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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1946, p. 10

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PAGE TEN ENGAGEMENTS Charles Victor, son of Mr. I Mrs. Everett V. Hoar, Bowir Mr. and Mrs. Chester C. Plante, ville. The weddihg will take pî Southampton, Ont.. wish to an- at the New St. James Presby nounce the engagement of their ian church, London, at 3 p eider daughter Marion Lucle to Saturday, Feb. 9th. BRABY CHICKS Barred Rock Chicks from our strain which won second place at th1e laat Harrow Egg Layýpg Contest. Ail -R.O.P. Siré (The Highest Grade of Chick - Obtainable ln Commercial Quantities> - Ail Breeders. Blood-Tested', No Re-actors - No Outside Flocks 1,000 Cockerel Chicks available in February - at 7c each Write for Circular and Prices on Mixed and 'Pullets * Day-old and Started DONALD E. GIBSON A Real Breedlng Farm- Not Just a Hatchery Phone: Clarke 3811 Bowmanville, Ontario A Makeup Foundation that's GOOD for the Ski,, Two years of exhaustive research resýlted in the discovery of this formula - modern, scientific Iaboratory resources perfected it .. . NOW, and only now, 4~q4~ announces PAT-A-KAKE, the ultimate in a Makeup Foundation ... a sensational new development in beauty. PAT-A-KAKE gives a younger, smoother, softer-looking skin AT ONCE . .. helps to conceal blemishes, freclëes, tiny lines ... has a Iasting, beneflcial effect . .. no artificial, ready-to-crack, heavily coated look. PAT-A-KAKE is easily applied, easily removed, Ieaving the skin actually fresher, prettier than before. Fiv. wond.rful shod.s to compliment every complexion. Price 1.25 Jury & Lovel THE REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 778 WHEN WE TEST King st. W. EVES IT IS DONE C.N.R. Tickets PROPERLY Bowmanville ___________TUE CANADIAN STATESAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIO THURSDAY, JAN 3lst 1946 and flan- place 5-1 iu t i it d A w Sc dn Fi w: r fc ge tho an f or hif MARRIAGES,, RAHM - HILL - On Saturday, Jan. 26th, 1946, at the United Church parsonage, Blackstock, by the Rev. R. B. Harrison, Marion Kathleen, only daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 1H11, Blackstock, to Pte. Stanley Arthur, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Burketon. 5-1"' DEATI-S ASHLEE-At her late residence, 655 Bathurst St., Toronto, on Jan. 251h, 1946, Henrietta Gomme Ash- lee, formerly of Bowmanville, be- loved mother of Lieut. Nursing Sister Clara Ashlee and sister of Ada (Mrs. W. Crowther), New- castle; Clara, (Mrs. W. T. Sud- dard), Oshawa, and o! Annie Gomme, Toronto. Interment in Prospect cemetery. CHALLIS-In Bowmanvilie, Thursday, Jan. 24th, 1946, E Challis, beloved wife of Ji Challis. NURCOMBE-On Jan. 26th, 15 at the Toronto General Hospi Gertrude E. Nurcombe, Bowm; ville, widow of William Art] Nurcombe, aged 64 years. mIn ment Bowmanvilie cemetery. SMALE-In Bowmanville on J, 29th, 1946, Archibald Clarer Smale, beioved son of Annie Smale and the late Clarence Jc Smaie, aged 26 years. Resting the residence, 67 Scugog St. F neral on Friday, Feb. lst, servi at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bownu ville cemetery. COMINO EVENTS Don't mispiace your invitati o Club 15's Mardi Gras on F( lst. Purchase tickets early frc club members, as there is a lit ted sale of tickets. 4- Reserve Thursday, Feb. 141 for Afternoon Tea and sale home cooking in St. Paul's Su lay Sehool, under auspices of1 A. Group 1. Further particula laer. 4- Oddfellows' dance at Tom Hll, Orono, on Friday, Feb. 8 uith Jack Galioway's orchestr ?rizes wiil be presented to luc] winners. Admission 50c per pe ;on. 4 Be sure and come to the dan( n Newcastle Comimunity Hallc ýriday evening, February lst, ut er auspices of Newcastle Skatir Link Association. Music by Sta Iortch's Rhythmaires. Admissi< Oc. 5. Friday, Feb. 8th, a play "Auj linnie from Minnesota," wili t resented by Blackstock Hig 'chool in the Enniskillen Hall ur ýer auspices of Enniskiiien Girl ýoftbail team.. Admission: Aduli 5c, children 20c. 5- An afternoon tea and salec ome made cooking will be he] tthe Salvation Army Citadel o: riday, Feb. iSth. 5- CARDS F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowdei ish to sincerely thank their maný 'latives, neighbors and friend )r congratuiatory messages an( fts received at the celebration c ieir 5th wedding anniversary. 5-J We wish to thank Stuart Jameî d the Hartford Insurance Cc r prompt settiement of damagt r fire and also commend Bow. anvilie Firemen for efficiency 1 -James Brown, Base LinE Hloward Chaihis wishes to thank smany friends for their kind- ,ss to him and flowers, fruit and rds sent during the iiiness fol- iing his accident.5- on ttba ohn.0 946, itai, - ian- hur er- 'an. nce Ir L.S hn 0' ,at B rice an- A A onM eb. m 1* _ :th, of W. RI~ ars in i1* nE in, th *Lc ice Tt ýn- A nig i-1 ntRI be m3 gh Ru Is' Re [ts De -2 ofIs - Tb ýn t y s f Po ing Go( SLo, re To é- He Sidi Wol Ho: We '-SE bE Cg Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill wisln to thank their many fniends, rela- tives and neighbors for the kind- ness and expressions o! sympathy, also for the floral tributes, during the iliness and death o! his moth- er, Mrs. Jno. Jobb. 5-1* Mm. and Mrs. Bert Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin wish ta extend their appreciation bo doc- tors, superintendent and nurses o! Bowmanville Hospital, also the many friends for the kindnesses Bert received during his recent illness. 5-1* The famiiy o! the late Mrs. John Chaihis wish to express their gratitude and sincere thanks to friends and neighbors, Dr. H. Ferguson and nurses for the many acts o! kindness, expressions of sympathy and floral tributes dur- îng their recent sad bereavement. 5-1 Mr. and Mrs. Cephas J. Rundie and family wish to thank their relatives and friends for the let- ters and real words o! comfort given them since their son and brother o! Edward and Bernice was reported missing over Ger- many, Jan. 29th, 1945. 5-1* Frances M. Jeweil wishes to thank ail her friends and the nur- ses and dodtors o! Bowmanville Hospital for their kindness and for flowers, cards and letters sent at the time o! her recent accident. 5-1 * Three million American soldiers have been dischargedsicth wçar was won, and that' aote eason why a civilian suit is hard to find.-Indianapolis News. RUNDLE-în proud and loving nemory o! my dear brother, PO. Sidney Gordon Rundie, missing over Germany, Jan. 29th, 1945. 3eautiful memomies o! a brother, so dear, We cherish stili with love sincere, A. day that comes with sad regret, And one that we wili neyer forget. We miss his laugh, his cheery ways, With him we spent our h'appiest days. /Iemories are treasur-à no one can steal, Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. -Sadly missed and always re- membered, Bern, AI and Barbs 5-.1* RUNDLE-In proud and loving -emory o! our dear son,' PO. Sid- iey Gordon Rundie who was miss- ng over Germany Jan. 29th, 1945. :n the bloom o! his life God called him. ýn bhe pride o! his manhood days. rhose that knew him loved him, .11 spoke o! him with praise. ;miling and happy always content oved and respected wherever he went, Phoughtful o! others, gentie and kind, beaubiful memomy he left be- hind. -Sadly missed and ever memem- bered by Mother and Dad. 5-1"' tUNDLE-In loving memory o! iy dear husband, PO. Sydney G. tundie, who was~ shot down over .erman territory, Jan. 29th, 1945. 'emembrance is a golden chain )eath tries bo break, but ahl in vain. 'have, bo love and then to part the greatest sorrow o! one's heart. he years may wipe out many things ilt this bhey wipe out neyer- he memory of those happy days Then we were bogether. -Too dearly loved bo be forgot- ten by his wife, Mildred. 5-i'* JNDLE-In loving memory o! 0. Sidney Gordon Rundie, miss- , over Germany, Jan. 29th, 1945, ice pmesumed dead. ood was his heart, his friendship truie, ved and respedbed by ail he knew; )a beautiful life came a sudden end, adied as he lived, everyone's friend. ýver remembered by Elmer and Doris. 5-1"' rNDLE-In proud and loving emory o! a dear brother, PO. Lney Gordon Rundie, missing er Gemmany, Jan. 29th, 1945.j ippy, loving, trustwomthy and kind, Dnderful memonies he left be- hind. rioured by ail, we are so pmoud to say, amiss you dean Sid, especiaily boday. 3adly missed and ever remem- ered by Ed, Eda, Ron and AYRSHIRE Heifer, due to fresh- SEYMOUR-In loving memory o! en eamly in Febmuamy. J. C. Cook, our dear ones, son and brother, phone 2435. 5-1* Elvin H. Seymour' who passed PUREBRED Shombhorn bull, 10 away, Dec. 23, 1943, also a dear mionbhs old. Frank Domiand, daughtem and sister, Mrs. Frankphn2355- Tomlinson, who passed away Jan. phn 33.5 22nd, 1945. THREE Heifers, 2 Holstein, 1 part "How we miss the weicome Jersey, due to freshen in Febru- footsteps ary. Appiy Russell Short, Lot 9, O! the ones we loved so dýar; Con. 3, Daington. 51* Oft we listen for their coming, Fully sure that they are near; ORDER Bray Chicks now for Feb- They are gone but not forgotten, ruary-March delivery. They have Fresh our love will ever be limited quantity stamted chicks, For as long as theme is memory deiivery now, aiso cockerels and We will remember them." some varieties chicks. Let's know -Mother, Brothers and Sisters. your needs. Agent F. L. Byam, IN MEMORIAMd BEGLEY-în loving memory o! my dear Stepfather Charles (San- dy) Begley who passed away Jan. 27th, 1945. "I think o! him in silence, His name I oft recal- There is nobhing left tb answer But his picture on the wall." -Ever remembered by Bill Beg- ley and family. 5-1 BENNETT-In loving memory of a dear husband and dad, Benja - min Bennett who passed away, Jan. 27th, 1937. pain We would not wake him to suifer again. Until we meet again, goodnight." -Ever' remembered by wife and children Doris and Harold. 5-1 PROSSER-In loving memory o! Dur dear son, Dennis Earl Prosser, who passed away Jan. 3lst, 1944. As angels keep their watch up there Please God just let him know rhat we down here do not forget, We love and miss him so. -Sadly missed by Mother, Dad- dy, brothers and sisters. 5-1* 5-1 MASSEY-Harris No. 10 manume spreader 4 yeams oid. Also Pres- ton fertilator for 11 -hoe çlriii. Alex Hendry, phone Clarke 1913. 5-1 TWO sets o! toboggan sleighs, ail re-wooded; set o! knee sleighs; mubber-tired wagon. May be seen at Pethick's Blacksmith Shop, En- niskillen. 5-1 PIANO, old style, square, in good condition. Appiy Mrs. Jack Rey- nolds, Soina, phone 2181. 51* GOOD Coleman gas iamp, also Coleman iron in good condition. Phone Port Perry 193-r-2 or Bow- manville 2333. 5-1 TWO bird cages and one stand. Phone 620, or apply 29 Elgin St., Bowmanville. 5-1* ONE buffet, one combination desk and bookcase, both quartered oak. Appiy to J. W. Jewell, "Big 20," phone 556. 5-1 ONE new B.T. electric grinder, 2 new l0-inch hammermilîs, 1 new 10' horse rake, 1 used grinder. Or- ders taken for A.A. Fertilizer. W. H. Brown, 91 King St. W., phone 497. 5-1 ROLL top desk, large, oak. Phone 327 Bowmanville. 5-1 BABY'S crib, pink enamel, 18x36" complete with mattress. Phone 2233, Bowmanville. 51* WHEEL chair in excellent condi- tion. For particulars phone 2680 or write Post Office Box 257. 5-1* SPARTON battery radio in good condition. Phone 56-r- 19, Orono. 5-1 * EVENING wrap, black velvet wvith white bunny tmim. Excellent condition, phone 603, Bowman- Livestock For Sale FOX Hound. Apply 67 Duke St., Bowmanville. 51 PUREBRED Ayreshire bull cal!. Apply A. D. McMaster, Lot 29, Con. 5, Darlington. Phone Osh- awa 1648J3. 5-1 NINE Yorkshire pigs 7 weeks old. Appiy H. A. Pascoe, phone 2187. 5-1 * TWO Durham Springers due right away. Also table turnips. Apply 5.1* Tyrone. * 54 SALESLADY Young Lady - 20 to 25 years of age as saleslady ini Ready-To-Wear Store. Must be resident of Bow- manville, have pleasant personality and willing to learxi. Experience flot necessary. Write stating age, education and qualifications. Write Box 615, c!o The Canadian'Statesman Real Estate For Sale EIGHTY-acre farm, Lot 13, Con. 8 Darlington, good buildings, close to school and church. Phone 2453. 2-4* FARM-100 acres, more or less, good house, good warm air fur- nace, hydro, hot and cold water; good barn, steel roof, cernent floor, on stone foundation, hydro and water in stable, accommodate 22 head of cattie, hog pen and hen house, cernent floors; land consists of dlay and sandy loam; creek at both ends of farm; 85 acres work- able, balance pasture. Fcr fur- thei- particulars appiy S. S. Lock- hart, R.R. 3, Newcastle. 4-2 FIVE-roomed brick cottage on Church St., compiete bathroom, furnace. Immediate possession. Terms. Apply Mrs. E. V. Scobeli, King St,, Bowmanville. 5-1 Articles For Sale MIXED hardwood consistingo maple, iron wood, oak and hici ory limbs and body elm in 4 ft lengths, 2 or 3 cords to the boad Price $12 per cord, delivered. Ap ply H. R. Robitaille, R.R. 3, Ponty pool, Ont. 24 OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything ini. modern. Chester. field, bedroom and dining roorx suites, and studios. Bedding anc floor coverings a speciaity. Quai. ity merchandise at competitiv( prices. Before buying visit Bradi ley's New Furniture Store, 15( Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-Il SET o! light sleighs, nearly newv also set o! heavy hames. PhonE Oshawa 723J12. 4-2 MIXED Hardwood, 12" lengtn Phone Orono 57r12. 4-2* SAWING Machine, 3 blades, 32" blade, god for cutting timber, in good shape, cheap, J. G. Ferguson, 130 Ontario St., Bowmanville. 4-2* NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, electrics and trea- dies! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf CHEVROLET, '29. Serial 404315. Apply Robert Stainton;' 26 Liber- ty St. S. 5-1* NEW Renfrew cook stove, used on e month; heater; Connor gas washing machine. Apply Clar- ence Yeo, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. t 5-1 MdASSEY-Harris tractor in good, condition. Also light single wa- gon. Apply W. J. Cooper, Middle Road, Bowmanville. 5-2* PAIR Skis (Skirite) hickory, 7', -larness and poles, used only once. Wanted to Rent APA RTMENT, 3 or 4 rooms, or small house, in Bowmanvilie. Ap- ply Mrs. F. W. Bradd, 22 Carlisle Ave., phone 404. 5-2* FIVE bo 8-roomed house or apart- ment, unfurnished. Mr. Steele, Walker Stores, phone 451. 5-1 YOUNG couple with 7 months' old baby require small apartment, fur- nished or unfurnished. Phone 302 Bowmanville. 5-1 ROOM, fumnished or unfurnished, for elderly lady. Write Box 618, Statesman Office 5-1 * For Rent NEW Singer Sewing MÏachine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa. Phone 696. 14-tf Help Wanted YOUNG girl or woman for gen- eral housework. Live out. Write Box 617, Statesman Office. 5-1 GIRL or young woman for hotel wvork. Live in. Apply The Bal- EXorl. 5.1*n o el EXPERIENED woman iteoxhe1p wiath sewnOrkic, Wte Box 61 Statesm a Officeere, omnvle,- MtaENgwagtes aon.eperine.u5- MEon Co.anie-ro to Construca- tione. Co.,Liert56. Sowa- ville.Photntyone 566.n4- AiN' oppretnity-Onesoterna- tin's lrgeto ames, catersig rinc:tpace tofaer's nedsi readyto place a vauableteconrac whiech shold man complneten- pendnce orhamanefortwi uaie- fugcatos.. have teordngqai fications .a.d.icharacterirecord a wîhle wiittandinesiginand aroen bithhitytelffd iienyuma- agesbot imseil andhius onbu- iness. inpanautshtus not - ftem eesimpo rtat uThaelJ.ut- fitine Cssay, Writ h . OR. 2177 Masson St., Montreal. 1-5 NOW is your opportunity to have your household repairs expertly done by Fred Thomas, Newcastle. 3-3 k- 't. d. r- id 1- 'e 1- i6 if ie .2 - A radiq is frequently the dustig Barticle in the home. We not or repair themn properly but a] thoroughly dlean them. Cal Crowe, 102 Elgin St. Phone 21' 5. Clock Repairs FOR reliable watch and dlocki *pair service, bring or send them *C. E. Milîs, "Five Points," Nor Oshawa, third house east fr( Alexandra's store on south sic Our motto: A square deal toa 25 years' experience. 3 Garage Repair s GUARANTEED work. on makes of cars. Skelton's GaraE 63 Concession St., residence Crea of Barley Camp. 4. Personal "COST 3c daily. VitaDieT Mu tiple Vitamin Capsules conta. vitamîns A, Bi, C, D, Niacin Ai ide and Ribofiavin. Ninety dz supply $2.70. Trial thirty dz supply $1.15. Sold at- Indepeng ent Drug Stores." 14 IF backaches are slowing you u] take Rumacaps. Pains and ach( are relieved after the first dos McGregor's Drug Store. 5. Notice Ernest Alldread of Newcastl, agent for Spramotors Products( London, Ont., is prepared to tais orders for Orcharci Sprayers o any other type of sprayer you re quire. Phone Clarke 1203. 5- POSTPONED Auction Sale There will be sold, by public auc.~ tion at 2:30 p.m., Sat .çay, F 2nd, on the*Cities Serè lot (op0 erated by Palmer Brothers) following articles: 1 2-hp. g gine; 1 compressor and taz spray gun and hose; 1 6-lid sto10 1 Johnson chore-horse gaz en- gine. These articles must be sold to dlean up a business. No reserve. Terms cash. This sale was postponed from Satur- day, Jan. 26. William J. Challs, I Seed Wanted WE are in the market for ailc vers and timothy seed. Hig] prices paid for saine. Kin, bring or mail samples. Pl( Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney Room and Board WO1tKING man requires rc and board in Bowmanville. Ap) Art Clemence, phone 2217.5 Loat GOLD locket, heart shaped,1 at Orono arena last Friday nig Finder please phone 2136. HOUND, black and tan, lost Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, 1946. Ar one knowing its whereabci please phone 2453, Bowmanvil BLACK crochet evening bag, Si urday in front of Royal Theat Finder please phone 2183. Found GOLD color chain neekiace. Oiw er may have samne by proving pi perty and paying for advt. Api Statesman Office. 5 Fertilizers ATTENTION Farmers! Prest Fertilator back again. Order nc and avoid disappointment ast quantity will be iimited ti spring. Fred Partner, Tyror phone 2328. Ail persons having dlaims agains the estate of Maud Eliza Weekeý late of the Town of BowmanvillE in the County of Durham, widow who died on or about the 25th da, of Dec., 1945, are hereby notifie; to send to the undersigned per sonal representative of the sai( deceased on or before the 15tl day of February, 1946, full par ticulars of their dlaims. Immediately after the said dat( the said personal representativ( will distribute the assets of th( said deçeased having regard oni: to dlaims of which she shahl ther have notice. Dated at Bowmanville this l7th day of January, 1946. Apha I. Hodgins, 3-3 Executrix Notice to Creditors And Others IN THE ESTATE 0F MARGARET RAYNES Ail persons having claims against the Estate of Margare Raynes, late of the Town of Bow. manville, spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of January, 1946, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Ex- ecutors on or before the 1Sth day of March, 1946, full particulars o! their dlaims. Immediately a!- ter the said lSth day of March, 1946, the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to dlaims which the Executors shahl then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 25th day of Janiuary, 1946. THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY 66 King St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. Executors. by: Messrs. Millar & Hunter, rheir Solicitors herein. 5-3 Tuesday, Feb. 5-Attractive auc- tion sale of horses, large list out. standing dairy cattie, hogs, impie- ments and household furniture, the property of Jos. Stephenson, Lot 1, B.F. Con. Pickering, two and one-half miles west of Whlt- by, on Base Line. Everything must be sold-farm sold. Terms cash. No reserve. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. 5-1* t e c 0 ti 1 v p 9 2 II 61 b 7 ýhest ridly1 one 5-? oom >plyk ioste ght. 5-1 on ,ny- )uts .11e. 5-1 Sat- tre. 5-1 wn- )ro- ply ;ton 0oW the this ýne, 'N 5-2- [est nly i so lF. ý74. 2* re- to rth de. ' 3* al am "n ay ,ay ,5* ýes e. le, 3 s, ýd ;h ,e Radio Reairs ]Radi«o Parts fyou are not getlng perfect eception on your radio brlng lb 0 Us for a guaranteed repair b. We carry a complete stock f quallby Parts and tubes. Complete stock o!. all makes Roy W. Neads RADIO SERVICE 'one 580- King St. FEEDS MIRACLEY SUNKE 1 A MiU Feeds and Chop -Free Delivery - R. W. Bail & Son rieral Merchant, Taunton Phone: Oobawa 163w3 Gel Auaftounclng the Opening of a Complete Line of Sun-Ray Feeds ORDER VOUR REQUIREMENTS TODAY M. H. Pedwell Newcastle Phone: Clarke 382.1 Tile Flooring Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Choice of Colours Complete Service -- We are prepared to give a complete fu.neral service in every detail. Our equipment L includes every device and fac- L ility that can help to make the last rites reverent and comfort- ~- ing. Our staff is made up of r. trained and experienced people who are taught to overlook no .opportunity to serve. Fe F. Mord*s Co. DURHÂM'S LARGEST FUNERAL DICRFCTORS 1 leil tif lie READ USE WANTBADS PHONE 653 r- , DON'T let your dog die from dis- temper; or let him suifer fror *coughs, colds, intestinal flu. A few -doses o! ZEV, made by the mak- e ers o! Buckley's Mixture gives -quick relief. 5Oc and $ 1.00 a bot- ri lie at P. R. Cowling's. 5-1 Wanted To Buy GIRL'S skates and boots, size 11 *or 12. Phone 2230, Bowmanviiie. 5-1 -SINGLE bed with spring. Phone 12813, Bowmanville. 5-1 OLD barn, about 30 feet by 40 fee' Apply John Liptay, Hampton. 5-1* LPLAY pen. Apply Mrs. Roy Mc- Laughlin, R.R. 2, Nestieton, phone Port Perry 104-r-3. 5-1* *FARM-Ciay loam, good road, Hydro essential. Will pay cash, spring possession. Roy Buriey, Newcastle, Ont. 5-1* LARGE box trailer about 4'x8'. Appiy E. G. Hay, Newcastle. 5-'e HORSES suitable for fox meat. Phone or write F. C. Boultbee, Orono. 77-r-4. 52-tf WE are buyers o! timothy and dlovers. Mail or bring in your samples for highest offer. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, cali or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf OLD horses wanted for mink and fox food from $5 to $10 accord- ing to weight. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanvîlle 2679. 52-tf LIVE poultmy and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Be- thany. Phone 7-r-13. (Business carried on by Mr. Flatt person- ally, no agents empoyed.) 311* DESIREABLE Lot, well iocated in Bowmanville. Advertiser retired, will build home thereon in spring. Write Box 613, .Statesman Office. 4-2 BOéOKS o! every description ex- cept text books purchased. State approximate quantity. Write Box 11 C. H. TUCK Registered Optometrist Special Arrangement 3-day service By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2-0(> to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OPP. p.O. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. Do It Right With "Sealtite"y Sealtite Rockwool HOME INSULATION (Blowing Method) F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanville Phone 494 34-tf euctioneer. 5-1 3 m l WANTED

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