TEU RSDAY.. I'EB l4th.. 1946 50 pq- - - - - - - - - - - --- PO. Douglas Irwin, R.C.A.F., ing and attended the 0.M.H.A. arrlved home from overseas. Mrs. hockey play-off between Madoc Irzi.n is Newcastle's popular and and Newcastle. talented instructor of music for Miss Pauline DeLine spent the the schools. Residents of New- weekend in Toronto and on Sun- caotie oi in extending PO. Ir- day evening was again the featUr- Win a Àhàrty welcome home. ed soloist with Ossie Wilson's or- ClIerk of Village H. C. Bona- chestra at Club Kingsway. than spent a couple of days in Several members of Y.P.U. at- Toronto. tended the Presbytery skating M2 T1pnk and white snapdrag- party 'at Whitby, Feb. 5th. OflsR the altar of St. George's Miss Patricia Pearce, Oshawa Church on Sunday were the gift1 General Hospital, spent the week- le the members of the Evening end at home. EUranch of Women's Auxiliary. Mrs. Wallace Holines Who has A large numlker of citizens mo- been a patient at Oshawa Gen- tored to Orono on Monday even-I eral Hospital for the pastmontlh - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --U U U U ~ç The Newcaste Independeut 9 Phone: Clarke 3314 i was brought home Monday after- noon. Her many friends wish her a complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey, Brook- lin, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown. C.G.I.T. group met at Mirs. M. All1dread's Monday evening, Feb. 4th. President Christine Alldread conducted the meeting and also took the study book. Velma AUl- dread and Vivian Megit led in re- creation alter which refreshinents were served. LAC. Gordon Garrod, R.C.A.F. Ancienne Lorette, Que., was home. Canadian Girls in Training group and Trail Rangers attend- ed the evening service o! the *United Church in a body on Sun- day evening, as it was girls' and~ boys' Sunday set aside by the *Girls and Boys Work Board of Canada. The leaders, Miss Kath- leen Toms and Mr. John Sand- haxn took part in the servie and Rev. Wm. Patterson gave the message. Evening Branch o! W.K o! St, George's Church met at Mrs. Douglas Cunninghaxn's with 12 members present. Presdent Mrs. Douglas Dewdney presided and opened the meeting with prayer. Correspondence and a statement from Miss Kingstone was read. The question o! the "'Pledges" was discussedi. It was moved b: Mis. Tomi Brown, seconded b: Mis. Fred Thomnas that at twc meetings to be held one at first ci year and -one nt the end o! year- that an extra 25c be contributed by each member towards thE Pledges. Flowers on the altai in the church for Sunday, Feb lth, are to be the gift of thE members o! the Evening Branch Arrangements were made to holÉ a card paîty at Mrs. Jami( Wîight's on date of next meeting Feb. l9th. The hostess, Mrs Douglas Cunningham, seîved re freshments. Miss Lida Lake, Bank o! Con merce, Toronto, has been visit ing her mother, Mis. Frank Gil son. Mr. and Mis. M. Dalley ai two childien who moved her fronxi Montreal and have residei in Mr. Harold Alen's house, hav left for their new home in Ayl mer. Mis. H. Ragen, Toronto, wasi the village last week in conne( tion with the extensive altera tions now being made in thei home here by her brother, M: Walter Douglas, New York Cii: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, sper the weekend in Ancaster, gues of their daughter and son-mn-laN Mr. and Mrs. John Buîbidge. Early Sunday morning a mot( car proceeding west drivent V, Douglas Wight of Provider( crashed into a panel truck belong-1 ing to Samnuel Cowan, wbich was: parked on the south side Of the1 highway at Mrs. Stella Ander- son's. Mrs. Samuel Cowan had just entered the truck and her husband was proceeding around the back of the truck to get to the driver's seat when the car swerved across the road striking the truck and throwing it into the ditch. Both cars were badly damaged but the occupants luck- ily escaped wth minor bruises and cuts. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton ac- companied by their son Neil and Barbara Bonathan were if Toron- to Friday attending the "lIce Fol- lies." Weekend guests with Mrs. Lu- ella Gray at Elmhurst Hotel were aMiss Jean Gray, Bracebridge, and fMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gray, Oshawa. *Miss Leona Tebble and friend, 1 Oshawa, are spending a vacation e ihher parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.Tebble. L Mrs. Clarence Allin has been svisiting her sister in Toronto and 2 gave a class reunion in honor of B, Nursing Sister Connie Cuthbert d Of Christie St. Hospital, who rserved overseas for four years. Lt Capt. Jack Hare and Mrs. Hare . left on Tuesday on a holiday in ;New York and Cleveland. y At the public meeting held in y the counicil chamber, Feb. 6th, f0] ýo the purpose of electing two memn f bers to the Board o! Management - Newcaýstle Community Hall for ýd the next two years, Mrs. Percy ie Hare and Harry Jose were un- r animously re-elected. Mrs. Hare b. has been a member o! the Board ie for about 10 years and has been h. its very efficient and capable Id chairman for the past six years- e a position she has filled with abil- g, ity and distinction. Harry Jose s. is the capable secretary-treasurer e- and has served on the Board for two years. Other members of n- Management Board are ReevE ýt- George Walton, Mrs. Howard b- Toms, Mr. Earl Walton, Mr. Fred Couch who are the appointees ci id the village council. ce Mr. and Mrs. Percy Haie sperl ed the weekend in Toronto. ie Newcastle United Church W.1j-S. met at Mr. Philip's, on Fel 7th, with President Mis. N. Alir in presiding. Miss E. M. Blackburi c- repoîted a letter had been receiv -a- ed from Mis. Lindsay, thankini ir the W.M.S. for prayers offered fo Ir. Mrs. Rowe while she was a pri by. soner at Hong Kong. Mrs.. N. AI nt lin and Mrs. W. W. Patterson wer sts appointed a program comrmitte Lw, for day of prayer, Maîch 8tt Mis. Carveth read a pleasing piec or of poetry, "Haven't Got Time. by Worship period was taken by Mr: ice Cole's and Mrs. Awde's groul Mr. and Mis. W. Bowman and Bruce at T. R. Bowman's, Port Periy. Miss Margaret Smith and Ray Smith spent the weekend ini To- ronto and attended the Ice Follies. Mr. and Mis. H. Beaton and Ian, Mis. L. C. Pascoe, Oshawa, at G. Bowman's. Mrs. Norman Stinson and Mis. Milton Samis are under the doc- tor's care. Giad to see Ah! Pîescott out again since his attack o! pleuîisy and pneumonia. Church service on Sunday was the fiîst in foui weekswta smaih attendance. For the first time in the histoîy o! this place the cars are whizzing along past huge snow banks in February. The snow-piow makes a change in rural living condi- tions. W.A. met at the home o! Mis. G. Bowman with thîee ladies present. Formalities were dis- pensed with and a good time was enjoyed. Ebenezer Mi. and Mýis. Glenn Pickehl en- tertained a few friends Friday ev- ening. Mr. K. E. Courtice, Mr. W. Hig- gins, Mis. S. Coveîley attended the temperance meeting heid ini Toronto. Miss Fay Found, Whitby Col- lege, with Mi. and Mis. J. C. Found. Mi. and Mis. G. Moffat with Mi. and Mrs. E. Courtice. Mi. and Mis. G. Balson, Jerry and Ann with Mr. and Mis. H. Gay. Miss Bernice Gay, Toronto, with her parents. The Home and School Club met Feb. Sth. President, Mis. Hinds, occupied the chair. Business it- ems inchuded a donation o! $5 to Oshawa H. and S. Council; $15 towards sweaters for the hockey team and committee appointed to arrange for a sheighing party for the childien. Program in charge o! Mesdames Lloyd Courtice and Harry Gay was as !olhows: Piano solo, Jean Gay; verses from "This is Canada," Mis. Lloyd Courtice; reading on St. Valentine Day, Mis. Clarence Hockîn; quiz, with Mis. H. Gay in charge, on "Found- ers' Day." Mi. and Mis. Carl, Down; Mr. and Mis. Cecil Adams and Phyl- lis, Mis. Carl Adams and Mi. and Mis. Dingman, Oshawa, weîe a jolhy party to meet L.Cpl. Carl Adams in Toronto on his retuin from overseas, later îeturning to the Adams' home, when, a joyful "welcome home" party was held. Congratulations to George Pid- duck, R.C.A.F., on being mention- ed in the King's iatest awaîds. Pte. George Hulton and Eddie Biakely have returned home. Mi. and Mis. Ivan Cochrane were in Toronto to welcome the latteî's brother, Pte. Peicy Flin- toif and bîother-in-haw, Levi Bur- gess. Mi. and Mis. Jackson, Harm- ony, have moved into the old Smith home, owned by Leslie Hancock and which has been re- cently overhauled. Mi. and Mis. Chaude Smith, late o! Vancouver, are visiting at the iatter's home, that o! Mi. and Mis. Ross Pearce. Chaude has îeceived an appointment as engi- neer with the highway depaît- ment and will be stationed here, having ieceived his discharge from the army. Mi. and Mis. Normpén Walters Phone 494 Each sripl tersoi Curri wasl1 ed b, Mrs. Th ity v~ Paul Choi whex for a whic in tl Cpl. Mr. Mrs. Tanl in five villa spee Smember reciting a verse of «ure, and prayeriby Mrs. Pat- >n. Study book topic on Dr. .es mission work in Africa taken by Mrs. Beman, assist- ýy miss E. M. Blackburn and Awde. ie residents of the commun- will regret to learn that Cpi. LMilligan is a patient at éley Park military hospital re he is undergoing treatment apiece of shrapnel in his lung ch he received while serving îe European invasion forces. Mifligan who is the son of RobertMillgan and the late Milligan was attached to the k Corps and returned home 'ecember after serving almost years overseas. The entire age joins 'n wishing him a Bdy and complete recovery. NEWCASTLE COUNCIL MANTEL NOVELTIES and WALL PLAQUES TO DECORATE YOUR HOME ORNAMENTAL 'DUCKS made of plaster, to decorate your wafls. lin tural colour, somethlng new Set of three - - - - te5165 PLASTER VASES brightly coloured i a variety of shapes and sizes, to brighten your rooms. Each - - - - - 51.50 Bookends Ornamental « « - - Pr. figure and animnal life s2.75 Dogs - - - G5C to $1.95 made o! plaster HO O iPtRS Jeweileiy& BOOPE01f t shop Phone 747 Wax Several l 20 oz. BEANS Brands 2- C tins 25Ç Tomato Several 200oz IUICE Brands . 2* tins 1Ç Frank's Mlxed 16 oz.24Ç DILL PICKLES ja OATS .* pkg Fresh Baltedlb39 PEANUTS --. i..9 RichmeUO 8 oz 18 1 COFFEE pkg. lii" .;.35Ç Salada-.Brown Label TEA Bowmanville municipal council was held Feb. llth at 2 p.m. Ail membeis were present and Reeve George Wal- ton presided. The following accounts were passed:t David Shaw, shovel. walks $27.25 ç Bd. Education, '45 taxes----17l.77r G. Robinson, shovel. rds.- 12.501 Caji. Statesmaf, printing---- 2.40t A. E. Wilson & Co., treas. 1 bond-------------------------- 10.00 C. R. Carveth, rep. to mower 2.40 Harold Couch, trucking 7.25 United Counties, Oldfiehd Hospital acct --------------54.63 Lunn's hardware, 75 steel posts - ------ ------------ 39.00 Application o! Frank J. Cream- er was accepted as constable of the village at a salary o! $35 per month. Council decided to inaugurate daylight saving time in the vil- lage from April 28th to Sept. 29th. C. R. Carveth was appointed member Board o! Education for 1946-7 to fili vacancy caused by resîgnation o! Harve S. Britton. Reeve George Walton was ap- pomnted member o! St. George Bond Head Cemetery Board. Matter o! payment for each member o! council was held over until the next regular meeting. Second îeading was given by-law to borrow certain sums o! money. Delegation !îom Bowman ville Hospital Board ad dressed the ncouncil and requested a grant o! r$2,500 towards the new hospital. Council adjourned until March 12th. ConcefltlSted btti.14 JAVEX .. Nabisco Shredded Whnt or Shreddies. 2 pkgs. 3 HEINZ INFANT F0008 3 15onz 2 3Ç COCOA otin19e 1tin 29Ç Handy ANAmm m ...4 pkgs. 23e HarrY HoMne's Choc. or 16 oz.ilC Cultard Powdor Vanilla tin £Iw Kraft Serves 4 ks DIN MER people * pg.i7 Cuban Size 24's Pineapples - - each 39e Sunkigt Size 344's Oranges » - doz. 19e Texas Seedless Size 96's Grapefruit-- 6 fer 25e Green Pascal CeIery- - -2for 23e Coconuts --each 29,c New Green Cabbage Washed/ Turnips m- - *Ml. Se m-m-0 b. 3c Sunklst Size 360's Lenons - - - doz. 29C le D -A m ()Heb are moving from Oshawa, to their home east of Ebenezer Church. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Worden, late of Aj ax, who have taken part of his father's house and will do some farming in the spring. Mission Circle girls met at the home of Miss Evelyn Wade on Feb. 6, President Mrs. C. Saun- ders was in the chair. Miss Ann Hoît took the devotional and brought out many interesting thoughts on love and friendship. Roll cail was answered with a Valentine verse. Business was discussed. Next meeting, March 6th at Mrs. Harry Gay's. Program was in charge o! Mrs. Gay and opened with a humorous reading by Mrs. Lloyd Courtice. Mrs. C. Hockin read a chapter o! the stu- dy book !ollowed by a piano solo by Mrs. Wilf Brown. A îeading was given by Miss Beth Gay. Contests were enjoyed and lunch served. Eighteen present. Cadmus The yearly congregational mec- ting was heid Feb. 4th.' Sunday School report was given by Sid- ney Goff, îeporting supplies for 1946 ahl paid and about $5 heft in treasury. Report o! the W.A. and W.M.S. was given by Mis. Mai- wood McKee, showing îeceipts $131.59, expenses $94.56 and bal- ance on hand o! $37.03. Church tîeasury report was given by Mr. E. Gibson with receiots to De- cember $394.45, expenses $328.75. While report was not in full to date it was estimated that there was enough to meet alh current yearly expenses with a balance of about $45. M. & M. Fund report- ed $26 being given by envelopes and $36 by Sunday School. Meryln Phîlp was elected trea- surer as Mr. Gibson wished to retire. Church service will be held at 1:30 p.m. for a whihe. There was a fair attendance Sunday. About 30 gathered at Harry Philp's Monday evening for the Faim Forum meeting. Mis. Wil- iamson invited ahh to her home next week. We are pheased to report that Frank Melton is improving as well as can be expected. Lose the sense o! right and wrong and we lose ahi sense. We Trake Pleasure In ANNOUNCING duat we are now Dealers for Ce.IaLa Prepared Paint PAINT. - FIat Paint SemU-Gloss Enamel - Cilux Enamel Goodulvariety itekie House and faim Wiriug OUR SPECIALTY Orders Taken for G.E. Appliances Motor and Appliance Repairs RIGGON ELECTRIC Phone 438 it w y ;e rd ýd of nt Ân rn N- Lg .or rie Bowmanvillet Ont. When we say "business is bus- trans-AtlaltiC pilots as usual. iness," do we mean that it's no- Neighbor Nittlewit dlaims his body's business if we swindle family will not speak to him be- somebody? American girls, says Punch, can cause he made the drastic mistake get nylon stockings from slot ma- o! placing bananas in the refrig- chines. Ours will depend on erator. VMH CANA.DIÂN STATESMAN. BOWMA4NVIX'L, ONTAIO Homes, Schools, Churches, Stores, Industrial Bldgs. ROCK WOOL SCARCITY AND QUALITY 0F FUEL DEMANDS YOUR ATTENTION INSULATION WILL HELP SOLVE THIS PROBLEM A PROPERLY INSULATED BUILDING saves: on fuel, le warnier in Winter, cooler in Summer; Eliminates Drafts in halls anud stairways. Gives year round Comfort. DECIDE NOW. Why wait until Spring. AI Contracte Taken Now Conipleted Within Two Weeks. SEALTITE INSULATION Fa Au BRUCE 8 oz. 39 Lpton'8 PAGE X th. . -rs GROCERY FUTURES Enfield 47 Queen St. E. Varnish Cood variety in stock 42 Ring St. E.