THLTRSDAY, JAN. ltb, 1946 rSPORT NEWS Rlnk SetTo Go -If Woather is Suitable S. Jackman bas been engaged to 1,o k after the ice at the Memorial Park and there bas been a good o!e ice at the Park botb with- à theboarâ and tbe portion ad- j ~ lg the 'toards. Many skaters hockey players have taken a$ tge o! this good sheet o! the ice at the Park served as good source o! recreation for -the cbildren and sorne adults dur- lng thé Christrna-s olidays. The hockey nets bave been wel- ded by Davie Alldread and ev- erytbing is in readiness now for the boys to play hockey on a reg- ulation sized rink witb a beautiful sbeet o! ice. Maurice Breslin is making arrangements to have bis hockey teams practice at the Me- morial Park rink and it is hoped that other teams rnay be organiz- ed in Bowmanville to compete in a league at the parkî. Applications have been - receiv ed frrn the iÀ 's Intormodiato Cagors Dofeat Potes 32-18 PAGE NINE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Bq ini do- tez wi 2n H Cc H P. hi bE ac w' IL J E oodyear Itecreation Club for In their second exhibition game mne in wbich to play hockey âmnes. Ligbts have been ordered o! the season Bowrnanville Rotary r id should be erected this week Intermediate Basketball tearn de- ,hicb will enable both nigbt skat- feated Peterboro Collegiate sent-F g and night hockey playing. irS21 tB...GmStr _____2_18_________ym_____- Atoms are like God's laws. We day evening. Tbroughout the en- V et into trouble when we break tire garne the older Rotary squad E ,îem. beld a f airly substantial marginj over the Pete students, in a gamep wel-attended by local fans. E Don Mason, captain o! the team, « did a god job o! piloting bis teaniJ througb a rather toucb-and-go I first bal!. Not only that but he ' Amanaged to score 8 o! the .12É points in the first 20 minutes o! I . ~ ' play. Menzies o! the Li!tlock1 euu me 1~ tearn sbowed up well for the vis-I itors. The score at bal! time1 fl~,qsbstood at 12-10 for the Bowrnan-1 * a1UUL ville lads.I The second bal! was monopo-1 B ILLIARDS h a a ized almost entirely by the local0 A>earned thia aob- Service club team. Artie Cle- riquet because it in mence played a brihiant game dlean, healthy, ex- making several lovely baskets to hilarating andi put tbe tearn well out ahead. aportemanlike. Througbout the entire game the Play a game of hi!- Bowmanville boys bad consider- liarda w i t h your able difficulty inflicting fouis. f rienda on modern The game ended with Bowman- Brunawick equip- ville going very strong and tbe ment in the com- score standing at 32-18 for tbe fort of our Billiard locals. Hall, and you eaily The first league games start on comprehend t h i à Thursday when the Peterboro Y. tatement. M.C.A. plays the Bowrnanville Rotarians at the B.H.S. gym. The o s a R t r game is due to start at 8:30. ket , ra hardsoMnis2, PMa- Pj!UUINk ete , roamo1,Ricards,Ma thews 4, Estlick, Lee 3, Wittaker, Courtney. Fouls, Menzies 2; Ma- WMin Steet West tbews, Estlick. Bowmanvilie: D. Mason, 10; D. Y e ume 1 Mcllveen 2, A. Clemence 11, ftK-m mil.<a m l (~ I. Brown 2, J. Stutt, D. Cordelle, PUI ~R. Rundie,. R. Mclntyre 3, D. '~ ~1,~miE w~ Jackrnan, E. Mcllveen 2, R . Mof- A.4 teal' an at 2. Fouls: Mason 3, Brown, Stutt, Cordelle, McIntyre 2, E. Mcllveen. tir. a an ge tlb 1 Thursday - Friday Jan. 10 -11 Rosalind Russell, Jack Carson in "ROUGHLY SPEAKINO"II A. laugh smash hit with Robert Hutton, Jean Sullivan, Alan Hale. You will be thrilled at this that is so excitingly different. Added Shorts to please you Mon., Tues., Wed. - Jan. I 4th - i 6th TWO GREAT PICTURES ON THE SAME PROGRAM Ida Lupino, Sydney Green- street, William Prince in "Pillow To Post', Stroitgly supported bY Stuart Erwin, Ruth Donnelly with Louis Armstrong and Rlis Orchestra. Iaugh a Minute and Good Music toc. FxNews Saturday - Jan. 12th "Two Senoritas From Chicago" with Joan Davis, Jinx Falkenburg - AND - GENE AUTRY in "Oh Suâsanna" with Sriley Burnette Cartoon "UNINVITED PEST" SU LI AN *DRIU SULLIANALAN DANTI NE -HALE IRENE SAMUEL S MANNINGIN .D ir e t sed loi * U*iA-BLA T lowling League Groi ckados Rotumoed M, Clearing the decks for the )nd scbedule o! the current bu ig season, the playoffs narrov own witb the following scc iring the past week. Carter's Bums beat the Ro arn 5-2. Bagnell's Wildcats i ïestlake's Headpins, 5-2, to l Ld place in the final stand. [earl's Dark Horses rolledc ýurtice Jumbos, 7-0. Luxi lams beld first place by tal Llcky Strikes in easy fashion Higb triples: .H. Carpentier Cancilla 701. H. Murphyt Ligh single with 270. The next scbedule opens Ti ly, Jan. 15, and Wednesday, 6. The number o! tearns )een increased frorn 8 to L kcommodate 20 returned rni vehi as a new entry !rom E nanville Foundry. Final league standing: Won Lost [ams ----------- 28 14 Wildcats ---------- 25 17 )ark Horses -- 26 16 [eadpins--------- 23 19 Lucky Strikes -- 21 21 Bums--------------- 16 26 Jumbos------------- 15 29 las Beens ------- 14 28 First four teams play off1 nesday evening, Jan. 9th at7 Higb average: F'. Williams (B.T.) ----------- Sam G ay ----------------- K. Luxton ------------------- W'. Westlake ------------------ )r. Rundle ------------------- Jack Coole ------------------ P. Cancilla ------------------ Elarry G ay --------------- W. Hearl -------------------- J. Callan --------------------- D. McKnight ----------------- W. Corden ------------------ A. Piper --------------------- H. Murphy ----------------- Tom Lyle ------------------- L. W iseman -------------- B. Hayes---------- T. Bagnehi ------------------- D. Carter -------------------- B. Cochrane ---- -------------- Jack Gay -------------------- More Donations to Momorial Park Below is an additional list, nations bringing the grand to $3,176.57: Previously acknowledged $3, Richard Clark ----------- Jack Brown -------------- F. C. Vanstone ----------- A. &P. Ltd---------------- Nelson E. Osborne ------- Len Elliott -------------- Norman Allin --------- Harry Allin -------------- Alex McGregor --------- Bow. Frigid Locker Sys'rn .H. Hancock -------------- Nortbcutt & Smith---- .F,.M. Williams ----------- C. Cattran ---------------- :T. Eaton Co. Lirnited --- .L. D. Goddard ----------- Total------------------ Tbere also appears i Statesman an audit staten +haV uuo,int>of heMmSi Clul ing, enoi ove: the Fori *tu nit Inte b for the year 1945. R rlocal accountant wE .ugb to give bis servic( er these books and certi correctness o! the samiE TCHCHE Tc if-cr Mon qulck relief f rom itching caused aete's foot.,ac=blet, vimp!es and ol iitions.ueare coolint. media a.D dRSRPTION. Gra iniess. Soothea comforts and Qu e Itching. Don't aufler. AskyC 1" for D.. D. D. PIRCRU PI ws ~~~Orono News Wet@ii Baiiister New = 'M--------- Pte. Charles Smith is home Foderation AgricultureImHoI ND DS A T P S se- from overseas and with bis wif e- omT.8t.DaFlS owl- of Montreal, is visiting his par- Durham Federation of Agricul- Fo h ttmmFe ýwed ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith. ture met Jan. 3rd at Newcastle C.DUUU U U UUMUULmU !ores News was received in Orono, with a good attendance. JT YE SAGTWN -FV YAR AG Friday eveming of the sudden Letters from the Oshawa and JanuY YARy 8, 1896 JNT Y 6, 1921S AG oach death of Mrs. Hazel Holdcroft, 0f District Labour Council were or- Wele ancoc, oric, and9Miss G ay acs, teche21 LookN~. Havelock, in a motor accident. dered ffled. hold Mrs. Holdcroft was a daugbter of .eeae pontdt rvn Norman Heatlie, Bradley's, pass- Stanstead College, Que., visited îing. the late Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Ad- eeae pone poi- ed the Model School exams as ber aunt, Mrs. Jas. Courtice. over ams and a niece of Miss Florence cial convention in Toronto, Jan. ecesa hty onsCobbledick and Mr. W. S. Cob- lOth and il are W. Bannister, F.taces&tnbtb.Mc- isJn rg aetevl _______dA Hnr, .Oson, .E Higginbotham, Joh king bledick, Orono. Hand . edryR bre Murtry and John Lyle were re: edictory address at B.H.S. Com- Hkng ock La re nih s ddt vc letdt ulic School board. mencement. a.O Mal efG rosPte. Sydney York bas returned and J J. Melor.toespPen 704 H cky Sdeigtefrom several years of overseas' Report was made o the sln Marie Dodds, Port Hope, bas H. L. Quinn was again elected tokservice, and with bis wife of Lind- i co-operation given by servdl resumed ber position as teacher at mayor of Bowmanville. tokB_______sy i istn hspaets r clubs in caring for the medical Shaw's. F .Mrisno r n By Ed FitkIt andis.vsiG bis arent, e nd dental needs of over 20 chil- Contestants in the pigeon F .Mrisno r n rues- Much bas been said and a lo n r.Ge.Yr.cren reported to the federation asmac at inerenwe:M Mrs. John H. Morris, Beech Ave., Jan.mor wrtte abot te "levtr Cetomnonerviemband a re a result of the health survey. Gilbert, F. Morris, W. Cryder- gave a fancy exhibition of accur- Jan. mrers tteneaout hckey letrscepdtion aof new memers were W. Reynolds gave the treasur- man, M. Nokes, G. Mason, M. ate shooting at Montreal for the 2 to caer fDtothce lyr eda akS.Uie hrhergs report showing ail bills paid Worth, W. Tapson, W. Chartran. en as -the constant sbuttling between on Sunday morning. but only a little over $100 left in Tyrone-Miss May Sparling will Dominion Cartridge Co. 30w- Detroit, Indianapolis and Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Duncan the treasury to start the work for teach at New Park -----A. J. Hampton-Mr. and Mrs. J. J. -and Red Wing goalies have us- entertained Mr. and Mrs. Donald 1946. Manning will teach at Cypress Virtue attended the wedding o! Pt.ually been pretty active in this LDcranabb f tw andr Dr. J. B. Reynolds addressed the River, Manitoba. their son, Roland, and Helen Pt-respect ever since Johnny Mowers Ldca o t R .C.AF oaslre meeting bringing to the attention Enfield-Fred Ashton bas gone Johnston, daughter of Mr. and 65 went into the Air Force.. .. How- Dcn o h RCAF hsr-o! those present several things to Owen Sound Business College Mrs. C. Avery Johnston, on Jan. 61 ever, on December 12, young Har- enly returned from overseas. which needed much consideration------ J. Moorey intends to run a 3 - Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ruse 60 ry Lumley achieved quite a dis- Holiday Vislto1rs and action. The !ollowing were shingle mill when he finishes clo- were married on Christmas Day. 54 tinction when be took the nets in Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewood very striking: ver threshing. Tryrone Epwortb Leaguers pre- 49 Boston-for it marked the com- with !riends in Sunderland------- Need for a dloser co-operation Orono-John Varco bas opened sented the famous ".Ten Nights in 37~ pletion o! one whole year as Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay and Don- between the federation and the a store on Queen St., Toronto ---- a Barroom'l with these members 36 goalie o! the Wings. . . . That's nie, in Toronto ---Miss Collins, commodity groups; lack of inter- Miss Annie Squair, daughter of taking part: Albert Hills, Mabel 30 the longest stay any single net- Toronto, witbh ler sister, Mrs. est on the part of the public af- Mr. Francis Squair, was united in Wight, Floyd Dudley, Lorne Mc- Wed- minder bas enjoyed with the Brown ----Mr. and Mrs. C. B. !airs; need for more forums, stat- rnarriage with Alex Craig at Win- Coy, Florence Gardiner, Velmna 7:30. Wings since Mowers. . .. Connie Tyrrell witb relatives at Clarkson nth wieDracotyad ipg Staples, John Hilîs, Lance Phare, Dio, Nrmi Smth nd imm ------ r. nd rs.WilredFroteabout 20 forums there should be Solina-Loyal Crusaders Christ- Harold Clemens, Garnet McCoy, -231 Franks came and went rapidly with relatives in Port Hope----- in the neigbborhood of one bun- mas tree was a decided success May Gardiner. 228 before young Lum took over. ... Mr. and Mrs. J. Buckley, Sutton, dred. The unevenness of distri- witb C. E. Brown and Abbie Van Enniskillen-Walter R. Smith 220 noHar srm b a ein stoandlie Mrs. Harvey Witer--and-Mr. and btktion between the nortb part o! Nest assisting the littie folk. Mas- and Marion Tbompson, daugbter 2 218 notfrfo the lege etg amil Mrs. HrvwinTrnto, winb Mr. an the county and the south in mem- ters Edgar Werry and Will Bak- of James Tbompson, Bowmanville, 218 n te lagu... RegieHaml- rs.Irwn, orotowit Wood I bership and financial support. er, representing a Turk and Chi- were married at the home o! the -215 ton, former Leaf who is now with Winter------ Mrs. Jas. F. Wo Lack o! civic education and the nese, distributed the gifts and E. bride's uncle, Lt.-Col. L. T. Mc- -215 the Hawks, was given a week off and cbildren witb ber mother, disregard o! democratic responsi- G. Pascoe was the good Santa. Laugblin, Tyrone, Jan. 4. -215 at Christmas and sent home by Wbitby ----Mr. and Mrs. Grady bility. He recommended adult, -214 Bill Tobin. . . . Reg took in tbe and Bill witb Mr. and Mrs. W. E. education as a partial remedy. 213Lef-anaie gme t orntoA946:ng---s--Ck.anckr. .ColdsofierQ uicklycedfo -212 hast Wednesday and a!ter watch- S. McLaren in Toronto --- r 96 e p h c o d u c -210 ing the Leafs absorb a 4-2 heating, Gordon Winter, Niagara-on-the- Hn rsdnD.J .Ryod -207 he queried: "Wbat's wrong with Lake, at bis home ----Mr. and Hon. President, Dr JB.Reynods You can often check a cold quickly 206 those guys? Every one of tbem Mrs. Pigott and Gloria, Brant- P President, Gt anseikrd if you follow these instructions. -206 is figbting the puck." . . . Well, ford, witb Mr. and Mrs. Mac Car-Prst identestonChannistore Just as soon as you feel the cold com- -206 that's stili the $64 question in leton ----Mrs. J. Dickson with 2nd Vice-Pres., C.H.Osbore ing on and experience headache, pai -205 hockey, Reg-n teedos' her daugbter in Belleville and VcPe. .H tpe in the back or limbs, soreness through 204 se-t eandnswer . . . ci Kinlgston ------ Mr. Popbarn o! 3rd Vice-Pres., Ralpb Larmer the body, take a Paradol tablet, a good 203 dentally, Christmas was anytIng Winnipeg, witb bis sister-in-îaw, 4tecePreJs,edga.Mrol big drink of hot lemonade or ginger tea 20* buta eronfoth ef.ig Mrs.HVadWlh dM. Treasurer, Walter Reynolds and go to bed. -203 They bad to leave Toronto on Walsb ----Mr. Leroy Brown, U-Eeuîe hs sonMs The Paradol afford*s alinost immed- Christmas Eve, play in Detroit on bridge, witb Mr. and Mrs. J. D. W. Reynolds, Alex Hendry, R. late relief from the pains and aches and Christmas Nigbt and return to Brown ----Miss Mary Waddell, R. Stevens. helps you to get off to sleep. The dose Toono o la Cnaies n orno, at ber borne --- ---- Miss may be repeated, if necessary, accord- Wednesday nigbt e . . On top o! Dorotby Elford witb relatives in nexthurmeeting t M.H.Saes ing to the directions. If there is sore- missing their Christmas dinners Hamilton - ----- Mr. and Mrs. Ja- o brdy e.7b ness of the throat, gargie witb two (and presents) at borne, the Leafs mieson, Toronto, witb Mr. and Paradol tablets dissolved in water. Just o!d-lost to Detroit 6-3 and ost two Mrs. John Armstrong- ran Rubbing in the other man's mis- tr ardo the ext timenyou hv Ittlvaluable operators, B&be PrattMr.SaBrtnTonowt takes doesn't rub out yours. coPan enheeta o will be and Mel Hill .. Pratt rs An act o! goodness is o! itsel! elpesd aiao osntdsp ,023.57 bip muscles and is out indefin- Fred Blackburn, with Mrs. Cole an act o! bappiness. No reward point. 5.00 itely at a time wben hè was round- and Miss Blackburn, Newcastle coming a!ter tbe event can com- 2.00 ing into -the form tbat bas featur-------...Mr. Franklin Tamblyn, Tor- pare witb tbe sweet reward that 5.00 ed bis play during the past two onto, witb Mr. A. J. Tamblyn and went witb it.-Maurice Maeter- 15.00 seasons witb tbe Leafs.. . . Hill M«yrtie ---Miss Kate Foster witbhlinck. 5.00 suiffered an eigbt-stitcb cbeek cut !riends in Toronto. 5.00 that closed bis eye comnletelv W.M.S. o! Park St., United 5.00 whnh assrc n h aeCburcb met Jan. 3rd. Reports o! 5.00 by a puck sbot by Bill Hollett of! hast year's activities were most in- 10.00 the Wings. . . . Syl Apps is be- teresting especially the one com- 5.00 ing to look more ike tbe pre- piled by the Recording Secretary, 4 .0 war Apps witb each passing game Mrs. C. Wood, giving so mucb in- 1.00 but Sipey yli jnxdartore formation Tesoeiy ocR. O rto 10.00 soigcacsi hepttoertos TeIesrr r.R 2.0weeks tban seems possible-and E. Logan, reported $400 raised inW 50.00 would be rigbt up with Maxr Bent- the auxiliary, and a total o!f 59 L Find out ail about what your 2.00 ley if he bad managed to pot onîy members, including 19 Lif e Mem-d Stwo-thirds o! bis opportunities. bers and 40 annuàl members. Mrs. neighbourhood offers, and be- 3,176.57 ... Gaye Stewart can score goals S. Littîewood reported on tbe val- corne a booster. ientTo! from any angle as'he demonstrat- uable library that bas been estab- 2. Write your friends in the ment Parf ed against Rangers hast Saturday. lished, wbicb now comprises 70 States about Ontaio... show iay DiParyk s epi teRngrcr books. Mrs. M. H. Staples, presi-thmweteycreoue tayDii-Gne a dcualy acn o the gcoal- dent, conducted a worsbip service Our friends frorn the States have always hmwentyco our as good newend be et g a hot that- on "World Fellowship o! Cbris- enjoyed fishing the waters of Ontario.. really proud of it. e5t ostruck Goalie Henry and bounded fas uigwibMs .A 73,000 angling permits were bought by 3. Try to make any visitor glad ify as to into the net. . . . Gaye, inciden- Drummond sang "Is Your Ail on h ee ,e. talysays be basn't spent a Christ- the Altar?" Rev. S. Littlewood them ini one year. 'When they returu, let's h ae mas at home (Fort William) since conducted a. very impressive in- give thern a great welcome! foraetim o ful nd : E e was 16-whicb is seven years stallation service when the newfomtn uladgrcusy ,iý4 g.ther consecration to the duties o! WHAT CAN 1 DO? 5. In business dealings, rernember iey 8ack - Los Angeles and San Francisco their auxiliary. Th wod ft t *~ou reputation for courtesy and by eoema. are bot after N.H.L. franchises- Toewoda ietywt orss fairness depends on you. =t&II"adthe irlaplicaionswill beN such as hoteikeepers, guides, know what 6. To surn it up, follow the "a"c.1 deal ith erapaiouyns uy.. estieton visitors appreciate. They might suggest: "~Golden Rule." rION. OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 THURS. - FRI.- SAT. january 10 - - 12 The Most Exciting Loyers on The Sereen Greer Garson - Gregory Peck ,,The Valley of Decision" 'with Donald Crisp, Lionel Barry- more, Preston Foster, Marsba Hunt, Gladys Cooper MON. - TUES. - WED. January 14 - 15 - 16 Robert Young, Laraine Day ln ",Those Endoarîng Young Charms" with Ann Hardingf, Marc Cramer Added Shorts "cAirlilie To Everywhere" COMNG fTURS%#*Y IlHor Highness The Bellboy" starrlflg Hedy Lamiarr, Robert Walker June Aflyson GoooaeAlee(afsBaten out- Goight to ittBasg BaHorns. - Duh o tbrgnh an Briseks..-mo.tb absence FrontkBokson nt r Roa babsec rmteBsven ganes-Ar BRtssardiner, eorngAbbott, MariceGCrea, ieoygFankt, Bennye Gorat, arvey enetands Paul Bibat HarvDougBaldwinan Lal deencerecrut Baldwas, strickenwit aendcitis soons aftce ariin atppnitsrg, i now r rcuperatgiatsWinnipeg, bis homuertwn. . . Winding hsom e back nactionalwihn the nd et cupleao!neeks-nd maherejoinctheleaofs. . . Clnt (Sufy) Soih th he fs ..Ciag Black HakSmish o te eCtipeag- iledkpaer i the NL. t ar- ing to John n telg..L..acnobis igto oN.L. tseons, mIn bas eetn penahieons toth eten o! 22 meiues . . . andthat's ail ofor2,thiues.c.u.Hthsappy New Year to ahl! AFTER LONG SEA VOYAGE After an ocean voyage lasting the better ,part o! a month, Ma- jor Norman D. Hogg, MBE, ar- rîved in Toronto, Saturday, after three years overseas witb the Canadian forces. Major Hogg left Glasgow, Dec. 12 on a ship wbich was re-routed several times be- fore reaching Canada. Major Hogg served witb the 69tb Canadian General Transport and won the MBE for meritorious service. Monday's Globe and Mail carried bis picture, bappily greet- ing bis wife when be reacbed Tor- onto. The Major is 'a son o! Thomas Hogg, Orono, and sister o! Mrs. Garnet Goheen, Bowmanville. Prior to enlisting he was a travel- 1er for the Maple Leaf Milling Co. A graduate o! the O.A.C., Guelph, he was a member o! the famous grain judging team trained by Agricultural Representative E. A. Summers, and an outstanding prize winner on the Durham County team that competed in the national championsbips at Regina in 1932. I know indeed that wealth is good; But lowly roo! and simple food, Witb love that bath no doubt,' Are more than gold witbout. -J. G. Wblttier. The fIrst sure symptom' o! a mind in bealth, is rest o! beart, and pleasure f elt at home.- Young. Samells, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hetz and family, Fairview, Pa., MIr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb and f a- nily, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Lamb, Clarkson, Mr. and M!rs.L Wrn. Lamb witb Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson ---- Mr. and vlrs. Rae Malcolmn, Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr and family, Yelver- ton, witb Mr. and Mrs. Victor MIalcolmn---- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan H1oskin, Blackstock, witb bis sis- ter, Mrs. Harold Wheeler ---- MIr. Wm. Lamb and Mr. Lorne Lamb attended Mr. J. L. Bran- lon's funeral at Fenelon Falls --- MIr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, o! Bowmanville ---- Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Wayne, also Mrs. Leonard Joblin, visited Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Port Perry ----- Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and Billy at Mr. L. Joblin's ---- Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman, Ballyduif, witb Mr. and Mrs. G. Johns_ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Henry, o Blackwater, with Mr. and Mrs Stanley Malcolm -- Miss Ruth Armstrong, Peterboro Normal, is staying with Miss Jean Malcolm and attending Caesarea shool to get instructions in teacbing Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm and Jean witb Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mal- colm---- Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, Donald, Gladys and Ir- ene. witb Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird, Brooklin ---- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickey, Mr. Roy Reynolds with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black --- Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin, witb Mrs. Harold Wheeler ------ Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Samnelîs, Melville, and Anna, witb Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy, Hampton. Mmat ihrbin eua 1umh 11ea uuSm 9bM -luadaCh$@. bachache ..- M& im8lu,&Wbed Mstay m e. - .Mà s âiPIshl enhby Worth hic weight in gold!1 Actually, This diagram, based on figures sup- the Province of Ontario, i pre-war plied by the Hotel Association, years, profited to almost the same shows bow everyone benefitsftrom extent from tourist business sas it the Ontario tourist income. Every did from the much publicized gold tourist dollar is mhared this way .. . mining industry. It is up to eacb 1. Hotels; 2. Retail stores; 3. Res- of us individually to see that this taurants; 4 . Taxes, etc; 5. Amuse- business goes on growing. monts; 6. Garages. à DY OHN LA»A17rUMMTU PUBUSHID IN THE PUMLC I0 ROYAL THEATR Bowmanville - Phone 589E A Week ot Superb Entertainmeflt I 4' Canine Patrol News ceLotri "e sure "Y cdwcwi com bocki'! du go-- ---- «---, -- 1