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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1946, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TmIRSDAY lAit 5lmtL 1048 Orono News The Orono Library Board its annual meeting in the li on Tuesday evening, Jan. The followmngofficers were ed. Chairmnan, Mrs. E. Hi secretary, Mrs. Jas. Dickson; mirer, Mns. W. S. Cobbledic] librarian to take the place c late Mrs. J. R. Cooper will b polnted later. Renewed i la being shown ini reading winter and many citizens in ono and surrounding country want to make use of the libra Sgt. Lloyd Myles arrived overseas last week on the M~ tania. Miss Minnie Cornish had mm*&a.% bum. mmo en CHOICE PUAS WAX BUIS PERFECTION 1 VEG. SOUP CA NIIEDVEGETI WREN A PRINCESSFI SUPER SUDS CHEESE L NUSTARD LieI GATS GLI JIFFY PORRIDI BABY IZREAL MEAT SPREADl TONATO JUICI PASTIT FLOl BRODMES FLI IAKINGPOWl ST E AN PORTRGS UONELESS Roi BLADE ROASI SHORT RIEno LAM F LEGS lb. 43o BEEF LIVER WEINERS - FOWL FRESH B SILVERBRIGHT 9"019N STEA "ilCFrT KJTPPF HALIDUT STE] SYSTERS NR MWAEFRIT ORANGES CAI TEXAS MARSH SEEDI LENONIS CALMI UflS OREGOI ]PEA EXTRA [ ff v- 1 misfortune to fal lin ber home and Richards is a brother of Mns. > break a bone ini ber elbow. Hall and Mis. McAdam. Orono Cemetery Board held its Mr. M. H. Staples and Mr. J. C. d held annual meeting in the town hall Gaxney were in Toronto on bus- ibrary wben the former officers were re- iness. 22nd. elected for 1946. President, Heb- Mns. D. Myles received the sad eîect- er Souch; vice, Ernest Hamm; sec news tiiat ber father had passed lam retary-treasurer, C. F. Awde; dii.. away in Western Canada. trea- ectors, R. R. Waddell, J. E.Am- Thiîeves were busy again in z.Asr o eC hap.Mleansn G. DOronQ last Saturday night wben a of the ryOrlyChp nad .D lot of valuable goods were stolen be ap-, Brown. from Armstrong's. Tyrrell's Drug terest Mrs. L. Bruton passed away at Store was also entered. 9 this ber home last Saturday evening Mr. A. A. Drummond spent a n Or- after a lengtby illness. few days i Toronto. y 'wl Mis. Evelyn Hall and children, Mi. and Mis. F. O. Cooper vis- 'ary. Mr. and Mis. Wm. McAdamn of îted friends in Toronto. from Oshawa, and Mr. Ken Gamnsby, Mis. Gordon Leamen, spent [aure- met Pte. Wilson Richards at the Monday in Toronto. Coliseum, Toronto, on bis return Mrs. A. H. Wood celebrated ber cI the from Overseas, last Friday. Pte. 83rd birthday on Jan. 24th. Mrs. wHoskin of Burketon and Mis. Run- MLdle o! Hampton, visited their mo- ther on that day and also mem- bers of the family in this com- munity. The Goodwill Bible Class of Park St. Sunday Scbool was en- tertained at the spacious home of Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn last Thurs- day evening when 40 young wo- men enjoyed a very pleasant time. Mrs. K. Gamsby, president, pre- 1 S-ELI HED,,,/sided for the business. Mrs. C. S. McLaren conducted the worsbip period and Mrs. Mary Phasey the program. The class bas undertak- FOOD STORES en to prepare the program for a social evening in the cburch on February, and made plans and b. ~ TUA AT 7S *IST practised for that. Refresbments p IWO veuQuel -0« were served at the close of the BLACKmeeting. ý j J %,-Mr. and Mrs. Donald Myles, for- TF___me__.53Ç_ merly Velma Morgan, were sur- 4 SIEVE 23 prisedu by their relatives and 2 Tiîns 39friends and made the recipients CHIE20-ai. of many beautiful gifts. A social 2 Tn 230 tùme was spent and this iel * Tin laneous shower presented to the lb.à -24 recent bride and groom at the MPBELL'8 Tin home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Myles. 10< Orono Community Mmra Park Board held its annual meet- ÂBL S 0 2TOïïnzsr'29 ing in the Kumrite Apartments on Tuesday evening, Jan. 22nd. It qqa»04m-mo-was reported that the Ontario go- vernment had completed the new Tà dressing rooms in the park, the VAILABULL USE Orono Hydro Commision had in- 0 Pkg. stalled more lights in the park LARE 24eand the Chamber of Commerce a Pkg. ob à ý had kindly donated $100 to the &%IFboard. Last .year's officers were 2 *Reg. 1 Giantqq re-elected with Mr. C. T. Miller as &Cks.AAM *Caks230 chairman. A concert put on by Danny Boy and other artists from Lindsay ,D lb. 29< NEW l1b. 27o was fairly well attended in the &W townhall. a S-lb. Bag 230 Solina JEACKSONS*Pg 170 Eldad Cburch held their ana a * - Large Pkg. n congregational meeting Monday 19 night. On account of the weatbert GERBERS Pkg. 24g and road conditions there was not a very large attendance. Church i YORK BRAND >Tn >t and Sunday School and other or- s FACY D 3 Tn 21Wganizations bad very favorable re- ~ FNCY * 2 20-c7- 179 ports. Sunday School reported 39 * *Tins Sundays witb an average attend- ance of 38. Gave $70 to M. & M. and use all books and publica- OVEN FRESM tions from United Church Publisb- ANN PAGE ing House. Adult class reportedc ,22 members. 'Y.P.U. beld 21 meetings, bad NILK READcorn roast, also a weiner roast and Hallowe'en masquerade and 2 '~ 150 gave their play 12 times, gave $50 Loavésto Church, $30 to M. & M., and Mme bought a $50 Victory Bond. M. & M. reported over $200 raised. Cburch treasurer reported a bal- *- 7-lb. Bu ance on band of over $200. The ml-a23 Church Trustees reported $1,231.- SELF 8-1b. 42 raised for building fund. Thet 'uiD ASN k. 230 following are the elders: A. L. ~ AII lePg Pascoe, S. E. Werry, B. G. Stev-t DIf ANN 16-ai.15 ens, C. D. Pascoe and Wesley PAGE Cn. Yellowlees. Stewards: Bruce Tink, Gordon Leask, J. W. Rey- nolds, E. R. Taylor and Johnr Knox. M. & M. Board: Mrs. Roye _______________________ Langmaid, Bruce Tink, S. E. Wer- '/ ry and C. E. Sbortridge. Contributions to Ontario Tem- perance Federation $19.15, and Protestant Churches o! Europe, [S I R OASTS $20.75; and voted $15 to Miss Ileen - - 1 Balson, pianist. A pot luck sup-c spring. 1f b.25o BY the lb. J. R. Kiveli and Gordon Clen- Lits 'Piec. 3 denon have been under the wea- a - . - 1lb. 5 ther but are improving. - 25sSympathy is extended to the h~ A S * e e lb. 41< Hockadays in the death o! their 1i THERN SELECTS V-Pt. 59e ville. lb. Miss Ileen Balson bas been con- C 'OIE* lb39 fined to her bed with a severe r The snow plow has been a veryh do.40 6for 2$ ix a q1i>9y 1 T C if*or Money Bock S9 LIFORNIA .e do& 1< F k relef from lthcgcaused by ectem.t NAVELS 344& 90aFtete&foot. scablespimlsadoertm conditionas ueor.col g edlctd LESS N'a D.D.D. 'RSRIMTON. Gresicand Ji ?ORNIA a o o dc. 4< tnlesa. Sootic.. comforts and quickly calme * 1ST0M'a 43eIntenaeltchin. Dontauflet,Aok rouiit FANCV 15 for 4 259<I ai FLORIDA, Whit» & Pascal D - e FA H V CELERT TALKS 2 for 230 I NATIVE GROWN, Wash.d, Corel.uS CAhOTS 3 lb6 130 JATlVE GROWN s TUR IPS lb. 2c BUISTENDER lb. 29< TEXAS, NEW CROP EETS LARGE lb.7 S BUNCHES dg 8-dl welcome visitor these days. Many are taldng advantage of the sleighing and getting their summer wood hauled. Mi. Wesley W. Werry feels quite proud these days on the ad- vent of a son to him and Mis. Werry. Congratulations. Miss Aunilda Hockaday is spen- ding a few days i Bowmanville with Mr. John Challis. Newtonville Kenny, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugb Stapleton, who bas been sick in Oshawa Hospital, is much improved. Mrs. Luxton who resides witb ber daugbter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mis. George McCullough is suffering from pneumonia. Several from this district atten- ded the Ice Cycles in Oshawa. Birthday greetings to'Mr. Sam- uel Jones who celebrated bis 89tb birthday oni the 22nd o! January. Mrs. Sidney Lancaster and Mrs. Arnold Wade attended a leaders' sewing class, Tuesday, in Bow- manville, under Miss Scott. Miss Bertha Tbompson who bas also consented to act as instructor for the girls' sewing class (Cottons can be smart) attended the Mon- day class. Mr. John Pearce, father o! John T. Pearce of this village passed away at the home o! bis youngest son, Gerald, Welcome, on Jan. 25th. Mr. Pearce was in bis 94th year. Our sympathy is extended to bis three surviving sons, John T., Gerald and Kenneth, o! Mon- treal, and their families. Mr. George Stapleton bas just received word o! the passing o! bis aunt, Mns. Bell, Sr., in thýe West. She leaves to mourn a sis- ter, Mns. George Stapleton, Sr., of Port Hope, and a brother, Wm. W. Henderson o! Bowmanville. Our sympatby is extended to these fa- milies and also to the surviving son, James and bis wife who was fonmenly Aifreda Stapleton of this district. We are glad to hean Hanry Wade is about again; also that bis mothen, Mrs. John Wade is im- pnoving. Miss Jean Wade is home from Lindsay caring for ber mo- ther. Mrs. Cecil Walkey spent the weekend witb Mrs. George 0v- ens. Mr. and Mns. Lennox Vasey was witb ber parents, Mn. and Mns. Wm. Stapleton over tbe weekend. The newly fonmed Athletic As- sociation met last nigbt to draw up nules and regulations for the rink. Miss Ann Lebeau, secretary to the French Consul, Quebec City, is spending ten days witb Mn. and Mrs. George Henderson and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley and family, Oshawa; and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Burley, Toronto, witb Spencer Burley. Owing to the illness o! the host- ess, Eleanor Jobnston, the Y.P.U. called off the tobogganing party and spent the evening on the rink with bot dogs served at the close. About 25 were present and re- port a good time. Cadmus Mrs. M. Thompson attended a banquet and lecture sponsored by the Purina people in Peterboro, rbursday, also visited ber daugb- ter-in-law, Mrs. Elden Thompson. Mr. Orma Hyland spent Thurs- lay in Peterboro. Mn. Russel Larmer attended the nomination in Blackstock, Friday afternoon. Mn. and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, visited Mrs. Ferguson's moter, Mvrs. Hyland, Tbursday. Mr. Thomas Stinson wbo bas been ill for some time is impnov- ing. AU wisb bim a speedy ne- covery. Mn. Marwood McKee assisted by Mr. James McKee, one nice brigbt day last week, butcbered a fine big pig. Mn. Wesley Sweet spent Friday in Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Marwood McKee spent Tbunsday aftennoon in Nes- :leton.1 The skating party at Mr. Gor- don Stinson's last Monday even- ing was mucb enjoyed by all. Miss Leab McQuade, Mr. Cliff - ord Kerr, Miss Jean Coulter, Mn. to Western Canada. Visitors-Mr. and Mis. W. El- tiott, Sterling, with Mn. and Mrs. R. Pbilp---- Mn. and Mis. J. Mc- Kee witb Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mc- Kee Miss Leah McQuade, Mn. and Mis. M. Oke and Wayne at Mr. and Mrs. O. McQuade's---- Mr. A. Hanna and Gordon in )sbawa-- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stinson, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm, Yelverton, with Mn. and firs. H. Philp --Mi. and Mis. 3idney Trewin, Enniskillen, witb Irs. A. Taylor at Mn. and Mrs. larvin Nesbitt's. It appeais that everybody is atisfled witb the method of pric- ng new automobiles except the, nanu.facturers, the workers, the lalers, and the customers.-I- lianapolis News. -Plant Manager A. Wallace Den- ny o! the Goodyear Tire and Rub- ber Company (Canada) recently announced changes at the Bow- manville factory which accord promotions to two long-service men, Reg. Harding and Chas. Searle. Mn. Harding bas been elevated to the post .of Production Control Manager. Born in South Wales and a veteran o! the last war, Reg bas been with Goodyear for 25 years. He started in the hose room and prior to bis promotion was Assistant Foreman o! the fan belt department. Mn. Searle bas beentrnerd Salem Women's Association met at the home o! Mrs. W. G. Werry on Jan. l7tb witb 14 ladies present. President Mrs. L. Welsb opened the meeting and conducted the business peniod.' In the absence o! Mrs. L. Coombes, leader o! the group in charge o! the meeting, Mrs. F. Blackburn took charge o! the program whicb consisted o! solos by Mns. K. Werry and read- ings by Mrs. H. Gaud and Mrs. R. G. Collacutt. Refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed. Nestieton Miss Louise Johns and Mrs. R. W. Marlow visited Mrs. Ralph Sadler. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wbeeler visited ber brother, Mr. Ivan Hos- kmn, Blackstock. Mn. Frank Play!oot, Bowman- ville, at Mn. Henry Tbompson's. Mn. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited Mn. and Mis. George Johns. Mn. George Bowers very kindly invited the people o! the United Cburcb to meet at bis home for the congregational meeting. Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Wayne visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm, Blackstock. Mn. C. H. Porteous bas had men putting in bis supply o! ice. It sbould be good ice this yean Jack Frost bas been so busy. Tbe W.I. will meet at the home o! Mns. J. Fonder, Wednesday, Feb. 6th.' Zion Mn. Hans Geissberger, Jr., Mis- ses Mary and Bertha Geissbenger at August Geissberger's, Harm- ony -- Mn. and Mrs. Perey Lang- maid, Oshawa, at Chas. Naylor's -----Pte. Peggy Killen, Toronto, at Robt. Killens---- Mis. Milton Robinson, Oshawa, is spending a few days at Henry Ball's ---- Messrs. Michael Nemis and Han- vey Balson bave received thein dischange !nom the armed forces -----Mn. and Mrs. George Hilts and Mns. Rutb Torbit, Oshawa, at- tended a birtbday party for Mrs. W. Glaspel at Mrs. F. B. Glas- pel's on Tbunsday nigbt- Mes- srs. Alex McMasten and Charles Naylor attended the Ayrshire meeting at Bowmanville on Sat- unday ------- Mrs. W. Glaspel and Mrs. F. B. Glaspel at Ivor Gerry's, Toronto ---Mn. and Mrs. Ah! Ayre at Toronto ---- Mn. and Mns. Al- bent Wood and Audrey, Mn. Bob Cameron, Tynone, at Fred Cam- eron's---- Mn. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton attended the Bowman- ville Milk Producers Banquet on Tbursday night as representatives o! Oshawa Milk Producers ---- to the New Toronto office as liai- son officer between Akron, New Toronto and Bowmanville plants on the latter's products. Starting with Goodyear in New Toronto in 1918, he came to Bowmanville in 1925 as Merchandise Distribution Manager. He will still be in fre- quent contact with associates in Bowmanville. These appointments bave met with general approval among Goodyear employees for botb bave long been popular and great- ly interested in employee aff airs both in the plant and in the ne- creation club. Bowmanville fniends offer sincere congratula- tions. Miss Annie Lovegnin, Toronto, spent the weekend witb Helen Ca- meron at Fred Cameron's ---- There wasn't any cburch service on Sunday. The sideroads are filled with snow. Blackstock On Tbunsday evening the hockey boys and their fans mo- tored to Janetville to bave a game o! hockey witb the Janet- ville boys. Score was 9-4 in favor o! Janetville. Delton Fisher bad a birtbday party on Thunsday afternoon, it being bis 7th birtbday. He bad the boys in bis grade in school for supper. Sympatby is extended to the !amily o! Mns. John Jobb wbo passed away on Monday night, Jan. 21st. Fniday, Jan. 25th was nomina- tion day. There is one vacancy in the council, and Mn. Herb Hooey, Mn. Langfeld, and Mn. Sid Staples were nominated to nun for office. Voting will be on Feb. lst. Mn. and Mrs. Sutherland and family are moving into Mrs. Fred Bailey's bouse the first o! the month as a new minister bas been appointed to St. John's Anglican church and is moving bere, Feb. 7th from Toronto. On Thursday evening, Jan. 24th a pot luck supper and congrega- tional meeting was beld in the basement o! the United Church. Each branch o! the churcb gave a good report for the year, the W.M. S., W.A., Sunday School, Church Board and Y.P. Union. A hearty vote o! tbanks was tendered the organists, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Sadlen, also to Rev. and Mrs. Har- rison. J. Roy Ferguson o! Saskatoon, Supenintendent o! Administration and Rehabilitation for Nonthen Saskatchewan, after attending a conference at Ottawa, spent the weekend with bis sisters, Mrs. N. Mountjoy, Mns. J. A. Johnson and Mns. E. Dornell. Roy tells us Hanry Olver, pro- minent banker o! Saskatoon and bis very fine wife, made them very welcome wben first moving to that city. Hanry and Roy and their wives bave visited at the borne o! Selena Swain whene she and ber husband and family live on their farm about 40 miles out o! the city, and report a wonder- ful time necalhing old days and old friends o! Cartwright. ' Congratulations to Pte. and Mns. Stanley Rahm (nee Marion Hill) on their marniage Satunday afternoon, Jan. 26tb, by Rev. Har- rison, at the parsonage, Black- stock. A splendid job o! moving the organ to a position at the front o! the choir was made at the Un- ited Chunch by the carpenters in change. It is neally a wortbwbile improvement. EMPLOYEE8 WIN PROMOTION Reg. IRardlng Chas. Searle à di J. GROCERY DEPARTMVENT SPECIALS4 Tomato Juice 2 for 19C Maxwell Flouse 28-oz. tin-----COFFEE Fard Dog Food - Shredded Wlieat ------ Aylner Assorted Soups Zfor 29c 1 lb. pkge. 2Ver 29C ' %lb. pkge 3 for2C 49e 25C 1 lb Jar regular SIC grlnd and drp -------- For Value with Quality Shop at Edmondstones Market PHONE 315 WEEKENDSPECIALS MEAT DEPARTMENT Rolled Plate 1 8e Blade Roast 2,5c 2 lb. per coupon lb. 2% Ml. per coupon lb.1 HARVEY JOINT, Prop. KIING ST. Umm Stock-mTaking SaleI Ladies' Hats from $1.00 up Winter Coats The latest styles in ladies' Wmnter Coats are being offered at greatly reduced prices. In blues, browns, greens, blacks, ini a wide variety of sizes. $7.50 up Clearance MIEN 'S WINTER OVERCOATS from $25.00 up Having received a quantity of Mlen 's Overcoats late in the sea- son we have a large quantity to choose from. AU sizes, variety of colours ini. latest styles. PHONE 836 BOWXUANVILLEC I b Beautiful Screen Illustrations * Enjoy the Harmony of the Coflege Maie Quartette Hear and Se. this Message Ringing with Bible Truth E. WESLEY BROWN THE UNITED STATES A Pagan Image is the Prophetie Sym bol of World History ALL WELCOME 0F EUROPE- h ( Sunday Evening, Feb 3 m 7.30 p.m sous 0F ENGLAND HALL Boneless Pot Roast ISirloin Steak or Roast A3c 2 lM. per coupon .---~----- -- -----------per lb. mm£ Short . 1 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PAGE BIGET THE CANADIANSTATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO THU MAY. JAS. 31st 190 wv

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