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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1946, p. 6

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PAGE six THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THUESDAY. FEB. l4th. 1946 BIRTHS BALSON-Mr. and Mrs. Hs>,old R. Balson announce the birth of their son, Gene Stewart, at Bow- Manville Hospitai on Thursday, February 7th, 1946. 7-1 MARRIAGE LOGAN-GIBSONAt Peterbor- ough, Feb. lst, 1946, by Rev. J. Semple, B.A., Marion Louise Gib- son, Reg.N., eldest daughter of Mrs. George Widdecombe, to Al- vin Patrick Logan, son of Mr. Patrick Logan and the late Mrs. Logan, Kingston. 7-1* EDGERTON-SAMIS-On Satur- day, Feb. 2nd, 1946, in Bowman- ville by Rev. J. E. Griffith, Helen Marion Samis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Samis, to Orial John Edgerton, son of Mr. Perey Edgerton, Bowmanville. 7-1* DEATIIS BRADLEY-On Feb. 7th, 1946, at Philadelphia, Pa., Dr. Manson J. Bradley, beloved husband of Ai- ma C. Kennedy,. father of Man- son J. J., and Shirley Ann, gradu- ate of McMaster University and Bowmanville High School, son of the late Mm. and Mrs. J. Bradley, Leskard. COX-At Port Hope Hospital, on Feb. 7th, 1946, Hamry T. J. Cox, aged 68 years. Intemment Bow- manville Cemetery. WOOD-In Hampton on Feb. 9th, 1946, Frederick J. Wood, beloved husband of the late Mary Eliza Wilson in his 72nd year. IN MEMORIAM COWE-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William Cowle, who passed away 10 years ago, Feb. l4th, 1936. "It is sweet to remember a ioved one s0 dear, Although absent from us he is ever so near- Unseen by the world, he stands by our side And whispers dear loved ones death cannot divide." -Lovingly remembered by wif e and sons Howard, Gordon, Nor- man, John and Fred. 7-i PARKIN-In loving memory of Wallace Bruce Parkin, who pass- ed away Feb. i4th, 1942. Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. -Sadly missed by wife and family. 7-1* THOMPSON-In ioving memory of a dear husband and father, Wesley N. Thompson who passed away Feb. lSth, 1945. I cannot say and I will not say That he is dead, he is just away, With a cheery smihe and a wave of the hand He has wandered into an un- known land, And left us dreaming how very faim, It need must be, since he lingers there. -Sadly missed by wife and famihy. 7.1*. BABY CHICKS Barred Rock Chicks from our strain which won second place at the last Harrow Egg Laying Contest. Ail R.OP. Sired (The Highest Grade of Chick - Obtainable lu Commercial Quantities) - Ail Breeders Blood-Tested No Re-actors - No Outside Flocks 1,000 Cockerel Chicks available ln February - at 7c each Write for Circular and Prices on Mixed and Pullets Day-old and Started DONALD A Real Breedlng Farm Phone: Clarke 3811 E. GIBSON - Not Just a Hatchery Bowmanville, Ontario Our scientifiecieaning methods and expert pressing keeps ciothing looking like new. Al work done on the premises. Pick-up and delivery service. Cail 520. We clean everything from curtains to overcoats. Articles For Sale LNEW Singer Sewing Machines are Lnow available, electrics and trea- ;dles! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in modern. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qual- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf LADIES' Vanity Dresser with three mirrors $25. Apply Box 625 c/o The Statesman. 6-1* STUDEBAKER Sedan, 1936. Ser- ial 5955810. Price $425. Apply F. Turney, cor. Scugog and Odel Sts. 7-1* STEWART-Warner battery radio, good condition. Also heater stove. Apply Clarence Turner, New- castle. Phone Clarke 2513. 7-1* NEW Renfrew cookstove, used one month. Phone 2236. 7-1 TWO-cylinder Beam pump spray- er, 160-gal. tank with engine, wa- gon complete. Frank H. Pascoe, phone 2879. 7-2 QUANTITY of mixed wood, cut in stove length, also hardwood. Apply Mel Lamb, phone 2450. 7-1 * LONG and short wave battery radio, excellent condition, just equipped with new batteries. Coleman table lamp with glass shade, $5; high top leather hunt- ing boots, practically new, size 9, $4. Apply Black Cat Inn, 1 mile west of Bowmanville. 7.1* MEN'S skates and boots size 8; pair skis, maple, 6 f.; also gen- erator bicycle lamp. Apply S. C. Rundie, Hampton, phone 2246. 7-1 USED kitchen cabinet in good condition, jeasonable price. For particulars phone Clarke 1132. 7-1* RENFREW cook stove, complete1 with 16 pipes. Apply Mrs. Car- man Tennant, Orono. Phone 17- r-9. 7-2* OTACO automatic drinking bowls twenty on hand. 14" Case ham- mer mili, new and used sleighs, Tîmken bearing rubber-tired wa- gons, delivery April lst. Phone 15-20 Carl Todd, implement deal-1 er, Clarke, Ont. 7-1 *i YOYO bedspread, largest sîze, in pastel shades and pre-war prints. Apply 152 Wellington St., Bow-i manville, phone 717. 7-1 QUANTITY of dry black birch wood, 4' long. Green Bros., R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Phone 2161. 7-1 SIX pool tables and one snooker table, will sell separately or al together, also other equipment.' Real bargain for quick sale. Wil- liam Wilcox, King St. W. 7-1 PIANO. Telephone 492, Bowman- ville. 7-1 TWO Janesway brooder stoves, large size, new condition, $15 ea. F. E. Morrill, phone 2456 Bow- manville. 7-1 12 BARRED Rock pullets,,h laying, $1.50 ea. A. Laird, Miaple Grove, phone 2109. 7-1* - *TEAM of bay mares, 4 and 5, ful sisters. H. C. Pedwell. Phone Clarke 3823. 6-2* SIX pigs 6 weeks ohd. Apply Jno. Liptay, i mile east of Hampton (road opens to cars). 7-1* BRAY Hatchemy has heavy breed cockerels, prompt shipment. Looks like good markets for these. Breeds like Light Sussex, L.S. x N.H., New Hampshire, etc., also chicks, day-old, stamted. Ask for price list. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 7-1 FIVE pigs 6i Lloyd Allin, killen. jweem old. Apply phone 2656, Ennis- 7-i * ONE large room, unfurnished, for widow. Wanted by April lst if possible. Write Box 621, The Statesman Off ice. 6-tf 1* FIVE to 8-romed house or apart- ment, unfurnished. Mm. Steele, Walkem Stores. Phone 451. 7-tf RANCH, 50 to 100 acres. Well- fenced. H. L. Anderson, phone 2215, Bowmanville. 7-2* I-I p Wanted HOUSEKEEPER-Wish to em- ploy housekeeper for ordinary household duties. Please send photo. Write Box 627 Statesman Office, Bowmanvilhe. 7-1 AN Oppotunity-Established Ru- mal Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is youm opportunity to get establish- ed in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write todayto-The J. R. Watkins Comn- pany, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 6-4 King St., W. 1 Ail Highest Quality Government Tested and Graded Seed BUY STEWART'S SEED6 Phono 577. Bowmanville, Ont. Livestock For Sale HOLSTEIN cow, 6 years old, due to renew Feb. 22. Apply Nick Hasîuk, R.R. 3, Bowmnanville, Lot 20, Con. 2. 7-1* SIX Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks old. Walter Ferguson, phone 2329. 7-1 DURHAM cow, due March 1, good milker. Apply T. Gibbs, Tyrone. Phone Orono 54-r-9. 7-1* YOUNG bacon type Yorkshire boar; feed-cutting box with end- less feed table! 5 h.p. Lister gas engine. Apply C. Payne, R.R. 3, Newcastle. 7-1* THREE Polled Angus calves, al- so team of bay mares, 4 and 5, full sisters. H. C. Pedwell, phone Clarke 3823. 7-1* PUREBRED Shorthorn bull, dark red, Il months old. Apply Ross Hallowell, R.R. 1, Clarke, phone 1504 Clarke. 7-1* Real Estate For Sale FARM, Lot 20, Con. 4, Cartwright Twp., 75 acres. Hydro, plough- ing done. Apply Mrs. George Fowler, Blackstock, Ont. 7-1 FARM-89 acres, south of New- tonville, 10 acres hardwood bush, 9 acres reforestry, creek near buildings, well and cistern, frame house, bank barn, other buildings. Might consider an exchange. For further particulars apply 110 King St. East, Bowmanville. 7-2* FARM - 125 acres dlay loam, ahl workable, spring stream, level na- tural drainage. In good state of cultivation. Good stock and grain farm. Situated just outside Bow- manville on lake front, new 4- lane highway close to farm and 1 mile off No. 2. Large brick house with attractive setting. Barn 40x 90 ft., hydro available. This is a first class farm and will be sold cheap to settle estate. Plowing possession after harvest. Apply to Russell Osborne, Newcastle. 6-tf SIX-roomed house, centrally lo- cated, bathroom, furnace, hard- wood floors throughout, garage. Write Box 630 Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 7-2 For RentE NEW Singer Sewing Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa. Phone 696. 14-tf FOUR rooms and sun room, hard1 and soft water, garage, garden, milk could be arranged for. Hy-7 dro, short distance from Bow-1 manville on snow-plowed road. Would rent only to middle aged couple with no children and who use neither alcohol nor tobacco.1 Others need not apply. Write BOXE 629 Statesman. 7-1* 45 ACRES orchard to be workedI on shares or rent. Close to C.P.R.r Station, Newcastle. Apply to N.% Demchuck, Newcastle. 7-1*c COST 3c daily. VitaDiet Multi- ple Vitamin Capsules contain vit- amins A, BI, C, D, Niacin Amide and Ribofiavin. Ninety day sup- ply $2.70. Trial thirty-day supply $1.15. Sold at Independent Drug Stores. 6-4 RHEUMATIC Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago quickly relieved by us- ing Rumacaps. Recommended by thousands who have gained bet- ter health. McGregor's Drug Store. 7-1 Notice To Creditors ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the estate of EVA JANE WAKELIN, late of the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham, Spinster, who died on or about the lSth day of January, 1946, are equired to send to the undemsigned at Bowmanvilhe, On- tario, full particulars of the same on or before the iSth day of Mamch, 1946, aftem which date the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed having regard only to the dlaims of which the Adminis- trators shall then have notice. Dated this l4th day of February, 1946. Charlotte Amelia Morgritson and Herbert George Wakelin, Administrators, by Apha I. Hodgins, their solicitor herein. 7-1 Wanted To Boy HORSES suitable for fox meat. Phone or write F. C. Bouitbee, Orono. 77-r-4. 52-tf WE are buyers of timothy and clovers. Mail or bring in youm samples for highest offer. Stew- amt's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf OLU horses wanted for mink and fox food from $5 to $10 accord- ing to weight. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 52-tf LIVE poultry and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Be- thany. Phone 7-r-13. (Business carmied on by Mr. Flatt person- ally, no agents employed.) 3.11* GIRL'S Bicycle, preferably C.C. M. Phone 2190, or apply 125 Scu- gog St. 71 ARMY gun tractor, four-wheel drive. Write Box 626 Statesman Office. 7-1* Work Wanted YOUNG married man wants work experienced for dairy f arm. Wants separate house (hydmo preferred). Available by April lst. Please state particulars. Write Box 620 Statesman Office. 6-Pe Room and Board WE have room and board accom- modation for one gentleman. Ap- ply 72 Duke St., Bowmanville. 7.1* ROOM and board or room requir- ed by gentleman at once. Write Box 628, Statesman. 7-1 Wood Sawing SAWING cord wood or poles. Town or country. Phone 597. 7-1"' WOOD sawing outfit: We are now prepared to undertake wood saw- ing with equipment latehy acquir- ed for that purpose. Owen Nich- olas Fuels. Phone, office 410; house 2249. 7-2 Found SMALL Fox Terrier with collar and Darlington Twp. tag, No. 605. Phone 379. 7-1* YOUNG black and tan hound. Phone 2547, Bowmanvilhe. 7-3* Lost FOXHOUND, male, spotted, nam- ed Bob. A. L. Darch, Bowman- ville. Phone 2890. 7-1* DOG-Part Collie and Dober- mann. Believed to have strayed wîth hunters hast Fiday. If any- one has information, please phone 2880, Bowmanville. 7-2* An afternon tea and sale of ap- rons, fancy womk and home made cooking will be held at the Sa].- vation Army Citadel on Friday, Feb. 15. 5-3 The Women's Canadian Club will be held in St. John's Pamish Hall on Monday, Feb. 18 at 3:45 p.m. Professor George McMullen will lecture on the subject "Pub- lic Speaking." 7-1 Come to the Basket Social and dance at Enniskillen Hall, Fiday, Feb. 15. Modemn and old-time music. Sponsored by the boys' hockey team. Ladies please bring baskets. Admission 35c. 7-1 Durham County Shorthorn Breeders Club will hold their 25th Annual Sale of Shorthomns, Thursday, Mamch 7th, at the farm of A. J. Nesbitt in East Whitby Twp., 2 miles east of Brooklin Continuation School or 5 miles north of Oshawa four corners and 1 miles west on county road. Note the change of location for holding the sale for 1946. S. Chas. Allin, secretamy-treasumer. 7-i All Legion members of the Town of Bowmanville and vicin- ity are cordially invited to Trin- ity Church on Fiday, Feb. lSth, at 8:30 p.m., to hear an address by Lieut. Col. W. F. Banister, O.B.E. 7-1 Come to the Box Sodial at Tyr- one Hall, Friday, Feb. isth. Pro- gressive crokinole and Lost Heir commencing at 8 p.m. Pmoceeds in aid of church funds. Ladies please bring boxes. 7.1* It is not he that reads motbut he that meditates most on divie tmuth, that will prove the choicest, wisest, strongest Christian.-Bp. I READ, USE WANT ADS Allenbury's Soap--c Livestock and Pets DON'T let your dog die from dis- temper, or let him suifer from coughs, colds, intestinal flu'.A few doses of ZEV, made by the makers of Buckley's Mixture gives quick relief. 50c and $1.00 a bottle at P. R. Cowling's. 7-1 Notice to Creditors And Others IN THE ESTATE 0F MARGARET RAYNES Ail persons having dlaims against the Estate of Margaret Raynes, late of the Town of Bow- manville, spinster, deceased, who died on or about the 4th day of January, 1946, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Ex- ecutors on or before the lSth day of March, 1946, full «particulars of their dlaims. Immediately af- ter the said lSth day of March, 1946, the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to dlaims which the Executors shaîl then have notice. Dated at Toronto this 25th day of January, 1946. THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY 66 King St. W., Toronto 1, Ont. Executors. by: Messrs. Millar & Hunter, Their Solicitors herein., 5-3 Notice Ernest Alldread of Newcastle, agent for Spramotors Products of London, Ont., is prepared to take orders for Orchara Sprayers or any other type of sprayer you re- quire. Phone Clarke 1203. 5-3 On and aftem this date, I will not be responsible for debts con- tracted in my name by my wife, Margaret Barbara Woolner Du- puise. Aime Joseph Dupuise Bowmanville, Ont. Feb. 12, 1946. 7-.1* Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will be closed from February 20 to ap- proximately April 20. 7-2 NOTICE is hereby given that application has been made to the Council of this municipality by the Board of Education of the Town of Bowmanvilhe to pass a by-law completely closing that part of Victoria Street lying be- tween Ontario and Duke Streets for the purpose of including that part of the said street in the pre- mises of the proposed new public school. The Council will hear in per- son, or his solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims that his lands will be prejudicîally affected by the said by-law, at its meeting on the 4th day of March, 1946, at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Dated at Bowmanville, this Sth day of February, 1946.. A. J. LYLE, Munnicipal Clerk, 7-4 Town of Bowmanville COMINO EVENTS Ragnar Steen, piano tuner, will be in Bowmanville this week and next week. Leave your or- der at the Statesman Office, Box 624. 6-2* TAKE Wampole's Extract-- $1.00 Alphamettes: 25 Capsules ------- $1.00 50 Capsules .------$1.85 100 Capsules ------ - -$3.50 Neo Chemical Food: Llquld 1.15-2.45-4.45 Capsules ---1.25-2.25-5.00 Ext. Malt and Cod Liver O011---59c-98c-$1.69 Haliborange ------- 85c-$1.501 VI Mi caps. ---$1.85-$3.25 Calcium A Caps. $1.10-$2,00 Kepler's Extraet -- 75c-$1.25 PhoneN 'S DUGFTiR 695 CW IGSDU TR Trusses CARDS 0F TI-INKS Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Stephens, Scugog St., Bowmanville, wish to thank all their neighbors and friends for the lovely gifts given them prior to leaving for their new home in Campbellford. 7-1 Mm. Melville Griffin wishes to thank Dr. C. J. Austin, his many friends and the nurses of Bow- manville Hospital for their kind- ness and for fiowers, cards and letters sent to him while in the hospital. 7-1* L.Cpl. Wolfe, R. Geo., wishes to express sincere thanks to the Cartwright Council, A.Y.P.A. and a number of fiends and the mem- bers of societies who packed and mailed parcels and cigarettes, which I received while serving with Canadian Army Overseas. I cetainly appmeciated your thoughtfulness. 7-1* Miii Feeds and Chop - Free Deiivery - General Merchant, Taunton Phone: Oshawa 163w3 EFFECTIVE Sunday, Feb. 24th, 1946 and 'other specif le dates. Full information from Agents. .1 General Contractor AND Carpenter We are prepared to do your smallest alterations or build you a new home. Agent for PEDLAR PRODUCTS Have you a building problem Consult AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMTED PORT HOPE Materials are lu short supply. Place your requirenments at once with the followlug local authorlzed dealers: F. E. MorrIll -W. S. Staples Grant Bennett R. E. Osborne Howard Hancock - Lloyd Crago 6-2* Laid by Expert Setters FREE ESTIMATES Choice of Colours Specialize Kitchen and Bathrooms Registered Optometrist Speclal Arrangement 3-day service By appolntment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OPP. 'îP.O. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. Do It Rlght Wlth "'Sealtite" HOME INSULATION (Blowlug Method) Experience flot necessary NYAL CREOPHOS Guaranteed Cough Medicine for Bronchial Coughs ÇA SHMRERE Bottle ------ -- $1.0 Metal Lunch Kits ------- 69 TISSUE _ Thermos Bottles -- 1.19-1.50 Complecly wnaPpd Refila 75e Sof PuyS Wha Kleenex 2 for 25C 700 SHEETS Pinex for coughs 32o ito the roll A~f. Lux Soap 2 fer lic 1& Pure Castlle Soap, bar 19e jfr 5 Plnkham's Comp. 87e[à Arrid Cream ---19c-39c-59c Etiquet Cream------------ 39e Odorono Cream --------- 39c Mum ------------------ 39c-59C Neet------------------------- 69c Velvoter Pads ---------25e AIka Seltzer--------- 29c-57c Brorno Seltzer ------- 25c-49c Bayer's Aspfrin 18c-29c-79c Nyal A.S.A. Tabs. -- 25c49c Frosst's 217's-------- 35c-75c Anaci ----m - - 22c-43c-98c S" The B est Jývc7y to toké COÀO À(IYÀFÀ& OIÀ( 15ge Pwo 98ý 1 PAooEss oiELirS 2sý 1 « - -*CZCDCDCDCDC 9 q TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BowjL4,ýý, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEB. 14th, 1946 1

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