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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1946, p. 6

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~ÂGL fl A d9i ri TuP A1iJAflTAm ATESmAm. n1owMANVILLE. ONTARIO rati s~.Tix WM .ROGERS&SON Uy igterffatiauxal You may choose from two famous patterns - - Exquisite or Gardenia .... 34 piece serv'ice for eight--complete with chest. BEAUTIFUL CALENDAR Caîl and get one of our . beautiful calendars. MARRIS Jewellery. Local Agent for Nfew Service Cleaners 's W. 1. Dapel Phone 419 PICK UP AND DEtIVERY Each Monday and Thursdey AUl types of Dry Cleaning andý Invisible Mending. Replace Your Old Batteries With EVEREADY DRY CELLS Brighten Your Home or Off ice with Fluorescent Lighting Phone us today 1 "B"' Batteries Air Celi "dA" Batteries A Large Supply Just Received Electrie Irons $3.95 1-4 & 1-3 H-.P. M otors General Electrie POULTRY WATER WARMERS Avoid ce and Increase Egg Production. Use G. E. Water Warmers ...................... $5.-95 Specialists in house and farm wiring. See us for com- plete jobs of installation, fixtures and repairs. RfIGGON ELECTRIC Phone 438 42 King St. E. TRY GARTON'S GARAGE FOR EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL SERVICE TO HELP KEEP YOUR CAR UP Cold weather is a cruel enemy to any auto. Let our attendants keep your car ini ship-shape. GARTON'S GARAGE BOWMAÂNVILLE pHONE 2666 Blackstock, Voting for the school area trus- tees was held on New Year's Day. There were nine running for off- ice. Ira Argue, Mrs. Jean E. Bowles, W. Jackson, Harold Lar- mer, Wallace Marlow, Harry Philp, Gordon Strong, Garnet Wright. The followed headed the polls: Harry Philp, Wallace Mar- low, Gordon Strong, Harold Lar- mer, Jean E. Bowles. We wish them every sticcess. W.I. met at Mrs. Clarence Mar- low's Monday with 18 membersc present and five children. A let-E ter was read from Miss Edie Tell-1 ing us that Miss Oliver was ap- pointed Home Econornics instruc- tress for this district and would like to have a class frorn here. This year it is "Cottons May be Smart." The program was in charge of Mrs. Marlow's group. Reading, Old time pictures by Mrs. C. Marlow; reading, Victor- ian Idea by Mrs. V. Archer; read- ing, "Before the Meeting," by Mrs. T. Samelîs. Talk on the first set- tiers "The Halls" by Mrs. H. Hoo- ey. Reading, Clean up the Attic by Mrs. C. Marlow. Hostess was thanked and lunch was served. This is the week of prayer and will be held every evening tis week in the United Church. On New Year's Eve the hockey club sponsored a dance in the hall with the popular Ruth Wilson's Variety Band in attendance. There were lucky door prizes and spot dances. Paper hats and horns al helped to make it a very good ev- ening. Howard Forder and Lawrence Malcolm are home from their course in Toledo, Ohio. Miss Thelma Ferguson, student at the Peterboro Normal, is with Miss Editb Peters at the Public School this week and Miss Jessie Van Camp, student at the Toronto Normal is with Miss Bessie Edger- ton at the Purple Hi Schooi. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith are al ready to start their motor trip to Florida and are taking Mr. Harold Porteous' well-equipped trailer. 9 Maple Grove Mrs. Albert Brown, son Billie, have gone to Hamilton to reside, where Albert is working. Mrs. Roy VanCamp, Base Line, with friends in Oshawa. Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, at home, and attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. John Snowden. The sympathy of this commun- ity is extended to Mrs. L. C. Snow- den in the passing of her father, Mr. Thos. Baker, Solina. Congregational meeting will be held Friday evening at 7 p.rn. with a pot luck supper. Everyone wel- Clarke Union The roads have been vemy slip- pery. We cannot understand why the council does nat have the bis sanded as tbey been very danger- ous. Mms. Everett Cain bas been in Toronto. Mm. and Mrs. Sandy Watson, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch taok dinner witb Mm. and Mrs. Hammy Bailey on Sunday. Mrs. Eva Aluin, Part Perry, with ber brother, Mr. Frank Brown. Miss Laureyne Stark, Hanover, at Mr. Gardon Power's. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Power and family witb bis mother at Oshawa. Mrs. John Berry and Mms. Will Reuter are borne frorn the bospital mucb improved in health. Miss Jean Rainey bas been clerking in Froste's store in Orono. Miss Eileen Souch in Toronto. Mm. and Mrs. Neil Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baiey and Wayne and Miss Joyce Tennant, Orono, Mr. Carl Bllings and Audrey, Les- kard, Miss Marion Rickaby, To- onta, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson were New Year guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton and Joyce and Mrs. Lizzie Epps, of Omon-o, spent New Yeam's at S. D. Soucb's. Gardon Power was eiected tustee'at the annual scbool meet- ing. Neil Rainey retiring. Miss Catherine Power spent the Christmas vacation in Oshawa with her grandmother, Mrs. E. J. Power. Starkville Misses Norma and Beulab Hall. oweil, Mr. W. Waiker, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. L. Haiioweli and family were entetained at Mr. and Mrs. Sid Haiioweii's, Cowan- ville. Mr. and Mms. R. Lowery and family, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven, Zion, had New Year's dinner at A. Dobson's. Miss Bertha Hallowell, Toronto, bas returned after visiting ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hallo- well. Mr. and Mms. L. Paeden with Mrs. Hoskin, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. L. Patterson, Orono, at Bert Trim's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer at Cecil Burley's, Newtonville. Mrs. C. Reid and Miss Haze] and friends had New Year's din- ner at W. Wood's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brownlee and friend, Toronto, Miss Olga Andree and Miss Nellie Shutka, Oshawa, at M. Sbutka's. The latter re- mnaining for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. P. Nirnigon, ai Pontypool, at V. Farrow's. Miss C. Minto, Oshawa, with ber father, Mr. A. Minto. Miss H. Decbart bas returned after spending Christmas vacatior at ber home in Toronto. Mr. W. Walker, Miss N. Hallo- weil and Miss B. Hallowell bave returned ta Toronto after spend. ing bolidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, Newtonville, witb Lorne Todd's. Mr. and Mms. W. A. Hailowell al M. Stapleton's. A "Weicome Home" party waE beld in Crooked Creek Scboolii honour of Bob Hughes wbo haE returned from overseas. eome. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Mrs. Fred Wright, with relatives in Osha*ta. Maple Grove School News We were glad to get back to school Jan. 3 after the holidays. We had a visit on Friday from Miss Lenore Coilacutt, a former pupil of our school, now attend- ing Toronto Normal School. The weather has been very disagree- able for winter sports. We have- n't been able to skate on the rink since we came back, but-the sen- ior boys have been playing shinny on it The girls have a new sewing machine and hope to take lessons from Mrs. Moffatt Thurs- day afternoons from three till four------ The boys have three work benches for manual train- ing------ We welcome Virginia Brown back to our school. Com- ments on our Winter Fair have been very favorable. Proceeds $26.81. -Catharine Campbell, Grade VII Solina Sincere sympathy is extended to the farnily of Mr. Thomas Bak- er, Sr., who passed away on Mon- day in his 9lst year. The funeral was held Wednesday from bis home with interment at Zion. Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Bruce Taylor, missionary convenor, in charge of the pro- gram. He was assisted in the worship service by Mary Cryder- man, Giadys Yeilowlees and Ruth Reynolds. Evelyn Taylor presen- ted the topic "A Literacy Cam- paign in the Philippines" followed with a discussion on the subi ect by Bruce, Harvey Yellowlees, Pearl Leach and Murray Vice. Ewart Leask gave a bumourous reading and Bruce conducted games. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cochrane, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westiake, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westiake, Miss Pearl Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson were din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake on the occasion of their lth wedding anniversary, Jan. 4. A warm "Welcome Home"~ is extended to Capt. George Werry who arrived back from overseas Thursday and, with his wife and daughter Carolyn, is visiting at Roseiandvale. George made the choir members and congregation especially happy Sunday on re- turning to his former place in the choir and singîng "Bless This House." Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker, Jr., entertained a few friends Sa- turday evening. Hampton Fred and Walter Holwell and Harry Winterburn with friends here. Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., Bowmanviile, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Truli. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin and famiiy, Bowmanviile, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davey, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Sal- ter. Miss Audrey Tomlinson, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Tomlinson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, Grant and Ross Williams, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMuilen, Jan- etville. Mr. and Mrs. D. Rackham, Leroy ahd Lynda, Bowmanviiie, Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and Barbara, Osh- awa, Mr. Harold Ashton, Enniskil- len, at S. Kersey's. A short missianary pragramn was conducted at Sunday School on Sunday afternoon by Missianary Supt. Mrs. Bruce Hogarth. Thelma Rabbins and Audrey Kersey con- trîbuted reading'3 and littie Audrey Macnab sang nicely "Hear The Pennies Dropping." Missianary givings to date are $107.60. At the Sunday evening cburch service communion was adminis- tered and aur pastor gave a fitting message. Mr. and S. Kersey received a phone message fram their son, SjLt. Reg Kersey, informing- them of bis safe arrivai at Halifax from overseas by the Mauretania. Quarterly Officiai Baard of the church met Monday evening. Mr. ahd Mrs. Anson Phair, Courtîce, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Luke. Mr. and Mrs. R. Luke with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson, Cor- umbus. Fred and Walter Hoiec a Lronto, Harry Winterburn, Dunn- ville, with Mrs. Cora Allii and family and other friends. Sympathy af Hampton people is 1extended to Mrs. Will Ranton (nee .Laura Ranton), Smith's Falls, and 1daughter, Margaret, Montreal, ini 1the sudden passîng of Mr. Ranton whiie returning home after spend. Ling Christmas witb Mr. and Mrs. iLamne Rabbins, Leskard. Funera] service was held framn Hampton United Churcb Dec. 3lst and was largely attended by friends froxi Smith's Falls, Haveiock, Toronto, and other places. The service was canducted by a former pastar and personal friend,1 Rev. W. P. Wood- 1ger of Cobourg. Rev. H. Wilkin- 1son and Rev. W. Rackham assistec in the service. Burial was in the 1notb cernetery. f A buffet lunch was provided by Hampton friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn for those 1attending fmom a distance. - Money ta Navy League, $5; mo- ney- for ditty bags, $39.69; money efor haney, $37.20. a Wamen's Missionary Saciety met Tuesday afternoan at the Salter home and opened with the singing of Christmas carals and prayer by President Mrs. S. G. Niddery. Worship Service inciuding the Candie Lighting was in charge of Mrs. W. Rackham. Mrs. Niddery *told a story of Chmistmas in Africa. These officers were elect- 1ed: President-Mrs. S. G. Niddery; lst Vice-Mrs. A. L. Blanchard; - Recording Secretamy-Mrs. H. Sai- ter; Assistarnt- --Mrs. H. Peters; 1Treasurer-Mrs. A. E. Billett; Cor- espanding Secretary - Mrs. W. Rackbam; Missionary Monthly anc Literature Secretary-~aMrs. G. Ad. >cock; Associate Heipers-Miss L. Reynolds. Tyrone Junior Young People beld a skating paty on the pond last Wednesday evening, after whicb they were entertained at the par- sonage by Rev. and Mrs. Cresweii wbeme a grand lunch was enjoyed. Mrs. R. B. Scott bad the misfor- tune ta fail Thursday evening fracturing ber left wrist. Mrs. Matha Lamb, Fenelon Falls, is spending the winter with Mr. and Mms. George Brooks. Miss Marion Hamnm, Bowman- ville, with Miss Yvonne Byam. Miss H. Macdonald and Mr. W. Macdonald at home. Miss Grace Goodman, Washing- ton, D.C., Mr. and Mms. F. Good. man and Bevemly, Peterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodman and Judith, Bowmanville, witb Mm. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. Mr. and Mms. Gussie Rosevear and farniiy attended a famîly me- union Sunday at the home of ber parents, Mm. and Mrs. I. W. Larm- ar, Millbrook, where ber brether, Gardon bad recently returned from overseas. At the annual school meeting t s s the same trustees were elected, namely: H. Skinner, W. F. Park and F. L. Byam; R. McCuliough resigned as caretaker and George Alidread bas taken over these duties, aiso caretaker of the church. Jim Colville, Bowmanville, and R. Carneron at F. L. Byam's. Brown's Home and School was postponed for a week. Farm Forum met at G. Honey's. Miss Barrowclough is student teacher at our scbool this week. The chiidren had the diphtheria toxiod on Wednesday. Mrs. Geo. Law at her brotber's, Mr. M. Harris, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gimbiett, of Mapie Grove, at Mr. R. Graham's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lane and fam- ily, Newtonville, at Mr. H. Reich- rath's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam at Mr. A. Turner's, Lockart's. Enniskillen Mission Band gathered in tbe basement of church with a good attendance. Our Aim! Our Watch- word! Our Prayer! was repeated by ail. Minutes were read by Elgin Heard and Cail to Worship by Clarke Werry. The story was weli given by Mrs. Floyd Beckett; and prayer, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gamble, Buffalo, N.Y., at Mr. A. Sharp's. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gregg and Donald left Dec. 27th for their new home in Washinton, D.C., after a holiday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Welcome home ta Pte. John Oke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mrs. Roy Graham with Mr. and *Mrs. Alfred Grace, Bawmanville. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wotten cal.- ed ta see Mrs. Mary Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry speni Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herring, Mr. and Mrs. H. Oke, Oshawa; Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Larry, Cart- wright; Mr. and Mrs. C. Pethick, Mrs. E. Strutt, Miss Florence Run- dle, Hampton, at Walter Oke's. Mrs. J. Graham is able ta be b orne after spending a few weeks -with' ber sister-in-law, Mrs. R. Crossman. .Mrs. Howard Stevens, Mrs. F. eBeckett and Mrs. Wm. Moore at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Cecil Branton, Oshawa. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. fFred McLaughlin (nee Mary Rat- cliffe) of Columbus on their *marriage. Mrs. Roy Graham with Mr. and Mrs. L. Grahamn, Haýrdon. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Petbick and r Nancy Wood witb Mr. and Mrs. 9.Arthur Redknapp and Mrs. Wm. Oui Fullesi Appreciation To Rural Correspondents Week in and week out and indeed ail the Urne for 52 weeks of the year, one of the most abiding and appreciated features of The Statesman is the continuous budget of news sent in by rural correspondents. For those who have gone to other parts of the world from ail these local districts, and who stili welcome The Statesman, these reports are in the nature of a "letter from home." At this particular time, The S!atesman literally girdies the globe with subscriptions registered from those who have fought for freedom and are stiil held to duty on far-flung fronts. From them many letters corne back to tell their thanks for home town newnt Many of these correspondents corne from rural districts of Durham County. They ask that their names be withheld in giving credit to those who contribute the news. But the editor of The Statesman now wishes to say that with- out the country correspondents who supply the personal news of the villages and back concessions, The Statesman would fal short of the obligation which is imposed upon it. Readers will join with the editor in voicing two wishes: "Happy New Year" and "Thanks for 1945" to the country correspondents. Burketon Mr. and Mrs. H. Strutt and Phyllis, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. Mr. Frank Mansfield, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Needham. Gnr. Dave Baker, Toronto, at J. Carter's. Mr. Chester Hoskin with friends in Niagara Falls. Pte. Jim Munro, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Porter's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams and fa- mily with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane 's, Nestleton. Mrs. A. Wilson with friends in Oshawa. Elia Hoskin, Bowmanville, with her parents. Mrs. Harry Rahm has gone to stay with her son, Clarence, in Weston, for the winter. Mr. Orland Bailey, Toronto, Miss June Astozai, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bailey. Mrs. Florence Caughiil with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sinclair. Miss Hazel Aidred, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. James Carnochan and Mrs. Milton Devitt, with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carnochan. Mr. and Mrs. H. Richards and Mr. Reg Harding, Bowmanvîlle, Mrs. Leo McQuade, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gi. Mr. Robert Wilson and Harold, Oshawa, with Mrs. A. Wilson. Messrs. George and Arthur Tompkins, Toronto, with her a ther, Mr. A. J. Tompkins-. We welcorne Mr. Noble Steven- son, Brooklin, to the schooi and village. Jan. 8, the school children re- ceived their second dose of toxoid. Vaccination Jan. 29 for smallpox. Weicome home to John Oke, Stanley Rahm and Francis Cook. Communion service was well attended Sunday. Pte. Francis Cook arrived home safely Monday morning. A wel- corne home Party and family ga- thering was held Tuesday even- ing at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundle, oi Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hos- r kmn and Darlene, Oshawa, Miss Ella Hoskin, Bowmanville, at W. 1N. Hoskin's. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin and Ella New Year's guests of Mr. and - Mrs. Marwood Heard. Bert Hoskin returned to his home at Harmony from Bowman- ville Hospital on Wednesday af- ter his serious iliness and opera- tion. i r zi i I. Just two moments! How mucli of your money is invested in property that may be qestroyed and what will you have left if that happens? Spend a moment figuring this oui and an- oCher in calling us to check up. We will make sure that you have insurance to re- imburse you if your pro- perty is destroyed. Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Successor to J. J. Mason & Son King St. Phone 681 Bowmanville Haydon Leslie Graham bas purcbased a truck ---- Frank Osmnond bas purchased a car ----Ray Degeer was operated on for appendicitis at Bowmanviile Hospital, Thurs- day ---We welcome Cpi. A. C. Ashton home from overseas. A family gatbering was beld in bis honor at Mr. and Mms. H. Ash- ton's, present were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs,4 Louis Ashton and family, Toronto, Pte. James Graham, London, Mrs. Roy Graham, Ennis- killen, Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and family ------ James Graham bas purchased a 50-acre farm back on the ridge ----Spr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and Lynda with rela- tives in Coliingwood ----- Mrs. A. Read and Clayton, at Mm. L. Ash- ton's, Toronto ------- Pte. James Graham, London, Mrs. Roy Gra- ham, Enniskiiien, at Mr. L. Gra- bam's ------ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. E. Bradley's ------- Mrs. R. Thompson and Karen, Enniskil- len, pt Mrs. W. Tbompson's ---- Mr. C. Rankine in Toronto ---- Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lennon, Mrs. L. Len- nax, Oshawa, Mm. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, Lynda Rundie, Mm. Jim Martin, Miss Clare Tmewin, Miss Aura Prout, Bowmanvilie, at Mr. W. Trewin 's ------ Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Morton and Jack, Mapie Grove, at Mr. L. Ashton's ---- Miss Marie Ashton at Mr. W-. Brownlee's, Leaside ---- Mr. and Mrs. Gea. King and babe, Mr. Tom King, Oshawa, at Mr. M. Bertrim's ----Rev. A. E. Cress- well, Tyrone, M. and Mis. Hamry Brooking , Port Brtain, at M r. C. Siemon's ------ Mr. and Mms. A. Beech, Mr. and Mrs. D. Carr and Carolyn, at Mr. Geo. Gilbert's, Hampton ---Cpi. and Mrs. A. C. Ashton and Brad at Mr. Fred Ashton's, Toronto------ Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountjay at Mr. Wrn. Jessup's, Lakefield. We are sorry ta learn of the passing of Reuben Hooper, who once resided in this cornmunity. New Year's Visitors Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay and fam- ily, Oshawa, Miss Shirley Garrard, Bowmanville, at Mr. C. Garrard's ----- Mr. and Mms. C. Slemon, at Mr. Harvey McGiil's, Enniskil- len------- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and Larry, Bowman- ville, at Mms. W. Tbompsan's ---- Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Mr. E. Bradley, Mrs. B. Ashton ad Brad at Mr. A. Read's ----Mr. and Mrýs. F. Osmond and Connie, at Mr. Lloyd Thompson's, Toronto -- Lunch Kits - - - 69e Thermos --$1.19-$1.50 Hot Water Bottles 69e - 89c - 98e - $1.39 Certified English Style Health Salts - - lb. 59e Kepler's Ext. Malt and Cod Liver 0i1 - 75c-$1.25 Ext. Malt and Cod Liver Oil - 59c-98c-$1.691 TIU]RSDAy, jAN. 1Mt, 1946 Whittaker, Newtonviile. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm, Ronald, Clem with Mr. Cecil Rahm's, Union. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms and Jean, Purple Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, Mr. and Mrs. F. Trewin, Blackstock, with Sid and Earl Trewin. A charivari and dance was given Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLaughlin at the community hall. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewmn at Mr. Fred Tom's, Purpie Hill, and Mr. Al- bert Wright's, Blackstock. Ladies Sewing Circle held a Christmas Party at Mrs. O. C. Ashton's, January 3rd. The gifts were placed beneath a nicely de- corated tree. Games were enjoyed, prizes were given, a delicious sup- per was served by the hostess, presents were distributed and opened. Mrs. H. Annis moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Ashton and others who made the evening a real success. Noz 4 West Farmn Forum met at Arthur Found's with an attend- ance of 15. After the broadcast had been listened to with much interest, Wesley Oke was appoint- ed chairman and the gathering was divided into two groups for the discussion period. The main topic was "What; joint action is called for in your community?" As suggested by a series of questions, the topic di- vided itself into a series of pro- jects or schernes which might well be undertaken by a f arming com- rnunity. Most farmers do not like to see so0 much surface soil being carried to the lake in the muddy waters of our creeks each spring, but how contour plowing would help much was not decided. The health scberne under way in our county received very fav- orable comments and if continued to a finish would serve the health of our community adequately. Some time was spent discuss- Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, at Mr. W. Trewin's - Mr. and Mrs. W. Martin, Spr. and Mrs. Jack Potts and Lynda, at Mr. W. Oke's, Enniskiilen-- Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mr. Clarence Avery's, Burketon-- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and faxnxly, at Mr. R. Or- miston's, Enniskiilen --Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech, Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Carolyn , at Mr. Gordon Beech's, Bowmanville - Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy at Mr. W. Chals' and Mr. Don Camer- on's, Bowinanville. NO. 4 WEST FARM FORUM j -'I CREOPHOS Stops Bronchial Coughs -' Ideal Tonie Bottie - - - - - - - - - - $1.00 AYERST ALPHAMETTES 25 Capsules - - - $1.00 50 Capsules--- $1.85 100 Capsules--- $3.50 500 Capsules - - - $15.00 COUGH REMEDIES Cough Syrup For Baby - - - 25c-50c Pmnol-------25c-50c Buckley's - - - - 40c-75c iài;ç Pertussin - - - - 59c-98c 23ç 2 OR VU Mason's 149' - - - 40c-75e SWhite Fine and Tar 25c-50c ù Cherry Cough Syrup 25c-50c FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Phone" fDIf TfD We Fit ...5CO IINGS MUG TO ETuse Sealed Tenders, FOR SECRETARY - TREASURER' SOUTH DARLINCTON SCHOOL AREA Seaied Tenders for the above position, stating saiary and experience, wiii be received up to 5 p.m., January l6th, 1946, by the Public School Inspector, who wili also give required inform- ation as to duties invoived. The* iowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. T. R. McEWEN, Inspector of Public Schools, P. 0. Box 423, Oshawa, Ontario. -Please Note., For LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING Service on and after December lst,- 1945 PHONE 13000 This will connect you direct with our office, with no charge to you. We cali and deliver in Bowmanville Monday, Wednesday and Friday. To insu.re a pick-up on these daysplease phone the day previous. SCOTTS EMULSION to fake *i;iI Cod Liver OU5 10 Vitamine A and D *590tand 980t 1 Pinkham's Lactogen Lux Powder Copp. Baby Food Soap Puffs 87e $1.59 - 69e 2 for lic 10e - 15C Oshawa Laundry& Dry Cleaning ing cr edit unions, co-operative buying and marketing and an egg- grading station. Although no de- finite conclusions were arrived at, still it may be good food for thought. Much interest was shown in a seheme which could be undertak- en for jiitching and draining our community and which under pre- sent climatic conditions might prove a real asset. On the other hand, would reforestation be the answer to the weather man? Any- way it's a good thing. Lunch was served by Mrs.Found and a social Urne was enjoyed., No forum next week. PROVIDENCE FOR&~ Our Forum met at Clare Allun'4: when the subi ect for discussion was, "What jobs need to edn in community which cnntbe accomplished by individual actioni alone?" There is a lack of co- operative spirit in this community as to buying and selling of our products and needs. There is a de- finite place for it in a co-operative effort for soul conservation, per- manent pastures and proper fer- tilization of same; egg grading stations; also . a co-operative ef- fort in the county health unit so that it will be available to every person in the area. There is one project that .is of immediate ne- cessity, the cleaning up from, sur roadsides the tropical like growth of weeds and scrub trees. Next meeting at H. Earle Osborne's. 1

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