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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1946, p. 9

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t PAGE NINE *T~E - - V~~tTU W A ~?YVWV 1 ~~YI1~ A CANADIAN TE~MAIN, .D'J W JYIftL~ V J.L&LiZa, ~.jxi THUESDA'Y, PMB. 7th, 1946 HOCKEY AND BASKETBALL WEDNESDAY NIGHT It is unfortunate that the Ju- veniles and Midgets played Co- 'bourg Iast night as weil as the Intermediate Basketbail team i Peterboro. Both games appear in .another part of the paper other than the sports page.% They are both crucial games as the cagers have to defeat Peter- boro to stay i the running with ~e present standing and the puck- ~rs need to beat Cobourg boys joraise their morale and also ev- IýJ* It esco.e. ORONO. IN FIINALS It was announced last week that the Orono Juvenile team would definitely be in the playoffs of the O.M.H.A. Juvenile "C"l group. Or- ono and Trinity College, Port Hope, meet in the first round at Orono on Feb. l5th. The return game wiil be played in Port Hope on Feb. l8th. The Orono teamn should do pret- ty weil in the "C" grouping as they have given more than one team in the "B" grouping quite a run for their money. r Stock-Taking 'Sale A, Ladies' Hats from $1.00 up Winter Coats The latest styles in ladies. Wmnter Coats are being offered at greatly reduced prices. In blues, browns, greens, blacks, in a wîde variety of si.zes. $7.50 up Clearance MENVIS WINTER OVERCOATS from $25-00 uP Having received a quantity of Men 's Overcoats late ini the sea- son we have a large quantity ta rchoose from. All sizes, variety of Scolours in latest styles. * Couch, iohnston &Cryderman PHONE 836 BOWNANVILLE P HER LUNCH IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT HER GLASS 0F MULK Your child can have the smre healthy, happy look that this little girl lias. Just be sure he or she gets our whole, creamy, ricli milk with evrery >neal. We deliver freali milk daily. Cail 444. 61PHONE 44 e BOWMAVLi* ~SPORT NEWS Bowmanville Curlers Win District Honors At OakwoodSpeil, With only a few weeks' desul- tory practice on Oshawa Curling Rink, Bowmanviile cuxIuers enter- ed the district championship games played at the Oakwood rink last Wednesday. Ail told there were 16 entries including exper- ienced teams from Lindsay, Duns- ford, Woodville and Beaverton. Encouraged with their first win in the draw gainst Dunsford, 13-6, the Bowmanville teami went on to clean up Woodville 16-4, then en- ter the finals against Beaverton who were swamped 12-2. Beav- erton had previously downed the crack Lindsay quartette. The Bowmanville foursome therefore came out winning first prize consisting of Hudsons' Bay Point Blankets for each player. The defeated teams then took a good long look at these amazing amateurs and discovered they were: Ben Kitson, lead; Bill Rob- inson, 2nd; Ross Strike, vice skip, and Wilfrid Kitson, skip. It was a source of satisfaction and de- light for the Kitson brothers ta pay a visit to their old home town and walk off with the champion- ship. The team was picked from the nine Bowmanville men who only lately took up the game after years of absence. Owing to other engagements only three players turned up so Bill Robinson fron Oshawa was secured as 2nd. It is ahnost 50 years since the old curling rink in BowmanvillE flats burned to the ground put- ting an end to the fun of the oic time curlers, the Beiths, Moor- crafts, McKays, McMurtrys and other roarin' Scotsmen. The nine men now seeking to re-establish a local curling coterie are Wilf and Ben Kitson, Ross Strike, Bil Paterson, Len Elliott, Frank Wil- liams, Ernie Rehder, Otto Robson and George James. SKI ENTHUSIASTS HAVE GREAT TIME A large numýber ai the younger elements, and others not 50 young, of the town have been talting ad- vantage ai the peiect ski weather the last couple of weeks. On Wed- nesday aiternoons and on week- ends practically every rise in ground in the near vicinity ai the town is covered with crowds en- joying the healthy winter sport. So far no club has been organ- ized in the town but it is hoped that next year some sort ai organ- ization will be underway. ThE Northumberland Forest Ski Clul north ai Cobourg has made re. markable progress with their chul having a ski tow in operation a! welh as a part time instructor fai the veterans as wehh as the begin ners. The organization 'was i tiated by ski enthusiasts fron Cobourg and Port Hope. BOWMANVILLE WINS RUGHT(H1-OTTSF. CAME manville. Both teams suffered numerouý bruises to various parts of the body. The game was play- ed before a large crowd of local fans who had many a laugh over the clumsiness of the Cobourg boys. The final score was 58-24 for Bowmanvilhe. Lineups: Cobourg: Guy 2, Platt 9, Wilson Daw 11, Hume, Hogan, Lucas, Bol- ster 2, and Davis. Bowmanvile: D. Mason 10, R. Rundle 9, E. McIlveen 7, 1. Brown 2, D. Mclhveen 6, A. Clenence 3, A. Wheeler 4, R. McIntyre 6, R. Moffatt, J. Stutt, D. Cordelle 1, R. Gilbart 10. Fouis: Cobourg 18, Bowmanvifle 10'. Referee, Ray Latrimoulle. GRADS 'DEFEAT CO-EDS, 13-12 IN FAST BASKETBALL GAME Close checkng in one oi the iastest basketbail games ai the Girls' League seen in these parts for several seasons was the fea- ture Wednesday evening in thE High School gym when the Grads deieated the Co-eds 13-12. The game played between thesE rivals two weeks ago resulted ir a tie 26-26 and Wednesday's de. cision, which hinged on a singl( free throw for the narrow fina' margin stihi heaves in doubt whicl is the better team. The. issue wi] be carried forward to the nex game which takes place at thg High School, Wednesday, Feb. 20 Every available seat was taker ta witness the contest which wa evidence ai the popuharity of th game and ai the phayers. A iea ture was the head-on collision o lightweight Fay Fry with hef t guard Marg Nicholîs who took th full count before resuming plaý The ineups: Grads: Marg Rowe 4, Sheil, EWilson 6, Marg Stacey, Doroth: 1Turner 3, Betty Sisson, Rut' .Hooper, Willa Ward, Marg Nidh iohîs, Doris Dudley, Eileen Coudl Dorothy Faulkner. B.H.S. Seniors: Winona Clarký Fay Fry 4, Jacqueline Heylandi Collette Ferguson 2, Rhona Evaný Helen Roach, Joan Greenfiel( r Marie Moyse, Jean Caverley, Mai Thomnpson, Stella Bonk. Referee: Hilda Rice. Umpirg r Agnes Lewis. Fans are warned ta mark the: cahendars Feb. 20, the date ai ti. lnext game. e s r b FROM COBOURGc in a rough and tumble game1 Bowmanville Wheelers defeated Cobourg basketball team 58-24 at B.H.S. gym Thursday night. Ref- eree Ray Latrimoulle had his hands full during the whole game trying to keep the awkward and pugnacious Cobourg team under control. Cobourg were the first to take blood when Platt and Dow scored a basket apiece and for the first 10 minutes of play they kept a small lead. It didn't take long for the Mason, Rundie, Mclntyre comn- bination to come back and put in so many baskets that the Cobourg boys wondered what happened. During the first haîf Cobourg were continually beefing about the the refereeing but after they saw they weren't getting any place they decided to settle. down and try and play good basketball. The first haîf ended with Bowmanville at the top end of a 29ý-13 score. Cobourg had 10 fouls in the first haîf to Bowmanville's 3. Bowmanville kept up the pace in the hast haîf but were unable to make the allotted 60 points requir- ed by Coach Walter DeGeer. Gil- bart, Mclntyre, Mason and Rundle were the main scorers for Bow- Eiverybody Likes lbilliards A Gentleman's Game IIUNDREDS of thou- Bande Pi1 a y this game every day ini Canada. Why? Be- cause Billiards Lha@ a thrill that cant b. duplicated in any other gme. You'll like bil- larda played with the m odeam nBrunswick epuipment i our Re.- creation Rooma. OSDORNE'S Kau Street West hilliadsL LOW SCORES FEATURE WEEK'S BOWLING With onhy three men able ta ro 700 or over, last week's bowlin averages took a tumble. Tho opping 700 were E. Roach, 741 J. Gay, 706; H. Depew, 703. Sir gles went ta Roach, 290; Canci. 280; Westhake 273. Team scores resulted in the io lowing marks: Cancilla over Lu- ton, 5-2; Hearh vs Foundry, 5- Williams vs Westhake, 5-2; Cou ice vs Coole 5-2; Bagnell vs Pi] er, 4-3; Carter vs Rundle, 4- High triple, E. Roach, 815; hiý single, J. Brough, 327. League Standing Cancihla ------- 8 1 Piper---------------- 6 3 Bagnell ------- 5 3 Westhake ------ 5 4 Williams ------ 5 4 Courtice ------- 5 4 Coohe---------------5 Rundle--------------3 Carter---------------4 Luxton -------- 3 6 Hearh --------------- 2 7 Foundry------------ 2 7 Averages 200 up E. Roach -------------------------- W. Westhake ----------------- A . Osborne ----------------- 5 T. Bagnehh ------------------- W . M utton ---------------- J. Allin ----------------------- A. Piper ---------------------- J. Gay ----------------------------- P. Cancilla ------------------- D. Carter --------------------- K. M aynard --------------- H. Carpenter ----------------- L. W isem an ---------------- H. Depew ----------------------- B. Cochrane ------------------- 1 K . Luxton ---------------- IR. McKnight ----------------- IF. Cole ----------------------- IH. Palmer ------------------- .Doc Rundle ------------------ .H. Gay ----------------------- 1ID. Taylor --------------------- .M. Dale --------------------- 1J. Callum -------------------- R. Hearl --------------------- S. Nichols ------------------- J. Large --------------------- LADIES' BOWLING NEWf Vi Coole's Ca-Coos took games and total pins from I1 Carter's Lucky Strikes and cli ed back inta first place. Ada Tj linsan's Head Pins for the night this year had six pha present and they made good ai their numbers ta notch t paints over Danis Polhey's1 samne Winners wha are stilh ir cellar. Hanors for high singles g, Doris Polley 243, Kay Beau 239, and Joyce Major 229. Beauprie was also high fr t games with a nice total ai Muriel Henderson chahked ur and Marg Jackson 554. High Averagesý Doris Polley --------------- Ada Tomlinsan - ------------ Dot Oke ------------ ----- Bern Carter ----------------- Marg Jackson - --------- Vi Coole ----------- -------- Muriel Hendersan---------- Edith Andrew------------- Kay Beauprie -------------- Marg E. King -------------- Joyce Major -------------------- Lillian Richards -- Change ai habit is of little, in itself unless born from CI of aim. Most of us look for hapi instead ai for some great id which we can give ourselveý be happy. two Wihdcats ---------------- 2 1 0 4 3ern Flyers ------------------- 1 1 1 3 imb- Red Wings -------------O0 2 1 1 om- The games on Saturday were first the half-way mark of the sche- yers duhe. The Victors and Wildcats ueare tued for top honaurs with the T VR B D ' u i up 7 Fhyers traihing only by one point. Wi- The Red Wings accupy the cellar. i the <__________ o> to SCOUT NEWS uprie Kay The 2nd Bowmanville Scouts three met as usual on Thursday with 657; the Scouts ail slicked up for the p 581 present contest as ta who goes to Wor-th his weight in goldi This diagrE see a hockey game free. At the start of the meeting the The province of Ontario, everyone b 181 patrols, (the Beavers, Cougars, profits ta almost the same Ontario tA 180Eages nd oxe> wre urringextent from tourist busi- Ever3r doIL 178 ta get their patrols ready sa that gnea *as it ds rm te t es; 175 each boy in the patrol would re- lald minngh ofdus ty.It 2. Tores;:e 171 ceive one point for being the first 15 Up itaéh aiousta owee . Tes, 6. 170 patrol ready. The ones ta receivethttgosngowng met;6 169 the points were the Beavers. 168 After inspection we held Kim's 167 gaine in which some scouts were 165 successful and others will have ta 163 try again and maybe again. 159 Near the close we held a gamne in which the Beavers were again value successitil in receiving points. Af- riange ter that we worked on a minstrel puBusHED IN THE PUBUC INTEREST show which we intend ta put n DY JOHN LABATI UMITED piness during Boy Scout and Girl Guide Lea ta Week. ýs and The leading Scouts in the con- test are- George Brown with 68 FOUNDRY BOWLING STARTED points, George Shaw and Jack Munday with 66, Paul Vine with The Foundrý Department bowl- 63, Jirn Allin, Larry Chant, John ing league got off ta a flymng start Stainton are tied with 62, and Tom Thursday evening with John Liv- Annis with 61. These are the to- ing's Strike Outs defeating Frank tal points up to January 31. 1M n Blunt's Roamers 7 to 0. In the At this meeting we did patrolR o Wings fiew past Coulson Wool- war in which the Beavers were R ner's Sky Hawks 7 to 0. Every- successful in receiving twa points Bol one enjoyed a good evening's fure per boy. and the old veterans had a few new aches hnd pains to discuss.NWAS EHO EY ES The high single and high triple NECATL _HCKY_ EW both went to Walt Ponley with a FrT us 266 single and 698 triple. The On Wednesday night the four Fo T ur. Big evenaveagesair as ol-teams were out with a determina- Big Sevnaeae r sfl tion to win. The. first game end- a"LA W. Ponley --- -- - ----- 232 ed with a score of 8 to 3, the vil- L. Welsh ----------- --------225 lage team having a decisive edge D A T J. Living - - 220 over the High School. Embly, DaEaIRa P. Clayton -------------------- 188 McMullen and Walton scored for Starrii Ev. Welsh ----------------186 the winners while Walton, Stev- G. Brooks---------------------184 enson and Aikens scored for the John Wayne and L. Hooper ---------------182 losers. In the second game a close de- and a Cast of Mý cision was won by, the Weyrich We know yo'Il VICTORS AND RED KINGS TIE Factory over the Box Factory, the final score being 5 to 3. AddSot In the first game of the Rotary On Saturday the Village team AddSot 1Junior Hockey League on Satur- defeated the Weyrich Factory 4 Little Lulu day Mantle's Victors and Howe's to 2 and the Box Factory won Edgar Kenned Red Wings batthed to a 2-2 tie. over the High School 6 to 4. BAgain Everett King was the main League standing: e.marksman for the Victors. This Won Lost Tie Mon., s boy King packs about the hardest Village Team-------- 4 1 0 -shot in the league as his five goals Weyrich Team ------- 3 2 0 ein two games wouhd seem to indi- Box Factory --------- 2 2 1 cate. Vine and Falls scored for High School ---------O0 4 1 i the Red Wings. The Newcastle Midget hockey mi e At the beginning of the game it team oneye to beMnadocon on-m n looked as if it would be Victorsdanihtabgnat-amV -alh the way. King scored from series in the Midget B playoffs. ~ Do Mater ona pss-ut romThe Newcastle boys making their Ili behind the net. Shorthy after-firstappeoarairgaicedsuhock- h~ wards King again scored, this e n nalreiesrae itme on a breakaay did wel. Athough Madoc won -away.by 7 to 1 the play was more even- t In the second period the Red ly matched. In the first and hast Le Wings began to fight back and it periods three goals only were . was onhy through a couple of spec- scored. Madoc were able to exe- ýn tacuhar saves by Jack Manthe cute breakaways in the second i.5 Is that they were kept scoreless. period by making good use of the jjf e aîia naoebtni oe centre ine for passing. Bob Ste- Sto the occasion and blocked his venson for Newcastle was a stand- ' )f shot. Then Keith Shackleton out player. Ted Smith showed yslipped through only to hit thegodhceabitonhearr .e goal post. ice surface. Roy Stoneburg, the Thein third period opened with l1-year-old goalie, stopped many YKigin on goal ahone but Larry that looked like sure goals. lChant saved the day. It took the The return game is to be play- Red Wings haîf the period before ed in Orono rink on Monday next. 'y they were able to score. Finahhy This is your chance to support the hPaul Vine scored on a pass from boys in their new venture. ~Ivan Hawes as the former was leit Teams: h, uncovered in front of the Victors' Newcaste: Goal, Stoneburg; de- net. Then came the best goal oi fence, Britton and Creamer; for- B RP 1G0 e, the game. There was a face-off wards, Stevenson, Turner and CAST TARS' . 6, inside the Victors' blue ine. Hawes Walton; alternates, Gibson, Smith, ~As GEORGa C 's, took the puck and fiipped it over Venner, Hockin. ci, on the open wing to Roy Fals Madoc: Goal, Borland; defence, bI,,d b IRVING RA rg who made no mistake in beating Nickle, Burris; forwards, R. D-vo. Manthe. From then on the Red Smith, K. Smith, D. Crawford; -e: Wings had the better of the play alternates, Brown, Naylor, Smith, and there were several pile-ups Walker, Carswehh, Tufts. jir around the Victors goal. Reieree: Mike Williams, Port e King and Manthe and Don Mas- Hope. ters were again the standouts for the Victors whihe Hawes and Falls were the best for the Red Wings. First Period Victors, King (MastersX----- 10.10 >11 Victors, King -----------------12.40 se N Second Period 45; Noscoring. [aReçt Wings, Vine (Hawes) ---- 1.06 (TO OUR FRENDS l-Red Wings, Falls (Hawes) ---11.28 lx__ Good hunting and our wise gaine laws -2; WILDCATS 3, FLYERS 0 bring more and more friendly visitors ur- In the second game the Wild- fo ot ftebre.Te'edul ,i-cats shut out the Flyers 3 to 0. rmsuhotebrd.Tey obl L-3 There was little doubt as to the welcome as fine sportsmen and because gh Wihdcats supremacy as they as- they help our economy. It's up to each sumed command of the game fromonofutoecuaehervss . the very first. oefu oecuaetervst 19 The game had scarcely gotten give themn a real welcome every lime. 15 under way when Clarence Kilpat- 13 rick took a swipe at the puck WHAT CAN IDO? 12 while he was lyîng on the ice and The answer is plenty! Here are some of 12 knocked it in the Flyers' net. The the thnsaye ndoTesug- 12 next goal was scored by Charhie hnsayn a o h ugs il~ Kihpatrick from a face-off, Sellers toscrefo elkor 8 getting the assîst. The onhy oth- Ontario hotelmnan: 8 er score came in the second per- 1. Know the. places of interet 7 iod when Sellers "plunked" one 5on a pass from Bicke. Charlie 4 Kipatrick missed several chances to score for the Wihdcats. Once 256 he was outguessed by Fry and 247 another time he ehected to shoot 236 instead of pass and missed the net fwe iFROM THE U.S.) tell people about them. 2. When you write your friends in the States teil them about the placesthey wouid enjay visiting. 3. Try ta make any visitar glad he came. 4. Take time ta give requested infor- mation fuily and graciously. Canada's reputation for courtesy and fairness depends on yau. 6. To sum it all up, follow the "'Golden Rule." -m, shows how ienefits from the aurist incarne. laris shared in ..1. Hatels; 3. Restaurants; etc.; 5.Amnuse- Garages. stwrk ah assTe treat us rayally when we visit them ... we can't do less than return the compliment. Remember that it costs money ta take a holiday . . . so let's see they get a good return for every penny tbey spend. 2oo I E i CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVU£ýE, UJNTAMU !ALTHEATR >wmanville - Phone 589 Fr.OnIy COAST" ins 1Ann Dvorak iany favorites. like this one. s te please iCartoon dy Comedy Feb. 9thOnl "'Twilight on the Prairie" music and Sons Western Style - AND- Judy Canova ln Iloanof Ozark" Cartoon "An Itch In Thne" Tues., Wed. - Feb. Il- 13 . TUE

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