp, Auto Wrecker, Liberty St., Bowman- ville. Phone 418. 47-4* Here is what this agency considers the irreducible minimum of insurance whicli a home owner should carry: 1. Pire with Extended Coverage. 2. Complete Automobile Insurance. 3. Residence Liability Insurance. If you carry less you may be wide open to the loss of yaur home. Botter talk this over with INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Suceessor to J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 King St. Bowmanville Do It Right Wlth "lSealtite" I HOME INSULATION (Blowlng Method> F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanvllle Phone 494 34-tf etc. Orono rMIN A Phone 42-r-2 45-tf Black's Beauty Shop 23 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA Get Vour FALL PERMANENT at GREAT SAVINGS --Soft Lustrons Curis! ---Genuine 011 Solutions!-- r. ~ I t Expert Operators - PI.IONE 2580492 PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, DEC. 6th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ole

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