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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1946, p. 8

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PAGE EIOIIT THE CAKADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEB. l4th, 1946 MapleGrove Miss Lenoe CfautTronto Normal, MrandMrs.Irwin War- der, Toronto, with the former's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Col- lacut. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Muxiday, baby Mary Lou, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday, with the iatter's son, Mr. Elgin Munday, Oshawa. Misses Diana Saivat,. Mary Jane McLean, WIhitby Ladies' College, with Miss Muriel Stevens. Misses Doris Stevens and SILVERBRIGHT thPie HADDOCK ]FILLETS FRESH SALMON FILLETS OO SALMON STEAKS COHOE SALMON FILLETS PN MOKED FILLETS OySTEESNorthorn Solotae Christine Campbell, Mapie Grove, spent Sunday with the girls, hav- ing m'et them iast sunixer while' at the College. The niany friends of Mr. Noble Meteaif will be pieased to know that he has sufficientiy recovered from bis operation to be7abie to return to his home ini Oshawa. Maple Grove Women's Institute met on Monday evening and el- ected the following officers: Pres- ident, Mrs. Leslie Snowden; lst vice, Mrs. Stuart Morton; 2nd vice, Mrs. Lawrence White; sec- retary-treasurer and publicity, Mrs. Clifford Swallow; district director, Mrs. Wilfred Alliston; group leaders, Mrs. W. H. Brown, FRTHIE FINE. FfSHER FLAVOUR OF A&P COFFEE O WOursmo iiutaUrIBASSURIN@ YOU MU§ ECOFFU SIAVOUR AND RSHNNIS BOK R "& m l354 .i80'CLOCKib3lO EEsic OLD lb. Us~ MILO lb. 27o TONATO JUICE FANCV -2 -z tins17 BABY FOODS HEINZ a~ 3 Tins 230 VIT 'B CEEAL 1 lb. 100 3 lb. 25 VIA#BBEBA au ag DEETS OR CAhROTS Diced 3 2'oz tins29 QUICK COOKING 5-1b. B-3ag 23 rC TEA TINE FLOUE - g. 30e QhAKER NUFFETS 2 Pkgs 170 SOLEX DULES 0-0- \ a.150 VEETABLE SOUP CAMPBELL'8 tin 10< vv NEW LOW PRICE STEAKS 0OREOASTS IL flfllIpplffffl~WING OR PEROIKUSE SIRLOIN 39 c DGNELESS ROUND) PEINE RBR OAST First 5 Ribs lb. 291 I Sliced IL.25% lb b35g *elb. 48g * lb. 399 * lb. 319 **lb 330 l / pint 59< Mrs. Harry Wright, Mrs. Arthur Speer, Mrs. Wm. Lycett, Mrs. Fred Stevens; pianist, Miss Edna Swaliow; auditors, Mrs. James McGregor, Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge and the hos- tess, Mrs. Jas. McGregor, and a social hour spent. Ermiskillen Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton and famiiy with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kitson, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Weaving, Toronto, at Mr. W. Moore's. Mr. C. W. Souch, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caveriey, Hampton, with Miss Eva Souch. Mrs. R. Ormiston, Miss Mar- garet Smith, Mrs. Walter Rahm attended the Ice Follies and vis- ited friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharpe vis- ited the latter's mother, Mrs. C. Sanderson, Toronto and relatives. Sorry to learn Mrs. Sharpe is un- der the doctor's care. Ruth Adams is staying with Mrs. M. Griffin while her parents are away. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Larry, Cartwright; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd at Walter Oke's. Sh1aw 's Shaw's Home and School Club held their annual "500" and cro- kinole party on Friday, Feb. 8th, with 71 in attendance. The Val- entine decorations in the school were much admired. Prize win- ners in "500", wexýe Mrs. Ross Lane and Lawrence Cryderman, in crokinole Tania Husack and Billy Cox. Following the games a basket social was held. The 26 ladies' baskets and seven public school girls' baskets were varied and ar- tistic in design. The baskets were judged by Mrs. Wrightson Wight, Mrs. Otto Bragg and Mrs. How- ard Cryderman. Mrs. J. T. Brown won the prize for the pret- tiest ladies' basket which was in the form of a 3-tiered wedding cake complete with sîlver belîs on top. Helen Allin won the prize for the girls' baskets, her basket being a very dainty pink one. Garnet Rickard was the wîtty auctioneer who drew the bids from the merry crowd, which, with admission paid, totalled $59. The highest price was paid by L. Anderson, haîf of purchase price being refunded. President Rus- sell Bragg announced next meet- ing will be Friday, March 1. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Congratulations and best wish- es are extended to two couples who have recently been married. Maurice Pedwell and Marie Allun married on Feb. 2nd, and Wm. Barchard and Gwen Hooper on Feb. 9th. Our Home and School Club met at Mr. H. Pedwell's, Feb. 6th with the vice-president, Mrs. Bowen presiding. Rev. W. W. Patterson, Newcastle, gave a splendid address stressing the importance of the training of the child and providing the sense of security and moral instruction. A few of our ladies met at Chas. Glenney's on Friday even- ing to complete plans for the serving of the Masonic Ladies' Night banquet on Friday night. Mrs. Bowen received the pho- tograph and case history of the French orphan our War Work Ladies have adopted for six months. It is a little 2-year-old girl, Christiane Commarmond, whose father was killed and home destroyed by the Germans. Newtonville Monday evening to sPend a cou- pie of days with her uncie, Mr. Stanley Nichoils. She took this opportunity to attend a session of O.F.A. co)nvention. Miss Mary Denault visited Mr. and Mrs. MeMulien, Newcastle. Attendance at Sunday School was 43. Ail teachers and officers present. Sunday evening Rev. Lawrence Smith preached- on Cain and Abel. The theme of his discourse was that disobedience to God led'on to sin against our feilow man. Through the sorrow of suiffering of this world there was a growing reveiation of God. The biood of Abel cried from the ground for revenge, the bldod of Christ on the cross for pardon. Today the blood of our young men wvas cry- ing for understanding and good wili among men. We must heed this cry and go out and serve. Solina Jack Baker left Tuesday for Winnipeg as a director-delegate to the annuai meeting, Canadian Shorthorn Association. Home and School Club will meet Friday night when Dr. G. W. Milier, Çounty Health Unit, wili be guest speaker. Women's Institute held a suc- cessfui Lost Heir party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rey- nolds, Friday evening. Prizes for high scores were won by Mrs. Frank Gilbert *and Ernest Hock- aday and low by Mrs. H. E. Tink and Eber Milîson. Saturday evening a number of friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker to hon- or Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson on their marriage. Jack Reyn- olds introduced the main feature when Ileen Balsôn read an ad- dress to Muriel and Chuck and Wes Yellowlees and James Smales presented them with an end ta- ble and a coffee table after which games were enjoyed and lunch served. Mrs. R. Gilbert presided for the missionary program at Sun- day Sehool. Evelyn Taylor gave the story and Fae Reynolds sang "When Mothers of Salem." Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Harold Clendennen in charge of the program. Worship service was presenteçl by Stanley Millson, Bruce Taylor and Har- vey Yellowlees. The topic on world church organization, pre- pared by Mrs. A. J. Balson, was read by Ileen. All were delighted to have Capt. George Werry join in fellowship again and favor with a vocal solo. Readings were given by Gladys Yellowlees and Evelyn Taylor and Ruth Reyn- olds conducted contests. Ail of which took place during a hydro blackout with the aid of a candie Be COMPletely covered MA.NY PROPERTY own- ers lack experience in buy- i ng compiete insurance protection- but realize that buying on the 'ht or miss' basis leaves them exposed to unexpected losses. We'Il be glad to analyze your policies and plan sound protection against probable losses. Stuart R. lames INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Successor to J. J. Mason & Son King St. Phone 681 Bowmanville and flashlight. Jack and W. T. Baker attended the Shorthorn sale at Weston. Mr.- and Mrs. Harry Beau- champ and littie daughter have moved to N. C. Yellowiees' farm which they have purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Yellowiees have moved into the former Robbmns' house at Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. E.,R. Taylor en- tertained friends at a Lost Heir party Tuesday night. Mrs. Jack Baker is visiting her son, Maurice, and f amily, at Georgetown. Miss Muriel Langmaid, Toron- to, at home. Clarke Union H. J. Souch has sold his wood farm near Stevenson's mili to Gordon Powerg of Clarke Union-. John Berry has purchased a trac- tor to be delivered in the spring-- Edwin Sandercock is working at the Metallic works in Newcastle-- A number from this section atten- ded the Ice Frolics in Toronto--- Miss Eileen Souch is spending a few days with her aunt Mrs. Cum- mirig of Toronto who recently fell and broke her wrist------The hills on the Sixth line going to the village are in a very icy condition. We wonder the council does not look after them--Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Souch and Eileen spent an even- ing at Mr. J. W. Jewell's, Bow- manville ----Miss Eileen Souch visited Mrs. Ruby Gay of Courtice ---- Everett Cain is wiring a build- ing near Pontypool. Haydon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bridgett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and Larry, Bowman- ville at Mrs. W. Thompson's ...Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Carolyn, Tommy Cooper, Mr. Lloyd Beech, Miss June Anderson, at Mr. R. Griffin's, Union ----Mrs. E. Mark, Mr. Clayton Mark, Miss Jean Cor- ley, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Dale, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech at Mr. M. Bert- rim 's ----- Gnr. Art Trewin at Mr. C. Avery's --- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts at Mr. C. Slemon's -----Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray at Mr. Wesley Brownlee's in Leaside ------ r. and Mrs. Herb Scott, Mrs. Roy Scott, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, Miss Aura Prout, Mr. Jim Martyn, Miss Clare Trewin, Bowmanville, Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, at Mr. W. Trew- in's ---Jack Potts bas received bis discharge from the army. Starkville Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and son with Mr. Wm. Savery -: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson and family with Mr. Fred Wilson, Per- rytown ---- Gordon Trimm, Tor- onto, at home---- Mr. and Mrs. Hugb Stapleton and son, Newton- ville, at Mr. W. A. Hallowell's - Mrs. M. Bennett bas returned to Toronto, after visiting her mother, Mrs. Jacob Hallowell -----Perey Farrow was in Toronto ---- Mrs. Lorne Todd bas returned home after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Don' Stapleton, Newtonville ---- Mrs. G. Sîlver visited her father at Uxbridge ------ Miss Josie Trimm, Oshawa, with her mother, Mrs. H. L. Trimm ---Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence White and famîly, Maple Grove, at Mrs. Ross Hallowell's -- Miss H. Dechart and Miss Mary Hallowell in Toronto ----Mrs. Bert Trimm is home from Toronto-- Mrs. R. Boughen and June at Mr. Art McKay's.-Mrs. Gordon Trimm and son with her parents in To- ronto----- Miss Dorotby Farrow with her sister, Mrs. C. Allin, Kir- by ---Mrs. Arthur Tubb, Oshawa, with Mr. Howard Farrow ---How- ard Farrow had a bad faîl, causing painful injuries to his head. He in confined to bed and under the doc- tor's care ----Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone----Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson in Orono -----Mr. and Mrs. Victor Farrow in Bowmanville -_ Mr. Walter Farrow and Hazel, Newcastle, with Mr. Howard Far- row ---The community regrets the sudden passing of Mrs. Chas. Cowan, Cowanville. Sympathy is extended to the sorrowîng rela- tives ----Mrs. W. A. Hallowell en- tertained at dinner recently ---Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson were in Bow- manville ---The people of R.R.l, Orono, in this district are very HE [ATf LeL :1G 4 EY ANDI U 'J:4ISTORES1]~U 7rMid - Winter Sale of Shoes For Ail The- Family Conf y and casual moccasin shoe of smooth grained leather. Men appreciate shoes like these. Sturdy, long lastlag, smartly stlyed. Handsome, flatteting new styles, smartly designed for foot comfort. i Shoes for sehool children that look smart and stand up longer. Comfortable, well built work boots to give you lasting comfort. Opposite Garton's Garage Tawny brown oxfords with semi- wedge rubber sole and heel. Shoes Direct from Factory to Store Cost You Less iL dissatisfied with the mail service and unless there is an immediate improvement, action will be taken ---Mr. A. Minto in Oshawa -----Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lou with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruthven, Zion. Hampton Visitors: Misses Pearl Gilbert, R.N., and Miss Isabel Clements, R.N., Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbert -----Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn ---- Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Rackham and baby Nan- cy, Bowmanville, at the parsonage ---Jimmie Brodie, Toronto, with the Kersey boys ----Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robson and son, Oshawa, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb ----Mr. F. Rogers and Miss Helen Rogers at Caledonia-- Mr .and Mrs. Bert McMullen and son, Gerry, Janetviile, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers---- Vîsit- Sors at S. Kersey's were Mr. Reg. Kersey, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and Barbara, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. D. Rackham, Lee and Lynda, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chant, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. B. Burns, sons Jim OSHAWA Free Parking 1 Phone 1011 THURS. - FRI. - SAT. February 14 - 15 - 16 Ed. Gardner 's "Dufty's Tavero" 32 stars make Radio's Hit Show including Bing Crosby, Betty Hutton, Paulette Goddard MONDAY - TUESDAY February 18 - 19 George Raft, Claire Trevor, Signe Hasso in "Johnny Angol" Look for a, Lowdown Woman . .. in High Places WEDNES. TO SATURDAY February 20 - 23 "1STATE FAIR" starring Dana Andrews, Jeanne Crain, Dick Haymes, Vivlan Blaine wlth Charles Winnlnger, Fay Bainter Donald Meçk, Frank McHugh A Musical Delitht . . . in Glortous Technicolor and John, Janetville ---- Mrs. J. R. Knox and Mrs. Fred Honey with M.rs. John Slemon, Enniskillen-- A welcome home party was held at S. Kersey's on Tuesday night in honor of their son Ted recently returned from overseas. A num- ber of relatives and young friends were present. The north group met for sewing at Mrs. Joe Chapman's on Wed- nesday afternobn. There were 12 ladies present anid a quantity of work was accomplisbed. The bos- tess served dainty refreshments. Next meeting at Mrs. John Cow- ling's on Feb. 20th. The Centre group met also on Wednesday at Mrs. W. W. Horn's. The ladies were engaged in quilting. Refresh- ments were served. Mrs. Gordon Hilîs and sons have moved to Hamilton where Gordon is em- ployed. We extend sympatby to Mrs. Leonard Hindman and Mr. Ted Wood in the death of their father, Mr. F. Wood. His funeral was held on Monday from Northcutt and Smith's funeral home, Bowman- OYAL Bowmanville - Phone 589 Thursday - Friday February 14 - 15 Barbara Stanwyck, Dennis Morgan ln "Christmas in Connecticut" 1Also Sport Reel and Cartoon Saturday Ouly "Bi Ta Sailor" A musical jamboree with plenty of laughs SECOND SMASH HIT "Sauta Fe Saddlemates"' Cartoon Mon., Tues., Wed. - Feb. 18 - 20 M-G-M'. BOiG SPECTACULAR MUSICAL SHOWS VANJONSO E10 IIUAMS.< UffROPOLITAtt OPERA STAR TRII LAURITZ MELCHIOR )' TOMMY DORSET mîs ADDED CARTOON - FOX LATE NEWS t ANN PAGE MILK BREAD OVEN FRESH -.EASY TO SLICE 2 4-z.oaes170 VRESE FME LOT LAME LEGS - lb. 43g FRONTS lb. 239 FOWL CHOICE BOILING ...-lb. 33e F 1US H ville, with burial in rvsd Cemetery, Brooklîn. Goei> The milder weather is being much appreciated. CHECKED 1TicHI -or Money Back Fo uck relief from Itching cauued by eczema, tIe.foot, gcables, pimples and atheritchlng V.fdt in dlatd. llquld utainles. Soothes. comforte and qulckly calme Intenfe itchlng.Dotaufer. Ask çur drugalit todar for D. D.D.tpRECi PI WMen your BACK ACHES...' Backache is often caused by Iazy kcidney action. When lddneys get out of order exces acide and poisons remain i the system. Then bachache, beadache, rheumatic pain, dia. turbed reut or that 'tired out' feeling niay seon foilow. To help keep your kidneys working properly-ue Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. Tunie-teated, popular, safe, non-habit-fonn-' ing Deniand Dodd's Kidney Pilla, ithe blu bs, with the red band. Sold everywbere 135 THEATRI WBENAVAILABLE USE CHIPSO Small si 2 Large 430 OXYDOL 8mai!90 are220 P.&C. SOAP g 3 's139 - GRAPEFRUIT TEXAS MAROH do&.49 SEEDLESS 96' LENONS California Sunkiat 300s * doL 390 OUNCIIES Ctlifornila Navet 252o doz. 350 CARDAGEC Texas Fresh Green lb. 5o CAROTS California largo bunches lb. 8s EAREN DEANS Floride Stringlesa lb. 234 DEOCCOLI Texas extra large buhchets a. 339 SLLOTS Louisianna, largo original buhs a. IV ilDISHES Texas, large bunches 2 or119 JIUMBO SIZE CELEET STALKS Florida1 Pascal, 2 for 194 No. 1 GRADE ILMHot House, Native2 lb. 2e RIL .LTHFUL w. CANADA'S Noel -14orl- DRINK 1 "// 1 \ ý 1 PAGE BIG13T THUFMAY, FEB. 14th, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWILA.ý ý.- ONTARIO "'w 0 40r*4

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