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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1946, p. 11

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-- - . -- - ,... = ~ A 1~ ~É~1IV5R A ht~7?T t ~' I~M'Y' A ~ THURSlDAY, FEM. î4th, 1946 THE CANADIJA1N bTALf*OÂMAN, J'.1 YY VI 1 Orono News At the annual meeting of Orono 1forticuitural Society these off i- Icers were elected: President, J. D. ]Brown; lst vice, F. J. Hall; 2ndj 'vice, M. E. Sherwin; secretary,i Mnr. W. W. Harrison; treasurer,1 W. E. Davey; auditors, Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Mr. J. C. Gamey;i directors, Mrs. E. J. Hamm, Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mrs. Jas. Dickson, Mrs. C. R. Knox, Mrs. F. Tam- blyn, also Mrs. J. H. Morris to take the place of Mrs. Giddus Jones who has moved to Bow- ean Il1 A social time was spent at the ýse of the meeting. 'Congratuliations to Mrs. Eliza rie ho illcelebrate her birthday on Sunday, Feb. 7th' at the home of her niece, Mrs. D. Hooper. Another enjoyable dance was held in the Town Hall on Friday evening under auspices of Ser- vice Club of Orono I.O.O.F., with Jack Galloway's orchestra in at- tendance. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples en- tertained the County Federation o! Agriculture meeting Thursday evening. At Park St. United Church ser- vice on Sunday morning, the pas- tor installed the new members of the Session, Board o! Stewards and Trustee Board who were ap- pointed at the congregational meeting. Women's Missionary Auxiliary of Park St. church, met Feb. th with Mrs. M. H. Staples presiding. Mrs. F. Blackburn and Mrs. T. Kelly were appointed delegates to the Oshawa Presbyterial meeting in March. Mrs. S. Littlewood gave the chapter in the study book on the work of the church in Angola, West Africa. F0. Neil Wood arrived home from overseas on the Queen Eliz- abeth and with his wife f rom 'Toronto, is visiting at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bail are home after spending several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Pearce in Bowmanville. Mrs. S. Littlewood attended a meeting o! Oshawa Presbyterial executive in King St. Church, Oshawa. Messrs. Jack Stobart, Ross Wood and Vernon Fiske are among the local boys W'ho arrived home from overseas last week. A very pleasant social evening was held in St. George's Angli- can Church last Wednesday ev- ening. A splendid program, tasty refreshments and social chat were much enjoyed. Members of Y.P.U. attended a very pleasant skating party at Whitby last week, sponsored by Oshawa Presbytery Y.P.U. A sing song at the United Church and a lunch o! soup and crackers brought the evening to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller and Larry are now living near Whitby after having spent severai months in Montreal. Mr. Chas. Miller has his release !rom the army and has a position in Oshawa. Visitors-Miss Marjorie Mc- Laren in Toronto ------ Mrs. W. Burnett with friends in Oshawa -----Mr. Glen Tamblyn, S.P.S., Toronto, at his home ---Mr. Le- roy Brown and Mr. Ed. Milîson at J. D. Brown's ----- Miss Wilda Hooey at Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ru- therford's, Kirby ------- Mr. Chas. Wood, Kitchener, at home ------ Mr. and Mrs. L. Trull, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crowther and Charles, Newcastle, at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood's. CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Clarke Township Council met Feb. 5th with ail members pres- ent. Bill for county snow plow was referred to Road Supt. Knapp case was reported on and proper Tf HIS is frankly a patriotic appeal to al Lwho have living quarters for rent - in apartment blocks, rooming houses and hotels. You are asked to give returning veterans and their families, flot only an equal chance but a preference, when they enquire about accommodations. . . BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT! They've done plenty for ail of us at home, in pro- tecting our country and our homes. Now it's our turn. These typicai young Cana- dians had homes when they went away. procedure was ordered. Letter claixning damiage to a horse on the road was referred to proper parties for settlement. Hospital notice fromn Bowman- ville Hospital was read and reÉ- ponsibillty accepted. Clerk was instructed to reply to a letter from J. Burgess regarding snow plow on th lime. Lengthy discussion was held re procedure arranging for snow plowing on several pieces of road for which application had been made and this was dealt with as per the following resolutions: Agreeing to plow for snow as far as possible, under the follow- ing regulations: That a petition shaîl be presented in each case; that the division of cost shaîl be after approval of the Dept. of Highways, 50 per cent by Dept. of Highways, 25 per cent by the township and 25 per cent by pe- titioners concerned; that a key man shaîl be named in each case who shaîl be responsible for the collection of the 25 per cent and remit same to treasurer of town- ship; that work so done shaîl be with authority and under super- vision of Road Supt.; that bills shall be paid by Road Dept.; that a full list shaîl be given to trea- surer for purposes of collection. C. F. Awde will continue as collector o! taxes to March 5th, 1946. Ontario Dept. of Highways will be asked to subsidize on $15,000 spent on roads during 1945. Resolution was passed accept- ing responsibility of keeping, if possible, a road free from snow on the following pieces: From the county road at Bullocks to the village of Leskard; main street and north by the church in Ken- dal; road from Newtonville to Newtonville cemetery. Following by-laws were pass- ed: Appointing these pound keep- ers, Wm. Milligan, R. Payne, Ross Hallowell, Chas. Carson, Ernest There have been great movements of population duning the war. Many mem- bers of the forces have married since enlist- ing and face the problem of home-making under new and difficuit conditions. Their ambition is to settie down, get to work and establish their homes. GIVE THEM A BREAK! You are flot asked to give this accommodation, just to rent it, at rates approved by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. If you have space which you can.make available, list Prices and Trodo Board about Aive months or ls It with the Ciieons' Rehabilitation Commiffee, or rentai agreements. These are exempt front normai the local branch of the Canadian Legion; advertise it Wartlme Prices and Trade Sourd non-eviction requ- in the newspapers or list it with ai reui estafe agent. lotions, and Aive mont hs tenancy wiil heip many inquire of the nearest Rentais Office of the Wartime veterans through the winter. Es W. CRAWFORD CHAIRMAN 0F THE BOWMANVILLE REHABILITATION COMMITTEE PUILiSHWD EN THE INTEREST 0F VETER ANS BY THE GOVERNMENT 0F CANADA Reid, R. Mercer, J. Luxon, H. Coatharn, R. Graham, N. And- rews, C. Glenney, G. Laing, Roy Cochrane, G. Powers, E. Bryson, H. Ransberry, Wm. Penwardefl, L. Hooey, L. Bell, t. Robbins; and these fence viewers, A. Robbins, Harold Dean, Stanley Rowe; Pro- viding for $24,000 to be spent on roads during 1946. Special meeting will be called for February 7th at 10 a.m. Followlng bis were ordered paid: Toronto Stencil Co., dog tags, $13.38; after care, $10; copies of "Municipal Councillor" $2.40; Bruce F. Elliott, supplies, $43.50; J. J. Mellor, salary, $83; postage, incidentals, etc., $17.50; Wm. E. Davey, pneumo reffus, taxi, $6.25; Orono Weekly Times, minutes, $2.50; Mrs. H. Morris, $5; Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, R. vsF., $32; Cornish Store, supplies, $8; Orono Coal & Lumber, coke, $32.41; R. H. Wood, care of hall, etc., $18.20; Orono Hydro, lights, $8.46; Road Voucher No. 2, $134.25. Council adjourned to meet, March 5, at 10 a.m. ]Blackstock On Wednesday evening, Feb. 6 the Victorian Women's Institute invited the community to an en- joyable evening in the hall. Sing- ing of "The Maple Leaf" opened the program. Muriel and Ernest MeLean gave a musical number. Joan Venning recited "The Ghost." Peggy Finlayson sang a lovely solo accompanied by Beryl Laýmer at the piano. Merlin Bai- ley gave a humorous reading. A quartette of the Egypt school children was much enjoyed. Mrs. Agnes Marlow gave a humorous reading and Dalton Dorreil en- tertained with Darkey songs witli his mother accompanying on the piano. Dorothy Venning super- vised a stunt assisted by Earl 'ARTWRIGHT COUNCIIL Council met Feb. 4th with the members ahl present and Reeve N.t Green presiding. Herbert Hooey C who was elected a councillor on Feb. lst, subscribed to the neces- sary declarations.c Chas. Venning resigned as mem-1 ber of the welcoming committee1 which was accepted on certain conditions. Melville Griffin was appointed weed inspector. Fence viewers are Leith Byers, Wilbert Werry, Geo. Johnston and Reginald Nes-« bitt. Pound keepers are Carl Wright, Harry Philp, Russell Lar- mer and Edward Armstrong. R. Burns requested part o! boundary be opened. Referred to Road Supt. Considerable discussion took place re snow removal outfit of which Mr. Wheeler was main speaker. Reeve and Clerk authorized to sign forms re road subsidy. Clerk will ask for tenders on snow remnoval outfit, also gravel crushing. Orders were signed as follows: Saywell, supplies for hall, $3.52; dog tags and stamps, $15; election expenses, both No. 1, $12; No. 2, $10; No. 3, $12; No. 4, $12; No. 5, $12; J. Archer, i sheep killed, $10; Federation of Agriculture, rate, $59.89; P. VanCamp, 3 cords of wood, $50. Council adjourned to meet at caîl o! Reeve. I e e e e Dorrell, John Venning, Jean Tre- win, Noreen Malcolmn and Dôris Marlow. Then euchre, crokinole and ping-pong was enjoyed, after which a lovely lunch was served by Institute members. On Feb. 5 all the schooi pupils of Cartwright enjoyed the month- iy pictures in the hall. A program of pictures was presented in the evening too, but it is too bad that more people did not turn out. Janetviile and Blackstock hockey teams enjoyed a game at the arena, Feb. 7, score 6-4 in favor of Janetville. Howard Forder attended a Hol- stein conventiqn at the Royal York in Toronto. Miss Laura Hambley, Winni- peg, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tay- lor and other relatives. Glad to welcome Graham Fin- layson who returned home from overseas. Little Miss Diane Blair, Osh- awa, with her grandmother, Mrs. George Fowier. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson, Seagrave, with their aunts, Mrs. Robt. Bruce and Miss Mae King. Glad to see so many out to skate on Saturday night. There is room for more in our lovely arena. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis and Helen, Cabourg, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and !amily, Pur- ple Hill, with Mrs. Robt. Bruce. Mrs. Chas. Stabback, Port Per- ry, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jackson. Many cards have been received from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith from St. Petersburg, Fia., who are enjoying the trip very much. Ou Initil Shipment o! Stainless Steel Cooking Uteusils 1 ONILY - 6 FT. REFRIGERATED MUAT COIJNTER 3 ONLY - COMMCIAL SIZE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS 6 DIJINER, LARGE OVEN, ELECTRJC RANGE (Our Firsi Delivory) LIMTED NJMDER 0F RECORD PLAYERS Smafl quantities of umntie radios are arrivm*g from tii». to time and w. mdvii. you to drop in whea you are down town as we rnay happen to have a f ew when you cal1 Don 't Fail to See the NEW MINIATURE TYPE PIANO! -at- Electrle PHONE 1000 CHRISInANS Il SIMCOE ST. Ne OSHAWA Stock-mTaking Sale Nestieton Nestieton W.I. met at Mrs. Jo- seph Forder's, Feb. 6th, with the president, Mrs. M. Emerson in the chair and nineteen ladies and some children present. Program wvas in charge o! Mrs. G. Thomp- son. Roll cail, a Valentine verse. M'iss Laura Hambly, returned nissionary, gave an interesting talk on her work in China which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. G. rhompson gave a reading on val- ue of music in the home. A con- test was won by Mrs. Roy Taylor, Blackstock. A delicious lunch wvas served by Mrs. Forder, Mrs. Olive Brown, Mrs. G. Thompson and Mrs. Roy Taylor. A hearty vote o! thanks was given to all who helped to make a pleasant a!ternoon. Visitors-Miss Laura Hambly, roronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tay- lor, Blackstock, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forder---- Mr. Elmer Nesbitt, Mr. Sam Jeffrey and Mr. H!enry Thompson attended Coun- Ly Lodge at Orono ----Mrs. Har- ry McLaughlin with her mother, Mvrs. Herb Hooey, Burketon, who rias been sick ----Mr. and Mrs. John Grieves and !amily attend- ed the Ice Follies in Toronto ---- M~'r. and Mrs. Gordon Woods and infant son, Douglas, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous ------ Maurice Nesbitt, John Veale, Laverne Suggitt and Ralph Malcolm in Toronto and attended the Ice Follies ----Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Black- stock, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm ------ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert McKinstry, Osh- awa, with her mother, Mrs. R. W. Marlow ----- Mrs. John Grieves was operated on for appendicitis in Port Perry hospital on Sunday -----Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yelver- ton, with her son, Victor Mal- colm ------ Mr. Frank Emerson, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson ----Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Malcolm, Blackstock ---- Mr. and, Mrs. Clarence Ginn, Nora and Ronald, Mr. Reid Dickey, Elwood and Noreen, and Mr. Donald John- ston, Cadmus, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Jean and Dora visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dickey and cele- brated with them their 49th wed- ding anniversary on Feb. lOth. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous have sold their property to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson, Brooklin, and will move later. We wîll miss the f amily in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous with !riends in Bowmanville. Union, Darlington Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grace, Misses Elsie, Ada Rahm, Bow- manville at Mr. Cecil Rahm's. Miss Audrey McLaughlin, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mc- Laughiin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mc- Laughlin, Oshawa, at Mr. Rus- sel McLaughlin's. Misses Ruby and Celia Griffin at Mr. Leslie Wotten's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Ladies' Rats fromi 89e up Winter Coats The latest styles i ladies' Wlnt.r Coats are bemng offered at greatly reduced prices. In blues, browns, greens, blacks, i a wide variety of sizes. $7.50 up Clearance MENVIS WINTER OVERCOATS from $18.50 up Having received a quantity of Men's Overcoats late i the sea- son we have a large quantity to choose from. Ail sizes, va"riety of colours in latest styles. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Me- Laughlin at Mr. Roy McLaugh- lin's, Nestleton. Boys' hockey match Monday evening between Janetville and Enniskillen at Blackstock, score 6-1 in favor o! Enniskillefl. Several from this community attended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughiin at Courtice Hall on Friday evening. The play "Aunt Minnie From i Minnesota" presented by Black- stock High School at Enniskillen Hall, Friday evening, was much enjoyed by ahl. "'Lôve one another, as I have loved you." No estrangement, no emulation, no deceit, enters into the heart that loves as Jesus loved. It is a false sense o! love that, like the summer brook, soon gets dry. -Mary Baker Eddy. I RIt1 a NEW Polio.> -r- - PAGE ELEVE 44 announce IREGARDING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES and MERCHANDISE IN SHORT SUPPLY While the supply of electrical appliances and similar goods is ini short supply and instead of improving, ini xnany cases becoming less plentiful, we are, from time to time, fortunate in receiving somne sbipments. As a service to the public, watch the columns of this newspaper where you will find information designeti to help you secure much needed goods. We list beiow merchandise now actuaily in stock but, of course, i very limited quantities and which must be sold on th e basis of first corne, first served. *LAWN MOWRERS e BICYCLES, Men's and Laieis' *TRICYCLES e GIL HEATERS 4 4 NElER LOW OVEN ELECTRIC RANGES A smali quantity of 4 hurner, low oven electric ranges available for delivery ithe. month of March. (W. advise placing an order immediately). *CYLINDER TYPE VACUUM CLEANERS BAUJTOMATEC ELECTRIC IRONS e PRESTO COOKERS t? 1 HN 3 CI F--- à 0 1 1 0- BOWMANVILLE

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