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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1946, p. 5

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R( rAJADITAN RTATESMÂN, BOWMANVnLL, ONTAIUO -~ s -PAGII TEU tSDAY, JAN. 3lSt, 1946 SPORT NEWS was the big scorer for thie 150w- i manville teain making 50 per cent at -'of the goals, while Russ Haflman to and Lew Wiseman scored the other two. Outstanding players st for Bowmanville included Maxie pli Yourth, Fred Cowle, Tom Cowan or and George Piper. H( Lineup: Goal, Bud Hooper; right tai - defence, Dick Ott; left defence, ou Jack Hatley; centre, George Pip- mi er; right wing, Tom Cowan; left pu wing, Lew Wiseman; alternateS, T Fred Cowle, Carl Raby, Bob Bird, ai Russ Hailman, Maxie Yourth and gc k _ _unle l ntermedlates Win ChcRude fe Fro Cborg Juveniles Win Easy Recovering from their Satur- Vict@ry From T.C.S. al day's defeat Bowmanville's Inter- Ci mediate Hockey Team turned Bowmanville Juvenile Red E- around and took a 10-4 victory Raiders won an easy 11-4 victory from Cobourg in another exl#ibi- over the much-feared T.C.S. Ju- ri tion game in Cobourg Monday venile team at Orono on Friday d( night. The local boys showed a evening. For the first time this Ti tremendous amount of improve- year the entire game was played n( ment and really pulled together without either side incurring a al as a team. penalty. tr The Pepsi-cola team led the Gord Sturrock again led the A county town boys throughout the Raiders to victory when he plac- whole game and only once during ed five goals cleanly in the net. H the last period did they give them Fred Cowle and Allan Strike play- B a chance of seeing the light of day. ed a notable game with Frank Haflnan, Yourth and Bird were Hooper playing his usual good B the main scoring factors in the style of hockey. Strike was the B first period which ended 3-1 for flrst man to score for the Bow- Tl Bowmanville. manville team just after four min- B The Wiseman, Cowle, Cowan utes of play upsetting the jinx combination started cooking in the that the other team bas to draw E second period and they were in- first blood. Wells for the Trinity 'T strumental in getting another five team made two scores in the first E goals. Raby placed another one frame leaving the score at the in the net receiving a lovely pass conclusion of the period 4-2 for E from Haîlman. The second per- Bowmanville.E iod saw the score standing at 9-3 The rest of the game was a for the locals. walkover for the boys in red. Wiseman was the only Bow- Stevens, Sturrock, Hooper andr manville scorer in the last period Rundie put in the remaining se- when both teams appeared to be yen goals to the Port Hope team's rather tired out. Raby and Mc- two by Payne and French. Mike Cullough played an excellent Williams of Port Hope did an ex- game on defense. ceptionally good job of refereeingI Bowmanville lineup with num- and keeping the game under con- ber of goals after their names: trol at all times. The ice surface Goal, Hayes; rigbt defence, Hat- wasn't the best and rolling puckss ley; left defence, Raby 1; Centre, made it pretty bard for the play- Bird; rigbt wing, Yourth 2; left ers of both team to keep the lit- defence, Haîlman 1; alternates, tie rubber disc in hand. Wiseman 3, Cowan 2, Cowle 1, Ott The Bowmanville boys willt and Mcçullough. meet Cobourg some time in the _________________ very near future in a first placei dispute. Cobourg is the onlyt Pepsi-Colas Lose tearn to defea1t the Raiders and Exhibition Gante Lineups: ybyasnlgo. T.C.S.. Goal, Pratt; right de- Playing their second exhibition fence, Rickaby; left defence, game of the year Bowmanville's Lawson; centre, Wells; right wing, Intermediate hockey team was de-. Hyde, left wing, Barrow; alter- feated 9-4 by the Whitby boys in nates, Newcomb, Fisher, Austin, Wbitby Saturday afternoon. Bow- Bromfman, Payne, French, Good- manville Pepsi-Colas gave the OP- body. posing team a close run for their Bowmanville: Goal, Bud Hoop- money right up until the start Of er; right defence, Allan Strike; the third period when Witby put left defence, Gord Sturrock; cen- the skids under them. tre, Frank Hooper; right wing, The score at the end of the first Don Rundle; left wing, Murray period was two-all and at the end Tighe; alternates, Walter Wood- of third four-all. Tom Cowan ward, Gord Pollard, Fred Cowle, ______________________-Bill Dadson, Charlie Cattran, Bob Z, Scoring summary: Bowmanville, Strike ---------4.14 SBowmanville, Sturrock (Hooper> --------------------- 8.15 T.C.S., Wells (Lawson) ----14.50 Bowmanville, Hooper -------15.20 T.C.S., Wells ---------------- 18.00 Bowmanville, Hooper Ev ery 1body (~Rundle) --------------------- 23.05 (Ddsn)------------------------- 30.00 Likes ------------- ---------------- 34.50 us N .. Bowmanville, Sturrock ---- 37.50 Bowmanville, Sturrock i li ,ad s (Rundle) --------------------- 38.15 JL<Ur45'4ÂJ Bowmanville, Rundle A Gentleman's Game (Hooper)--------------------38.45 UNR ED fto- Bowmanville, Stevens UNRD f hu.(Cowle) ------------------ 44.00 almada p 1 a y this T.C.S., French ---------------48.00 gamne every day in Bowmanville, Sturrock ----48.30 Canada. Why? Be-Peats:Nl cause- Penaaties- ail. t h ri11 that canWt ho duplicated in any other game. You'l1 hike bil- liards playod with the T.C.S. Badly Beaten By Red Raiders epuipment'in our Re- Pîaying wide open hockey Bow- creation Roome. manville's Red Raider Midgets white-washed Trinity College, of Port Hope, to the tune of 8-2 at Eî(' ftDU V'~ Orono Friday evening. The game ~D V RI1 ~ w as the best of the season for the Midgets and was played be- fore a rather small crowd of fans. Eng SreetWestGord Sturrock, Frank Hooper amg SreetWest and Lloyd Hamilton were the stars for the Bowmanville team i and a special mention goes to Don Stutt for the good job he did in lii goal. The Raiders held the school bosfihliarn h frs ero GbA entleman'DGama and managed to score three them- selves. The first came when Cat- tran set up a play for Lobb who WE SPECIALIZE IN ROUSE and FARMI WIRING Have New Modem Fluorescent Lighting installed for Better Working Conditions Try G.E. Poultry Water Warmers for Increased Egg Production Large Supply of Ai Types of Batteries speclalsts ln bouse' and farm Wirtng. See us, for com- plete jobs of installatIOn, fixtures and repaira RIGGON ELECTRIC Phone 438 42 King St. X. m M M m Rotary League Play Second Series Jack Mantle's Victors pulled somewhat of a surprise Saturday norning when they beat Gordon Sellers Wildcats. The Wildcats were the only team that won on the previous Saturday and on pa- per sbould have just about the best team in the league, however they badly lack team play. Everett King and the two Mas- ters' brothers were the big guns for the Victors. King scored all three goals, Don Masters assisted on one goal and played a heads-up game and young Terry Masters was little short of sensational in the Victors' net. Joe Kilpatrick in the Wildcats' nets bad little chance on the three goals scored. Sellers got the lone counter for bis team. There were no penal- ties. First Period Victors, King (Masters) ----4.50 Victors, King (Masters) ----10.38 Second Period No scorig. Third Period Victors, King -----------------5.21 Wildcats, Sellers---------------- 7.03 di s Ji ci ti 'M ti b 0 f: t' 'V Ivan Hawes' Red Wings went lown to their second defeat o.v Saturday, this time at the hands of John Rice's Flyers. Moffatt and Rice carried the .oad for the Flyers while Ivan EHawes did his best in a losing cause for bis team. Moffatt scored twice and Rice once for thle Flyers while Hawes got the only goal for the Red Wings. The game on the whole was a bit on the scrambly side. All three of the Flyers' goals were scored from loose pucks picked Upiside their opponents blue line. There were no penalties. First Period Flyers, Rice --------------- 9.42 Second Period Flyers, Moffatt (Rice)------ 4.24 Red Wings, Hawes (Falls) ---- 7.08 Third Period Flyers, Moffatt ---------------4.58 Official scorer and time-keeper, Murray Tighe; referee, Alan Strike. League standing: W L TPt Flyers------------------- 1 O 1 3 Victors ------------------ 1 0 1 3 Wildcats---------------- 1 1 0 2 Red Wings ----------- 2 0 0 0 Next Saturday: Victors vs Red Wings, 9:30 a.m.; Wildcats vs. Flyers, 10:30 a.m. ROTARY JUNIOR HOCKEY LEAGUE The followiiig are the teamns, captains and players. Victors: Jack Mantle (Capt.), Garry Dilling, Don Masters, Frank Mohun, Terry Masters, Jim De1 Geer, Don Bates, Roy Sellers, Bob Martyn and Everett King. Wildcats: Gordon Sellers (Capt.) Charlie Kilpatrick, Bob Bîckle, Ross Jeffery, Joe Kilpetrick, Bob Spencer, Larry Cubbage, Ronald Moorcraft and Irvin Brooks. Flyers: John Rice (Capt.), Jack Moffatt, Glen Fry, Paul Vine, Ron Haynes, John Stainton, Carl Pip- er, Lenard Philips, and Lawrence Brown. Red Wings: Ivan Hawes (Capt.), Roy Falls, Larry Dewell, Bob Morris, Larry Chant, John Bird, Jack Hughes, Keith Shackleton and John Bunner. Remaining part of schedule: Feb. 2-Victors vs Red Wings, Wildcats vs Flyers. Feb. 9: Wildcats vs Red Wings, Victors vs Flyers. Feb. 16: Flyers vs Red Wings, Victors vs Wildcats. Feb. 23: Wildcatsvs Flyers, Vic- tors vs Red Wings. FOUNDRY STARTS BOWLING LEAGUE Starting this Thursday the Bow- manville Foundry will start an iter-departmnent bowling league. The league promises to be a lot of fun with a lot of good clean sport and exercise mixed i to- gether. John Living's "Lucky Strikes" meet Frank Blunt's "Roa- mers" Thursday evening followed by Walt Polley's "Red Wigs" meeting CouLson Woolner's "Sky I rHawks" i the late gaine. I I 1: I t 1 TH fi' on or H 1 9 iade the best of it by putting the uck i the net. The Trinity team inade their rst score at the start of the sec- nd period when McConnel put ne i on Don Stutt. Lunney and tooper weren't long in retaliat- g when they brought the score tthe end of the second period 5-2 for the raiders. The Lobb-Cattran combination tarted to work agai in the last hase when Lobb scored bis sec- id goal of the evening. Port [ope were unable to take advan- age of the two penalties meted ut to the Bowmanville boys. Ha- ilton and Sturrock were both .it off for boarding and holding. lie game ended after Lunney nd Sturrock had scored another pal apiece. Lineups: T.C.S.: Goal, SPencill; right de- ence Brouder; left defence, De- rerali; centre, McLennon; right ving, Thompson; left wing, Black; lternates, McKinnon, McConnel, 'umming, Newcomb, Brooks, arvie, Stratford. Bowmanville: Goal, Don Stutt; ight defence, Gord Sturrock; left lefence, Frank Hooper; centre, red Bird; right wing, Harvey Lun- iey; left wing, Lloyd Hamilton; iternates, Tom DeGeer, John Cat- x'an, Jim Levett, Bob Gallagher, bilan Lobb. Referee: Mike Winters, Port [ope.% Bowmanville, Lobb (Cattran),------------------4.40 Bowmanville, Sturrock------6.45 Bowmanville, Bird ------------9.50 r.C.S., McConnel -------------16.00 Bowmanville, Lunney (Sturrock) ---------------18.30 Bowmanville, Hooper ------ 21.50 T.C.S., McLen (Thompson) ---31.50 3owmanville, Lobb (Cattran)--------------------- 32.45 Bowmanville, Lunney (Hooper) --------------------- 36.55 3owmanville, Sturrock (Bird) ------------------------- 37.50 Penalties: Hamilton and Stur- rock. I Almost our entire stock of Women's Fali Handbags k~educed to Clear Reg. $2.32-....................... For Reg. $4.31- $1.79 $2.79 ... . . . . . . For '53.59 CHENILLE SPREADS $12.95 These axe fine value - Regular $16.95 - Olosely covered ini many shades of yellow, blue, orchid. JEWELLERY 1½2PRICE One counter of glamor pins, combs, earrings, neokiaces. AU] reduced to 1/2 price to chear. One Table of Odds and Ends of lines ail drastically reduced to clear - includes Aprons, Soap, Silk Bias and many other items. Prilled Curtains * $3.79 pr. 7 J / In rose, blue, green and Peach, fine bedroom frilled curtain THE MO ER S OR B WMNw wL Note the size 42x 21/. PHONE 451 TEMDR TR OMNIL Newcastle Hockey League Commences Nith Big Schedule Newcastle hockey enthusiasts- have been enjoying some good hockey the last couple of weeks in the two leagues that are ôrganiz- ed in the village. At present they have a senior and junior league functioning with a Midget team being organized to play in the D.M.H.A. finals and even the girls from the Public School have been playing several organized games. Four teams are entered in the Senior League, the High Scbool, Box Factory, Weyrich Factory and Village team. High scorers of the league so far have been Tra- cy, Embley and McCullough. Standings to date: Team W. L. T. Pt. Village ------------ 2 1 O 4 Weyrich----------- 2 1 0 4 Box Factory .. 1 1 1 3 High School ---- O 2 1 1 Saturday's games: Box Factory 11, Town Team 10; Weyrich 7, High School 6. The teams are. Box Factory: Ross Embley, Alf Gray, Ross Cobbledick, Alf Gar- rod, Garnet Porter, Sam Brereton, Geo. Crowthers and Stan Powell. Weyrich: Jimmie Gardner, Ir- vin McCullough, Frank Miller, Doug. Wright, Jammie Wright, Bryce Ward, Albert Naylor, Gor- don Ketchum. Town Team: Tracy Embley, Francis Jose, F. McMullen, George Graham, Stan Graham, Bob Ste- venson, George Walton, John Rickard, Joseph Hocken. High School: John Gibson, Mur- ray Walton, Patrick CreaxTier, Neil Britton, Gordon Gibson, Bill Holubenko. In the Junior League Newton- ville Public Scbool defeated New- .castle 5-1. There are three junior ,teains in the league they are Ad- .anacs, Mighty Midgets, and the LYoung Leafs. The Adanacs aie ,leading the league with no gaines rlost. So far Ted Smith has been the major scorer. Rotarians OutPlaY Oshawa Cagers manville Wheelers Intermediate basketball team won an easy 45- 25 victory over Oshawa at B.H.S. gym Thursday evening. A small crowd watched the 18-man teaxn from the Motor City outplayed and outclassed by the superior Bowmanville team. As usual the visiting team drew first blood when Jimxny Ross and Gord Adair scored for Oshawa but it didn't take - long for the boys in blue and gold to recover. Don Mason, Don Mcîlveen and Russ Moffatt led the locals in a terrific scoring barrage that whizzed by the Oshawa boys. Bowrnanville had the majority of play throughout the entire gamne but poor shooting and several bad fumbles proved costly. The score at hall time stood at 21-10 for Bowmanville. The game started to get a littie rougher i the second phase with both sides being allotted a large number of fouls by referee Ray Latrinlouille. Again Mason was the sark plug of the Bowman- villeWbys wlth Irwin Brown and Alden Wheeler giving plenty of Murray Wood Now Assigned to Giant assistance. Towards the end it was only due to the efforts of the referee that fiying fists were averted. This is the second league game the local team bhas played wbîch now gives them a batting average of 50 per cent. If tbey don't meet any heavier opposition than Osh- awa they won't have much to wor- ry about. The line-ups: Bowmanville: D. Mason 25, R. Rundle, E. Mcllveen, I. Brown 4, D. McIlveen 4, A. Clemence 1, A. Wheeler 2, R. Mclntyre, R. Moff- att 8, J. Stutt 1. Oshawa: Ross 6, Anderson, Patte 4, Hesse,tErisbois 2, Drew 4, Ad- air 4, Smith, Munro, Green, 0'- Brien, McComb, Steenserator, Mozusski, Seeley 4, K. Brisbois, Wilson. Fouls: Bowmanville 9; Oshawa 9. Referee: Ray Latrimouille, Bow- manville. ln Ladies' Bowling Friday night's games shuff led the standing in the Ladies' Major League. Bern Carter's "Lucky Strikes" are now one point ahead of Vi Coole's "Coo Coos." Ada Tomlinson set a good pace for ber "Head Pins", with three games, each over 200, and they managed to take seven points off the "Coo Coos" which put themn in third place. Doris Polley's 348 was followed by Bern Carter',s 234 and Ada Tomlinson's 227. For three-gamne high Doris Pol- ley totalled 713, Ada Tomlinson 646, Bern Carter 598. High scores: Ada Tomlinson----------------- 84 Doris Polley - ------------------ 184 Bern Carter-------------------- 83 Vi Coole ------------------------79 Dot Oke --------- 168 Marg Jackson --------~ 167 Marg King 1---- - 66 High Bowling Averages Averages Traken By Osborne - Cochrane Competitions contiue keen in the Senior Bowling League with many returned men putting pep into the game. In the contests last week, Cancilla's team beld top place by defeating the Foundry 7- 0. The Piper quartette moved in- to second place by winning over W. Hearl's team 7-0. High triples were: Al Osborne 755, E. Roach 749, Doc Rundle 740, W. Mutton 725, H. Hooper 705, T. Bagnell 700. High singles went to Bob Cochrane 323, W. Westlake 317, Doc Rundle 316, F. Cole 304, Ai Osborne 301. Present Standings P W L Pt Cancilla -------------- 6 6 0 14 Piper ------------------ 6 5 1 12 Westlake ----------- - 6 4 2 10 BagneR --- 6 3 2 9 Coole ---------------- 6 4 2 9 Williams -- 6 3 3 7 Courtice ----------- 6 3 3 7 Rundle -------- - 6 2 3 5 Luxton -------------- 6 2 4 5 Carter ----------- - 6 2 4 4 Foundry ---------- 6 1 5 2 Hearl ------ --- .. 6 0 6 0 - W. We----t----ke--------- IW . M utton ------ ------ --- IA. Osborne ----- ----- - T. Bagnel ----------- - P. Cancilla J. Allun- Coated Drapery 79e yd. In blue or rose wlth floral de slgn. Washable and waterproof 36"1 wide. Regular $1.29 yd. WALKER'S Aircraft Carrier was Canadas newest addition to ber navy, the giant Aircraft Car- rier H.M.C.S. Warrior. She is the first capital ship and the first fleet carrier to be commissioned by a dominion navy. Shown in the drydock at Belfast prior to being taken over by a Canadian crew, the sbip presents an imposing appearance. Her tonnage of 18,- 000 places ber in the "colossus" class. 0f interest to people of Bow- manville is the news that a local boy, AMO Murray O. Wood is a member of ber crew of 1,200 Cari- adians and British instructors. Murray is a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wood, Wellington St. He bas been in England, Scotland, Ireland, since Oct.; 1944, taking a special air mechanic course and will serve as an air mecbanic on the Warrior. Captain of the ship is Frank Llewellyn Houghton of Ottawa who released the news that the Warrior will soon join the Cana- dian Navy with Halifax as the home port. The ship bas eight decks with all latest equipment for handling aircraft. Armament includes 19 Bofors anti-aircraft guns and six four-barrelled pom- poms. The crew is equally divid- ed in groups for various duties 7and the crew motto is "Haul To- 7gether." The Statesman is hope- 5ful that AMO Murray will permit 5publication of future letters tell- 4ing more of this greatest unit in 2the Canadian Navy. D. Carter --------- ----2---- 22 1 Dr. Rundle-------------------- --21 7 F. Cole ------------------------ -16 5 J. Gay ~ --.-- ----- 215 1 B. Cochrane 213 7 L. Wiseman -- --212 ,7 E. Rundle ~-212 ý7 C. Rundie 211 B6 H. Hooper---- ---- 09 1/2 Price :LI2 Price Y LOTS OP OTRERS 1 DRESSES Our Entire Stock of Ladies'1 Pali and Winter Dresses RIEDUCIED TO CLEAR COATS Our Entire Stock of Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats 1 L r- MW 1 >1 à it. REDUCED SUITS One Rack of Smart Suits. - Sizes 14 to 20 1 REDUCED HOUSECQATS O)ur Entire Stock of Women's and Misses' HRousecoats Except Cottons RIEDUCIED.TO CLIEAIR LADIES'"I-AN DBAG CLEARANCE ................. For REDUCED ACCORDINGLY r, w

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