.rnK9su lAlK&mA Z * W . SPORT NEWS. Fy.,'.and Red flngs ey Un IR--- s. r There was a total of four pen- n Me mes.Drawalties three to the Red Wings and one 'ta thre Flyers. Fraser drew In the first gaine of the Roar two, Fals one and Fry one. JuirHockey League on Satur- Fry's" penalty marked the first day Rice's Flyers and H .es time this year that a goalie has Red Wings battled to a scoreless ete penaltey.PalVnsev tie. On account of a continûm ùapealy fail of snow playing conditions Up until Saturday the Red were anything but ideal. Conse- Wings still had a mathematical quently there was a general dis- chance of reaching the playoff s regard for the puck which resuit- but their tie with the Flyers was ed in a much rougher gaine. There the end of that chance. were few real good scoring chan- Wildcats 3, Victors 1 ces. These were ably blocked Sellers' Wildcats increased by Fry and Chant, goalies for the Itheir lead over the other teains Flyers and Red Wings respective- Ry virtue of a 3 to 1 victory over Auto Repair is Our Business Take advantage of aur niany years of auto repair experience. Whatever your car 's ailment our expert mechanios can cure it. Dan 't delay! Drive ini tady. GARTON'S GARAGE PHONIE2666 BOWMANVILLE M-HE ladies sometimes like the diii, Sfiatteig liglit of candles. But most people, even if they could get far greater illumination froma candles at f ar less cost, would prefer electric light. Cansiderations o! health, com!ort, con- venience, cleanliness and safety, have become more important to the modemn way o! life than the factor of cast. Nevertheleas, it coats money ta survey new power sites, harnness waterfalls, and build transmission limes, so that when you flick a switch or set a thermostat you can be sure tof liglit and heat at your fingertips. Quite possibly a part of your own Life Insurance premium lias been the Victors. This gaine too was a bit scraxnbly as the result of snow. The Wildcats scored early ini the flrst period, Woodward get- ting the goal from Sellers. There was no further scormng until late in the second period. King put the Victors back in the fight when he scored after checking a Victor behind the latter's blue lime. Less than a minute later Woodward again "popped one," this time un- assisted. The Wildcats got their third goal in the last period when Charlie Kilpatrick scored from Joe Kilpatrick. This gaine saw the first pen- alty shot of the season. It was called against the Victors for us- ing an illegal player. Charlie Kilpatrick took the shot but miss- ed the net. First Period Wildcats, Woodward (Sellers) ----------------------- 3.26 Second Period Victors, King ------------------- 8.09 Wildcats, Woodward------- 8.31 Penalty: Charlie Kilpatrick. Third Period Wildcats, Charlie Kilpatrick (Joe Kilpatrick)------------ 9.59 Time keeper, Donald Stutt; offi- cial scorer, Murray Tighe; refere Alan Strike. Next Saturday: Wildcats vs, Flyers 9:30 a.m.; Victors vs Red Wings, 10:30 a.m. Rotary Junior League Standing W. L. T. Pt. Wildcats --------------- 4 1 0 8 Flyers ------------------- 2 1 2 6 Victors ------------------ 1 2 2 4 Red Wings ----------0 3 2 2 There is only one more series of games before the playoffs. The Wildcats will take on either the Flyers on Victors. If Victors should win and the Flyers lose next Saturday, then the two teams would be tied for second place and a sudden-death game would be necessary to determine which team would meet the Wild- cats ini the playoffs. laI The Editor's Mail Dear George: On behaif of the Publicity Com- mittee of "Wood's Senate," it is imdeed a pleasure to extend to you and to your staff, our heart- iest thanks on the publicity that you have given "Wood's Senate" in the last few weeks. We feel that the success of our banquet and later deliberations was help- ed greatly by the warm tribute you have paid in your paper. Wishing you and your staff every success, we are "ýWood's Senate," W. L. Paterson away 4y more than four million thrifty palicyholders, united for their common security in the great co-operative busi- ness of Lif e Insurance. This portion cf every dollar ini- vested out of Life Insurance funds helps ta finance thousands of building and transportation projects, pub- lic utilities, industries, etc., wbich croate employment throughout the country. The remaînder la ini Municipal bonds, faim and town mortgages, etc. Ini addition, $500,000 la paid out ini direct benefits every workuing day to policyholders or their loved ones. Port Hope Loss To Whe.lers 52-38 Bowmanvilie Wheelers alrnost cinched top place for the Inter- mediate "B" basketball titie when they defeated Port Hope 52-38 here on Thursday evening. The local lads out-classed the Hilltowm boys throughout the entire game. It was the best game the Wheel- ers have played this year and for once they started looping the bail in the basket at the start of the game. Mason, Wheeler and Gil- bert were the chie! scorers in the first frame with Watson and Wheeler making the score sheet frequently for Port Hope. At the half-time whistle Bowman- ville was leading 27-15. As usual things started to roughen up in the last frame and referee Rick Harvey* of Toronto had his hands full calling fouls on both sides. In the final summary Bowmanville appeared to be the worst offender. Port Hope put on a big push during the last hall but the locals succeeded in stem- ming them amd were two points up on the play in the last frame. The game ended 52-38. This leaves Bowmanville unde- feated by amy "B" team in the league and with only a few more games to play they should be a cinch to go on to the next group play-offs. Line-ups: Port Hope: Brown 2, B&ran- wood 3,- Watson 6, Fulford, Pol- lock 4, Lewis, Wheeler 15, Dow- ney, Blow 3, Hunt 5. Bowmanville:, D. Mason 8, R. Rundle 2, E. Mcllveen 8, I. Brown, D. McIlveen 4, A. Clemence 4, A. Wheeler 8, R. Mclntyre 4, R. Gil- bert 11, J. Stutt, R. Moffatt 3, D. Jackman. Fouls: Port Hope 13, Bowman- ville 18. Referee: Rick Harvey, Toronto; umpire, W. Thompson, Port Hope. Clowning Simpeons Defeated Wheelers Bowmanville Wheelers were no match for the polished Simpson's Grad teain of Toronto when the former were defeated 58-40 in a fast exhibition game here Satur- day night. The grads were lead- ing 32-8 at hal! time and during the last perîod put on a clown- ing act that brought dowm roars o! laughter from the largest crowd of fans this year. Don Ferguson, son of Dr. H. Ferguson, was the referee. Don is rated as one o! the best in Tor- onto and certainiy put on quite a show as well as caliing the play to perfection. AIl the Bowmanville players had a faîrly equal share in the scoring with Rundie and Cie- mence getting a few more baskets than the rest. Warren and Moores were the big scorers for the vis- itors. Warren had il free triei at the basket and was able to make ine o! them count. Russ Moffatt was made the goat in a passing play with Samme and Whalen hanging onto the bail and making the Bowmanviiie boy keep running from one player to another trying to get hold of the ball. About halfway through the last period Samme of the Grads decided he needed a rest -so going over to the sidelines he secured the last issue o! The Can- adian Statesman and a cigarette. He then sat in the middle of the floor peacefully catching up on the mews while his teain mates held the bail from the Wheelers until he finished his cigarette. Bowmanville out-scored the Grads in the last frame 32-26 but it was only due to the clowning of the visiting team. Fans now have some idea o! what the locals wil be up against whem they proceed through some o! the play-offs. Lineups: Grads: J. Warren 21, E. Milton 6, H. Moores 10, D. Samme 2, G. Abramn 6, D. Whaien 2, R. Easto 4, T. Poulton 7. Bowmanville: D. Mason 2, R. Rundle 6, E. Mcîlveen 4, 1. Brown 4, D. Mcîlveen, A. Clemence 7, D. Jackman 5, J. Stutt 4, R. Mo!- fatt 4, A. Wheeler 4. Fouis: Grads 6, Bowmanviile 12. Re!eree: Don Ferguson, Toron- Local Girl Grade Defeat Port Hope For the first tUne in history of girls' basketball in Bowman- ville the Girls' Grads tearu played boys rules and went out and de- !eated Port Hope girls 30-28 in an exhibition gaine here Thursday evening. The game was a lot of fun for the fans and an awful headache for referee Walt DeGeer. The Io- cals had one practice before the game but really showed that they were versatile enough to play any rules and corne through with a win. The gaine was the first at- tempt to establish a lakeshore girls' league which will likel% be formed next year. Marg. Rowe proved- to be one of the stars o! the Bowmanville team with Marg Nichols and Willa Ward also turning in a good game. Dickinson was the lead scorer for Port Hope putting in haîf of their baskets. Port Hope put on a big splurge in the last period but were un- able Io knock down the huge lead set up by the Bowmanville girls in the first twenty minutes of play. Lineups:' Port Hope: Brooks, Bracken- bury, Carr, Dickinson 14, Halford 4, Lapeer 2, Mathews 2, Roach 2, Cancilla, Hamm, Halstead 4. Bowmanville: Dot Turner 4, Eileen Couch, Marg. Nichols 8, Doris Dudley 2, Marg. Stacey 2, Marg. Rowe 6, Marg. Welsh, Wil- la Ward 8. Referee: Walter DeGeer, Bow- manville. Fouls: Port Hope 9, Bowman- ville 4. Spicer and Halîmian Are Hikh Bowlers Art Spicer took high triples at the Bowling Alley last week and Howard Hailman came through with the high single game. Can- ciila's team still tops the league with Bagnell's within closing dis- tance. The following individuals registered in upper brackets in the general play: Triples: Art Spicer 785; Lou Wiseman 757; AI Osborne 751; A. Piper 750; J. Living 716; D. Carter 713; H. Depew 705. Singles: H. Haîlman 321; Lou Wiseman 306; J. Living 289; A. Spicer 281; B. Hayes 281; H. Depew 294. Team Record Team W L Pts. Cancilla 13 2 31 Bagneli 10 4 25 Piper 9 6 22 Rundie 8 6 20 Courtice 8 7 19 Coole 8 7 18 Carter 8 7 18 Williams 7 8 16 Westlake 6 9 14 Hearl 4 il 10 Luxton '4 il 9 Foundry 4 il 8 Averages T. Bagnel E. Roach A. Osborne W. Mutton A. Piper B. Westlake P. Cancilia J. Allun L. Wiseman A. Spicer E. Rundle D. Carter H. Carpenter K. Maymard K. Luxton H. Depew Doc Rundie F. Cole H. Hailman B. Cochrane J. Gay M. Vanstone R. M. Knight H. Gay F. Williams Welsh D. M. Kight J. Callurg G 12 15 15 12 9 14 14 6 12 6 9 15 6 6 6 12 12 14 '15 12 il 14 12 9 14 6 12 8 p 242 237 233 233 233 227 227 226 225 225 222 22i. 220 219 213 211 211 210 210 210 209 208 207 207 206 205 204 204 Faith, like light, should always be simple and unbending; while lov*, like warmth, should beam forth on every side, and bend to every necessity o! our brethren.- Martin Luther. Canadian Pacifie Photo. LUCKY DOG: Who wouldn't lead a dog's life when it means posing like this with movie stars Annabella and Tyrone Power. "Loup Garou" is as proud of this picture as he is of being lead dog on one of the crack sled teains at Lac Beauport, near the Chateau Frontenac at Quebec City, where Annabella and her husband, reoently discharged from the U.S. Marine Corps, spent several days enjoying Quebec winter sports. Orono 'aAngles Whnt 200,000 Fry For Trout Streams, Orono Fish and Hunt Club at its annual meeting in the Towm Hall, Feb. 5, decided that it will request 200,000 speckled trout fry to be placed in district streains this year. Last year 15,000 fry were placed. Officers elected for the year were: President, Percy Lunn; vice- president, W. E. Armstrong; sec- retary-treasurer, Roy A. Forres- ter; directors, C. Miller, C. Knox, C. Tyrrell, C. Frost, M. Hall and T. Watsom, ahl of Oromo; C. R. Carveth and R. Dickinson of New- castle and Mayor C. G. Morris and Dr. H. B. Rundie, o! Bowmam- ville. Special prizes were presented for the iargest speckled and browm trout caught during 1945 season. Orme Gamsby took the honors im the former competition for the second successive year while Wil- liam Lynch o! Bowmanville won in the other comtest. Five moving picture films o! scenic and sports life in the Peter- borough district were shown by the Roy Studio o! Peterborough. Two hundred attended. CUB NEWS The 2nd Bowmamville Cubs met on Friday and as in the case of the Boy Scouts they were aiso spic and span in eagerness to see a hockey game free. They were under the capable leadership o! Demis Pickard who is also Scoutmaster o! the 2nd Bowmanville Scouts. This week the Cubmaaster brought up some ropes and the Cubs were showm how to tie the Cub knots; these being the bow- lime, sheet bend, reef knot and the clove-hitch. The ome they special- ized in for the evening was the clove-hitch. Later they held a couple o! gaines in which eight boys receiv- ed points for the comtest. We hope to be able to tell you who are the leading omes next week. The leading Cubs in the contest up to Jan. 31 are Ralph Vine with Worth his weight in goldl The Province of.Ontario profits to almost the sanie extent from tourist business as it dpes from the gold mining industry. It le up to each of us to seS that it goes on growing. J67, Arthur Joness with 61, Mur- To do as you would be done by, ray Winacott. with 59, Ewart Lake is the plain, surte, and undisputeci with 53, and Ken Ieing-and Bruce rule o! mnorality and justice- Cowelitied with 50. Lord Chesterfield. FO0R Wholesome Goodness TRY CARTER'S DREAD We take pride ini the pure wholesome ingredients that go inta the making of our bread. The whole family is sure to like it and'ask for more. ]Pro p in at aur store to-day for a loaf ini town, fresh from aur avens '~ j I of the, best bread daily. TH h c.JRT'Lz D470 !9LI2Lationa " King st. E. Bowmanville '4 This diagram shows how Ontario's tourist incomae benefits everyone. Every, doUarissharedthisway...1 1. Hotels; 2. Stores; 3: Reitaurants; 4. Taxes, etc.; 5. Amusements; 6. Garages. \k. PLANNING A HOLIDAY? TUNEIN UN"ONTARIO HOLIDAY" CFRB, 10:30 P.M., THURS., FIL AND SAT., <APTIR THE HOCKEY GAMI) It works bath ways! They treat us royally when w. visit them... we can't do lms than re- turn the compliment. Remember that it costa money ta take a holiday . . . solet'a see they get a goad return for every penny they spend. t PUBLISHED IN THIE PUBLIC INTERIST DY JOHN LABATT LIMITID XBaskethaliNei&>1 k IS IVIRYBODYS BUSNSS...04W ivwém- Il is goal cilizenship te awn LIFE IN9SURANCE A Message from*ibe Life Insurance Companes in Canada. lm15 <s -, 741 /Op ýo% 0 1 L-;-eAra~ $Qr4l^*