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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1946, p. 10

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PAGE TEK THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEB. 7th, 1946 I h, SALESLAD'( WANTED =YOÙng Lady - 20 to 25 years of age as saleslady in RedMo-Wear Store. Must be resident of Bow- mnanville, have pleaâant personality and willing to learn. ExPerience flot necessary. Write Étating age, education and qualifications. Write Box 615, c!o The Canadian Statesman P RESCRIPTIONS. Sclentiflc training, a rich heritage of pharmaceutical experience and a constant awareness of bis respon- sihilities qualify your Rexali pharmaclst te serve you and the comniunity faithfuliy ln ail prescription work. Gifts that Enhance those Magie Words "Be My Valentine" For Hee . For Him * Elizabeth Arden Cologne June Geranlum, White Orchid, Carnation --- $1.25 Blue Grass --- $1.50-$2.15 Helena Rubienstein Gift Soap Apple Blossom 55c-$1.-l.25 Heaven-Sent ---55c-$1.00 Helena Rubienstein Glft Sets 2.25-2.75-3.10-3.65 Lucien Lelong Colognes Balalaika, Indiscrete, SiroccD, Opening Nlght------------ $2.50-$3.50 Creamis & Lotions Trushay Lotion -------49c Jergen's Lotion 25c-47c-98e Pond's Creans ---34c-59c Woodbury Creams 25c-49c Cutex Hand Cream 25c-43c Seaforth Gift Sets ---------- $3.00-$4.50 Aero Club Gi! t Sets -- $1.25-$2.00-$3.00-$3.25 Bachelor Glft Sets--------- $1.00-$1.25-$3.75 Remington Dual Head Elect.rlc Shaver ------- $19.95 Waterman's Pens ---$3.57-$5.95-$10.11 WALNUT FRAME SPECIAL Have your negatives enlarg- ed, mounted- and framed in either a Circassian Walnut, Burnished Silvet-, B 1 a c k Ebony or Gold Frame. Black and White--------- 79e Coloured ------------------- 99e THE REXALL DRTJC STOlRE Ph one 778 WHEN WE TEST King st. W. C.N.R. Tickets EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY Bowmanville BIRTHS CROMBIE-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Crombie announce the birth of their son, Garry Wayne, at Bow- manville Hospital on Jan. 3th, 1946. 6-1 DEWELL-In Bowmanville Hos- pital on Saturday, Feb. 2nd, 1946, ta Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dewell, a son (stillbarn). 0- SPICER-LAC. and Mrs. G. C. Spicer (nee Anne Pingle) are happy ta announce the birth o! a daughter, Darlene Ann, Jan. 3lst, 1946, at Bowmanville Hospital. MARRIAGE PEDWELL - ALLIN-On Satur- day, Feb. 2nd, 1946, in Oshawa, Olive Marie, daughter a! Mr. and Mrs. Irwin S. Allin, Newcastle, ta Maurice Harold, son o! Mr. and Mrs. H. Pedwell, Newcastle. 6-1* DIEATIIS BEACOCK-Suddenly on Feb. 2 1946, at his daughter's resîdence, Newtonbrook, Samuel John Bea- cock, brother of Mrs. A. W. Pick- ard, Bowmanville. CUBITT-At his residence, 50 Chicora Ave., Toronto, Jan. 3lst, 1946, Woolmer Churchill Cubitt, son of the , ate Col. Cubitt of Bowmanville, and husband o! Florence Clark. Interment Bow- manville cemetery. MORROW-Atý the residence o! his son-in-iaw, R. M. Bryson, 211 Fairleigh Ave. S., Hamilton, on Jan. 3lst, 1946, Andrew Morrow, formerly o! Kirby, aged 85 years. Interment in Orono cemetery. CARDS 0F THANKS Joyce McGill, Enniskilien, wishes ta thank Dr. Austin, nurses o! Bowmariville Hospital, relatives friends and schooimates for cards, fiowers and fruit, and many kind- nesses shown during her illness. To the Electors o! Cartwright: I wish ta express my apprecia- tion o! your votes on Friday's ,by-eiection in the Township o! Cartwright. It is my hope that 1946 will prove a happy and pros- perous one for ah o! you. 6-1* H. W. Hoaey. We wish ta express our sincere thanks and appreciatign ta our friends, relatives and neighbors, for their great kindness ta us and for the lovely floral tributes at the time o! Archie's sudden passing. BowrnvC.le. Smale and Family February 5, 1946. 6-1 Owing to the partial crop failure, Red Clover and Alsilce are very scarce. Any additional supplies may be difficult to procure. We have arranged our stock earlier than usual, ini order that local farmers may purchase their requirements at once and avoid being dis- appointed later on in the season. We have a large stock now of all clovers and grasses, including Red Clover and Alsike but have on our files, many mail orders from outside districts, sent in by farmers who have purchased our seeds in past years. We feel we should fill these orders but would like to see that our local farmers have an opportunity to get their seed first. For this reason, we ask you to check your requirements NOW and purchase same AT ONCE. We appreciate your steady repeat business, and do everything in our power to make sure you get the very highest. quality seed at the lowest price. We trust you will take this information seriously and act accordingly as some varieties of seed are much too short this year to meet the demand. BOWMBANVILLEJ, ONT. IN MEMORiAM DAVIE-In laving memary of a dear husband and father, Charles Davie, Toranto, wha passed away Feb. 6th, 1944. "It is sweet ta remember a laved one sa dear, Although absent fram us he is ever sa near; Unseen by the warld he stands by aur side, And whispers, dear.laved anes, death cannat divide." -Lavingly remembered by wife and daughters, Larraine and Margaret, and san, Jahn. 6-1* DONOGHUE-In laving memary af Elizabeth Agnes, belaved wife af Terry Danaghue wha passed away Feb. 5th, 1942. Past her suffering, past her pain Cease ta weep far tears are vain; She wha suffered is at rest, Gane ta Heaven with the blest. -Sadly missed by husband and family. 6-1* DONOGHUE-In laving memary af a dear daughter and sister, Beverly Yvanne, wha passed away Feb. 12th, 1941. The depths af sarraw, we can- nat tell, 0f the lass af ane we laved sa well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memary we shall always keep. --Sadly missed by Dad, sisters and brathers. 6-1* HENNING-In laving memary of a dear san and brather, Clarence Jaseph Henning, wha pased away Feb. 4th, 1944. We wha laved yau sadly miss yau As it dawns anather year. In aur lanely haurs af thinking Thaughts af yau are ever near. -Sadly missed by Mather, Dad, Brathers and Sisters. 6-1 MOORE-In laving memary af Byran Maare wha passed away February 1lth, 1941. "February brings sad memaries 0f a laved ane laid ta rest; He will always be remembered By thase wha laved him best." -Ever remembered by his wife. 6-1 * VICE-In laving memary af a dear husband and father, Walter Vice, who passed away Feb. 9th, 1937. "Nathing can ever take away The lave a heart halds dear; Fand memaries linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near." --Ever remembered by Wife and Family. 6-1 Wanted To Buy' HORSES suitable far fax meat. Phane ar write F. C. Baultbee, Orana. 77-r-4. 52-tf WE are buyers af timathy and clavers. Mail ar bring in yaur samples far highest affer. Stew- art's Seed Stare. Phone 577, Bawmanville. 41-tf SINGER Drap Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, calor write, Singer Sewing Machine Cô., Oshawa, 16 Ontaria St. Phane 696. 14-tf OLD harses wanted far mink and fax faad fram $5 ta $10 accard- ing ta weight. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrane. Phane Bawmanville 2679. 52-tf LIVE paultry and feathers. Ga'od prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R., 1, Be- thany. Phane 7-r-13. (Business carried an by Mr. Flatt persan- ally, na agents emplayed.) 3-11* Wanted to Rent ONE large raam, unfurnished, far widaw. Wanted by April lst if passible. Write Bax 621, The Statesman Office. 6-tf 1* APARTMENT, 3 ar 4 raams, or small hause, in Bawmanville. Ap- RELIABLE girl or woman for lîght housework, small apartment, easy position, good wages for the right persan. Phone 577. 6-tf AN Opprtunity-Estabiished Ru- ral Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages o! 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity ta get establish- ed in a profitable business o! your own. For full particuhars write today to-The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 6-4 MAN for carpenter shop, ta man- ufacture kitchen cabinets, etc. Ap- ply William Ailin, 19 Scugog St. 6-1* I wish ta preach, not the doc- trine o! ignoble ease, but the doc- trine o! the strenuous life.-Theo- dore Roosevelt. Seed Wanted WE are in the market far ail cla- vers and timathy seed. Highest prices paid far same. Kindly bring ar mail samples. Phane Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney 5-? Fertilizers ATTENTION Farmers! Prestan Fertilatar back again. Order naw and avoid disappaintment as the quantity will be limited titis spring. Fred Partner, Tyrane, phane 2328. 5-2 Radio Repairs A radia is frequently the dustiest article in the home. We nat anly repair them praperly but alsa tharaughly dlean them. Caîl F. Crawe, 102 Elgin St. Phane 2174. 5-2* Real Estate For Sale FARM - 125 acres dlay laam, all warkable, spring stream, level na- tural drainage. In gaad, state af cultivatian. Gaad stack and grain. farm. Situated just autside Baw- manville an lake front, new 4- lane highway clase ta farm and 1 mile aff Na. 2. Large brick hause with attractive setting. Barn 40x 90 ft., hydra avallable. This is a first class farm and will be sald cheap ta settle estate. Passessian April lst, 1946. Apply ta Rus- sell Osbarne, Newcastle. 6-tf FIVE raamed semi-detached sahid brick cattage, madern 3-piece bathraam and gaad furnace. Im mediate passession. Terms. Ap- ply Laverne Clemens, R.R. 6, Bawmanville, phane 2436. 6-1 Livestock and Pets CALLING all livestack ta stap caughs, caids, distemper, in less time than yau ever thaught pas- sible with ZEV, the remarkable veterinary remedy that warks an nase, thr6at,. and branchial tract. ZEV, made. by the makers af Buckley's Mixture, gives amaz- ing resuits in the mast stubbarn cases. $1.0Q at battie at P. R. Cawling's. 6-1 Notice Ernest Alldread af Newcastle, agent for Spramotars Praducts af London, Ont., is prepared ta take arders far Orcharci Sprayers ar any ather type af. sprayer yau re- quire. Phone Clarke 1203. 5-3 ATTENTION RABRIT HUNTERS Yau are invited ta hunt and shaat rabbits at Braaokdale-Kings- way Nurseries near C.N.R. statian and at King Street Braakdaie- Kingsway Nurseries Ltd., Baw- manville. 6-1 Take Notice Immunization Against Diphtherla, Small Pox and Whooping Cough It is the purpase af the newly- farmed Northumberland-Durham Health Unit ta carry aut an im- munizatian pragram amangst the schaol children af the caunties during the,,next few manths. It is haped that every schoal will be visited and pratectian offered against the diseasles named abave. Parents are advised ta either cansult their awn dactars regard- ing vaccination against Small Pax, Diphtheria or Whaaping Caugh, or attend the schaols ar Unit Clin- ics. The Bawmanvllle affice has now apened abave S. R. James, Insurance Office where regular immunizatian will be availabie in additian an every Monday after- naan between three and five a'clack far pre-schaal children and adults. Every pre-schaal child shauld be vaccinated against Small Pax and protected against Diphtheria. Reinfarcing dases af Diphtb4eria Taxaid r recaimmended lfar .Garage Repairs GUARANT.EED wark an al makes af cars. Skelton's Garage, 63 Cancessian St., residence Cream a! Barley Camp. 4-3* Wanted To Buy PAIR af man's hockey skates, size 8½/ ar 9. Phane 2834. 6-1* HOUSE, 5 ar 6 raoms, camplete bathraam and furnace, by July lst. Will pay cash. Phane 2504, Bowmanviile. 6-1 COACH ar sedan, any make ar year, gaad canditian. Write Bax 619, Statesman Office. 6-1* SMLALL safe, 30" wide, 3 ar 4 ft. high, required immediately. Phane 747. 6-1 Personal COST 3c daily. VitaDiet Multi- ple Vitamin Capsules cantain vit- amins A, B31, C, D, Niacin Amide and Ribafiavin. Ninety day sup- ply $2.70. Trial thirty-day supply $1.15. Sold at Independent Drug Stares. 6-4 Notice to Creditors And Others IN THE ESTATE 0F MARGARET RAYNES Ail persans having dlaims against the Estate af Margaret Raynes, late a! the Tawn o! Baw- manville, spinster, deceased, wha died an ar abaut the 4th day a! January, 1946, are hereby notified ta send in ta the undersigned Ex- ecutars an ar befare the lSth day a! March, 1946, full particulars a! their dlaims. Immediately a!- ter the said lSth day af March, 1946, the assets o! the deceased will be distributed amangst the parties entitled thereta, having re- gard anly ta dlaims which the Executars shahl then have natice. Dated at Toranta this 25th day a! January, 1946. THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY 66 King St. W., Taranta 1, Ont. Executars. by: Messrs. Millar & Hunter, Their Salicitars herein. 5-3 Livestock For Sale TEAM af bay mares, 4 and 5, ful sisters. H. C. Pedweli. Phone Clarke 3823. 6-2* THREE caws due ta freshen im- mediately. Apply Ray Winters, R.R. 2, Oshawa. 6-1* TWO veal calves, priced very reasanably. Clare E. Allin. Phane 2847. 6-1 PUREBRED Yarkshire saw and 10 pigs; purebred Yarkshire saw and 6 pigs. Charles Rundle, Hamptan. Phane 2246. 6-1 TEN pigs about 110 lbs.; 14 pigs, 2½/ manths aid. Reasan for sell- ing have ta be maved far shipping milk. Joe Crawfard, R.R. 1, En- niskillen. Phane 2552. 6-1 JERSEY bull cal! 2 months aid from goad R.O.P. dam, twa af whose grandsires have qualified as superiar sires. Also veal cal!, priced reasonably. Apply R. Stenger, Enniskillen, phane 2824. 6-1* Tenders Wanted UNITED COUNTIIES 0F NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'- dlock noon, February l3th, 1946, far 2 Pawer Mowers. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. H. M. FOWLDS, Chairman o! the Raad Commission County Raad Office, Cobourg, Ontaria. 6-1 Articles foir Sale QUANTITY mixed hay. Apply Laverne Clemens, R.R. 6, Bow- manville, phone 2436. 6-1 LADY'S red ski suit, fully lined, size 16, in excellent canditian. Phane 2186. 6-1 TRUCK tire chains far dual wheels, gaad condition. W. Kit- san, phane 578. 6-1* DINING raam suite, in gaad can- ditian. Apply Mrs. Peter Bath- gate, 128 Elgin St., phane 2603. MASSEY-Harris tractor'in gaod candition. Alsa light single wa- gan. Apply W. J. Caaper, Middle Raad, Bawmanville. 5-2* NEW Singer Sewing Machines are naw available, electrics and trea- dles! For furthier infarmatian write ar phane Singer Sewing Ma- chine Campany, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phane 696. 4-tf OSHAWA'S new furniture stre- Everything in madern. Chester- field, bedraam and dining raam suites, and studios. Bedding and floar caverings a specialty. Qua1- ity merchandise at campetitive prices. Befare buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Stare, 156 Simcae St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf NEW Renfrew caak stave, used ane manth; heater. Apply Char- ence Yea, R.R. 1, Hampton. 6-1* SIX paal tables and ane snaaker table, will seli separately ar al tagether, alsa other equipment. Real bargain for quick sale. Wil- liam Wilcax, King St. W. 6-1* SPINNING wheel, 30" wheel - galden varnish finish - in perfect running canditian. Write Bax 622 Statesman Office, Bawman- ville. 6-1* Baby Chicks CHICKS-Bray cackereis far Feb- ruary delivery. Alsa limited quantity started chicks delivery naw, alsa day ald in same varie- ties. Order chicks naw far Feb- ruary-March delivery and avaid disappaintment. Agent F. L. By- am, Tyrane. 6-1 AFTER 5%~ YEARS SERVICE IN OSHAWA 1 will resume his former ,business o f carpentermng a n dl general contracting commencing April lst. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITED PORT HOPE Materiais are i short supply. Place your requirements at once with the foilowing local authorized dealers: F. E. Morrili W. S. Staples Grant Bennett- R. E. Osborne Howard Hancock - Lloyd Crago 6-2* Speciai Prices untîl further notice for Top Quality Live 1Poultry GUILTINAN 'i SROE REPAIR OS HA WA Bring your shoes and boots to us for speedy and expert repair. Lea&é .with C. PURDY (Successor to C. Coyle) King St., Bowmanville For Pick-up and Delivery ART'S GARAGE General Repairs Specializing in Ail Makes and Models ART STACKARUK HAMPTON Phone 2148 4-2* the Opening of a Complete Line of ORDER YOUR INewcastle Phone: Clarke 3823 1 6-1 Choice of Colours Specialize Kitchen and Bathrooms Do It Right With "Sealtite"l HOME INSULATION (Biowing Method) Order your new Kelvinator Refrigerator, R.C.A. Victor Radio or Locomotive Washer NOW! Buy with confi- dence from this old established firm! Here's a fine opportunity for a iive-wlre salesman ln this terri- tory te seil unlisted securities. Make Up your own staff and or- ganization wlthout lnvesting a cent. The man we want must be re- liable and active, preferabiy wlth insurance or securities experience and able te bond himiself wlth the Securities Commission for $1,000. Preference given te a returned man. Replies strictiy confîdential interviews week-ends. Box No. 623 - Free Delivery - 1-trt ti aol Ill ------------ PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO rý, 1

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